This endpoint validates a Nomad job file. The local Nomad agent forwards the request to a server. In the event a server can't be reached the agent verifies the job file locally but skips validating driver configurations.
import nomad
job = {'Job': {'AllAtOnce': None,
'Constraints': None,
'CreateIndex': None,
'Datacenters': ['dc1'],
'ID': 'example',
'JobModifyIndex': None,
'Meta': None,
'ModifyIndex': None,
'Name': 'example',
'Namespace': None,
'ParameterizedJob': None,
'ParentID': None,
'Payload': None,
'Periodic': None,
'Priority': None,
'Region': None,
'Stable': None,
'Status': None,
'StatusDescription': None,
'Stop': None,
'SubmitTime': None,
'TaskGroups': [{'Constraints': None,
'Count': 1,
'EphemeralDisk': {'Migrate': None, 'SizeMB': 300, 'Sticky': None},
'Meta': None,
'Name': 'cache',
'RestartPolicy': {'Attempts': 10,
'Delay': 25000000000,
'Interval': 300000000000,
'Mode': 'delay'},
'Tasks': [{'Artifacts': None,
'Config': {'image': 'redis:3.2', 'port_map': [{'db': 6379}]},
'Constraints': None,
'DispatchPayload': None,
'Driver': 'docker',
'Env': None,
'KillTimeout': None,
'Leader': False,
'LogConfig': None,
'Meta': None,
'Name': 'redis',
'Resources': {'CPU': 500,
'DiskMB': None,
'IOPS': None,
'MemoryMB': 256,
'Networks': [{'CIDR': '',
'Device': '',
'DynamicPorts': [{'Label': 'db', 'Value': 0}],
'IP': '',
'MBits': 10,
'ReservedPorts': None}]},
'Services': [{'AddressMode': '',
'CheckRestart': None,
'Checks': [{'Args': None,
'CheckRestart': None,
'Command': '',
'Header': None,
'Id': '',
'InitialStatus': '',
'Interval': 10000000000,
'Method': '',
'Name': 'alive',
'Path': '',
'PortLabel': '',
'Protocol': '',
'TLSSkipVerify': False,
'Timeout': 2000000000,
'Type': 'tcp'}],
'Id': '',
'Name': 'global-redis-check',
'PortLabel': 'db',
'Tags': ['global', 'cache']}],
'ShutdownDelay': 0,
'Templates': None,
'User': '',
'Vault': None}],
'Update': None}],
'Type': 'service',
'Update': {'AutoRevert': False,
'Canary': 0,
'HealthCheck': None,
'HealthyDeadline': 180000000000,
'MaxParallel': 1,
'MinHealthyTime': 10000000000,
'Stagger': None},
'VaultToken': None,
'Version': None}}
my_nomad = nomad.Nomad(host='')
response = my_nomad.validate.validate_job(job)