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Releases: jsmallcombe/jRootAnalysisTools

The Ghost of Uncle Richard III

29 Oct 06:31
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Some corrections to documentation.

Added classes :
jCompCanvas - Canvas class for aiding comparions of overleign histograms.
jAngleAngel - A gui tool for quickly slicing 2D histograms along any angle (for PID plots etc)
j2DPeakFit - Incomplete tool for quickly fitting peak of a 2D histogram with a click
jHistCapButton - Button wrapper class for histogram capture process.
j_gating_select_frame - Functionally identical to the gating panel of jgating_tool, but implimented as an independent frame
jRootTreeCube - Partial implimentation of a cube gating directly from tuple/ttree rather than TH3
jRootMultiPurposePopup - Specific implimentation of ROOT popup window (currently only used as a progress bar by jRootTreeCube).

In gatingtool added a option to rebin the gating window histogram
Added a shortcut for reseting zoom.
Implimented new gating frame class which should be replace/integrate gatingtool at some point
Introduced first version of tree gating tool

Some updates to accomdate new Minuit minimiser:

  • Allow for fit status == 1
  • Unused parameters all have distinct names
  • implimented global for using old Minuit gGlobalForceMinuitOldMinimiser

Partially implimented the use of kKey globals rather than hardcoding key numbers to improve cross-platform compatibility.
Added a hard coded maximum number of peaks gPeakNlimit=10, can be overridden.
Parameters can now be saved and loaded when restoring a fitting session.
Log likelihood fitting no longer for an histogram with set bin errors.

Changed how jEnv is drawn to screen to avoid a glitch on Macs.
jEnv browser can now handle TTrees and TCanvas directly.
jEnv now alternates TGraph drawing option between line and point/marker.
Very large TH2s will no longer show a thumbnail in jEnv.
Small improvements to the draw-from-system-copybuffer functionality.

Implimented a global values for font gGlobalMainFont, not fully adopted
Implimented a global to disable showing canvas menu bar gGlobalDrawMenuBars

For simplicity, got rid of the jTFileCustodian class, files are no longer closed manually.

Moved jScale, jEval and new classes to j_extra_guitools

Added additional comments to j_gpad_tools.h

Added function to j_hist_formatting.h for automatic handling of axis and titles when exporting as svg and converting to pdf_latex

Samuel Johnson

09 Mar 20:01
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  • Major overhaul of Ultrafit_env and Ultrapeak classes
    • Primary function Ultrapeak::PeakFit() rewritten to be more uniform and fully commented
    • Fitting now performs more careful checks for consistent minimisation and correctly determined error matrix. Fitting steps are repeated with reduced options when problems occur and peak features which fall into problematic ranges are disabled. Additionally the bin integral option is now used for bins width > sigma. Fitting speed for complex multi-peak fits may be noticeably slower, but results will be more consistent an their errors valid. Ultrapeak::PeakFit() is not recommended for use inside intensive code loops.
    • Output of fitting has been streamlined to better highlight any problems users should be aware of before accepting fit results. E.g. parameters at limits or failures of desired fitting options.
    • Ultrapeak main peak maths functions rewritten in a much simplified way which is more transparent to read and cleanly separates the 3 components of the peak (Gaussian, Twin Gaussian and Decay Tail).
    • Added additional cBit options to Ultrapeak class to manage backgrounds and disabling tail component
    • Manual controls for TwinGaus parameters added Ultrafit_env
    • Small changes to default parameter limits and "Limit Tail" defaults
    • Added a "no background" option for fitting spectra following interpolative total background subtraction.
  • Added a series of functions to support copy and paste functionality on Linux systems
    • In a jEnv middle clicking on the "Selected Histogram" window will attempt to convert the current clipboard data to a TH1, TGraph, TGraphErrors or TMultiGraph.
    • Currently supports comma and white space delimited plain text as well as data from a LibreOffice spreadsheet copy buffer.
    • A column of text values indicating groups will trigger the TMultiGraph conversion
    • Histogram vs Graph conversion is based on number of rows and the spacing (or lack of) X information
    • Column/Row transposing of input data shouldn't matter
  • Small changes to jEnv for the viewing and drawing of TMultiGraph objects
  • Removed historic excessive use of my name in filenames
  • Added a DOI via zenodo and updated README

The Shadow

18 Nov 19:21
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-Added a new tab system, fast access browser and memory management system to jEnv.
--Toolbar rearranged, added contextual greyout and “new window” buttons.
--Fixed error propagation in addsub tool.
-Several updates to the calculation of “integrals” and errors in UltraFit. Added ability to use “true centroid” inputs. Updated help window.
-Gatingtool draw canvas modified to stay zoomed in and window dividers now adjustable.
--DeleteAll button now protected.
-Redefined FitEnv and SpecTools to nestable frame classes.
--jEnv can open them as tab or new window.
-Added a lock to jScale and added class jEval
-Generalised global drawing functions and added SetGlobalNegative(bool) function for reduced eye strain.
-Fixed some mac compatibility issues.
-Updated documentation.


08 Feb 17:43
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Small release

-Modified the gui histogram grabbing tool to be compatible with other TObjects. These appears to be stable but some seg-faults have been noticed with gating tool, minor tooltip changes were made to mitigate.

-Added the jScale tool, a very basic GUI for quick and dirty application of efficiency curves in TGraph format to TH1 or TH2 histograms. It's not quick linked from jEnv and must be called from the command line "new jScale".

-Modified the analytical solution to the decay peak maximum. It is now performed by a TGraph Eval and is more accurate at not speed cost. Peak fitting is behaving as expecting after the change.

The Lord Privy Toast Rack

18 Jan 19:40
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-Extend compatibility to Debian
-Additional histogram manipulation functions were added
-The jEnv Add/Sub tool was modified to include scaled and offset histogram comparison functionality
-Invert function was added SpectrumTool to invert histogram bin contents, useful in lifetime fitting.
-Functionality to fix and constrain the zeroth fit was added to fit tool
-Changed the fit tool SaveAs button to include session saving functionally
-Manual updated

Captain Darling

17 Sep 07:48
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Added a TH2 version of the efficiency histogram.
Can be given a scaling factor to account for number of germanium crystals in gamma gamma events.
Can be set to only have 1 axis be efficiency corrected or efficiency corrected with the same TGraph for both indices

Add additional saving and loading to fit tool
Fit tool now saves a root file when the save peak info button is used which contains the histogram and the individual fits saves as FullFitHollder class
A load session button has been added which can read these root files using a load dialogue box and fully restore the fit session to the point saved. This functionality seems to be working but has not been rigorously tested there have been some segfaults when closing the root session after using this option.

Mrs Miggins

23 Jul 19:46
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Updated jEnv summing tool to include a non-scaled subtraction and to enable use of TH2s

Added a TH2D version of the TH1Efficincy Class, intended for producing efficiency corrected gamma-gamma histograms, particularly when Doppler correction is involved.

Added an additional set of gamma efficiency functions to james_effpeaks.h, take from the "GREMLIN" program of gosia. "GosiaWoodsac" works particularly well with the sharp low energy cut-off of TIGRESS.

The Ghost of Uncle Richard III

09 Jun 03:49
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-Added TH1Efficincy Class - A TH1 which preforms efficiency adjustments at time of filling for Doppler corrected spectra.
-Tweaked behaviour of histogram/canvas drawing functions.
-Added asymmetric error text parser
-Fixed glitch in TSpectrum background of gate tool
-Fixed error and improved behaviour of integral area in fitting tools.

Mr and Mrs. Ploppy No Relation. Rev1

27 Mar 18:29
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Small but important bug patch
The gate tool default subtraction was displaying Compton but performing full.
Manually selecting corrected the problem, but often the default is used.

Mr and Mrs. Ploppy No Relation

23 Mar 04:40
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Redefined Two Gaus option in Ultrafit to allow two gaus + tail
Implemented Chi-squared based error inflation by default in Ultrafit & Fitholder

  • Various tweaks & fixes