Look at the paper on the right hand side. Rate it by swiping in the direction indicated on the left hand side. If you want, download your ratings.
For each paper we are considering two questions with two possible answers.
- Is the paper interesting? - a paper can be rated as exciting or boring. We leave the definitions of those terms up to you.
- Is the paper correct or questionable? - a paper can either be solidly correct or potentially questionable in its results. We leave the definitions of those terms up to you.
The creator is an editor of a journal and the author of a guide to reviewing. He's interested in what he finds out with this app but doesn't pretend that this is a substitute for peer review, or anything really. Its just for fun.
papr shows you one paper at random from the current list of bioRxiv papers. You rate it, then it picks another one at random to show you. We will use this information to perform research on community sentiments about published preprints.
If you can't get something to work, give Jeff a shout on Twitter @jtleek