triviaElement = Contain the question and the answerArray for that question questionN = questionN, one for each element on questionArray intervalId = Holds setInterval that runs the stopwatch
questionArray = Array with all quesitons answerArray = All answers, each item has three values, item 0 is the correct one
questionAvailable = Size of questionArray
questionSet = number of questions to pick
wins = Correct answers
loss = Incorrect answers
time = question counter
timeForQuestion = time set for question
timeBetweenQuestions= period between questions
questionCount = question counter
freshSlate = Sets initial state gameMode = TRUE while answer running clicked = If an answer button has been clicked tooSlow = If running out of time when answering!
- Page prints title
- User sets the amount of questions using the slider
- Options from 5 to 50. Set's [questionSet]
- Default value is 10
- Page stays in this state until user clicks
- No stats are shown here.
- After
the questionquestionArray
is created and shuffled. - The first question is presented and the answers show up
- Question timer starts
- if user clicks the CORRECT answer the button turns GREEN.
- Increase [wins]
- if user clicks INCORRECT answer: the button turns GREEN.
- The button turns RED and
- the button with the correct answer turns YELLOW.
- Increase [loss]
- if timer runs to 00 before a click will behave as INCORRECT selection.
- After
seconds show the next question and loops continues for allquestionSet
questions - After all questions are done ap goes to "Final Screen" mode.
- Check if
is greater thanquestionSet
- TRUE - Go to final screen
- FALSE - Continue
- Pick the question from the
. - Get the answer text from
. - Randomly get the three values for each answer and display onto three buttons
- Display clock and start timer
- Increase [questionCount]
- Stop timer
- Check if time smaller than
- TRUE - Inform "Run out of time", increase [loss]
- Get the text of the button pressed
- Compare text to
- TRUE - Inform "Correct Answer", increase [win]
- FASLE - Inform "Wrong Answer", increase [loss]
- Select new question
- Inerval runs for 1 second (1,000 miliseconds) check
- If time smaller than 1
- TRUE - Inform "Run out of time", increase [loss]
- FALSE - update value of [time] and start new timer
- Show statistics:
- Correct questions - [wins]
- Incorrect questions - [lost]
- Accuracy percentage - [accuracy]
- Ask to play again