Releases: juanosarg/AlphaAnimals
Releases · juanosarg/AlphaAnimals
RimWorld Release Version
- Removed: RimWorld 1.2 compatibility. If you are still playing such an old version (why??), use older snapshots of this mod
- Removed: Pawnmorpher compatibility. If you are playing with the three morphs that were part of it, use an older snapshot of this mod. Why was it removed? I just couldn't keep up with updating the patch with all the mod work I have, and people complain that they are getting errors all the time. Plus the content was more or less adapted to work with Biotech on Alpha Genes, so it was quite redundant.
- Added: new aquatic animal that is loaded if you use Biomes: Islands, the Fangsquid. This nightmarish squid causes psychological dread to everyone nearby... except Sanguophages. It can also be "milked" for hemogen packs, making it an excellent farm animal for them.
- Added: Not-so-new animal, the Ravager. As it was part of the discontinued Alpha Ships, it wasn't spawning anywhere, and had no abilities. It will now spawn normally and have increased Cut damage against mechanoids. Ravagers + Ray hounds = perfect anti-mech taskforce!
- Added: New graphics for animals that were reusing the graphic of others. The following have new graphics: Colossal Aerofleet, Summit Crab, Moribund Gallatross, Feralisk Clutchmother, Dunealisk Clutchmother, Blizzarisk Clutchmother. Also updated graphics for Fermented rotting mound, Uranium crystals and a bunch of projectiles
- Added: Animal toggles in settings are now searchable and include a small image of the animal being toggled
- Tweak: Changed the code to use DefOfs internally when aplicable
- Tweak: Cactipine droppod event will now force the game to normal speed like other similar events
- Tweak: Clutchmothers no longer have lifestages besides adult
- Tweak: Spined gow now indicates that its description text is just fluff
- Fix: Royalty patch for the anima colossus was removed, disabling anima pearls
- Fix: Behemoth wandering event letter had a non-translated label
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: Added ToxicResistance to the Murkling's attacks so they don't affect mechanoids
RimWorld Release version
- Tweak: Got rid of the Harmony patch to ButcherProducts, as there is now a specificMeatDef tag in XML. This affects every animal that had unusual meat, such as Aerofleet, plant animals, mycoid animals, etc. The correct meat type will now show on the animal's infobox
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: Royal aves should now be mountable again
- Fix: Meadow aves should now be mountable again
RimWorld Release version
- Updated Giddy-Up patch to be compatible with Owlchemist's Giddy-Up 2. Thanks to Owlchemist for the patch!
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: Fixed Giddy-Up patch
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: animal summons with Vanilla Psycasts Expanded were siding with the player when cast by hostile pawns
- Tweak: added number of trees needed to the Ocular Trees: Desired precept's description
- Tweak: significantly increased the radius and range of the ocular conversion ability that turns normal trees into ocular trees
- Tweak: many animals with ranged attacks will now sometimes at random decide to close to melee attacks instead, to avoid complete Feralisk stun-lock incidents (this fundamentally changes Feralisks and the Black HIve)
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: Made the Black Hive one of the factions that the player can enable or disable at game creation, as that was SOMEHOW, FOR SOME FUCKING REASON preventing them from attacking.
Note that this fix may require a new save. Tell me if it doesn't and I'll remove this disclaimer
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: Helixien and Murkling should now be immune to Lung Rot
- Fix: Mechs should now be fully immune to all toxic attacks, plague, implantations, etc
RimWorld Release version
- Fix: rumbling sustainer on the Bouldermit
- Fix: Swarmling implantation and other hediffs should be removed from player mechs now
- Fix: HungerRateMultiplier leftover on the light sustenance psycast hediff
- Fix: Old field left on the manhunter hediff for psycast summons