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Metagenomics on Hoffman

Jacobs Lab: Run Metaphlann4 and Humann on the UCLA Supercomputer Hoffman2. Intended for first time setup.

This is applicable to anyone trying to scale metagenomic data preprocessing for many samples on a supercomputer. At UCLA, our HPC job scheduling system is the Univa Grid Engine, derived from Sun Grid Engine. Therefore, these commands carry over to other UGE job scheduling systems.

Software versions used in this tutorial (Dec 2022)

  • Metaphlan v4.0
  • Humann v3.6
  • KneadData v0.10.0

Basic supercomputer instructions for novices

This section is merely a quickstart guide and is not intended to be comprehensive.

Connect to Hoffman Cluster


You are now connected to the login node. Now, you can open an interactive session via qrsh. You must always run commands from a qrsh session to avoid consuming resources at the login node or you can be banned. Freeloaders (campus users) are limited to jobs or interactive jobs that run for maximum of 24 hours. However, we can expand computational resources via appending the parameters to qrsh (interactive) or qsh (batch job) and also run command by command rather than large workflows.

qrsh -l h rt=2:00:00, h_data=20G

Most QIIME2 commands enable "multithreading", which uses multiple cores in a shared memory job. For example, to request 4 CPU core, a runtime of 8 hours, and 2GB of memory per core, issue: Make sure hvmem= Cores* Memory, eg. 4*2 in the example below

qrsh -l h_rt=8:00:00,h_data=2G,h_vmem=8G -pe shared 4

Something that's extremely computationally intensive, we freeloaders can even request a whole node and all of its cores and memory. The wait time will be increased (need to wait for a node to be free).

qrsh -l h_rt=24:00:00, exclusive 

Work in $SCRATCH, because there is 2TB available per user (working in $HOME, there is only 40GB available). However, files in $SCRATCH are deleted after 14 days. Files in $HOME live forever. pwd views absolute filepath of $SCRATCH.


To check how much storage you have left in $HOME:


To delete all jobs in queue:

qdel -u julianne

To transfer all files in a directory to your $SCRATCH directory in Hoffman:

scp -r .\JJ_pool1_S-23-0073_GAP506-380518546\

Setting up the Environment for Metaphlann4 and Humann

From your local computer command line, transfer the folder containing raw FASTQ to your $SCRATCH dir via scp.

C:\Users\Jacobs Laboratory\Documents\JCYang\Shotgun_colon_cancer>scp -r Shotgun_colon_cancer 

Can see what modules are available via


We will likely only need anaconda. However, every time you need anaconda, need to rerun module load.

module load anaconda3

Now, can follow instructions on Huttenhower Lab to download humann and metaphlann. Reposted below for convenience, from

It's good practice to create a new environment for different pipelines, then install new packages for use within the pipeline after activating the environment. Here, the environment is called biobakery3.

conda create --name biobakery3 python=3.7
conda activate biobakery3
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels biobakery

Install HUMAnN 3.0 software with demo databases and Metaphlan 3.0. Also update all humann databases. Note path/to/database should be replaced with the directory to which you want to download databases. If conda install humann -c biobakery takes too long, it's a good idea to try pip install humann --no-binary :all: as suggested by Huttenhower Lab.

    conda install humann -c biobakery
    humann_databases --download chocophlan full /path/to/databases --update-config yes
    humann_databases --download uniref uniref90_diamond /path/to/databases --update-config yes
    humann_databases --download utility_mapping full /path/to/databases --update-config yes

Update Metaphlan 3.0 to Metaphlan 4.0 (continue within the biobakery3 environment)

   conda install -c bioconda metaphlan
   metaphlan --version

Run Metaphlan for one "paired- end sample"

metaphlan CC42E_S279_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz, CC42E_S279_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz --bowtie2out metagenome.bowtie2.bz2 --nproc 5 --input_type fastq -o profiled_metagenome.txt

If you receive the error "Command ‘[‘bowtie2-build’, ‘–usage’]’ returned non-zero exit status" you will need to install bowtie2 separately. Clone this repo. Submit the job to the HPC with the shell script This will need to run for about 3 hours.


Check whether or not the job is running with the below command. Note state "r" means running, and "qw" is pending. if you don't see the job there, it has failed immediately and you will need to evaluate the error message by opening the joblog. Replace julianne with your own username. You can also watch the outputs folder update in realtime, by running watch on the output folder (mine is called metaphlan_database

qstat -u julianne
watch -n5 ls metaphlan_database/ -1lh

Write a script to run metaphlan based on pairs of samples, but submit a job for each sample. Script has the following contents, based on NIH notes:

This script for paired-end samples is For single samples, it is

For a single pair of samples:

metaphlan CC42E_S279_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,CC42E_S279_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz --bowtie2out metagenome.bowtie2.bz2 --nproc 4 --input_type fastq -o profiled_metagenome.txt --bowtie2db metaphlan_database --index mpa_vJan21_CHOCOPhlAnSGB_202103 

To submit a job for each pair of samples:

(biobakery3) [julianne@n1866 test_run]$ for f in *R1_001.fastq.gz; do name=$(basename $f R1_001.fastq.gz); qsub ${name}R1_001.fastq.gz ${name}R2_001.fastq.gz; done

To merge metaphlan outputs (from Huttenhower Lab): metaphlan_output*.txt > output/merged_abundance_table.txt

Installing and running KneadData

Anecdotally, I found that installation of package dependencies of kneaddata had a lot of issues, so I think it is safer to create a new environment separate from biobakery3 purely for kneaddata.

conda create --name kneaddata python=3.7
conda activate kneaddata

By default, installations are made in the $HOME directory. This is recommended. Anecdotally, I found kneaddata 0.12.0 does not work well for paired samples, instead thinking that all reads are unmatched between R1 and R2. Workaround solutions proposing to modify read headers by removing the space also did not resolve the issue.

pip install kneaddata==0.10.0

Alternatively, if the $HOME directory is full, download to SCRATCH. however, you will need to modify $PATH everytime you reestablish a new connection via ssh or you can permanently change $PATH via direct modification of a config file .bash_profile if you're using bash. if you're submitting job via qsub (versus running interactively) you probably want to modify .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .condarc.

pip install kneaddata -target /u/scratch/j/julianne
echo $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/u/scratch/j/julianne/bin 
echo $PATH

Once you do that, you can check whether kneaddata has been installed properly by seeing whether kneaddata is a recognized command.

Here are some errors you may receive:

cd ~/.conda/envs/kneaddata/lib/python3.10/site-packages/kneaddata/
  • "Unable to find trimmomatic. Please provide the full path" image You will merely need to locate the filepath to trimmomatic, which is somewhere in $HOME:
find $HOME -name trimmomatic

Now, install the reference genomes that you will need for kneaddata (below is just for human genome):

mkdir kneaddata_databases
kneaddata_database --download human_genome bowtie2 kneaddata_databases

Run in an interactive session for a single pair of samples:

kneaddata --input1 CC42E_S279_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz --input2 CC42E_S279_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz --reference-db /u/scratch/j/julianne/kneaddata_databases --output CC42E_test_kneaddata --trimmomatic /u/home/j/julianne/.conda/pkgs/trimmomatic-0.39-hdfd78af_2/share/trimmomatic-0.39-2/

Run for a single pair of samples:

qsub CC42E_S279_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz CC42E_S279_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz  

Run iteratively for many pairs of samples:

(kneaddata) -bash-4.2$ for f in *R1_001.fastq.gz; do name=$(basename $f R1_001.fastq.gz); qsub ${name}R1_001.fastq.gz ${name}R2_001.fastq.gz; done  

Move all kneaddata outputs to a new folders and remove all the intermediate files to save space:

mv *kneaddata* kneaddata_outputs
find . -type f -not -name '*data_paired_*' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} rm -v {}

Concatenate paired kneaddata outputs into one fastq file for running Humann:

for f in *R1_001_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq; do name=$(basename $f R1_001_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq); cat ${name}R1_001_kneaddata_paired_1.fastq ${name}R1_001_kneaddata_paired_2.fastq > merged_${name}_kneaddata_paired.fastq; done

Running Humann

Update to Metaphlan 4.0 if not already running 4.0 (check with --version parameter). This newer version should prevent getting the error "Warning: Unable to download UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ls_f' referenced before assignment" and having to resort to finding workaround ways to download the file.

conda install -c bioconda metaphlan=4.0.0

Update to Humann 3.6 (very important- older version of humann are not compatible with metaphlan)

pip install humann --upgrade

If you receive this warning "The scripts humann....are installed in '/u/home/j/julianne/.local/bin' which is not on PATH." Modify the path variable as before if running interactively:

export PATH=$PATH:/u/home/j/julianne/.local/bin

Update humann_config file to the location of databases:

(humann) -bash-4.2$ humann_config --update database_folders nucleotide /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/chocophlan/
HUMAnN configuration file updated: database_folders : nucleotide = /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/chocophlan/
(humann) -bash-4.2$ humann_config --update database_folders protein /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/uniref/
HUMAnN configuration file updated: database_folders : protein = /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/uniref/
(humann) -bash-4.2$ humann_config --update database_folders utility_mapping /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/utility_mapping/
HUMAnN configuration file updated: database_folders : utility_mapping = /u/scratch/j/julianne/humann_databases/utility_mapping/

Run Humann on concatenated KneadData outputs:

for file in *; do qsub ../../ $file; done

Helpful Commands

Move all files from various subdirectories to current directory:

find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t ./

If jobs show "eqw" for some files and you need to move files starting alphabetically with some letter:

mv [XYZ]*.fastq.gz new_directory/

Move files containing filenames in txt file to a new folder

while IFS= read -r partial_filename; do mv *"$partial_filename"* rerun_humann; done < $SCRATCH/2023_001/rerun_humann.txt

Remove duplicates:

sort -u your_input_file.txt > no_duplicates_output_file.txt

Find items in txt file 2 that are not in txt file 1

grep -F -x -v -f file1.txt file2.txt > unique_filenames.txt

Filter out filenames containing R2

grep -v "_R2" filenames.txt > filtered_filenames.txt

Use cat and cut to modify filenames rapidly:

cat filenames.txt | cut -d'_' -f4-6