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Vita |
- 2013 NSF post-doctoral scholar in the Center for Stock Assessment Research at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Mentors: Marc Mangel Stephan Munch
2012 Ph.D Population Biology, University of California, Davis. Mentor: Alan Hastings
2007 A.B in Physics Princeton University, with honors and certificates in biophysics and applied and computational mathematics.
- **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings. (2013) No early warning signals for stochastic transitions: insights from large deviation theory. *Proceedings of the Royal Society B*. {{"10.1098/rspb.2013.1372" | doi_pdf_parser}} ([arXiv]( ([repository](
- **Carl Boettiger**\*, Noam Ross\*, Alan Hastings. (2013) Early warning signals: The charted and uncharted territories. *Theoretical Ecology* {{"10.1007/s12080-013-0192-6" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([repository](
- **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings (2013). Tipping points: From patterns to predictions, *Nature* 493, 157–158. {{"10.1038/493157a" | doi_pdf_parser }}
- **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings (2012). Early Warning Signals and the Prosecutor’s Fallacy, *Proceedings of the Royal Society B* 279 (1748) 4734-4739. {{ "10.1098/rspb.2012.2085" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
- **Carl Boettiger**, Duncan Temple Lang, Peter Wainwright (2012). rfishbase: exploring, manipulating and visualizing FishBase data from R, *Journal of Fish Biology*. 81 (6) 2030–2039. {{"10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03464.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([preprint]( ([code]( ([R package](
- **Carl Boettiger**, Duncan Temple Lang (2012). Treebase: An R package for discovery, access and manipulation of online phylogenies, *Methods in Ecology and Evolution* 3 (6) 1060–1066. {{"10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00247.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([preprint]( ([code]( ([R package](
- **Carl Boettiger** and Alan Hastings (2012). Quantifying Limits to Detection of Early Warning for Critical Transitions, *Journal of the Royal Society: Interface* 9 (75) 2527-2539. {{"10.1098/rsif.2012.0125" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code](
- Jeremy M. Beaulieu, Dwueng-Chwuan Jhwueng, **Carl Boettiger** and Brian O’Meara, (2012). Modeling Stabilizing Selection: Expanding the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model of Adaptive Evolution, *Evolution* 66 (8) 2369-2383. {{"10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01619.x" | doi_pdf_parser}} ([code](
- **Carl Boettiger**, Graham Coop, Peter Ralph (2012) Is your phylogeny informative? Measuring the power of comparative methods, *Evolution* 66 (7) 2240-51. {{ "10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01574.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
- **Carl Boettiger**, Jonathan Dushoff, Joshua S Weitz (2010) Fluctuation domains in adaptive evolution, *Theoretical Population Biology* 77 (1) 6-13. {{ "10.1016/j.tpb.2009.10.003" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
- James J. Wray, Neta A. Bahcall, Paul Bode, **Carl Boettiger**, Phillip Hopkins. (2006) The Shape, Multiplicity, and Evolution of Superclusters in ΛCDM Cosmology, *The Astrophysical Journal* 652 (2) 907-916. {{ "10.1086/508600" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv](
- Zoology Seminar, Wisconsin-Madison. (April 2014). Invited speaker
- American Society of Naturalists, Asilomar, CA (Jan 2014)
- Woods Hole Oceangraphic Institute (July 2013). Invited speaker
- Ecological Society of America Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Aug 2013)
- UC Davis Dept of Environmental Resources and Economics; Davis, CA (May 2013). Invited speaker
- Ecological Society of America Conference, Portland, OR. (Aug 2012) (slides)
- Computational Science Graduate Fellows Conference, Washington DC.
(July 2012)
(video recording) (slides) (doi) - Evolution Conference, Ottawa, CAN. Invited speaker for the annual SSB Symposium. (July 2012) (slides)
- Ecological Society of America Conference; Austin, TX. (Aug 2011) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
- Evolution Conference; Norman, OK. (June 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- iEvoBio Conference; Norman, OK. (June 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- Science Online; Durham, NC. (Jan 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Jan 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- iEvoBio Conference; Portland, OR. (June 2010) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
- Evolution Conference; Portland OR. (June 2010) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. (Nov 2009)
- Center for Population Biology, Davis, CA. (Nov 2009) (slides)
- International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna; Austria. (Aug 2009) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- Cornell Probability Summer School, Ithaca, NY. (June 2008) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
- Carl Boettiger (2012). Regime shifts in ecology and evolution (PhD Dissertation). {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.97218" | doi_parser }}
- Carl Boettiger, Stephen Pacala, David Huse (2007) Ensemble Behavior from Individual Dynamics in Multispecies Forest Populations. Princeton Physics Dept. {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.678304" | doi_parser }} (pdf)
- Carl Boettiger, Joshua Weitz, Simon Levin (2007) Adaptive Dynamics: Branching Phenomena and the Canonical Equation Princeton Physics Dept. {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.678306" | doi_parser }} (pdf)
- Carl Boettiger, David Huse (2006) Clonal Interference Models in Population Genetics. Princeton Physics Dept. {{"10.6084/m9.figshare.678305" | doi_parser }} (pdf)
- 2013-2014 Co-PI on Sloan Foundation grant for the rOpenSci Project $ 180,000.
- 2013-2015 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering DBI-1306697. $138,000. Link to proposal: {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.652970" | doi_parser }}
- 2011, 2012 PI on Department of Energy Grant No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. 50,000 hr on NERSC supercomputing resources.
- 2009 IIASA YSSP fellowship. National Academy of Sciences, NSF Grant No. OISE-0738129, $8,000. proposal: {{"10.6084/m9.figshare.678310" | doi_parser }}
- 2008-2012 Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. Department of Energy, Grant No: DE-FG02-97ER25308, 4 yrs x $36,000/yr
- 2011 Mendeley & PLoS Binary Battle software competition award, $1,000
- 2011 Volterra Award (Best student talk, ESA Theory Section)
- 2007 Elected to Membership in the Society of Sigma Xi
- 2007 Allen G. Shenstone Prize in Physics, Princeton University
- 2007 The Class of 1870 Old English Prize, Princeton University
- 2006 Kusaka Memorial Prize in Physics, Princeton University
- 2006 Plasma Physics Fellow, PPPL
Reviewer for:
- 2014 Theoretical Ecology, Biodiversity Data Journal, Ecology Letters, Journal of Theoretical Biology
- 2013 Theoretical Ecology, Francis & Taylor, Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, The R Journal, National Science Foundation, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Journal of Open Research Software, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- 2012 Theoretical Ecology, Evolution, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, PLoS ONE, Ecology, Conservation Letters, Ecology Letters
- 2011 Theoretical Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Evolution, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Ecosphere
- 2010 & prior Theoretical Ecology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Ecological Modelling, Ecology
- Student member for the CBS Dean search. 2011
- Co-chaired the student group on Open Science. 2010-12
- Co-chaired the Graduate Teaching Community. 2009-10
- Student member for the CPB program review. 2010
- Carl Boettiger (2013). knitcitations: Dynamic citations for dynamic documents. Stable version on CRAN.
- Carl Boettiger, Scott Chamberlain, Karthik Ram, Edmund Hart (2013). rfigshare: Programmatic access to the figshare data repository. Stable version on CRAN.
- Carl Boettiger (2012). pmc: Phylogenetic Monte Carlo. current version.
- Carl Boettiger & Duncan Temple Lang (2011). treebase: An R interface to TreeBASE. Stable version on CRAN.
- Carl Boettiger (2011). rfishbase: Programmatic access to FishBase. Stable version on CRAN.
- I am also a founding member of the rOpenSci project under which I have written several additional software projects
See my Github page for a more complete list of my software packages.
- 2014 co-organizer "rOpenSci Hackathon (#rOpenHack)", Github HQ in San Fransisco, CA. (summary, video documentary)
- 2014 invited to "A toolbox for analysis of long-term ecological dynamics using the Kepler Workflow System." A Working group of the National Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Center (NCEAS), Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2013 Mathematical Biology Institute (MBI) invited speaker, Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, Columbus, OH.
- 2013 invited to Workforce development, a planning workshop for an NSF software sustainability center: Institute for Sustainable Earth and Environmental Software. Oakland CA.
- 2013 invited to Software Lifecycle, a planning workshop for an NSF software sustainability center: Institute for Sustainable Earth and Environmental Software. National Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Center (NCEAS), Santa Barbara, CA.
- 2011-2013 National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) working group: Pretty Darn Good Control, Knoxville, TN
- 2009 American Institute for Mathematics, Stochastic and deterministic spatial modeling in population dynamics, Palo Alto, CA
- Tachibana, C. (2014). "The paperless lab" Science 345(6195) pp. 468-470. 10.1126/science.opms.p1400087
- Mascarelli, A. (2014) "Research tools: Jump off the page." Nature 507, 523–525. {{ "10.1038/nj7493-523a" | doi_parser }}
- Check Hayden E (2013). "Mozilla Plan Seeks to Debug Scientific Code." Nature, 501, pp. 472-472. {{ "10.1038/501472a" | doi_parser }}
- Van Noorden R (2013). "Data-Sharing: Everything on Display." Nature, 500, pp. 243-245. {{ "10.1038/nj7461-243a" | doi_parser }}
- Gewin, Virginia (2013). "Turning Point: Carl Boettiger" Nature, 493 p 711 {{ "10.1038/nj7434-711a" | doi_parser }}
- Wald, Chelsea (2010). "Scientists Embrace Openness" Science. {{ "10.1126/science.caredit.a1000036" | doi_parser }}