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  1. **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings. (2013) No early warning signals for stochastic transitions: insights from large deviation theory. *Proceedings of the Royal Society B*. {{"10.1098/rspb.2013.1372" | doi_pdf_parser}} ([arXiv]( ([repository](
  2. **Carl Boettiger**\*, Noam Ross\*, Alan Hastings. (2013) Early warning signals: The charted and uncharted territories. *Theoretical Ecology* {{"10.1007/s12080-013-0192-6" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([repository](
  3. **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings (2013). Tipping points: From patterns to predictions, *Nature* 493, 157–158. {{"10.1038/493157a" | doi_pdf_parser }}
  4. **Carl Boettiger**, Alan Hastings (2012). Early Warning Signals and the Prosecutor’s Fallacy, *Proceedings of the Royal Society B* 279 (1748) 4734-4739. {{ "10.1098/rspb.2012.2085" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
  5. **Carl Boettiger**, Duncan Temple Lang, Peter Wainwright (2012). rfishbase: exploring, manipulating and visualizing FishBase data from R, *Journal of Fish Biology*. 81 (6) 2030–2039. {{"10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03464.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([preprint]( ([code]( ([R package](
  6. **Carl Boettiger**, Duncan Temple Lang (2012). Treebase: An R package for discovery, access and manipulation of online phylogenies, *Methods in Ecology and Evolution* 3 (6) 1060–1066. {{"10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00247.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([preprint]( ([code]( ([R package](
  7. **Carl Boettiger** and Alan Hastings (2012). Quantifying Limits to Detection of Early Warning for Critical Transitions, *Journal of the Royal Society: Interface* 9 (75) 2527-2539. {{"10.1098/rsif.2012.0125" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code](
  8. Jeremy M. Beaulieu, Dwueng-Chwuan Jhwueng, **Carl Boettiger** and Brian O’Meara, (2012). Modeling Stabilizing Selection: Expanding the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model of Adaptive Evolution, *Evolution* 66 (8) 2369-2383. {{"10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01619.x" | doi_pdf_parser}} ([code](
  9. **Carl Boettiger**, Graham Coop, Peter Ralph (2012) Is your phylogeny informative? Measuring the power of comparative methods, *Evolution* 66 (7) 2240-51. {{ "10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01574.x" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
  10. **Carl Boettiger**, Jonathan Dushoff, Joshua S Weitz (2010) Fluctuation domains in adaptive evolution, *Theoretical Population Biology* 77 (1) 6-13. {{ "10.1016/j.tpb.2009.10.003" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv]( ([code]( ([data](
  11. James J. Wray, Neta A. Bahcall, Paul Bode, **Carl Boettiger**, Phillip Hopkins. (2006) The Shape, Multiplicity, and Evolution of Superclusters in ΛCDM Cosmology, *The Astrophysical Journal* 652 (2) 907-916. {{ "10.1086/508600" | doi_pdf_parser }} ([arXiv](


  1. Zoology Seminar, Wisconsin-Madison. (April 2014). Invited speaker
  2. American Society of Naturalists, Asilomar, CA (Jan 2014)
  3. Woods Hole Oceangraphic Institute (July 2013). Invited speaker
  4. Ecological Society of America Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Aug 2013)
  5. UC Davis Dept of Environmental Resources and Economics; Davis, CA (May 2013). Invited speaker
  6. Ecological Society of America Conference, Portland, OR. (Aug 2012) (slides)
  7. Computational Science Graduate Fellows Conference, Washington DC. (July 2012)
    (video recording) (slides) (doi)
  8. Evolution Conference, Ottawa, CAN. Invited speaker for the annual SSB Symposium. (July 2012) (slides)
  9. Ecological Society of America Conference; Austin, TX. (Aug 2011) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
  10. Evolution Conference; Norman, OK. (June 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
  11. iEvoBio Conference; Norman, OK. (June 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
  12. Science Online; Durham, NC. (Jan 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
  13. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Jan 2011) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
  14. iEvoBio Conference; Portland, OR. (June 2010) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
  15. Evolution Conference; Portland OR. (June 2010) In Nature Precedings (doi) (slides)
  16. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. (Nov 2009)
  17. Center for Population Biology, Davis, CA. (Nov 2009) (slides)
  18. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna; Austria. (Aug 2009) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)
  19. Cornell Probability Summer School, Ithaca, NY. (June 2008) In Nature Precedings, (doi) (slides)


  1. Carl Boettiger (2012). Regime shifts in ecology and evolution (PhD Dissertation). {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.97218" | doi_parser }}
  2. Carl Boettiger, Stephen Pacala, David Huse (2007) Ensemble Behavior from Individual Dynamics in Multispecies Forest Populations. Princeton Physics Dept. {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.678304" | doi_parser }} (pdf)
  3. Carl Boettiger, Joshua Weitz, Simon Levin (2007) Adaptive Dynamics: Branching Phenomena and the Canonical Equation Princeton Physics Dept. {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.678306" | doi_parser }} (pdf)
  4. Carl Boettiger, David Huse (2006) Clonal Interference Models in Population Genetics. Princeton Physics Dept. {{"10.6084/m9.figshare.678305" | doi_parser }} (pdf)


  • 2013-2014 Co-PI on Sloan Foundation grant for the rOpenSci Project $ 180,000.
  • 2013-2015 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering DBI-1306697. $138,000. Link to proposal: {{ "10.6084/m9.figshare.652970" | doi_parser }}
  • 2011, 2012 PI on Department of Energy Grant No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. 50,000 hr on NERSC supercomputing resources.
  • 2009 IIASA YSSP fellowship. National Academy of Sciences, NSF Grant No. OISE-0738129, $8,000. proposal: {{"10.6084/m9.figshare.678310" | doi_parser }}
  • 2008-2012 Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. Department of Energy, Grant No: DE-FG02-97ER25308, 4 yrs x $36,000/yr


  • 2011 Mendeley & PLoS Binary Battle software competition award, $1,000
  • 2011 Volterra Award (Best student talk, ESA Theory Section)
  • 2007 Elected to Membership in the Society of Sigma Xi
  • 2007 Allen G. Shenstone Prize in Physics, Princeton University
  • 2007 The Class of 1870 Old English Prize, Princeton University
  • 2006 Kusaka Memorial Prize in Physics, Princeton University
  • 2006 Plasma Physics Fellow, PPPL


Reviewer for:

  • 2014 Theoretical Ecology, Biodiversity Data Journal, Ecology Letters, Journal of Theoretical Biology
  • 2013 Theoretical Ecology, Francis & Taylor, Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, The R Journal, National Science Foundation, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Journal of Open Research Software, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
  • 2012 Theoretical Ecology, Evolution, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, PLoS ONE, Ecology, Conservation Letters, Ecology Letters
  • 2011 Theoretical Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Evolution, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Ecosphere
  • 2010 & prior Theoretical Ecology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Ecological Modelling, Ecology

other service

  • Student member for the CBS Dean search. 2011
  • Co-chaired the student group on Open Science. 2010-12
  • Co-chaired the Graduate Teaching Community. 2009-10
  • Student member for the CPB program review. 2010


  • Carl Boettiger (2013). knitcitations: Dynamic citations for dynamic documents. Stable version on CRAN.
  • Carl Boettiger, Scott Chamberlain, Karthik Ram, Edmund Hart (2013). rfigshare: Programmatic access to the figshare data repository. Stable version on CRAN.
  • Carl Boettiger (2012). pmc: Phylogenetic Monte Carlo. current version.
  • Carl Boettiger & Duncan Temple Lang (2011). treebase: An R interface to TreeBASE. Stable version on CRAN.
  • Carl Boettiger (2011). rfishbase: Programmatic access to FishBase. Stable version on CRAN.
  • I am also a founding member of the rOpenSci project under which I have written several additional software projects

See my Github page for a more complete list of my software packages.



  • Tachibana, C. (2014). "The paperless lab" Science 345(6195) pp. 468-470. 10.1126/science.opms.p1400087
  • Mascarelli, A. (2014) "Research tools: Jump off the page." Nature 507, 523–525. {{ "10.1038/nj7493-523a" | doi_parser }}
  • Check Hayden E (2013). "Mozilla Plan Seeks to Debug Scientific Code." Nature, 501, pp. 472-472. {{ "10.1038/501472a" | doi_parser }}
  • Van Noorden R (2013). "Data-Sharing: Everything on Display." Nature, 500, pp. 243-245. {{ "10.1038/nj7461-243a" | doi_parser }}
  • Gewin, Virginia (2013). "Turning Point: Carl Boettiger" Nature, 493 p 711 {{ "10.1038/nj7434-711a" | doi_parser }}
  • Wald, Chelsea (2010). "Scientists Embrace Openness" Science. {{ "10.1126/science.caredit.a1000036" | doi_parser }}