Redux-Vanilla Player Demonstrating how to use opinionated (Toolkit) version of Redux in a sample vanilla JS project
A basic Video.js provided video player html is injected via HtmlWebpackPlugin
Player class simply detects video element on the page and operate over store subscriptions and props
Overall Redux implementation with Redux Toolkit
Run 'npm start' to start project locally on: http://localhost:9000/
Run 'npm run build' to get a bundled js exported to /dist folder
Demo cases
- Start the project and check Redux Dev Tools on Chrome
- Press play on the player
- While player is playing the sample content press pause and see the sample prop called 'count' is being modified on the dev tools
- 'count' prop will be incremented by the payload value which is 2 in our scenario and it will keep doing the same behavior each time pause is pressed
- If the playing content's duration is between 8 and 15 seconds, store will be updated with added errors - not displayable ones
- A displayable error will be pushed the errors if pause is pressed after 20th second of the content
- Since there is a subscription for a displayable errors in the storei a sample overlay will be displayed over the video element