- module load gromacs/2018.3
- gmx check -f step7_1.trr
- gmx trjcat -f step7_1.trr -settime -o step7.trr
*For -settime, use c option
2.1 Name a new group of protein-ligand complex and create a new index file using gmx make_ndx
if necessary
- gmx make_ndx -f step6.6_equilibration.gro -o protein-ligand.ndx
Combine group 1 and 13 to get new group 18: Protein-NNR, and then q to save/export new index file "protein-ligand.ndx"
GROMACS: gmx make_ndx, version 2018.3
Executable: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2018.3/bin/gmx
Data prefix: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2018.3
Working dir: /gpfs/gsfs10/users/dout2/PnuC_3NR-XY100-charmm-gui-0226106078/gromacs
Command line:
gmx make_ndx -f step6.6_equilibration.gro -o protein-ligand.ndx
Reading structure file
Going to read 0 old index file(s)
Analysing residue names:
There are: 707 Protein residues
There are: 19664 Other residues
Analysing Protein...
Analysing residues not classified as Protein/DNA/RNA/Water and splitting into groups...
0 System : 96403 atoms
1 Protein : 11490 atoms
2 Protein-H : 5677 atoms
3 C-alpha : 707 atoms
4 Backbone : 2121 atoms
5 MainChain : 2825 atoms
6 MainChain+Cb : 3483 atoms
7 MainChain+H : 3517 atoms
8 SideChain : 7973 atoms
9 SideChain-H : 2852 atoms
10 Prot-Masses : 11490 atoms
11 non-Protein : 84913 atoms
12 Other : 84913 atoms
13 NNR : 99 atoms
14 POPC : 26666 atoms
15 SOD : 52 atoms
16 CLA : 67 atoms
17 TIP3 : 58029 atoms
nr : group '!': not 'name' nr name 'splitch' nr Enter: list groups
'a': atom '&': and 'del' nr 'splitres' nr 'l': list residues
't': atom type '|': or 'keep' nr 'splitat' nr 'h': help
'r': residue 'res' nr 'chain' char
"name": group 'case': case sensitive 'q': save and quit
'ri': residue index
> 1 | 13
Copied index group 1 'Protein'
Copied index group 13 'NNR'
Merged two groups with OR: 11490 99 -> 11589
18 Protein_NNR : 11589 atoms
- gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -n protein-ligand.ndx -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc cluster -center -dt 1000
*Select group 18 "Protein_NNR" for clustering, group 18 "Protein_NNR" for centering, and the whole system (group 0) for output.
gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc cluster -dt 1000 -center
gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc cluster -dt 1000 -center -ur compact
gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc whole -dt 1000 -center
gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc mol -dt 1000 -center -ur compact
gmx trjconv -f step7_1.trr -s step7_1.tpr -o PnuC_3NR_500ns.trr -pbc nojump -dt 1000 -center
*Choose “Protein” for cluster, "Protein" to center, and “whole system” for output
#How to load vmd on my Linux and view the trajectory file
- cd /home/dout2/Application/vmd_bin
- ./vmd
Convert .trr to .pdb file for Pymol view
- gmx trjconv -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o PnuC_0NR_1us.pdb -pbc nojump -dt 1000
*Choose “Protein” for output
3.1 Convergence of Energy Terms Extraction of some thermodynamic parameters from the energy file: temperature, pressure, potential energy, kinetic energy, unite cell volume, density, and the box dimensions, etc. Energy analysis:
- gmx eneconv -f step7_1.edr -o PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -settime
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o temperature.xvg
- xmgrace temperature.xvg Pressure:
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o pressure.xvg *choose pressure in the list
- xmgrace pressure.xvg Energy:
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o energy.xvg *choose 16 “total energy” in the list
- xmgrace energy.xvg Volume:
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o volume.xvg
- xmgrace volume.xvg Density:
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o density.xvg
- xmgrace density.xvg Box:
- gmx energy -f PnuC_0NR_1us.edr -o box.xvg
- xmgrace box.xvg
3.2 Minimum distances between periodic images gmx mindist -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -od minimal-periodic-distance.xvg -pi
3.3 RMSF: Root mean square flections
- gmx rmsf -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o rmsf-per-residue.xvg -ox average.pdb -res *select
- xmgrace rmsf-per-residue.xvg
3.4 RMSD: Convergence of RMSD
- gmx rms -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o rmsd-all-atom-vs-start.xvg *select protein-H
- gmx rms -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o rmsd-all-backbone-vs-start.xvg *select only backbone atoms
- echo 1 | gmx trjconv -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o peptide.trr *Check the convergence towards the average structure.
- gmx rms -f step7.trr -s average.pdb -o rmsd-all-atom-vs-average.xvg
- gmx rms -f step7.trr -s average.pdb -o rmsd-backbone-vs-average.xvg
- xmgrace xx.xvg
- xmgrace -nxy rmsd-all-backbone-vs-start.xvg -hdevice PNG -hardcopy -printfile rmsd-all-backbone-vs-start.png
3.5 Convergence of Radius of Gyration
- gmx gyration -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -p -o radius-of-gyration.xvg
- xmgrace radius-of-gyration.xvg
4.1 Hydrogen bonds
- gmx hbond -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -num hydrogen-bonds-intra-protein.xvg
- gmx hbond -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -num hydrogen-bonds-protein-other.xvg
4.2 Salt Bridge
4.3 Secondary Structure How to load DSSP:
- module load DSSP
- whereis dssp
- export DSSP=/usr/local/apps/DSSP/2.2.1/bin/dssp
- gmx do_dssp -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -ver 2 -o secondary-structure.xpm -sc secondary-structure.xvg -dt 10
- gmx xpm2ps -f secondary-structure.xpm -o secondary-structure.eps
- display secondary-structure.eps 4.4 Ramachandran Plots
- gmx rama -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o ramachandran.xvg
- xmgrace ramachandran.xvg
5.1 RMSD again
- gmx rms -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -f step7.trr -f2 step7.trr -m rmsd-matrix.xpm -dt 10
- gmx xpm2ps -f rmsd-matrix.xpm -o rmsd-matrix.eps
- display rmsd-matrix.eps
5.2 How to generate a color coded RMSF using PyMol?
- Action->Presets->B-Factor Putty
#Assign color by B-factor
- B-factor coloring can be done with the spectrum command. Example:
spectrum b, blue_white_red, minimum=20, maximum=50 as cartoon cartoon putty
#Generate .pdb file by Gromacs
- mx rmsf -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -oq PnuC_0NR_1us_Bfactor.pdb
#Biowulf sbatch jobscript
#This script is to submit a sbatch job on Biowulf to calculate and generate a .pdb file with Bfactor inserted.
module load gromacs/2018.3
#Calculate using whole protein echo 1 | gmx rmsf -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -oq PnuC_0NR_1us_Bfactor.pdb
#Calculate using backbone echo 4 | gmx rmsf -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -oq PnuC_0NR_1us_Bfactor.pdb
5.3 Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
#Reference: #https://www3.mpibpc.mpg.de/groups/de_groot/compbio1/p4/index.html #http://scc.acad.bg/ncsa/downloads/programs/GROMACS/GROMACS%204.5%20Tutorial.pdf #http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/tutorials/principal-component-analysis
#calculates and diagonalizes the (mass-weighted) covariance matrix #Select group “4” (Protein backbone) both for fit and analysis.
- gmx covar -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -o eigenval.xvg –v eigenvect.trr –xpma covara.xpm
#Use xpm2ps to make a pretty plot of the atomic covariance matrix.
- gmx xpm2ps -f covara.xpm -o covara.eps -do covara.m2p
#Use ghostview (or Photoshop) to view the plot (gv covara.eps).
- gv covara.eps
#To view the most dominant mode (1), use the following command ...
- gmx anaeig -v eigenvect.trr -f step7.trr -s step6.0_minimization.tpr -first 1 -last 1 -nframes 100 -extr fws-ev1.pdb
#How to perfomr PCA using VMD
5.4 Energy landscape