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File metadata and controls

379 lines (253 loc) · 13.2 KB

Abstract Item


This class provide an abstract "item" that you can add to your collections. Instead of writing and defining all the properties and respective getters/setters of your objects this class provides an easy way to achieve that by using PHP's __call method to magically provide those getters and setters.

Since many of the times we are building those objects based on data collected from some source (usually getting it in an array) this abstract class also provides a way to "build" your instances based on array data.

The basic structure of a class extending this is the following:


final class MyItem extends AbstractItem
    protected const PROPERTIES = [

    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct(['createdAt' => new DateTime()]);

    protected static function getBuilders(): array
        return [
            'id'        => static fn(array $data): ?int => $data['id'] ?? null,
            'name'      => static fn(array $data): ?string => $data['name'] ?? null,
            'createdAt' => static fn(array $data)? DateTime => $data['createdAt'] ?? null,
            'simpleName' => self::buildStringGetter('simpleName'),
            'verified'   => self::buildBoolGetter('verified'),
            'industryId' => self::buildIntGetter('industryId'),

Defining the properties

Looking at the snippet above one must define which properties our class will hold. So override the constant PROPERTIES and these will be the properties available.

Naming conventions for setters and getters

Based on the properties defined on your subclass the class will accept calls to each of them with the format:

Field: myField

Setter: $item->setMyField($value);

Getter: $value = $item->getMyField()

If you want to use different prefixes for setters/getters you can! Just override the SETTER_PREFIX and/or GETTER_PREFIX constants.



final class MyItem extends AbstractItem
    protected const PROPERTIES = [

    protected const SETTER_PREFIX = 'change';
    protected const GETTER_PREFIX = '';

Field: myField

Setter: $item->changeMyField($value);

Getter: $value = $item->myField()


By default, the abstract class can receive an array that will be used to populate the properties. If we want we can override the constructor and pass some of the default values to the parent.

Code hints

Since all the setters/getters are "magic" we might feel the need to have code hints. Just declare PHPDoc blocks in your class.



 * @method int|null getId()
 * @method string|null getName()
 * @method DateTime|null getCreatedAt()
 * @method string|null getExtraFieldNotUsedInBuild()
 * @method MyItem setId(?int $id)
 * @method MyItem setName(?string $name)
 * @method MyItem setCreatedAt(?DateTime $createdAt)
final class MyItem extends AbstractItem
    protected const PROPERTIES = [


As said above the class can help you to build your instances from data stored in arrays. Every subclass will have the method build.


 * @param array $data
 * @return static
public static function build(array $data): self;

But in order for it to work your subclass must implement the getBuilders static method.

This method will basically return a map of 'property' => callable to get data for the property:

    'itemProperty' => static fn(array $data): mixed => $valueForTheProperty,

Provided builders

protected static function buildStringGetter(string $fieldName, ?string $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a string or $default value from the $fieldName in the data.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredStringGetter(string $fieldName, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a string from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildBoolGetter(string $fieldName, ?bool $default = null,bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a bool or $default value from the $fieldName in the data

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredBoolGetter(string $fieldName, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a bool from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildIntGetter(string $fieldName, ?int $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns an int or $default value from the $fieldName in the data

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredIntGetter(string $fieldName, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns an int from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildFloatGetter(string $fieldName, ?float $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a float or $default value from the $fieldName in the data

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredFloatGetter(string $fieldName, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a float from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildDateTimeGetter(string $fieldName, string $dateFormat = AbstractItem::DATE_FORMAT, ?DateTimeInterface $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a DateTime or $default value from the $fieldName in the data.

The $dateFormat by default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredDateTimeGetter(string $fieldName, string $dateFormat = AbstractItem::DATE_FORMAT, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a DateTime from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

The $dateFormat by default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildDateTimeImmutableGetter(string $fieldName, string $dateFormat = AbstractItem::DATE_FORMAT, ?DateTimeInterface $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a DateTimeImmutable or $default value from the $fieldName in the data.

The $dateFormat by default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildRequiredDateTimeImmutableGetter(string $fieldName, string $dateFormat = AbstractItem::DATE_FORMAT, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a DateTimeImmutable from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

The $dateFormat by default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildGetterOptionalField(string $fieldName, callable $converter, mixed $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Returns a value or $default value from the $fieldName in the data.

The $converter callable should implement the logic assuming that the $fieldName exists in the data, and it will receive the $value on that field.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildGetterRequiredField(string $fieldName, callable $converter): callable;

Returns a value from the $fieldName in the data or throws an exception if no data is found.

The $converter callable should implement the logic assuming that the $fieldName exists in the data, and it will receive the $value on that field.

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildFromArrayGetter(string $fieldName, string $fromArrayClass, ?FromArray $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable; 

Try to create an FromArray concrete implementation instance which class is $fromArrayClass from the $fieldName in the data.

The $fieldName in the data must be an array suited to be passed to the static fromArray method of your $collectionClass.

  • If $fromArrayClass is not a concrete subclass of FromArray it will return null.
  • If $fieldName is not set in the data array it will return the $default instance (which by default is null).

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildCollectionGetter(string $fieldName, string $collectionClass, ?AbstractCollection $default = null, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Try to create an AbstractCollection concrete implementation instance which class is $collectionClass from the $fieldName in the data.

The $fieldName in the data must be an iterable suited to be passed to the static fromIterable method of your $collectionClass.

  • If $collectionClass is not a concrete subclass of AbstractCollection it will return null.
  • If $fieldName is not set in the data array it will return the $default instance (which by default is null).

If $useSnakeCase is true the $fieldName will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.

protected static function buildConditionalGetter(string $sourceField, array $sources, bool $useSnakeCase = false): callable;

Builds a field based on the $sourceField value (the condition). The $sourceField should have the key used to select the callable mapped on the $sources array.

The $sources array has the format ['sourceName1' => callableForSource1(), ..., 'sourceNameN' => callableForSourceN()]

If $useSnakeCase is true the $sourceField will be converted to snake case and that value should be the key of the field in the data array.



final class MyItem extends AbstractItem
    protected const PROPERTIES = [

    protected static function getBuilders(): array
        return [
            'value' => self::buildConditionalGetter(
                    'one' => self::buildRequiredStringGetter('field_1'),
                    'two' => self::buildRequiredIntGetter('field_2'),

// Output: 'Value from source 1'
var_export(MyItem::build(['source' => 'one', 'field_1' => 'Value from source 1', 'field_2' => 500])->value());

// Output: 500
var_export(MyItem::build(['source' => 'two', 'field_1' => 'Value from source 1', 'field_2' => 500])->value());


This class provide an abstract "item" that implements the ToArray interface.

If the members of your class properly implement the ToArray, ToInt and ToString interfaces, this method will then recursively convert each field to a basic PHP representation.