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206 lines (186 loc) · 13.3 KB

Shopware Upgrade Information

In this document you will find a changelog of the important changes related to the code base of Shopware.


  • The config option showException now only applies to frontend errors. Backend errors will always display the exception details.
  • New event Shopware_Modules_Basket_AddArticle_CheckBasketForArticle in class sBasket
  • The Google Analytics plugin is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please use the new Google Services plugin instead, available on the community store.


  • Fixed name used as reference when setting attributes of an order document.
  • Added new event Shopware_Modules_Articles_sGetArticlesByCategory_FilterCountSql
  • Forgotten password feature now takes into account the configured minimum password length when generating new passwords
  • Create an attributes entity when creating an order document using the Document component and check for an attributes array in the document config, whose key/value pairs will be set as the document's attributes
  • Customer reviews backend module was improved to better handle reviews with large texts
  • Auto update module now also reports main shop and subshops languages
  • Maintenance mode options can now be configured by subshop
  • Error notification via email was improved and now additionally includes environment and request information
  • Minor occurrences of metadescription and metakeywords have been uniformized to metaDescription and metaKeywords
  • It's now possible to filter payment methods by subshops
  • /widgets and /listing added to robots.txt
  • Calling certain widget urls without the required parameters will no longer trigger a server error (returns 404 instead)
  • Overview and Statistics backend modules were adjusted to have matching data and differentiate between new users and new customers.
  • Shopping worlds pages without assigned categories now support SEO urls
  • The query passed in the Shopware_Modules_Basket_GetBasket_FilterSQL event will no longer include s_core_units join and fields
  • The config option showException is false by default (engine/Shopware/Configs/Default.php)
    • Exceptions will no longer be shown in the store front
    • Exceptions are logged in a logfile since 4.2.0 (/logs)
    • The old behaviour can be restored by setting 'front' => array('showException' => true) in the projects config.php
  • Hiding the country field for shipping addresses will also hide the state field. The option label in the backend was adjusted to better describe this behaviour.


  • Removed location header in responses for all REST-API PUT routes (e.g. PUT /api/customers/{id}).
  • Removed deprecated Zend Framework components:
    • Zend_Amf
    • Zend_Application
    • Zend_Barcode
    • Zend_Cloud
    • Zend_CodeGenerator
    • Zend_Console
    • Zend_Gdata
    • Zend_Markup
    • Zend_Measure
    • Zend_Memory
    • Zend_Pdf
    • Zend_Reflection
    • Zend_Search
    • Zend_Serializer
    • Zend_Tag
    • Zend_Test
    • Zend_Tool
    • Zend_EventManager
    • Zend_Feed
    • Zend_Dojo
    • Zend_Mobile
    • Zend_Queue
    • Zend_Captcha
    • Zend_Service
  • Removed the following core classes deprecated and/or unused methods
    • sArticles::sGetArticleAccessories
    • sArticles::sCreateTranslationTable
    • sArticles::sGetLiveShopping
    • sArticles::sGetArticleBundlesByArticleID
    • sArticles::sGetArticleBundleByID
    • sArticles::sGetBundleBasketDiscount
    • sSystem::sPreProcess
    • sSystem::sInitMailer
    • sSystem::sGetTranslation
    • sSystem::sInitAdo
    • sSystem::sTranslateConfig
    • sSystem::sInitConfig
    • sSystem::sInitSmarty
    • sSystem::sInitSession
    • sSystem::sCallHookPoint
    • sSystem::sLoadHookPoints
    • sSystem::sInitFactory
    • sSystem::sCheckLicense
    • sSystem::E_CORE_ERROR
    • sCms::sGetDynamicContentByGroup
    • sCms::sGetDynamicContentById
    • sCms::sGetDynamicGroupName
    • sAdmin::sGetDispatch
    • sAdmin::sGetDispatches
    • sAdmin::sGetShippingcosts
    • sAdmin::sCheckTaxID
    • sCore::sCustomRenderer
    • sBasket::sCountArticles
    • sBasket::sGetBasketWeight
  • Removed the following core classes deprecated and/or unused variables
    • sSystem::sDB_HOST
    • sSystem::sDB_USER
    • sSystem::sDB_PASSWORD
    • sSystem::sDB_DATABASE
    • sSystem::sDB_CONNECTOR
    • sSystem::sDEBUG
    • sSystem::sBENCHRESULTS
    • sSystem::sBENCHMARK
    • sSystem::sPathMedia
    • sSystem::sBasePath
    • sSystem::sBasefile
    • sSystem::sLicenseData
    • sSystem::sCurrencyData
    • sSystem::sPathCmsFiles
    • sSystem::sPathCmsImg
    • sBasket::sBASKET
  • sCore::sBuildLink() second argument removed (dead code)
  • sCore no longer returns null when calling not implemented functions
  • sNewsletter core class removed
  • Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Content legacy controller removed
  • templates/_default/frontend/content legacy template files removed
  • s_cms_content legacy database table removed
  • Removed functions simpledom_load_file() and simpledom_load_string()
  • Removed class SimpleDOM and Shopware_Components_Xml_SimpleXml
  • Add new product feed modifier articleImages and property
  • Create a new product export cronjob to export all active product feeds
  • Implement new article association for new seo categories. The seo categories can be assigned over the array key seoCategories in the article api resource.
  • Access to GET, POST and COOKIES through sSystem is deprecated.
    • The current arrays have been replaced with wrappers objects to the global variables
    • This might introduce breaks in some scenarios (eg.: when using array functions like array_merge)
  • Plugin configuration: Stores of select and combo elements can now be translated
  • Dynamically injecting variables into sSystem is no longer supported
  • Removed Shopware\Models\Widget\View::label variable, getter and setter, and correspondent s_core_widget_views::label database column
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Widget\Widget::label variable, getter and setter, and correspondent s_core_widgets::label database column
  • Removed deprecated widget settings from the config module. Active widgets and their positions will now be saved automatically.
  • Removed desktop switcher from the Shopware.container.Viewport base component.


  • Remove old payment dummy plugins out of the core: PaymentSofort and PigmbhRatePAYPayment
  • The tell a friend feature is now disabled by default, due to legal requirements. This will affect new and existing installations. You can enable/re-enable it using a new configuration option in the backend settings menu.
  • [REST API] Add thumbnail generation to article and variant create and update actions
  • Deprecation: The Database Column impressions in s_articles_details in now deprecated. Please use the s_statistics_article_impression table.
  • Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap now has a addFormTranslations() method to facilitate translations creation for forms.
  • Removed view variables sOrders and sNotes from /engine/Shopware/Controllers/Frontend/Account.php index action
  • The methods sGetOpenOrderData and sGetDownloads in /engine/core/class/sAdmin.php will now return a different array structure and will accept new optional parameters to provide a pager functionality
  • Added X-Sendfile support for ESD downloads. redirectDownload configuration variable is now deprecated, esdDownloadStrategy should be used instead
  • Deprecation: /engine/Shopware/Models/Payment/Repository.php: getPaymentsQuery and getPaymentsQueryBuilder use getActivePaymentsQuery and getActivePaymentsQueryBuilder instead.


  • Add new metaTitle field to the Blog
  • Add new metaTitle field to the Article
  • Removed unused class Services_JSON, was located at /engine/core/ajax/json.php.
  • The subquery in $priceForBasePrice used in sArticles::sGetArticlesByCategory has been removed.
  • A userland implementaion of array_column() has been included.
  • Deprecated class sTicketSystem has been removed.
  • Doctrine has been updated to version 2.4. See:
  • Break: Doctrine\ORM\Query::setParamters() has changed. See:
  • Shopware\Components\Model\QueryBuilder::setParameters() provides old behavior.
  • Break: Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_RouterOld_Bootstrap::onAssemble event and implementation removed
  • Update Zend Framework to version 1.12.3 (latest stable)
  • Deprecation: Several unused Zend Framework components and classes are now deprecated. Refer to the full upgrade guide for details
  • Break: Custom article attributes of type Time are now always saved using the german format. Only affects values inserted in non-german backends
  • Removed the sSetLastArticle in sArticles.php. Was deprecated through setLastArticleById in the Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_LastArticles_Bootstrap plugin.
  • Implement new options in the article resource. "considerTaxInput" allows to get the variant prices considering the article tax. "language" allows to get a whole translated article array. The "language" parameter can contain a sub shop id or a language iso like en_GB.
  • s_core_debit table is now deprecated. s_core_payment_data and s_core_payment_instance should be used instead.
  • core payment classes were removed. Existing references in the core to those classes now use the core PaymentMethods module implementation. Refer to the module for details on how to implement payment method logic
  • Break: PaymentMethods core plugin components and templates had their performance improved, resulting in potential breaks for extensions
    • getCurrentPaymentData() was removed and should be replaced with getCurrentPaymentDataAsArray(), which returns the same information but in an array format
  • Break: some payment snippets had their namespaces changed to comply with recent changes in snippet handling
  • Break: customer detail editing in the backend: field names and field container structured to add support for additional payment methods. As such, debit.js view and detail controller have some breaks
  • Ext.editorLang variable is no longer used and is being deprecated.
  • Deprecation (REST API): 'debit' info in /api/customers/{id} is deprecated. Use 'paymentData' instead
  • Break: Removed the Shopware.apps.Analytics.view.table.Conversion, Shopware.apps.Analytics.view.toolbar.Source and Shopware.apps.Analytics.view.toolbar.Shop file which now defined in the analytics/view/main/toolbar.js file.
  • Removed unused class Shopware_Components_Subscriber, was located at /engine/Shopware/Components/Subscriber.php.
  • Deprecation: Enlight's assertArrayCount() and assertArrayNotCount() are deprecated. Use phpunit's assertCount() instead


  • New method \Shopware\Components\Model\ModelManager::createPaginator($query).
  • This method should be used instead of new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query).
  • As of SW 4.2 $paginator->setUseOutputWalkers(false) will be set here.
  • New methods for calculating the basepricedata have been integrated in /engine/core/class/sArticles.php
  • calculateCheapestBasePriceData | This methods returns always the basepricedata of the cheapest variant. This is used in the listing views.
  • getCheapestVariant | This method is used by the method calculateCheapestBasePriceData to get the purchaseunit and the referenceunit of the cheapest variant.
  • calculateReferencePrice | This method does the basic calculation to get the right referenceprice.
  • New PaymentMethods core plugin including refactored Debit and new SEPA payment methods.
  • New Shopware\Models\Customer\PaymentData model to store customer's payment information.
  • New Shopware\Models\Payment\PaymentInstance model to store payments information for individual orders.


  • The subquery in $priceForBasePrice used in the method sGetArticlesByCategory of the class /engine/core/class/sArticles.php is marked deprecated, because the query variable priceForBasePrice is no longer in use. Please do not use it anymore.


  • Add configuration Always display item short descriptions in listing views.
  • Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap::assertVersionGreaterThen() is now an alias to Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap::assertMinimumVersion() and returns always true if run on an development/git Version of Shopware
  • Added a new method getDefault() in engine/Shopware/Models/Shop/Repository.php which returns just the default shop without calling fixActiv().
  • Removed the unused downloadAction() in engine/Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Plugin.php


  • decompressFile() in /engine/Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Plugin.php
  • decompressFile() in /engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Core/PluginManager/Controllers/Backend/PluginManager.php

You should use the decompressFile method in the CommunityStore component instead

4.1.1 / 4.1.2

With Shopware 4.1.1 we have fixed a bug that appeared during certain constellations in the customer registration process. Submitting the registration formular empty, from time to time a fatal error was displayed.

For further information have a look at the following wiki article: