Online GPS Data Processing Service
This is a collection of python scripts for GPS data processing using PPP or DGPS of RINEX file.
This product is free software and it was developed as a thesis work for the master's degree in Information and Communication Sciencies at Francisco José de Caldas District University.
Special thanks to:
- Professor Álvaro Espinal Ortega
- Professor Héctor Mora Páez
RTKLib is an open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (global navigation satellite system). RTKLIB consists of a portable program library and several APs (application programs) utilizing the library.
git clone
cd RTKLIB/app/rnx2rtkp/gcc
sudo rnx2rtkp /usr/local/bin
rnx2rtkp -help
Teqc is a simple yet powerful and unified approach to solving many pre-processing problems with GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, Beidou, QZSS, and IRNSS data, especially in RINEX or BINEX format:
- translation: binary data reading/translation of native binary formats (optional RINEX file creation for OBS, NAV, and/or MET files or optional creation of BINEX)
- editing: including time windowing; file splicing; SV or other filtering; metadata extraction, editing, and/or correction of RINEX header metadata or BINEX metadata records
- quality check: quality checking of GPS and/or GLONASS data (native binary, BINEX, or RINEX observation files; with or without ephemerides)
cp teqc /usr/local/bin
RNXCMP is the software for compression/restoration of RINEX observation files developed by Y. Hatanaka of GSI. It converts the foramt of GNSS observation files from the RINEX format (version 2.xx or 3.xx) to a compressed format (the CompactRINEX format, or often called the Hatanaka-compressed format) and vice versa.
You should have installed csh
sudo apt install csh
Install the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
sudo apt install build-essential gcc
IGS14 Reference Frame Transition
ngs14.atx igs14.atx
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server systemctl status rabbitmq-server.service systemctl is-enabled rabbitmq-server.service sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management ss -tunelp | grep 15672 sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5672,15672 pip3 install pika --upgrade
We use javascript to send the processing request.
You must install npm and node npm install amqplib