The Discord API Wrapper that works for both bots and user accounts.
This library is still a work in progress. Only the following classes are implemented:
- Event Listeners
- Interactions
- TextChannels
- Messages (excluding special elements like Embeds or ActionRows)
npm i discorator.js
You can check the example files in the testing
directory for more details, however the following shows how one would sign into Discord:
import { Client, IntentBits, TextChannel, generateNonce } from 'discorator.js'
(async function() {
const client = await new Client({
verbose: true,
userType: 'user',
intents: [IntentBits.Guilds, IntentBits.Direct_Messages, IntentBits.Message_Content, IntentBits.Guild_Messages]
await client.loginByToken('token') // token login
// await client.loginByCredentials({email: '', password: 'h', captchaToken: '2captcha-token'}) // credential login (todo: totp support)
// send command to a channel
let channel = await new TextChannel(client).fetch('channel_id') // create a new channel and initialize it
let res = await channel.emitCommand('ping', 'id') // issue a command (name and application id), subcommand and args are under the 'options' argument, although they need to be manually constructed at the moment.
We're looking for contributors! Pull requests, Issues, and Documentation updates are all heavily encouraged. We're hoping to finish implementing all methods, classes and endpoints in a while.