No news this week
- Analyzing Emotions with the Face API (Cognitive Services) [Unedited]
- Update Your Azure Functions Table Storage Bindings
- Netherite Release Candidate 1.0.0-rc1
- Health probes in Azure Container Apps
- How to use Managed Identities in Azure Container Apps
- Public preview: Visual Studio Code extension for Azure Container Apps
- Kubernetes 1.24 – What’s new?
- Istio and OAuth2-Proxy in Kubernetes for microservice authentication
- KEDA Community on Twitter
- How Dapr helped Dedalow accelerate development on AWS and Azure
- 90DaysOfDevOps by Michael Cade
- GitOps – INNOQ Technology Lunch
- Full GitOps Tutorial: Getting started with Flux CD
- Announcing Azure Terrafy and AzAPI Terraform Provider Previews
- Bicep Public Registry
- Security alert: Attack campaign involving stolen OAuth user tokens issued to two third-party integrators
- Dependabot alerts now surface if your code is calling a vulnerability
- Secret scanning detects and revokes leaked passwords
- Delete a branch with an open pull request
- Required Deployments
- What’s new in GitHub Discussions: Organization Discussions, polls, and more
- Assignment reuse for GitHub Classroom
- General availability: Azure Cosmos DB autoscale RU/s entry point is 4x lower
- Secure APIs on Azure behind API Management
- NuGet - Introducing Central Package Management
- Announcing .NET 7 Preview 3
- .NET 5.0 will reach End of Support on May 08, 2022
- SAP on Azure Video Podcast #88 - The one connecting RISE with SAP on Azure (Robert Biro)
- Stateful sessions calling Azure Logic App from SAP
- Learn Live - Introduction to Azure Arc
- Performance at GitHub: deferring stats with rack.after_reply
- Warum gerade Go? Darum! Wie wir unsere Entscheidung begründen // deutsch
The podcast as well as the content of the repository represent my personal opinion and especially does not represent the one of my employer, SAP or Microsoft.