The Free Beer Public License is designed to provide free (as in beer, hence the name), unlimited access to any content for anyone who wishes it, without restrictions such as property rights or affordability.
This license embodies the philosophy that all software (and more generally all good ideas) is designed to solve a particular problem, and that the only way to judge its quality is by how well it solves that problem, rather than other unrelated criteria such as sellability or merchandability.
All kinds of works may be licensed under the FBPL, as long as the aforementioned works are within the legal rights of the provider to give.
The provider of this work shall make it available, free of any charge, monetary or otherwise, to the consumer, to use without restrictions or any kind of supervision.
The consumer of this work may modify and redistribute it as well as derived works in any way he or she chooses, as long as the work itself and any derived work remain Free as in Beer, as per the first clause.
Mention of the original author is not required in any derived work, although it remains appreciated.
The provider of this work shall also supply explanations for how the work was realized if requested, in the form of source code for example, or supply the means to access such explanations.
Every such explanation shall be Free as in Beer, as per the first and second clauses.