API calls described in this section are related to downloading OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) timeseries data. Each data point of this timeseries represents several indicators calculated from transactions activity inside a time range (period).
:::info OHLCV data primary purpose is to present an overview of the market in human readable form. It's often used to visualize market data on charts, websites, and various kinds of reports. :::
:::tip CoinAPI expanded the standard OHLCV timeseries by including time of first and last trade and amount of trades executed inside period. :::
- get_v1_ohlcv_periods - [ohlcv] List all periods
- get_v1_ohlcv_symbol_id_history - [ohlcv] Historical data
- get_v1_ohlcv_exchanges_exchange_id_history - [ohlcv] Historical data by exchange
- get_v1_ohlcv_symbol_id_latest - [ohlcv] Latest data
Get full list of supported time periods available for requesting OHLCV timeseries data.
Time unit | Period identifiers |
Second | 1SEC, 2SEC, 3SEC, 4SEC, 5SEC, 6SEC, 10SEC, 15SEC, 20SEC, 30SEC |
Minute | 1MIN, 2MIN, 3MIN, 4MIN, 5MIN, 6MIN, 10MIN, 15MIN, 20MIN, 30MIN |
Hour | 1HRS, 2HRS, 3HRS, 4HRS, 6HRS, 8HRS, 12HRS |
Day | 1DAY, 2DAY, 3DAY, 5DAY, 7DAY, 10DAY |
Month | 1MTH, 2MTH, 3MTH, 4MTH, 6MTH |
Year | 1YRS, 2YRS, 3YRS, 4YRS, 5YRS |
:::tip You can assume that we will not remove any periods from this response, however, we may add new ones. :::
import coinapi
s = coinapi.CoinAPI(
res = s.ohlcv.get_v1_ohlcv_periods()
if res.content is not None:
# handle response
Error Object | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.CoinAPIError | 4x-5xx | / |
Get OHLCV timeseries data returned in time ascending order. Data can be requested by the period and for the specific symbol eg BITSTAMP_SPOT_BTC_USD
, if you need to query timeseries by asset pairs eg. BTC/USD
, then please reffer to the Exchange Rates Timeseries data
:::info The OHLCV Historical endpoint data can be delayed a few seconds. Use OHLCV Latest endpoint to get real-time data without delay. :::
import coinapi
from coinapi.models import operations
s = coinapi.CoinAPI(
req = operations.GetV1OhlcvSymbolIDHistoryRequest(
res = s.ohlcv.get_v1_ohlcv_symbol_id_history(req)
if res.content is not None:
# handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
request |
operations.GetV1OhlcvSymbolIDHistoryRequest | ✔️ | The request object to use for the request. |
Error Object | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.CoinAPIError | 4x-5xx | / |
Get OHLCV timeseries data returned in time ascending order. Data can be requested by the period and for the specific exchange eg BITSTAMP
The OHLCV Historical endpoint data can be delayed a few seconds.
and time_end
must point to the same day
import coinapi
s = coinapi.CoinAPI(
res = s.ohlcv.get_v1_ohlcv_exchanges_exchange_id_history(exchange_id='<value>', period_id='<value>', time_start='<value>', time_end='<value>')
if res.content is not None:
# handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
exchange_id |
str | ✔️ | Exchange identifier of requested timeseries (from the Metadata -> Exchanges) |
period_id |
str | ✔️ | Identifier of requested timeseries period (e.g. 5SEC or 2MTH ) |
time_start |
str | ✔️ | Timeseries starting time in ISO 8601 |
time_end |
str | ✔️ | Timeseries ending time in ISO 8601 |
Error Object | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.CoinAPIError | 4x-5xx | / |
Get OHLCV latest timeseries data returned in time descending order. Data can be requested by the period and for the specific symbol eg BITSTAMP_SPOT_BTC_USD
, if you need to query timeseries by asset pairs eg. BTC/USD
, then please reffer to the Exchange Rates Timeseries data
:::info OHLCV Latest endpoint is providing real-time data without delay. The OHLCV Historical endpoint data can be delayed a few seconds. :::
import coinapi
s = coinapi.CoinAPI(
res = s.ohlcv.get_v1_ohlcv_symbol_id_latest(symbol_id='<value>', period_id='<value>', limit=100, include_empty_items=False)
if res.content is not None:
# handle response
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
symbol_id |
str | ✔️ | Symbol identifier of requested timeseries (from the Metadata -> Symbols) |
period_id |
Optional[str] | ➖ | Identifier of requested timeseries period (required, e.g. 5SEC or 2MTH ) |
limit |
Optional[int] | ➖ | Amount of items to return (optional, mininum is 1, maximum is 100000, default value is 100, if the parameter is used then every 100 output items are counted as one request) |
include_empty_items |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | Include items with no activity? (optional, default value is false , possible values are true or false ) |
Error Object | Status Code | Content Type |
errors.CoinAPIError | 4x-5xx | / |