Pickr: an app to play cards with friends. This project is carried out for the testing course of the University of Bergamo.
pickr: contains a Flutter project of the app.
pickr-java: contains a Java project with a reproduction of the Dart classes in order to test them with Junit, using the eclipse's Code Coverage tool and applying the MCDC criteria.
pickr-dbc: contains a Java project where the DbC paradigm is used. It is not possible to use KeY to verify the contracts.
pickr-key: contains a KeY project with re-designed classes in order to verify their contracts.
pickr-asmeta: contains an ASMETA project. There are multiple files, with different purposes, more details in the report.
yakindu: contains an eclipse project with a Yakindu State Charts file.
Pickr.ctw: a CTWEdge file used for combinatorial testing.
- To run the app
flutter pub get
flutter run
- To run the unit tests, run the following command in the Flutter project folder.
flutter test
- Inside the pickr-asmeta folder, to run the model advisor, run the following command.
java -jar .\AsmetaMA.jar -mpAll .\Pickr_NuSMV.asm