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Getting started

Eclair requires a Haskell toolchain, Souffle 2.3 and LLVM 14 to be installed on your system.

If you notice that the installation instructions below are incomplete or outdated, please open a Github issue.



NOTE: These commands were tested with Ubuntu 20.04, they may not work with older versions.

Installing the Haskell toolchain

Run the following commands to install ghcup, ghc and cabal. cabal-fmt, hspec-discover and hlint are also installed but they are only needed when working on the compiler.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
$ ghcup tui
# In the terminal UI, select GHC 9.2.4, Haskell language server 1.8 and Cabal 3.6.
# Important: both install + set them!
$ cabal install cabal-fmt
$ cabal install hspec-discover
$ cabal install hlint

Verify you installed the correct versions by running the commands below, and comparing them against the versions mentioned in the previous command:

$ ghc --version
$ haskell-language-server-wrapper --version
$ cabal --version

Installing Souffle

Run the following commands to download and build Souffle from source:

$ sudo apt install bison build-essential cmake doxygen flex g++ git \
  libffi-dev libncurses5-dev libsqlite3-dev make mcpp python sqlite zlib1g-dev

$ git clone
$ cd souffle
$ git checkout 2.3
$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build build -j
$ sudo cmake --build build --target install

If this went correctly, Souffle should now be globally installed on your system. Check this by executing the following command; it should print out the version of Souffle (2.3).

$ souffle --version

Installing LLVM

Next we need to install LLVM 14. Run the steps below to install it on your system.

# If these packages are not available on your system, try installing using this
# link:
$ sudo apt install llvm-14
$ sudo apt install lld-14
$ sudo apt install clang-14  # Optional, if you want to use clang instead of llc
                             # to compile the LLVM IR
# The following is only needed for development / testing
$ cd ~/.local/bin  # Or any other directory that is on your $PATH
$ ln -s /usr/lib/llvm-14/bin/split-file
$ ln -s /usr/bin/FileCheck-14 FileCheck
$ pip install lit==14.0.6


Assuming you have Windows subsytem for Linux, the commands above should also work for Windows? (If somebody could verify this, that would be great!)


NOTE: These commands were tested with Intel MacOS 13.0, they may or may not not work with older versions or on an ARM-based machine.

Installing the Haskell toolchain

Run the following commands (see to install ghcup, ghc and cabal.

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
$ ghcup tui
# In the terminal UI, select GHC 9.2.4, Haskell language server 1.8 and Cabal 3.6.
# Important: both install + set them!

The following commands are only needed when working on the compiler. Run the commands to install cabal-fmt, hspec-discover, and hlint.

$ cabal install cabal-fmt
$ cabal install hspec-discover
$ cabal install hlint

Verify you installed the correct versions by running the commands below, and compare them against the versions mentioned in the previous command:

$ ghc --version
$ haskell-language-server-wrapper --version
$ cabal --version

Installing Souffle

Run the following commands to download and build Souffle from source (instructions taken from here):

$ brew update
$ brew install cmake bison libffi mcpp pkg-config
$ brew reinstall gcc
$ brew link bison --force
$ brew link libffi --force
$ brew install souffle-lang/souffle/souffle

If this went correctly, Souffle should now be globally installed on your system. Check this by executing the following command; it should print out the version of Souffle (2.3).

$ souffle --version

Installing LLVM

Next we need to install LLVM 14. Run the steps below to install it on your system.

$ brew install llvm@14
# The following is only needed for development / testing
$ cd ~/.local/bin  # Or any other directory that is on your $PATH
$ ln -s /usr/local/opt/llvm@14/bin/split-file
$ ln -s /usr/local/opt/llvm@14/bin/FileCheck
$ pip install lit==14.0.6
$ brew install node

Building Eclair

Now that all the pre-requisites are built, you can build Eclair.

$ cabal build
$ cabal run eclair-test  # Unit tests
$ lit tests -v           # Integration tests
$ cabal list-bin eclair  # <= returns path to the Eclair compiler executable