A place to write down my own version of the best programming standards, to update from time to time, to give to new developers as a starting point
Robert Martin in The Clean Coder
describes beautifully, that a professional developer should carry
a professional manners towards work. The book is awesome.
My personal summary:
- keep yourself up to date, read books and high quality web articles
- discuss new trends and technologies with senior developers and architects
- make time every week to test new technologies, write small programs outside of client's needs to try new things
- be realistic and honest, say YES and NO, overtime usually doesnt help!
- take care of your mind, learn how to meditate,
- do the Happiness Program somewhere in your area to learn take care of your mind and energy
- have MUCH MORE ENERGY, CLARITY and FOCUS better by regularly practising the Sudarshan Kriya
- dont expect to productively program 8 hours per day. Know when you are productive,
and do your programming in these high productivity hours. Take care of small business.
Better dont work on Monday, than spending the rest of the week fixing monday
Specific to php:
- use devilbox to have a ready environment using docker-compose
- use the most recent stable version possible, and keep regularly migrating to benefit from latest versions
- use PhpStorm,
- install php code sniffer and php mess detectors
- set PSR-12 coding style, adhere to PSR standards
- use composer
- use phpunit and codeception
- use Laravel
- use Swagger to document your API automatically
Basically never work without it. Whenever starting even some small local thing, git int
and you
can benefit from it.
- basically