load("@rules_twirl//twirl:twirl.bzl", "twirl_templates") twirl_templates(name, srcs, additional_imports, include_play_imports, source_directory, template_formats, twirl_toolchain_name)
Compiles Twirl templates to Scala sources files.
Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
name | A unique name for this target. | Name | required | |
srcs | The actual template files contained in the source_directory. | List of labels | required | |
additional_imports | Additional imports to import to the Twirl templates. | List of strings | optional | [] |
include_play_imports | If true, include the imports the Play project includes by default. | Boolean | optional | False |
source_directory | Directories where Twirl template files are located. | Label | required | |
template_formats | Formatter types for file extensions. The default formats are
Dictionary: String -> String | optional | {} |
twirl_toolchain_name | The name of the Twirl toolchain to use for this target | String | optional | "" |