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[{"name":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed","comment":"\n\n@docs rule, Config\n\n\n# lens generators\n\n\n## working out of the box\n\n@docs accessors, monocle, fields, zipper, accessorsBChiquet\n\n\n## custom\n\n@docs FieldLensGenerator, FieldLensDeclaration, functionsForField, getSetRecordForField, withDocumentation, withName\n\n","unions":[],"aliases":[{"name":"Config","comment":" The [rule](#rule)'s configuration.\n\n - `generate`: What kind of lens to generate:\n - [`elm-accessors`](#accessors),\n - [`elm-fields`](#fields),\n - [`elm-monocle`](#monocle),\n - [`zipper`](#zipper) or\n - [`updateField`](#update), [`setField`](#set)\n - [a custom one](#FieldLensGenerator).\n\n - `generateIn`: The module where all field lenses will be generated in\n\n read `( \"Module\", [ \"Name\" ] )` as `Module.Name`\n\n","args":[],"type":"{ generator : RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator, generateIn : ( String.String, List.List String.String ) }"},{"name":"FieldLensDeclaration","comment":" All the components to build a field lens declaration:\n\n {-| [documentation]\n -}\n [name] : [annotation]\n [name] =\n [implementation]\n\nYou can customize existing `FieldLensDeclaration`s with [`withDocumentation`](#withDocumentation) and [`withName`](#withName)\nor create custom lens ([`functionsForField`](#functionsForField) and [`getSetRecordForField`](#getSetRecordForField) can be helpful).\n\n customLensDeclaration { fieldName } =\n { documentation =\n emptyDocComment\n |> markdown\n (\"`CustomLens` for the field `.\" ++ fieldName ++ \"`.\")\n |> Just\n , name = fieldName\n , annotation =\n typed \"CustomLens\"\n [ extRecordAnn \"record\"\n [ ( fieldName, typeVar fieldName ) ]\n , typeVar fieldName\n ]\n |> Just\n , implementation =\n let\n { access, set } =\n functionsForField fieldName\n in\n fqConstruct [ \"CustomLens\" ] \"create\" [ access, at ]\n }\n\n","args":[],"type":"{ documentation : Maybe.Maybe (Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment), name : String.String, annotation : Maybe.Maybe Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, implementation : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"FieldLensGenerator","comment":" How to generate a [`FieldLensDeclaration`](#FieldLensDeclaration) plus the necessary imports.\n\nOut of the box there are lenses for\n\n - [`erlandsona/elm-accessors`](#accessors)\n - [`elm-fields`](#fields)\n - [`elm-monocle`](#monocle)\n - [`zipper`](#zipper)\n - [`bChiquet/elm-accessors`](#accessorsBChiquet)\n\nYou can also create a custom one with the help of [the-sett's elm-syntax-dsl](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/the-sett/elm-syntax-dsl/latest):\n\n customLens : FieldLensGenerator\n customLens =\n { imports =\n [ importStmt [ \"CustomLens\" ]\n Nothing\n (exposeExplicit\n [ typeOrAliasExpose \"CustomLens\" ]\n |> Just\n )\n ]\n , declaration =\n \\{ fieldName } ->\n { documentation =\n emptyDocComment\n |> markdown\n (\"`CustomLens` for the field `.\" ++ fieldName ++ \"`.\")\n |> Just\n , name = fieldName\n , annotation =\n typed \"CustomLens\"\n [ extRecordAnn \"record\"\n [ ( fieldName, typeVar fieldName ) ]\n , typeVar fieldName\n ]\n |> Just\n , implementation =\n let\n { access, set } =\n functionsForField fieldName\n in\n fqConstruct [ \"CustomLens\" ] \"create\" [ access, at ]\n }\n }\n\n","args":[],"type":"{ imports : List.List Elm.CodeGen.Import, declaration : { fieldName : String.String } -> RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensDeclaration }"}],"values":[{"name":"accessors","comment":" [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator)\nfor named [`erlandsona/elm-accessors`](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/erlandsona/elm-accessors/latest/)\nin the form\n\n import Accessors exposing (Lens, makeOneToOne_)\n\n score : Lens { record | score : score } transformed score wrap\n score =\n makeOneToOne_ \".score\" .score (\\alter record -> { record | score = record.score |> alter })\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator"},{"name":"accessorsBChiquet","comment":" [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator) for [`bChiquet/elm-accessors`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/bChiquet/elm-accessors/latest) in the form\n\n import Accessors exposing (Relation, makeOneToOne)\n\n score : Relation score transformed wrap -> Relation { record | score : score } transformed wrap\n score =\n makeOneToOne .score (\\alter record -> { record | score = record.score |> alter })\n\n[`accessors`](#accessors) generates for [`erlandsona/elm-accessors`](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/erlandsona/elm-accessors/latest/) which adds names.\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator"},{"name":"fields","comment":" [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator) for [sjorn3's elm-fields](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/sjorn3/elm-fields/latest/) in the form\n\n score :\n { get : { record0 | score : score } -> score\n , set : score -> { record1 | score : score } -> { record1 | score : score }\n }\n score =\n { get = .score, set = \\replacement record -> { record | score = replacement } }\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator"},{"name":"functionsForField","comment":" access, set and update functions for a given record field.\n\n functionsForField \"score\"\n\n -->\n { access = accessFun (\".\" ++ fieldName)\n , set =\n lambda\n [ varPattern \"replacement\"\n , varPattern \"record\"\n ]\n (update \"record\"\n [ ( fieldName\n , val \"replacement\"\n )\n ]\n )\n , update =\n lambda\n [ varPattern \"alter\"\n , varPattern \"record\"\n ]\n (update \"record\"\n [ ( fieldName\n , applyBinOp\n (access (val \"record\") fieldName)\n piper\n (fun \"alter\")\n )\n ]\n )\n }\n\n","type":"String.String -> { access : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, set : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, update : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"getSetRecordForField","comment":" Generate a field lens implementation in the form\n\n { get = .score, set = \\replacement record -> { record | score = replacement } }\n\nThis is equivalent to\n\n let\n { access, set } =\n functionsForField fieldName\n in\n record [ ( \"get\", access ), ( \"set\", set ) ]\n\n","type":"String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Expression"},{"name":"monocle","comment":" [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator) for [arturopala's elm-monocle](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/arturopala/elm-monocle/latest) in the form\n\n import Monocle.Lens exposing (Lens)\n\n score : Lens { record | score : score } score\n score =\n { get = .score, set = \\replacement record -> { record | score = replacement } }\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator"},{"name":"rule","comment":" Automatically generates used record field helpers that don't exist yet.\n\nExamples are\n\n - [`erlandsona/elm-accessors`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/erlandsona/elm-accessors/latest/)\n - [`sjorn3/elm-fields`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/sjorn3/elm-fields/latest/)\n - [`arturopala/elm-monocle`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/arturopala/elm-monocle/latest)\n - [`zh5/zipper`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/z5h/zipper/latest/)\n - [`bChiquet/elm-accessors`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/bChiquet/elm-accessors/latest)\n\n```\nconfig =\n [ RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.rule\n { generator = RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.accessors\n , generateIn = ( \"Accessors\", [ \"Library\", \"Fields\" ] )\n }\n ]\n```\n\n - `generator`: What kind of lens to generate:\n - [`elm-accessors`](#accessors),\n - [`elm-fields`](#fields),\n - [`elm-monocle`](#monocle),\n - [`zipper`](#zipper) or\n - [a custom one](#FieldLensGenerator).\n\n - `generateIn`: The module where all field lenses will be generated in\n\n understand `( \"Accessors\", [ \"Library\", \"Fields\" ] )` as `Accessors.Library.Fields`\n\n\n## Example\n\n module SomeModule exposing (scoreAPoint)\n\n import Accessors.Library.Fields as Field\n\n scoreAPoint =\n Accessors.over Field.score (\\score -> score + 1)\n\n\n### Fail\n\n module Accessors.Library.Fields exposing (name)\n\n ...\n\n\n### Success\n\n module Accessors.Library.Fields exposing (score)\n\n ...\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.Config -> Review.Rule.Rule"},{"name":"withDocumentation","comment":" The provided [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator)s in this package have no documentation comment.\n\nYou can generate your own documentation, though:\n\n accessorsWithDocumentation { fieldName } =\n accessors { fieldName = fieldName }\n |> withDocumentation\n (emptyDocComment\n |> markdown\n (\"Accessor for the field `.\" ++ fieldName ++ \"`.\")\n )\n\n","type":"Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment -> RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensDeclaration -> RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensDeclaration"},{"name":"withName","comment":" Use a different name for the generated lens.\n\n accessorsWithFieldSuffix { fieldName } =\n accessors { fieldName = fieldName }\n |> withName (fieldName ++ \"Field\")\n\n","type":"String.String -> RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensDeclaration -> RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensDeclaration"},{"name":"zipper","comment":" [`FieldLensGenerator`](#FieldLensGenerator) for [z5h's zipper](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/z5h/zipper/latest/) in the form\n\n import Zipper exposing (Zipper, into)\n\n intoScore : Zipper { record | score : score } root -> Zipper score root\n intoScore =\n into .score (\\replacement record -> { record | score = replacement })\n\n","type":"RecordFieldHelper.GenerateUsed.FieldLensGenerator"}],"binops":[]},{"name":"VariantHelper.GenerateUsed","comment":" Generate helpers for variant values\n\n@docs rule\n\n\n## build\n\n@docs VariantHelperBuild\n@docs accessors, accessorsBChiquet\n@docs documented, annotated, importsAdd\n@docs variantInMultiple, variantOnly\n@docs ValuesCombined, valuesTupleNest, valuesRecord\n@docs variantPattern\n\n\n## name\n\n@docs VariantHelperNameConfig, variantAfter, variant\n\n\n## deprecated\n\n@docs onVariant\n\n","unions":[],"aliases":[{"name":"ValuesCombined","comment":" Representation of values as one whole, for example\n\n - [`valuesRecord`](#valuesRecord): `{ value0 = ..., value1 = ..., value2 = ... }`\n - [`valuesTupleNest`](#valuesTupleNest): `( ..., ( ..., ... ) )`\n - [`Toop.T3 ... ... ...`](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/bburdette/toop/latest/)\n - ...\n\n","args":[],"type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation } -> { typeInOne : Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, inOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Expression, patternInOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Pattern, alter : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"VariantHelperBuild","comment":" Configure\nhow to generate a variant helper declaration\nplus the necessary `import`s.\n\nOut of the box, there are\n\n - [`accessors`](#accessors)\n - [`accessorsBChiquet`](#accessorsBChiquet)\n\nCustomize with\n\n - [`documented`](#documented)\n - [`annotated`](#annotated)\n - [`importsAdd`](#importsAdd)\n\nCreate a custom helper generator (or just parts for replacement) with\n\n - [`the-sett/elm-syntax-dsl`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/the-sett/elm-syntax-dsl/latest)\n - [`variantInMultiple`](#variantInMultiple), [`variantOnly`](#variantOnly)\n - [`valuesTupleNest`](#valuesTupleNest) , [`valuesRecord`](#valuesRecord)\n - [`variantPattern`](#variantPattern)\n\nYou can use the source code of [`accessors`](#accessors) & co. as a starting point.\n\n","args":[],"type":"{ variantModule : String.String, typeName : String.String, typeParameters : List.List String.String, variantName : String.String, variantValues : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, otherVariants : Dict.Dict String.String { valueCount : Basics.Int } } -> { imports : List.List Elm.CodeGen.Import, documentation : Maybe.Maybe (Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment), annotation : Maybe.Maybe Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, implementation : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"VariantHelperNameConfig","comment":" How to derive helper name ↔ variant name.\n\nOut of the box, there are\n\n - [`variantAfter`](variantAfter)\n - [`variant`](#variant)\n\nYou can also create a custom [`VariantHelperNameConfig`](#VariantHelperNameConfig):\n\n import Parser\n\n { build = \\{ variantName } -> variantName ++ \"Variant\"\n , parser =\n Parser.map (\\variantName -> { variantName = variantName })\n (Parser.loop \"\"\n (\\beforeSuffixFoFar ->\n Parser.oneOf\n [ Parser.token \"Variant\"\n |. Parser.end\n |> Parser.map (\\() -> Parser.Done beforeSuffixFoFar)\n , Parser.chompIf (\\_ -> True)\n |> Parser.getChompedString\n |> Parser.map\n (\\stillNotSuffix ->\n Parser.Loop (beforeSuffixFoFar ++ stillNotSuffix)\n )\n ]\n )\n )\n }\n\nIt's not half as daunting as it looks. If you feel motivated 👀 ↓\n\n - a [video guide \"Demystifying Parsers\" by Tereza Sokol](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M9ulswr1z0E)\n - an [\"Introduction to the elm/parser package\" by Alex Korban](https://korban.net/posts/elm/2018-09-07-introduction-elm-parser/)\n - [the `elm/parser` package](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/elm/parser/latest/)\n\nMini tip: testing is always a good idea for `Parser`s\n\nDon't worry about the casing of the results.\nThey will be automatically be corrected when passed to [`rule`](#rule).\n\nIn the future,\n[`elm-morph`](https://github.com/lue-bird/elm-morph)\nwill allow creating builders and parsers in one go,\nmaking this easier.\n\n","args":[],"type":"RecordWithoutConstructorFunction.RecordWithoutConstructorFunction { parser : Parser.Parser { variantName : String.String }, build : { variantName : String.String } -> String.String }"}],"values":[{"name":"accessors","comment":" [`Build`](#Build)\nof named [`erlandsona/elm-accessors`](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/erlandsona/elm-accessors/latest/)\nwhich with\n\n { build =\n VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.accessors\n { valuesCombined = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.valuesTupleNest }\n , nameInModuleInternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"on\"\n , nameInModuleExternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variant\n , generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix = \"On\"\n }\n\nand\n\n module Data exposing (Data(..))\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\ngenerates\n\n module Data.On exposing (some)\n\n import Accessors exposing (makeOneToN_)\n import Data exposing (Data(..))\n\n {-| Accessor prism for the variant `Data.Some` of the `type Data`.\n -}\n some :\n Relation ( a, ( b, ( c, d ) ) ) reachable wrap\n -> Relation (Data a b c d) reachable (Maybe wrap)\n some =\n makeOneToN_\n \"Data.Some\"\n (\\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter |> Just\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n )\n (\\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n let\n ( alteredValue0, ( alteredValue1, ( alteredValue2, alteredValue3 ) ) ) =\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter\n in\n Some alteredValue0 alteredValue1 alteredValue2 alteredValue3\n\n other ->\n other\n )\n\n","type":"{ valuesCombined : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.ValuesCombined } -> VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperBuild"},{"name":"accessorsBChiquet","comment":" [`Build`](#Build)\nof unnamed [bChiquet/elm-accessors](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/bChiquet/elm-accessors/latest/)\nwhich with\n\n { build =\n VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.accessorsBChiquet\n { valuesCombined = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.valuesTupleNest }\n , nameInModuleInternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variant\n , nameInModuleExternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"on\"\n , generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix = \"On\"\n }\n\nand\n\n module Data exposing (Data(..))\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\ngenerates\n\n module Data.On exposing (some)\n\n import Accessors exposing (Lens, Relation, makeOneToN_)\n import Data exposing (Data(..))\n\n {-| Accessor prism for the variant `Data.Some` of the `type Data`.\n -}\n some :\n Relation ( a, ( b, ( c, d ) ) ) reachable wrap\n -> Relation (Data a b c d) reachable (Maybe wrap)\n some =\n makeOneToN\n (\\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter |> Just\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n )\n (\\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n let\n ( alteredValue0, ( alteredValue1, ( alteredValue2, alteredValue3 ) ) ) =\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter\n in\n Some alteredValue0 alteredValue1 alteredValue2 alteredValue3\n\n other ->\n other\n )\n\n","type":"{ valuesCombined : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.ValuesCombined } -> VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperBuild"},{"name":"annotated","comment":" [Build](#Build) a different type annotation:\n\n import Hand exposing (Hand(..))\n import Stack\n\n accessorsAnnotatedOption : Build\n accessorsAnnotatedOption info =\n accessors\n { valuesCombined = valuesRecord }\n info\n |> annotated\n (typed \"Option\"\n [ CodeGen.typed info.typeName\n (info.typeParameters |> List.map CodeGen.typeVar)\n , case variantValues |> Stack.fromList of\n Empty _ ->\n CodeGen.unitAnn\n\n Filled stacked ->\n Filled stacked\n |> Stack.reverse\n |> Stack.fold (\\value soFar -> CodeGen.tupleAnn [ value, soFar ])\n , CodeGen.typeVar \"reachable\"\n , CodeGen.typeVar \"wrap\"\n ]\n )\n |> importsAdd\n [ impostStmt [ \"Accessors\" ]\n Nothing\n ([ \"Option\" |> typeOrAliasExpose ] |> exposingExplicit |> Just)\n ]\n\nMake sure to [`importsAdd`](#importsAdd).\n\n","type":"Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation -> { declaration | annotation : Maybe.Maybe Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation } -> { declaration | annotation : Maybe.Maybe Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation }"},{"name":"documented","comment":" [Build](#VariantHelperBuild) a different documentation:\n\n accessorsDocumentedCustom info =\n accessors\n { valuesCombined = valuesRecord }\n info\n |> documented\n (emptyDocComment\n |> markdown\n (\"variant `\" ++ info.variantName ++ \"`: Accessor for the values.\")\n )\n\n","type":"Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment -> { declaration | documentation : Maybe.Maybe (Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment) } -> { declaration | documentation : Maybe.Maybe (Elm.CodeGen.Comment Elm.CodeGen.DocComment) }"},{"name":"importsAdd","comment":" Supply additional `import`s required for generating the declaration.\n\n accessorsAnnotatedOption : Build\n accessorsAnnotatedOption info =\n accessors info\n |> annotated (typed \"Option\" [ ... ])\n |> importsAdd\n [ impostStmt [ \"Accessors\" ]\n Nothing\n ([ \"Option\" |> typeOrAliasExpose ] |> exposingExplicit |> Just)\n ]\n\n","type":"List.List Elm.CodeGen.Import -> { declaration | imports : List.List Elm.CodeGen.Import } -> { declaration | imports : List.List Elm.CodeGen.Import }"},{"name":"onVariant","comment":"\n\n> @deprecated in favor of [`variantAfter \"on\"`](#variantAfter)\n\nHandle helper names in the format `on<Variant>`.\n\nCheck out [`VariantHelperNameConfig`](#VariantHelperNameConfig) for all naming options\n\n","type":"VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperNameConfig"},{"name":"rule","comment":" Generate each helper for a variant of a `type`\nthat is called from your code but isn't already defined.\n\n import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)\n import VariantHelper.GenerateUsed\n\n config : List Rule\n config =\n [ VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.rule ..config..\n ]\n\n..config.. How to generate, where to generate:\n\n - `build :`\n a [`Build` function](#Build) like\n - [`accessors`](#accessors)\n - [`accessorsBChiquet`](#accessorsBChiquet)\n - `name :`\n a way to handle variant helper names like\n - [`variantAfter \"on\"`](#variantAfter)\n - [`variant`](#variant)\n - `generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix :`\n a `.Suffix` to derive generation `module` names from variant `module` names\n\nThere's no configuration to automatically `import Variant.Module.Generation as Variant.Module`\nbecause [`import` aliases can't contain `.`](https://github.com/elm/compiler/issues/2260)\n\n\n### example `module Variant.Module.On exposing (some)`\n\n { build =\n VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.accessors\n { valuesCombined = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.valuesRecord }\n , nameInModuleInternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variant\n , nameInModuleExternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"on\"\n , generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix = \"On\"\n }\n\n\n### example: `module Variant.Module.X exposing (onSome)`\n\n { build =\n VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.accessors\n { valuesCombined = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.valuesRecord }\n , nameInModuleInternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"on\"\n , nameInModuleExternal = VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"on\"\n , generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix = \"X\"\n }\n\n---\n\nVariant helpers will be generated below the `type` declaration.\nConsider [`SiriusStarr/elm-review-no-unsorted`](https://dark.elm.dmy.fr/packages/SiriusStarr/elm-review-no-unsorted/latest/NoUnsortedTopLevelDeclarations)\nfor more fine-grained and consistent positioning control\n\n\n## use it\n\n... when you're using `elm-accessors` to mitigate\nboilerplate related to updating potentially deeply nested data.\n\n\n## don't use it\n\n... when you consider accessors the less readable/intuitive/simple/explicit alternative.\n\n","type":"{ nameInModuleInternal : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperNameConfig, nameInModuleExternal : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperNameConfig, build : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperBuild, generationModuleIsVariantModuleDotSuffix : String.String } -> Review.Rule.Rule"},{"name":"valuesRecord","comment":" Helpers for a given variant to use with a custom implementation or [`variantOnly`](#variantOnly)/[`variantInMultiple`](#variantInMultiple).\n\nfor\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\n\n#### `access`\n\n { value0 = value0, value1 = value1, value2 = value2, value3 = value3 }\n\n\n#### `alter`\n\n let\n altered =\n { value0 = value0, value1 = value1, value2 = value2, value3 = value3 }\n |> valuesAlter\n in\n Some altered.value0 altered.value1 altered.value2 altered.value3\n\n\n#### `typeValues`\n\n { value0 = a, value1 = b, value2 = c, value3 = d }\n\n","type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation } -> { typeInOne : Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, inOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Expression, patternInOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Pattern, alter : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"valuesTupleNest","comment":" Helpers for a given variant to use with a custom implementation or [`variantOnly`](#variantOnly)/[`variantInMultiple`](#variantInMultiple).\n\nfor\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\n\n#### `typeInOne`\n\n ( a, ( b, ( c, d ) ) )\n\n\n#### `inOne \"value\"`\n\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) )\n\n\n#### `patternInOne \"value\"`\n\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) )\n\n\n#### `alter`\n\n let\n ( alteredValue0, ( alteredValue1, ( alteredValue2, alteredValue3 ) ) ) =\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter\n in\n Some alteredValue0 alteredValue1 alteredValue2 alteredValue3\n\n","type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation } -> { typeInOne : Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, inOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Expression, patternInOne : String.String -> Elm.CodeGen.Pattern, alter : Elm.CodeGen.Expression }"},{"name":"variant","comment":" Handle helper names in the format `<variant>`.\nCheck out [`VariantHelperNameConfig`](#VariantHelperNameConfig) for all naming options.\n\n import Parser\n import VariantHelper.GenerateUsed\n\n \"success\"\n |> Parser.run VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.helperNameAsVariant.parser\n --> { variantName = \"Success\" }\n\n { variantName = \"Success\" }\n |> VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.helperNameAsVariant.build\n --> \"success\"\n\n","type":"VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperNameConfig"},{"name":"variantAfter","comment":" Handle helper names in the format `prefix<Variant>`.\nCheck out [`VariantHelperNameConfig`](#VariantHelperNameConfig) for all naming options.\n\n import Parser\n import VariantHelper.GenerateUsed\n\n \"toSuccess\"\n |> Parser.run\n (VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"to\"\n |> .parser\n )\n --> { variantName = \"Success\" }\n\n { variantName = \"Success\" }\n |> (VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.variantAfter \"map\"\n |> .build\n )\n --> \"mapSuccess\"\n\n","type":"String.String -> VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.VariantHelperNameConfig"},{"name":"variantInMultiple","comment":" Helpers for values of a given variant among >= 2.\n\nfor\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\nwith\n\n variantInMultiple valuesTupleNest\n\n\n#### `access`\n\n \\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter |> Just\n\n _ ->\n Nothing\n\n\n#### `alter`\n\n \\valuesAlter variantType ->\n case variantType of\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3 ->\n let\n ( alteredValue0, ( alteredValue1, ( alteredValue2, alteredValue3 ) ) ) =\n ( value0, ( value1, ( value2, value3 ) ) ) |> valuesAlter\n in\n Some alteredValue0 alteredValue1 alteredValue2 alteredValue3\n\n other ->\n other\n\n","type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, valuesCombined : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.ValuesCombined } -> { access : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, alter : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, typeValues : Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation }"},{"name":"variantOnly","comment":" Helpers for values of a given only variant.\n\nfor\n\n type Id attachment\n = Id (List Int) attachment\n\n\n#### `access`\n\n \\(Id value0 value1) -> ( value0, value1 )\n\n\n#### `alter`\n\n \\valuesAlter (Id value0 value1) ->\n let\n ( alteredValue0, alteredValue1 ) =\n ( value0, value1 ) |> valuesAlter\n in\n Id alteredValue0 alteredValue1\n\n","type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation, valuesCombined : VariantHelper.GenerateUsed.ValuesCombined } -> { access : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, alter : Elm.CodeGen.Expression, typeValues : Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation }"},{"name":"variantPattern","comment":" Pattern on a given variant to use with a custom implementation.\n\nfor\n\n type Data a b c d\n = Some a b c d\n | None\n\ngenerates\n\n Some value0 value1 value2 value3\n\n","type":"{ name : String.String, values : List.List Elm.CodeGen.TypeAnnotation } -> Elm.CodeGen.Pattern"}],"binops":[]}]