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Exploring the Bias Variance Tradeoff

Step 1: Write a function generate_data(N)

Write a function generate_data(N) that produces N samples from the following model

$$ p(s) = p(x,y) = p(y|x)p(x) $$

with the following true" underlying polynomial noisy model

$$p(x) = \mathrm{Uniform}(-1,1)$$ $$p(y|x) = \mathrm{Normal}(\mu = f(x),\sigma = 0.2)$$ $$f(x) = \sum_i p_i x^i$$,

with $p_0 = -0.7, p_1 = 2.2, p_2 = 0.5, p_3 = 1.0$

Hint: you can use np.polyval to evaluate a polynomial with a fixed set of coefficients (but watch out for the order)

The function should return a array of x values and an array of y values

Step 2: Plot Samples and Functions

Write a function plot(ax,train_x,train_y,p_trained,p_true) that takes a matplotlib axis object and plots

  • plot the true function
  • plot a second (trained or random) function
  • plot the samples

In the end you should be able to call it like this:

f = plt.figure()
x,y = generate_data(10)
plot(f.gca(),x,y,np.random.normal(size = (4,)), p_true)

Step 3

One can show that given a Hypothesis Set of Polynomial functions

$$f(x) = \sum_i w_i x^i$$

and a risk function of the following form

$$l(s) = l(x,y) = (y - f(x))^2$$

there is a closed form solution for finding the empirical risk minimization, where the best fit coefficients $\vec{w}$ is given by

$$ w = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T y $$

where $X$ is the matrix with rows $(x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3,\dots,x^d)$ and one row for each sample

$$ X = \left( \begin{array}{} x_1^0,\dots,x_1^d \\ x_2^0,\dots,x_2^d \\ \dots \\ x_n^0,\dots,x_n^d \\ \end{array} \right) $$

  • Write a function learn(train_x, train_y, degree) to return the $(d+1)$ optimal coefficients for a polynomial fit of degree $d$.
  • Fit a sampled of 5 data points with degree 4
  • Plot the Trained function together with the true function using the plotting method from the last step
  • Try this multiple time to get a feel for how much the data affects the fit
  • Try degree 1 and observe how the trained function is much less sensitive to the data

Step 4

Write a function to evaluate the risk or loss of a sample. Use our loss function for which we have the training procedure above

$$ l(s) = l(x,y) = (y - f(x))^2 $$

and right a function risk(x,y_true, trained_coeffs) to cmpute

$$ \hat{L} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i l(s_i) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i l(x,y) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i (y - f(x))^2 $$

  • Draw a size 100 data sample and fit the result to obtain trained coefficients
  • Draw 10000 samples of size 10 and compute their empirical risk under the trained coefficients
  • Repeat the same but use the true coefficients of the underlying data-generating process
  • Histogram the two sets of 10,000 risk evaluations. Which one has lower average risk?

Step 5

Explore how the fit improves when adding more data. Plot the best fit model for data set sizes of

$$N = 5,10,100,200,1000$$

Step 6

Explore how the fit changes when using more and more complex models. Plot the best fit model for degrees

$$d = 1,2,5,10$$

Step 7 Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Draw two datasets:

  • A train dataset with $N=10$
  • A test dataset with $N=1000$

Perform trainings on the train dataset for degrees $1\dots8$ and store the training coefficients

  • Evaluate the risk under the various trainings for the train and the test dataset
  • Plot the train and test risk as a function of the polynomial degree