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Training an Autoencoder

As discussed in the lecture, one of the standard self-supervised learning techniques is "auto-encoding", that is taking a datum $x$ to a "code" $c = f_\phi(x)$ and reconstructing it again $x' = g_\theta(c)$

The training goal is to make the reconstruction as close as possible to the original: $L(x,x')$

Step 1

Write an Autoencoder PyTorch module that has a latent space of dimension 2

  • a encoder submodule that is a MLP that can take (N,28,28) tensors and return "encoded" tensors of shape (N,2)

  • a decoder submodule that is also a MLP which

  • a forward() method that takes a batch of MNIST images and returns a 2-tuple with 1) the encoded values and 2) the reconstructed images

Step 2

Use pip install mnist to get access to the MNIST dataset and write a data-generating function sample_train(N, return_labels = False) that samples N instances from the training set

optionally it should also return the labels (this is just for later, since we are doing unsupervised learning, we don't need the labels for training)

Step 3

Write a training loop with your Autoencoder model that trains using mini-batches of size 200 and using a standard mean-squared-error (MSE) loss. Train for 50k steps with learning rate 1e-3 (with Adam)

Optionally: it's nice to track how the autoencoder is doing as you train.

Write a plotting function plot(model,samples) that takes a mini batch of size 1 and plots both the original as well as the reconstructed images side by side

Step 4: Exploring the Latent Space

Sample a mini batch of size 10,000 with labels and encode it into the latent space with the trained encoder. Since it's a 2-D latent space we can easily visualize it. Plot the distribution of codes as a scatter plot in the $(c_1,c_2)$-plane and color the markers according to the true label

Observe how the individual clusters correspond among other things to the label

Step 5: Generating new images

Given the distribution in the latent space you should have a good feel, which type of code, corresponds to which digit.

  • Try to take a code that you think would generate a 4

As you see, the distribution in the latetn space is a bit unruly, if you would

  • Generate a digit based on a random R^2 value

you would have a hard time recognizing it as a digit. Try it!

To fix this, we discussed in the lecture the idea of a "Variational Autoencoder" that tries to control the latent distribution