- Why learn this?
- For you
- More attractive portfolio
- For your users
- Increase conversions
- Reduce customers getting confused or lost
- Retention
- For you
- Define and compare and cantrast UX and UI
- Identify and utilize many of the common UX conventions in the US
- Describe and utilize inforamtion hierarchy to improve your users experience of your application
- Describe the importance of system state to a good user expereince
- UX encapsulates the UI.
- UX
- Information Hierarchy
- SYstem state
- User hourneys
- wireframes
- prototypes
- UI
- Colors
- fonts
- typography
- graphics
- animations
- Follow Convention vs break convention
- Follow UX convention
- Many users
- diverse set of users
- maximize conversions
- design "falls to the back"
- Examples
- A startup
- A conventional business or client
- Break UX Convention
- Few users
- Only highly techie/designie people use it
- You want it to stand out
- Design is in the forefront
- Examples
- Personal webssites
- For edgy creatives
- Follow UX convention
- Common UX conventions
- web
- Horizontal navbar that spans the entire page
- Sign in button on the right of it
- Different fonts/font-sizes for headings, paragraphs, and other information on the page
- Splitting information on pages into thirds for easy digest
- Using icons to represent actions or places the user can go to or do
- Clear call to action
- Scrolling down, rather than sideways
- smooth animations
- Making what's clickable stand out
- Logo redirects to homepage
- Profile picture goes to profile page
- Hamburger menus
- footers
- cards
- popup alerts
- announcement banners
- carousels of images
- pointer changing over links
- hover effects
- active link effects
- table of contents
- breadcrumbs
- red/yellow/green -> Err/Warning/Success
- Mobile
- Slide to take action
- web
- Common Visual Hierarchy conventions
- Larger / different fonts to convey different information
- Text placement
- Bullet points
- Colors
- Avoid blocks of text
- Spacing
- Symmetry
- Contrast
- Direction
- Page scanning patterns
- Examples of system state
- Logged in
- Loading
- Error
- User error
- Client-side error
- Server-side error
- Success
- System Down