layout | title |
architect |
Printing |
Mapfish Appserver v1.1.0 or later uses Mapfish Print v3. Previous versions were using Mapfish Print v2. Print requests to the Mapfish Appserver are still using the v2 API.
See also the Mapfish Print v3 documentation
Mapfish Print can be run as a web application e.g. on Tomcat.
Copy the Mapfish Print WAR to the webapps directory
cp print-servlet-3.2.0.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/mapfish_print.war
Add a symlink from your Mapfish Appserver application's print configuration directory to the Mapfish Print print apps directory
ln -s $MAPFISH_APP_DIR/print/ /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/mapfish_print/print-apps/myapp
The Mapfish Print application will then run on http://localhost:8080/mapfish_print/index.html
Add the print URL to your Mapfish Appserver configuration (e.g. in config/environments/development.rb
PRINT_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/mapfish_print/print/myapp'
For development, Mapfish Print can also be run standalone.
Add the popen4 gem to your Mapfish Appserver Gemfile
gem 'popen4'
Activate standalone printing and add the path to the Mapfish Print JARs to your Mapfish Appserver configuration
PRINT_STANDALONE_JARS = '$PATH_TO/mapfish-print/core/lib/*'
The print configuration, JasperReports templates and any images are located in the print/
- create new JasperReports template and place the
- add new template to
- set
to the new*.jrxml
- add any external report parameters to the template attributes
- add any Mapfish Print elements to the template attributes and processors
- set
By default, all templates in print/config.yaml
will get listed in the print capabilities.
To remove a specific template from the default print layouts, the custom attribute gb_custom_template
can be added, e.g.
Custom report: !template
reportTemplate: custom_report.jrxml
# mark as custom template (hide in print/info.json)
gb_custom_template: !boolean {default: true}
- !reportBuilder
directory: "."
Print requests for the custom report will then still be accepted but the report will no longer show up in the print capabilities.
The PrintController
can be subclassed to add report specific permission checks, set print parameters or customize the returned filename
class MyAppPrintController < PrintController
# check permission for printing, e.g. check params to limit reports to user roles
def check_permissions
# add custom print params according to report type, e.g. add map and zoom to feature in custom reports
def set_custom_print_params(report, print_params)
case report
when "TopicName"
# add map and layer
layer_url = rewrite_wms_uri("#{wms_host}/TopicName", false)
print_params['attributes']['map'] = {
:dpi => print_params[:dpi],
:bbox => [669242, 223923, 716907, 283315],
:projection => 'EPSG:21781',
:layers => [
:type => 'WMS',
:baseURL => layer_url,
:layers => ['Layer1', 'Layer2'],
:imageFormat => 'image/png; mode=8bit',
:styles => [''],
:customParams => {
:map_resolution => print_params['dpi']
# handler for sending custom report file, e.g. to customize filename depending on params
def send_custom_report(report, print_params, path, type, filename)
send_file path, :type => type, :disposition => 'attachment', :filename => filename
Add routes to custom print controller to config/routes.rb
match 'print/info.:format' => "my_app_print#info"
match 'print/create' => "my_app_print#create", :via => :post
match 'print/:id' => "my_app_print#show"