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LaunchDarkly Migration Guide for the iOS Swift SDK

Getting Started

This documentation is for migrating from the v2.x or v3.x Objective-C implementations of the SDK to the previous major version of the SDK. For information on upgrading from 4.x to the 5.0 major release, see the Migration Guide on the documentation site.

Follow the steps below to migrate your app from v2.x or v3.x to v4.x. Most of these steps will be required, your IDE will give you build errors if you don't take them. We recommend reading through the guide before starting to get a feel for what you will need to do to migrate your app to v4.x.

Multiple Environments

Version 4.1 does not support multiple environments. If you use version 2.14.0 or later and set LDConfig's secondaryMobileKeys you will not be able to migrate to version 4.1. Multiple Environments will be added in a future release to the Swift SDK.

Swift Version

Version 4.x is built on Swift 5 using Xcode 10. The SDK will not build using previous Swift versions, and therefore you must use Xcode 10 or later to build.

API Differences from v2.x or v3.x lists all of the changes to the API.

Migration Steps

  1. Integrate the v4.x SDK into your app. (e.g. CocoaPods podfile or Carthage cartfile change to point to v4.1.1). See Integrate the Swift SDK into your app using either CocoaPods or Carthage for details.
  2. Clean, and delete Derived Data.
  3. Update imports to LaunchDarkly. See Update imports to LaunchDarkly for details.
  4. In Swift code, replace instances of LDClient.sharedInstance() with LDClient.shared. Do not change Objective-C [LDClient sharedInstance] occurrences.
  5. Update LDUser and properties. See Update LDUser and properties for details.
  6. Update LDConfig and properties. See Update LDConfig and properties for details.
  7. Update LDClient Controls. See Update LDClient Controls for details.
  8. Update LDClient Feature Flag access. See Update LDClient Feature Flag access for details.
  9. Install LDClient Feature Flag Observers. See Install LDClient Feature Flag Observers for details.
  10. Remove LDClientDelegate methods if they were not re-used. See Remove LDClientDelegate methods for details.
  11. Install exception handling for LDClient trackEvent calls. See Install LDClient.trackEvent exception handling for details.

Integrate the Swift SDK into your app using either CocoaPods or Carthage


  • Add use_frameworks! to either the root or to any targets that include LaunchDarkly


  • Replace the Darkly.framework for each target with LaunchDarkly.framework. Non-iOS platform frameworks include the platform in the framework name, e.g. LaunchDarkly_tvOS.framework. The DarklyEventSource.framework should also be present, just as with v2.x.
  • For Objective-C apps using Carthage, turn on Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries in Build Settings
  • If you use the copy frameworks carthage script, replace Darkly.framework with LaunchDarkly.framework (or the framework with the platform name) in both the Input and Output files entries.

Update imports to LaunchDarkly

The module was renamed from Darkly to LaunchDarkly.

  • Objective-C apps replace any #import that has a LD header with a single @import LaunchDarkly;
  • Swift apps replace import Darkly with import LaunchDarkly.
  • CocoaPods users import LaunchDarkly for all platforms, similar to prior releases.
  • For non-iOS platforms built outside of CocoaPods, append the platform name to LaunchDarkly, e.g. @import LaunchDarkly_macOS; or import LaunchDarkly_watchOS.

Update LDUser and properties

  • Replace any references to LDUserBuilder or LDUserModel with LDUser
  • Replace constructor calls to use the withKey constructor
  • Replace references to <someUser>.ip with <someUser>.ipAddress
  • Replace references to <someUser>.custom<jsonType> with <someUser>.custom, and convert the object set into a [String: Any]

See Custom users with LDUser for details.

Update LDConfig and properties

  • Change lines that set baseUrl, eventsUrl, and streamUrl with strings to instead set these properties with URL objects.
  • Change lines that set capacity to set eventCapacity
  • Change lines that set time-based properties (connectionTimeout, flushInterval, pollingInterval, and backgroundFetchInterval) to their TimeInterval property (connectionTimeout, eventFlushInterval, flagPollingInterval, and backgroundFlagPollingInterval).
  • Change lines that set streaming to set streamingMode. For Swift apps, use the enum .streaming or .polling. For Objective-C apps, set to YES for streaming, and NO for polling as with the v2.x or v3.x SDK. Note that if you do not have this property set, LDConfig sets it to streaming mode for you.
  • Change lines that set debugEnabled to set debugMode instead.

See Configuration with LDConfig for details.

Update LDClient Controls

  • Replace references to LDClient.sharedInstance() in Swift code to LDClient.shared. Do not change references to sharedInstance in Objective-C code.
  • Replace references to ldUser to user.
  • Replace references to ldConfig to config.
  • Remove any references to delegate.
  • Change calls to start to use the parameter name config.
  • Change calls to start to use the parameter name user.
  • Change calls to start to not expect a return value. If desired, capture the SDK's online status using isOnline.
  • Change calls to stopClient to stop

See LDClient Controls for details.

Update LDClient Feature Flag access

  • For Objective-C apps, add ForKey to each variation method call. e.g. [[LDClient sharedInstance] boolVariationForKey:some-key fallback:fallback-value]
  • For Swift apps remove the type in the variation call, and add forKey: to the first parameter. e.g. LDClient.shared.variation(forKey: some-key, fallback: fallback-value).
  • Replace calls to numberVariation with integerVariation or doubleVariation as appropriate. Replace the type of the integerVariation call with Int (Swift) or NSInteger (Objective-C). For Objective-C apps, the client can wrap the result into an NSNumber if needed.

See Getting Feature Flag Values for details.

Install LDClient Feature Flag Observers

For any object (Swift enum and struct cannot be feature flag observers) that conformed to LDClientDelegate, set observers on the LDClient that correspond to the implemented delegate methods. Use the steps below as a guide.

  • featureFlagDidUpdate was called whenever any feature flag was updated. Assess the feature flags the former delegate was interested in.
    1. If the object watches a single feature flag, use observe(key:, owner:, handler:). You can call the original delegate method from the handler, or copy the code in the delegate method into the handler. The LDChangedFlag passed into the handler has the key for the changed flag.
    2. If the object watches a set of feature flags, but not all of them in the environment, use observe(keys:, owner:, handler:). As with 1 above, you can call the original delegate method by looping through the keys in the [LDFlagKey, LDChangedFlag] passed into the handler. Or you may copy the delegate method code into the handler. Each changed feature flag has an entry in changedFlags that contains a LDChangedFlag you can use to update the client app.
    3. If the object watches all of the feature flags in an environment (available with a specific mobileKey) use observeAll(owner: , handler:). Follow the guidance in #2 above to unpack changed feature flag details.
  • userDidUpdate was called whenever any feature flag changed. Follow the guidance under featureFlagDidUpdate to decide which observer method to call on the client.
  • userUnchanged was called in .polling mode when the response to a flag request did not change any feature flag value. If your app uses .streaming mode (whether you set it explicitly or accept the default value in LDConfig) you can ignore this method. If using .polling mode, call observeFlagsUnchanged and either call the delegate method from within the handler, or copy the delegate method code into the handler. 4. serverConnectionUnavailable was called when the SDK could not connect to LaunchDarkly servers. Call observeError(owner:, handler:) with a handler to execute when an error occurs.

See Monitoring Feature Flags for changes for details.

Remove LDClientDelegate methods.

If they were not re-used when implementing observers, you can delete the former LDClientDelegate methods.

Install LDClient.trackEvent exception handling

See Event Controls for more details.

Swift Client Apps

Wrap calls to trackEvent into do-catch statements. If desired, catch JSONSerialization.JSONError.invalidJsonObject errors. Alternatively, add throws to any method calls trackEvent to allow the calling method to handle the error.

Objective-C Client Apps

Calls to trackEvent include a 3rd parameter error, which the SDK sets when a call receives invalid JSON data. To verify the error object set by trackEvents threw a JSONSerialization.JSONError.invalidJsonObject error, compare the domain to LaunchDarklyJSONErrorDomain and the code to LaunchDarklyJSONErrorInvalidJsonObject.

API Differences from v2.x or v3.x

This section details the changes between the v2.x or v3.x and v4.x APIs.

Configuration with LDConfig

LDConfig has changed to a struct, and therefore uses value semantics.

Changed LDConfig Properties

URL properties (baseUrl, eventsUrl, and streamUrl)

These properties have changed to URL objects. Set these properties by converting URL strings to a URL using:

    ldconfig.baseUrl = URL(string: "https://custom.url.string")!

This property has changed to eventCapacity.

Time based properties (connectionTimeout, flushInterval, pollingInterval, and backgroundFetchInterval)

These properties have changed to TimeInterval properties.

  • flushInterval has changed to eventFlushInterval.
  • pollingInterval has changed to flagPollingInterval.
  • backgroundFetchInterval has changed to backgroundFlagPollingInterval

This property has changed to streamingMode and to an enum type LDStreamingMode. Swift apps use the new API. The default remains .streaming. To set polling mode, set this property to .polling. Objective-C apps continue to use streaming set to YES or NO


This property has changed to debugMode.

New LDConfig Properties and Methods


Set this property to true to allow the SDK to poll while running in the background. NOTE: Background polling requires additional client app support.


Set this property to false if you want the SDK to remain offline after you call start()


We created the Minima struct and defined polling and background polling minima there. This allows the client app to ensure the values set into the corresponding properties meet the requirements for those properties. Access these via the minima property on your LDConfig struct.


LDConfig conforms to Equatable.

LDConfig Objective-C Compatibility

Since Objective-C does not represent struct items, the SDK wraps the LDConfig into a NSObject based wrapper with all the same properties as the Swift struct. The class ObjcLDConfig encapsulates the wrapper class. Objective-C client apps should refer to LDConfig and allow the Swift runtime to handle the conversion. Mixed apps can use the LDConfig var objcLdConfig to vend the Objective-C wrapper if needed to pass the LDConfig to an Objective-C method. The type changes mentioned above all apply to the Objective-C LDConfig. Int types become NSInteger types in Objective-C, replacing NSNumber objects from v2.x or v3.x. An Objective-C isEqual method provides LDConfig object comparison capability.

Custom users with LDUser

LDUser replaces LDUserBuilder and LDUserModel from v2.x or v3.x. LDUser is a Swift struct, and therefore uses value semantics.

Changed LDUser Properties

Since the only required property is key, all other properties are Optional. While this is not really a change from v2.x or v3.x, it is more explicit in Swift and may require some Optional handling that was not required in v2.x or v3.x.


This property has changed to ipAddress.


This property has changed to custom and its type has also changed to [String: Any]?.

New LDUser Properties and Methods


We added coding keys for all of the user properties. If you add your own custom attributes, you might want to extend CodingKeys to include your custom attribute keys.


This new static property contains a [String] with the attributes that can be made private. This list is used if the LDConfig has the flag allUserAttributesPrivate set.


The SDK sets this property with the system provided device string.


The SDK sets this property with the system provided operating system string.

init(object:) and init(userDictionary:)

These methods allows you to pass in a [String: Any] to create a user. Any other object passed in returns a nil. Use the CodingKeys to set user properties in the dictionary.


LDUser conforms to Equatable.

LDUser Objective-C Compatibility

Since Objective-C does not represent struct items, the SDK wraps the LDUser into a NSObject based wrapper with all the same properties as the Swift struct. The class ObjcLDUser encapsulates the wrapper class. Objective-C client apps should refer to LDUser and allow the Swift runtime to handle the conversion. Mixed apps can use the LDUser var objcLdUser to vend the Objective-C wrapper if needed to pass the LDUser to an Objective-C method. An Objective-C isEqual method provides LDConfig object comparison capability.


Since CodingKeys is not accessible to Objective-C, we defined class vars for attribute names, allowing you to define a user dictionary that you can pass into constructors.


The new constructors added to Swift were translated to Objective-C also. Use [[LDUser alloc] initWithObject:] and [[LDUser alloc] initWithUserDictionary:] to access them.


An Objective-C isEqual method provides LDUser object comparison capability.

LDClient Controls

Changed LDClient Properties & Methods


This property has changed to shared.


This property has changed to user and its type has changed to LDUser. Client apps can set the user directly.


This property has changed to config. Client apps can set the config directly.


This property was removed. See Replacing LDClient delegate methods

  • inputConfig has changed to config.
  • withUserBuilder has changed to user and its type changed to LDUser
  • completion was added to get a callback when the SDK has completed starting
  • The return value has been removed. Use isOnline to determine the SDK's online status.

This method was renamed to stop()


This method was removed. Set the user property instead.

Objective-C LDClient Compatibility

LDClient does not inherit from NSObject, and is therefore not directly available to Objective-C. Instead, the class ObjcLDClient wraps the LDClient. Since the wrapper inherits from NSObject, Objective-C apps can access the LDClient. We have defined the Objective-C name for ObjcLDClient to LDClient, so you access the client through LDClient just as before.

shared isn't used with Objective-C, continue to use sharedInstance.

Getting Feature Flag Values


Swift Generics allowed us to combine the variation methods that were used in the v2.x or v3.x SDK. v4.x has one variation method that returns a non-Optional type that matches the non-Optional type the client app provides in the fallback parameter. A second variation method allows the client app to use an Optional as the fallback. This method requires the client to specify the Optional type when passing nil as the fallback. For this second method, the fallback parameter is defaulted to nil. When using this second method, set the type on the item holding the return value, e.g.

    let boolFlagValue: Bool? = LDClient.shared.variation(forKey: "bool-flag-key")


A new variationAndSource() method returns a tuple (value, source) that allows the client app to see what the source of the value was. source is an LDFlagValueSource enum with .server, .cache, and .fallback. As with the variation methods, there are two variationAndSource methods. The first returns a non-Optional type as the tuple's value, while the second returns an Optional type as the tuple's value. This second method requires the client to specify the Optional type when passing nil as the fallback. For this second method, the fallback parameter is defaulted to nil. When using this second method, set the type on the item holding the return value, e.g.

    let (boolFlagValue, boolFlagSource): (Bool?, LDFlagValueSource) = LDClient.shared.variationAndSource(forKey: "bool-flag-key")


A new computed property allFlagValues returns a [LDFlagKey: Any] that has all feature flag keys and their values. This dictionary is a snapshot taken when allFlagValues was requested. The SDK does not try to keep these values up-to-date, and does not record any events when accessing the dictionary.

Objective-C Feature Flag Value Compatibility

Swift generic functions cannot operate in Objective-C. The ObjcLDClient wrapper retains the type-based variation methods used in v2.x or v3.x, except for numberVariation. A new integerVariation method reports NSInteger feature flags. NSNumbers that were decimal numbers should use doubleVariation.

The wrapper also includes new type-based variationAndSource methods that return a type-based VariationValue object (e.g. LDBoolVariationValue) that encapsulates the value and source. source is an ObjcLDFlagValueSource Objective-C int backed enum (accessed in Objective-C via LDFlagValueSource). In addition to server, cache, and fallback, other possible values could be nilSource and typeMismatch. Feature Flag types that are object types have value types that are nullable in the wrapper. Take care to verify a value exists before using it.

Monitoring Feature Flags for changes

v4.x removes the LDClientDelegate, which included featureFlagDidUpdate and userDidUpdate that the SDK called to notify client apps of changes in the set of feature flags for a given mobile key (called the environment), and the userUnchanged that the SDK called in .polling mode when the response to a feature flag request did not change any feature flag value. In order to have the SDK notify the client app when feature flags change, we have provided a closure based observer API.

Single-key observe()

To monitor a single feature flag, set a callback handler using observe(key:, owner:, handler:). The SDK will keep a weak reference to the owner. When an observed feature flag changes, the SDK executes the closure, passing into it an LDChangedFlag that provides the key, oldValue, oldValueSource, newValue, and newValueSource. The client app can use this to update itself with the new value, or use the closure as a trigger to make another variation request from the LDClient.

Multiple-key observe()

To monitor a set of feature flags, set a callback handler using observe(keys: owner: handler:). This functions similar to the single feature flag observer. When any of the observed feature flags change, the SDK will call the closure one time. The closure takes a [LDFlagKey: LDChangedFlag] which the client app can use to update itself with the new values.

All-Flags observeAll()

To monitor all feature flags in an environment, set a callback handler using observeAll(). This functions similar to the multiple-key feature flag observer. When any feature flag in the environment changes, the SDK will call the closure one time.


To monitor when a polling request completes with no changes to the environment, set a callback handler using observeFlagsUnchanged(). If the SDK is in .polling mode, and a flag request did not change any flag values, the SDK will call this closure. (NOTE: In .streaming mode, there is no event that signals flags are unchanged. Therefore this callback will be ignored in .streaming mode). This method effectively replaces the LDClientDelegate method userUnchanged.


To discontinue monitoring all feature flags for a given object, call this method. Note that this is not required, the SDK will only keep a weak reference to observers. When the observer goes out of scope, the SDK reference will be nil'd out, and the SDK will no longer call that handler.

Objective-C Observer Support

The LDClient wrapper provides type-based single-key observer methods that function as described above. The only difference is that the object passed into the observer block will contain type-based Objective-C wrappers for LDChangedFlag. observeKeys provides multiple-key observing, and observeAllKeys provides all-key observing. These function as described above, except that the dictionary passed into the handler will contain Objective-C type-based wrappers that encapsulate the LDChangedFlag properties.

Event Controls

Changed Event Controls


This method has changed to reportEvents().


This method has changed to trackEvent. trackEvent can now throw if the data parameter does not contain a valid JSON Object, or nil. This check is made at run-time. For Objective-C client apps, the method has an additional error parameter, which the SDK populates when the data is not a valid JSON object.

New Event Controls


A new enum JSONError has cases the SDK uses when a JSON object does not meet expectations. notADictionary and invalidJsonObject cases were added. The SDK does not throw notADictionary to client apps. Client apps should handle invalidJsonObject errors thrown from trackEvent A new string constant LaunchDarklyJSONErrorDomain provides the ability for Objective-C apps to verify the NSError domain. The SDK sets this domain for JSONErrors reported via trackEvent in Objective-C only.

Replacing LDClient delegate methods

featureFlagDidUpdate and userDidUpdate

The observe methods provide the ability to monitor feature flags individually, as a collection, or the whole environment. The SDK will release these observers when they go out of scope, so you can set and forget them. Of course if you need to stop observing you can do that also.


The observeFlagsUnchanged method sets an observer called in .polling mode when a flag request leaves the flags unchanged, effectively replacing userUnchanged.


The observeError(owner:, handler:) method sets an observer called when an error occurs during flag processing. Replace the delegate method with a call to this method, or call the former delegate method from within the handler set with this method.