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Jira create and set fix version

Intended for CD, this action creates and sets the given version as fix version in Jira Cloud for given issue
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Jira create and set fix version

This action is intended for Continuous Delivery with Jira Cloud. The action will set the "fix version" in Jira to the given version (and creates the version if needed).

Screenshot of a Jira Cloud issue with fix version


  • domain: Domain name of the Jira cloud instance (e.g.
  • username: Jira Username
  • password: Jira Personal Access Token. Get it from here
  • versionName: The name of the Version to use (e.g. "1.0.5")
  • issueKeys: The key(s) of the issue(s) that is to be updated. If multiple are used, separate them with a comma (e.g. "TEST-1,TEST-2")
  • versionDescription: The description of the Version (default: "CD version")
  • versionArchived: Mark the new version as archived (default: false)
  • versionReleased: Mark the new version as released (default: false)



Example usage

uses: levigo/github-action-jira-fixversion@v1.0
  domain: ""
  username: ""
  password: "fmpUJkGhdKFvoTJclsZ03xw1"
  versionName: "1.0.5"
  versionDescription: "Continuous Delivery Version"
  issueKeys: "TEST-1"

Usage with "GLIX Action – the Git Log Identifier eXtractor"

Here is an example on how to extract the issueKeys from the commit messages and set the same fix version for all those Jira issues.

  - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      fetch-depth: '30'

  - uses: levigo/github-action-glix@v1.0
    id: glix
      commitId: ${{ github.sha }}
      mainBranch: "master"

  - uses: levigo/github-action-jira-fixversion@v1.0
      domain: ""
      username: ""
      password: "fmpUJkGhdKFvoTJclsZ03xw1"
      versionName: "1.0.5"
      versionDescription: "Continuous Delivery Version"
      issueKeys: ${{ steps.glix.outputs.issueKeys }}

Usage with "Action Regex Match"

Here is an example on how to extract the issueKeys (but only the latest) from the commit message. The regex is based on Atlassian Documentation.

      - uses: actions-ecosystem/action-regex-match@v2
        id: regex-match
          text: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}
          regex: "((?<!([A-Z]{1,10})-?)[A-Z]+-\d+)"

      - uses: levigo/github-action-jira-fixversion@v1.0
          domain: ""
          username: ""
          password: "fmpUJkGhdKFvoTJclsZ03xw1"
          versionName: "1.0.5"
          versionDescription: "Continuous Delivery Version"
          issueKeys: ${{ steps.regex-match.outputs.match }}

Jira create and set fix version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Intended for CD, this action creates and sets the given version as fix version in Jira Cloud for given issue

Jira create and set fix version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.