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Typescript (tsc) Build/Push

Builds the typescript project(s) and pushes any new items to make sure the repo always has a built project
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Typescript (tsc) Build/Push

This action is for building typescript projects that were pushed uncompiled, compiles the TypeScript into JavaScript, and makes a second commit for the compiled JS files.


user-name as (string): The name of a contributor of the repository as it appears on GitHub's profiles, used for pushing to git. Recommended to add the owner of the repository. (REQUIRED).

user-email as (string): The email of a contributor of the repository, used for pushing to git. Recommended to add the owner of the repository. (REQUIRED).

message as (string): The commit message that will appear when a build has completed. (Default: Automatically built unbuilt typescript)

directories as (string[]): The list of directories to build the typescripts from, if omitted then it will use the base project directory. The list is seperated by comma that's not found within quotations (""). Example: path/to/folder, second/path/to/folder/

Example Workflow Yaml

The following is an example of a workflow yaml that is used to have the action run on your repository:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Builds Typescript
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Building Typescript
        uses: FuLagann/tsc-build-push@v1
          user-name: "John Doe"
          user-email: ""
          message: "Automatically built unbuilt typescript"
          directories: ./, path/to/folder/


The project is licensed under MIT.


Any issues, please make a new issue on the project's repository.

Typescript (tsc) Build/Push is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Builds the typescript project(s) and pushes any new items to make sure the repo always has a built project

Typescript (tsc) Build/Push is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.