Here you can see the full list of changes between each monoseq
Release date to be decided.
Released on May 10th 2015.
- Custom styling for monoseq.ipynb.Seq.
Released on May 10th 2015.
- monoseq.ipynb.Seq for use in the IPython Notebook.
Released on July 18th 2013.
- Actually support 10 annotation levels in HtmlFormat as documented.
- User guide and documentation for command line interface.
Released on July 14th 2013.
- Read annotation from BED track.
- Better class names in HtmlFormat (
Released on July 13th 2013.
- User-definable formatting stylings. This breaks the 0.1.0 API for monoseq.pprint_sequence (the mode argument is superseded by format).
- Read sequences from a FASTA file.
- Command line interface.
Released on July 12th 2013.
First public release.