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Expressjs Complete Authentication

A scalable web server application built with Node.js and Express.js, featuring comprehensive user and admin management, secure authentication, and efficient file upload handling. Integrates seamlessly with MongoDB. Ideal for projects requiring robust backend services.

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How to Run

git clone
cd expressjs_complete_authentication
npm install
npx nodemon index.js

API Structure

├─ config
│  └─ databaseConnection.js   - build connection with mongodb database 
├─ cotroller
│  ├─ adminController.js      - define admin abilities
│  └─ userController.js       - define user abilities
├─ middleware
│  ├─ adminAuthentication.js  - authenticate admin
│  ├─ uploadFile.js           - handle file uploading
│  └─ userAuthentication.js   - authenticate user
├─ models
│  └─ userSchema.js           - define users schema
├─ public
│  └─ profilePicture          - store uploaded profile pictures
├─ routes
│  ├─ adminRoute.js           - handle admin route
│  ├─ route.js                - combine all route
│  └─ userRoute.js            - handle user routes
├─ .env                       - store all environment variable
├─ .gitignore                 - store details about ingnored file by git
├─ index.js                   - server setup
├─ package-lock.json          - configuration for server
├─ package.json               - configuration for server
├─                  - serve a details documentation
└─ vercel.json                - configuration for vercel


Feature Name Accessibility
User Registration Public
User Login Public
User Reset Password Public
Single User Data By User Id Authorized Admin and User
Upload Profile Picture Authorize User
Admin Login Public
Single Admin Data By Admin Id Authorized Admin
All User Data Authorized Admin
Remove User Authorized Admin

Features Details

User Registration: User can register with his first name, last name, email, phone number and password. Hashed password will store in the database, others field remain same. API can validate each field. User can use one email and one mobile number only once, duplicate account is not allowed.

User Login: Register user can login with mobile number or email and password. API will compare the password with the stored hashed password.

User Reset Password: User can reset password by giving registered mobile number. An OTP will be sent to his mobile number and api also respone a verification token which will be used in the url of the UI. After visiting this url, API check the verification token and otp, if this are valid, user can reset password and API stored the hashed version of new password again.

Upload Profile Picture: Authorize user can upload profile picture. Uploaded picture file name will store in the database and file will be stored in the public/profilePicture directory in the API structure.

User Details: Authorized admin can see details of any user by user's userId and authorized user can see only details of itself by his userId.

Admin Login: Admin can login with email and password. Admin account should be created from database.

Admin Details: Authorized admin can see details of itself by his adminId. One admin can't see other admin details.

User List: Authorized admin can see a list of all register user.

Remove User: Authorized amdin can remove a user by his userId.

Environment Variables

Configuration Key Value
PORT specifies the port on which the server will listen for incoming connections
DATABASE_NAME specifies the name of the database
DATABASE_URL specifies the URL or connection string for the MongoDB database
BCRYPT_GEN_SALT_NUMBER specifies the number of rounds to use for generating a BCrypt salt
JWT_SECRET_KEY specifies the secret key used for signing and verifying JWTs
TOKEN_EXPIRES specifies the expiration time for JWT tokens
PROFILE_PICTURE_PATH specifies the file path where profile pictures are saved
PROFILE_PICTURE_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum allowed size for profile pictures
COOKIE_KEY specifies the cookie key for storing authentication jwt token
PROFILE_PIC_DIRECTORY specifies the file path where profile pictures are saved
MESSAGEBIRD_API_KEY specifies the API key of messagebird for otp sending sms


When a user forgets his password, he can reset it by providing his mobile number. An otp will be sent to his mobile number and api will response a verification token also which will use in the url of the UI to reset the password. The API uses the messagebird package to send OTP.


  • bcrypt: password is hashed using bcrypt


  • {{baseUrl}}/api/admins/login - POST - provide interface to perform admin login functionalities
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/admins/ - GET - provide authrorized admin details
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/admins/users/all - GET - provide user list only to authorized admin
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/admins/users/:userId - GET - provide specific user details only to authorized admin
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/admins/users/:userId - DELETE - remove specific user details only to authorized admin
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users/registration - POST - provide interface to perform user registration
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users/login - POST - provide interface to perform user login
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users - GET - provide authrorized user details
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users/upload-profile-picture - POST - provide interface to upload profile picture only to authorized user
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users/reset-password-otp - GET - provide interface for sending otp to register user
  • {{baseUrl}}/api/users/reset-password/:token/:verificationId - PUT - provide interface to reset password by valid otp


Create (C):

  • User Registration: The API allows users to create an account by providing their first name, last name, email, phone number, and password. When users register, a new user record created in the database.

Read (R):

  • Profile Management: Authorized admin can view all the register users information as well as his own information.

Update (U):

  • Profile Picture Uploading: Authrorized user can update their profile picture. When authorized users update their profiles, the API modifies their existing user records in the database to reflect the changes.
  • User Reset Password: When user forgot his password, an otp has been sent to users mobile number. By providing the otp with correct verification token, user will be able to update his password.

Delete (D):

  • Remove User: Authorized admin have the ability to remove specific user account from database.


Package Name Description
express provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications
mongoose MongoDB object modeling tool
jsonwebtoken securely authenticate users and share information
cors secure cross-origin requests and data transfers between browsers and servers
argon2 hash and manage password
dotenv load environment variables
cookie-parser handle cookie during http request
express-validator validate input data
messagebird handle sms communication
multer handle multipart/form-data