Hi there! Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md guide for all matrix.org bridge projects.
- We use the matrix.org-support label for issues involving matrix.org-maintained bridges.
- When creating an issue, please clearly state the IRC network you bridged to. If possible, please also state the IRCd (server implementation).
- The official IRC bridge support/development room is #irc:matrix.org
These steps are for the maintainers of the IRC bridge to refer to when doing a release.
When doing an RC release, suffix a -rcV
to the tag and version but NOT the branch.
git checkout develop
git pull
git switch -c release-v0.V.0
- update package.json version number
git commit CHANGELOG.md changelog.d package.json package-lock.json -m 'v0.V.0'
git tag --sign --message 'v0.V.0' '0.V.0'
git push origin release-v0.V.0
git push origin 0.V.0
- Make a release on GitHub, copying the changelog into the body and marking it as pre-release
yarn publish