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Configuring the Grafana OpenTelemetry distribution for .NET

Configuring metrics

The distribution can be initialized for metrics by calling the UseGrafana extension method on the MeterProviderBuilder.

using var meterProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()

Configuring logs

The distribution can be initialized for logs by calling the UseGrafana extension method on the OpenTelemetryLoggerOptionsExtensions.

var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
    builder.AddOpenTelemetry(logging =>

var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

Configuring traces

The distribution can be initialized for traces by calling the UseGrafana extension method on the TracerProviderBuilder.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()


For ASP.NET Core applications, a UseGrafana extension method is provided on the IServiceCollection. Invoking this extension method configures both traces and metrics.

Logging can be set up using the ILoggingBuilder, as described in Configuring logs.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Logging.AddOpenTelemetry(logging => logging.UseGrafana());

Exporter configuration

Sending to an agent or collector via OTLP

By default, telemetry data will be sent to a Grafana agent or an OTel collector that runs locally via the default OTLP port for HTTP/Protobuf (4318).

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()

The agent or collector address and protocol can be customized by initializing an AgentOtlpExporter and setting the attributes Endpoint and Protocol.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreatetracerProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config => {
       var agentExporter = new AgentOtlpExporter();

       agentExporter.Endpoint = new Uri("http://grafana-agent:4318");

       config.ExporterSettings = agentExporter;

Alternatively, the OTLP endpoint and protocol can be customized via default OpenTelemetry environment variables OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT and OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL.

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://grafana-agent:4318
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL=http/protobuf

For further details on environment variables, see the OTLP exporter documentation.

Sending data directly to Grafana Cloud via OTLP

Given the zone, instance ID, and API token, telemetry data can be sent directly to the Grafana Cloud without involving an agent or collector:

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>
        config.ExporterSettings = new OtlpExporter
            Protocol = OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf,
            Endpoint = new Uri(""),
            Headers = "Authorization=Basic a-secret-token"

Alternatively, these values can be set via the environment variables OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL, OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT, and OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS.

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL="http/protobuf"
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="Authorization=Basic a-secret-token"

For details on how to obtain those values, refer to Push directly from applications using the OpenTelemetry SDKs.

Instrumentation configuration

Disabling instrumentations

By default, all supported instrumentation libraries except AWSLambda are enabled. Instrumentation libraries can be disabled by removing them from the Instrumentations set in the configuration:

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>

Alternatively, instrumentation libraries can be disabled by the environment variable GRAFANA_DOTNET_DISABLE_INSTRUMENTATIONS. This variable can be populated with a comma-separated list of instrumentation library identifiers:


Adding instrumentations not supported by the distribution

Instrumentations not included in the distribution can easily be added by extension methods on the tracer and meter provider.

For example, if it is desired to use the EventCounters instrumentation, which is not included in the full package, one install the EventCounters instrumentation library along with the base package.

dotnet add package --prerelease Grafana.OpenTelemetry.Base
dotnet add package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.EventCounters --prerelease

Then, the EventCounters instrumentation can be enabled via the AddEventCountersInstrumentation extension method, alongside the UseGrafana method.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
    .AddEventCountersInstrumentation(options => {
        options.RefreshIntervalSecs = 1;

This way, any other instrumentation library not supported by the distribution can be added according to the documentation provided with it.

Resource detector configuration

Specifying resource detectors

Default resource detectors can be overridden by removing them from the ResourceDetectors set in the configuration and specifying which resource detectors to enable:

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>

Alternatively, resource detectors can be specified by the environment variable GRAFANA_DOTNET_RESOURCE_DETECTORS. This variable can be populated with a comma-separated list of resource detector identifiers:


Disabling resource detectors

By default, Host, Process, and ProcessRuntime resource detectors are enabled. Resource detectors can be disabled by removing them from the ResourceDetectors set in the configuration:

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>

Alternatively, resource detectors can be disabled by the environment variable GRAFANA_DOTNET_DISABLE_RESOURCE_DETECTORS. This variable can be populated with a comma-separated list of resource detector identifiers:


Adding resource detectors not supported by the distribution

Resource detectors not included in the distribution can easily be added by extension methods on the tracer and meter provider.

To enable an unsupported resource detector, call the ConfigureResource extension method, alongside the UseGrafana method.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
    .ConfigureResource(config => {

This way, any other resource detector library not supported by the distribution can be added according to the documentation provided with it.

Extra steps to activate specific instrumentations

ASP.NET (AspNet)

To active ASP.NET instrumentation, it is necessary to add an additional HTTP module OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNet.TelemetryHttpModule to the web server. This module is shipped as a dependency of the OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNet package. When using the IIS web server, the following changes to Web.config are required.

    <add name="TelemetryHttpModule"
         preCondition="integratedMode,managedHandler" />

Refer to the upstream documentation for further details.

OWIN (Owin)

To activate OWIN instrumentation, it is necessary to register the OpenTelemetry middleware by calling UseOpenTelemetry on the IAppBuilder. This should be done before registering any other middleware.

using var host = WebApp.Start(
    appBuilder =>

Refer to the upstream documentation for further details.

Customizing resource attributes

The type GrafanaOpenTelemetrySettings has dedicated fields for setting standard OpenTelemetry resource attributes for service name, service version, instance id, and deployment environment. Those fields are populated with reasonable default values, but can be customized.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>
        config.ServiceName = "service-name";
        config.ServiceVersion= "1.0";
        config.ServiceInstanceId = "instance-34532";
        config.DeploymentEnvironment = "production";

Custom resource attributes can be set via the ResourceAttributes dictionary:

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateMeterProviderBuilder()
    .UseGrafana(config =>
        config.ResourceAttributes["custom.key"] = "custom-value";

Alternatively, those attributes can be set via standard OpenTelemetry environment variables.

export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME="service-name"
export OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="service.version=1.0,,deployment.environment=production,custom.key=custom-value"

Custom configuration

The distribution is designed to be easily extensible with components that it doesn't contain. This can be done by invoking additional extension methods on any of the provider builders in addition to the UseGrafana extension method.

The example below initializes the distribution with default settings but also initializes a console exporter which prints traces to the console.

using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()

In the same way, it is possible to add additional instrumentation libraries that are not contained in the distribution.

Supported environment variables

Variable Example value Description
GRAFANA_DOTNET_DISABLE_INSTRUMENTATIONS "Process,NetRuntime" A comma-separated list of instrumentations to disable.
GRAFANA_DOTNET_DISABLE_RESOURCE_DETECTORS "Host" A comma-separated list of resource detectors to disable.