- Te qifsha: Fuck you
- Ha Mut: Eat shit
- Lapeci / Pidhi: Cunt
- Lavire: Whore
- Simge: Your dads a shopkeeper (WTF ?!?)
- Ta qifsha nanen: Fuck you mother
- Ta qift bota nanen: May world fuck your mother
- Te qifsha motren: I will fuck you
- Te qifsha pidhin e mamit: I'll fuck your mom's pussy
- Ti qifsha merimangat mbas bojlerit: I will fuck the spiders behind the water heater in your house
- Te qifsha listen e dasmes pillropsh: I will fuck your wedding guest,you pussytribe.
- Te qifsha motren: I will fuck your sister
- Karakurv: Pimps bottom bitch (*kara - dicks & kurv - bitch *)
- T'dhesha n'fyt: I shit in your throat (to someone who talks too much or bad things)
- T'pjerdhsha n'vesh: i fart in your ear (to someone who cant hear well)
- U qifsh me gomar: Go fuck a donkey
- Te qift kina nanen: May all hina's population fuck yout mom
- Te qifsha t'bardhet e syve: fuck your eye whites (WTF ?!?)
- N'pidh t'satam: In your mother's pussy (when somebody asks where are you)
- Shkërdhat mutit - Shitty fucker
- Bole kandarit - Dumbass
- Ta qi kush ta bon buken: I will fuck whoever prepares your meal.
- Do te shti prej ku ke dal: I will shove you back from whence you came.
- Per ty nena edhe halla jan nje njeri: I your mom and aunt are the same person.
- Ta qi nonen ne varp: I will fuck your mom in her grave.
- Shkërdhat: Faggot / Idiot
- Tqisha dekt nvorr: Fuck your dead relatives in their grave
- Tqifshin zezakt motren: Let the niggas hardfuck your sister