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1% Draft |
Below is a checklist for how to run meetups, such as Mattermost's GitLab Commit kick-off party.
- Research venues in area based on number of attendees and type of event.
- Contact venues for availability on date of event as well as cost (Food & Beverage minimum and Rental Fee).
- Select venue and food & beverage order.
- Receive editable PDF contract from venue and send to procurement for approval.
- Create event invitation online & promote (meetup, eventbrite, Mattermost newsletter, social media, email, Sales). Contact Amanda for assistance.
- Contact Team Admin for shipping assistance with swag (must have shipping location).
- Decide on collateral and contact Team Admin for shipping assistance.
- Will you be getting party decor such as napkins, sign, balloons, etc. Can contact Team Admin for assistance.