Developers, Product Managers, Release and Quality Assurance teams use the Fix Version field for the following purposes:
- Developers:
- Fix Version field is the one that shows up on individual tickets in the backlog view.
- For Story tickets, the Fix Version is used for soft guidelines for what is targeted for what release.
- For Bug tickets, the Fix Version is used to know which bugs are priority based on where we are in the release cycle.
- Product Managers:
- To prioritize backlog.
- To estimate/plan what Story tickets ship in what release.
- Release Manager:
- Follow status of resolved, open and submitted tickets for current release.
- Compose various release metrics.
- Quality Assurance:
- Prioritize testing of tickets and associated PRs for the next release.
- Assess completeness of a release before cutting final.
- Track when changes actually went in, to help investigate bugs and expected behavior.
- Report on issues, changes, and tests by release.