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Onboarding information and checklists for general staff and departments |
Welcome to Mattermost Onboarding! The goal of the Onboarding program is to welcome and enable new colleagues into a safe and compliant working environment with a strong sense of belonging within their first 90 days at Mattermost.
Onboarding is an all-company partnership between a new colleague and Mattermost. Specifically this includes a new colleague’s manager, functional and working teams, onboarding peers, HR and MLT.
Post-Onboarding Readiness is an internal measure based on feedback throughout a new team member’s first 90 days at Mattermost. There are multiple milestones throughout the onboarding process where feedback is solicited. This feedback assesses how willing and enabled a new colleague is to bring their best self to Mattermost as it relates to their role expectations, team and company focuses, and the Mattermost Leadership Principles.
Feedback is requested from the new colleague's peers throughout the 90-day Onboarding. These consistent check-ins help new colleagues, HR, and managers iterate with impact quickly. For example, one of the V2MOM - Destination Workplace Measures is to have fewer than 5% questions repeat month-over-month.
New staff will be invited to share feedback of their onboarding experience after 30 days of working at Mattermost. FT Staff will receive an invitation via email to complete the 30-Day Onboarding Survey in Culture Amp. Early feedback from new hires is a crucial way to gather insights about what is going well and what needs to be improved in the onboarding process. The feedback shared in the survey will help the People team identify key areas to focus on to continue making Mattermost a great place to work.
Similar to CEO listening tours in this session, new colleagues are asked to share likes and wishes about anything related to Mattermost and the Onboarding Program.
The 90-Day Feedback provides a 360 shoulder check for new team members, managers, HR, and MLT to understand and clarify potential blindspots as well as catch potential brown M&Ms early on.
This is not a formal performance review. The intent is to align expectations and improve performance early on. Peer feedback is not anonymous. Managers may need additional context from the panel to help increase the new colleague's performance and Post-Onboarding Readiness. Managers should keep peer feedback anonymous in the 90-Day Evaluation with the new colleague. Managers should also evaluate feedback based on their own expectations of the new colleague's role. In some cases, expectations may need to be reset with colleagues. Uncovering blindspots early on helps everyone avoid future confusion or misaligned efforts.
- You will receive an email during your direct report's third month at Mattermost asking you to select a peer panel in Culture Amp. This kicks off the review process.
- Log in to Culture Amp > Performance > Inbox. Designate the peer panel to provide feedback about your new staff member. For new hires who are also people managers, direct reports may also be included in the peer panel to provide upward feedback about their manager.
- You'll be able to view the peer feedback and your new staff member's Self-Reflection when completing the manager portion of the 90-day review.
- Complete the 90-day review and share it with your new staff member. Discuss the details of the review in a one-on-one.
- Note: This review is part of the Post-Onboarding Readiness metric assessment. This review is not a formal review.
- Complete the 90-Day Self-Reflection in Culture Amp. An email invitation to complete your 90-Day Self-Reflection in Culture Amp will be sent during your third month at Mattermost. To complete the Self-Reflection, log in to Culture Amp > Performance > Inbox.
- You will receive email invitations to share feedback about your new colleague. To complete your peer review, log in to Culture Amp > Performance > Inbox. Upward feedback may be requested if the new colleague is a people manager.