Download Tambourine files and place create your song.js
file in the same directory.
Import module into song.js
with the line
var Q = require('./Tambourine.js');
The sound of the instrument can be set using the methods setSynth
and setEnv
setSynth(SynthType.PLUCK, feedback, multiplier)
synthType can be either PLUCK or SIN
Set the characteristics of the sound.
setEnv(attack, decay, sustain, release)
Global sound settings will be used as defaults by individual melodies. These settings include:
- time
- tempo
- volume
- octave
and can be modified by the functions:
Declare melodies as JS objects with the method createMelody
. Provide music notes as a string parameter in the Tambourine musical syntax.
createMelody(notes, tempo, volume, octave)
var m1 = Q.createMelody("C D E F G |");
m1 = 80;
m1 = 8;
m1 = 4;
var m2 = Q.createMelody("C D E F G|", 80, 8, 4);
Melodies have the following properties can be set or passed in as parameters:
- tempo : integer representing beats/min
- volume : integer representing volume
- octave : integer representing octave
Melodies can be set to repeat several times with the function repeat(numRepeats)
Melodies can be combined and played simultaneously with Tambourine's play
To ascend an octave within a chord, use the backtick character
Example: (E, `C)