/** Signature table */
AssociativeSet<SignatureEntry> signatureTable;
/** Pattern table */
AssociativeSet<PatternEntry> patternTable;
/** Global History Register */
AssociativeSet<GlobalHistoryEntry> globalHistoryRegister;
// 比较重要的threshold
/** Minimum confidence to issue a prefetch */
const double prefetchConfidenceThreshold;
/** Minimum confidence to keep navigating lookahead entries */
const double lookaheadConfidenceThreshold;
Gem5中的prefetch filter不需要额外实现 接下来展开说明signatureTable/patternTable/GHR
用page number作为tag进行索引 记录Last offset和signature
/** Signature entry data type */
struct SignatureEntry : public TaggedEntry
/** Path signature */
signature_t signature;
/** Last accessed block within a page */
stride_t lastBlock;
SignatureEntry() : signature(0), lastBlock(0)
/** Signature table */
AssociativeSet<SignatureEntry> signatureTable;
每个signature对应的entry会对应多个delta entry
/** Pattern entry data type, a set of stride and counter entries */
struct PatternEntry : public TaggedEntry
/** group of stides */
std::vector<PatternStrideEntry> strideEntries;
/** use counter, used by SPPv2 */
SatCounter8 counter;
* Returns the entry with the desired stride
* @param stride the stride to find
* @result a pointer to the entry, if the stride was found, or nullptr,
* if the stride was not found
PatternStrideEntry *findStride(stride_t stride)
PatternStrideEntry *found_entry = nullptr;
for (auto &entry : strideEntries) {
if (entry.stride == stride) {
found_entry = &entry;
return found_entry;
* Gets the entry with the provided stride, if there is no entry with
* the associated stride, it replaces one of them.
* @param stride the stride to find
* @result reference to the selected entry
PatternStrideEntry &getStrideEntry(stride_t stride);
/** Pattern table */
AssociativeSet<PatternEntry> patternTable;
/** Global History Register entry datatype */
struct GlobalHistoryEntry : public TaggedEntry
signature_t signature;
double confidence;
stride_t lastBlock;
stride_t delta;
GlobalHistoryEntry() : signature(0), confidence(0.0), lastBlock(0),
delta(0) {}
/** Global History Register */
AssociativeSet<GlobalHistoryEntry> globalHistoryRegister;
- Learning Memory Access Patterns
- 获取ST entry
- 更新PT entry
- 更新ST entry
- Path Confidence-based Prefetching
- 根据新的signature获取PT entry
- 根据prefetch confidence issue prefetch
- 根据lookahead 加深预取
- 处理cross page boundary的问题
SignaturePath::calculatePrefetch(const PrefetchInfo &pfi,
std::vector<AddrPriority> &addresses)
Addr request_addr = pfi.getAddr();
Addr ppn = request_addr / pageBytes;
stride_t current_block = (request_addr % pageBytes) / blkSize;
stride_t stride;
bool is_secure = pfi.isSecure();
double initial_confidence = 1.0;
// Get the SignatureEntry of this page to:
// - compute the current stride
// - obtain the current signature of accesses
bool miss;
SignatureEntry &signature_entry = getSignatureEntry(ppn, is_secure,
current_block, miss, stride, initial_confidence);
if (miss) {
// No history for this page, can't continue
if (stride == 0) {
// Can't continue with a stride 0
// Update the confidence of the current signature
updatePatternTable(signature_entry.signature, stride);
// Update the current SignatureEntry signature
signature_entry.signature =
updateSignature(signature_entry.signature, stride);
signature_t current_signature = signature_entry.signature;
double current_confidence = initial_confidence;
stride_t current_stride = signature_entry.lastBlock;
// Look for prefetch candidates while the current path confidence is
// high enough
while (current_confidence > lookaheadConfidenceThreshold) {
// With the updated signature, attempt to generate prefetches
// - search the PatternTable and select all entries with enough
// confidence, these are prefetch candidates
// - select the entry with the highest counter as the "lookahead"
PatternEntry *current_pattern_entry =
patternTable.findEntry(current_signature, false);
PatternStrideEntry const *lookahead = nullptr;
if (current_pattern_entry != nullptr) {
unsigned long max_counter = 0;
for (auto const &entry : current_pattern_entry->strideEntries) {
//select the entry with the maximum counter value as lookahead
if (max_counter < entry.counter) {
max_counter = entry.counter;
lookahead = &entry;
double prefetch_confidence =
calculatePrefetchConfidence(*current_pattern_entry, entry);
if (prefetch_confidence >= prefetchConfidenceThreshold) {
assert(entry.stride != 0);
//prefetch candidate
addPrefetch(ppn, current_stride, entry.stride,
current_confidence, current_signature,
is_secure, addresses);
if (lookahead != nullptr) {
current_confidence *= calculateLookaheadConfidence(
*current_pattern_entry, *lookahead);
current_signature =
updateSignature(current_signature, lookahead->stride);
current_stride += lookahead->stride;
} else {
current_confidence = 0.0;
auxiliaryPrefetcher(ppn, current_block, is_secure, addresses);
SignaturePath::SignatureEntry &
SignaturePath::getSignatureEntry(Addr ppn, bool is_secure,
stride_t block, bool &miss, stride_t &stride,
double &initial_confidence)
// 根据ppn查找ST entry
SignatureEntry* signature_entry = signatureTable.findEntry(ppn, is_secure);
if (signature_entry != nullptr) {
miss = false;
stride = block - signature_entry->lastBlock;
} else {
//没找到就需要新建一个ST entry, 进行replacement
signature_entry = signatureTable.findVictim(ppn);
assert(signature_entry != nullptr);
// Sets signature_entry->signature, initial_confidence, and stride
handleSignatureTableMiss(block, signature_entry->signature,
initial_confidence, stride);
signatureTable.insertEntry(ppn, is_secure, signature_entry);
miss = true;
// 返回ST entry
signature_entry->lastBlock = block;
return *signature_entry;
需要注意一些,这里会查找GHR来看有没有cross page boudary的signature可以复用
SignaturePathV2::handleSignatureTableMiss(stride_t current_block,
signature_t &new_signature, double &new_conf, stride_t &new_stride) {
bool found = false;
// This should return all entries of the GHR, since it is a fully
// associative table
std::vector<GlobalHistoryEntry *> all_ghr_entries =
globalHistoryRegister.getPossibleEntries(0 /* any value works */);
// 查找GHR
for (auto gh_entry : all_ghr_entries) {
if (gh_entry->lastBlock + gh_entry->delta == current_block) {
new_signature = gh_entry->signature;
// SPP会将initial conf设置为GHR里面存储的path conf
new_conf = gh_entry->confidence;
new_stride = gh_entry->delta;
found = true;
if (!found) {
new_signature = current_block;
new_conf = 1.0;
new_stride = current_block;
SignaturePath::updatePatternTable(Addr signature, stride_t stride)
assert(stride != 0);
// The pattern table is indexed by signatures
PatternEntry &p_entry = getPatternEntry(signature);
PatternStrideEntry &ps_entry = p_entry.getStrideEntry(stride);
increasePatternEntryCounter(p_entry, ps_entry);
首先要找到PT entry
SignaturePath::PatternEntry &
SignaturePath::getPatternEntry(Addr signature) {
PatternEntry* pattern_entry = patternTable.findEntry(signature, false);
if (pattern_entry != nullptr) {
// Signature found
} else {
// Signature not found
pattern_entry = patternTable.findVictim(signature);
assert(pattern_entry != nullptr);
patternTable.insertEntry(signature, false, pattern_entry);
return *pattern_entry;
找到后主要是increase PT entry counter, 来看这个函数
和论文一样,给pattern entry的counter + 1, 给delta对应的counter + 1
PatternEntry &pattern_entry, PatternStrideEntry &pstride_entry) {
if (pattern_entry.counter.isSaturated()) {
pattern_entry.counter >>= 1;
for (auto &entry : pattern_entry.strideEntries) {
entry.counter >>= 1;
if (pstride_entry.counter.isSaturated()) {
pattern_entry.counter >>= 1;
for (auto &entry : pattern_entry.strideEntries) {
entry.counter >>= 1;
* Generates a new signature from an existing one and a new stride
* @param sig current signature
* @param str stride to add to the new signature
* @result the new signature
inline signature_t updateSignature(signature_t sig, stride_t str) const {
sig <<= signatureShift;
sig ^= str;
sig &= mask(signatureBits);
return sig;
PatternEntry *current_pattern_entry =
patternTable.findEntry(current_signature, false);
while (current_confidence > lookaheadConfidenceThreshold) {
// 找到了pattern entry
if (current_pattern_entry != nullptr) {
unsigned long max_counter = 0;
// 遍历PT entry的每个stride, 如果confidence大于threshold, 就issue
for (auto const &entry : current_pattern_entry->strideEntries) {
double prefetch_confidence =
calculatePrefetchConfidence(*current_pattern_entry, entry);
if (prefetch_confidence >= prefetchConfidenceThreshold) {
assert(entry.stride != 0);
//prefetch candidate
addPrefetch(ppn, current_stride, entry.stride,
current_confidence, current_signature,
is_secure, addresses);
prefetch confidence相关函数
SignaturePathV2::calculatePrefetchConfidence(PatternEntry const &sig,
PatternStrideEntry const &entry) const {
if (sig.counter == 0) return 0.0;
return ((double) entry.counter) / sig.counter;
// Look for prefetch candidates while the current path confidence is
// high enough
while (current_confidence > lookaheadConfidenceThreshold) {
PatternStrideEntry const *lookahead = nullptr;
if (current_pattern_entry != nullptr) {
unsigned long max_counter = 0;
for (auto const &entry : current_pattern_entry->strideEntries) {
//select the entry with the maximum counter value as lookahead
if (max_counter < entry.counter) {
max_counter = entry.counter;
lookahead = &entry;
double prefetch_confidence ...
if (lookahead != nullptr) {
current_confidence *= calculateLookaheadConfidence(
*current_pattern_entry, *lookahead);
// 计算speculative signature
current_signature =
updateSignature(current_signature, lookahead->stride);
current_stride += lookahead->stride;
} else {
current_confidence = 0.0;
计算lookahead confidence的函数: 根据accuracy去throttle
PatternEntry const &sig, PatternStrideEntry const &lookahead) const {
if (sig.counter == 0) return 0.0;
return (((double) usefulPrefetches) / issuedPrefetches) *
(((double) lookahead.counter) / sig.counter);
addPrefetch函数中需要处理cross page boundary的情况
将GHR entry需要的内容记录下来
SignaturePathV2::handlePageCrossingLookahead(signature_t signature,
stride_t last_offset, stride_t delta, double path_confidence) {
// Always use the replacement policy to assign new entries, as all
// of them are unique, there are never "hits" in the GHR
GlobalHistoryEntry *gh_entry = globalHistoryRegister.findVictim(0);
assert(gh_entry != nullptr);
// Any address value works, as it is never used
globalHistoryRegister.insertEntry(0, false, gh_entry);
gh_entry->signature = signature;
gh_entry->lastBlock = last_offset;
gh_entry->delta = delta;
gh_entry->confidence = path_confidence;