All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update nextclade to c++ version 1.3.0, install via bioconda.
- Update aplanat to v0.5.4.
- V4.1 primer set for spike-seq.
- Tag for pangolin image is now specified in nextflow config.
- Integrate max_softclip_length parameter to be passed into artic minion.
- Parsing of sample_name column from summary files during report curation.
- Updated
versions for standardised software version reporting.
- Empty GVCF file not produced when ARTIC failed.
environment file location incorrectly specified innextflow.config
- Per-sample bam files now published to output directory.
- Data ingress now performed by standard module.
- Updated medaka to v1.4.3 for model pre-download.
- Work around issue where pyvcf writes QUAL values as '.' and not 0.
- Removed the autodetect sample_id option for now.
- Updated default model to be a variant calling one. Although labelled as
PromethION specific (
in name), this model should be preferred on all platforms of non-variant (consensus) platform specific models. - Derive software versions from CLI rather than conda list.
- Field
in sample sheet CSV serves as alternative tosample_name
. - Added V4 primerscheme to data directory.
- Updated medaka to v1.4.2.
- Updated aplanat to v0.4.0.
- Added summary of software parameters section to report.
- genotype_variants option can now be used without specifying a path, falling back to the scheme default, if one exists.
- Removed vestigial spike-seq scheme versions.
- Updated allVariants step to normalise REF fields to fix vcf merge issue.
- Prevented nextclade from using all available threads.
- Intermittent error producing genotyping summary.
- Ability to configure depth coverage reporting value.
- Add explicit pins of conda packages.
- Inclusion of SpikeSeq workflow, and reporting.
- Optional auto-detection of sample_id
- Improved display of coverage traces in report.
- Check format of sample sheet before executing main workflow.
- Parsing of V1200 .bed file for nextclade report.
- Empty barcode directories are ignored.
- Nextclade report component upgraded to better handle poor data.
- Recovery after
artic minion
- Report item detailing failed analyses.
- Correct value of wfversion in config.
- Processing of single sample inputs.
- Added variant call summary section to report.
- Moved scripting to bin directory.
- Fix lack of help message when
- Sample sheet is no longer required.
- Sort report items consistently by sample name.
- Nextclade visual will display overlap to primer scheme selected by user.
- Support for fragmented amplicons.
- Enabled use of conda profile.
- Use custom np-artic package based on 1.3.0-dev branch of original.
- Use nextclade from conda package
- Amended default local executor CPU resource to be more parsimonious.
- Amended report text
- Discretize coverage plots for speed
- Automatically select min/max read lengths base on scheme.
- Added command-line argument validation.
Automation release
- Continuous deployment.
Initial release
- Basic running of Artic workflow and reporting.