One of the most important parts of the application is how we access to the different Data Sources and how this logic is decoupled from the rest of the app.
We will review in detail the Inventory.Data project and how we use it in the application.
Since our data source is a relational database, we are using Entity Framework Core to manipulate the data and expose it.
We can split the project in three principal parts:
The Data folder contains all the data models, representing each table of the database:
These models will be our Data Transfer Objects or DTOs of our app.
This interface represents the database context. We will have a class implementing IDataSource
for each context representing a database.
public interface IDataSource : IDisposable
DbSet<CountryCode> CountryCodes { get; }
DbSet<PaymentType> PaymentTypes { get; }
DbSet<TaxType> TaxTypes { get; }
DbSet<OrderStatus> OrderStatus { get; }
DbSet<Shipper> Shippers { get; }
DbSet<Customer> Customers { get; }
DbSet<Order> Orders { get; }
DbSet<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; }
DbSet<Product> Products { get; }
EntityEntry<TEntity> Entry<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class;
Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
We can find two implementations of this interface: SQLiteDb
and SQLServerDb
, representing two different databases that will share the same logic to access, manipulate and expose the data.
The interface IDataService
is used for access and manipulate data from the database.
public interface IDataService : IDisposable
Task<Customer> GetCustomerAsync(long id);
Task<IList<Customer>> GetCustomersAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<IList<Customer>> GetCustomerKeysAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<int> GetCustomersCountAsync(DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<int> UpdateCustomerAsync(Customer customer);
Task<int> DeleteCustomersAsync(params Customer[] customers);
Task<Order> GetOrderAsync(long id);
Task<IList<Order>> GetOrdersAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Order> request);
Task<IList<Order>> GetOrderKeysAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Order> request);
Task<int> GetOrdersCountAsync(DataRequest<Order> request);
Task<int> UpdateOrderAsync(Order order);
Task<int> DeleteOrdersAsync(params Order[] orders);
Task<OrderItem> GetOrderItemAsync(long orderID, int orderLine);
Task<IList<OrderItem>> GetOrderItemsAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<OrderItem> request);
Task<IList<OrderItem>> GetOrderItemKeysAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<OrderItem> request);
Task<int> GetOrderItemsCountAsync(DataRequest<OrderItem> request);
Task<int> UpdateOrderItemAsync(OrderItem orderItem);
Task<int> DeleteOrderItemsAsync(params OrderItem[] orderItems);
Task<Product> GetProductAsync(string id);
Task<IList<Product>> GetProductsAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Product> request);
Task<IList<Product>> GetProductKeysAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Product> request);
Task<int> GetProductsCountAsync(DataRequest<Product> request);
Task<int> UpdateProductAsync(Product product);
Task<int> DeleteProductsAsync(params Product[] products);
Task<IList<Category>> GetCategoriesAsync();
Task<IList<CountryCode>> GetCountryCodesAsync();
Task<IList<OrderStatus>> GetOrderStatusAsync();
Task<IList<PaymentType>> GetPaymentTypesAsync();
Task<IList<Shipper>> GetShippersAsync();
Task<IList<TaxType>> GetTaxTypesAsync();
The first thing we have to define in the app, it's the source of the data we are going to consume. The interface IDataServiceFactory
is the one responsable of provide the inplementation of IDataService
that we use in the app.
public interface IDataServiceFactory
IDataService CreateDataService();
The possible data services to be used in the app are: SQLite
and SQLServer
, and they are defined in the following enum class:
public enum DataProviderType
To establish the Data Service to use, we just need to set the property DataProvider
of the AppSettings
class. By default, we are loading the SQLite
data provider:
public DataProviderType DataProvider
get => (DataProviderType)GetSettingsValue("DataProvider", (int)DataProviderType.SQLite);
set => LocalSettings.Values["DataProvider"] = (int)value;
With the data provider defined, we can review now how we are accessing to the data from our ViewModels.
We have additional services, one per functionality of the app located in the Services folder inside the Inventory.ViewModels project:
Let's have a look a one of them:
public interface ICustomerService
Task<CustomerModel> GetCustomerAsync(long id);
Task<IList<CustomerModel>> GetCustomersAsync(DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<IList<CustomerModel>> GetCustomersAsync(int skip, int take, DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<int> GetCustomersCountAsync(DataRequest<Customer> request);
Task<int> UpdateCustomerAsync(CustomerModel model);
Task<int> DeleteCustomerAsync(CustomerModel model);
Task<int> DeleteCustomerRangeAsync(int index, int length, DataRequest<Customer> request);
This contract is offering us all the possible operations that we can do when we work with Customers.
Also, these services are not only accessing the data source, they are also acting as mappers between our DTOs and the Models that we used to represent the data visually. There are some advantajes in mapping our DTOs to Models:
- Not all the info of the DTO needs to be displayed in our views.
- DTOs should be normally simple classes with no behaviour defined in order to facilitate serialization.
- The Models are the ones implementing the interface
, reducing complexity in our DTOs.
Let's check the inplementation of the ICustomerService
public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
public CustomerService(IDataServiceFactory dataServiceFactory)
DataServiceFactory = dataServiceFactory;
public IDataServiceFactory DataServiceFactory { get; }
public async Task<CustomerModel> GetCustomerAsync(long id)
using (var dataService = DataServiceFactory.CreateDataService())
var item = await dataService.GetCustomerAsync(id);
if (item != null)
return await CreateCustomerModelAsync(item, includeAllFields: true);
return null;
As you can see, we are using the IDataServiceFactory
to get the IDataService
interface to consult a customer information.
Finally, we just need to check how we are injecting this ICustomerService
in the CustomerDetailViewModel
class to check how all the pieces are connected:
public class CustomerDetailsViewModel : GenericDetailsViewModel<CustomerModel>
public CustomerDetailsViewModel(ICustomerService customerService, ICommonServices commonServices) : base(commonServices)
CustomerService = customerService;
public ICustomerService CustomerService { get; }