There are 4 pre-prepared scripts under examples/ folder that can be easily reused with only modification to yaml config files. They are:
It runs context-aware document chunking. A yaml config file is required, you can create a chunking yaml config refer to existing example examples/biology/configs/chunking.yml.
python examples/ PATH-TO-YAML-CONFIG
It can be used to tag domain-specific tags, or to add atomic-questions to chunks, or other similar tasks with specific prompt/protocol provided in yaml config file. You can create a tagging yaml config file refer to existing example like examples/hotpotqa/configs/tagging.yml.
python examples/ PATH-TO-YAML-CONFIG
It runs a complete pipeline for QA testing, from data-loading, to answer evaluation. If you want to test different algorithms, adjust the answer flow in Workflow and config it in yaml file. You can create a qa yaml config file refer to existing example like examples/hotpotqa/configs/zero_shot_cot.yml, examples/hotpotqa/configs/atomic_decompose.yml, ...
python examples/ PATH-TO-YAML-CONFIG
Once you process existing QA data in the format as we used, you can evaluate it with the evaluation pipeline. Modify the examples/evaluate.yml file or create a new one referring to it.
python examples/ PATH-TO-YAML-CONFIG
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