method of the AbortController interface aborts a DOM request (e.g. a Fetch request)
References -
- AbortController interface
- abortcontroller npm
- abortcontroller-polyfill
- Example of the AbortController implementation
- Create an AbortController instance.
- That instance has a signal property.
- Pass the signal as a fetch option for signal.
- Call the AbortController's abort property to cancel all fetches that use that signal.
Setting the AbortController.signal as a fetch option while creating the MSGraph SDK Client instance:
import { Client,FetchOptions } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client";
import { AbortController } from "abort-controller"; // <- import when using the abort-controller npm package.
const controller = new AbortController();
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 150);
const fetchOptions: FetchOptions = {
signal: controller.signal;
const client = Client.initWithMiddleware({
fetchOptions, // Pass the FetchOptions value where the AbortController.signal is set