Scenario 1: Changing Y-axis
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I select a different option for the Y-axis
- Then the plot should be updated accordingly
Scenario 2: Changing X-axis
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I select a different option for the X-axis
- Then the plot should be updated accordingly
Scenario: Changing the 'Color by' Option
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I select a different option for 'Color by'
- Then the plot’s color coding should be updated accordingly
Scenario: Adjusting the Alpha Slider
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I adjust the alpha slider
- Then the plot's opacity should change according to the selected alpha value
Scenario: Adjusting the Size Slider
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I adjust the size slider
- Then the size of the points in the plot should change according to the selected size value
Scenario 1: Adding a Plot Title
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I enter a text in the "Plot title" box and click "Update plot title"
- Then the plot title should be updated with the entered text
Scenario 2: Updating a Plot Title
- Given a title has already been set
- When I enter a new text in the "Plot title" box and click "Update plot title"
- Then the plot title should be updated to the new text
Scenario: Clicking External Links
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I click on the IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes links
- Then it should open the corresponding page in a new tab or window
Scenario: Viewing the Scatter Plot
- Given the application page is loaded
- When I interact with different controls in the sidebar panel
- Then the scatter plot in the main panel should update based on the selected options
Below are the features and scenarios written in Gherkin syntax:
Feature: Axis Selection
As a user
I want to change the axes
So that I can visualize different data comparisons
Scenario: Changing Y-axis
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I select "IMDB rating" from the Y-axis dropdown
Then the plot should update to reflect the Y-axis as "IMDB rating"
Scenario: Changing X-axis
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I select "Runtime" from the X-axis dropdown
Then the plot should update to reflect the X-axis as "Runtime"
Feature: Coloring of the Plot
As a user
I want to change the color coding
So that I can visualize different categorical divisions
Scenario: Changing the 'Color by' Option
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I select "Genre" from the 'Color by' dropdown
Then the plot’s colors should update to reflect the "Genre"
Feature: Plot Opacity
As a user
I want to adjust the plot's opacity
So that I can customize the plot's appearance
Scenario: Adjusting the Alpha Slider
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I set the alpha slider to 0.8
Then the plot's opacity should adjust to reflect the alpha value of 0.8
Feature: Point Size Adjustment
As a user
I want to adjust the size of the points
So that I can customize the plot's appearance
Scenario: Adjusting the Size Slider
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I set the size slider to 4
Then the size of the points in the plot should adjust to 4
Feature: Plot Title
As a user
I want to change the plot title
So that I can customize the title of the plot
Scenario: Adding a Plot Title
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I enter "My Custom Title" into the "Plot title" field and click "Update plot title"
Then the plot title should update to "My Custom Title"
Feature: External Links
As a user
I want to access external references
So that I can get more information
Scenario: Clicking External Links
Given the Shiny app is loaded
When I click on the "IMDB" link
Then a new tab or window should open with the IMDB webpage
Feature: Movie Review Dataset Variables
In order to provide comprehensive movie reviews,
As an application,
I want to have a dataset with variables from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
Given the application has access to IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes APIs
Scenario: Movie Review Continuous and Categorical Variables
When the application loads from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes movie review data
Then the dataset should include a continuous critic ratings variable
And the dataset should include a continuous audience ratings variable
And the dataset should include a categorical mpaa ratings variable
And the dataset should include a categorical genres variable
Feature 1.2: Scatter Plot Points Dropdown Menu Controls
As a film analyst creating a scatter plot,
I want dropdown menus to select continuous variables for x and y axes
And I want a dropdown menu to select a categorical variable for point color,
So that I can effectively visualize relationships and categories in the data.
Scenario: Dropdown Menu Display and Use for Controling Scatter Plot Points
Given the scatter plot customization options displayed in the UI
When I define the variables in the scatter plot axes and point color
Then I should see a continuous variable dropdown menu x-axis control
And I should see a continuous variable dropdown menu y-axis control
And I should see a categorical variable dropdown menu point color control
Feature 1.3: Adjustable Point Size and Opacity Controls
As a user who wants to interactively customize data visualization,
I want sliders or similar controls to adjust the point size and opacity,
So that I can tailor the visualization according to my preferences and needs.
Scenario: Sliders for Adjusting Point Size and Opacity
Given the movie review app UI is loaded
When I look for controls to customize point appearance in the visualization
Then I should see a slider or similar control for adjusting the point size
And I should see a slider or similar control for adjusting the point opacity
Feature 1.4: Custom Scatter Plot Title
As a user who wants to personalize the scatter plot visualization,
I want an input field to enter an optional title for the scatter plot,
So that the visualization can be meaningful and tailored to my needs.
Scenario: Displaying Input Field for Scatter Plot Title
Given the movie review app UI is loaded
When I want to add a title to the scatter plot
Then I should see an input field where I can enter the title text
Each Feature
represents a high-level user goal, and each Scenario
represents a way to achieve that goal. Given
sets up the initial context, When
describes the action, and Then
describes the expected outcome or result.