diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7600637..b514cd7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -86,3 +86,11 @@ https://github.com/mlbelobraydi/TXRRC_data_harvest/wiki/TXRRC-Data-Source-Refere If this code isn't what you are looking for, here is a list of other TXRRC projects on github. https://github.com/mlbelobraydi/TXRRC_data_harvest/wiki/Similar-projects + +## Generation of Python struct from Cobol Copybook Parser + +The RRC datasets have PDF files that define the COBOL Copybook statements. +It would be nice to be able to pass these copybook fragments into a python tool +that would then generate the struct format for parsing the raw binary stream. + +The work under [Cobol Parser](src/cobol_parser.md) addresses this desire. diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 484bae8..ce23c85 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,5 +1,250 @@ -numpy>=1.19.2 -pandas>=1.1.2 -python-dateutil>=2.8.1 -pytz>=2020.1 -six>=1.15.0 +agate==1.7.1 +airbyte==0.7.4 +airbyte-cdk==0.58.9 +airbyte-protocol-models==0.5.1 +altair==5.2.0 +analytics-python==1.4.post1 +antlr4-python3-runtime==4.13.1 +antlr4-tools==0.2.1 +archspec @ file:///croot/archspec_1709217642129/work +asgiref @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_edg6nzjrx0/croots/recipe/asgiref_1661287549316/work +asn1crypto==1.5.1 +asttokens @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/asttokens_1646925590279/work +astunparse==1.6.3 +attrs==23.2.0 +Babel==2.14.0 +backoff==1.10.0 +backports.functools-lru-cache @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/backports.functools_lru_cache_1618170165463/work +backports.tempfile @ file:///home/linux1/recipes/ci/backports.tempfile_1610991236607/work +backports.weakref==1.0.post1 +beautifulsoup4 @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_bczxn9gqkq/croot/beautifulsoup4-split_1681493044307/work +blinker==1.7.0 +boltons @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_afe23cncsc/croot/boltons_1677628707735/work +Bottleneck @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_cfe9itj_y_/croot/bottleneck_1707864223016/work +bracex==2.4 +Brotli @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_01vdzesc6m/croots/recipe/brotli-split_1659616063272/work +-e git+https://github.com/markfyoung0711/buckstop-refinery.git@f759c4b714fb98110d6bdd9e6973a5c90f636034#egg=bsl_refinery +build==1.1.1 +cached-property==1.5.2 +cachetools==5.3.3 +cattrs==23.2.3 +certifi @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_dfez5lkpj0/croot/certifi_1707229180975/work/certifi +cffi @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_44mvycfmuf/croot/cffi_1700254431144/work +chardet @ file:///Users/builder/ci_310/chardet_1642531418028/work +charset-normalizer @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/charset-normalizer_1630003229654/work +click @ 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+google-cloud-appengine-logging==1.4.3 +google-cloud-audit-log==0.2.5 +google-cloud-bigquery==3.19.0 +google-cloud-core==2.4.1 +google-cloud-error-reporting==1.11.0 +google-cloud-language==2.13.3 +google-cloud-logging==3.10.0 +google-cloud-resource-manager==1.12.3 +google-cloud-storage==2.16.0 +google-crc32c==1.5.0 +google-resumable-media==2.7.0 +googleapis-common-protos==1.63.0 +greenlet==3.0.3 +grpc-google-iam-v1==0.13.0 +grpcio==1.62.1 +grpcio-status==1.62.1 +h11==0.14.0 +hexbytes==1.1.0 +huggingface-hub==0.23.0 +humanize==4.9.0 +idna @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_00jf0h4zbt/croot/idna_1666125573348/work +importlib-metadata==6.11.0 +importlib_resources==6.3.0 +inflection==0.5.1 +iniconfig @ file:///home/linux1/recipes/ci/iniconfig_1610983019677/work +install-jdk==1.1.0 +interfax==1.0.0 +ipython @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_32zk9b7snp/croot/ipython_1704833017294/work +isodate==0.6.1 +itsdangerous==2.2.0 +jedi @ file:///opt/concourse/worker/volumes/live/18b71546-5bde-4add-72d1-7d16b76f0f7a/volume/jedi_1644315243726/work +Jinja2 @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_524l12w9yv/croot/jinja2_1706733629737/work +jsonpatch @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/jsonpatch_1615747632069/work +jsonpath-ng==1.6.1 +jsonpointer==2.1 +jsonref==0.3.0 +jsonschema==4.0.0 +jsonschema-specifications @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_a8fa_vbpr0/croot/jsonschema-specifications_1699032391984/work +kiwisolver==1.4.5 +leather==0.4.0 +libarchive-c @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-libarchive-c_1617780486945/work +libmambapy @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_f92phu8xz5/croot/mamba-split_1704219410331/work/libmambapy +Logbook==1.5.3 +lxml==5.2.1 +makefun==1.15.2 +markdown-it-py==3.0.0 +MarkupSafe @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_3a_cffw83x/croot/markupsafe_1704205995714/work +mashumaro==3.12 +matplotlib==3.8.4 +matplotlib-inline @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_9ddl71oqte/croots/recipe/matplotlib-inline_1662014471815/work +mdurl==0.1.2 +menuinst @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_0bl_d_k5ae/croot/menuinst_1706732940486/work +minimal-snowplow-tracker==0.0.2 +mkl-fft @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_af8wl3mjfu/croot/mkl_fft_1695058185839/work +mkl-random @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_0fq2s894lk/croot/mkl_random_1695059822529/work +mkl-service==2.4.0 +monotonic==1.6 +more-itertools @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_f1d0z8hojr/croot/more-itertools_1700662151147/work +msgpack==1.0.8 +networkx==3.2.1 +numexpr @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_c2pokmr868/croot/numexpr_1696515300257/work +numpy @ 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file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_d976p03z5u/croot/pkginfo_1679431175529/work +platformdirs @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_640usff2p5/croot/platformdirs_1692205656061/work +pluggy @ file:///opt/concourse/worker/volumes/live/8277900c-164a-49c8-6f2a-f55c3c0154be/volume/pluggy_1648042581708/work +ply==3.11 +prompt-toolkit @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_4d8kk9w3ed/croot/prompt-toolkit_1704404354789/work +proto-plus==1.23.0 +protobuf==4.25.3 +psutil @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_c9b604bf-685f-47f6-8304-238e4e70557e1o7mmsot/croots/recipe/psutil_1656431274701/work +psycopg2-binary==2.9.9 +ptyprocess @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/ptyprocess_1609355006118/work/dist/ptyprocess-0.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +pure-eval @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/pure_eval_1646925070566/work +pyarrow==14.0.2 +pyasn1==0.5.1 +pyasn1-modules==0.3.0 +pycosat @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_09anpuxx5u/croot/pycosat_1696536514697/work +pycparser @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pycparser_1636541352034/work +pydantic==1.10.14 +pydeck==0.8.1b0 +Pygments @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_cflayrfqsi/croot/pygments_1684279981084/work +PyJWT==2.8.0 +pyOpenSSL==23.3.0 +pyparsing==3.1.2 +pypdf==4.2.0 +pyproject_hooks==1.0.0 +pyrate-limiter==3.1.1 +pyrsistent==0.20.0 +PySocks @ file:///Users/builder/ci_310/pysocks_1642536366386/work +pytest @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_7089yk6bfu/croot/pytest_1690474697638/work +python-dateutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-dateutil_1626374649649/work +python-dotenv==1.0.1 +python-magic==0.4.27 +python-slugify==8.0.4 +python-ulid==2.2.0 +pytimeparse==1.1.8 +pytz @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_e0y2h1cdsw/croot/pytz_1695131602326/work +pytzdata==2020.1 +PyYAML @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_37cfd0k_yi/croot/pyyaml_1698096054183/work +re_data==0.11.0 +referencing @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_15mb8b6xor/croot/referencing_1699012045485/work +regex==2024.4.28 +requests @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_4fp_3tflo8/croot/requests_1707355574897/work +requests-cache==1.2.0 +requests-file==2.0.0 +requests-toolbelt==1.0.0 +requirements-parser==0.5.0 +rich==13.7.0 +rpds-py @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_e9l2yxcal2/croot/rpds-py_1698945951668/work +rsa==4.9 +ruamel.yaml @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_7de1zqcaou/croot/ruamel.yaml_1666304553877/work +ruamel.yaml.clib @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_c7s0zxy4t2/croot/ruamel.yaml.clib_1666302244557/work +safetensors==0.4.3 +selenium==4.21.0 +semver==3.0.2 +shapely==2.0.4 +simple-salesforce==1.12.6 +simplejson==3.19.2 +six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work +smmap==5.0.1 +sniffio==1.3.1 +snowflake-connector-python==3.6.0 +snowflake-sqlalchemy==1.5.1 +sortedcontainers==2.4.0 +soupsieve @ file:///private/var/folders/c_/qfmhj66j0tn016nkx_th4hxm0000gp/T/abs_9cjy8iflks/croot/soupsieve_1696347576367/work +SQLAlchemy==1.4.51 +sqlalchemy-bigquery==1.9.0 +sqlparse @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_cb77ukgrpu/croot/sqlparse_1690901947630/work +stack-data @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/stack_data_1646927590127/work +streamlit==1.32.2 +tabulate==0.8.9 +tenacity==8.2.3 +text-unidecode==1.3 +tokenizers==0.19.1 +toml==0.10.2 +tomli @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_90762ba4-f339-47e8-bd29-416854a59b233d27hku_/croots/recipe/tomli_1657175507767/work +tomlkit==0.12.4 +toolz==0.12.1 +tornado==6.4 +tqdm @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_03acd6t6ca/croot/tqdm_1679561866522/work +traitlets @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_0dtilxc0bw/croot/traitlets_1671143889152/work +transformers==4.40.2 +trio==0.25.1 +trio-websocket==0.11.1 +truststore @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_d4qy09ztdt/croot/truststore_1695244322396/work +types-PyYAML== +types-setuptools== +typing_extensions==4.10.0 +tzdata @ file:///croot/python-tzdata_1690578112552/work +ulid==1.1 +url-normalize==1.4.3 +urllib3==1.26.18 +watchdog==4.0.0 +wcmatch==8.4 +wcwidth @ file:///Users/ktietz/demo/mc3/conda-bld/wcwidth_1629357192024/work +websockets==12.0 +Werkzeug==3.0.3 +wrapt==1.16.0 +wsproto==1.2.0 +yachalk==0.1.5 +zeep==4.2.1 +zipp==3.18.0 +zstandard @ file:///private/var/folders/sy/f16zz6x50xz3113nwtb9bvq00000gp/T/abs_40ayfv1xn6/croot/zstandard_1677014126754/work diff --git a/src/Cobol85.g4 b/src/Cobol85.g4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d037bf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85.g4 @@ -0,0 +1,5655 @@ +/* +* Copyright (C) 2017, Ulrich Wolffgang +* All rights reserved. +* +* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms +* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. +*/ + +/* +* COBOL 85 Grammar for ANTLR4 +* +* This is a COBOL 85 grammar, which is part of the COBOL parser at +* https://github.com/uwol/cobol85parser. +* +* The grammar passes the NIST test suite and has successfully been applied to +* numerous COBOL files from banking and insurance. To be used in conjunction +* with the provided preprocessor, which executes COPY and REPLACE statements. +*/ + +// $antlr-format alignTrailingComments true, columnLimit 150, minEmptyLines 1, maxEmptyLinesToKeep 1, reflowComments false, useTab false +// $antlr-format allowShortRulesOnASingleLine false, allowShortBlocksOnASingleLine true, alignSemicolons hanging, alignColons hanging + +grammar Cobol85; + +startRule + : compilationUnit EOF + ; + +compilationUnit + : programUnit+ + ; + +programUnit + : identificationDivision environmentDivision? dataDivision? procedureDivision? programUnit* endProgramStatement? + ; + +endProgramStatement + : END PROGRAM programName DOT_FS + ; + +// --- identification division -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +identificationDivision + : (IDENTIFICATION | ID) DIVISION DOT_FS programIdParagraph identificationDivisionBody* + ; + +identificationDivisionBody + : authorParagraph + | installationParagraph + | dateWrittenParagraph + | dateCompiledParagraph + | securityParagraph + | remarksParagraph + ; + +// - program id paragraph ---------------------------------- + +programIdParagraph + : PROGRAM_ID DOT_FS programName ( + IS? (COMMON | INITIAL | LIBRARY | DEFINITION | RECURSIVE) PROGRAM? + )? DOT_FS? commentEntry? + ; + +// - author paragraph ---------------------------------- + +authorParagraph + : AUTHOR DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// - installation paragraph ---------------------------------- + +installationParagraph + : INSTALLATION DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// - date written paragraph ---------------------------------- + +dateWrittenParagraph + : DATE_WRITTEN DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// - date compiled paragraph ---------------------------------- + +dateCompiledParagraph + : DATE_COMPILED DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// - security paragraph ---------------------------------- + +securityParagraph + : SECURITY DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// - remarks paragraph ---------------------------------- + +remarksParagraph + : REMARKS DOT_FS commentEntry? + ; + +// --- environment division -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +environmentDivision + : ENVIRONMENT DIVISION DOT_FS environmentDivisionBody* + ; + +environmentDivisionBody + : configurationSection + | specialNamesParagraph + | inputOutputSection + ; + +// -- configuration section ---------------------------------- + +configurationSection + : CONFIGURATION SECTION DOT_FS configurationSectionParagraph* + ; + +// - configuration section paragraph ---------------------------------- + +configurationSectionParagraph + : sourceComputerParagraph + | objectComputerParagraph + | specialNamesParagraph + // strictly, specialNamesParagraph does not belong into configurationSectionParagraph, but ibm-cobol allows this + ; + +// - source computer paragraph ---------------------------------- + +sourceComputerParagraph + : SOURCE_COMPUTER DOT_FS computerName (WITH? DEBUGGING MODE)? DOT_FS + ; + +// - object computer paragraph ---------------------------------- + +objectComputerParagraph + : OBJECT_COMPUTER DOT_FS computerName objectComputerClause* DOT_FS + ; + +objectComputerClause + : memorySizeClause + | diskSizeClause + | collatingSequenceClause + | segmentLimitClause + | characterSetClause + ; + +memorySizeClause + : MEMORY SIZE? (integerLiteral | cobolWord) (WORDS | CHARACTERS | MODULES)? + ; + +diskSizeClause + : DISK SIZE? IS? (integerLiteral | cobolWord) (WORDS | MODULES)? + ; + +collatingSequenceClause + : PROGRAM? COLLATING? SEQUENCE (IS? alphabetName+) collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric? collatingSequenceClauseNational? + ; + +collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric + : FOR? ALPHANUMERIC IS? alphabetName + ; + +collatingSequenceClauseNational + : FOR? NATIONAL IS? alphabetName + ; + +segmentLimitClause + : SEGMENT_LIMIT IS? integerLiteral + ; + +characterSetClause + : CHARACTER SET DOT_FS + ; + +// - special names paragraph ---------------------------------- + +specialNamesParagraph + : SPECIAL_NAMES DOT_FS (specialNameClause+ DOT_FS)? + ; + +specialNameClause + : channelClause + | odtClause + | alphabetClause + | classClause + | currencySignClause + | decimalPointClause + | symbolicCharactersClause + | environmentSwitchNameClause + | defaultDisplaySignClause + | defaultComputationalSignClause + | reserveNetworkClause + ; + +alphabetClause + : alphabetClauseFormat1 + | alphabetClauseFormat2 + ; + +alphabetClauseFormat1 + : ALPHABET alphabetName (FOR ALPHANUMERIC)? IS? ( + EBCDIC + | ASCII + | STANDARD_1 + | STANDARD_2 + | NATIVE + | cobolWord + | alphabetLiterals+ + ) + ; + +alphabetLiterals + : literal (alphabetThrough | alphabetAlso+)? + ; + +alphabetThrough + : (THROUGH | THRU) literal + ; + +alphabetAlso + : ALSO literal+ + ; + +alphabetClauseFormat2 + : ALPHABET alphabetName FOR? NATIONAL IS? (NATIVE | CCSVERSION literal) + ; + +channelClause + : CHANNEL integerLiteral IS? mnemonicName + ; + +classClause + : CLASS className (FOR? (ALPHANUMERIC | NATIONAL))? IS? classClauseThrough+ + ; + +classClauseThrough + : classClauseFrom ((THROUGH | THRU) classClauseTo)? + ; + +classClauseFrom + : identifier + | literal + ; + +classClauseTo + : identifier + | literal + ; + +currencySignClause + : CURRENCY SIGN? IS? literal (WITH? PICTURE SYMBOL literal)? + ; + +decimalPointClause + : DECIMAL_POINT IS? COMMA + ; + +defaultComputationalSignClause + : DEFAULT (COMPUTATIONAL | COMP)? (SIGN IS?)? (LEADING | TRAILING)? (SEPARATE CHARACTER?) + ; + +defaultDisplaySignClause + : DEFAULT_DISPLAY (SIGN IS?)? (LEADING | TRAILING) (SEPARATE CHARACTER?)? + ; + +environmentSwitchNameClause + : environmentName IS? mnemonicName environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase? + | environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase + ; + +environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase + : ON STATUS? IS? condition (OFF STATUS? IS? condition)? + | OFF STATUS? IS? condition (ON STATUS? IS? condition)? + ; + +odtClause + : ODT IS? mnemonicName + ; + +reserveNetworkClause + : RESERVE WORDS? LIST? IS? NETWORK CAPABLE? + ; + +symbolicCharactersClause + : SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS? (FOR? (ALPHANUMERIC | NATIONAL))? symbolicCharacters+ (IN alphabetName)? + ; + +symbolicCharacters + : symbolicCharacter+ (IS | ARE)? integerLiteral+ + ; + +// -- input output section ---------------------------------- + +inputOutputSection + : INPUT_OUTPUT SECTION DOT_FS inputOutputSectionParagraph* + ; + +// - input output section paragraph ---------------------------------- + +inputOutputSectionParagraph + : fileControlParagraph + | ioControlParagraph + ; + +// - file control paragraph ---------------------------------- + +fileControlParagraph + : FILE_CONTROL (DOT_FS? fileControlEntry)* DOT_FS + ; + +fileControlEntry + : selectClause fileControlClause* + ; + +selectClause + : SELECT OPTIONAL? fileName + ; + +fileControlClause + : assignClause + | reserveClause + | organizationClause + | paddingCharacterClause + | recordDelimiterClause + | accessModeClause + | recordKeyClause + | alternateRecordKeyClause + | fileStatusClause + | passwordClause + | relativeKeyClause + ; + +assignClause + : ASSIGN TO? ( + DISK + | DISPLAY + | KEYBOARD + | PORT + | PRINTER + | READER + | REMOTE + | TAPE + | VIRTUAL + | assignmentName + | literal + ) + ; + +reserveClause + : RESERVE (NO | integerLiteral) ALTERNATE? (AREA | AREAS)? + ; + +organizationClause + : (ORGANIZATION IS?)? (LINE | RECORD BINARY | RECORD | BINARY)? ( + SEQUENTIAL + | RELATIVE + | INDEXED + ) + ; + +paddingCharacterClause + : PADDING CHARACTER? IS? (qualifiedDataName | literal) + ; + +recordDelimiterClause + : RECORD DELIMITER IS? (STANDARD_1 | IMPLICIT | assignmentName) + ; + +accessModeClause + : ACCESS MODE? IS? (SEQUENTIAL | RANDOM | DYNAMIC | EXCLUSIVE) + ; + +recordKeyClause + : RECORD KEY? IS? qualifiedDataName passwordClause? (WITH? DUPLICATES)? + ; + +alternateRecordKeyClause + : ALTERNATE RECORD KEY? IS? qualifiedDataName passwordClause? (WITH? DUPLICATES)? + ; + +passwordClause + : PASSWORD IS? dataName + ; + +fileStatusClause + : FILE? STATUS IS? qualifiedDataName qualifiedDataName? + ; + +relativeKeyClause + : RELATIVE KEY? IS? qualifiedDataName + ; + +// - io control paragraph ---------------------------------- + +ioControlParagraph + : I_O_CONTROL DOT_FS (fileName DOT_FS)? (ioControlClause* DOT_FS)? + ; + +ioControlClause + : rerunClause + | sameClause + | multipleFileClause + | commitmentControlClause + ; + +rerunClause + : RERUN (ON (assignmentName | fileName))? EVERY ( + rerunEveryRecords + | rerunEveryOf + | rerunEveryClock + ) + ; + +rerunEveryRecords + : integerLiteral RECORDS + ; + +rerunEveryOf + : END? OF? (REEL | UNIT) OF fileName + ; + +rerunEveryClock + : integerLiteral CLOCK_UNITS? + ; + +sameClause + : SAME (RECORD | SORT | SORT_MERGE)? AREA? FOR? fileName+ + ; + +multipleFileClause + : MULTIPLE FILE TAPE? CONTAINS? multipleFilePosition+ + ; + +multipleFilePosition + : fileName (POSITION integerLiteral)? + ; + +commitmentControlClause + : COMMITMENT CONTROL FOR? fileName + ; + +// --- data division -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +dataDivision + : DATA DIVISION DOT_FS dataDivisionSection* + ; + +dataDivisionSection + : fileSection + | dataBaseSection + | workingStorageSection + | linkageSection + | communicationSection + | localStorageSection + | screenSection + | reportSection + | programLibrarySection + ; + +// -- file section ---------------------------------- + +fileSection + : FILE SECTION DOT_FS fileDescriptionEntry* + ; + +fileDescriptionEntry + : (FD | SD) fileName (DOT_FS? fileDescriptionEntryClause)* DOT_FS dataDescriptionEntry* + ; + +fileDescriptionEntryClause + : externalClause + | globalClause + | blockContainsClause + | recordContainsClause + | labelRecordsClause + | valueOfClause + | dataRecordsClause + | linageClause + | codeSetClause + | reportClause + | recordingModeClause + ; + +externalClause + : IS? EXTERNAL + ; + +globalClause + : IS? GLOBAL + ; + +blockContainsClause + : BLOCK CONTAINS? integerLiteral blockContainsTo? (RECORDS | CHARACTERS)? + ; + +blockContainsTo + : TO integerLiteral + ; + +recordContainsClause + : RECORD ( + recordContainsClauseFormat1 + | recordContainsClauseFormat2 + | recordContainsClauseFormat3 + ) + ; + +recordContainsClauseFormat1 + : CONTAINS? integerLiteral CHARACTERS? + ; + +recordContainsClauseFormat2 + : IS? VARYING IN? SIZE? (FROM? integerLiteral recordContainsTo? CHARACTERS?)? ( + DEPENDING ON? qualifiedDataName + )? + ; + +recordContainsClauseFormat3 + : CONTAINS? integerLiteral recordContainsTo CHARACTERS? + ; + +recordContainsTo + : TO integerLiteral + ; + +labelRecordsClause + : LABEL (RECORD IS? | RECORDS ARE?) (OMITTED | STANDARD | dataName+) + ; + +valueOfClause + : VALUE OF valuePair+ + ; + +valuePair + : systemName IS? (qualifiedDataName | literal) + ; + +dataRecordsClause + : DATA (RECORD IS? | RECORDS ARE?) dataName+ + ; + +linageClause + : LINAGE IS? (dataName | integerLiteral) LINES? linageAt* + ; + +linageAt + : linageFootingAt + | linageLinesAtTop + | linageLinesAtBottom + ; + +linageFootingAt + : WITH? FOOTING AT? (dataName | integerLiteral) + ; + +linageLinesAtTop + : LINES? AT? TOP (dataName | integerLiteral) + ; + +linageLinesAtBottom + : LINES? AT? BOTTOM (dataName | integerLiteral) + ; + +recordingModeClause + : RECORDING MODE? IS? modeStatement + ; + +modeStatement + : cobolWord + ; + +codeSetClause + : CODE_SET IS? alphabetName + ; + +reportClause + : (REPORT IS? | REPORTS ARE?) reportName+ + ; + +// -- data base section ---------------------------------- + +dataBaseSection + : DATA_BASE SECTION DOT_FS dataBaseSectionEntry* + ; + +dataBaseSectionEntry + : integerLiteral literal INVOKE literal + ; + +// -- working storage section ---------------------------------- + +workingStorageSection + : WORKING_STORAGE SECTION DOT_FS dataDescriptionEntry* + ; + +// -- linkage section ---------------------------------- + +linkageSection + : LINKAGE SECTION DOT_FS dataDescriptionEntry* + ; + +// -- communication section ---------------------------------- + +communicationSection + : COMMUNICATION SECTION DOT_FS (communicationDescriptionEntry | dataDescriptionEntry)* + ; + +communicationDescriptionEntry + : communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1 + | communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2 + | communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3 + ; + +communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1 + : CD cdName FOR? INITIAL? INPUT ( + ( + symbolicQueueClause + | symbolicSubQueueClause + | messageDateClause + | messageTimeClause + | symbolicSourceClause + | textLengthClause + | endKeyClause + | statusKeyClause + | messageCountClause + ) + | dataDescName + )* DOT_FS + ; + +communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2 + : CD cdName FOR? OUTPUT ( + destinationCountClause + | textLengthClause + | statusKeyClause + | destinationTableClause + | errorKeyClause + | symbolicDestinationClause + )* DOT_FS + ; + +communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3 + : CD cdName FOR? INITIAL I_O ( + ( + messageDateClause + | messageTimeClause + | symbolicTerminalClause + | textLengthClause + | endKeyClause + | statusKeyClause + ) + | dataDescName + )* DOT_FS + ; + +destinationCountClause + : DESTINATION COUNT IS? dataDescName + ; + +destinationTableClause + : DESTINATION TABLE OCCURS integerLiteral TIMES (INDEXED BY indexName+)? + ; + +endKeyClause + : END KEY IS? dataDescName + ; + +errorKeyClause + : ERROR KEY IS? dataDescName + ; + +messageCountClause + : MESSAGE? COUNT IS? dataDescName + ; + +messageDateClause + : MESSAGE DATE IS? dataDescName + ; + +messageTimeClause + : MESSAGE TIME IS? dataDescName + ; + +statusKeyClause + : STATUS KEY IS? dataDescName + ; + +symbolicDestinationClause + : SYMBOLIC? DESTINATION IS? dataDescName + ; + +symbolicQueueClause + : SYMBOLIC? QUEUE IS? dataDescName + ; + +symbolicSourceClause + : SYMBOLIC? SOURCE IS? dataDescName + ; + +symbolicTerminalClause + : SYMBOLIC? TERMINAL IS? dataDescName + ; + +symbolicSubQueueClause + : SYMBOLIC? (SUB_QUEUE_1 | SUB_QUEUE_2 | SUB_QUEUE_3) IS? dataDescName + ; + +textLengthClause + : TEXT LENGTH IS? dataDescName + ; + +// -- local storage section ---------------------------------- + +localStorageSection + : LOCAL_STORAGE SECTION DOT_FS (LD localName DOT_FS)? dataDescriptionEntry* + ; + +// -- screen section ---------------------------------- + +screenSection + : SCREEN SECTION DOT_FS screenDescriptionEntry* + ; + +screenDescriptionEntry + : INTEGERLITERAL (FILLER | screenName)? ( + screenDescriptionBlankClause + | screenDescriptionBellClause + | screenDescriptionBlinkClause + | screenDescriptionEraseClause + | screenDescriptionLightClause + | screenDescriptionGridClause + | screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause + | screenDescriptionUnderlineClause + | screenDescriptionSizeClause + | screenDescriptionLineClause + | screenDescriptionColumnClause + | screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause + | screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause + | screenDescriptionControlClause + | screenDescriptionValueClause + | screenDescriptionPictureClause + | (screenDescriptionFromClause | screenDescriptionUsingClause) + | screenDescriptionUsageClause + | screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause + | screenDescriptionJustifiedClause + | screenDescriptionSignClause + | screenDescriptionAutoClause + | screenDescriptionSecureClause + | screenDescriptionRequiredClause + | screenDescriptionPromptClause + | screenDescriptionFullClause + | screenDescriptionZeroFillClause + )* DOT_FS + ; + +screenDescriptionBlankClause + : BLANK (SCREEN | LINE) + ; + +screenDescriptionBellClause + : BELL + | BEEP + ; + +screenDescriptionBlinkClause + : BLINK + ; + +screenDescriptionEraseClause + : ERASE (EOL | EOS) + ; + +screenDescriptionLightClause + : HIGHLIGHT + | LOWLIGHT + ; + +screenDescriptionGridClause + : GRID + | LEFTLINE + | OVERLINE + ; + +screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause + : REVERSE_VIDEO + ; + +screenDescriptionUnderlineClause + : UNDERLINE + ; + +screenDescriptionSizeClause + : SIZE IS? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +screenDescriptionLineClause + : LINE (NUMBER? IS? (PLUS | PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR))? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +screenDescriptionColumnClause + : (COLUMN | COL) (NUMBER? IS? (PLUS | PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR))? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause + : (FOREGROUND_COLOR | FOREGROUND_COLOUR) IS? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause + : (BACKGROUND_COLOR | BACKGROUND_COLOUR) IS? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +screenDescriptionControlClause + : CONTROL IS? identifier + ; + +screenDescriptionValueClause + : (VALUE IS?) literal + ; + +screenDescriptionPictureClause + : (PICTURE | PIC) IS? pictureString + ; + +screenDescriptionFromClause + : FROM (identifier | literal) screenDescriptionToClause? + ; + +screenDescriptionToClause + : TO identifier + ; + +screenDescriptionUsingClause + : USING identifier + ; + +screenDescriptionUsageClause + : (USAGE IS?) (DISPLAY | DISPLAY_1) + ; + +screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause + : BLANK WHEN? ZERO + ; + +screenDescriptionJustifiedClause + : (JUSTIFIED | JUST) RIGHT? + ; + +screenDescriptionSignClause + : (SIGN IS?)? (LEADING | TRAILING) (SEPARATE CHARACTER?)? + ; + +screenDescriptionAutoClause + : AUTO + | AUTO_SKIP + ; + +screenDescriptionSecureClause + : SECURE + | NO_ECHO + ; + +screenDescriptionRequiredClause + : REQUIRED + | EMPTY_CHECK + ; + +screenDescriptionPromptClause + : PROMPT CHARACTER? IS? (identifier | literal) screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause? + ; + +screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause + : OCCURS integerLiteral TIMES? + ; + +screenDescriptionFullClause + : FULL + | LENGTH_CHECK + ; + +screenDescriptionZeroFillClause + : ZERO_FILL + ; + +// -- report section ---------------------------------- + +reportSection + : REPORT SECTION DOT_FS reportDescription* + ; + +reportDescription + : reportDescriptionEntry reportGroupDescriptionEntry+ + ; + +reportDescriptionEntry + : RD reportName reportDescriptionGlobalClause? ( + reportDescriptionPageLimitClause reportDescriptionHeadingClause? reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause? reportDescriptionLastDetailClause? + reportDescriptionFootingClause? + )? DOT_FS + ; + +reportDescriptionGlobalClause + : IS? GLOBAL + ; + +reportDescriptionPageLimitClause + : PAGE (LIMIT IS? | LIMITS ARE?)? integerLiteral (LINE | LINES)? + ; + +reportDescriptionHeadingClause + : HEADING integerLiteral + ; + +reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause + : FIRST DETAIL integerLiteral + ; + +reportDescriptionLastDetailClause + : LAST DETAIL integerLiteral + ; + +reportDescriptionFootingClause + : FOOTING integerLiteral + ; + +reportGroupDescriptionEntry + : reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1 + | reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2 + | reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3 + ; + +reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1 + : integerLiteral dataName reportGroupLineNumberClause? reportGroupNextGroupClause? reportGroupTypeClause reportGroupUsageClause? DOT_FS + ; + +reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2 + : integerLiteral dataName? reportGroupLineNumberClause? reportGroupUsageClause DOT_FS + ; + +reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3 + : integerLiteral dataName? ( + reportGroupPictureClause + | reportGroupUsageClause + | reportGroupSignClause + | reportGroupJustifiedClause + | reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause + | reportGroupLineNumberClause + | reportGroupColumnNumberClause + | ( + reportGroupSourceClause + | reportGroupValueClause + | reportGroupSumClause + | reportGroupResetClause + ) + | reportGroupIndicateClause + )* DOT_FS + ; + +reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause + : BLANK WHEN? ZERO + ; + +reportGroupColumnNumberClause + : COLUMN NUMBER? IS? integerLiteral + ; + +reportGroupIndicateClause + : GROUP INDICATE? + ; + +reportGroupJustifiedClause + : (JUSTIFIED | JUST) RIGHT? + ; + +reportGroupLineNumberClause + : LINE? NUMBER? IS? (reportGroupLineNumberNextPage | reportGroupLineNumberPlus) + ; + +reportGroupLineNumberNextPage + : integerLiteral (ON? NEXT PAGE)? + ; + +reportGroupLineNumberPlus + : PLUS integerLiteral + ; + +reportGroupNextGroupClause + : NEXT GROUP IS? (integerLiteral | reportGroupNextGroupNextPage | reportGroupNextGroupPlus) + ; + +reportGroupNextGroupPlus + : PLUS integerLiteral + ; + +reportGroupNextGroupNextPage + : NEXT PAGE + ; + +reportGroupPictureClause + : (PICTURE | PIC) IS? pictureString + ; + +reportGroupResetClause + : RESET ON? (FINAL | dataName) + ; + +reportGroupSignClause + : SIGN IS? (LEADING | TRAILING) SEPARATE CHARACTER? + ; + +reportGroupSourceClause + : SOURCE IS? identifier + ; + +reportGroupSumClause + : SUM identifier (COMMACHAR? identifier)* (UPON dataName (COMMACHAR? dataName)*)? + ; + +reportGroupTypeClause + : TYPE IS? ( + reportGroupTypeReportHeading + | reportGroupTypePageHeading + | reportGroupTypeControlHeading + | reportGroupTypeDetail + | reportGroupTypeControlFooting + | reportGroupTypePageFooting + | reportGroupTypeReportFooting + ) + ; + +reportGroupTypeReportHeading + : REPORT HEADING + | RH + ; + +reportGroupTypePageHeading + : PAGE HEADING + | PH + ; + +reportGroupTypeControlHeading + : (CONTROL HEADING | CH) (FINAL | dataName) + ; + +reportGroupTypeDetail + : DETAIL + | DE + ; + +reportGroupTypeControlFooting + : (CONTROL FOOTING | CF) (FINAL | dataName) + ; + +reportGroupUsageClause + : (USAGE IS?)? (DISPLAY | DISPLAY_1) + ; + +reportGroupTypePageFooting + : PAGE FOOTING + | PF + ; + +reportGroupTypeReportFooting + : REPORT FOOTING + | RF + ; + +reportGroupValueClause + : VALUE IS? literal + ; + +// -- program library section ---------------------------------- + +programLibrarySection + : PROGRAM_LIBRARY SECTION DOT_FS libraryDescriptionEntry* + ; + +libraryDescriptionEntry + : libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1 + | libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2 + ; + +libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1 + : LD libraryName EXPORT libraryAttributeClauseFormat1? libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1? + ; + +libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2 + : LB libraryName IMPORT libraryIsGlobalClause? libraryIsCommonClause? ( + libraryAttributeClauseFormat2 + | libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2 + )* + ; + +libraryAttributeClauseFormat1 + : ATTRIBUTE (SHARING IS? (DONTCARE | PRIVATE | SHAREDBYRUNUNIT | SHAREDBYALL))? + ; + +libraryAttributeClauseFormat2 + : ATTRIBUTE libraryAttributeFunction? (LIBACCESS IS? (BYFUNCTION | BYTITLE))? libraryAttributeParameter? libraryAttributeTitle? + ; + +libraryAttributeFunction + : FUNCTIONNAME IS literal + ; + +libraryAttributeParameter + : LIBPARAMETER IS? literal + ; + +libraryAttributeTitle + : TITLE IS? literal + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1 + : ENTRY_PROCEDURE programName libraryEntryProcedureForClause? + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2 + : ENTRY_PROCEDURE programName libraryEntryProcedureForClause? libraryEntryProcedureWithClause? libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause? + libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause? + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureForClause + : FOR literal + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause + : GIVING dataName + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause + : USING libraryEntryProcedureUsingName+ + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureUsingName + : dataName + | fileName + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureWithClause + : WITH libraryEntryProcedureWithName+ + ; + +libraryEntryProcedureWithName + : localName + | fileName + ; + +libraryIsCommonClause + : IS? COMMON + ; + +libraryIsGlobalClause + : IS? GLOBAL + ; + +// data description entry ---------------------------------- + +dataDescriptionEntry + : dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 + | dataDescriptionEntryFormat2 + | dataDescriptionEntryFormat3 + | dataDescriptionEntryExecSql + ; + +dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 + : (INTEGERLITERAL | LEVEL_NUMBER_77) (FILLER | dataName)? ( + dataRedefinesClause + | dataIntegerStringClause + | dataExternalClause + | dataGlobalClause + | dataTypeDefClause + | dataThreadLocalClause + | dataPictureClause + | dataCommonOwnLocalClause + | dataTypeClause + | dataUsingClause + | dataUsageClause + | dataValueClause + | dataReceivedByClause + | dataOccursClause + | dataSignClause + | dataSynchronizedClause + | dataJustifiedClause + | dataBlankWhenZeroClause + | dataWithLowerBoundsClause + | dataAlignedClause + | dataRecordAreaClause + )* DOT_FS + ; + +dataDescriptionEntryFormat2 + : LEVEL_NUMBER_66 dataName dataRenamesClause DOT_FS + ; + +dataDescriptionEntryFormat3 + : LEVEL_NUMBER_88 conditionName dataValueClause DOT_FS + ; + +dataDescriptionEntryExecSql + : EXECSQLLINE+ DOT_FS? + ; + +dataAlignedClause + : ALIGNED + ; + +dataBlankWhenZeroClause + : BLANK WHEN? (ZERO | ZEROS | ZEROES) + ; + +dataCommonOwnLocalClause + : COMMON + | OWN + | LOCAL + ; + +dataExternalClause + : IS? EXTERNAL (BY literal)? + ; + +dataGlobalClause + : IS? GLOBAL + ; + +dataIntegerStringClause + : INTEGER + | STRING + ; + +dataJustifiedClause + : (JUSTIFIED | JUST) RIGHT? + ; + +dataOccursClause + : OCCURS integerLiteral dataOccursTo? TIMES? (DEPENDING ON? qualifiedDataName)? dataOccursSort* ( + INDEXED BY? LOCAL? indexName+ + )? + ; + +dataOccursTo + : TO integerLiteral + ; + +dataOccursSort + : (ASCENDING | DESCENDING) KEY? IS? qualifiedDataName+ + ; + +dataPictureClause + : (PICTURE | PIC) IS? pictureString + ; + +pictureString + : (pictureChars+ pictureCardinality?)+ + ; + +pictureChars + : DOLLARCHAR + | IDENTIFIER + | NUMERICLITERAL + | SLASHCHAR + | COMMACHAR + | DOT + | COLONCHAR + | ASTERISKCHAR + | DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR + | LPARENCHAR + | RPARENCHAR + | PLUSCHAR + | MINUSCHAR + | LESSTHANCHAR + | MORETHANCHAR + | integerLiteral + ; + +pictureCardinality + : LPARENCHAR integerLiteral RPARENCHAR + ; + +dataReceivedByClause + : RECEIVED? BY? (CONTENT | REFERENCE | REF) + ; + +dataRecordAreaClause + : RECORD AREA + ; + +dataRedefinesClause + : REDEFINES dataName + ; + +dataRenamesClause + : RENAMES qualifiedDataName ((THROUGH | THRU) qualifiedDataName)? + ; + +dataSignClause + : (SIGN IS?)? (LEADING | TRAILING) (SEPARATE CHARACTER?)? + ; + +dataSynchronizedClause + : (SYNCHRONIZED | SYNC) (LEFT | RIGHT)? + ; + +dataThreadLocalClause + : IS? THREAD_LOCAL + ; + +dataTypeClause + : TYPE IS? (SHORT_DATE | LONG_DATE | NUMERIC_DATE | NUMERIC_TIME | LONG_TIME) + ; + +dataTypeDefClause + : IS? TYPEDEF + ; + +dataUsageClause + : (USAGE IS?)? ( + BINARY (TRUNCATED | EXTENDED)? + | BIT + | COMP + | COMP_1 + | COMP_2 + | COMP_3 + | COMP_4 + | COMP_5 + | COMPUTATIONAL + | COMPUTATIONAL_1 + | COMPUTATIONAL_2 + | COMPUTATIONAL_3 + | COMPUTATIONAL_4 + | COMPUTATIONAL_5 + | CONTROL_POINT + | DATE + | DISPLAY + | DISPLAY_1 + | DOUBLE + | EVENT + | FUNCTION_POINTER + | INDEX + | KANJI + | LOCK + | NATIONAL + | PACKED_DECIMAL + | POINTER + | PROCEDURE_POINTER + | REAL + | TASK + ) + ; + +dataUsingClause + : USING (LANGUAGE | CONVENTION) OF? (cobolWord | dataName) + ; + +dataValueClause + : (VALUE IS? | VALUES ARE?)? dataValueInterval (COMMACHAR? dataValueInterval)* + ; + +dataValueInterval + : dataValueIntervalFrom dataValueIntervalTo? + ; + +dataValueIntervalFrom + : literal + | cobolWord + ; + +dataValueIntervalTo + : (THROUGH | THRU) literal + ; + +dataWithLowerBoundsClause + : WITH? LOWER BOUNDS + ; + +// --- procedure division -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +procedureDivision + : PROCEDURE DIVISION procedureDivisionUsingClause? procedureDivisionGivingClause? DOT_FS procedureDeclaratives? procedureDivisionBody + ; + +procedureDivisionUsingClause + : (USING | CHAINING) procedureDivisionUsingParameter+ + ; + +procedureDivisionGivingClause + : (GIVING | RETURNING) dataName + ; + +procedureDivisionUsingParameter + : procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase + | procedureDivisionByValuePhrase + ; + +procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase + : (BY? REFERENCE)? procedureDivisionByReference+ + ; + +procedureDivisionByReference + : (OPTIONAL? (identifier | fileName)) + | ANY + ; + +procedureDivisionByValuePhrase + : BY? VALUE procedureDivisionByValue+ + ; + +procedureDivisionByValue + : identifier + | literal + | ANY + ; + +procedureDeclaratives + : DECLARATIVES DOT_FS procedureDeclarative+ END DECLARATIVES DOT_FS + ; + +procedureDeclarative + : procedureSectionHeader DOT_FS useStatement DOT_FS paragraphs + ; + +procedureSectionHeader + : sectionName SECTION integerLiteral? + ; + +procedureDivisionBody + : paragraphs procedureSection* + ; + +// -- procedure section ---------------------------------- + +procedureSection + : procedureSectionHeader DOT_FS paragraphs + ; + +paragraphs + : sentence* paragraph* + ; + +paragraph + : paragraphName DOT_FS (alteredGoTo | sentence*) + ; + +sentence + : statement* DOT_FS + ; + +statement + : acceptStatement + | addStatement + | alterStatement + | callStatement + | cancelStatement + | closeStatement + | computeStatement + | continueStatement + | deleteStatement + | disableStatement + | displayStatement + | divideStatement + | enableStatement + | entryStatement + | evaluateStatement + | exhibitStatement + | execCicsStatement + | execSqlStatement + | execSqlImsStatement + | exitStatement + | generateStatement + | gobackStatement + | goToStatement + | ifStatement + | initializeStatement + | initiateStatement + | inspectStatement + | mergeStatement + | moveStatement + | multiplyStatement + | openStatement + | performStatement + | purgeStatement + | readStatement + | receiveStatement + | releaseStatement + | returnStatement + | rewriteStatement + | searchStatement + | sendStatement + | setStatement + | sortStatement + | startStatement + | stopStatement + | stringStatement + | subtractStatement + | terminateStatement + | unstringStatement + | writeStatement + ; + +// accept statement + +acceptStatement + : ACCEPT identifier ( + acceptFromDateStatement + | acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement + | acceptFromMnemonicStatement + | acceptMessageCountStatement + )? onExceptionClause? notOnExceptionClause? END_ACCEPT? + ; + +acceptFromDateStatement + : FROM ( + DATE YYYYMMDD? + | DAY YYYYDDD? + | DAY_OF_WEEK + | TIME + | TIMER + | TODAYS_DATE MMDDYYYY? + | TODAYS_NAME + | YEAR + | YYYYMMDD + | YYYYDDD + ) + ; + +acceptFromMnemonicStatement + : FROM mnemonicName + ; + +acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement + : FROM ESCAPE KEY + ; + +acceptMessageCountStatement + : MESSAGE? COUNT + ; + +// add statement + +addStatement + : ADD (addToStatement | addToGivingStatement | addCorrespondingStatement) onSizeErrorPhrase? notOnSizeErrorPhrase? END_ADD? + ; + +addToStatement + : addFrom+ TO addTo+ + ; + +addToGivingStatement + : addFrom+ (TO addToGiving+)? GIVING addGiving+ + ; + +addCorrespondingStatement + : (CORRESPONDING | CORR) identifier TO addTo + ; + +addFrom + : identifier + | literal + ; + +addTo + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +addToGiving + : identifier + | literal + ; + +addGiving + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +// altered go to statement + +alteredGoTo + : GO TO? DOT_FS + ; + +// alter statement + +alterStatement + : ALTER alterProceedTo+ + ; + +alterProceedTo + : procedureName TO (PROCEED TO)? procedureName + ; + +// call statement + +callStatement + : CALL (identifier | literal) callUsingPhrase? callGivingPhrase? onOverflowPhrase? onExceptionClause? notOnExceptionClause? END_CALL? + ; + +callUsingPhrase + : USING callUsingParameter+ + ; + +callUsingParameter + : callByReferencePhrase + | callByValuePhrase + | callByContentPhrase + ; + +callByReferencePhrase + : (BY? REFERENCE)? callByReference+ + ; + +callByReference + : ((ADDRESS OF | INTEGER | STRING)? identifier | literal | fileName) + | OMITTED + ; + +callByValuePhrase + : BY? VALUE callByValue+ + ; + +callByValue + : (ADDRESS OF | LENGTH OF?)? (identifier | literal) + ; + +callByContentPhrase + : BY? CONTENT callByContent+ + ; + +callByContent + : (ADDRESS OF | LENGTH OF?)? identifier + | literal + | OMITTED + ; + +callGivingPhrase + : (GIVING | RETURNING) identifier + ; + +// cancel statement + +cancelStatement + : CANCEL cancelCall+ + ; + +cancelCall + : libraryName (BYTITLE | BYFUNCTION) + | identifier + | literal + ; + +// close statement + +closeStatement + : CLOSE closeFile+ + ; + +closeFile + : fileName (closeReelUnitStatement | closeRelativeStatement | closePortFileIOStatement)? + ; + +closeReelUnitStatement + : (REEL | UNIT) (FOR? REMOVAL)? (WITH? (NO REWIND | LOCK))? + ; + +closeRelativeStatement + : WITH? (NO REWIND | LOCK) + ; + +closePortFileIOStatement + : (WITH? NO WAIT | WITH WAIT) (USING closePortFileIOUsing+)? + ; + +closePortFileIOUsing + : closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition + | closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData + | closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength + ; + +closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition + : CLOSE_DISPOSITION OF? (ABORT | ORDERLY) + ; + +closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData + : ASSOCIATED_DATA (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength + : ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH OF? (identifier | integerLiteral) + ; + +// compute statement + +computeStatement + : COMPUTE computeStore+ (EQUALCHAR | EQUAL) arithmeticExpression onSizeErrorPhrase? notOnSizeErrorPhrase? END_COMPUTE? + ; + +computeStore + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +// continue statement + +continueStatement + : CONTINUE + ; + +// delete statement + +deleteStatement + : DELETE fileName RECORD? invalidKeyPhrase? notInvalidKeyPhrase? END_DELETE? + ; + +// disable statement + +disableStatement + : DISABLE (INPUT TERMINAL? | I_O TERMINAL | OUTPUT) cdName WITH? KEY (identifier | literal) + ; + +// display statement + +displayStatement + : DISPLAY displayOperand+ displayAt? displayUpon? displayWith? + ; + +displayOperand + : identifier + | literal + ; + +displayAt + : AT (identifier | literal) + ; + +displayUpon + : UPON (mnemonicName | environmentName) + ; + +displayWith + : WITH? NO ADVANCING + ; + +// divide statement + +divideStatement + : DIVIDE (identifier | literal) ( + divideIntoStatement + | divideIntoGivingStatement + | divideByGivingStatement + ) divideRemainder? onSizeErrorPhrase? notOnSizeErrorPhrase? END_DIVIDE? + ; + +divideIntoStatement + : INTO divideInto+ + ; + +divideIntoGivingStatement + : INTO (identifier | literal) divideGivingPhrase? + ; + +divideByGivingStatement + : BY (identifier | literal) divideGivingPhrase? + ; + +divideGivingPhrase + : GIVING divideGiving+ + ; + +divideInto + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +divideGiving + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +divideRemainder + : REMAINDER identifier + ; + +// enable statement + +enableStatement + : ENABLE (INPUT TERMINAL? | I_O TERMINAL | OUTPUT) cdName WITH? KEY (literal | identifier) + ; + +// entry statement + +entryStatement + : ENTRY literal (USING identifier+)? + ; + +// evaluate statement + +evaluateStatement + : EVALUATE evaluateSelect evaluateAlsoSelect* evaluateWhenPhrase+ evaluateWhenOther? END_EVALUATE? + ; + +evaluateSelect + : identifier + | literal + | arithmeticExpression + | condition + ; + +evaluateAlsoSelect + : ALSO evaluateSelect + ; + +evaluateWhenPhrase + : evaluateWhen+ statement* + ; + +evaluateWhen + : WHEN evaluateCondition evaluateAlsoCondition* + ; + +evaluateCondition + : ANY + | NOT? evaluateValue evaluateThrough? + | condition + | booleanLiteral + ; + +evaluateThrough + : (THROUGH | THRU) evaluateValue + ; + +evaluateAlsoCondition + : ALSO evaluateCondition + ; + +evaluateWhenOther + : WHEN OTHER statement* + ; + +evaluateValue + : identifier + | literal + | arithmeticExpression + ; + +// exec cics statement + +execCicsStatement + : EXECCICSLINE+ + ; + +// exec sql statement + +execSqlStatement + : EXECSQLLINE+ + ; + +// exec sql ims statement + +execSqlImsStatement + : EXECSQLIMSLINE+ + ; + +// exhibit statement + +exhibitStatement + : EXHIBIT NAMED? CHANGED? exhibitOperand+ + ; + +exhibitOperand + : identifier + | literal + ; + +// exit statement + +exitStatement + : EXIT PROGRAM? + ; + +// generate statement + +generateStatement + : GENERATE reportName + ; + +// goback statement + +gobackStatement + : GOBACK + ; + +// goto statement + +goToStatement + : GO TO? (goToStatementSimple | goToDependingOnStatement) + ; + +goToStatementSimple + : procedureName + ; + +goToDependingOnStatement + : MORE_LABELS + | procedureName+ (DEPENDING ON? identifier)? + ; + +// if statement + +ifStatement + : IF condition ifThen ifElse? END_IF? + ; + +ifThen + : THEN? (NEXT SENTENCE | statement*) + ; + +ifElse + : ELSE (NEXT SENTENCE | statement*) + ; + +// initialize statement + +initializeStatement + : INITIALIZE identifier+ initializeReplacingPhrase? + ; + +initializeReplacingPhrase + : REPLACING initializeReplacingBy+ + ; + +initializeReplacingBy + : ( + ALPHABETIC + | ALPHANUMERIC + | ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED + | NATIONAL + | NATIONAL_EDITED + | NUMERIC + | NUMERIC_EDITED + | DBCS + | EGCS + ) DATA? BY (identifier | literal) + ; + +// initiate statement + +initiateStatement + : INITIATE reportName+ + ; + +// inspect statement + +inspectStatement + : INSPECT identifier ( + inspectTallyingPhrase + | inspectReplacingPhrase + | inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase + | inspectConvertingPhrase + ) + ; + +inspectTallyingPhrase + : TALLYING inspectFor+ + ; + +inspectReplacingPhrase + : REPLACING (inspectReplacingCharacters | inspectReplacingAllLeadings)+ + ; + +inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase + : TALLYING inspectFor+ inspectReplacingPhrase+ + ; + +inspectConvertingPhrase + : CONVERTING (identifier | literal) inspectTo inspectBeforeAfter* + ; + +inspectFor + : identifier FOR (inspectCharacters | inspectAllLeadings)+ + ; + +inspectCharacters + : CHARACTERS inspectBeforeAfter* + ; + +inspectReplacingCharacters + : CHARACTERS inspectBy inspectBeforeAfter* + ; + +inspectAllLeadings + : (ALL | LEADING) inspectAllLeading+ + ; + +inspectReplacingAllLeadings + : (ALL | LEADING | FIRST) inspectReplacingAllLeading+ + ; + +inspectAllLeading + : (identifier | literal) inspectBeforeAfter* + ; + +inspectReplacingAllLeading + : (identifier | literal) inspectBy inspectBeforeAfter* + ; + +inspectBy + : BY (identifier | literal) + ; + +inspectTo + : TO (identifier | literal) + ; + +inspectBeforeAfter + : (BEFORE | AFTER) INITIAL? (identifier | literal) + ; + +// merge statement + +mergeStatement + : MERGE fileName mergeOnKeyClause+ mergeCollatingSequencePhrase? mergeUsing* mergeOutputProcedurePhrase? mergeGivingPhrase* + ; + +mergeOnKeyClause + : ON? (ASCENDING | DESCENDING) KEY? qualifiedDataName+ + ; + +mergeCollatingSequencePhrase + : COLLATING? SEQUENCE IS? alphabetName+ mergeCollatingAlphanumeric? mergeCollatingNational? + ; + +mergeCollatingAlphanumeric + : FOR? ALPHANUMERIC IS alphabetName + ; + +mergeCollatingNational + : FOR? NATIONAL IS? alphabetName + ; + +mergeUsing + : USING fileName+ + ; + +mergeOutputProcedurePhrase + : OUTPUT PROCEDURE IS? procedureName mergeOutputThrough? + ; + +mergeOutputThrough + : (THROUGH | THRU) procedureName + ; + +mergeGivingPhrase + : GIVING mergeGiving+ + ; + +mergeGiving + : fileName (LOCK | SAVE | NO REWIND | CRUNCH | RELEASE | WITH REMOVE CRUNCH)? + ; + +// move statement + +moveStatement + : MOVE ALL? (moveToStatement | moveCorrespondingToStatement) + ; + +moveToStatement + : moveToSendingArea TO identifier+ + ; + +moveToSendingArea + : identifier + | literal + ; + +moveCorrespondingToStatement + : (CORRESPONDING | CORR) moveCorrespondingToSendingArea TO identifier+ + ; + +moveCorrespondingToSendingArea + : identifier + ; + +// multiply statement + +multiplyStatement + : MULTIPLY (identifier | literal) BY (multiplyRegular | multiplyGiving) onSizeErrorPhrase? notOnSizeErrorPhrase? END_MULTIPLY? + ; + +multiplyRegular + : multiplyRegularOperand+ + ; + +multiplyRegularOperand + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +multiplyGiving + : multiplyGivingOperand GIVING multiplyGivingResult+ + ; + +multiplyGivingOperand + : identifier + | literal + ; + +multiplyGivingResult + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +// open statement + +openStatement + : OPEN (openInputStatement | openOutputStatement | openIOStatement | openExtendStatement)+ + ; + +openInputStatement + : INPUT openInput+ + ; + +openInput + : fileName (REVERSED | WITH? NO REWIND)? + ; + +openOutputStatement + : OUTPUT openOutput+ + ; + +openOutput + : fileName (WITH? NO REWIND)? + ; + +openIOStatement + : I_O fileName+ + ; + +openExtendStatement + : EXTEND fileName+ + ; + +// perform statement + +performStatement + : PERFORM (performInlineStatement | performProcedureStatement) + ; + +performInlineStatement + : performType? statement* END_PERFORM + ; + +performProcedureStatement + : procedureName ((THROUGH | THRU) procedureName)? performType? + ; + +performType + : performTimes + | performUntil + | performVarying + ; + +performTimes + : (identifier | integerLiteral) TIMES + ; + +performUntil + : performTestClause? UNTIL condition + ; + +performVarying + : performTestClause performVaryingClause + | performVaryingClause performTestClause? + ; + +performVaryingClause + : VARYING performVaryingPhrase performAfter* + ; + +performVaryingPhrase + : (identifier | literal) performFrom performBy performUntil + ; + +performAfter + : AFTER performVaryingPhrase + ; + +performFrom + : FROM (identifier | literal | arithmeticExpression) + ; + +performBy + : BY (identifier | literal | arithmeticExpression) + ; + +performTestClause + : WITH? TEST (BEFORE | AFTER) + ; + +// purge statement + +purgeStatement + : PURGE cdName+ + ; + +// read statement + +readStatement + : READ fileName NEXT? RECORD? readInto? readWith? readKey? invalidKeyPhrase? notInvalidKeyPhrase? atEndPhrase? notAtEndPhrase? END_READ? + ; + +readInto + : INTO identifier + ; + +readWith + : WITH? ((KEPT | NO) LOCK | WAIT) + ; + +readKey + : KEY IS? qualifiedDataName + ; + +// receive statement + +receiveStatement + : RECEIVE (receiveFromStatement | receiveIntoStatement) onExceptionClause? notOnExceptionClause? END_RECEIVE? + ; + +receiveFromStatement + : dataName FROM receiveFrom ( + receiveBefore + | receiveWith + | receiveThread + | receiveSize + | receiveStatus + )* + ; + +receiveFrom + : THREAD dataName + | LAST THREAD + | ANY THREAD + ; + +receiveIntoStatement + : cdName (MESSAGE | SEGMENT) INTO? identifier receiveNoData? receiveWithData? + ; + +receiveNoData + : NO DATA statement* + ; + +receiveWithData + : WITH DATA statement* + ; + +receiveBefore + : BEFORE TIME? (numericLiteral | identifier) + ; + +receiveWith + : WITH? NO WAIT + ; + +receiveThread + : THREAD IN? dataName + ; + +receiveSize + : SIZE IN? (numericLiteral | identifier) + ; + +receiveStatus + : STATUS IN? (identifier) + ; + +// release statement + +releaseStatement + : RELEASE recordName (FROM qualifiedDataName)? + ; + +// return statement + +returnStatement + : RETURN fileName RECORD? returnInto? atEndPhrase notAtEndPhrase? END_RETURN? + ; + +returnInto + : INTO qualifiedDataName + ; + +// rewrite statement + +rewriteStatement + : REWRITE recordName rewriteFrom? invalidKeyPhrase? notInvalidKeyPhrase? END_REWRITE? + ; + +rewriteFrom + : FROM identifier + ; + +// search statement + +searchStatement + : SEARCH ALL? qualifiedDataName searchVarying? atEndPhrase? searchWhen+ END_SEARCH? + ; + +searchVarying + : VARYING qualifiedDataName + ; + +searchWhen + : WHEN condition (NEXT SENTENCE | statement*) + ; + +// send statement + +sendStatement + : SEND (sendStatementSync | sendStatementAsync) onExceptionClause? notOnExceptionClause? + ; + +sendStatementSync + : (identifier | literal) sendFromPhrase? sendWithPhrase? sendReplacingPhrase? sendAdvancingPhrase? + ; + +sendStatementAsync + : TO (TOP | BOTTOM) identifier + ; + +sendFromPhrase + : FROM identifier + ; + +sendWithPhrase + : WITH (EGI | EMI | ESI | identifier) + ; + +sendReplacingPhrase + : REPLACING LINE? + ; + +sendAdvancingPhrase + : (BEFORE | AFTER) ADVANCING? (sendAdvancingPage | sendAdvancingLines | sendAdvancingMnemonic) + ; + +sendAdvancingPage + : PAGE + ; + +sendAdvancingLines + : (identifier | literal) (LINE | LINES)? + ; + +sendAdvancingMnemonic + : mnemonicName + ; + +// set statement + +setStatement + : SET (setToStatement+ | setUpDownByStatement) + ; + +setToStatement + : setTo+ TO setToValue+ + ; + +setUpDownByStatement + : setTo+ (UP BY | DOWN BY) setByValue + ; + +setTo + : identifier + ; + +setToValue + : ON + | OFF + | ENTRY (identifier | literal) + | identifier + | literal + ; + +setByValue + : identifier + | literal + ; + +// sort statement + +sortStatement + : SORT fileName sortOnKeyClause+ sortDuplicatesPhrase? sortCollatingSequencePhrase? sortInputProcedurePhrase? sortUsing* sortOutputProcedurePhrase + ? sortGivingPhrase* + ; + +sortOnKeyClause + : ON? (ASCENDING | DESCENDING) KEY? qualifiedDataName+ + ; + +sortDuplicatesPhrase + : WITH? DUPLICATES IN? ORDER? + ; + +sortCollatingSequencePhrase + : COLLATING? SEQUENCE IS? alphabetName+ sortCollatingAlphanumeric? sortCollatingNational? + ; + +sortCollatingAlphanumeric + : FOR? ALPHANUMERIC IS alphabetName + ; + +sortCollatingNational + : FOR? NATIONAL IS? alphabetName + ; + +sortInputProcedurePhrase + : INPUT PROCEDURE IS? procedureName sortInputThrough? + ; + +sortInputThrough + : (THROUGH | THRU) procedureName + ; + +sortUsing + : USING fileName+ + ; + +sortOutputProcedurePhrase + : OUTPUT PROCEDURE IS? procedureName sortOutputThrough? + ; + +sortOutputThrough + : (THROUGH | THRU) procedureName + ; + +sortGivingPhrase + : GIVING sortGiving+ + ; + +sortGiving + : fileName (LOCK | SAVE | NO REWIND | CRUNCH | RELEASE | WITH REMOVE CRUNCH)? + ; + +// start statement + +startStatement + : START fileName startKey? invalidKeyPhrase? notInvalidKeyPhrase? END_START? + ; + +startKey + : KEY IS? ( + EQUAL TO? + | EQUALCHAR + | GREATER THAN? + | MORETHANCHAR + | NOT LESS THAN? + | NOT LESSTHANCHAR + | GREATER THAN? OR EQUAL TO? + | MORETHANOREQUAL + ) qualifiedDataName + ; + +// stop statement + +stopStatement + : STOP (RUN | literal) + ; + +// string statement + +stringStatement + : STRING stringSendingPhrase+ stringIntoPhrase stringWithPointerPhrase? onOverflowPhrase? notOnOverflowPhrase? END_STRING? + ; + +stringSendingPhrase + : stringSending+ (stringDelimitedByPhrase | stringForPhrase) + ; + +stringSending + : identifier + | literal + ; + +stringDelimitedByPhrase + : DELIMITED BY? (SIZE | identifier | literal) + ; + +stringForPhrase + : FOR (identifier | literal) + ; + +stringIntoPhrase + : INTO identifier + ; + +stringWithPointerPhrase + : WITH? POINTER qualifiedDataName + ; + +// subtract statement + +subtractStatement + : SUBTRACT ( + subtractFromStatement + | subtractFromGivingStatement + | subtractCorrespondingStatement + ) onSizeErrorPhrase? notOnSizeErrorPhrase? END_SUBTRACT? + ; + +subtractFromStatement + : subtractSubtrahend+ FROM subtractMinuend+ + ; + +subtractFromGivingStatement + : subtractSubtrahend+ FROM subtractMinuendGiving GIVING subtractGiving+ + ; + +subtractCorrespondingStatement + : (CORRESPONDING | CORR) qualifiedDataName FROM subtractMinuendCorresponding + ; + +subtractSubtrahend + : identifier + | literal + ; + +subtractMinuend + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +subtractMinuendGiving + : identifier + | literal + ; + +subtractGiving + : identifier ROUNDED? + ; + +subtractMinuendCorresponding + : qualifiedDataName ROUNDED? + ; + +// terminate statement + +terminateStatement + : TERMINATE reportName + ; + +// unstring statement + +unstringStatement + : UNSTRING unstringSendingPhrase unstringIntoPhrase unstringWithPointerPhrase? unstringTallyingPhrase? onOverflowPhrase? notOnOverflowPhrase? + END_UNSTRING? + ; + +unstringSendingPhrase + : identifier (unstringDelimitedByPhrase unstringOrAllPhrase*)? + ; + +unstringDelimitedByPhrase + : DELIMITED BY? ALL? (identifier | literal) + ; + +unstringOrAllPhrase + : OR ALL? (identifier | literal) + ; + +unstringIntoPhrase + : INTO unstringInto+ + ; + +unstringInto + : identifier unstringDelimiterIn? unstringCountIn? + ; + +unstringDelimiterIn + : DELIMITER IN? identifier + ; + +unstringCountIn + : COUNT IN? identifier + ; + +unstringWithPointerPhrase + : WITH? POINTER qualifiedDataName + ; + +unstringTallyingPhrase + : TALLYING IN? qualifiedDataName + ; + +// use statement + +useStatement + : USE (useAfterClause | useDebugClause) + ; + +useAfterClause + : GLOBAL? AFTER STANDARD? (EXCEPTION | ERROR) PROCEDURE ON? useAfterOn + ; + +useAfterOn + : INPUT + | OUTPUT + | I_O + | EXTEND + | fileName+ + ; + +useDebugClause + : FOR? DEBUGGING ON? useDebugOn+ + ; + +useDebugOn + : ALL PROCEDURES + | ALL REFERENCES? OF? identifier + | procedureName + | fileName + ; + +// write statement + +writeStatement + : WRITE recordName writeFromPhrase? writeAdvancingPhrase? writeAtEndOfPagePhrase? writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase? invalidKeyPhrase? notInvalidKeyPhrase + ? END_WRITE? + ; + +writeFromPhrase + : FROM (identifier | literal) + ; + +writeAdvancingPhrase + : (BEFORE | AFTER) ADVANCING? ( + writeAdvancingPage + | writeAdvancingLines + | writeAdvancingMnemonic + ) + ; + +writeAdvancingPage + : PAGE + ; + +writeAdvancingLines + : (identifier | literal) (LINE | LINES)? + ; + +writeAdvancingMnemonic + : mnemonicName + ; + +writeAtEndOfPagePhrase + : AT? (END_OF_PAGE | EOP) statement* + ; + +writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase + : NOT AT? (END_OF_PAGE | EOP) statement* + ; + +// statement phrases ---------------------------------- + +atEndPhrase + : AT? END statement* + ; + +notAtEndPhrase + : NOT AT? END statement* + ; + +invalidKeyPhrase + : INVALID KEY? statement* + ; + +notInvalidKeyPhrase + : NOT INVALID KEY? statement* + ; + +onOverflowPhrase + : ON? OVERFLOW statement* + ; + +notOnOverflowPhrase + : NOT ON? OVERFLOW statement* + ; + +onSizeErrorPhrase + : ON? SIZE ERROR statement* + ; + +notOnSizeErrorPhrase + : NOT ON? SIZE ERROR statement* + ; + +// statement clauses ---------------------------------- + +onExceptionClause + : ON? EXCEPTION statement* + ; + +notOnExceptionClause + : NOT ON? EXCEPTION statement* + ; + +// arithmetic expression ---------------------------------- + +arithmeticExpression + : multDivs plusMinus* + ; + +plusMinus + : (PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR) multDivs + ; + +multDivs + : powers multDiv* + ; + +multDiv + : (ASTERISKCHAR | SLASHCHAR) powers + ; + +powers + : (PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR)? basis power* + ; + +power + : DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR basis + ; + +basis + : LPARENCHAR arithmeticExpression RPARENCHAR + | identifier + | literal + ; + +// condition ---------------------------------- + +condition + : combinableCondition andOrCondition* + ; + +andOrCondition + : (AND | OR) (combinableCondition | abbreviation+) + ; + +combinableCondition + : NOT? simpleCondition + ; + +simpleCondition + : LPARENCHAR condition RPARENCHAR + | relationCondition + | classCondition + | conditionNameReference + ; + +classCondition + : identifier IS? NOT? ( + NUMERIC + | ALPHABETIC + | ALPHABETIC_LOWER + | ALPHABETIC_UPPER + | DBCS + | KANJI + | className + ) + ; + +conditionNameReference + : conditionName (inData* inFile? conditionNameSubscriptReference* | inMnemonic*) + ; + +conditionNameSubscriptReference + : LPARENCHAR subscript_ (COMMACHAR? subscript_)* RPARENCHAR + ; + +// relation ---------------------------------- + +relationCondition + : relationSignCondition + | relationArithmeticComparison + | relationCombinedComparison + ; + +relationSignCondition + : arithmeticExpression IS? NOT? (POSITIVE | NEGATIVE | ZERO) + ; + +relationArithmeticComparison + : arithmeticExpression relationalOperator arithmeticExpression + ; + +relationCombinedComparison + : arithmeticExpression relationalOperator LPARENCHAR relationCombinedCondition RPARENCHAR + ; + +relationCombinedCondition + : arithmeticExpression ((AND | OR) arithmeticExpression)+ + ; + +relationalOperator + : (IS | ARE)? ( + NOT? (GREATER THAN? | MORETHANCHAR | LESS THAN? | LESSTHANCHAR | EQUAL TO? | EQUALCHAR) + | NOTEQUALCHAR + | GREATER THAN? OR EQUAL TO? + | MORETHANOREQUAL + | LESS THAN? OR EQUAL TO? + | LESSTHANOREQUAL + ) + ; + +abbreviation + : NOT? relationalOperator? ( + arithmeticExpression + | LPARENCHAR arithmeticExpression abbreviation RPARENCHAR + ) + ; + +// identifier ---------------------------------- + +identifier + : qualifiedDataName + | tableCall + | functionCall + | specialRegister + ; + +tableCall + : qualifiedDataName (LPARENCHAR subscript_ (COMMACHAR? subscript_)* RPARENCHAR)* referenceModifier? + ; + +functionCall + : FUNCTION functionName (LPARENCHAR argument (COMMACHAR? argument)* RPARENCHAR)* referenceModifier? + ; + +referenceModifier + : LPARENCHAR characterPosition COLONCHAR length? RPARENCHAR + ; + +characterPosition + : arithmeticExpression + ; + +length + : arithmeticExpression + ; + +subscript_ + : ALL + | integerLiteral + | qualifiedDataName integerLiteral? + | indexName integerLiteral? + | arithmeticExpression + ; + +argument + : literal + | identifier + | qualifiedDataName integerLiteral? + | indexName integerLiteral? + | arithmeticExpression + ; + +// qualified data name ---------------------------------- + +qualifiedDataName + : qualifiedDataNameFormat1 + | qualifiedDataNameFormat2 + | qualifiedDataNameFormat3 + | qualifiedDataNameFormat4 + ; + +qualifiedDataNameFormat1 + : (dataName | conditionName) (qualifiedInData+ inFile? | inFile)? + ; + +qualifiedDataNameFormat2 + : paragraphName inSection + ; + +qualifiedDataNameFormat3 + : textName inLibrary + ; + +qualifiedDataNameFormat4 + : LINAGE_COUNTER inFile + ; + +qualifiedInData + : inData + | inTable + ; + +// in ---------------------------------- + +inData + : (IN | OF) dataName + ; + +inFile + : (IN | OF) fileName + ; + +inMnemonic + : (IN | OF) mnemonicName + ; + +inSection + : (IN | OF) sectionName + ; + +inLibrary + : (IN | OF) libraryName + ; + +inTable + : (IN | OF) tableCall + ; + +// names ---------------------------------- + +alphabetName + : cobolWord + ; + +assignmentName + : systemName + ; + +basisName + : programName + ; + +cdName + : cobolWord + ; + +className + : cobolWord + ; + +computerName + : systemName + ; + +conditionName + : cobolWord + ; + +dataName + : cobolWord + ; + +dataDescName + : FILLER + | CURSOR + | dataName + ; + +environmentName + : systemName + ; + +fileName + : cobolWord + ; + +functionName + : INTEGER + | LENGTH + | RANDOM + | SUM + | WHEN_COMPILED + | cobolWord + ; + +indexName + : cobolWord + ; + +languageName + : systemName + ; + +libraryName + : cobolWord + ; + +localName + : cobolWord + ; + +mnemonicName + : cobolWord + ; + +paragraphName + : cobolWord + | integerLiteral + ; + +procedureName + : paragraphName inSection? + | sectionName + ; + +programName + : NONNUMERICLITERAL + | cobolWord + ; + +recordName + : qualifiedDataName + ; + +reportName + : qualifiedDataName + ; + +routineName + : cobolWord + ; + +screenName + : cobolWord + ; + +sectionName + : cobolWord + | integerLiteral + ; + +systemName + : cobolWord + ; + +symbolicCharacter + : cobolWord + ; + +textName + : cobolWord + ; + +// literal ---------------------------------- + +cobolWord + : IDENTIFIER + | COBOL + | PROGRAM + | ABORT + | AS + | ASCII + | ASSOCIATED_DATA + | ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH + | ATTRIBUTE + | AUTO + | AUTO_SKIP + | BACKGROUND_COLOR + | BACKGROUND_COLOUR + | BEEP + | BELL + | BINARY + | BIT + | BLINK + | BOUNDS + | CAPABLE + | CCSVERSION + | CHANGED + | CHANNEL + | CLOSE_DISPOSITION + | COMMITMENT + | CONTROL_POINT + | CONVENTION + | CRUNCH + | CURSOR + | DEFAULT + | DEFAULT_DISPLAY + | DEFINITION + | DFHRESP + | DFHVALUE + | DISK + | DONTCARE + | DOUBLE + | EBCDIC + | EMPTY_CHECK + | ENTER + | ENTRY_PROCEDURE + | EOL + | EOS + | ERASE + | ESCAPE + | EVENT + | EXCLUSIVE + | EXPORT + | EXTENDED + | FOREGROUND_COLOR + | FOREGROUND_COLOUR + | FULL + | FUNCTIONNAME + | FUNCTION_POINTER + | GRID + | HIGHLIGHT + | IMPLICIT + | IMPORT + | INTEGER + | KEPT + | KEYBOARD + | LANGUAGE + | LB + | LD + | LEFTLINE + | LENGTH_CHECK + | LIBACCESS + | LIBPARAMETER + | LIBRARY + | LIST + | LOCAL + | LONG_DATE + | LONG_TIME + | LOWER + | LOWLIGHT + | MMDDYYYY + | NAMED + | NATIONAL + | NATIONAL_EDITED + | NETWORK + | NO_ECHO + | NUMERIC_DATE + | NUMERIC_TIME + | ODT + | ORDERLY + | OVERLINE + | OWN + | PASSWORD + | PORT + | PRINTER + | PRIVATE + | PROCESS + | PROMPT + | READER + | REAL + | RECEIVED + | RECURSIVE + | REF + | REMOTE + | REMOVE + | REQUIRED + | REVERSE_VIDEO + | SAVE + | SECURE + | SHARED + | SHAREDBYALL + | SHAREDBYRUNUNIT + | SHARING + | SHORT_DATE + | SYMBOL + | TASK + | THREAD + | THREAD_LOCAL + | TIMER + | TODAYS_DATE + | TODAYS_NAME + | TRUNCATED + | TYPEDEF + | UNDERLINE + | VIRTUAL + | WAIT + | YEAR + | YYYYMMDD + | YYYYDDD + | ZERO_FILL + ; + +literal + : NONNUMERICLITERAL + | figurativeConstant + | numericLiteral + | booleanLiteral + | cicsDfhRespLiteral + | cicsDfhValueLiteral + ; + +booleanLiteral + : TRUE + | FALSE + ; + +numericLiteral + : NUMERICLITERAL + | ZERO + | integerLiteral + ; + +integerLiteral + : INTEGERLITERAL + | LEVEL_NUMBER_66 + | LEVEL_NUMBER_77 + | LEVEL_NUMBER_88 + ; + +cicsDfhRespLiteral + : DFHRESP LPARENCHAR (cobolWord | literal) RPARENCHAR + ; + +cicsDfhValueLiteral + : DFHVALUE LPARENCHAR (cobolWord | literal) RPARENCHAR + ; + +// keywords ---------------------------------- + +figurativeConstant + : ALL literal + | HIGH_VALUE + | HIGH_VALUES + | LOW_VALUE + | LOW_VALUES + | NULL_ + | NULLS + | QUOTE + | QUOTES + | SPACE + | SPACES + | ZERO + | ZEROS + | ZEROES + ; + +specialRegister + : ADDRESS OF identifier + | DATE + | DAY + | DAY_OF_WEEK + | DEBUG_CONTENTS + | DEBUG_ITEM + | DEBUG_LINE + | DEBUG_NAME + | DEBUG_SUB_1 + | DEBUG_SUB_2 + | DEBUG_SUB_3 + | LENGTH OF? identifier + | LINAGE_COUNTER + | LINE_COUNTER + | PAGE_COUNTER + | RETURN_CODE + | SHIFT_IN + | SHIFT_OUT + | SORT_CONTROL + | SORT_CORE_SIZE + | SORT_FILE_SIZE + | SORT_MESSAGE + | SORT_MODE_SIZE + | SORT_RETURN + | TALLY + | TIME + | WHEN_COMPILED + ; + +// comment entry + +commentEntry + : COMMENTENTRYLINE+ + ; + +// lexer rules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// keywords +ABORT + : A B O R T + ; + +ACCEPT + : A C C E P T + ; + +ACCESS + : A C C E S S + ; + +ADD + : A D D + ; + +ADDRESS + : A D D R E S S + ; + +ADVANCING + : A D V A N C I N G + ; + +AFTER + : A F T E R + ; + +ALIGNED + : A L I G N E D + ; + +ALL + : A L L + ; + +ALPHABET + : A L P H A B E T + ; + +ALPHABETIC + : A L P H A B E T I C + ; + +ALPHABETIC_LOWER + : A L P H A B E T I C MINUSCHAR L O W E R + ; + +ALPHABETIC_UPPER + : A L P H A B E T I C MINUSCHAR U P P E R + ; + +ALPHANUMERIC + : A L P H A N U M E R I C + ; + +ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED + : A L P H A N U M E R I C MINUSCHAR E D I T E D + ; + +ALSO + : A L S O + ; + +ALTER + : A L T E R + ; + +ALTERNATE + : A L T E R N A T E + ; + +AND + : A N D + ; + +ANY + : A N Y + ; + +ARE + : A R E + ; + +AREA + : A R E A + ; + +AREAS + : A R E A S + ; + +AS + : A S + ; + +ASCENDING + : A S C E N D I N G + ; + +ASCII + : A S C I I + ; + +ASSIGN + : A S S I G N + ; + +ASSOCIATED_DATA + : A S S O C I A T E D MINUSCHAR D A T A + ; + +ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH + : A S S O C I A T E D MINUSCHAR D A T A MINUSCHAR L E N G T H + ; + +AT + : A T + ; + +ATTRIBUTE + : A T T R I B U T E + ; + +AUTHOR + : A U T H O R + ; + +AUTO + : A U T O + ; + +AUTO_SKIP + : A U T O MINUSCHAR S K I P + ; + +BACKGROUND_COLOR + : B A C K G R O U N D MINUSCHAR C O L O R + ; + +BACKGROUND_COLOUR + : B A C K G R O U N D MINUSCHAR C O L O U R + ; + +BASIS + : B A S I S + ; + +BEEP + : B E E P + ; + +BEFORE + : B E F O R E + ; + +BEGINNING + : B E G I N N I N G + ; + +BELL + : B E L L + ; + +BINARY + : B I N A R Y + ; + +BIT + : B I T + ; + +BLANK + : B L A N K + ; + +BLINK + : B L I N K + ; + +BLOCK + : B L O C K + ; + +BOUNDS + : B O U N D S + ; + +BOTTOM + : B O T T O M + ; + +BY + : B Y + ; + +BYFUNCTION + : B Y F U N C T I O N + ; + +BYTITLE + : B Y T I T L E + ; + +CALL + : C A L L + ; + +CANCEL + : C A N C E L + ; + +CAPABLE + : C A P A B L E + ; + +CCSVERSION + : C C S V E R S I O N + ; + +CD + : C D + ; + +CF + : C F + ; + +CH + : C H + ; + +CHAINING + : C H A I N I N G + ; + +CHANGED + : C H A N G E D + ; + +CHANNEL + : C H A N N E L + ; + +CHARACTER + : C H A R A C T E R + ; + +CHARACTERS + : C H A R A C T E R S + ; + +CLASS + : C L A S S + ; + +CLASS_ID + : C L A S S MINUSCHAR I D + ; + +CLOCK_UNITS + : C L O C K MINUSCHAR U N I T S + ; + +CLOSE + : C L O S E + ; + +CLOSE_DISPOSITION + : C L O S E MINUSCHAR D I S P O S I T I O N + ; + +COBOL + : C O B O L + ; + +CODE + : C O D E + ; + +CODE_SET + : C O D E MINUSCHAR S E T + ; + +COLLATING + : C O L L A T I N G + ; + +COL + : C O L + ; + +COLUMN + : C O L U M N + ; + +COM_REG + : C O M MINUSCHAR R E G + ; + +COMMA + : C O M M A + ; + +COMMITMENT + : C O M M I T M E N T + ; + +COMMON + : C O M M O N + ; + +COMMUNICATION + : C O M M U N I C A T I O N + ; + +COMP + : C O M P + ; + +COMP_1 + : C O M P MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +COMP_2 + : C O M P MINUSCHAR '2' + ; + +COMP_3 + : C O M P MINUSCHAR '3' + ; + +COMP_4 + : C O M P MINUSCHAR '4' + ; + +COMP_5 + : C O M P MINUSCHAR '5' + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL_1 + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL_2 + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR '2' + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL_3 + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR '3' + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL_4 + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR '4' + ; + +COMPUTATIONAL_5 + : C O M P U T A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR '5' + ; + +COMPUTE + : C O M P U T E + ; + +CONFIGURATION + : C O N F I G U R A T I O N + ; + +CONTAINS + : C O N T A I N S + ; + +CONTENT + : C O N T E N T + ; + +CONTINUE + : C O N T I N U E + ; + +CONTROL + : C O N T R O L + ; + +CONTROL_POINT + : C O N T R O L MINUSCHAR P O I N T + ; + +CONTROLS + : C O N T R O L S + ; + +CONVENTION + : C O N V E N T I O N + ; + +CONVERTING + : C O N V E R T I N G + ; + +COPY + : C O P Y + ; + +CORR + : C O R R + ; + +CORRESPONDING + : C O R R E S P O N D I N G + ; + +COUNT + : C O U N T + ; + +CRUNCH + : C R U N C H + ; + +CURRENCY + : C U R R E N C Y + ; + +CURSOR + : C U R S O R + ; + +DATA + : D A T A + ; + +DATA_BASE + : D A T A MINUSCHAR B A S E + ; + +DATE + : D A T E + ; + +DATE_COMPILED + : D A T E MINUSCHAR C O M P I L E D + ; + +DATE_WRITTEN + : D A T E MINUSCHAR W R I T T E N + ; + +DAY + : D A Y + ; + +DAY_OF_WEEK + : D A Y MINUSCHAR O F MINUSCHAR W E E K + ; + +DBCS + : D B C S + ; + +DE + : D E + ; + +DEBUG_CONTENTS + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR C O N T E N T S + ; + +DEBUG_ITEM + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR I T E M + ; + +DEBUG_LINE + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR L I N E + ; + +DEBUG_NAME + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR N A M E + ; + +DEBUG_SUB_1 + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR S U B MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +DEBUG_SUB_2 + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR S U B MINUSCHAR '2' + ; + +DEBUG_SUB_3 + : D E B U G MINUSCHAR S U B MINUSCHAR '3' + ; + +DEBUGGING + : D E B U G G I N G + ; + +DECIMAL_POINT + : D E C I M A L MINUSCHAR P O I N T + ; + +DECLARATIVES + : D E C L A R A T I V E S + ; + +DEFAULT + : D E F A U L T + ; + +DEFAULT_DISPLAY + : D E F A U L T MINUSCHAR D I S P L A Y + ; + +DEFINITION + : D E F I N I T I O N + ; + +DELETE + : D E L E T E + ; + +DELIMITED + : D E L I M I T E D + ; + +DELIMITER + : D E L I M I T E R + ; + +DEPENDING + : D E P E N D I N G + ; + +DESCENDING + : D E S C E N D I N G + ; + +DESTINATION + : D E S T I N A T I O N + ; + +DETAIL + : D E T A I L + ; + +DFHRESP + : D F H R E S P + ; + +DFHVALUE + : D F H V A L U E + ; + +DISABLE + : D I S A B L E + ; + +DISK + : D I S K + ; + +DISPLAY + : D I S P L A Y + ; + +DISPLAY_1 + : D I S P L A Y MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +DIVIDE + : D I V I D E + ; + +DIVISION + : D I V I S I O N + ; + +DONTCARE + : D O N T C A R E + ; + +DOUBLE + : D O U B L E + ; + +DOWN + : D O W N + ; + +DUPLICATES + : D U P L I C A T E S + ; + +DYNAMIC + : D Y N A M I C + ; + +EBCDIC + : E B C D I C + ; + +EGCS + : E G C S + ; // E X T E N S I O N + +EGI + : E G I + ; + +ELSE + : E L S E + ; + +EMI + : E M I + ; + +EMPTY_CHECK + : E M P T Y MINUSCHAR C H E C K + ; + +ENABLE + : E N A B L E + ; + +END + : E N D + ; + +END_ACCEPT + : E N D MINUSCHAR A C C E P T + ; + +END_ADD + : E N D MINUSCHAR A D D + ; + +END_CALL + : E N D MINUSCHAR C A L L + ; + +END_COMPUTE + : E N D MINUSCHAR C O M P U T E + ; + +END_DELETE + : E N D MINUSCHAR D E L E T E + ; + +END_DIVIDE + : E N D MINUSCHAR D I V I D E + ; + +END_EVALUATE + : E N D MINUSCHAR E V A L U A T E + ; + +END_IF + : E N D MINUSCHAR I F + ; + +END_MULTIPLY + : E N D MINUSCHAR M U L T I P L Y + ; + +END_OF_PAGE + : E N D MINUSCHAR O F MINUSCHAR P A G E + ; + +END_PERFORM + : E N D MINUSCHAR P E R F O R M + ; + +END_READ + : E N D MINUSCHAR R E A D + ; + +END_RECEIVE + : E N D MINUSCHAR R E C E I V E + ; + +END_RETURN + : E N D MINUSCHAR R E T U R N + ; + +END_REWRITE + : E N D MINUSCHAR R E W R I T E + ; + +END_SEARCH + : E N D MINUSCHAR S E A R C H + ; + +END_START + : E N D MINUSCHAR S T A R T + ; + +END_STRING + : E N D MINUSCHAR S T R I N G + ; + +END_SUBTRACT + : E N D MINUSCHAR S U B T R A C T + ; + +END_UNSTRING + : E N D MINUSCHAR U N S T R I N G + ; + +END_WRITE + : E N D MINUSCHAR W R I T E + ; + +ENDING + : E N D I N F + ; + +ENTER + : E N T E R + ; + +ENTRY + : E N T R Y + ; + +ENTRY_PROCEDURE + : E N T R Y MINUSCHAR P R O C E D U R E + ; + +ENVIRONMENT + : E N V I R O N M E N T + ; + +EOP + : E O P + ; + +EQUAL + : E Q U A L + ; + +ERASE + : E R A S E + ; + +ERROR + : E R R O R + ; + +EOL + : E O L + ; + +EOS + : E O S + ; + +ESCAPE + : E S C A P E + ; + +ESI + : E S I + ; + +EVALUATE + : E V A L U A T E + ; + +EVENT + : E V E N T + ; + +EVERY + : E V E R Y + ; + +EXCEPTION + : E X C E P T I O N + ; + +EXCLUSIVE + : E X C L U S I V E + ; + +EXHIBIT + : E X H I B I T + ; + +EXIT + : E X I T + ; + +EXPORT + : E X P O R T + ; + +EXTEND + : E X T E N D + ; + +EXTENDED + : E X T E N D E D + ; + +EXTERNAL + : E X T E R N A L + ; + +FALSE + : F A L S E + ; + +FD + : F D + ; + +FILE + : F I L E + ; + +FILE_CONTROL + : F I L E MINUSCHAR C O N T R O L + ; + +FILLER + : F I L L E R + ; + +FINAL + : F I N A L + ; + +FIRST + : F I R S T + ; + +FOOTING + : F O O T I N G + ; + +FOR + : F O R + ; + +FOREGROUND_COLOR + : F O R E G R O U N D MINUSCHAR C O L O R + ; + +FOREGROUND_COLOUR + : F O R E G R O U N D MINUSCHAR C O L O U R + ; + +FROM + : F R O M + ; + +FULL + : F U L L + ; + +FUNCTION + : F U N C T I O N + ; + +FUNCTIONNAME + : F U N C T I O N N A M E + ; + +FUNCTION_POINTER + : F U N C T I O N MINUSCHAR P O I N T E R + ; + +GENERATE + : G E N E R A T E + ; + +GOBACK + : G O B A C K + ; + +GIVING + : G I V I N G + ; + +GLOBAL + : G L O B A L + ; + +GO + : G O + ; + +GREATER + : G R E A T E R + ; + +GRID + : G R I D + ; + +GROUP + : G R O U P + ; + +HEADING + : H E A D I N G + ; + +HIGHLIGHT + : H I G H L I G H T + ; + +HIGH_VALUE + : H I G H MINUSCHAR V A L U E + ; + +HIGH_VALUES + : H I G H MINUSCHAR V A L U E S + ; + +I_O + : I MINUSCHAR O + ; + +I_O_CONTROL + : I MINUSCHAR O MINUSCHAR C O N T R O L + ; + +ID + : I D + ; + +IDENTIFICATION + : I D E N T I F I C A T I O N + ; + +IF + : I F + ; + +IMPLICIT + : I M P L I C I T + ; + +IMPORT + : I M P O R T + ; + +IN + : I N + ; + +INDEX + : I N D E X + ; + +INDEXED + : I N D E X E D + ; + +INDICATE + : I N D I C A T E + ; + +INITIAL + : I N I T I A L + ; + +INITIALIZE + : I N I T I A L I Z E + ; + +INITIATE + : I N I T I A T E + ; + +INPUT + : I N P U T + ; + +INPUT_OUTPUT + : I N P U T MINUSCHAR O U T P U T + ; + +INSPECT + : I N S P E C T + ; + +INSTALLATION + : I N S T A L L A T I O N + ; + +INTEGER + : I N T E G E R + ; + +INTO + : I N T O + ; + +INVALID + : I N V A L I D + ; + +INVOKE + : I N V O K E + ; + +IS + : I S + ; + +JUST + : J U S T + ; + +JUSTIFIED + : J U S T I F I E D + ; + +KANJI + : K A N J I + ; + +KEPT + : K E P T + ; + +KEY + : K E Y + ; + +KEYBOARD + : K E Y B O A R D + ; + +LABEL + : L A B E L + ; + +LANGUAGE + : L A N G U A G E + ; + +LAST + : L A S T + ; + +LB + : L B + ; + +LD + : L D + ; + +LEADING + : L E A D I N G + ; + +LEFT + : L E F T + ; + +LEFTLINE + : L E F T L I N E + ; + +LENGTH + : L E N G T H + ; + +LENGTH_CHECK + : L E N G T H MINUSCHAR C H E C K + ; + +LESS + : L E S S + ; + +LIBACCESS + : L I B A C C E S S + ; + +LIBPARAMETER + : L I B P A R A M E T E R + ; + +LIBRARY + : L I B R A R Y + ; + +LIMIT + : L I M I T + ; + +LIMITS + : L I M I T S + ; + +LINAGE + : L I N A G E + ; + +LINAGE_COUNTER + : L I N A G E MINUSCHAR C O U N T E R + ; + +LINE + : L I N E + ; + +LINES + : L I N E S + ; + +LINE_COUNTER + : L I N E MINUSCHAR C O U N T E R + ; + +LINKAGE + : L I N K A G E + ; + +LIST + : L I S T + ; + +LOCAL + : L O C A L + ; + +LOCAL_STORAGE + : L O C A L MINUSCHAR S T O R A G E + ; + +LOCK + : L O C K + ; + +LONG_DATE + : L O N G MINUSCHAR D A T E + ; + +LONG_TIME + : L O N G MINUSCHAR T I M E + ; + +LOWER + : L O W E R + ; + +LOWLIGHT + : L O W L I G H T + ; + +LOW_VALUE + : L O W MINUSCHAR V A L U E + ; + +LOW_VALUES + : L O W MINUSCHAR V A L U E S + ; + +MEMORY + : M E M O R Y + ; + +MERGE + : M E R G E + ; + +MESSAGE + : M E S S A G E + ; + +MMDDYYYY + : M M D D Y Y Y Y + ; + +MODE + : M O D E + ; + +MODULES + : M O D U L E S + ; + +MORE_LABELS + : M O R E MINUSCHAR L A B E L S + ; + +MOVE + : M O V E + ; + +MULTIPLE + : M U L T I P L E + ; + +MULTIPLY + : M U L T I P L Y + ; + +NAMED + : N A M E D + ; + +NATIONAL + : N A T I O N A L + ; + +NATIONAL_EDITED + : N A T I O N A L MINUSCHAR E D I T E D + ; + +NATIVE + : N A T I V E + ; + +NEGATIVE + : N E G A T I V E + ; + +NETWORK + : N E T W O R K + ; + +NEXT + : N E X T + ; + +NO + : N O + ; + +NO_ECHO + : N O MINUSCHAR E C H O + ; + +NOT + : N O T + ; + +NULL_ + : N U L L + ; + +NULLS + : N U L L S + ; + +NUMBER + : N U M B E R + ; + +NUMERIC + : N U M E R I C + ; + +NUMERIC_DATE + : N U M E R I C MINUSCHAR D A T E + ; + +NUMERIC_EDITED + : N U M E R I C MINUSCHAR E D I T E D + ; + +NUMERIC_TIME + : N U M E R I C MINUSCHAR T I M E + ; + +OBJECT_COMPUTER + : O B J E C T MINUSCHAR C O M P U T E R + ; + +OCCURS + : O C C U R S + ; + +ODT + : O D T + ; + +OF + : O F + ; + +OFF + : O F F + ; + +OMITTED + : O M I T T E D + ; + +ON + : O N + ; + +OPEN + : O P E N + ; + +OPTIONAL + : O P T I O N A L + ; + +OR + : O R + ; + +ORDER + : O R D E R + ; + +ORDERLY + : O R D E R L Y + ; + +ORGANIZATION + : O R G A N I Z A T I O N + ; + +OTHER + : O T H E R + ; + +OUTPUT + : O U T P U T + ; + +OVERFLOW + : O V E R F L O W + ; + +OVERLINE + : O V E R L I N E + ; + +OWN + : O W N + ; + +PACKED_DECIMAL + : P A C K E D MINUSCHAR D E C I M A L + ; + +PADDING + : P A D D I N G + ; + +PAGE + : P A G E + ; + +PAGE_COUNTER + : P A G E MINUSCHAR C O U N T E R + ; + +PASSWORD + : P A S S W O R D + ; + +PERFORM + : P E R F O R M + ; + +PF + : P F + ; + +PH + : P H + ; + +PIC + : P I C + ; + +PICTURE + : P I C T U R E + ; + +PLUS + : P L U S + ; + +POINTER + : P O I N T E R + ; + +POSITION + : P O S I T I O N + ; + +POSITIVE + : P O S I T I V E + ; + +PORT + : P O R T + ; + +PRINTER + : P R I N T E R + ; + +PRINTING + : P R I N T I N G + ; + +PRIVATE + : P R I V A T E + ; + +PROCEDURE + : P R O C E D U R E + ; + +PROCEDURE_POINTER + : P R O C E D U R E MINUSCHAR P O I N T E R + ; + +PROCEDURES + : P R O C E D U R E S + ; + +PROCEED + : P R O C E E D + ; + +PROCESS + : P R O C E S S + ; + +PROGRAM + : P R O G R A M + ; + +PROGRAM_ID + : P R O G R A M MINUSCHAR I D + ; + +PROGRAM_LIBRARY + : P R O G R A M MINUSCHAR L I B R A R Y + ; + +PROMPT + : P R O M P T + ; + +PURGE + : P U R G E + ; + +QUEUE + : Q U E U E + ; + +QUOTE + : Q U O T E + ; + +QUOTES + : Q U O T E S + ; + +RANDOM + : R A N D O M + ; + +READER + : R E A D E R + ; + +REMOTE + : R E M O T E + ; + +RD + : R D + ; + +REAL + : R E A L + ; + +READ + : R E A D + ; + +RECEIVE + : R E C E I V E + ; + +RECEIVED + : R E C E I V E D + ; + +RECORD + : R E C O R D + ; + +RECORDING + : R E C O R D I N G + ; + +RECORDS + : R E C O R D S + ; + +RECURSIVE + : R E C U R S I V E + ; + +REDEFINES + : R E D E F I N E S + ; + +REEL + : R E E L + ; + +REF + : R E F + ; + +REFERENCE + : R E F E R E N C E + ; + +REFERENCES + : R E F E R E N C E S + ; + +RELATIVE + : R E L A T I V E + ; + +RELEASE + : R E L E A S E + ; + +REMAINDER + : R E M A I N D E R + ; + +REMARKS + : R E M A R K S + ; + +REMOVAL + : R E M O V A L + ; + +REMOVE + : R E M O V E + ; + +RENAMES + : R E N A M E S + ; + +REPLACE + : R E P L A C E + ; + +REPLACING + : R E P L A C I N G + ; + +REPORT + : R E P O R T + ; + +REPORTING + : R E P O R T I N G + ; + +REPORTS + : R E P O R T S + ; + +REQUIRED + : R E Q U I R E D + ; + +RERUN + : R E R U N + ; + +RESERVE + : R E S E R V E + ; + +REVERSE_VIDEO + : R E S E R V E MINUSCHAR V I D E O + ; + +RESET + : R E S E T + ; + +RETURN + : R E T U R N + ; + +RETURN_CODE + : R E T U R N MINUSCHAR C O D E + ; + +RETURNING + : R E T U R N I N G + ; + +REVERSED + : R E V E R S E D + ; + +REWIND + : R E W I N D + ; + +REWRITE + : R E W R I T E + ; + +RF + : R F + ; + +RH + : R H + ; + +RIGHT + : R I G H T + ; + +ROUNDED + : R O U N D E D + ; + +RUN + : R U N + ; + +SAME + : S A M E + ; + +SAVE + : S A V E + ; + +SCREEN + : S C R E E N + ; + +SD + : S D + ; + +SEARCH + : S E A R C H + ; + +SECTION + : S E C T I O N + ; + +SECURE + : S E C U R E + ; + +SECURITY + : S E C U R I T Y + ; + +SEGMENT + : S E G M E N T + ; + +SEGMENT_LIMIT + : S E G M E N T MINUSCHAR L I M I T + ; + +SELECT + : S E L E C T + ; + +SEND + : S E N D + ; + +SENTENCE + : S E N T E N C E + ; + +SEPARATE + : S E P A R A T E + ; + +SEQUENCE + : S E Q U E N C E + ; + +SEQUENTIAL + : S E Q U E N T I A L + ; + +SET + : S E T + ; + +SHARED + : S H A R E D + ; + +SHAREDBYALL + : S H A R E D B Y A L L + ; + +SHAREDBYRUNUNIT + : S H A R E D B Y R U N U N I T + ; + +SHARING + : S H A R I N G + ; + +SHIFT_IN + : S H I F T MINUSCHAR I N + ; + +SHIFT_OUT + : S H I F T MINUSCHAR O U T + ; + +SHORT_DATE + : S H O R T MINUSCHAR D A T E + ; + +SIGN + : S I G N + ; + +SIZE + : S I Z E + ; + +SORT + : S O R T + ; + +SORT_CONTROL + : S O R T MINUSCHAR C O N T R O L + ; + +SORT_CORE_SIZE + : S O R T MINUSCHAR C O R E MINUSCHAR S I Z E + ; + +SORT_FILE_SIZE + : S O R T MINUSCHAR F I L E MINUSCHAR S I Z E + ; + +SORT_MERGE + : S O R T MINUSCHAR M E R G E + ; + +SORT_MESSAGE + : S O R T MINUSCHAR M E S S A G E + ; + +SORT_MODE_SIZE + : S O R T MINUSCHAR M O D E MINUSCHAR S I Z E + ; + +SORT_RETURN + : S O R T MINUSCHAR R E T U R N + ; + +SOURCE + : S O U R C E + ; + +SOURCE_COMPUTER + : S O U R C E MINUSCHAR C O M P U T E R + ; + +SPACE + : S P A C E + ; + +SPACES + : S P A C E S + ; + +SPECIAL_NAMES + : S P E C I A L MINUSCHAR N A M E S + ; + +STANDARD + : S T A N D A R D + ; + +STANDARD_1 + : S T A N D A R D MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +STANDARD_2 + : S T A N D A R D MINUSCHAR '2' + ; + +START + : S T A R T + ; + +STATUS + : S T A T U S + ; + +STOP + : S T O P + ; + +STRING + : S T R I N G + ; + +SUB_QUEUE_1 + : S U B MINUSCHAR Q U E U E MINUSCHAR '1' + ; + +SUB_QUEUE_2 + : S U B MINUSCHAR Q U E U E MINUSCHAR '2' + ; + +SUB_QUEUE_3 + : S U B MINUSCHAR Q U E U E MINUSCHAR '3' + ; + +SUBTRACT + : S U B T R A C T + ; + +SUM + : S U M + ; + +SUPPRESS + : S U P P R E S S + ; + +SYMBOL + : S Y M B O L + ; + +SYMBOLIC + : S Y M B O L I C + ; + +SYNC + : S Y N C + ; + +SYNCHRONIZED + : S Y N C H R O N I Z E D + ; + +TABLE + : T A B L E + ; + +TALLY + : T A L L Y + ; + +TALLYING + : T A L L Y I N G + ; + +TASK + : T A S K + ; + +TAPE + : T A P E + ; + +TERMINAL + : T E R M I N A L + ; + +TERMINATE + : T E R M I N A T E + ; + +TEST + : T E S T + ; + +TEXT + : T E X T + ; + +THAN + : T H A N + ; + +THEN + : T H E N + ; + +THREAD + : T H R E A D + ; + +THREAD_LOCAL + : T H R E A D MINUSCHAR L O C A L + ; + +THROUGH + : T H R O U G H + ; + +THRU + : T H R U + ; + +TIME + : T I M E + ; + +TIMER + : T I M E R + ; + +TIMES + : T I M E S + ; + +TITLE + : T I T L E + ; + +TO + : T O + ; + +TODAYS_DATE + : T O D A Y S MINUSCHAR D A T E + ; + +TODAYS_NAME + : T O D A Y S MINUSCHAR N A M E + ; + +TOP + : T O P + ; + +TRAILING + : T R A I L I N G + ; + +TRUE + : T R U E + ; + +TRUNCATED + : T R U N C A T E D + ; + +TYPE + : T Y P E + ; + +TYPEDEF + : T Y P E D E F + ; + +UNDERLINE + : U N D E R L I N E + ; + +UNIT + : U N I T + ; + +UNSTRING + : U N S T R I N G + ; + +UNTIL + : U N T I L + ; + +UP + : U P + ; + +UPON + : U P O N + ; + +USAGE + : U S A G E + ; + +USE + : U S E + ; + +USING + : U S I N G + ; + +VALUE + : V A L U E + ; + +VALUES + : V A L U E S + ; + +VARYING + : V A R Y I N G + ; + +VIRTUAL + : V I R T U A L + ; + +WAIT + : W A I T + ; + +WHEN + : W H E N + ; + +WHEN_COMPILED + : W H E N MINUSCHAR C O M P I L E D + ; + +WITH + : W I T H + ; + +WORDS + : W O R D S + ; + +WORKING_STORAGE + : W O R K I N G MINUSCHAR S T O R A G E + ; + +WRITE + : W R I T E + ; + +YEAR + : Y E A R + ; + +YYYYMMDD + : Y Y Y Y M M D D + ; + +YYYYDDD + : Y Y Y Y D D D + ; + +ZERO + : Z E R O + ; + +ZERO_FILL + : Z E R O MINUSCHAR F I L L + ; + +ZEROS + : Z E R O S + ; + +ZEROES + : Z E R O E S + ; + +// symbols +AMPCHAR + : '&' + ; + +ASTERISKCHAR + : '*' + ; + +DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR + : '**' + ; + +COLONCHAR + : ':' + ; + +COMMACHAR + : ',' + ; + +COMMENTENTRYTAG + : '*>CE' + ; + +COMMENTTAG + : '*>' + ; + +DOLLARCHAR + : '$' + ; + +DOUBLEQUOTE + : '"' + ; + +// period full stop +DOT_FS + : '.' ('\r' | '\n' | '\f' | '\t' | ' ')+ + | '.' EOF + ; + +DOT + : '.' + ; + +EQUALCHAR + : '=' + ; + +EXECCICSTAG + : '*>EXECCICS' + ; + +EXECSQLTAG + : '*>EXECSQL' + ; + +EXECSQLIMSTAG + : '*>EXECSQLIMS' + ; + +LESSTHANCHAR + : '<' + ; + +LESSTHANOREQUAL + : '<=' + ; + +LPARENCHAR + : '(' + ; + +MINUSCHAR + : '-' + ; + +MORETHANCHAR + : '>' + ; + +MORETHANOREQUAL + : '>=' + ; + +NOTEQUALCHAR + : '<>' + ; + +PLUSCHAR + : '+' + ; + +SINGLEQUOTE + : '\'' + ; + +RPARENCHAR + : ')' + ; + +SLASHCHAR + : '/' + ; + +// literals +NONNUMERICLITERAL + : STRINGLITERAL + | DBCSLITERAL + | HEXNUMBER + | NULLTERMINATED + ; + +fragment HEXNUMBER + : X '"' [0-9A-F]+ '"' + | X '\'' [0-9A-F]+ '\'' + ; + +fragment NULLTERMINATED + : Z '"' (~["\n\r] | '""' | '\'')* '"' + | Z '\'' (~['\n\r] | '\'\'' | '"')* '\'' + ; + +fragment STRINGLITERAL + : '"' (~["\n\r] | '""' | '\'')* '"' + | '\'' (~['\n\r] | '\'\'' | '"')* '\'' + ; + +fragment DBCSLITERAL + : [GN] '"' (~["\n\r] | '""' | '\'')* '"' + | [GN] '\'' (~['\n\r] | '\'\'' | '"')* '\'' + ; + +LEVEL_NUMBER_66 + : '66' + ; + +LEVEL_NUMBER_77 + : '77' + ; + +LEVEL_NUMBER_88 + : '88' + ; + +INTEGERLITERAL + : (PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR)? [0-9]+ + ; + +NUMERICLITERAL + : (PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR)? [0-9]* (DOT | COMMACHAR) [0-9]+ ( + ('e' | 'E') (PLUSCHAR | MINUSCHAR)? [0-9]+ + )? + ; + +IDENTIFIER + : [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ([-_]+ [a-zA-Z0-9]+)* + ; + +// whitespace, line breaks, comments, ... +NEWLINE + : '\r'? '\n' -> channel(HIDDEN) + ; + +EXECCICSLINE + : EXECCICSTAG WS ~('\n' | '\r' | '}')* ('\n' | '\r' | '}') + ; + +EXECSQLIMSLINE + : EXECSQLIMSTAG WS ~('\n' | '\r' | '}')* ('\n' | '\r' | '}') + ; + +EXECSQLLINE + : EXECSQLTAG WS ~('\n' | '\r' | '}')* ('\n' | '\r' | '}') + ; + +COMMENTENTRYLINE + : COMMENTENTRYTAG WS ~('\n' | '\r')* + ; + +COMMENTLINE + : COMMENTTAG WS ~('\n' | '\r')* -> channel(HIDDEN) + ; + +WS + : [ \t\f;]+ -> channel(HIDDEN) + ; + +SEPARATOR + : ', ' -> channel(HIDDEN) + ; + +// case insensitive chars +fragment A + : ('a' | 'A') + ; + +fragment B + : ('b' | 'B') + ; + +fragment C + : ('c' | 'C') + ; + +fragment D + : ('d' | 'D') + ; + +fragment E + : ('e' | 'E') + ; + +fragment F + : ('f' | 'F') + ; + +fragment G + : ('g' | 'G') + ; + +fragment H + : ('h' | 'H') + ; + +fragment I + : ('i' | 'I') + ; + +fragment J + : ('j' | 'J') + ; + +fragment K + : ('k' | 'K') + ; + +fragment L + : ('l' | 'L') + ; + +fragment M + : ('m' | 'M') + ; + +fragment N + : ('n' | 'N') + ; + +fragment O + : ('o' | 'O') + ; + +fragment P + : ('p' | 'P') + ; + +fragment Q + : ('q' | 'Q') + ; + +fragment R + : ('r' | 'R') + ; + +fragment S + : ('s' | 'S') + ; + +fragment T + : ('t' | 'T') + ; + +fragment U + : ('u' | 'U') + ; + +fragment V + : ('v' | 'V') + ; + +fragment W + : ('w' | 'W') + ; + +fragment X + : ('x' | 'X') + ; + +fragment Y + : ('y' | 'Y') + ; + +fragment Z + : ('z' | 'Z') + ; diff --git a/src/Cobol85.interp b/src/Cobol85.interp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b3ba59 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85.interp @@ -0,0 +1,1736 @@ +token literal names: +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null 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' + +token symbolic names: +null +ABORT +ACCEPT +ACCESS +ADD +ADDRESS +ADVANCING +AFTER +ALIGNED +ALL +ALPHABET +ALPHABETIC +ALPHABETIC_LOWER +ALPHABETIC_UPPER +ALPHANUMERIC +ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED +ALSO +ALTER +ALTERNATE +AND +ANY +ARE +AREA +AREAS +AS +ASCENDING +ASCII +ASSIGN +ASSOCIATED_DATA +ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH +AT +ATTRIBUTE +AUTHOR +AUTO +AUTO_SKIP +BACKGROUND_COLOR +BACKGROUND_COLOUR +BASIS +BEEP +BEFORE +BEGINNING +BELL +BINARY +BIT +BLANK +BLINK +BLOCK +BOUNDS +BOTTOM +BY +BYFUNCTION +BYTITLE +CALL +CANCEL +CAPABLE +CCSVERSION +CD +CF +CH +CHAINING +CHANGED +CHANNEL +CHARACTER +CHARACTERS +CLASS +CLASS_ID +CLOCK_UNITS +CLOSE +CLOSE_DISPOSITION +COBOL +CODE +CODE_SET +COLLATING +COL +COLUMN +COM_REG +COMMA +COMMITMENT +COMMON +COMMUNICATION +COMP +COMP_1 +COMP_2 +COMP_3 +COMP_4 +COMP_5 +COMPUTATIONAL +COMPUTATIONAL_1 +COMPUTATIONAL_2 +COMPUTATIONAL_3 +COMPUTATIONAL_4 +COMPUTATIONAL_5 +COMPUTE +CONFIGURATION +CONTAINS +CONTENT +CONTINUE +CONTROL +CONTROL_POINT +CONTROLS +CONVENTION +CONVERTING +COPY +CORR +CORRESPONDING +COUNT +CRUNCH +CURRENCY +CURSOR +DATA +DATA_BASE +DATE +DATE_COMPILED +DATE_WRITTEN +DAY +DAY_OF_WEEK +DBCS +DE +DEBUG_CONTENTS +DEBUG_ITEM +DEBUG_LINE +DEBUG_NAME +DEBUG_SUB_1 +DEBUG_SUB_2 +DEBUG_SUB_3 +DEBUGGING +DECIMAL_POINT +DECLARATIVES +DEFAULT +DEFAULT_DISPLAY +DEFINITION +DELETE +DELIMITED +DELIMITER +DEPENDING +DESCENDING +DESTINATION +DETAIL +DFHRESP +DFHVALUE +DISABLE +DISK +DISPLAY +DISPLAY_1 +DIVIDE +DIVISION +DONTCARE +DOUBLE +DOWN +DUPLICATES +DYNAMIC +EBCDIC +EGCS +EGI +ELSE +EMI +EMPTY_CHECK +ENABLE +END +END_ACCEPT +END_ADD +END_CALL +END_COMPUTE +END_DELETE +END_DIVIDE +END_EVALUATE +END_IF +END_MULTIPLY +END_OF_PAGE +END_PERFORM +END_READ +END_RECEIVE +END_RETURN +END_REWRITE +END_SEARCH +END_START +END_STRING +END_SUBTRACT +END_UNSTRING +END_WRITE +ENDING +ENTER +ENTRY +ENTRY_PROCEDURE +ENVIRONMENT +EOP +EQUAL +ERASE +ERROR +EOL +EOS +ESCAPE +ESI +EVALUATE +EVENT +EVERY +EXCEPTION +EXCLUSIVE +EXHIBIT +EXIT +EXPORT +EXTEND +EXTENDED +EXTERNAL +FALSE +FD +FILE +FILE_CONTROL +FILLER +FINAL +FIRST +FOOTING +FOR +FOREGROUND_COLOR +FOREGROUND_COLOUR +FROM +FULL +FUNCTION +FUNCTIONNAME +FUNCTION_POINTER +GENERATE +GOBACK +GIVING +GLOBAL +GO +GREATER +GRID +GROUP +HEADING +HIGHLIGHT +HIGH_VALUE +HIGH_VALUES +I_O +I_O_CONTROL +ID +IDENTIFICATION +IF +IMPLICIT +IMPORT +IN +INDEX +INDEXED +INDICATE +INITIAL +INITIALIZE +INITIATE +INPUT +INPUT_OUTPUT +INSPECT +INSTALLATION +INTEGER +INTO +INVALID +INVOKE +IS +JUST +JUSTIFIED +KANJI +KEPT +KEY +KEYBOARD +LABEL +LANGUAGE +LAST +LB +LD +LEADING +LEFT +LEFTLINE +LENGTH +LENGTH_CHECK +LESS +LIBACCESS +LIBPARAMETER +LIBRARY +LIMIT +LIMITS +LINAGE +LINAGE_COUNTER +LINE +LINES +LINE_COUNTER +LINKAGE +LIST +LOCAL +LOCAL_STORAGE +LOCK +LONG_DATE +LONG_TIME +LOWER +LOWLIGHT +LOW_VALUE +LOW_VALUES +MEMORY +MERGE +MESSAGE +MMDDYYYY +MODE +MODULES +MORE_LABELS +MOVE +MULTIPLE +MULTIPLY +NAMED +NATIONAL +NATIONAL_EDITED +NATIVE +NEGATIVE +NETWORK +NEXT +NO +NO_ECHO +NOT +NULL_ +NULLS +NUMBER +NUMERIC +NUMERIC_DATE +NUMERIC_EDITED +NUMERIC_TIME +OBJECT_COMPUTER +OCCURS +ODT +OF +OFF +OMITTED +ON +OPEN +OPTIONAL +OR +ORDER +ORDERLY +ORGANIZATION +OTHER +OUTPUT +OVERFLOW +OVERLINE +OWN +PACKED_DECIMAL +PADDING +PAGE +PAGE_COUNTER +PASSWORD +PERFORM +PF +PH +PIC +PICTURE +PLUS +POINTER +POSITION +POSITIVE +PORT +PRINTER +PRINTING +PRIVATE +PROCEDURE +PROCEDURE_POINTER +PROCEDURES +PROCEED +PROCESS +PROGRAM +PROGRAM_ID +PROGRAM_LIBRARY +PROMPT +PURGE +QUEUE +QUOTE +QUOTES +RANDOM +READER +REMOTE +RD +REAL +READ +RECEIVE +RECEIVED +RECORD +RECORDING +RECORDS +RECURSIVE +REDEFINES +REEL +REF +REFERENCE +REFERENCES +RELATIVE +RELEASE +REMAINDER +REMARKS +REMOVAL +REMOVE +RENAMES +REPLACE +REPLACING +REPORT +REPORTING +REPORTS +REQUIRED +RERUN +RESERVE +REVERSE_VIDEO +RESET +RETURN +RETURN_CODE +RETURNING +REVERSED +REWIND +REWRITE +RF +RH +RIGHT +ROUNDED +RUN +SAME +SAVE +SCREEN +SD +SEARCH +SECTION +SECURE +SECURITY +SEGMENT +SEGMENT_LIMIT +SELECT +SEND +SENTENCE +SEPARATE +SEQUENCE +SEQUENTIAL +SET +SHARED +SHAREDBYALL +SHAREDBYRUNUNIT +SHARING +SHIFT_IN +SHIFT_OUT +SHORT_DATE +SIGN +SIZE +SORT +SORT_CONTROL +SORT_CORE_SIZE +SORT_FILE_SIZE +SORT_MERGE +SORT_MESSAGE +SORT_MODE_SIZE +SORT_RETURN +SOURCE +SOURCE_COMPUTER +SPACE +SPACES +SPECIAL_NAMES +STANDARD +STANDARD_1 +STANDARD_2 +START +STATUS +STOP +STRING +SUB_QUEUE_1 +SUB_QUEUE_2 +SUB_QUEUE_3 +SUBTRACT +SUM +SUPPRESS +SYMBOL +SYMBOLIC +SYNC +SYNCHRONIZED +TABLE +TALLY +TALLYING +TASK +TAPE +TERMINAL +TERMINATE +TEST +TEXT +THAN +THEN +THREAD +THREAD_LOCAL +THROUGH +THRU +TIME +TIMER +TIMES +TITLE +TO +TODAYS_DATE +TODAYS_NAME +TOP +TRAILING +TRUE +TRUNCATED +TYPE +TYPEDEF +UNDERLINE +UNIT +UNSTRING +UNTIL +UP +UPON +USAGE +USE +USING +VALUE +VALUES +VARYING +VIRTUAL +WAIT +WHEN +WHEN_COMPILED +WITH +WORDS +WORKING_STORAGE +WRITE +YEAR +YYYYMMDD +YYYYDDD +ZERO +ZERO_FILL +ZEROS +ZEROES +AMPCHAR +ASTERISKCHAR +DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR +COLONCHAR +COMMACHAR +COMMENTENTRYTAG +COMMENTTAG +DOLLARCHAR +DOUBLEQUOTE +DOT_FS +DOT +EQUALCHAR +EXECCICSTAG +EXECSQLTAG +EXECSQLIMSTAG +LESSTHANCHAR +LESSTHANOREQUAL +LPARENCHAR +MINUSCHAR +MORETHANCHAR +MORETHANOREQUAL +NOTEQUALCHAR +PLUSCHAR +SINGLEQUOTE +RPARENCHAR +SLASHCHAR +NONNUMERICLITERAL +LEVEL_NUMBER_66 +LEVEL_NUMBER_77 +LEVEL_NUMBER_88 +INTEGERLITERAL +NUMERICLITERAL +IDENTIFIER +NEWLINE +EXECCICSLINE +EXECSQLIMSLINE +EXECSQLLINE +COMMENTENTRYLINE +COMMENTLINE +WS +SEPARATOR + +rule names: +startRule +compilationUnit +programUnit +endProgramStatement +identificationDivision +identificationDivisionBody +programIdParagraph +authorParagraph +installationParagraph +dateWrittenParagraph +dateCompiledParagraph +securityParagraph +remarksParagraph +environmentDivision +environmentDivisionBody +configurationSection +configurationSectionParagraph +sourceComputerParagraph +objectComputerParagraph +objectComputerClause +memorySizeClause +diskSizeClause +collatingSequenceClause +collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric 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1717, 1, 0, 0, 0, 108, 1724, 1, 0, 0, 0, 110, 1741, 1, 0, 0, 0, 112, 1743, 1, 0, 0, 0, 114, 1760, 1, 0, 0, 0, 116, 1775, 1, 0, 0, 0, 118, 1786, 1, 0, 0, 0, 120, 1797, 1, 0, 0, 0, 122, 1807, 1, 0, 0, 0, 124, 1816, 1, 0, 0, 0, 126, 1833, 1, 0, 0, 0, 128, 1851, 1, 0, 0, 0, 130, 1858, 1, 0, 0, 0, 132, 1868, 1, 0, 0, 0, 134, 1877, 1, 0, 0, 0, 136, 1897, 1, 0, 0, 0, 138, 1899, 1, 0, 0, 0, 140, 1913, 1, 0, 0, 0, 142, 1917, 1, 0, 0, 0, 144, 1926, 1, 0, 0, 0, 146, 1930, 1, 0, 0, 0, 148, 1945, 1, 0, 0, 0, 150, 1958, 1, 0, 0, 0, 152, 1963, 1, 0, 0, 0, 154, 1970, 1, 0, 0, 0, 156, 1988, 1, 0, 0, 0, 158, 1990, 1, 0, 0, 0, 160, 1999, 1, 0, 0, 0, 162, 2028, 1, 0, 0, 0, 164, 2031, 1, 0, 0, 0, 166, 2036, 1, 0, 0, 0, 168, 2040, 1, 0, 0, 0, 170, 2051, 1, 0, 0, 0, 172, 2054, 1, 0, 0, 0, 174, 2061, 1, 0, 0, 0, 176, 2068, 1, 0, 0, 0, 178, 2097, 1, 0, 0, 0, 180, 2104, 1, 0, 0, 0, 182, 2107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 184, 2127, 1, 0, 0, 0, 186, 2134, 1, 0, 0, 0, 188, 2142, 1, 0, 0, 0, 190, 2158, 1, 0, 0, 0, 192, 2178, 1, 0, 0, 0, 194, 2181, 1, 0, 0, 0, 196, 2192, 1, 0, 0, 0, 198, 2203, 1, 0, 0, 0, 200, 2213, 1, 0, 0, 0, 202, 2222, 1, 0, 0, 0, 204, 2224, 1, 0, 0, 0, 206, 2238, 1, 0, 0, 0, 208, 2245, 1, 0, 0, 0, 210, 2254, 1, 0, 0, 0, 212, 2259, 1, 0, 0, 0, 214, 2268, 1, 0, 0, 0, 216, 2277, 1, 0, 0, 0, 218, 2290, 1, 0, 0, 0, 220, 2292, 1, 0, 0, 0, 222, 2320, 1, 0, 0, 0, 224, 2339, 1, 0, 0, 0, 226, 2362, 1, 0, 0, 0, 228, 2369, 1, 0, 0, 0, 230, 2383, 1, 0, 0, 0, 232, 2390, 1, 0, 0, 0, 234, 2398, 1, 0, 0, 0, 236, 2406, 1, 0, 0, 0, 238, 2413, 1, 0, 0, 0, 240, 2420, 1, 0, 0, 0, 242, 2428, 1, 0, 0, 0, 244, 2437, 1, 0, 0, 0, 246, 2446, 1, 0, 0, 0, 248, 2455, 1, 0, 0, 0, 250, 2464, 1, 0, 0, 0, 252, 2472, 1, 0, 0, 0, 254, 2479, 1, 0, 0, 0, 256, 2494, 1, 0, 0, 0, 258, 2503, 1, 0, 0, 0, 260, 2545, 1, 0, 0, 0, 262, 2548, 1, 0, 0, 0, 264, 2550, 1, 0, 0, 0, 266, 2552, 1, 0, 0, 0, 268, 2555, 1, 0, 0, 0, 270, 2557, 1, 0, 0, 0, 272, 2559, 1, 0, 0, 0, 274, 2561, 1, 0, 0, 0, 276, 2563, 1, 0, 0, 0, 278, 2571, 1, 0, 0, 0, 280, 2585, 1, 0, 0, 0, 282, 2599, 1, 0, 0, 0, 284, 2607, 1, 0, 0, 0, 286, 2615, 1, 0, 0, 0, 288, 2621, 1, 0, 0, 0, 290, 2627, 1, 0, 0, 0, 292, 2633, 1, 0, 0, 0, 294, 2641, 1, 0, 0, 0, 296, 2644, 1, 0, 0, 0, 298, 2647, 1, 0, 0, 0, 300, 2653, 1, 0, 0, 0, 302, 2659, 1, 0, 0, 0, 304, 2667, 1, 0, 0, 0, 306, 2676, 1, 0, 0, 0, 308, 2678, 1, 0, 0, 0, 310, 2680, 1, 0, 0, 0, 312, 2682, 1, 0, 0, 0, 314, 2696, 1, 0, 0, 0, 316, 2701, 1, 0, 0, 0, 318, 2703, 1, 0, 0, 0, 320, 2705, 1, 0, 0, 0, 322, 2714, 1, 0, 0, 0, 324, 2720, 1, 0, 0, 0, 326, 2743, 1, 0, 0, 0, 328, 2747, 1, 0, 0, 0, 330, 2762, 1, 0, 0, 0, 332, 2765, 1, 0, 0, 0, 334, 2769, 1, 0, 0, 0, 336, 2773, 1, 0, 0, 0, 338, 2779, 1, 0, 0, 0, 340, 2781, 1, 0, 0, 0, 342, 2795, 1, 0, 0, 0, 344, 2805, 1, 0, 0, 0, 346, 2830, 1, 0, 0, 0, 348, 2836, 1, 0, 0, 0, 350, 2845, 1, 0, 0, 0, 352, 2849, 1, 0, 0, 0, 354, 2854, 1, 0, 0, 0, 356, 2866, 1, 0, 0, 0, 358, 2874, 1, 0, 0, 0, 360, 2877, 1, 0, 0, 0, 362, 2887, 1, 0, 0, 0, 364, 2890, 1, 0, 0, 0, 366, 2893, 1, 0, 0, 0, 368, 2899, 1, 0, 0, 0, 370, 2907, 1, 0, 0, 0, 372, 2916, 1, 0, 0, 0, 374, 2922, 1, 0, 0, 0, 376, 2946, 1, 0, 0, 0, 378, 2962, 1, 0, 0, 0, 380, 2967, 1, 0, 0, 0, 382, 2972, 1, 0, 0, 0, 384, 2978, 1, 0, 0, 0, 386, 2983, 1, 0, 0, 0, 388, 2993, 1, 0, 0, 0, 390, 3000, 1, 0, 0, 0, 392, 3005, 1, 0, 0, 0, 394, 3007, 1, 0, 0, 0, 396, 3013, 1, 0, 0, 0, 398, 3024, 1, 0, 0, 0, 400, 3026, 1, 0, 0, 0, 402, 3035, 1, 0, 0, 0, 404, 3051, 1, 0, 0, 0, 406, 3059, 1, 0, 0, 0, 408, 3076, 1, 0, 0, 0, 410, 3080, 1, 0, 0, 0, 412, 3086, 1, 0, 0, 0, 414, 3092, 1, 0, 0, 0, 416, 3097, 1, 0, 0, 0, 418, 3111, 1, 0, 0, 0, 420, 3114, 1, 0, 0, 0, 422, 3117, 1, 0, 0, 0, 424, 3125, 1, 0, 0, 0, 426, 3127, 1, 0, 0, 0, 428, 3135, 1, 0, 0, 0, 430, 3138, 1, 0, 0, 0, 432, 3143, 1, 0, 0, 0, 434, 3151, 1, 0, 0, 0, 436, 3153, 1, 0, 0, 0, 438, 3186, 1, 0, 0, 0, 440, 3191, 1, 0, 0, 0, 442, 3197, 1, 0, 0, 0, 444, 3204, 1, 0, 0, 0, 446, 3206, 1, 0, 0, 0, 448, 3212, 1, 0, 0, 0, 450, 3215, 1, 0, 0, 0, 452, 3223, 1, 0, 0, 0, 454, 3227, 1, 0, 0, 0, 456, 3229, 1, 0, 0, 0, 458, 3233, 1, 0, 0, 0, 460, 3268, 1, 0, 0, 0, 462, 3271, 1, 0, 0, 0, 464, 3283, 1, 0, 0, 0, 466, 3297, 1, 0, 0, 0, 468, 3317, 1, 0, 0, 0, 470, 3319, 1, 0, 0, 0, 472, 3324, 1, 0, 0, 0, 474, 3331, 1, 0, 0, 0, 476, 3334, 1, 0, 0, 0, 478, 3337, 1, 0, 0, 0, 480, 3347, 1, 0, 0, 0, 482, 3356, 1, 0, 0, 0, 484, 3361, 1, 0, 0, 0, 486, 3365, 1, 0, 0, 0, 488, 3372, 1, 0, 0, 0, 490, 3380, 1, 0, 0, 0, 492, 3417, 1, 0, 0, 0, 494, 3434, 1, 0, 0, 0, 496, 3446, 1, 0, 0, 0, 498, 3452, 1, 0, 0, 0, 500, 3454, 1, 0, 0, 0, 502, 3458, 1, 0, 0, 0, 504, 3463, 1, 0, 0, 0, 506, 3477, 1, 0, 0, 0, 508, 3483, 1, 0, 0, 0, 510, 3488, 1, 0, 0, 0, 512, 3494, 1, 0, 0, 0, 514, 3509, 1, 0, 0, 0, 516, 3512, 1, 0, 0, 0, 518, 3523, 1, 0, 0, 0, 520, 3525, 1, 0, 0, 0, 522, 3536, 1, 0, 0, 0, 524, 3542, 1, 0, 0, 0, 526, 3547, 1, 0, 0, 0, 528, 3554, 1, 0, 0, 0, 530, 3561, 1, 0, 0, 0, 532, 3570, 1, 0, 0, 0, 534, 3584, 1, 0, 0, 0, 536, 3638, 1, 0, 0, 0, 538, 3640, 1, 0, 0, 0, 540, 3657, 1, 0, 0, 0, 542, 3679, 1, 0, 0, 0, 544, 3682, 1, 0, 0, 0, 546, 3687, 1, 0, 0, 0, 548, 3691, 1, 0, 0, 0, 550, 3707, 1, 0, 0, 0, 552, 3718, 1, 0, 0, 0, 554, 3736, 1, 0, 0, 0, 556, 3743, 1, 0, 0, 0, 558, 3745, 1, 0, 0, 0, 560, 3751, 1, 0, 0, 0, 562, 3753, 1, 0, 0, 0, 564, 3757, 1, 0, 0, 0, 566, 3763, 1, 0, 0, 0, 568, 3769, 1, 0, 0, 0, 570, 3777, 1, 0, 0, 0, 572, 3800, 1, 0, 0, 0, 574, 3809, 1, 0, 0, 0, 576, 3815, 1, 0, 0, 0, 578, 3834, 1, 0, 0, 0, 580, 3837, 1, 0, 0, 0, 582, 3851, 1, 0, 0, 0, 584, 3858, 1, 0, 0, 0, 586, 3877, 1, 0, 0, 0, 588, 3879, 1, 0, 0, 0, 590, 3882, 1, 0, 0, 0, 592, 3893, 1, 0, 0, 0, 594, 3895, 1, 0, 0, 0, 596, 3901, 1, 0, 0, 0, 598, 3907, 1, 0, 0, 0, 600, 3925, 1, 0, 0, 0, 602, 3939, 1, 0, 0, 0, 604, 3952, 1, 0, 0, 0, 606, 3954, 1, 0, 0, 0, 608, 3960, 1, 0, 0, 0, 610, 3965, 1, 0, 0, 0, 612, 3973, 1, 0, 0, 0, 614, 3990, 1, 0, 0, 0, 616, 3994, 1, 0, 0, 0, 618, 3996, 1, 0, 0, 0, 620, 4010, 1, 0, 0, 0, 622, 4029, 1, 0, 0, 0, 624, 4046, 1, 0, 0, 0, 626, 4048, 1, 0, 0, 0, 628, 4053, 1, 0, 0, 0, 630, 4059, 1, 0, 0, 0, 632, 4064, 1, 0, 0, 0, 634, 4086, 1, 0, 0, 0, 636, 4092, 1, 0, 0, 0, 638, 4100, 1, 0, 0, 0, 640, 4108, 1, 0, 0, 0, 642, 4114, 1, 0, 0, 0, 644, 4118, 1, 0, 0, 0, 646, 4122, 1, 0, 0, 0, 648, 4125, 1, 0, 0, 0, 650, 4144, 1, 0, 0, 0, 652, 4154, 1, 0, 0, 0, 654, 4177, 1, 0, 0, 0, 656, 4179, 1, 0, 0, 0, 658, 4183, 1, 0, 0, 0, 660, 4193, 1, 0, 0, 0, 662, 4211, 1, 0, 0, 0, 664, 4213, 1, 0, 0, 0, 666, 4216, 1, 0, 0, 0, 668, 4219, 1, 0, 0, 0, 670, 4230, 1, 0, 0, 0, 672, 4233, 1, 0, 0, 0, 674, 4238, 1, 0, 0, 0, 676, 4243, 1, 0, 0, 0, 678, 4247, 1, 0, 0, 0, 680, 4261, 1, 0, 0, 0, 682, 4263, 1, 0, 0, 0, 684, 4267, 1, 0, 0, 0, 686, 4270, 1, 0, 0, 0, 688, 4272, 1, 0, 0, 0, 690, 4280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 692, 4295, 1, 0, 0, 0, 694, 4297, 1, 0, 0, 0, 696, 4307, 1, 0, 0, 0, 698, 4319, 1, 0, 0, 0, 700, 4330, 1, 0, 0, 0, 702, 4339, 1, 0, 0, 0, 704, 4345, 1, 0, 0, 0, 706, 4354, 1, 0, 0, 0, 708, 4360, 1, 0, 0, 0, 710, 4368, 1, 0, 0, 0, 712, 4374, 1, 0, 0, 0, 714, 4381, 1, 0, 0, 0, 716, 4392, 1, 0, 0, 0, 718, 4404, 1, 0, 0, 0, 720, 4412, 1, 0, 0, 0, 722, 4419, 1, 0, 0, 0, 724, 4427, 1, 0, 0, 0, 726, 4433, 1, 0, 0, 0, 728, 4441, 1, 0, 0, 0, 730, 4451, 1, 0, 0, 0, 732, 4460, 1, 0, 0, 0, 734, 4465, 1, 0, 0, 0, 736, 4470, 1, 0, 0, 0, 738, 4478, 1, 0, 0, 0, 740, 4504, 1, 0, 0, 0, 742, 4516, 1, 0, 0, 0, 744, 4534, 1, 0, 0, 0, 746, 4541, 1, 0, 0, 0, 748, 4549, 1, 0, 0, 0, 750, 4555, 1, 0, 0, 0, 752, 4564, 1, 0, 0, 0, 754, 4567, 1, 0, 0, 0, 756, 4573, 1, 0, 0, 0, 758, 4585, 1, 0, 0, 0, 760, 4593, 1, 0, 0, 0, 762, 4602, 1, 0, 0, 0, 764, 4604, 1, 0, 0, 0, 766, 4612, 1, 0, 0, 0, 768, 4614, 1, 0, 0, 0, 770, 4634, 1, 0, 0, 0, 772, 4638, 1, 0, 0, 0, 774, 4642, 1, 0, 0, 0, 776, 4651, 1, 0, 0, 0, 778, 4653, 1, 0, 0, 0, 780, 4657, 1, 0, 0, 0, 782, 4666, 1, 0, 0, 0, 784, 4672, 1, 0, 0, 0, 786, 4681, 1, 0, 0, 0, 788, 4687, 1, 0, 0, 0, 790, 4695, 1, 0, 0, 0, 792, 4701, 1, 0, 0, 0, 794, 4707, 1, 0, 0, 0, 796, 4713, 1, 0, 0, 0, 798, 4723, 1, 0, 0, 0, 800, 4734, 1, 0, 0, 0, 802, 4738, 1, 0, 0, 0, 804, 4743, 1, 0, 0, 0, 806, 4755, 1, 0, 0, 0, 808, 4757, 1, 0, 0, 0, 810, 4767, 1, 0, 0, 0, 812, 4773, 1, 0, 0, 0, 814, 4776, 1, 0, 0, 0, 816, 4782, 1, 0, 0, 0, 818, 4789, 1, 0, 0, 0, 820, 4794, 1, 0, 0, 0, 822, 4800, 1, 0, 0, 0, 824, 4832, 1, 0, 0, 0, 826, 4836, 1, 0, 0, 0, 828, 4843, 1, 0, 0, 0, 830, 4849, 1, 0, 0, 0, 832, 4863, 1, 0, 0, 0, 834, 4882, 1, 0, 0, 0, 836, 4884, 1, 0, 0, 0, 838, 4896, 1, 0, 0, 0, 840, 4904, 1, 0, 0, 0, 842, 4912, 1, 0, 0, 0, 844, 4921, 1, 0, 0, 0, 846, 4926, 1, 0, 0, 0, 848, 4932, 1, 0, 0, 0, 850, 4940, 1, 0, 0, 0, 852, 4946, 1, 0, 0, 0, 854, 4952, 1, 0, 0, 0, 856, 4967, 1, 0, 0, 0, 858, 4970, 1, 0, 0, 0, 860, 4984, 1, 0, 0, 0, 862, 4987, 1, 0, 0, 0, 864, 5006, 1, 0, 0, 0, 866, 5009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 868, 5021, 1, 0, 0, 0, 870, 5034, 1, 0, 0, 0, 872, 5048, 1, 0, 0, 0, 874, 5052, 1, 0, 0, 0, 876, 5055, 1, 0, 0, 0, 878, 5062, 1, 0, 0, 0, 880, 5066, 1, 0, 0, 0, 882, 5075, 1, 0, 0, 0, 884, 5079, 1, 0, 0, 0, 886, 5084, 1, 0, 0, 0, 888, 5086, 1, 0, 0, 0, 890, 5096, 1, 0, 0, 0, 892, 5107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 894, 5119, 1, 0, 0, 0, 896, 5130, 1, 0, 0, 0, 898, 5134, 1, 0, 0, 0, 900, 5136, 1, 0, 0, 0, 902, 5168, 1, 0, 0, 0, 904, 5180, 1, 0, 0, 0, 906, 5190, 1, 0, 0, 0, 908, 5208, 1, 0, 0, 0, 910, 5215, 1, 0, 0, 0, 912, 5223, 1, 0, 0, 0, 914, 5232, 1, 0, 0, 0, 916, 5235, 1, 0, 0, 0, 918, 5241, 1, 0, 0, 0, 920, 5250, 1, 0, 0, 0, 922, 5253, 1, 0, 0, 0, 924, 5259, 1, 0, 0, 0, 926, 5271, 1, 0, 0, 0, 928, 5285, 1, 0, 0, 0, 930, 5320, 1, 0, 0, 0, 932, 5325, 1, 0, 0, 0, 934, 5345, 1, 0, 0, 0, 936, 5355, 1, 0, 0, 0, 938, 5357, 1, 0, 0, 0, 940, 5366, 1, 0, 0, 0, 942, 5371, 1, 0, 0, 0, 944, 5375, 1, 0, 0, 0, 946, 5380, 1, 0, 0, 0, 948, 5396, 1, 0, 0, 0, 950, 5407, 1, 0, 0, 0, 952, 5419, 1, 0, 0, 0, 954, 5426, 1, 0, 0, 0, 956, 5428, 1, 0, 0, 0, 958, 5434, 1, 0, 0, 0, 960, 5436, 1, 0, 0, 0, 962, 5440, 1, 0, 0, 0, 964, 5444, 1, 0, 0, 0, 966, 5447, 1, 0, 0, 0, 968, 5465, 1, 0, 0, 0, 970, 5475, 1, 0, 0, 0, 972, 5486, 1, 0, 0, 0, 974, 5494, 1, 0, 0, 0, 976, 5500, 1, 0, 0, 0, 978, 5507, 1, 0, 0, 0, 980, 5513, 1, 0, 0, 0, 982, 5520, 1, 0, 0, 0, 984, 5525, 1, 0, 0, 0, 986, 5531, 1, 0, 0, 0, 988, 5537, 1, 0, 0, 0, 990, 5559, 1, 0, 0, 0, 992, 5562, 1, 0, 0, 0, 994, 5585, 1, 0, 0, 0, 996, 5587, 1, 0, 0, 0, 998, 5610, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 5615, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1002, 5624, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1004, 5628, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1006, 5633, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1008, 5636, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1010, 5645, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1012, 5657, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1014, 5666, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1016, 5677, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1018, 5687, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1020, 5699, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1022, 5708, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 5720, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1026, 5730, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1028, 5743, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1030, 5752, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1032, 5763, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1034, 5770, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1036, 5773, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1038, 5780, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1040, 5784, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1042, 5793, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1044, 5802, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1046, 5804, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1048, 5811, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1050, 5821, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1052, 5832, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1054, 5834, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1056, 5850, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1058, 5874, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1060, 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1932, 5, 414, 0, 0, 1931, 1933, 7, 13, 0, 0, 1932, 1931, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1932, 1933, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1933, 1935, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1934, 1936, 5, 22, 0, 0, 1935, 1934, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1935, 1936, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1936, 1938, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1937, 1939, 5, 212, 0, 0, 1938, 1937, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1938, 1939, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1939, 1941, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1940, 1942, 3, 1134, 567, 0, 1941, 1940, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1942, 1943, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1943, 1941, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1943, 1944, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1944, 147, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1945, 1946, 5, 301, 0, 0, 1946, 1948, 5, 206, 0, 0, 1947, 1949, 5, 474, 0, 0, 1948, 1947, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1948, 1949, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1949, 1951, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1950, 1952, 5, 94, 0, 0, 1951, 1950, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1951, 1952, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1952, 1954, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1953, 1955, 3, 150, 75, 0, 1954, 1953, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1955, 1956, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1956, 1954, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1956, 1957, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1957, 149, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1958, 1961, 3, 1134, 567, 0, 1959, 1960, 5, 350, 0, 0, 1960, 1962, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 1961, 1959, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1961, 1962, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1962, 151, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1963, 1964, 5, 77, 0, 0, 1964, 1966, 5, 97, 0, 0, 1965, 1967, 5, 212, 0, 0, 1966, 1965, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1966, 1967, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1967, 1968, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1968, 1969, 3, 1134, 567, 0, 1969, 153, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1970, 1971, 5, 109, 0, 0, 1971, 1972, 5, 145, 0, 0, 1972, 1976, 5, 534, 0, 0, 1973, 1975, 3, 156, 78, 0, 1974, 1973, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1975, 1978, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1976, 1974, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1976, 1977, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1977, 155, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1978, 1976, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1979, 1989, 3, 158, 79, 0, 1980, 1989, 3, 208, 104, 0, 1981, 1989, 3, 212, 106, 0, 1982, 1989, 3, 214, 107, 0, 1983, 1989, 3, 216, 108, 0, 1984, 1989, 3, 254, 127, 0, 1985, 1989, 3, 256, 128, 0, 1986, 1989, 3, 320, 160, 0, 1987, 1989, 3, 396, 198, 0, 1988, 1979, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1980, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1981, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1982, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1983, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1984, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1985, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1986, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1988, 1987, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1989, 157, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1990, 1991, 5, 206, 0, 0, 1991, 1992, 5, 419, 0, 0, 1992, 1996, 5, 534, 0, 0, 1993, 1995, 3, 160, 80, 0, 1994, 1993, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1995, 1998, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1996, 1994, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1996, 1997, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1997, 159, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1998, 1996, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1999, 2000, 7, 14, 0, 0, 2000, 2007, 3, 1134, 567, 0, 2001, 2003, 5, 534, 0, 0, 2002, 2001, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2002, 2003, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2003, 2004, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2004, 2006, 3, 162, 81, 0, 2005, 2002, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2006, 2009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2007, 2005, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2007, 2008, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2008, 2010, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2009, 2007, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2010, 2014, 5, 534, 0, 0, 2011, 2013, 3, 434, 217, 0, 2012, 2011, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2013, 2016, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2014, 2012, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2014, 2015, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2015, 161, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2016, 2014, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2017, 2029, 3, 164, 82, 0, 2018, 2029, 3, 166, 83, 0, 2019, 2029, 3, 168, 84, 0, 2020, 2029, 3, 172, 86, 0, 2021, 2029, 3, 182, 91, 0, 2022, 2029, 3, 184, 92, 0, 2023, 2029, 3, 188, 94, 0, 2024, 2029, 3, 190, 95, 0, 2025, 2029, 3, 204, 102, 0, 2026, 2029, 3, 206, 103, 0, 2027, 2029, 3, 200, 100, 0, 2028, 2017, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2018, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2019, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2020, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2021, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2022, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2023, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2024, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2025, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2026, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2028, 2027, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2029, 163, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2030, 2032, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2031, 2030, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2031, 2032, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2032, 2033, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2033, 2034, 5, 203, 0, 0, 2034, 165, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2035, 2037, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2036, 2035, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2036, 2037, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2037, 2038, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2038, 2039, 5, 223, 0, 0, 2039, 167, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2040, 2042, 5, 46, 0, 0, 2041, 2043, 5, 94, 0, 0, 2042, 2041, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2042, 2043, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2043, 2044, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2044, 2046, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2045, 2047, 3, 170, 85, 0, 2046, 2045, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2046, 2047, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2047, 2049, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2048, 2050, 7, 15, 0, 0, 2049, 2048, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2049, 2050, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2050, 169, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2051, 2052, 5, 489, 0, 0, 2052, 2053, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2053, 171, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2054, 2058, 5, 377, 0, 0, 2055, 2059, 3, 174, 87, 0, 2056, 2059, 3, 176, 88, 0, 2057, 2059, 3, 178, 89, 0, 2058, 2055, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2058, 2056, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2058, 2057, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2059, 173, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2060, 2062, 5, 94, 0, 0, 2061, 2060, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2061, 2062, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2062, 2063, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2063, 2065, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2064, 2066, 5, 63, 0, 0, 2065, 2064, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2065, 2066, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2066, 175, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2067, 2069, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2068, 2067, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2068, 2069, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2069, 2070, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2070, 2072, 5, 509, 0, 0, 2071, 2073, 5, 239, 0, 0, 2072, 2071, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2072, 2073, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2073, 2075, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2074, 2076, 5, 439, 0, 0, 2075, 2074, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2075, 2076, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2076, 2087, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2077, 2079, 5, 215, 0, 0, 2078, 2077, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2078, 2079, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2079, 2080, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2080, 2082, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2081, 2083, 3, 180, 90, 0, 2082, 2081, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2082, 2083, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2083, 2085, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2084, 2086, 5, 63, 0, 0, 2085, 2084, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2085, 2086, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2086, 2088, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2087, 2078, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2087, 2088, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2088, 2094, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2089, 2091, 5, 134, 0, 0, 2090, 2092, 5, 326, 0, 0, 2091, 2090, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2091, 2092, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2092, 2093, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2093, 2095, 3, 1090, 545, 0, 2094, 2089, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2094, 2095, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2095, 177, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2096, 2098, 5, 94, 0, 0, 2097, 2096, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2097, 2098, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2098, 2099, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2099, 2100, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2100, 2102, 3, 180, 90, 0, 2101, 2103, 5, 63, 0, 0, 2102, 2101, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2102, 2103, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2103, 179, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2104, 2105, 5, 489, 0, 0, 2105, 2106, 3, 1178, 589, 0, 2106, 181, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2107, 2116, 5, 261, 0, 0, 2108, 2110, 5, 377, 0, 0, 2109, 2111, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2110, 2109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2110, 2111, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2111, 2117, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2112, 2114, 5, 379, 0, 0, 2113, 2115, 5, 21, 0, 0, 2114, 2113, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2114, 2115, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2115, 2117, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2116, 2108, 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0, 2211, 2210, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2212, 199, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2213, 2215, 5, 378, 0, 0, 2214, 2216, 5, 297, 0, 0, 2215, 2214, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2215, 2216, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2216, 2218, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2217, 2219, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2218, 2217, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2218, 2219, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2219, 2220, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2220, 2221, 3, 202, 101, 0, 2221, 201, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2222, 2223, 3, 1170, 585, 0, 2223, 203, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2224, 2226, 5, 71, 0, 0, 2225, 2227, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2226, 2225, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2226, 2227, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2227, 2228, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2228, 2229, 3, 1114, 557, 0, 2229, 205, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2230, 2232, 5, 395, 0, 0, 2231, 2233, 5, 254, 0, 0, 2232, 2231, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2232, 2233, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2233, 2239, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2234, 2236, 5, 397, 0, 0, 2235, 2237, 5, 21, 0, 0, 2236, 2235, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2236, 2237, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2237, 2239, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2238, 2230, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2238, 2234, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2239, 2241, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2240, 2242, 3, 1156, 578, 0, 2241, 2240, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2242, 2243, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2243, 2241, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2243, 2244, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2244, 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+AND=19 +ANY=20 +ARE=21 +AREA=22 +AREAS=23 +AS=24 +ASCENDING=25 +ASCII=26 +ASSIGN=27 +ASSOCIATED_DATA=28 +ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH=29 +AT=30 +ATTRIBUTE=31 +AUTHOR=32 +AUTO=33 +AUTO_SKIP=34 +BACKGROUND_COLOR=35 +BACKGROUND_COLOUR=36 +BASIS=37 +BEEP=38 +BEFORE=39 +BEGINNING=40 +BELL=41 +BINARY=42 +BIT=43 +BLANK=44 +BLINK=45 +BLOCK=46 +BOUNDS=47 +BOTTOM=48 +BY=49 +BYFUNCTION=50 +BYTITLE=51 +CALL=52 +CANCEL=53 +CAPABLE=54 +CCSVERSION=55 +CD=56 +CF=57 +CH=58 +CHAINING=59 +CHANGED=60 +CHANNEL=61 +CHARACTER=62 +CHARACTERS=63 +CLASS=64 +CLASS_ID=65 +CLOCK_UNITS=66 +CLOSE=67 +CLOSE_DISPOSITION=68 +COBOL=69 +CODE=70 +CODE_SET=71 +COLLATING=72 +COL=73 +COLUMN=74 +COM_REG=75 +COMMA=76 +COMMITMENT=77 +COMMON=78 +COMMUNICATION=79 +COMP=80 +COMP_1=81 +COMP_2=82 +COMP_3=83 +COMP_4=84 +COMP_5=85 +COMPUTATIONAL=86 +COMPUTATIONAL_1=87 +COMPUTATIONAL_2=88 +COMPUTATIONAL_3=89 +COMPUTATIONAL_4=90 +COMPUTATIONAL_5=91 +COMPUTE=92 +CONFIGURATION=93 +CONTAINS=94 +CONTENT=95 +CONTINUE=96 +CONTROL=97 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+END_OF_PAGE=168 +END_PERFORM=169 +END_READ=170 +END_RECEIVE=171 +END_RETURN=172 +END_REWRITE=173 +END_SEARCH=174 +END_START=175 +END_STRING=176 +END_SUBTRACT=177 +END_UNSTRING=178 +END_WRITE=179 +ENDING=180 +ENTER=181 +ENTRY=182 +ENTRY_PROCEDURE=183 +ENVIRONMENT=184 +EOP=185 +EQUAL=186 +ERASE=187 +ERROR=188 +EOL=189 +EOS=190 +ESCAPE=191 +ESI=192 +EVALUATE=193 +EVENT=194 +EVERY=195 +EXCEPTION=196 +EXCLUSIVE=197 +EXHIBIT=198 +EXIT=199 +EXPORT=200 +EXTEND=201 +EXTENDED=202 +EXTERNAL=203 +FALSE=204 +FD=205 +FILE=206 +FILE_CONTROL=207 +FILLER=208 +FINAL=209 +FIRST=210 +FOOTING=211 +FOR=212 +FOREGROUND_COLOR=213 +FOREGROUND_COLOUR=214 +FROM=215 +FULL=216 +FUNCTION=217 +FUNCTIONNAME=218 +FUNCTION_POINTER=219 +GENERATE=220 +GOBACK=221 +GIVING=222 +GLOBAL=223 +GO=224 +GREATER=225 +GRID=226 +GROUP=227 +HEADING=228 +HIGHLIGHT=229 +HIGH_VALUE=230 +HIGH_VALUES=231 +I_O=232 +I_O_CONTROL=233 +ID=234 +IDENTIFICATION=235 +IF=236 +IMPLICIT=237 +IMPORT=238 +IN=239 +INDEX=240 +INDEXED=241 +INDICATE=242 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+REQUIRED=398 +RERUN=399 +RESERVE=400 +REVERSE_VIDEO=401 +RESET=402 +RETURN=403 +RETURN_CODE=404 +RETURNING=405 +REVERSED=406 +REWIND=407 +REWRITE=408 +RF=409 +RH=410 +RIGHT=411 +ROUNDED=412 +RUN=413 +SAME=414 +SAVE=415 +SCREEN=416 +SD=417 +SEARCH=418 +SECTION=419 +SECURE=420 +SECURITY=421 +SEGMENT=422 +SEGMENT_LIMIT=423 +SELECT=424 +SEND=425 +SENTENCE=426 +SEPARATE=427 +SEQUENCE=428 +SEQUENTIAL=429 +SET=430 +SHARED=431 +SHAREDBYALL=432 +SHAREDBYRUNUNIT=433 +SHARING=434 +SHIFT_IN=435 +SHIFT_OUT=436 +SHORT_DATE=437 +SIGN=438 +SIZE=439 +SORT=440 +SORT_CONTROL=441 +SORT_CORE_SIZE=442 +SORT_FILE_SIZE=443 +SORT_MERGE=444 +SORT_MESSAGE=445 +SORT_MODE_SIZE=446 +SORT_RETURN=447 +SOURCE=448 +SOURCE_COMPUTER=449 +SPACE=450 +SPACES=451 +SPECIAL_NAMES=452 +STANDARD=453 +STANDARD_1=454 +STANDARD_2=455 +START=456 +STATUS=457 +STOP=458 +STRING=459 +SUB_QUEUE_1=460 +SUB_QUEUE_2=461 +SUB_QUEUE_3=462 +SUBTRACT=463 +SUM=464 +SUPPRESS=465 +SYMBOL=466 +SYMBOLIC=467 +SYNC=468 +SYNCHRONIZED=469 +TABLE=470 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+NOTEQUALCHAR=546 +PLUSCHAR=547 +SINGLEQUOTE=548 +RPARENCHAR=549 +SLASHCHAR=550 +NONNUMERICLITERAL=551 +LEVEL_NUMBER_66=552 +LEVEL_NUMBER_77=553 +LEVEL_NUMBER_88=554 +INTEGERLITERAL=555 +NUMERICLITERAL=556 +IDENTIFIER=557 +NEWLINE=558 +EXECCICSLINE=559 +EXECSQLIMSLINE=560 +EXECSQLLINE=561 +COMMENTENTRYLINE=562 +COMMENTLINE=563 +WS=564 +SEPARATOR=565 +'&'=525 +'*'=526 +'**'=527 +':'=528 +','=529 +'*>CE'=530 +'*>'=531 +'$'=532 +'"'=533 +'.'=535 +'='=536 +'*>EXECCICS'=537 +'*>EXECSQL'=538 +'*>EXECSQLIMS'=539 +'<'=540 +'<='=541 +'('=542 +'-'=543 +'>'=544 +'>='=545 +'<>'=546 +'+'=547 +'\''=548 +')'=549 +'/'=550 +'66'=552 +'77'=553 +'88'=554 +', '=565 diff --git a/src/Cobol85Lexer.interp b/src/Cobol85Lexer.interp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc3943b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85Lexer.interp @@ -0,0 +1,1742 @@ +token literal names: +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null +null 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+COMMITMENT +COMMON +COMMUNICATION +COMP +COMP_1 +COMP_2 +COMP_3 +COMP_4 +COMP_5 +COMPUTATIONAL +COMPUTATIONAL_1 +COMPUTATIONAL_2 +COMPUTATIONAL_3 +COMPUTATIONAL_4 +COMPUTATIONAL_5 +COMPUTE +CONFIGURATION +CONTAINS +CONTENT +CONTINUE +CONTROL +CONTROL_POINT +CONTROLS +CONVENTION +CONVERTING +COPY +CORR +CORRESPONDING +COUNT +CRUNCH +CURRENCY +CURSOR +DATA +DATA_BASE +DATE +DATE_COMPILED +DATE_WRITTEN +DAY +DAY_OF_WEEK +DBCS +DE +DEBUG_CONTENTS +DEBUG_ITEM +DEBUG_LINE +DEBUG_NAME +DEBUG_SUB_1 +DEBUG_SUB_2 +DEBUG_SUB_3 +DEBUGGING +DECIMAL_POINT +DECLARATIVES +DEFAULT +DEFAULT_DISPLAY +DEFINITION +DELETE +DELIMITED +DELIMITER +DEPENDING +DESCENDING +DESTINATION +DETAIL +DFHRESP +DFHVALUE +DISABLE +DISK +DISPLAY +DISPLAY_1 +DIVIDE +DIVISION +DONTCARE +DOUBLE +DOWN +DUPLICATES +DYNAMIC +EBCDIC +EGCS +EGI +ELSE +EMI +EMPTY_CHECK +ENABLE +END +END_ACCEPT +END_ADD +END_CALL +END_COMPUTE +END_DELETE +END_DIVIDE +END_EVALUATE +END_IF +END_MULTIPLY +END_OF_PAGE +END_PERFORM +END_READ +END_RECEIVE 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+LIST +LOCAL +LOCAL_STORAGE +LOCK +LONG_DATE +LONG_TIME +LOWER +LOWLIGHT +LOW_VALUE +LOW_VALUES +MEMORY +MERGE +MESSAGE +MMDDYYYY +MODE +MODULES +MORE_LABELS +MOVE +MULTIPLE +MULTIPLY +NAMED +NATIONAL +NATIONAL_EDITED +NATIVE +NEGATIVE +NETWORK +NEXT +NO +NO_ECHO +NOT +NULL_ +NULLS +NUMBER +NUMERIC +NUMERIC_DATE +NUMERIC_EDITED +NUMERIC_TIME +OBJECT_COMPUTER +OCCURS +ODT +OF +OFF +OMITTED +ON +OPEN +OPTIONAL +OR +ORDER +ORDERLY +ORGANIZATION +OTHER +OUTPUT +OVERFLOW +OVERLINE +OWN +PACKED_DECIMAL +PADDING +PAGE +PAGE_COUNTER +PASSWORD +PERFORM +PF +PH +PIC +PICTURE +PLUS +POINTER +POSITION +POSITIVE +PORT +PRINTER +PRINTING +PRIVATE +PROCEDURE +PROCEDURE_POINTER +PROCEDURES +PROCEED +PROCESS +PROGRAM +PROGRAM_ID +PROGRAM_LIBRARY +PROMPT +PURGE +QUEUE +QUOTE +QUOTES +RANDOM +READER +REMOTE +RD +REAL +READ +RECEIVE +RECEIVED +RECORD +RECORDING +RECORDS +RECURSIVE +REDEFINES +REEL +REF +REFERENCE +REFERENCES +RELATIVE +RELEASE +REMAINDER +REMARKS +REMOVAL +REMOVE +RENAMES +REPLACE +REPLACING +REPORT +REPORTING +REPORTS +REQUIRED +RERUN +RESERVE +REVERSE_VIDEO +RESET +RETURN +RETURN_CODE +RETURNING +REVERSED +REWIND +REWRITE +RF +RH +RIGHT +ROUNDED +RUN +SAME +SAVE +SCREEN +SD +SEARCH +SECTION +SECURE +SECURITY +SEGMENT +SEGMENT_LIMIT +SELECT +SEND +SENTENCE +SEPARATE +SEQUENCE +SEQUENTIAL +SET +SHARED +SHAREDBYALL +SHAREDBYRUNUNIT +SHARING +SHIFT_IN +SHIFT_OUT +SHORT_DATE +SIGN +SIZE +SORT +SORT_CONTROL +SORT_CORE_SIZE +SORT_FILE_SIZE +SORT_MERGE +SORT_MESSAGE +SORT_MODE_SIZE +SORT_RETURN +SOURCE +SOURCE_COMPUTER +SPACE +SPACES +SPECIAL_NAMES +STANDARD +STANDARD_1 +STANDARD_2 +START +STATUS +STOP +STRING +SUB_QUEUE_1 +SUB_QUEUE_2 +SUB_QUEUE_3 +SUBTRACT +SUM +SUPPRESS +SYMBOL +SYMBOLIC +SYNC +SYNCHRONIZED +TABLE +TALLY +TALLYING +TASK +TAPE +TERMINAL +TERMINATE +TEST +TEXT +THAN +THEN +THREAD +THREAD_LOCAL +THROUGH +THRU +TIME +TIMER +TIMES +TITLE +TO +TODAYS_DATE +TODAYS_NAME +TOP +TRAILING +TRUE +TRUNCATED +TYPE +TYPEDEF +UNDERLINE +UNIT +UNSTRING +UNTIL +UP +UPON +USAGE +USE +USING +VALUE +VALUES +VARYING +VIRTUAL +WAIT +WHEN +WHEN_COMPILED +WITH +WORDS +WORKING_STORAGE +WRITE +YEAR +YYYYMMDD +YYYYDDD +ZERO +ZERO_FILL +ZEROS +ZEROES +AMPCHAR +ASTERISKCHAR +DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR +COLONCHAR +COMMACHAR +COMMENTENTRYTAG +COMMENTTAG +DOLLARCHAR +DOUBLEQUOTE +DOT_FS +DOT +EQUALCHAR +EXECCICSTAG +EXECSQLTAG +EXECSQLIMSTAG +LESSTHANCHAR +LESSTHANOREQUAL +LPARENCHAR +MINUSCHAR +MORETHANCHAR +MORETHANOREQUAL +NOTEQUALCHAR +PLUSCHAR +SINGLEQUOTE +RPARENCHAR +SLASHCHAR +NONNUMERICLITERAL +LEVEL_NUMBER_66 +LEVEL_NUMBER_77 +LEVEL_NUMBER_88 +INTEGERLITERAL +NUMERICLITERAL +IDENTIFIER +NEWLINE +EXECCICSLINE +EXECSQLIMSLINE +EXECSQLLINE +COMMENTENTRYLINE +COMMENTLINE +WS +SEPARATOR + +rule names: +ABORT +ACCEPT +ACCESS +ADD +ADDRESS +ADVANCING +AFTER +ALIGNED +ALL +ALPHABET +ALPHABETIC +ALPHABETIC_LOWER +ALPHABETIC_UPPER +ALPHANUMERIC +ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED +ALSO +ALTER +ALTERNATE +AND +ANY +ARE +AREA +AREAS +AS +ASCENDING +ASCII +ASSIGN +ASSOCIATED_DATA 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3796, 1, 0, 0, 0, 613, 3803, 1, 0, 0, 0, 615, 3812, 1, 0, 0, 0, 617, 3820, 1, 0, 0, 0, 619, 3825, 1, 0, 0, 0, 621, 3828, 1, 0, 0, 0, 623, 3836, 1, 0, 0, 0, 625, 3840, 1, 0, 0, 0, 627, 3845, 1, 0, 0, 0, 629, 3851, 1, 0, 0, 0, 631, 3858, 1, 0, 0, 0, 633, 3866, 1, 0, 0, 0, 635, 3879, 1, 0, 0, 0, 637, 3894, 1, 0, 0, 0, 639, 3907, 1, 0, 0, 0, 641, 3923, 1, 0, 0, 0, 643, 3930, 1, 0, 0, 0, 645, 3934, 1, 0, 0, 0, 647, 3937, 1, 0, 0, 0, 649, 3941, 1, 0, 0, 0, 651, 3949, 1, 0, 0, 0, 653, 3952, 1, 0, 0, 0, 655, 3957, 1, 0, 0, 0, 657, 3966, 1, 0, 0, 0, 659, 3969, 1, 0, 0, 0, 661, 3975, 1, 0, 0, 0, 663, 3983, 1, 0, 0, 0, 665, 3996, 1, 0, 0, 0, 667, 4002, 1, 0, 0, 0, 669, 4009, 1, 0, 0, 0, 671, 4018, 1, 0, 0, 0, 673, 4027, 1, 0, 0, 0, 675, 4031, 1, 0, 0, 0, 677, 4046, 1, 0, 0, 0, 679, 4054, 1, 0, 0, 0, 681, 4059, 1, 0, 0, 0, 683, 4072, 1, 0, 0, 0, 685, 4081, 1, 0, 0, 0, 687, 4089, 1, 0, 0, 0, 689, 4092, 1, 0, 0, 0, 691, 4095, 1, 0, 0, 0, 693, 4099, 1, 0, 0, 0, 695, 4107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 697, 4112, 1, 0, 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1165, 582, 0, 1838, 158, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1839, 1840, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1840, 1841, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1841, 1842, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1842, 1843, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1843, 160, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1844, 1845, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1845, 1846, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1846, 1847, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1847, 1848, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1848, 1849, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1849, 1850, 5, 49, 0, 0, 1850, 162, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1851, 1852, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1852, 1853, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1853, 1854, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1854, 1855, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1855, 1856, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1856, 1857, 5, 50, 0, 0, 1857, 164, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1858, 1859, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1859, 1860, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1860, 1861, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1861, 1862, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1862, 1863, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1863, 1864, 5, 51, 0, 0, 1864, 166, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1865, 1866, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1866, 1867, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1867, 1868, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1868, 1869, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1869, 1870, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1870, 1871, 5, 52, 0, 0, 1871, 168, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1872, 1873, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1873, 1874, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1874, 1875, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1875, 1876, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1876, 1877, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1877, 1878, 5, 53, 0, 0, 1878, 170, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1879, 1880, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1880, 1881, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1881, 1882, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1882, 1883, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1883, 1884, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1884, 1885, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1885, 1886, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1886, 1887, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1887, 1888, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1888, 1889, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1889, 1890, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1890, 1891, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1891, 1892, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1892, 172, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1893, 1894, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1894, 1895, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1895, 1896, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1896, 1897, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1897, 1898, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1898, 1899, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1899, 1900, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1900, 1901, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1901, 1902, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1902, 1903, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1903, 1904, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1904, 1905, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1905, 1906, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1906, 1907, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1907, 1908, 5, 49, 0, 0, 1908, 174, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1909, 1910, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1910, 1911, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1911, 1912, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1912, 1913, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1913, 1914, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1914, 1915, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1915, 1916, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1916, 1917, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1917, 1918, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1918, 1919, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1919, 1920, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1920, 1921, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1921, 1922, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1922, 1923, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1923, 1924, 5, 50, 0, 0, 1924, 176, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1925, 1926, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1926, 1927, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1927, 1928, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1928, 1929, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1929, 1930, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1930, 1931, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1931, 1932, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1932, 1933, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1933, 1934, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1934, 1935, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1935, 1936, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1936, 1937, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1937, 1938, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1938, 1939, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1939, 1940, 5, 51, 0, 0, 1940, 178, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1941, 1942, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1942, 1943, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1943, 1944, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1944, 1945, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1945, 1946, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1946, 1947, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1947, 1948, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1948, 1949, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1949, 1950, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1950, 1951, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1951, 1952, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1952, 1953, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1953, 1954, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1954, 1955, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1955, 1956, 5, 52, 0, 0, 1956, 180, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1957, 1958, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1958, 1959, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1959, 1960, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1960, 1961, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1961, 1962, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1962, 1963, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1963, 1964, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1964, 1965, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1965, 1966, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1966, 1967, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1967, 1968, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1968, 1969, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1969, 1970, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 1970, 1971, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 1971, 1972, 5, 53, 0, 0, 1972, 182, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1973, 1974, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1974, 1975, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1975, 1976, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 1976, 1977, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 1977, 1978, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1978, 1979, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1979, 1980, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 1980, 184, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1981, 1982, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1982, 1983, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1983, 1984, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1984, 1985, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 1985, 1986, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1986, 1987, 3, 1151, 575, 0, 1987, 1988, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 1988, 1989, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 1989, 1990, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 1990, 1991, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1991, 1992, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 1992, 1993, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1993, 1994, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1994, 186, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1995, 1996, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 1996, 1997, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 1997, 1998, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 1998, 1999, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 1999, 2000, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2000, 2001, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2001, 2002, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2002, 2003, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2003, 188, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2004, 2005, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2005, 2006, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2006, 2007, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2007, 2008, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2008, 2009, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2009, 2010, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2010, 2011, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2011, 190, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2012, 2013, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2013, 2014, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2014, 2015, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2015, 2016, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2016, 2017, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2017, 2018, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2018, 2019, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2019, 2020, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2020, 192, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2021, 2022, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2022, 2023, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2023, 2024, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2024, 2025, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2025, 2026, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2026, 2027, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2027, 2028, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2028, 194, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2029, 2030, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2030, 2031, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2031, 2032, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2032, 2033, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2033, 2034, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2034, 2035, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2035, 2036, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2036, 2037, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2037, 2038, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2038, 2039, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2039, 2040, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2040, 2041, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2041, 2042, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2042, 196, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2043, 2044, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2044, 2045, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2045, 2046, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2046, 2047, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2047, 2048, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2048, 2049, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2049, 2050, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2050, 2051, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2051, 198, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2052, 2053, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2053, 2054, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2054, 2055, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2055, 2056, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2056, 2057, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2057, 2058, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2058, 2059, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2059, 2060, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2060, 2061, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2061, 2062, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2062, 200, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2063, 2064, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2064, 2065, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2065, 2066, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2066, 2067, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2067, 2068, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2068, 2069, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2069, 2070, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2070, 2071, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2071, 2072, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2072, 2073, 3, 1151, 575, 0, 2073, 202, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2074, 2075, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2075, 2076, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2076, 2077, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2077, 2078, 3, 1187, 593, 0, 2078, 204, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2079, 2080, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2080, 2081, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2081, 2082, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2082, 2083, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2083, 206, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2084, 2085, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2085, 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581, 0, 2297, 2298, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2298, 2299, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2299, 2300, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2300, 2301, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2301, 2302, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2302, 2303, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2303, 2304, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2304, 2305, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2305, 252, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2306, 2307, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2307, 2308, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2308, 2309, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2309, 2310, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2310, 2311, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2311, 2312, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2312, 2313, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2313, 2314, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2314, 2315, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2315, 2316, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2316, 2317, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2317, 2318, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2318, 254, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2319, 2320, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2320, 2321, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2321, 2322, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 2322, 2323, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2323, 2324, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2324, 2325, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2325, 2326, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2326, 256, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2327, 2328, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2328, 2329, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2329, 2330, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 2330, 2331, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2331, 2332, 3, 1179, 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2402, 2403, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2403, 2404, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2404, 2405, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2405, 2406, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2406, 2407, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2407, 2408, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2408, 2409, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2409, 2410, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2410, 2411, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2411, 2412, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2412, 2413, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2413, 272, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2414, 2415, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2415, 2416, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2416, 2417, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2417, 2418, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2418, 2419, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2419, 2420, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2420, 274, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2421, 2422, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2422, 2423, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 2423, 2424, 3, 1153, 576, 0, 2424, 2425, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2425, 2426, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2426, 2427, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2427, 2428, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2428, 276, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2429, 2430, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2430, 2431, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 2431, 2432, 3, 1153, 576, 0, 2432, 2433, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2433, 2434, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2434, 2435, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2435, 2436, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2436, 2437, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2437, 278, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2438, 2439, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2439, 2440, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2440, 2441, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2441, 2442, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2442, 2443, 3, 1141, 570, 0, 2443, 2444, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2444, 2445, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2445, 280, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2446, 2447, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2447, 2448, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2448, 2449, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2449, 2450, 3, 1159, 579, 0, 2450, 282, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2451, 2452, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2452, 2453, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2453, 2454, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2454, 2455, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2455, 2456, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2456, 2457, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2457, 2458, 3, 1187, 593, 0, 2458, 284, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2459, 2460, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2460, 2461, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2461, 2462, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2462, 2463, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2463, 2464, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2464, 2465, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2465, 2466, 3, 1187, 593, 0, 2466, 2467, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2467, 2468, 5, 49, 0, 0, 2468, 286, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2469, 2470, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2470, 2471, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2471, 2472, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2472, 2473, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2473, 2474, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2474, 2475, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2475, 288, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2476, 2477, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2477, 2478, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2478, 2479, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2479, 2480, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2480, 2481, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2481, 2482, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2482, 2483, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2483, 2484, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2484, 290, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2485, 2486, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2486, 2487, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2487, 2488, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2488, 2489, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2489, 2490, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2490, 2491, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2491, 2492, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2492, 2493, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2493, 292, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2494, 2495, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2495, 2496, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2496, 2497, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2497, 2498, 3, 1141, 570, 0, 2498, 2499, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2499, 2500, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2500, 294, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2501, 2502, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2502, 2503, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2503, 2504, 3, 1183, 591, 0, 2504, 2505, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2505, 296, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2506, 2507, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2507, 2508, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 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2755, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2755, 2756, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2756, 350, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2757, 2758, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2758, 2759, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2759, 2760, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2760, 2761, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2761, 2762, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2762, 2763, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2763, 2764, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2764, 2765, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2765, 2766, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2766, 2767, 3, 1151, 575, 0, 2767, 352, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2768, 2769, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2769, 2770, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2770, 2771, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2771, 2772, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2772, 2773, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2773, 2774, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2774, 2775, 3, 1141, 570, 0, 2775, 2776, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2776, 2777, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2777, 2778, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2778, 2779, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2779, 2780, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2780, 354, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2781, 2782, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2782, 2783, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2783, 2784, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2784, 2785, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2785, 2786, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2786, 2787, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2787, 2788, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2788, 2789, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2789, 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582, 0, 2825, 2826, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2826, 2827, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2827, 2828, 3, 1187, 593, 0, 2828, 2829, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 2829, 2830, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2830, 2831, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2831, 2832, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2832, 2833, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2833, 2834, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2834, 2835, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2835, 2836, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2836, 2837, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2837, 2838, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2838, 366, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2839, 2840, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2840, 2841, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2841, 2842, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2842, 2843, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2843, 2844, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2844, 2845, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2845, 2846, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2846, 2847, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 2847, 2848, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2848, 2849, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2849, 2850, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2850, 368, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2851, 2852, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2852, 2853, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2853, 2854, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2854, 370, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2855, 2856, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2856, 2857, 3, 1171, 585, 0, 2857, 2858, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2858, 2859, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2859, 2860, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2860, 372, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2861, 2862, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2862, 2863, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2863, 2864, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2864, 2865, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2865, 2866, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2866, 374, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2867, 2868, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2868, 2869, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2869, 2870, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2870, 2871, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2871, 2872, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2872, 376, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2873, 2874, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2874, 2875, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2875, 2876, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2876, 378, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2877, 2878, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2878, 2879, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2879, 2880, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2880, 380, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2881, 2882, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2882, 2883, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2883, 2884, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2884, 2885, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2885, 2886, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2886, 2887, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2887, 382, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2888, 2889, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2889, 2890, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2890, 2891, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2891, 384, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2892, 2893, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2893, 2894, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2894, 2895, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2895, 2896, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2896, 2897, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2897, 2898, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 2898, 2899, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2899, 2900, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2900, 386, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2901, 2902, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2902, 2903, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2903, 2904, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2904, 2905, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2905, 2906, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2906, 388, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2907, 2908, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2908, 2909, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2909, 2910, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2910, 2911, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2911, 2912, 3, 1187, 593, 0, 2912, 390, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2913, 2914, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2914, 2915, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2915, 2916, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2916, 2917, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2917, 2918, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2918, 2919, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2919, 2920, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2920, 2921, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2921, 2922, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2922, 392, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2923, 2924, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2924, 2925, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2925, 2926, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 2926, 2927, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 2927, 2928, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 2928, 2929, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 2929, 2930, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2930, 2931, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 2931, 2932, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2932, 394, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2933, 2934, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2934, 2935, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2935, 2936, 3, 1153, 576, 0, 2936, 2937, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2937, 2938, 3, 1141, 570, 0, 2938, 2939, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2939, 2940, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2940, 396, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2941, 2942, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2942, 2943, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2943, 2944, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 2944, 2945, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2945, 398, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2946, 2947, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2947, 2948, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2948, 2949, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 2949, 2950, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 2950, 2951, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 2951, 2952, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2952, 400, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2953, 2954, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2954, 2955, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2955, 2956, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2956, 2957, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2957, 2958, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2958, 2959, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2959, 402, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2960, 2961, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2961, 2962, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 2962, 2963, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 2963, 2964, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 2964, 2965, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 2965, 2966, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 2966, 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586, 0, 3002, 3003, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3003, 3004, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3004, 414, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3005, 3006, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3006, 3007, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3007, 3008, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3008, 3009, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3009, 3010, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3010, 3011, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3011, 416, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3012, 3013, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3013, 3014, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3014, 3015, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3015, 3016, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 3016, 3017, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3017, 418, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3018, 3019, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3019, 3020, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3020, 3021, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3021, 3022, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 3022, 3023, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3023, 420, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3024, 3025, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3025, 3026, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3026, 3027, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3027, 3028, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3028, 3029, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3029, 3030, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3030, 3031, 3, 1151, 575, 0, 3031, 422, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3032, 3033, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3033, 3034, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3034, 3035, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3035, 424, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3036, 3037, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3037, 3038, 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608, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3780, 3781, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3781, 3782, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 3782, 3783, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3783, 3784, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3784, 3785, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3785, 3786, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3786, 3787, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 3787, 3788, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3788, 3789, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 3789, 3790, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3790, 3791, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 3791, 3792, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3792, 3793, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3793, 3794, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3794, 3795, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 3795, 610, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3796, 3797, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3797, 3798, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 3798, 3799, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3799, 3800, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3800, 3801, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 3801, 3802, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3802, 612, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3803, 3804, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3804, 3805, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3805, 3806, 3, 1151, 575, 0, 3806, 3807, 3, 1139, 569, 0, 3807, 3808, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3808, 3809, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3809, 3810, 3, 1181, 590, 0, 3810, 3811, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3811, 614, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3812, 3813, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3813, 3814, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3814, 3815, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3815, 3816, 3, 1183, 591, 0, 3816, 3817, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3817, 3818, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3818, 3819, 3, 1159, 579, 0, 3819, 616, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3820, 3821, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3821, 3822, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3822, 3823, 3, 1185, 592, 0, 3823, 3824, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3824, 618, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3825, 3826, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3826, 3827, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3827, 620, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3828, 3829, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3829, 3830, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3830, 3831, 3, 1085, 542, 0, 3831, 3832, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3832, 3833, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 3833, 3834, 3, 1153, 576, 0, 3834, 3835, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3835, 622, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3836, 3837, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3837, 3838, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3838, 3839, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3839, 624, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3840, 3841, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3841, 3842, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 3842, 3843, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3843, 3844, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3844, 626, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3845, 3846, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3846, 3847, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 3847, 3848, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3848, 3849, 3, 1161, 580, 0, 3849, 3850, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 3850, 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3, 1147, 573, 0, 3921, 3922, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3922, 640, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3923, 3924, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3924, 3925, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 3925, 3926, 3, 1143, 571, 0, 3926, 3927, 3, 1179, 589, 0, 3927, 3928, 3, 1173, 586, 0, 3928, 3929, 3, 1175, 587, 0, 3929, 642, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3930, 3931, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3931, 3932, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 3932, 3933, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3933, 644, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3934, 3935, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3935, 3936, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3936, 646, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3937, 3938, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3938, 3939, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3939, 3940, 3, 1149, 574, 0, 3940, 648, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3941, 3942, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3942, 3943, 3, 1163, 581, 0, 3943, 3944, 3, 1155, 577, 0, 3944, 3945, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3945, 3946, 3, 1177, 588, 0, 3946, 3947, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3947, 3948, 3, 1145, 572, 0, 3948, 650, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3949, 3950, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3950, 3951, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3951, 652, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3952, 3953, 3, 1167, 583, 0, 3953, 3954, 3, 1169, 584, 0, 3954, 3955, 3, 1147, 573, 0, 3955, 3956, 3, 1165, 582, 0, 3956, 654, 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1808,1809,3,1167,583,0,1809,1810,3,1163,581,0,1810,1811,3,1163,581, + 0,1811,1812,3,1155,577,0,1812,1813,3,1177,588,0,1813,1814,3,1163, + 581,0,1814,1815,3,1147,573,0,1815,1816,3,1165,582,0,1816,1817,3, + 1177,588,0,1817,154,1,0,0,0,1818,1819,3,1143,571,0,1819,1820,3,1167, + 583,0,1820,1821,3,1163,581,0,1821,1822,3,1163,581,0,1822,1823,3, + 1167,583,0,1823,1824,3,1165,582,0,1824,156,1,0,0,0,1825,1826,3,1143, + 571,0,1826,1827,3,1167,583,0,1827,1828,3,1163,581,0,1828,1829,3, + 1163,581,0,1829,1830,3,1179,589,0,1830,1831,3,1165,582,0,1831,1832, + 3,1155,577,0,1832,1833,3,1143,571,0,1833,1834,3,1139,569,0,1834, + 1835,3,1177,588,0,1835,1836,3,1155,577,0,1836,1837,3,1167,583,0, + 1837,1838,3,1165,582,0,1838,158,1,0,0,0,1839,1840,3,1143,571,0,1840, + 1841,3,1167,583,0,1841,1842,3,1163,581,0,1842,1843,3,1169,584,0, + 1843,160,1,0,0,0,1844,1845,3,1143,571,0,1845,1846,3,1167,583,0,1846, + 1847,3,1163,581,0,1847,1848,3,1169,584,0,1848,1849,3,1085,542,0, + 1849,1850,5,49,0,0,1850,162,1,0,0,0,1851,1852,3,1143,571,0,1852, + 1853,3,1167,583,0,1853,1854,3,1163,581,0,1854,1855,3,1169,584,0, + 1855,1856,3,1085,542,0,1856,1857,5,50,0,0,1857,164,1,0,0,0,1858, + 1859,3,1143,571,0,1859,1860,3,1167,583,0,1860,1861,3,1163,581,0, + 1861,1862,3,1169,584,0,1862,1863,3,1085,542,0,1863,1864,5,51,0,0, + 1864,166,1,0,0,0,1865,1866,3,1143,571,0,1866,1867,3,1167,583,0,1867, + 1868,3,1163,581,0,1868,1869,3,1169,584,0,1869,1870,3,1085,542,0, + 1870,1871,5,52,0,0,1871,168,1,0,0,0,1872,1873,3,1143,571,0,1873, + 1874,3,1167,583,0,1874,1875,3,1163,581,0,1875,1876,3,1169,584,0, + 1876,1877,3,1085,542,0,1877,1878,5,53,0,0,1878,170,1,0,0,0,1879, + 1880,3,1143,571,0,1880,1881,3,1167,583,0,1881,1882,3,1163,581,0, + 1882,1883,3,1169,584,0,1883,1884,3,1179,589,0,1884,1885,3,1177,588, + 0,1885,1886,3,1139,569,0,1886,1887,3,1177,588,0,1887,1888,3,1155, + 577,0,1888,1889,3,1167,583,0,1889,1890,3,1165,582,0,1890,1891,3, + 1139,569,0,1891,1892,3,1161,580,0,1892,172,1,0,0,0,1893,1894,3,1143, + 571,0,1894,1895,3,1167,583,0,1895,1896,3,1163,581,0,1896,1897,3, + 1169,584,0,1897,1898,3,1179,589,0,1898,1899,3,1177,588,0,1899,1900, + 3,1139,569,0,1900,1901,3,1177,588,0,1901,1902,3,1155,577,0,1902, + 1903,3,1167,583,0,1903,1904,3,1165,582,0,1904,1905,3,1139,569,0, + 1905,1906,3,1161,580,0,1906,1907,3,1085,542,0,1907,1908,5,49,0,0, + 1908,174,1,0,0,0,1909,1910,3,1143,571,0,1910,1911,3,1167,583,0,1911, + 1912,3,1163,581,0,1912,1913,3,1169,584,0,1913,1914,3,1179,589,0, + 1914,1915,3,1177,588,0,1915,1916,3,1139,569,0,1916,1917,3,1177,588, + 0,1917,1918,3,1155,577,0,1918,1919,3,1167,583,0,1919,1920,3,1165, + 582,0,1920,1921,3,1139,569,0,1921,1922,3,1161,580,0,1922,1923,3, + 1085,542,0,1923,1924,5,50,0,0,1924,176,1,0,0,0,1925,1926,3,1143, + 571,0,1926,1927,3,1167,583,0,1927,1928,3,1163,581,0,1928,1929,3, + 1169,584,0,1929,1930,3,1179,589,0,1930,1931,3,1177,588,0,1931,1932, + 3,1139,569,0,1932,1933,3,1177,588,0,1933,1934,3,1155,577,0,1934, + 1935,3,1167,583,0,1935,1936,3,1165,582,0,1936,1937,3,1139,569,0, + 1937,1938,3,1161,580,0,1938,1939,3,1085,542,0,1939,1940,5,51,0,0, + 1940,178,1,0,0,0,1941,1942,3,1143,571,0,1942,1943,3,1167,583,0,1943, + 1944,3,1163,581,0,1944,1945,3,1169,584,0,1945,1946,3,1179,589,0, + 1946,1947,3,1177,588,0,1947,1948,3,1139,569,0,1948,1949,3,1177,588, + 0,1949,1950,3,1155,577,0,1950,1951,3,1167,583,0,1951,1952,3,1165, + 582,0,1952,1953,3,1139,569,0,1953,1954,3,1161,580,0,1954,1955,3, + 1085,542,0,1955,1956,5,52,0,0,1956,180,1,0,0,0,1957,1958,3,1143, + 571,0,1958,1959,3,1167,583,0,1959,1960,3,1163,581,0,1960,1961,3, + 1169,584,0,1961,1962,3,1179,589,0,1962,1963,3,1177,588,0,1963,1964, + 3,1139,569,0,1964,1965,3,1177,588,0,1965,1966,3,1155,577,0,1966, + 1967,3,1167,583,0,1967,1968,3,1165,582,0,1968,1969,3,1139,569,0, + 1969,1970,3,1161,580,0,1970,1971,3,1085,542,0,1971,1972,5,53,0,0, + 1972,182,1,0,0,0,1973,1974,3,1143,571,0,1974,1975,3,1167,583,0,1975, + 1976,3,1163,581,0,1976,1977,3,1169,584,0,1977,1978,3,1179,589,0, + 1978,1979,3,1177,588,0,1979,1980,3,1147,573,0,1980,184,1,0,0,0,1981, + 1982,3,1143,571,0,1982,1983,3,1167,583,0,1983,1984,3,1165,582,0, + 1984,1985,3,1149,574,0,1985,1986,3,1155,577,0,1986,1987,3,1151,575, + 0,1987,1988,3,1179,589,0,1988,1989,3,1173,586,0,1989,1990,3,1139, + 569,0,1990,1991,3,1177,588,0,1991,1992,3,1155,577,0,1992,1993,3, + 1167,583,0,1993,1994,3,1165,582,0,1994,186,1,0,0,0,1995,1996,3,1143, + 571,0,1996,1997,3,1167,583,0,1997,1998,3,1165,582,0,1998,1999,3, + 1177,588,0,1999,2000,3,1139,569,0,2000,2001,3,1155,577,0,2001,2002, + 3,1165,582,0,2002,2003,3,1175,587,0,2003,188,1,0,0,0,2004,2005,3, + 1143,571,0,2005,2006,3,1167,583,0,2006,2007,3,1165,582,0,2007,2008, + 3,1177,588,0,2008,2009,3,1147,573,0,2009,2010,3,1165,582,0,2010, + 2011,3,1177,588,0,2011,190,1,0,0,0,2012,2013,3,1143,571,0,2013,2014, + 3,1167,583,0,2014,2015,3,1165,582,0,2015,2016,3,1177,588,0,2016, + 2017,3,1155,577,0,2017,2018,3,1165,582,0,2018,2019,3,1179,589,0, + 2019,2020,3,1147,573,0,2020,192,1,0,0,0,2021,2022,3,1143,571,0,2022, + 2023,3,1167,583,0,2023,2024,3,1165,582,0,2024,2025,3,1177,588,0, + 2025,2026,3,1173,586,0,2026,2027,3,1167,583,0,2027,2028,3,1161,580, + 0,2028,194,1,0,0,0,2029,2030,3,1143,571,0,2030,2031,3,1167,583,0, + 2031,2032,3,1165,582,0,2032,2033,3,1177,588,0,2033,2034,3,1173,586, + 0,2034,2035,3,1167,583,0,2035,2036,3,1161,580,0,2036,2037,3,1085, + 542,0,2037,2038,3,1169,584,0,2038,2039,3,1167,583,0,2039,2040,3, + 1155,577,0,2040,2041,3,1165,582,0,2041,2042,3,1177,588,0,2042,196, + 1,0,0,0,2043,2044,3,1143,571,0,2044,2045,3,1167,583,0,2045,2046, + 3,1165,582,0,2046,2047,3,1177,588,0,2047,2048,3,1173,586,0,2048, + 2049,3,1167,583,0,2049,2050,3,1161,580,0,2050,2051,3,1175,587,0, + 2051,198,1,0,0,0,2052,2053,3,1143,571,0,2053,2054,3,1167,583,0,2054, + 2055,3,1165,582,0,2055,2056,3,1181,590,0,2056,2057,3,1147,573,0, + 2057,2058,3,1165,582,0,2058,2059,3,1177,588,0,2059,2060,3,1155,577, + 0,2060,2061,3,1167,583,0,2061,2062,3,1165,582,0,2062,200,1,0,0,0, + 2063,2064,3,1143,571,0,2064,2065,3,1167,583,0,2065,2066,3,1165,582, + 0,2066,2067,3,1181,590,0,2067,2068,3,1147,573,0,2068,2069,3,1173, + 586,0,2069,2070,3,1177,588,0,2070,2071,3,1155,577,0,2071,2072,3, + 1165,582,0,2072,2073,3,1151,575,0,2073,202,1,0,0,0,2074,2075,3,1143, + 571,0,2075,2076,3,1167,583,0,2076,2077,3,1169,584,0,2077,2078,3, + 1187,593,0,2078,204,1,0,0,0,2079,2080,3,1143,571,0,2080,2081,3,1167, + 583,0,2081,2082,3,1173,586,0,2082,2083,3,1173,586,0,2083,206,1,0, + 0,0,2084,2085,3,1143,571,0,2085,2086,3,1167,583,0,2086,2087,3,1173, + 586,0,2087,2088,3,1173,586,0,2088,2089,3,1147,573,0,2089,2090,3, + 1175,587,0,2090,2091,3,1169,584,0,2091,2092,3,1167,583,0,2092,2093, + 3,1165,582,0,2093,2094,3,1145,572,0,2094,2095,3,1155,577,0,2095, + 2096,3,1165,582,0,2096,2097,3,1151,575,0,2097,208,1,0,0,0,2098,2099, + 3,1143,571,0,2099,2100,3,1167,583,0,2100,2101,3,1179,589,0,2101, + 2102,3,1165,582,0,2102,2103,3,1177,588,0,2103,210,1,0,0,0,2104,2105, + 3,1143,571,0,2105,2106,3,1173,586,0,2106,2107,3,1179,589,0,2107, + 2108,3,1165,582,0,2108,2109,3,1143,571,0,2109,2110,3,1153,576,0, + 2110,212,1,0,0,0,2111,2112,3,1143,571,0,2112,2113,3,1179,589,0,2113, + 2114,3,1173,586,0,2114,2115,3,1173,586,0,2115,2116,3,1147,573,0, + 2116,2117,3,1165,582,0,2117,2118,3,1143,571,0,2118,2119,3,1187,593, + 0,2119,214,1,0,0,0,2120,2121,3,1143,571,0,2121,2122,3,1179,589,0, + 2122,2123,3,1173,586,0,2123,2124,3,1175,587,0,2124,2125,3,1167,583, + 0,2125,2126,3,1173,586,0,2126,216,1,0,0,0,2127,2128,3,1145,572,0, + 2128,2129,3,1139,569,0,2129,2130,3,1177,588,0,2130,2131,3,1139,569, + 0,2131,218,1,0,0,0,2132,2133,3,1145,572,0,2133,2134,3,1139,569,0, + 2134,2135,3,1177,588,0,2135,2136,3,1139,569,0,2136,2137,3,1085,542, + 0,2137,2138,3,1141,570,0,2138,2139,3,1139,569,0,2139,2140,3,1175, + 587,0,2140,2141,3,1147,573,0,2141,220,1,0,0,0,2142,2143,3,1145,572, + 0,2143,2144,3,1139,569,0,2144,2145,3,1177,588,0,2145,2146,3,1147, + 573,0,2146,222,1,0,0,0,2147,2148,3,1145,572,0,2148,2149,3,1139,569, + 0,2149,2150,3,1177,588,0,2150,2151,3,1147,573,0,2151,2152,3,1085, + 542,0,2152,2153,3,1143,571,0,2153,2154,3,1167,583,0,2154,2155,3, + 1163,581,0,2155,2156,3,1169,584,0,2156,2157,3,1155,577,0,2157,2158, + 3,1161,580,0,2158,2159,3,1147,573,0,2159,2160,3,1145,572,0,2160, + 224,1,0,0,0,2161,2162,3,1145,572,0,2162,2163,3,1139,569,0,2163,2164, + 3,1177,588,0,2164,2165,3,1147,573,0,2165,2166,3,1085,542,0,2166, + 2167,3,1183,591,0,2167,2168,3,1173,586,0,2168,2169,3,1155,577,0, + 2169,2170,3,1177,588,0,2170,2171,3,1177,588,0,2171,2172,3,1147,573, + 0,2172,2173,3,1165,582,0,2173,226,1,0,0,0,2174,2175,3,1145,572,0, + 2175,2176,3,1139,569,0,2176,2177,3,1187,593,0,2177,228,1,0,0,0,2178, + 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5816,1,0,0,0,5818,5821,1,0,0,0,5819,5817,1,0,0,0,5819,5820,1,0,0, + 0,5820,5822,1,0,0,0,5821,5819,1,0,0,0,5822,5823,7,9,0,0,5823,1128, + 1,0,0,0,5824,5825,3,1075,537,0,5825,5829,3,1135,567,0,5826,5828, + 8,9,0,0,5827,5826,1,0,0,0,5828,5831,1,0,0,0,5829,5827,1,0,0,0,5829, + 5830,1,0,0,0,5830,5832,1,0,0,0,5831,5829,1,0,0,0,5832,5833,7,9,0, + 0,5833,1130,1,0,0,0,5834,5835,3,1059,529,0,5835,5839,3,1135,567, + 0,5836,5838,8,10,0,0,5837,5836,1,0,0,0,5838,5841,1,0,0,0,5839,5837, + 1,0,0,0,5839,5840,1,0,0,0,5840,1132,1,0,0,0,5841,5839,1,0,0,0,5842, + 5843,3,1061,530,0,5843,5847,3,1135,567,0,5844,5846,8,10,0,0,5845, + 5844,1,0,0,0,5846,5849,1,0,0,0,5847,5845,1,0,0,0,5847,5848,1,0,0, + 0,5848,5850,1,0,0,0,5849,5847,1,0,0,0,5850,5851,6,566,0,0,5851,1134, + 1,0,0,0,5852,5854,7,11,0,0,5853,5852,1,0,0,0,5854,5855,1,0,0,0,5855, + 5853,1,0,0,0,5855,5856,1,0,0,0,5856,5857,1,0,0,0,5857,5858,6,567, + 0,0,5858,1136,1,0,0,0,5859,5860,5,44,0,0,5860,5861,5,32,0,0,5861, + 5862,1,0,0,0,5862,5863,6,568,0,0,5863,1138,1,0,0,0,5864,5865,7,12, + 0,0,5865,1140,1,0,0,0,5866,5867,7,13,0,0,5867,1142,1,0,0,0,5868, + 5869,7,14,0,0,5869,1144,1,0,0,0,5870,5871,7,15,0,0,5871,1146,1,0, + 0,0,5872,5873,7,6,0,0,5873,1148,1,0,0,0,5874,5875,7,16,0,0,5875, + 1150,1,0,0,0,5876,5877,7,17,0,0,5877,1152,1,0,0,0,5878,5879,7,18, + 0,0,5879,1154,1,0,0,0,5880,5881,7,19,0,0,5881,1156,1,0,0,0,5882, + 5883,7,20,0,0,5883,1158,1,0,0,0,5884,5885,7,21,0,0,5885,1160,1,0, + 0,0,5886,5887,7,22,0,0,5887,1162,1,0,0,0,5888,5889,7,23,0,0,5889, + 1164,1,0,0,0,5890,5891,7,24,0,0,5891,1166,1,0,0,0,5892,5893,7,25, + 0,0,5893,1168,1,0,0,0,5894,5895,7,26,0,0,5895,1170,1,0,0,0,5896, + 5897,7,27,0,0,5897,1172,1,0,0,0,5898,5899,7,28,0,0,5899,1174,1,0, + 0,0,5900,5901,7,29,0,0,5901,1176,1,0,0,0,5902,5903,7,30,0,0,5903, + 1178,1,0,0,0,5904,5905,7,31,0,0,5905,1180,1,0,0,0,5906,5907,7,32, + 0,0,5907,1182,1,0,0,0,5908,5909,7,33,0,0,5909,1184,1,0,0,0,5910, + 5911,7,34,0,0,5911,1186,1,0,0,0,5912,5913,7,35,0,0,5913,1188,1,0, + 0,0,5914,5915,7,36,0,0,5915,1190,1,0,0,0,42,0,5555,5559,5628,5635, + 5644,5648,5656,5658,5669,5671,5676,5683,5685,5694,5696,5700,5708, + 5710,5720,5722,5726,5739,5744,5748,5753,5758,5763,5768,5773,5775, + 5780,5785,5790,5794,5798,5809,5819,5829,5839,5847,5855,1,0,1,0 + ] + +class Cobol85Lexer(Lexer): + + atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN()) + + decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ] + + ABORT = 1 + ACCEPT = 2 + ACCESS = 3 + ADD = 4 + ADDRESS = 5 + ADVANCING = 6 + AFTER = 7 + ALIGNED = 8 + ALL = 9 + ALPHABET = 10 + ALPHABETIC = 11 + ALPHABETIC_LOWER = 12 + ALPHABETIC_UPPER = 13 + ALPHANUMERIC = 14 + ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED = 15 + ALSO = 16 + ALTER = 17 + ALTERNATE = 18 + AND = 19 + ANY = 20 + ARE = 21 + AREA = 22 + AREAS = 23 + AS = 24 + ASCENDING = 25 + ASCII = 26 + ASSIGN = 27 + ASSOCIATED_DATA = 28 + ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH = 29 + AT = 30 + ATTRIBUTE = 31 + AUTHOR = 32 + AUTO = 33 + AUTO_SKIP = 34 + BACKGROUND_COLOR = 35 + BACKGROUND_COLOUR = 36 + BASIS = 37 + BEEP = 38 + BEFORE = 39 + BEGINNING = 40 + BELL = 41 + BINARY = 42 + BIT = 43 + BLANK = 44 + BLINK = 45 + BLOCK = 46 + BOUNDS = 47 + BOTTOM = 48 + BY = 49 + BYFUNCTION = 50 + BYTITLE = 51 + CALL = 52 + CANCEL = 53 + CAPABLE = 54 + CCSVERSION = 55 + CD = 56 + CF = 57 + CH = 58 + CHAINING = 59 + CHANGED = 60 + CHANNEL = 61 + CHARACTER = 62 + CHARACTERS = 63 + CLASS = 64 + CLASS_ID = 65 + CLOCK_UNITS = 66 + CLOSE = 67 + CLOSE_DISPOSITION = 68 + COBOL = 69 + CODE = 70 + CODE_SET = 71 + COLLATING = 72 + COL = 73 + COLUMN = 74 + COM_REG = 75 + COMMA = 76 + COMMITMENT = 77 + COMMON = 78 + COMMUNICATION = 79 + COMP = 80 + COMP_1 = 81 + COMP_2 = 82 + COMP_3 = 83 + COMP_4 = 84 + COMP_5 = 85 + COMPUTATIONAL = 86 + COMPUTATIONAL_1 = 87 + COMPUTATIONAL_2 = 88 + COMPUTATIONAL_3 = 89 + COMPUTATIONAL_4 = 90 + COMPUTATIONAL_5 = 91 + COMPUTE = 92 + CONFIGURATION = 93 + CONTAINS = 94 + CONTENT = 95 + CONTINUE = 96 + CONTROL = 97 + CONTROL_POINT = 98 + CONTROLS = 99 + CONVENTION = 100 + CONVERTING = 101 + COPY = 102 + CORR = 103 + CORRESPONDING = 104 + COUNT = 105 + CRUNCH = 106 + CURRENCY = 107 + CURSOR = 108 + DATA = 109 + DATA_BASE = 110 + DATE = 111 + DATE_COMPILED = 112 + DATE_WRITTEN = 113 + DAY = 114 + DAY_OF_WEEK = 115 + DBCS = 116 + DE = 117 + DEBUG_CONTENTS = 118 + DEBUG_ITEM = 119 + DEBUG_LINE = 120 + DEBUG_NAME = 121 + DEBUG_SUB_1 = 122 + DEBUG_SUB_2 = 123 + DEBUG_SUB_3 = 124 + DEBUGGING = 125 + DECIMAL_POINT = 126 + DECLARATIVES = 127 + DEFAULT = 128 + DEFAULT_DISPLAY = 129 + DEFINITION = 130 + DELETE = 131 + DELIMITED = 132 + DELIMITER = 133 + DEPENDING = 134 + DESCENDING = 135 + DESTINATION = 136 + DETAIL = 137 + DFHRESP = 138 + DFHVALUE = 139 + DISABLE = 140 + DISK = 141 + DISPLAY = 142 + DISPLAY_1 = 143 + DIVIDE = 144 + DIVISION = 145 + DONTCARE = 146 + DOUBLE = 147 + DOWN = 148 + DUPLICATES = 149 + DYNAMIC = 150 + EBCDIC = 151 + EGCS = 152 + EGI = 153 + ELSE = 154 + EMI = 155 + EMPTY_CHECK = 156 + ENABLE = 157 + END = 158 + END_ACCEPT = 159 + END_ADD = 160 + END_CALL = 161 + END_COMPUTE = 162 + END_DELETE = 163 + END_DIVIDE = 164 + END_EVALUATE = 165 + END_IF = 166 + END_MULTIPLY = 167 + END_OF_PAGE = 168 + END_PERFORM = 169 + END_READ = 170 + END_RECEIVE = 171 + END_RETURN = 172 + END_REWRITE = 173 + END_SEARCH = 174 + END_START = 175 + END_STRING = 176 + END_SUBTRACT = 177 + END_UNSTRING = 178 + END_WRITE = 179 + ENDING = 180 + ENTER = 181 + ENTRY = 182 + ENTRY_PROCEDURE = 183 + ENVIRONMENT = 184 + EOP = 185 + EQUAL = 186 + ERASE = 187 + ERROR = 188 + EOL = 189 + EOS = 190 + ESCAPE = 191 + ESI = 192 + EVALUATE = 193 + EVENT = 194 + EVERY = 195 + EXCEPTION = 196 + EXCLUSIVE = 197 + EXHIBIT = 198 + EXIT = 199 + EXPORT = 200 + EXTEND = 201 + EXTENDED = 202 + EXTERNAL = 203 + FALSE = 204 + FD = 205 + FILE = 206 + FILE_CONTROL = 207 + FILLER = 208 + FINAL = 209 + FIRST = 210 + FOOTING = 211 + FOR = 212 + FOREGROUND_COLOR = 213 + FOREGROUND_COLOUR = 214 + FROM 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RETURN = 403 + RETURN_CODE = 404 + RETURNING = 405 + REVERSED = 406 + REWIND = 407 + REWRITE = 408 + RF = 409 + RH = 410 + RIGHT = 411 + ROUNDED = 412 + RUN = 413 + SAME = 414 + SAVE = 415 + SCREEN = 416 + SD = 417 + SEARCH = 418 + SECTION = 419 + SECURE = 420 + SECURITY = 421 + SEGMENT = 422 + SEGMENT_LIMIT = 423 + SELECT = 424 + SEND = 425 + SENTENCE = 426 + SEPARATE = 427 + SEQUENCE = 428 + SEQUENTIAL = 429 + SET = 430 + SHARED = 431 + SHAREDBYALL = 432 + SHAREDBYRUNUNIT = 433 + SHARING = 434 + SHIFT_IN = 435 + SHIFT_OUT = 436 + SHORT_DATE = 437 + SIGN = 438 + SIZE = 439 + SORT = 440 + SORT_CONTROL = 441 + SORT_CORE_SIZE = 442 + SORT_FILE_SIZE = 443 + SORT_MERGE = 444 + SORT_MESSAGE = 445 + SORT_MODE_SIZE = 446 + SORT_RETURN = 447 + SOURCE = 448 + SOURCE_COMPUTER = 449 + SPACE = 450 + SPACES = 451 + SPECIAL_NAMES = 452 + STANDARD = 453 + STANDARD_1 = 454 + STANDARD_2 = 455 + START = 456 + STATUS = 457 + STOP = 458 + STRING = 459 + SUB_QUEUE_1 = 460 + SUB_QUEUE_2 = 461 + SUB_QUEUE_3 = 462 + SUBTRACT = 463 + SUM = 464 + SUPPRESS = 465 + SYMBOL = 466 + SYMBOLIC = 467 + SYNC = 468 + SYNCHRONIZED = 469 + TABLE = 470 + TALLY = 471 + TALLYING = 472 + TASK = 473 + TAPE = 474 + TERMINAL = 475 + TERMINATE = 476 + TEST = 477 + TEXT = 478 + THAN = 479 + THEN = 480 + THREAD = 481 + THREAD_LOCAL = 482 + THROUGH = 483 + THRU = 484 + TIME = 485 + TIMER = 486 + TIMES = 487 + TITLE = 488 + TO = 489 + TODAYS_DATE = 490 + TODAYS_NAME = 491 + TOP = 492 + TRAILING = 493 + TRUE = 494 + TRUNCATED = 495 + TYPE = 496 + TYPEDEF = 497 + UNDERLINE = 498 + UNIT = 499 + UNSTRING = 500 + UNTIL = 501 + UP = 502 + UPON = 503 + USAGE = 504 + USE = 505 + USING = 506 + VALUE = 507 + VALUES = 508 + VARYING = 509 + VIRTUAL = 510 + WAIT = 511 + WHEN = 512 + WHEN_COMPILED = 513 + WITH = 514 + WORDS = 515 + WORKING_STORAGE = 516 + WRITE = 517 + YEAR = 518 + YYYYMMDD = 519 + YYYYDDD = 520 + ZERO = 521 + ZERO_FILL = 522 + ZEROS = 523 + ZEROES = 524 + AMPCHAR = 525 + ASTERISKCHAR = 526 + DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR 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"'*>EXECSQL'", "'*>EXECSQLIMS'", + "'<'", "'<='", "'('", "'-'", "'>'", "'>='", "'<>'", "'+'", "'''", + "')'", "'/'", "'66'", "'77'", "'88'", "', '" ] + + symbolicNames = [ "", + "ABORT", "ACCEPT", "ACCESS", "ADD", "ADDRESS", "ADVANCING", + "AFTER", "ALIGNED", "ALL", "ALPHABET", "ALPHABETIC", "ALPHABETIC_LOWER", + "ALPHABETIC_UPPER", "ALPHANUMERIC", "ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED", "ALSO", + "ALTER", "ALTERNATE", "AND", "ANY", "ARE", "AREA", "AREAS", + "AS", "ASCENDING", "ASCII", "ASSIGN", "ASSOCIATED_DATA", "ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH", + "AT", "ATTRIBUTE", "AUTHOR", "AUTO", "AUTO_SKIP", "BACKGROUND_COLOR", + "BACKGROUND_COLOUR", "BASIS", "BEEP", "BEFORE", "BEGINNING", + "BELL", "BINARY", "BIT", "BLANK", "BLINK", "BLOCK", "BOUNDS", + "BOTTOM", "BY", "BYFUNCTION", "BYTITLE", "CALL", "CANCEL", "CAPABLE", + "CCSVERSION", "CD", "CF", "CH", "CHAINING", "CHANGED", "CHANNEL", + "CHARACTER", "CHARACTERS", "CLASS", "CLASS_ID", "CLOCK_UNITS", + "CLOSE", "CLOSE_DISPOSITION", "COBOL", "CODE", "CODE_SET", 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"INTO", "INVALID", "INVOKE", "IS", "JUST", "JUSTIFIED", + "KANJI", "KEPT", "KEY", "KEYBOARD", "LABEL", "LANGUAGE", + "LAST", "LB", "LD", "LEADING", "LEFT", "LEFTLINE", "LENGTH", + "LENGTH_CHECK", "LESS", "LIBACCESS", "LIBPARAMETER", "LIBRARY", + "LIMIT", "LIMITS", "LINAGE", "LINAGE_COUNTER", "LINE", + "LINES", "LINE_COUNTER", "LINKAGE", "LIST", "LOCAL", "LOCAL_STORAGE", + "LOCK", "LONG_DATE", "LONG_TIME", "LOWER", "LOWLIGHT", + "LOW_VALUE", "LOW_VALUES", "MEMORY", "MERGE", "MESSAGE", + "MMDDYYYY", "MODE", "MODULES", "MORE_LABELS", "MOVE", + "MULTIPLE", "MULTIPLY", "NAMED", "NATIONAL", "NATIONAL_EDITED", + "NATIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NETWORK", "NEXT", "NO", "NO_ECHO", + "NOT", "NULL_", "NULLS", "NUMBER", "NUMERIC", "NUMERIC_DATE", + "NUMERIC_EDITED", "NUMERIC_TIME", "OBJECT_COMPUTER", "OCCURS", + "ODT", "OF", "OFF", "OMITTED", "ON", "OPEN", "OPTIONAL", + "OR", "ORDER", "ORDERLY", "ORGANIZATION", "OTHER", "OUTPUT", + "OVERFLOW", "OVERLINE", "OWN", "PACKED_DECIMAL", "PADDING", + "PAGE", "PAGE_COUNTER", "PASSWORD", "PERFORM", "PF", "PH", + "PIC", "PICTURE", "PLUS", "POINTER", "POSITION", "POSITIVE", + "PORT", "PRINTER", "PRINTING", "PRIVATE", "PROCEDURE", + "PROCEDURE_POINTER", "PROCEDURES", "PROCEED", "PROCESS", + "PROGRAM", "PROGRAM_ID", "PROGRAM_LIBRARY", "PROMPT", + "PURGE", "QUEUE", "QUOTE", "QUOTES", "RANDOM", "READER", + "REMOTE", "RD", "REAL", "READ", "RECEIVE", "RECEIVED", + "RECORD", "RECORDING", "RECORDS", "RECURSIVE", "REDEFINES", + "REEL", "REF", "REFERENCE", "REFERENCES", "RELATIVE", + "RELEASE", "REMAINDER", "REMARKS", "REMOVAL", "REMOVE", + "RENAMES", "REPLACE", "REPLACING", "REPORT", "REPORTING", + "REPORTS", "REQUIRED", "RERUN", "RESERVE", "REVERSE_VIDEO", + "RESET", "RETURN", "RETURN_CODE", "RETURNING", "REVERSED", + "REWIND", "REWRITE", "RF", "RH", "RIGHT", "ROUNDED", "RUN", + "SAME", "SAVE", "SCREEN", "SD", "SEARCH", "SECTION", "SECURE", + "SECURITY", "SEGMENT", "SEGMENT_LIMIT", "SELECT", "SEND", + "SENTENCE", "SEPARATE", "SEQUENCE", "SEQUENTIAL", "SET", + "SHARED", "SHAREDBYALL", "SHAREDBYRUNUNIT", "SHARING", + "SHIFT_IN", "SHIFT_OUT", "SHORT_DATE", "SIGN", "SIZE", + "SORT", "SORT_CONTROL", "SORT_CORE_SIZE", "SORT_FILE_SIZE", + "SORT_MERGE", "SORT_MESSAGE", "SORT_MODE_SIZE", "SORT_RETURN", + "SOURCE", "SOURCE_COMPUTER", "SPACE", "SPACES", "SPECIAL_NAMES", + "STANDARD", "STANDARD_1", "STANDARD_2", "START", "STATUS", + "STOP", "STRING", "SUB_QUEUE_1", "SUB_QUEUE_2", "SUB_QUEUE_3", + "SUBTRACT", "SUM", "SUPPRESS", "SYMBOL", "SYMBOLIC", "SYNC", + "SYNCHRONIZED", "TABLE", "TALLY", "TALLYING", "TASK", + "TAPE", "TERMINAL", "TERMINATE", "TEST", "TEXT", "THAN", + "THEN", "THREAD", "THREAD_LOCAL", "THROUGH", "THRU", "TIME", + "TIMER", "TIMES", "TITLE", "TO", "TODAYS_DATE", "TODAYS_NAME", + "TOP", "TRAILING", "TRUE", "TRUNCATED", "TYPE", "TYPEDEF", + "UNDERLINE", "UNIT", "UNSTRING", "UNTIL", "UP", "UPON", + "USAGE", "USE", "USING", "VALUE", "VALUES", "VARYING", + "VIRTUAL", "WAIT", "WHEN", "WHEN_COMPILED", "WITH", "WORDS", + "WORKING_STORAGE", "WRITE", "YEAR", "YYYYMMDD", "YYYYDDD", + "ZERO", "ZERO_FILL", "ZEROS", "ZEROES", "AMPCHAR", "ASTERISKCHAR", + "DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR", "COLONCHAR", "COMMACHAR", "COMMENTENTRYTAG", + "COMMENTTAG", "DOLLARCHAR", "DOUBLEQUOTE", "DOT_FS", "DOT", + "EQUALCHAR", "EXECCICSTAG", "EXECSQLTAG", "EXECSQLIMSTAG", + "LESSTHANCHAR", "LESSTHANOREQUAL", "LPARENCHAR", "MINUSCHAR", + "MORETHANCHAR", "MORETHANOREQUAL", "NOTEQUALCHAR", "PLUSCHAR", + "SINGLEQUOTE", "RPARENCHAR", "SLASHCHAR", "NONNUMERICLITERAL", + "HEXNUMBER", "NULLTERMINATED", "STRINGLITERAL", "DBCSLITERAL", + "LEVEL_NUMBER_66", "LEVEL_NUMBER_77", "LEVEL_NUMBER_88", + "INTEGERLITERAL", "NUMERICLITERAL", "IDENTIFIER", "NEWLINE", + "EXECCICSLINE", "EXECSQLIMSLINE", "EXECSQLLINE", "COMMENTENTRYLINE", + "COMMENTLINE", "WS", "SEPARATOR", "A", "B", "C", "D", + "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", + "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" ] + + grammarFileName = "Cobol85.g4" + + def __init__(self, input=None, output:TextIO = sys.stdout): + super().__init__(input, output) + self.checkVersion("4.13.1") + self._interp = LexerATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, PredictionContextCache()) + self._actions = None + self._predicates = None + + diff --git a/src/Cobol85Lexer.tokens b/src/Cobol85Lexer.tokens new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e73851f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85Lexer.tokens @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +ABORT=1 +ACCEPT=2 +ACCESS=3 +ADD=4 +ADDRESS=5 +ADVANCING=6 +AFTER=7 +ALIGNED=8 +ALL=9 +ALPHABET=10 +ALPHABETIC=11 +ALPHABETIC_LOWER=12 +ALPHABETIC_UPPER=13 +ALPHANUMERIC=14 +ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED=15 +ALSO=16 +ALTER=17 +ALTERNATE=18 +AND=19 +ANY=20 +ARE=21 +AREA=22 +AREAS=23 +AS=24 +ASCENDING=25 +ASCII=26 +ASSIGN=27 +ASSOCIATED_DATA=28 +ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH=29 +AT=30 +ATTRIBUTE=31 +AUTHOR=32 +AUTO=33 +AUTO_SKIP=34 +BACKGROUND_COLOR=35 +BACKGROUND_COLOUR=36 +BASIS=37 +BEEP=38 +BEFORE=39 +BEGINNING=40 +BELL=41 +BINARY=42 +BIT=43 +BLANK=44 +BLINK=45 +BLOCK=46 +BOUNDS=47 +BOTTOM=48 +BY=49 +BYFUNCTION=50 +BYTITLE=51 +CALL=52 +CANCEL=53 +CAPABLE=54 +CCSVERSION=55 +CD=56 +CF=57 +CH=58 +CHAINING=59 +CHANGED=60 +CHANNEL=61 +CHARACTER=62 +CHARACTERS=63 +CLASS=64 +CLASS_ID=65 +CLOCK_UNITS=66 +CLOSE=67 +CLOSE_DISPOSITION=68 +COBOL=69 +CODE=70 +CODE_SET=71 +COLLATING=72 +COL=73 +COLUMN=74 +COM_REG=75 +COMMA=76 +COMMITMENT=77 +COMMON=78 +COMMUNICATION=79 +COMP=80 +COMP_1=81 +COMP_2=82 +COMP_3=83 +COMP_4=84 +COMP_5=85 +COMPUTATIONAL=86 +COMPUTATIONAL_1=87 +COMPUTATIONAL_2=88 +COMPUTATIONAL_3=89 +COMPUTATIONAL_4=90 +COMPUTATIONAL_5=91 +COMPUTE=92 +CONFIGURATION=93 +CONTAINS=94 +CONTENT=95 +CONTINUE=96 +CONTROL=97 +CONTROL_POINT=98 +CONTROLS=99 +CONVENTION=100 +CONVERTING=101 +COPY=102 +CORR=103 +CORRESPONDING=104 +COUNT=105 +CRUNCH=106 +CURRENCY=107 +CURSOR=108 +DATA=109 +DATA_BASE=110 +DATE=111 +DATE_COMPILED=112 +DATE_WRITTEN=113 +DAY=114 +DAY_OF_WEEK=115 +DBCS=116 +DE=117 +DEBUG_CONTENTS=118 +DEBUG_ITEM=119 +DEBUG_LINE=120 +DEBUG_NAME=121 +DEBUG_SUB_1=122 +DEBUG_SUB_2=123 +DEBUG_SUB_3=124 +DEBUGGING=125 +DECIMAL_POINT=126 +DECLARATIVES=127 +DEFAULT=128 +DEFAULT_DISPLAY=129 +DEFINITION=130 +DELETE=131 +DELIMITED=132 +DELIMITER=133 +DEPENDING=134 +DESCENDING=135 +DESTINATION=136 +DETAIL=137 +DFHRESP=138 +DFHVALUE=139 +DISABLE=140 +DISK=141 +DISPLAY=142 +DISPLAY_1=143 +DIVIDE=144 +DIVISION=145 +DONTCARE=146 +DOUBLE=147 +DOWN=148 +DUPLICATES=149 +DYNAMIC=150 +EBCDIC=151 +EGCS=152 +EGI=153 +ELSE=154 +EMI=155 +EMPTY_CHECK=156 +ENABLE=157 +END=158 +END_ACCEPT=159 +END_ADD=160 +END_CALL=161 +END_COMPUTE=162 +END_DELETE=163 +END_DIVIDE=164 +END_EVALUATE=165 +END_IF=166 +END_MULTIPLY=167 +END_OF_PAGE=168 +END_PERFORM=169 +END_READ=170 +END_RECEIVE=171 +END_RETURN=172 +END_REWRITE=173 +END_SEARCH=174 +END_START=175 +END_STRING=176 +END_SUBTRACT=177 +END_UNSTRING=178 +END_WRITE=179 +ENDING=180 +ENTER=181 +ENTRY=182 +ENTRY_PROCEDURE=183 +ENVIRONMENT=184 +EOP=185 +EQUAL=186 +ERASE=187 +ERROR=188 +EOL=189 +EOS=190 +ESCAPE=191 +ESI=192 +EVALUATE=193 +EVENT=194 +EVERY=195 +EXCEPTION=196 +EXCLUSIVE=197 +EXHIBIT=198 +EXIT=199 +EXPORT=200 +EXTEND=201 +EXTENDED=202 +EXTERNAL=203 +FALSE=204 +FD=205 +FILE=206 +FILE_CONTROL=207 +FILLER=208 +FINAL=209 +FIRST=210 +FOOTING=211 +FOR=212 +FOREGROUND_COLOR=213 +FOREGROUND_COLOUR=214 +FROM=215 +FULL=216 +FUNCTION=217 +FUNCTIONNAME=218 +FUNCTION_POINTER=219 +GENERATE=220 +GOBACK=221 +GIVING=222 +GLOBAL=223 +GO=224 +GREATER=225 +GRID=226 +GROUP=227 +HEADING=228 +HIGHLIGHT=229 +HIGH_VALUE=230 +HIGH_VALUES=231 +I_O=232 +I_O_CONTROL=233 +ID=234 +IDENTIFICATION=235 +IF=236 +IMPLICIT=237 +IMPORT=238 +IN=239 +INDEX=240 +INDEXED=241 +INDICATE=242 +INITIAL=243 +INITIALIZE=244 +INITIATE=245 +INPUT=246 +INPUT_OUTPUT=247 +INSPECT=248 +INSTALLATION=249 +INTEGER=250 +INTO=251 +INVALID=252 +INVOKE=253 +IS=254 +JUST=255 +JUSTIFIED=256 +KANJI=257 +KEPT=258 +KEY=259 +KEYBOARD=260 +LABEL=261 +LANGUAGE=262 +LAST=263 +LB=264 +LD=265 +LEADING=266 +LEFT=267 +LEFTLINE=268 +LENGTH=269 +LENGTH_CHECK=270 +LESS=271 +LIBACCESS=272 +LIBPARAMETER=273 +LIBRARY=274 +LIMIT=275 +LIMITS=276 +LINAGE=277 +LINAGE_COUNTER=278 +LINE=279 +LINES=280 +LINE_COUNTER=281 +LINKAGE=282 +LIST=283 +LOCAL=284 +LOCAL_STORAGE=285 +LOCK=286 +LONG_DATE=287 +LONG_TIME=288 +LOWER=289 +LOWLIGHT=290 +LOW_VALUE=291 +LOW_VALUES=292 +MEMORY=293 +MERGE=294 +MESSAGE=295 +MMDDYYYY=296 +MODE=297 +MODULES=298 +MORE_LABELS=299 +MOVE=300 +MULTIPLE=301 +MULTIPLY=302 +NAMED=303 +NATIONAL=304 +NATIONAL_EDITED=305 +NATIVE=306 +NEGATIVE=307 +NETWORK=308 +NEXT=309 +NO=310 +NO_ECHO=311 +NOT=312 +NULL_=313 +NULLS=314 +NUMBER=315 +NUMERIC=316 +NUMERIC_DATE=317 +NUMERIC_EDITED=318 +NUMERIC_TIME=319 +OBJECT_COMPUTER=320 +OCCURS=321 +ODT=322 +OF=323 +OFF=324 +OMITTED=325 +ON=326 +OPEN=327 +OPTIONAL=328 +OR=329 +ORDER=330 +ORDERLY=331 +ORGANIZATION=332 +OTHER=333 +OUTPUT=334 +OVERFLOW=335 +OVERLINE=336 +OWN=337 +PACKED_DECIMAL=338 +PADDING=339 +PAGE=340 +PAGE_COUNTER=341 +PASSWORD=342 +PERFORM=343 +PF=344 +PH=345 +PIC=346 +PICTURE=347 +PLUS=348 +POINTER=349 +POSITION=350 +POSITIVE=351 +PORT=352 +PRINTER=353 +PRINTING=354 +PRIVATE=355 +PROCEDURE=356 +PROCEDURE_POINTER=357 +PROCEDURES=358 +PROCEED=359 +PROCESS=360 +PROGRAM=361 +PROGRAM_ID=362 +PROGRAM_LIBRARY=363 +PROMPT=364 +PURGE=365 +QUEUE=366 +QUOTE=367 +QUOTES=368 +RANDOM=369 +READER=370 +REMOTE=371 +RD=372 +REAL=373 +READ=374 +RECEIVE=375 +RECEIVED=376 +RECORD=377 +RECORDING=378 +RECORDS=379 +RECURSIVE=380 +REDEFINES=381 +REEL=382 +REF=383 +REFERENCE=384 +REFERENCES=385 +RELATIVE=386 +RELEASE=387 +REMAINDER=388 +REMARKS=389 +REMOVAL=390 +REMOVE=391 +RENAMES=392 +REPLACE=393 +REPLACING=394 +REPORT=395 +REPORTING=396 +REPORTS=397 +REQUIRED=398 +RERUN=399 +RESERVE=400 +REVERSE_VIDEO=401 +RESET=402 +RETURN=403 +RETURN_CODE=404 +RETURNING=405 +REVERSED=406 +REWIND=407 +REWRITE=408 +RF=409 +RH=410 +RIGHT=411 +ROUNDED=412 +RUN=413 +SAME=414 +SAVE=415 +SCREEN=416 +SD=417 +SEARCH=418 +SECTION=419 +SECURE=420 +SECURITY=421 +SEGMENT=422 +SEGMENT_LIMIT=423 +SELECT=424 +SEND=425 +SENTENCE=426 +SEPARATE=427 +SEQUENCE=428 +SEQUENTIAL=429 +SET=430 +SHARED=431 +SHAREDBYALL=432 +SHAREDBYRUNUNIT=433 +SHARING=434 +SHIFT_IN=435 +SHIFT_OUT=436 +SHORT_DATE=437 +SIGN=438 +SIZE=439 +SORT=440 +SORT_CONTROL=441 +SORT_CORE_SIZE=442 +SORT_FILE_SIZE=443 +SORT_MERGE=444 +SORT_MESSAGE=445 +SORT_MODE_SIZE=446 +SORT_RETURN=447 +SOURCE=448 +SOURCE_COMPUTER=449 +SPACE=450 +SPACES=451 +SPECIAL_NAMES=452 +STANDARD=453 +STANDARD_1=454 +STANDARD_2=455 +START=456 +STATUS=457 +STOP=458 +STRING=459 +SUB_QUEUE_1=460 +SUB_QUEUE_2=461 +SUB_QUEUE_3=462 +SUBTRACT=463 +SUM=464 +SUPPRESS=465 +SYMBOL=466 +SYMBOLIC=467 +SYNC=468 +SYNCHRONIZED=469 +TABLE=470 +TALLY=471 +TALLYING=472 +TASK=473 +TAPE=474 +TERMINAL=475 +TERMINATE=476 +TEST=477 +TEXT=478 +THAN=479 +THEN=480 +THREAD=481 +THREAD_LOCAL=482 +THROUGH=483 +THRU=484 +TIME=485 +TIMER=486 +TIMES=487 +TITLE=488 +TO=489 +TODAYS_DATE=490 +TODAYS_NAME=491 +TOP=492 +TRAILING=493 +TRUE=494 +TRUNCATED=495 +TYPE=496 +TYPEDEF=497 +UNDERLINE=498 +UNIT=499 +UNSTRING=500 +UNTIL=501 +UP=502 +UPON=503 +USAGE=504 +USE=505 +USING=506 +VALUE=507 +VALUES=508 +VARYING=509 +VIRTUAL=510 +WAIT=511 +WHEN=512 +WHEN_COMPILED=513 +WITH=514 +WORDS=515 +WORKING_STORAGE=516 +WRITE=517 +YEAR=518 +YYYYMMDD=519 +YYYYDDD=520 +ZERO=521 +ZERO_FILL=522 +ZEROS=523 +ZEROES=524 +AMPCHAR=525 +ASTERISKCHAR=526 +DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR=527 +COLONCHAR=528 +COMMACHAR=529 +COMMENTENTRYTAG=530 +COMMENTTAG=531 +DOLLARCHAR=532 +DOUBLEQUOTE=533 +DOT_FS=534 +DOT=535 +EQUALCHAR=536 +EXECCICSTAG=537 +EXECSQLTAG=538 +EXECSQLIMSTAG=539 +LESSTHANCHAR=540 +LESSTHANOREQUAL=541 +LPARENCHAR=542 +MINUSCHAR=543 +MORETHANCHAR=544 +MORETHANOREQUAL=545 +NOTEQUALCHAR=546 +PLUSCHAR=547 +SINGLEQUOTE=548 +RPARENCHAR=549 +SLASHCHAR=550 +NONNUMERICLITERAL=551 +LEVEL_NUMBER_66=552 +LEVEL_NUMBER_77=553 +LEVEL_NUMBER_88=554 +INTEGERLITERAL=555 +NUMERICLITERAL=556 +IDENTIFIER=557 +NEWLINE=558 +EXECCICSLINE=559 +EXECSQLIMSLINE=560 +EXECSQLLINE=561 +COMMENTENTRYLINE=562 +COMMENTLINE=563 +WS=564 +SEPARATOR=565 +'&'=525 +'*'=526 +'**'=527 +':'=528 +','=529 +'*>CE'=530 +'*>'=531 +'$'=532 +'"'=533 +'.'=535 +'='=536 +'*>EXECCICS'=537 +'*>EXECSQL'=538 +'*>EXECSQLIMS'=539 +'<'=540 +'<='=541 +'('=542 +'-'=543 +'>'=544 +'>='=545 +'<>'=546 +'+'=547 +'\''=548 +')'=549 +'/'=550 +'66'=552 +'77'=553 +'88'=554 +', '=565 diff --git a/src/Cobol85Listener.py b/src/Cobol85Listener.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0462def --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85Listener.py @@ -0,0 +1,5367 @@ +# Generated from Cobol85.g4 by ANTLR 4.13.1 +from antlr4 import * +if "." in __name__: + from .Cobol85Parser import Cobol85Parser +else: + from Cobol85Parser import Cobol85Parser + +# This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser. +class Cobol85Listener(ParseTreeListener): + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startRule. + def enterStartRule(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartRuleContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startRule. + def exitStartRule(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartRuleContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#compilationUnit. + def enterCompilationUnit(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CompilationUnitContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#compilationUnit. + def exitCompilationUnit(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CompilationUnitContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programUnit. + def enterProgramUnit(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programUnit. + def exitProgramUnit(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#endProgramStatement. + def enterEndProgramStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EndProgramStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#endProgramStatement. + def exitEndProgramStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EndProgramStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identificationDivision. + def enterIdentificationDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identificationDivision. + def exitIdentificationDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identificationDivisionBody. + def enterIdentificationDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identificationDivisionBody. + def exitIdentificationDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programIdParagraph. + def enterProgramIdParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramIdParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programIdParagraph. + def exitProgramIdParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramIdParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#authorParagraph. + def enterAuthorParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AuthorParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#authorParagraph. + def exitAuthorParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AuthorParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#installationParagraph. + def enterInstallationParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InstallationParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#installationParagraph. + def exitInstallationParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InstallationParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dateWrittenParagraph. + def enterDateWrittenParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DateWrittenParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dateWrittenParagraph. + def exitDateWrittenParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DateWrittenParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dateCompiledParagraph. + def enterDateCompiledParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DateCompiledParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dateCompiledParagraph. + def exitDateCompiledParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DateCompiledParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#securityParagraph. + def enterSecurityParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SecurityParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#securityParagraph. + def exitSecurityParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SecurityParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#remarksParagraph. + def enterRemarksParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RemarksParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#remarksParagraph. + def exitRemarksParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RemarksParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentDivision. + def enterEnvironmentDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentDivision. + def exitEnvironmentDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentDivisionBody. + def enterEnvironmentDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentDivisionBody. + def exitEnvironmentDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#configurationSection. + def enterConfigurationSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#configurationSection. + def exitConfigurationSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#configurationSectionParagraph. + def enterConfigurationSectionParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#configurationSectionParagraph. + def exitConfigurationSectionParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sourceComputerParagraph. + def enterSourceComputerParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SourceComputerParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sourceComputerParagraph. + def exitSourceComputerParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SourceComputerParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#objectComputerParagraph. + def enterObjectComputerParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#objectComputerParagraph. + def exitObjectComputerParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#objectComputerClause. + def enterObjectComputerClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#objectComputerClause. + def exitObjectComputerClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#memorySizeClause. + def enterMemorySizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MemorySizeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#memorySizeClause. + def exitMemorySizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MemorySizeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#diskSizeClause. + def enterDiskSizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DiskSizeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#diskSizeClause. + def exitDiskSizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DiskSizeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClause. + def enterCollatingSequenceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClause. + def exitCollatingSequenceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric. + def enterCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumericContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric. + def exitCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumericContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClauseNational. + def enterCollatingSequenceClauseNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseNationalContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#collatingSequenceClauseNational. + def exitCollatingSequenceClauseNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseNationalContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#segmentLimitClause. + def enterSegmentLimitClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SegmentLimitClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#segmentLimitClause. + def exitSegmentLimitClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SegmentLimitClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#characterSetClause. + def enterCharacterSetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CharacterSetClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#characterSetClause. + def exitCharacterSetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CharacterSetClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialNamesParagraph. + def enterSpecialNamesParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialNamesParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialNamesParagraph. + def exitSpecialNamesParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialNamesParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialNameClause. + def enterSpecialNameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialNameClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialNameClause. + def exitSpecialNameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialNameClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClause. + def enterAlphabetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClause. + def exitAlphabetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClauseFormat1. + def enterAlphabetClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClauseFormat1. + def exitAlphabetClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetLiterals. + def enterAlphabetLiterals(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetLiteralsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetLiterals. + def exitAlphabetLiterals(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetLiteralsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetThrough. + def enterAlphabetThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetThrough. + def exitAlphabetThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetAlso. + def enterAlphabetAlso(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetAlsoContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetAlso. + def exitAlphabetAlso(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetAlsoContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClauseFormat2. + def enterAlphabetClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetClauseFormat2. + def exitAlphabetClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#channelClause. + def enterChannelClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ChannelClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#channelClause. + def exitChannelClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ChannelClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClause. + def enterClassClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClause. + def exitClassClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseThrough. + def enterClassClauseThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseThrough. + def exitClassClauseThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseFrom. + def enterClassClauseFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseFrom. + def exitClassClauseFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseTo. + def enterClassClauseTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classClauseTo. + def exitClassClauseTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#currencySignClause. + def enterCurrencySignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CurrencySignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#currencySignClause. + def exitCurrencySignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CurrencySignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#decimalPointClause. + def enterDecimalPointClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DecimalPointClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#decimalPointClause. + def exitDecimalPointClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DecimalPointClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#defaultComputationalSignClause. + def enterDefaultComputationalSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DefaultComputationalSignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#defaultComputationalSignClause. + def exitDefaultComputationalSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DefaultComputationalSignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#defaultDisplaySignClause. + def enterDefaultDisplaySignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DefaultDisplaySignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#defaultDisplaySignClause. + def exitDefaultDisplaySignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DefaultDisplaySignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentSwitchNameClause. + def enterEnvironmentSwitchNameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentSwitchNameClause. + def exitEnvironmentSwitchNameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase. + def enterEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase. + def exitEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#odtClause. + def enterOdtClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OdtClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#odtClause. + def exitOdtClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OdtClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reserveNetworkClause. + def enterReserveNetworkClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReserveNetworkClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reserveNetworkClause. + def exitReserveNetworkClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReserveNetworkClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharactersClause. + def enterSymbolicCharactersClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharactersClause. + def exitSymbolicCharactersClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharacters. + def enterSymbolicCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharacters. + def exitSymbolicCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inputOutputSection. + def enterInputOutputSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inputOutputSection. + def exitInputOutputSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inputOutputSectionParagraph. + def enterInputOutputSectionParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inputOutputSectionParagraph. + def exitInputOutputSectionParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlParagraph. + def enterFileControlParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlParagraph. + def exitFileControlParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlEntry. + def enterFileControlEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlEntry. + def exitFileControlEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#selectClause. + def enterSelectClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SelectClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#selectClause. + def exitSelectClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SelectClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlClause. + def enterFileControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileControlClause. + def exitFileControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileControlClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#assignClause. + def enterAssignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AssignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#assignClause. + def exitAssignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AssignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reserveClause. + def enterReserveClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReserveClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reserveClause. + def exitReserveClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReserveClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#organizationClause. + def enterOrganizationClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OrganizationClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#organizationClause. + def exitOrganizationClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OrganizationClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paddingCharacterClause. + def enterPaddingCharacterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PaddingCharacterClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paddingCharacterClause. + def exitPaddingCharacterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PaddingCharacterClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordDelimiterClause. + def enterRecordDelimiterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordDelimiterClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordDelimiterClause. + def exitRecordDelimiterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordDelimiterClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#accessModeClause. + def enterAccessModeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AccessModeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#accessModeClause. + def exitAccessModeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AccessModeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordKeyClause. + def enterRecordKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordKeyClause. + def exitRecordKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alternateRecordKeyClause. + def enterAlternateRecordKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlternateRecordKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alternateRecordKeyClause. + def exitAlternateRecordKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlternateRecordKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#passwordClause. + def enterPasswordClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#passwordClause. + def exitPasswordClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileStatusClause. + def enterFileStatusClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileStatusClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileStatusClause. + def exitFileStatusClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileStatusClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relativeKeyClause. + def enterRelativeKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelativeKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relativeKeyClause. + def exitRelativeKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelativeKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ioControlParagraph. + def enterIoControlParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IoControlParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ioControlParagraph. + def exitIoControlParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IoControlParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ioControlClause. + def enterIoControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IoControlClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ioControlClause. + def exitIoControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IoControlClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunClause. + def enterRerunClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunClause. + def exitRerunClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryRecords. + def enterRerunEveryRecords(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryRecordsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryRecords. + def exitRerunEveryRecords(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryRecordsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryOf. + def enterRerunEveryOf(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryOfContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryOf. + def exitRerunEveryOf(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryOfContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryClock. + def enterRerunEveryClock(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryClockContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rerunEveryClock. + def exitRerunEveryClock(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryClockContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sameClause. + def enterSameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SameClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sameClause. + def exitSameClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SameClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multipleFileClause. + def enterMultipleFileClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultipleFileClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multipleFileClause. + def exitMultipleFileClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultipleFileClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multipleFilePosition. + def enterMultipleFilePosition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultipleFilePositionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multipleFilePosition. + def exitMultipleFilePosition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultipleFilePositionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#commitmentControlClause. + def enterCommitmentControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommitmentControlClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#commitmentControlClause. + def exitCommitmentControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommitmentControlClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDivision. + def enterDataDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDivision. + def exitDataDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDivisionSection. + def enterDataDivisionSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDivisionSection. + def exitDataDivisionSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileSection. + def enterFileSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileSection. + def exitFileSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileDescriptionEntry. + def enterFileDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileDescriptionEntry. + def exitFileDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileDescriptionEntryClause. + def enterFileDescriptionEntryClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileDescriptionEntryClause. + def exitFileDescriptionEntryClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#externalClause. + def enterExternalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExternalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#externalClause. + def exitExternalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExternalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#globalClause. + def enterGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GlobalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#globalClause. + def exitGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GlobalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#blockContainsClause. + def enterBlockContainsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#blockContainsClause. + def exitBlockContainsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#blockContainsTo. + def enterBlockContainsTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#blockContainsTo. + def exitBlockContainsTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClause. + def enterRecordContainsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClause. + def exitRecordContainsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat1. + def enterRecordContainsClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat1. + def exitRecordContainsClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat2. + def enterRecordContainsClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat2. + def exitRecordContainsClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat3. + def enterRecordContainsClauseFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat3Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsClauseFormat3. + def exitRecordContainsClauseFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat3Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsTo. + def enterRecordContainsTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordContainsTo. + def exitRecordContainsTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#labelRecordsClause. + def enterLabelRecordsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LabelRecordsClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#labelRecordsClause. + def exitLabelRecordsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LabelRecordsClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#valueOfClause. + def enterValueOfClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ValueOfClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#valueOfClause. + def exitValueOfClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ValueOfClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#valuePair. + def enterValuePair(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ValuePairContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#valuePair. + def exitValuePair(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ValuePairContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRecordsClause. + def enterDataRecordsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRecordsClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRecordsClause. + def exitDataRecordsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRecordsClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageClause. + def enterLinageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageClause. + def exitLinageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageAt. + def enterLinageAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageAtContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageAt. + def exitLinageAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageAtContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageFootingAt. + def enterLinageFootingAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageFootingAtContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageFootingAt. + def exitLinageFootingAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageFootingAtContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageLinesAtTop. + def enterLinageLinesAtTop(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtTopContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageLinesAtTop. + def exitLinageLinesAtTop(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtTopContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageLinesAtBottom. + def enterLinageLinesAtBottom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtBottomContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linageLinesAtBottom. + def exitLinageLinesAtBottom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtBottomContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordingModeClause. + def enterRecordingModeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordingModeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordingModeClause. + def exitRecordingModeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordingModeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#modeStatement. + def enterModeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ModeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#modeStatement. + def exitModeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ModeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#codeSetClause. + def enterCodeSetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CodeSetClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#codeSetClause. + def exitCodeSetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CodeSetClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportClause. + def enterReportClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportClause. + def exitReportClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBaseSection. + def enterDataBaseSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBaseSection. + def exitDataBaseSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBaseSectionEntry. + def enterDataBaseSectionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBaseSectionEntry. + def exitDataBaseSectionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#workingStorageSection. + def enterWorkingStorageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WorkingStorageSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#workingStorageSection. + def exitWorkingStorageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WorkingStorageSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linkageSection. + def enterLinkageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinkageSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#linkageSection. + def exitLinkageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LinkageSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationSection. + def enterCommunicationSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationSection. + def exitCommunicationSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntry. + def enterCommunicationDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntry. + def exitCommunicationDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#destinationCountClause. + def enterDestinationCountClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DestinationCountClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#destinationCountClause. + def exitDestinationCountClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DestinationCountClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#destinationTableClause. + def enterDestinationTableClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DestinationTableClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#destinationTableClause. + def exitDestinationTableClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DestinationTableClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#endKeyClause. + def enterEndKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#endKeyClause. + def exitEndKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#errorKeyClause. + def enterErrorKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ErrorKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#errorKeyClause. + def exitErrorKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ErrorKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageCountClause. + def enterMessageCountClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageCountClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageCountClause. + def exitMessageCountClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageCountClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageDateClause. + def enterMessageDateClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageDateClause. + def exitMessageDateClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageTimeClause. + def enterMessageTimeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#messageTimeClause. + def exitMessageTimeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#statusKeyClause. + def enterStatusKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#statusKeyClause. + def exitStatusKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicDestinationClause. + def enterSymbolicDestinationClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicDestinationClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicDestinationClause. + def exitSymbolicDestinationClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicDestinationClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicQueueClause. + def enterSymbolicQueueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicQueueClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicQueueClause. + def exitSymbolicQueueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicQueueClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicSourceClause. + def enterSymbolicSourceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSourceClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicSourceClause. + def exitSymbolicSourceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSourceClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicTerminalClause. + def enterSymbolicTerminalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicTerminalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicTerminalClause. + def exitSymbolicTerminalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicTerminalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicSubQueueClause. + def enterSymbolicSubQueueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicSubQueueClause. + def exitSymbolicSubQueueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#textLengthClause. + def enterTextLengthClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#textLengthClause. + def exitTextLengthClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#localStorageSection. + def enterLocalStorageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LocalStorageSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#localStorageSection. + def exitLocalStorageSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LocalStorageSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenSection. + def enterScreenSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenSection. + def exitScreenSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionEntry. + def enterScreenDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionEntry. + def exitScreenDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlankClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionBlankClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlankClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionBlankClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBellClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionBellClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBellClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionBellClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlinkClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionBlinkClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlinkClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionBlinkClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionEraseClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionEraseClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionEraseClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionEraseClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionLightClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionLightClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionLightClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionLightClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionGridClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionGridClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionGridClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionGridClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUnderlineClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUnderlineClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSizeClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionSizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSizeClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionSizeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionLineClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionLineClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionLineClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionLineClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionColumnClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionColumnClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionColumnClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionColumnClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionControlClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionControlClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionControlClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionValueClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionValueClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPictureClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPictureClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionFromClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionFromClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionFromClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionFromClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionToClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionToClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionToClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionToClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionToClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionToClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUsingClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUsingClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUsageClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionUsageClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionJustifiedClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionJustifiedClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSignClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSignClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionAutoClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionAutoClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionAutoClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionAutoClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSecureClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionSecureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionSecureClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionSecureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionRequiredClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionRequiredClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionRequiredClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionRequiredClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPromptClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionPromptClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPromptClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionPromptClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionFullClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionFullClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionFullClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionFullClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionZeroFillClause. + def enterScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenDescriptionZeroFillClause. + def exitScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportSection. + def enterReportSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportSection. + def exitReportSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescription. + def enterReportDescription(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescription. + def exitReportDescription(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionEntry. + def enterReportDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionEntry. + def exitReportDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionGlobalClause. + def enterReportDescriptionGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionGlobalClause. + def exitReportDescriptionGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionPageLimitClause. + def enterReportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionPageLimitClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionPageLimitClause. + def exitReportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionPageLimitClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionHeadingClause. + def enterReportDescriptionHeadingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionHeadingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionHeadingClause. + def exitReportDescriptionHeadingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionHeadingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause. + def enterReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFirstDetailClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause. + def exitReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFirstDetailClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionLastDetailClause. + def enterReportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionLastDetailClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionLastDetailClause. + def exitReportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionLastDetailClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionFootingClause. + def enterReportDescriptionFootingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFootingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportDescriptionFootingClause. + def exitReportDescriptionFootingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFootingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntry. + def enterReportGroupDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntry. + def exitReportGroupDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause. + def enterReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause. + def exitReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupColumnNumberClause. + def enterReportGroupColumnNumberClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupColumnNumberClause. + def exitReportGroupColumnNumberClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupIndicateClause. + def enterReportGroupIndicateClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupIndicateClause. + def exitReportGroupIndicateClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupJustifiedClause. + def enterReportGroupJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupJustifiedClause. + def exitReportGroupJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberClause. + def enterReportGroupLineNumberClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberClause. + def exitReportGroupLineNumberClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberNextPage. + def enterReportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberNextPageContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberNextPage. + def exitReportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberNextPageContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberPlus. + def enterReportGroupLineNumberPlus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberPlusContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupLineNumberPlus. + def exitReportGroupLineNumberPlus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberPlusContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupClause. + def enterReportGroupNextGroupClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupClause. + def exitReportGroupNextGroupClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupPlus. + def enterReportGroupNextGroupPlus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupPlusContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupPlus. + def exitReportGroupNextGroupPlus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupPlusContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupNextPage. + def enterReportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupNextPageContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupNextGroupNextPage. + def exitReportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupNextPageContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupPictureClause. + def enterReportGroupPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupPictureClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupPictureClause. + def exitReportGroupPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupPictureClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupResetClause. + def enterReportGroupResetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupResetClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupResetClause. + def exitReportGroupResetClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupResetClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSignClause. + def enterReportGroupSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSignClause. + def exitReportGroupSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSourceClause. + def enterReportGroupSourceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSourceClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSourceClause. + def exitReportGroupSourceClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSourceClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSumClause. + def enterReportGroupSumClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSumClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupSumClause. + def exitReportGroupSumClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSumClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeClause. + def enterReportGroupTypeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeClause. + def exitReportGroupTypeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeReportHeading. + def enterReportGroupTypeReportHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportHeadingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeReportHeading. + def exitReportGroupTypeReportHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportHeadingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypePageHeading. + def enterReportGroupTypePageHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageHeadingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypePageHeading. + def exitReportGroupTypePageHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageHeadingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeControlHeading. + def enterReportGroupTypeControlHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlHeadingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeControlHeading. + def exitReportGroupTypeControlHeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlHeadingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeDetail. + def enterReportGroupTypeDetail(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeDetailContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeDetail. + def exitReportGroupTypeDetail(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeDetailContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeControlFooting. + def enterReportGroupTypeControlFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlFootingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeControlFooting. + def exitReportGroupTypeControlFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlFootingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupUsageClause. + def enterReportGroupUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupUsageClause. + def exitReportGroupUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypePageFooting. + def enterReportGroupTypePageFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageFootingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypePageFooting. + def exitReportGroupTypePageFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageFootingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeReportFooting. + def enterReportGroupTypeReportFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportFootingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupTypeReportFooting. + def exitReportGroupTypeReportFooting(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportFootingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupValueClause. + def enterReportGroupValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupValueClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportGroupValueClause. + def exitReportGroupValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupValueClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programLibrarySection. + def enterProgramLibrarySection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramLibrarySectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programLibrarySection. + def exitProgramLibrarySection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramLibrarySectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntry. + def enterLibraryDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntry. + def exitLibraryDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeClauseFormat1. + def enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeClauseFormat1. + def exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeClauseFormat2. + def enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeClauseFormat2. + def exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeFunction. + def enterLibraryAttributeFunction(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeFunctionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeFunction. + def exitLibraryAttributeFunction(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeFunctionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeParameter. + def enterLibraryAttributeParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeParameterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeParameter. + def exitLibraryAttributeParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeParameterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeTitle. + def enterLibraryAttributeTitle(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeTitleContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryAttributeTitle. + def exitLibraryAttributeTitle(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeTitleContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureForClause. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureForClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureForClause. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureForClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureGivingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureGivingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureUsingName. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureUsingName. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureWithClause. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureWithClause. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureWithName. + def enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryEntryProcedureWithName. + def exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryIsCommonClause. + def enterLibraryIsCommonClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsCommonClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryIsCommonClause. + def exitLibraryIsCommonClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsCommonClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryIsGlobalClause. + def enterLibraryIsGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryIsGlobalClause. + def exitLibraryIsGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntry. + def enterDataDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntry. + def exitDataDescriptionEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat1. + def exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat2. + def exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryFormat3. + def exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat3Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryExecSql. + def enterDataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryExecSqlContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescriptionEntryExecSql. + def exitDataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryExecSqlContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataAlignedClause. + def enterDataAlignedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataAlignedClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataAlignedClause. + def exitDataAlignedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataAlignedClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBlankWhenZeroClause. + def enterDataBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataBlankWhenZeroClause. + def exitDataBlankWhenZeroClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataCommonOwnLocalClause. + def enterDataCommonOwnLocalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataCommonOwnLocalClause. + def exitDataCommonOwnLocalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataExternalClause. + def enterDataExternalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataExternalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataExternalClause. + def exitDataExternalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataExternalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataGlobalClause. + def enterDataGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataGlobalClause. + def exitDataGlobalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataGlobalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataIntegerStringClause. + def enterDataIntegerStringClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataIntegerStringClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataIntegerStringClause. + def exitDataIntegerStringClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataIntegerStringClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataJustifiedClause. + def enterDataJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataJustifiedClause. + def exitDataJustifiedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataJustifiedClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursClause. + def enterDataOccursClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursClause. + def exitDataOccursClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursTo. + def enterDataOccursTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursTo. + def exitDataOccursTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursSort. + def enterDataOccursSort(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursSortContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataOccursSort. + def exitDataOccursSort(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataOccursSortContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataPictureClause. + def enterDataPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataPictureClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataPictureClause. + def exitDataPictureClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataPictureClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureString. + def enterPictureString(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureString. + def exitPictureString(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureChars. + def enterPictureChars(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureCharsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureChars. + def exitPictureChars(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureCharsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureCardinality. + def enterPictureCardinality(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureCardinalityContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#pictureCardinality. + def exitPictureCardinality(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PictureCardinalityContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataReceivedByClause. + def enterDataReceivedByClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataReceivedByClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataReceivedByClause. + def exitDataReceivedByClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataReceivedByClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRecordAreaClause. + def enterDataRecordAreaClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRecordAreaClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRecordAreaClause. + def exitDataRecordAreaClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRecordAreaClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRedefinesClause. + def enterDataRedefinesClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRedefinesClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRedefinesClause. + def exitDataRedefinesClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRedefinesClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRenamesClause. + def enterDataRenamesClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRenamesClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataRenamesClause. + def exitDataRenamesClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataRenamesClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataSignClause. + def enterDataSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataSignClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataSignClause. + def exitDataSignClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataSignClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataSynchronizedClause. + def enterDataSynchronizedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataSynchronizedClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataSynchronizedClause. + def exitDataSynchronizedClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataSynchronizedClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataThreadLocalClause. + def enterDataThreadLocalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataThreadLocalClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataThreadLocalClause. + def exitDataThreadLocalClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataThreadLocalClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataTypeClause. + def enterDataTypeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataTypeClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataTypeClause. + def exitDataTypeClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataTypeClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataTypeDefClause. + def enterDataTypeDefClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataTypeDefClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataTypeDefClause. + def exitDataTypeDefClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataTypeDefClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataUsageClause. + def enterDataUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataUsageClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataUsageClause. + def exitDataUsageClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataUsageClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataUsingClause. + def enterDataUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataUsingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataUsingClause. + def exitDataUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataUsingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueClause. + def enterDataValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueClause. + def exitDataValueClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueInterval. + def enterDataValueInterval(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueInterval. + def exitDataValueInterval(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueIntervalFrom. + def enterDataValueIntervalFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueIntervalFrom. + def exitDataValueIntervalFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueIntervalTo. + def enterDataValueIntervalTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataValueIntervalTo. + def exitDataValueIntervalTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataWithLowerBoundsClause. + def enterDataWithLowerBoundsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataWithLowerBoundsClause. + def exitDataWithLowerBoundsClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivision. + def enterProcedureDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivision. + def exitProcedureDivision(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionUsingClause. + def enterProcedureDivisionUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionUsingClause. + def exitProcedureDivisionUsingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionGivingClause. + def enterProcedureDivisionGivingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionGivingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionGivingClause. + def exitProcedureDivisionGivingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionGivingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionUsingParameter. + def enterProcedureDivisionUsingParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionUsingParameter. + def exitProcedureDivisionUsingParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase. + def enterProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferencePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase. + def exitProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferencePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByReference. + def enterProcedureDivisionByReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByReference. + def exitProcedureDivisionByReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByValuePhrase. + def enterProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValuePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByValuePhrase. + def exitProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValuePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByValue. + def enterProcedureDivisionByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValueContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionByValue. + def exitProcedureDivisionByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValueContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDeclaratives. + def enterProcedureDeclaratives(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativesContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDeclaratives. + def exitProcedureDeclaratives(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativesContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDeclarative. + def enterProcedureDeclarative(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativeContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDeclarative. + def exitProcedureDeclarative(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativeContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureSectionHeader. + def enterProcedureSectionHeader(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionHeaderContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureSectionHeader. + def exitProcedureSectionHeader(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionHeaderContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionBody. + def enterProcedureDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureDivisionBody. + def exitProcedureDivisionBody(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionBodyContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureSection. + def enterProcedureSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureSection. + def exitProcedureSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraphs. + def enterParagraphs(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraphs. + def exitParagraphs(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraph. + def enterParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraph. + def exitParagraph(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sentence. + def enterSentence(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sentence. + def exitSentence(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#statement. + def enterStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#statement. + def exitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptStatement. + def enterAcceptStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptStatement. + def exitAcceptStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromDateStatement. + def enterAcceptFromDateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromDateStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromDateStatement. + def exitAcceptFromDateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromDateStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromMnemonicStatement. + def enterAcceptFromMnemonicStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromMnemonicStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromMnemonicStatement. + def exitAcceptFromMnemonicStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromMnemonicStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement. + def enterAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromEscapeKeyStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement. + def exitAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromEscapeKeyStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptMessageCountStatement. + def enterAcceptMessageCountStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptMessageCountStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#acceptMessageCountStatement. + def exitAcceptMessageCountStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AcceptMessageCountStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addStatement. + def enterAddStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addStatement. + def exitAddStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToStatement. + def enterAddToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToStatement. + def exitAddToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToGivingStatement. + def enterAddToGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToGivingStatement. + def exitAddToGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addCorrespondingStatement. + def enterAddCorrespondingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddCorrespondingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addCorrespondingStatement. + def exitAddCorrespondingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddCorrespondingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addFrom. + def enterAddFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addFrom. + def exitAddFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addTo. + def enterAddTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addTo. + def exitAddTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToGiving. + def enterAddToGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addToGiving. + def exitAddToGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addGiving. + def enterAddGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#addGiving. + def exitAddGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AddGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alteredGoTo. + def enterAlteredGoTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlteredGoToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alteredGoTo. + def exitAlteredGoTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlteredGoToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alterStatement. + def enterAlterStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlterStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alterStatement. + def exitAlterStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlterStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alterProceedTo. + def enterAlterProceedTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlterProceedToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alterProceedTo. + def exitAlterProceedTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlterProceedToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callStatement. + def enterCallStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callStatement. + def exitCallStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callUsingPhrase. + def enterCallUsingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallUsingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callUsingPhrase. + def exitCallUsingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallUsingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callUsingParameter. + def enterCallUsingParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallUsingParameterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callUsingParameter. + def exitCallUsingParameter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallUsingParameterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByReferencePhrase. + def enterCallByReferencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByReferencePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByReferencePhrase. + def exitCallByReferencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByReferencePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByReference. + def enterCallByReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByReferenceContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByReference. + def exitCallByReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByReferenceContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByValuePhrase. + def enterCallByValuePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByValuePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByValuePhrase. + def exitCallByValuePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByValuePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByValue. + def enterCallByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByValueContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByValue. + def exitCallByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByValueContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByContentPhrase. + def enterCallByContentPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByContentPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByContentPhrase. + def exitCallByContentPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByContentPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByContent. + def enterCallByContent(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByContentContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callByContent. + def exitCallByContent(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallByContentContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callGivingPhrase. + def enterCallGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#callGivingPhrase. + def exitCallGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CallGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cancelStatement. + def enterCancelStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CancelStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cancelStatement. + def exitCancelStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CancelStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cancelCall. + def enterCancelCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CancelCallContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cancelCall. + def exitCancelCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CancelCallContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeStatement. + def enterCloseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeStatement. + def exitCloseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeFile. + def enterCloseFile(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseFileContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeFile. + def exitCloseFile(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseFileContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeReelUnitStatement. + def enterCloseReelUnitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseReelUnitStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeReelUnitStatement. + def exitCloseReelUnitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseReelUnitStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeRelativeStatement. + def enterCloseRelativeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseRelativeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closeRelativeStatement. + def exitCloseRelativeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CloseRelativeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOStatement. + def enterClosePortFileIOStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOStatement. + def exitClosePortFileIOStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsing. + def enterClosePortFileIOUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsing. + def exitClosePortFileIOUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition. + def enterClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDispositionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition. + def exitClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDispositionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData. + def enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData. + def exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength. + def enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLengthContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength. + def exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLengthContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computeStatement. + def enterComputeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computeStatement. + def exitComputeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computeStore. + def enterComputeStore(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputeStoreContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computeStore. + def exitComputeStore(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputeStoreContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#continueStatement. + def enterContinueStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ContinueStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#continueStatement. + def exitContinueStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ContinueStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#deleteStatement. + def enterDeleteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DeleteStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#deleteStatement. + def exitDeleteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DeleteStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#disableStatement. + def enterDisableStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisableStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#disableStatement. + def exitDisableStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisableStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayStatement. + def enterDisplayStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayStatement. + def exitDisplayStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayOperand. + def enterDisplayOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayOperandContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayOperand. + def exitDisplayOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayOperandContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayAt. + def enterDisplayAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayAtContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayAt. + def exitDisplayAt(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayAtContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayUpon. + def enterDisplayUpon(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayUponContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayUpon. + def exitDisplayUpon(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayUponContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayWith. + def enterDisplayWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayWithContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#displayWith. + def exitDisplayWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DisplayWithContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideStatement. + def enterDivideStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideStatement. + def exitDivideStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideIntoStatement. + def enterDivideIntoStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideIntoStatement. + def exitDivideIntoStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideIntoGivingStatement. + def enterDivideIntoGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoGivingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideIntoGivingStatement. + def exitDivideIntoGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoGivingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideByGivingStatement. + def enterDivideByGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideByGivingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideByGivingStatement. + def exitDivideByGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideByGivingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideGivingPhrase. + def enterDivideGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideGivingPhrase. + def exitDivideGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideInto. + def enterDivideInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideInto. + def exitDivideInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideGiving. + def enterDivideGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideGiving. + def exitDivideGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideRemainder. + def enterDivideRemainder(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideRemainderContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#divideRemainder. + def exitDivideRemainder(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DivideRemainderContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#enableStatement. + def enterEnableStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnableStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#enableStatement. + def exitEnableStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnableStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#entryStatement. + def enterEntryStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EntryStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#entryStatement. + def exitEntryStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EntryStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateStatement. + def enterEvaluateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateStatement. + def exitEvaluateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateSelect. + def enterEvaluateSelect(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateSelectContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateSelect. + def exitEvaluateSelect(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateSelectContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateAlsoSelect. + def enterEvaluateAlsoSelect(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoSelectContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateAlsoSelect. + def exitEvaluateAlsoSelect(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoSelectContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhenPhrase. + def enterEvaluateWhenPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhenPhrase. + def exitEvaluateWhenPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhen. + def enterEvaluateWhen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhen. + def exitEvaluateWhen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateCondition. + def enterEvaluateCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateCondition. + def exitEvaluateCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateThrough. + def enterEvaluateThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateThrough. + def exitEvaluateThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateAlsoCondition. + def enterEvaluateAlsoCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateAlsoCondition. + def exitEvaluateAlsoCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhenOther. + def enterEvaluateWhenOther(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenOtherContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateWhenOther. + def exitEvaluateWhenOther(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenOtherContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateValue. + def enterEvaluateValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateValueContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#evaluateValue. + def exitEvaluateValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EvaluateValueContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execCicsStatement. + def enterExecCicsStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecCicsStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execCicsStatement. + def exitExecCicsStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecCicsStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execSqlStatement. + def enterExecSqlStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execSqlStatement. + def exitExecSqlStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execSqlImsStatement. + def enterExecSqlImsStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlImsStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#execSqlImsStatement. + def exitExecSqlImsStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlImsStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exhibitStatement. + def enterExhibitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExhibitStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exhibitStatement. + def exitExhibitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExhibitStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exhibitOperand. + def enterExhibitOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExhibitOperandContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exhibitOperand. + def exitExhibitOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExhibitOperandContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exitStatement. + def enterExitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExitStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#exitStatement. + def exitExitStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ExitStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#generateStatement. + def enterGenerateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GenerateStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#generateStatement. + def exitGenerateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GenerateStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#gobackStatement. + def enterGobackStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GobackStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#gobackStatement. + def exitGobackStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GobackStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToStatement. + def enterGoToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToStatement. + def exitGoToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToStatementSimple. + def enterGoToStatementSimple(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementSimpleContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToStatementSimple. + def exitGoToStatementSimple(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementSimpleContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToDependingOnStatement. + def enterGoToDependingOnStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToDependingOnStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#goToDependingOnStatement. + def exitGoToDependingOnStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.GoToDependingOnStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifStatement. + def enterIfStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifStatement. + def exitIfStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifThen. + def enterIfThen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfThenContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifThen. + def exitIfThen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfThenContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifElse. + def enterIfElse(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfElseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#ifElse. + def exitIfElse(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IfElseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeStatement. + def enterInitializeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeStatement. + def exitInitializeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeReplacingPhrase. + def enterInitializeReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeReplacingPhrase. + def exitInitializeReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeReplacingBy. + def enterInitializeReplacingBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingByContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initializeReplacingBy. + def exitInitializeReplacingBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingByContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initiateStatement. + def enterInitiateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitiateStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#initiateStatement. + def exitInitiateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InitiateStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectStatement. + def enterInspectStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectStatement. + def exitInspectStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTallyingPhrase. + def enterInspectTallyingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTallyingPhrase. + def exitInspectTallyingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingPhrase. + def enterInspectReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingPhrase. + def exitInspectReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase. + def enterInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase. + def exitInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectConvertingPhrase. + def enterInspectConvertingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectConvertingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectConvertingPhrase. + def exitInspectConvertingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectConvertingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectFor. + def enterInspectFor(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectFor. + def exitInspectFor(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectCharacters. + def enterInspectCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectCharactersContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectCharacters. + def exitInspectCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectCharactersContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingCharacters. + def enterInspectReplacingCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingCharactersContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingCharacters. + def exitInspectReplacingCharacters(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingCharactersContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectAllLeadings. + def enterInspectAllLeadings(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectAllLeadings. + def exitInspectAllLeadings(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingAllLeadings. + def enterInspectReplacingAllLeadings(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingAllLeadings. + def exitInspectReplacingAllLeadings(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectAllLeading. + def enterInspectAllLeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectAllLeading. + def exitInspectAllLeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingAllLeading. + def enterInspectReplacingAllLeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectReplacingAllLeading. + def exitInspectReplacingAllLeading(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectBy. + def enterInspectBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectByContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectBy. + def exitInspectBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectByContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTo. + def enterInspectTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectTo. + def exitInspectTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectBeforeAfter. + def enterInspectBeforeAfter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inspectBeforeAfter. + def exitInspectBeforeAfter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeStatement. + def enterMergeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeStatement. + def exitMergeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOnKeyClause. + def enterMergeOnKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOnKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOnKeyClause. + def exitMergeOnKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOnKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingSequencePhrase. + def enterMergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingSequencePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingSequencePhrase. + def exitMergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingSequencePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingAlphanumeric. + def enterMergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingAlphanumericContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingAlphanumeric. + def exitMergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingAlphanumericContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingNational. + def enterMergeCollatingNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingNationalContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeCollatingNational. + def exitMergeCollatingNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingNationalContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeUsing. + def enterMergeUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeUsingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeUsing. + def exitMergeUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeUsingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOutputProcedurePhrase. + def enterMergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOutputProcedurePhrase. + def exitMergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOutputThrough. + def enterMergeOutputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeOutputThrough. + def exitMergeOutputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeGivingPhrase. + def enterMergeGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeGivingPhrase. + def exitMergeGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeGiving. + def enterMergeGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mergeGiving. + def exitMergeGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveStatement. + def enterMoveStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveStatement. + def exitMoveStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveToStatement. + def enterMoveToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveToStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveToStatement. + def exitMoveToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveToStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveToSendingArea. + def enterMoveToSendingArea(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveToSendingAreaContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveToSendingArea. + def exitMoveToSendingArea(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveToSendingAreaContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveCorrespondingToStatement. + def enterMoveCorrespondingToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveCorrespondingToStatement. + def exitMoveCorrespondingToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveCorrespondingToSendingArea. + def enterMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToSendingAreaContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#moveCorrespondingToSendingArea. + def exitMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToSendingAreaContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyStatement. + def enterMultiplyStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyStatement. + def exitMultiplyStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyRegular. + def enterMultiplyRegular(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyRegular. + def exitMultiplyRegular(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyRegularOperand. + def enterMultiplyRegularOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularOperandContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyRegularOperand. + def exitMultiplyRegularOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularOperandContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGiving. + def enterMultiplyGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGiving. + def exitMultiplyGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGivingOperand. + def enterMultiplyGivingOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingOperandContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGivingOperand. + def exitMultiplyGivingOperand(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingOperandContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGivingResult. + def enterMultiplyGivingResult(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingResultContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multiplyGivingResult. + def exitMultiplyGivingResult(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingResultContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openStatement. + def enterOpenStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openStatement. + def exitOpenStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openInputStatement. + def enterOpenInputStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenInputStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openInputStatement. + def exitOpenInputStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenInputStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openInput. + def enterOpenInput(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenInputContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openInput. + def exitOpenInput(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenInputContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openOutputStatement. + def enterOpenOutputStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openOutputStatement. + def exitOpenOutputStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openOutput. + def enterOpenOutput(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openOutput. + def exitOpenOutput(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openIOStatement. + def enterOpenIOStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenIOStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openIOStatement. + def exitOpenIOStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenIOStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openExtendStatement. + def enterOpenExtendStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenExtendStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#openExtendStatement. + def exitOpenExtendStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OpenExtendStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performStatement. + def enterPerformStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performStatement. + def exitPerformStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performInlineStatement. + def enterPerformInlineStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformInlineStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performInlineStatement. + def exitPerformInlineStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformInlineStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performProcedureStatement. + def enterPerformProcedureStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformProcedureStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performProcedureStatement. + def exitPerformProcedureStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformProcedureStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performType. + def enterPerformType(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTypeContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performType. + def exitPerformType(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTypeContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performTimes. + def enterPerformTimes(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTimesContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performTimes. + def exitPerformTimes(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTimesContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performUntil. + def enterPerformUntil(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformUntilContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performUntil. + def exitPerformUntil(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformUntilContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVarying. + def enterPerformVarying(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVarying. + def exitPerformVarying(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVaryingClause. + def enterPerformVaryingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVaryingClause. + def exitPerformVaryingClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVaryingPhrase. + def enterPerformVaryingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performVaryingPhrase. + def exitPerformVaryingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performAfter. + def enterPerformAfter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformAfterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performAfter. + def exitPerformAfter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformAfterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performFrom. + def enterPerformFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performFrom. + def exitPerformFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performBy. + def enterPerformBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformByContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performBy. + def exitPerformBy(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformByContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performTestClause. + def enterPerformTestClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTestClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#performTestClause. + def exitPerformTestClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PerformTestClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#purgeStatement. + def enterPurgeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PurgeStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#purgeStatement. + def exitPurgeStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PurgeStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readStatement. + def enterReadStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readStatement. + def exitReadStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readInto. + def enterReadInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadIntoContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readInto. + def exitReadInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadIntoContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readWith. + def enterReadWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadWithContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readWith. + def exitReadWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadWithContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readKey. + def enterReadKey(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadKeyContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#readKey. + def exitReadKey(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReadKeyContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveStatement. + def enterReceiveStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveStatement. + def exitReceiveStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveFromStatement. + def enterReceiveFromStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveFromStatement. + def exitReceiveFromStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveFrom. + def enterReceiveFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveFrom. + def exitReceiveFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveIntoStatement. + def enterReceiveIntoStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveIntoStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveIntoStatement. + def exitReceiveIntoStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveIntoStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveNoData. + def enterReceiveNoData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveNoDataContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveNoData. + def exitReceiveNoData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveNoDataContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveWithData. + def enterReceiveWithData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithDataContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveWithData. + def exitReceiveWithData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithDataContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveBefore. + def enterReceiveBefore(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveBeforeContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveBefore. + def exitReceiveBefore(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveBeforeContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveWith. + def enterReceiveWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveWith. + def exitReceiveWith(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveThread. + def enterReceiveThread(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveThreadContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveThread. + def exitReceiveThread(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveThreadContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveSize. + def enterReceiveSize(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveSizeContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveSize. + def exitReceiveSize(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveSizeContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveStatus. + def enterReceiveStatus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatusContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#receiveStatus. + def exitReceiveStatus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatusContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#releaseStatement. + def enterReleaseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReleaseStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#releaseStatement. + def exitReleaseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReleaseStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#returnStatement. + def enterReturnStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReturnStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#returnStatement. + def exitReturnStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReturnStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#returnInto. + def enterReturnInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReturnIntoContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#returnInto. + def exitReturnInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReturnIntoContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rewriteStatement. + def enterRewriteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RewriteStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rewriteStatement. + def exitRewriteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RewriteStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rewriteFrom. + def enterRewriteFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RewriteFromContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#rewriteFrom. + def exitRewriteFrom(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RewriteFromContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchStatement. + def enterSearchStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchStatement. + def exitSearchStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchVarying. + def enterSearchVarying(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchVaryingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchVarying. + def exitSearchVarying(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchVaryingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchWhen. + def enterSearchWhen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchWhenContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#searchWhen. + def exitSearchWhen(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SearchWhenContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatement. + def enterSendStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatement. + def exitSendStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatementSync. + def enterSendStatementSync(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementSyncContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatementSync. + def exitSendStatementSync(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementSyncContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatementAsync. + def enterSendStatementAsync(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementAsyncContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendStatementAsync. + def exitSendStatementAsync(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendStatementAsyncContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendFromPhrase. + def enterSendFromPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendFromPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendFromPhrase. + def exitSendFromPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendFromPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendWithPhrase. + def enterSendWithPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendWithPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendWithPhrase. + def exitSendWithPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendWithPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendReplacingPhrase. + def enterSendReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendReplacingPhrase. + def exitSendReplacingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendReplacingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingPhrase. + def enterSendAdvancingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingPhrase. + def exitSendAdvancingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingPage. + def enterSendAdvancingPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPageContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingPage. + def exitSendAdvancingPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPageContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingLines. + def enterSendAdvancingLines(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingLinesContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingLines. + def exitSendAdvancingLines(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingLinesContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingMnemonic. + def enterSendAdvancingMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingMnemonicContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sendAdvancingMnemonic. + def exitSendAdvancingMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingMnemonicContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setStatement. + def enterSetStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setStatement. + def exitSetStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setToStatement. + def enterSetToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setToStatement. + def exitSetToStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setUpDownByStatement. + def enterSetUpDownByStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetUpDownByStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setUpDownByStatement. + def exitSetUpDownByStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetUpDownByStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setTo. + def enterSetTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setTo. + def exitSetTo(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setToValue. + def enterSetToValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToValueContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setToValue. + def exitSetToValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetToValueContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setByValue. + def enterSetByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetByValueContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#setByValue. + def exitSetByValue(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SetByValueContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortStatement. + def enterSortStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortStatement. + def exitSortStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOnKeyClause. + def enterSortOnKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOnKeyClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOnKeyClause. + def exitSortOnKeyClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOnKeyClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortDuplicatesPhrase. + def enterSortDuplicatesPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortDuplicatesPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortDuplicatesPhrase. + def exitSortDuplicatesPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortDuplicatesPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingSequencePhrase. + def enterSortCollatingSequencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingSequencePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingSequencePhrase. + def exitSortCollatingSequencePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingSequencePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingAlphanumeric. + def enterSortCollatingAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingAlphanumericContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingAlphanumeric. + def exitSortCollatingAlphanumeric(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingAlphanumericContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingNational. + def enterSortCollatingNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingNationalContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortCollatingNational. + def exitSortCollatingNational(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingNationalContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortInputProcedurePhrase. + def enterSortInputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortInputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortInputProcedurePhrase. + def exitSortInputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortInputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortInputThrough. + def enterSortInputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortInputThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortInputThrough. + def exitSortInputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortInputThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortUsing. + def enterSortUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortUsingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortUsing. + def exitSortUsing(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortUsingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOutputProcedurePhrase. + def enterSortOutputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOutputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOutputProcedurePhrase. + def exitSortOutputProcedurePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOutputProcedurePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOutputThrough. + def enterSortOutputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOutputThroughContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortOutputThrough. + def exitSortOutputThrough(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortOutputThroughContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortGivingPhrase. + def enterSortGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortGivingPhrase. + def exitSortGivingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortGivingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortGiving. + def enterSortGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sortGiving. + def exitSortGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SortGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startStatement. + def enterStartStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startStatement. + def exitStartStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startKey. + def enterStartKey(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartKeyContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#startKey. + def exitStartKey(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StartKeyContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stopStatement. + def enterStopStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StopStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stopStatement. + def exitStopStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StopStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringStatement. + def enterStringStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringStatement. + def exitStringStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringSendingPhrase. + def enterStringSendingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringSendingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringSendingPhrase. + def exitStringSendingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringSendingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringSending. + def enterStringSending(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringSendingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringSending. + def exitStringSending(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringSendingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringDelimitedByPhrase. + def enterStringDelimitedByPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringDelimitedByPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringDelimitedByPhrase. + def exitStringDelimitedByPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringDelimitedByPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringForPhrase. + def enterStringForPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringForPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringForPhrase. + def exitStringForPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringForPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringIntoPhrase. + def enterStringIntoPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringIntoPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringIntoPhrase. + def exitStringIntoPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringIntoPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringWithPointerPhrase. + def enterStringWithPointerPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringWithPointerPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#stringWithPointerPhrase. + def exitStringWithPointerPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.StringWithPointerPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractStatement. + def enterSubtractStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractStatement. + def exitSubtractStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractFromStatement. + def enterSubtractFromStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractFromStatement. + def exitSubtractFromStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractFromGivingStatement. + def enterSubtractFromGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromGivingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractFromGivingStatement. + def exitSubtractFromGivingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromGivingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractCorrespondingStatement. + def enterSubtractCorrespondingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractCorrespondingStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractCorrespondingStatement. + def exitSubtractCorrespondingStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractCorrespondingStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractSubtrahend. + def enterSubtractSubtrahend(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractSubtrahend. + def exitSubtractSubtrahend(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuend. + def enterSubtractMinuend(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuend. + def exitSubtractMinuend(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuendGiving. + def enterSubtractMinuendGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuendGiving. + def exitSubtractMinuendGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractGiving. + def enterSubtractGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractGivingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractGiving. + def exitSubtractGiving(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractGivingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuendCorresponding. + def enterSubtractMinuendCorresponding(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendCorrespondingContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subtractMinuendCorresponding. + def exitSubtractMinuendCorresponding(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendCorrespondingContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#terminateStatement. + def enterTerminateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TerminateStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#terminateStatement. + def exitTerminateStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TerminateStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringStatement. + def enterUnstringStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringStatement. + def exitUnstringStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringSendingPhrase. + def enterUnstringSendingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringSendingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringSendingPhrase. + def exitUnstringSendingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringSendingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringDelimitedByPhrase. + def enterUnstringDelimitedByPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimitedByPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringDelimitedByPhrase. + def exitUnstringDelimitedByPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimitedByPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringOrAllPhrase. + def enterUnstringOrAllPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringOrAllPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringOrAllPhrase. + def exitUnstringOrAllPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringOrAllPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringIntoPhrase. + def enterUnstringIntoPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringIntoPhrase. + def exitUnstringIntoPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringInto. + def enterUnstringInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringInto. + def exitUnstringInto(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringDelimiterIn. + def enterUnstringDelimiterIn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimiterInContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringDelimiterIn. + def exitUnstringDelimiterIn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimiterInContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringCountIn. + def enterUnstringCountIn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringCountInContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringCountIn. + def exitUnstringCountIn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringCountInContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringWithPointerPhrase. + def enterUnstringWithPointerPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringWithPointerPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringWithPointerPhrase. + def exitUnstringWithPointerPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringWithPointerPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringTallyingPhrase. + def enterUnstringTallyingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringTallyingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#unstringTallyingPhrase. + def exitUnstringTallyingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UnstringTallyingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useStatement. + def enterUseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useStatement. + def exitUseStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useAfterClause. + def enterUseAfterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseAfterClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useAfterClause. + def exitUseAfterClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseAfterClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useAfterOn. + def enterUseAfterOn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseAfterOnContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useAfterOn. + def exitUseAfterOn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseAfterOnContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useDebugClause. + def enterUseDebugClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseDebugClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useDebugClause. + def exitUseDebugClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseDebugClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useDebugOn. + def enterUseDebugOn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseDebugOnContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#useDebugOn. + def exitUseDebugOn(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.UseDebugOnContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeStatement. + def enterWriteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteStatementContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeStatement. + def exitWriteStatement(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteStatementContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeFromPhrase. + def enterWriteFromPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteFromPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeFromPhrase. + def exitWriteFromPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteFromPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingPhrase. + def enterWriteAdvancingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingPhrase. + def exitWriteAdvancingPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingPage. + def enterWriteAdvancingPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPageContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingPage. + def exitWriteAdvancingPage(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPageContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingLines. + def enterWriteAdvancingLines(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingLinesContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingLines. + def exitWriteAdvancingLines(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingLinesContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingMnemonic. + def enterWriteAdvancingMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingMnemonicContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAdvancingMnemonic. + def exitWriteAdvancingMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingMnemonicContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAtEndOfPagePhrase. + def enterWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAtEndOfPagePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeAtEndOfPagePhrase. + def exitWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteAtEndOfPagePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase. + def enterWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteNotAtEndOfPagePhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase. + def exitWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.WriteNotAtEndOfPagePhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#atEndPhrase. + def enterAtEndPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#atEndPhrase. + def exitAtEndPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notAtEndPhrase. + def enterNotAtEndPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotAtEndPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notAtEndPhrase. + def exitNotAtEndPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotAtEndPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#invalidKeyPhrase. + def enterInvalidKeyPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#invalidKeyPhrase. + def exitInvalidKeyPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notInvalidKeyPhrase. + def enterNotInvalidKeyPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notInvalidKeyPhrase. + def exitNotInvalidKeyPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onOverflowPhrase. + def enterOnOverflowPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onOverflowPhrase. + def exitOnOverflowPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnOverflowPhrase. + def enterNotOnOverflowPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnOverflowPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnOverflowPhrase. + def exitNotOnOverflowPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnOverflowPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onSizeErrorPhrase. + def enterOnSizeErrorPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onSizeErrorPhrase. + def exitOnSizeErrorPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnSizeErrorPhrase. + def enterNotOnSizeErrorPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnSizeErrorPhrase. + def exitNotOnSizeErrorPhrase(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onExceptionClause. + def enterOnExceptionClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#onExceptionClause. + def exitOnExceptionClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnExceptionClause. + def enterNotOnExceptionClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#notOnExceptionClause. + def exitNotOnExceptionClause(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#arithmeticExpression. + def enterArithmeticExpression(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#arithmeticExpression. + def exitArithmeticExpression(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#plusMinus. + def enterPlusMinus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PlusMinusContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#plusMinus. + def exitPlusMinus(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PlusMinusContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multDivs. + def enterMultDivs(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultDivsContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multDivs. + def exitMultDivs(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultDivsContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multDiv. + def enterMultDiv(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultDivContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#multDiv. + def exitMultDiv(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MultDivContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#powers. + def enterPowers(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PowersContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#powers. + def exitPowers(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PowersContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#power. + def enterPower(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PowerContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#power. + def exitPower(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.PowerContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#basis. + def enterBasis(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BasisContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#basis. + def exitBasis(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BasisContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#condition. + def enterCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#condition. + def exitCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#andOrCondition. + def enterAndOrCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AndOrConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#andOrCondition. + def exitAndOrCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AndOrConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#combinableCondition. + def enterCombinableCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CombinableConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#combinableCondition. + def exitCombinableCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CombinableConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#simpleCondition. + def enterSimpleCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SimpleConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#simpleCondition. + def exitSimpleCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SimpleConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classCondition. + def enterClassCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#classCondition. + def exitClassCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionNameReference. + def enterConditionNameReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameReferenceContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionNameReference. + def exitConditionNameReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameReferenceContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionNameSubscriptReference. + def enterConditionNameSubscriptReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionNameSubscriptReference. + def exitConditionNameSubscriptReference(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCondition. + def enterRelationCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCondition. + def exitRelationCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationSignCondition. + def enterRelationSignCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationSignConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationSignCondition. + def exitRelationSignCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationSignConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationArithmeticComparison. + def enterRelationArithmeticComparison(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationArithmeticComparisonContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationArithmeticComparison. + def exitRelationArithmeticComparison(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationArithmeticComparisonContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCombinedComparison. + def enterRelationCombinedComparison(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedComparisonContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCombinedComparison. + def exitRelationCombinedComparison(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedComparisonContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCombinedCondition. + def enterRelationCombinedCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedConditionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationCombinedCondition. + def exitRelationCombinedCondition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedConditionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationalOperator. + def enterRelationalOperator(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#relationalOperator. + def exitRelationalOperator(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#abbreviation. + def enterAbbreviation(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#abbreviation. + def exitAbbreviation(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identifier. + def enterIdentifier(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#identifier. + def exitIdentifier(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#tableCall. + def enterTableCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TableCallContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#tableCall. + def exitTableCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TableCallContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#functionCall. + def enterFunctionCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FunctionCallContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#functionCall. + def exitFunctionCall(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FunctionCallContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#referenceModifier. + def enterReferenceModifier(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReferenceModifierContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#referenceModifier. + def exitReferenceModifier(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReferenceModifierContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#characterPosition. + def enterCharacterPosition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CharacterPositionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#characterPosition. + def exitCharacterPosition(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CharacterPositionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#length. + def enterLength(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LengthContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#length. + def exitLength(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LengthContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subscript_. + def enterSubscript_(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#subscript_. + def exitSubscript_(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#argument. + def enterArgument(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ArgumentContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#argument. + def exitArgument(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ArgumentContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataName. + def enterQualifiedDataName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataName. + def exitQualifiedDataName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat1. + def enterQualifiedDataNameFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat1Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat1. + def exitQualifiedDataNameFormat1(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat1Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat2. + def enterQualifiedDataNameFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat2Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat2. + def exitQualifiedDataNameFormat2(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat2Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat3. + def enterQualifiedDataNameFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat3Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat3. + def exitQualifiedDataNameFormat3(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat3Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat4. + def enterQualifiedDataNameFormat4(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat4Context): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedDataNameFormat4. + def exitQualifiedDataNameFormat4(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat4Context): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedInData. + def enterQualifiedInData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedInDataContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#qualifiedInData. + def exitQualifiedInData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.QualifiedInDataContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inData. + def enterInData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InDataContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inData. + def exitInData(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InDataContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inFile. + def enterInFile(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InFileContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inFile. + def exitInFile(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InFileContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inMnemonic. + def enterInMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InMnemonicContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inMnemonic. + def exitInMnemonic(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InMnemonicContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inSection. + def enterInSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InSectionContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inSection. + def exitInSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InSectionContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inLibrary. + def enterInLibrary(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InLibraryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inLibrary. + def exitInLibrary(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InLibraryContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inTable. + def enterInTable(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InTableContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#inTable. + def exitInTable(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.InTableContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetName. + def enterAlphabetName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#alphabetName. + def exitAlphabetName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#assignmentName. + def enterAssignmentName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#assignmentName. + def exitAssignmentName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#basisName. + def enterBasisName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BasisNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#basisName. + def exitBasisName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BasisNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cdName. + def enterCdName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cdName. + def exitCdName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#className. + def enterClassName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#className. + def exitClassName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ClassNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computerName. + def enterComputerName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputerNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#computerName. + def exitComputerName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ComputerNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionName. + def enterConditionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#conditionName. + def exitConditionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataName. + def enterDataName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataName. + def exitDataName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescName. + def enterDataDescName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#dataDescName. + def exitDataDescName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentName. + def enterEnvironmentName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#environmentName. + def exitEnvironmentName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileName. + def enterFileName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileName. + def exitFileName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#functionName. + def enterFunctionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FunctionNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#functionName. + def exitFunctionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FunctionNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#indexName. + def enterIndexName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#indexName. + def exitIndexName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#languageName. + def enterLanguageName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LanguageNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#languageName. + def exitLanguageName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LanguageNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryName. + def enterLibraryName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#libraryName. + def exitLibraryName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#localName. + def enterLocalName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LocalNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#localName. + def exitLocalName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LocalNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mnemonicName. + def enterMnemonicName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#mnemonicName. + def exitMnemonicName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraphName. + def enterParagraphName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#paragraphName. + def exitParagraphName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureName. + def enterProcedureName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#procedureName. + def exitProcedureName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programName. + def enterProgramName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#programName. + def exitProgramName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordName. + def enterRecordName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#recordName. + def exitRecordName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportName. + def enterReportName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#reportName. + def exitReportName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#routineName. + def enterRoutineName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RoutineNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#routineName. + def exitRoutineName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.RoutineNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenName. + def enterScreenName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#screenName. + def exitScreenName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.ScreenNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sectionName. + def enterSectionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#sectionName. + def exitSectionName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#systemName. + def enterSystemName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#systemName. + def exitSystemName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharacter. + def enterSymbolicCharacter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharacterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#symbolicCharacter. + def exitSymbolicCharacter(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharacterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#textName. + def enterTextName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TextNameContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#textName. + def exitTextName(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.TextNameContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cobolWord. + def enterCobolWord(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cobolWord. + def exitCobolWord(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#literal. + def enterLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#literal. + def exitLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#booleanLiteral. + def enterBooleanLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BooleanLiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#booleanLiteral. + def exitBooleanLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.BooleanLiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#numericLiteral. + def enterNumericLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#numericLiteral. + def exitNumericLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#integerLiteral. + def enterIntegerLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#integerLiteral. + def exitIntegerLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cicsDfhRespLiteral. + def enterCicsDfhRespLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhRespLiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cicsDfhRespLiteral. + def exitCicsDfhRespLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhRespLiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cicsDfhValueLiteral. + def enterCicsDfhValueLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhValueLiteralContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#cicsDfhValueLiteral. + def exitCicsDfhValueLiteral(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhValueLiteralContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#figurativeConstant. + def enterFigurativeConstant(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FigurativeConstantContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#figurativeConstant. + def exitFigurativeConstant(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FigurativeConstantContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialRegister. + def enterSpecialRegister(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialRegisterContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#specialRegister. + def exitSpecialRegister(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.SpecialRegisterContext): + pass + + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#commentEntry. + def enterCommentEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext): + pass + + # Exit a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#commentEntry. + def exitCommentEntry(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext): + pass + + + +del Cobol85Parser \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Cobol85Parser.py b/src/Cobol85Parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9750228 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Cobol85Parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,50437 @@ +# Generated from Cobol85.g4 by 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1,0,0,0,246,2446,1,0,0,0,248,2455,1,0,0,0,250,2464,1,0,0,0,252,2472, + 1,0,0,0,254,2479,1,0,0,0,256,2494,1,0,0,0,258,2503,1,0,0,0,260,2545, + 1,0,0,0,262,2548,1,0,0,0,264,2550,1,0,0,0,266,2552,1,0,0,0,268,2555, + 1,0,0,0,270,2557,1,0,0,0,272,2559,1,0,0,0,274,2561,1,0,0,0,276,2563, + 1,0,0,0,278,2571,1,0,0,0,280,2585,1,0,0,0,282,2599,1,0,0,0,284,2607, + 1,0,0,0,286,2615,1,0,0,0,288,2621,1,0,0,0,290,2627,1,0,0,0,292,2633, + 1,0,0,0,294,2641,1,0,0,0,296,2644,1,0,0,0,298,2647,1,0,0,0,300,2653, + 1,0,0,0,302,2659,1,0,0,0,304,2667,1,0,0,0,306,2676,1,0,0,0,308,2678, + 1,0,0,0,310,2680,1,0,0,0,312,2682,1,0,0,0,314,2696,1,0,0,0,316,2701, + 1,0,0,0,318,2703,1,0,0,0,320,2705,1,0,0,0,322,2714,1,0,0,0,324,2720, + 1,0,0,0,326,2743,1,0,0,0,328,2747,1,0,0,0,330,2762,1,0,0,0,332,2765, + 1,0,0,0,334,2769,1,0,0,0,336,2773,1,0,0,0,338,2779,1,0,0,0,340,2781, + 1,0,0,0,342,2795,1,0,0,0,344,2805,1,0,0,0,346,2830,1,0,0,0,348,2836, + 1,0,0,0,350,2845,1,0,0,0,352,2849,1,0,0,0,354,2854,1,0,0,0,356,2866, + 1,0,0,0,358,2874,1,0,0,0,360,2877,1,0,0,0,362,2887,1,0,0,0,364,2890, + 1,0,0,0,366,2893,1,0,0,0,368,2899,1,0,0,0,370,2907,1,0,0,0,372,2916, + 1,0,0,0,374,2922,1,0,0,0,376,2946,1,0,0,0,378,2962,1,0,0,0,380,2967, + 1,0,0,0,382,2972,1,0,0,0,384,2978,1,0,0,0,386,2983,1,0,0,0,388,2993, + 1,0,0,0,390,3000,1,0,0,0,392,3005,1,0,0,0,394,3007,1,0,0,0,396,3013, + 1,0,0,0,398,3024,1,0,0,0,400,3026,1,0,0,0,402,3035,1,0,0,0,404,3051, + 1,0,0,0,406,3059,1,0,0,0,408,3076,1,0,0,0,410,3080,1,0,0,0,412,3086, + 1,0,0,0,414,3092,1,0,0,0,416,3097,1,0,0,0,418,3111,1,0,0,0,420,3114, + 1,0,0,0,422,3117,1,0,0,0,424,3125,1,0,0,0,426,3127,1,0,0,0,428,3135, + 1,0,0,0,430,3138,1,0,0,0,432,3143,1,0,0,0,434,3151,1,0,0,0,436,3153, + 1,0,0,0,438,3186,1,0,0,0,440,3191,1,0,0,0,442,3197,1,0,0,0,444,3204, + 1,0,0,0,446,3206,1,0,0,0,448,3212,1,0,0,0,450,3215,1,0,0,0,452,3223, + 1,0,0,0,454,3227,1,0,0,0,456,3229,1,0,0,0,458,3233,1,0,0,0,460,3268, + 1,0,0,0,462,3271,1,0,0,0,464,3283,1,0,0,0,466,3297,1,0,0,0,468,3317, + 1,0,0,0,470,3319,1,0,0,0,472,3324,1,0,0,0,474,3331,1,0,0,0,476,3334, + 1,0,0,0,478,3337,1,0,0,0,480,3347,1,0,0,0,482,3356,1,0,0,0,484,3361, + 1,0,0,0,486,3365,1,0,0,0,488,3372,1,0,0,0,490,3380,1,0,0,0,492,3417, + 1,0,0,0,494,3434,1,0,0,0,496,3446,1,0,0,0,498,3452,1,0,0,0,500,3454, + 1,0,0,0,502,3458,1,0,0,0,504,3463,1,0,0,0,506,3477,1,0,0,0,508,3483, + 1,0,0,0,510,3488,1,0,0,0,512,3494,1,0,0,0,514,3509,1,0,0,0,516,3512, + 1,0,0,0,518,3523,1,0,0,0,520,3525,1,0,0,0,522,3536,1,0,0,0,524,3542, + 1,0,0,0,526,3547,1,0,0,0,528,3554,1,0,0,0,530,3561,1,0,0,0,532,3570, + 1,0,0,0,534,3584,1,0,0,0,536,3638,1,0,0,0,538,3640,1,0,0,0,540,3657, + 1,0,0,0,542,3679,1,0,0,0,544,3682,1,0,0,0,546,3687,1,0,0,0,548,3691, + 1,0,0,0,550,3707,1,0,0,0,552,3718,1,0,0,0,554,3736,1,0,0,0,556,3743, + 1,0,0,0,558,3745,1,0,0,0,560,3751,1,0,0,0,562,3753,1,0,0,0,564,3757, + 1,0,0,0,566,3763,1,0,0,0,568,3769,1,0,0,0,570,3777,1,0,0,0,572,3800, + 1,0,0,0,574,3809,1,0,0,0,576,3815,1,0,0,0,578,3834,1,0,0,0,580,3837, + 1,0,0,0,582,3851,1,0,0,0,584,3858,1,0,0,0,586,3877,1,0,0,0,588,3879, + 1,0,0,0,590,3882,1,0,0,0,592,3893,1,0,0,0,594,3895,1,0,0,0,596,3901, + 1,0,0,0,598,3907,1,0,0,0,600,3925,1,0,0,0,602,3939,1,0,0,0,604,3952, + 1,0,0,0,606,3954,1,0,0,0,608,3960,1,0,0,0,610,3965,1,0,0,0,612,3973, + 1,0,0,0,614,3990,1,0,0,0,616,3994,1,0,0,0,618,3996,1,0,0,0,620,4010, + 1,0,0,0,622,4029,1,0,0,0,624,4046,1,0,0,0,626,4048,1,0,0,0,628,4053, + 1,0,0,0,630,4059,1,0,0,0,632,4064,1,0,0,0,634,4086,1,0,0,0,636,4092, + 1,0,0,0,638,4100,1,0,0,0,640,4108,1,0,0,0,642,4114,1,0,0,0,644,4118, + 1,0,0,0,646,4122,1,0,0,0,648,4125,1,0,0,0,650,4144,1,0,0,0,652,4154, + 1,0,0,0,654,4177,1,0,0,0,656,4179,1,0,0,0,658,4183,1,0,0,0,660,4193, + 1,0,0,0,662,4211,1,0,0,0,664,4213,1,0,0,0,666,4216,1,0,0,0,668,4219, + 1,0,0,0,670,4230,1,0,0,0,672,4233,1,0,0,0,674,4238,1,0,0,0,676,4243, + 1,0,0,0,678,4247,1,0,0,0,680,4261,1,0,0,0,682,4263,1,0,0,0,684,4267, + 1,0,0,0,686,4270,1,0,0,0,688,4272,1,0,0,0,690,4280,1,0,0,0,692,4295, + 1,0,0,0,694,4297,1,0,0,0,696,4307,1,0,0,0,698,4319,1,0,0,0,700,4330, + 1,0,0,0,702,4339,1,0,0,0,704,4345,1,0,0,0,706,4354,1,0,0,0,708,4360, + 1,0,0,0,710,4368,1,0,0,0,712,4374,1,0,0,0,714,4381,1,0,0,0,716,4392, + 1,0,0,0,718,4404,1,0,0,0,720,4412,1,0,0,0,722,4419,1,0,0,0,724,4427, + 1,0,0,0,726,4433,1,0,0,0,728,4441,1,0,0,0,730,4451,1,0,0,0,732,4460, + 1,0,0,0,734,4465,1,0,0,0,736,4470,1,0,0,0,738,4478,1,0,0,0,740,4504, + 1,0,0,0,742,4516,1,0,0,0,744,4534,1,0,0,0,746,4541,1,0,0,0,748,4549, + 1,0,0,0,750,4555,1,0,0,0,752,4564,1,0,0,0,754,4567,1,0,0,0,756,4573, + 1,0,0,0,758,4585,1,0,0,0,760,4593,1,0,0,0,762,4602,1,0,0,0,764,4604, + 1,0,0,0,766,4612,1,0,0,0,768,4614,1,0,0,0,770,4634,1,0,0,0,772,4638, + 1,0,0,0,774,4642,1,0,0,0,776,4651,1,0,0,0,778,4653,1,0,0,0,780,4657, + 1,0,0,0,782,4666,1,0,0,0,784,4672,1,0,0,0,786,4681,1,0,0,0,788,4687, + 1,0,0,0,790,4695,1,0,0,0,792,4701,1,0,0,0,794,4707,1,0,0,0,796,4713, + 1,0,0,0,798,4723,1,0,0,0,800,4734,1,0,0,0,802,4738,1,0,0,0,804,4743, + 1,0,0,0,806,4755,1,0,0,0,808,4757,1,0,0,0,810,4767,1,0,0,0,812,4773, + 1,0,0,0,814,4776,1,0,0,0,816,4782,1,0,0,0,818,4789,1,0,0,0,820,4794, + 1,0,0,0,822,4800,1,0,0,0,824,4832,1,0,0,0,826,4836,1,0,0,0,828,4843, + 1,0,0,0,830,4849,1,0,0,0,832,4863,1,0,0,0,834,4882,1,0,0,0,836,4884, + 1,0,0,0,838,4896,1,0,0,0,840,4904,1,0,0,0,842,4912,1,0,0,0,844,4921, + 1,0,0,0,846,4926,1,0,0,0,848,4932,1,0,0,0,850,4940,1,0,0,0,852,4946, + 1,0,0,0,854,4952,1,0,0,0,856,4967,1,0,0,0,858,4970,1,0,0,0,860,4984, + 1,0,0,0,862,4987,1,0,0,0,864,5006,1,0,0,0,866,5009,1,0,0,0,868,5021, + 1,0,0,0,870,5034,1,0,0,0,872,5048,1,0,0,0,874,5052,1,0,0,0,876,5055, + 1,0,0,0,878,5062,1,0,0,0,880,5066,1,0,0,0,882,5075,1,0,0,0,884,5079, + 1,0,0,0,886,5084,1,0,0,0,888,5086,1,0,0,0,890,5096,1,0,0,0,892,5107, + 1,0,0,0,894,5119,1,0,0,0,896,5130,1,0,0,0,898,5134,1,0,0,0,900,5136, + 1,0,0,0,902,5168,1,0,0,0,904,5180,1,0,0,0,906,5190,1,0,0,0,908,5208, + 1,0,0,0,910,5215,1,0,0,0,912,5223,1,0,0,0,914,5232,1,0,0,0,916,5235, + 1,0,0,0,918,5241,1,0,0,0,920,5250,1,0,0,0,922,5253,1,0,0,0,924,5259, + 1,0,0,0,926,5271,1,0,0,0,928,5285,1,0,0,0,930,5320,1,0,0,0,932,5325, + 1,0,0,0,934,5345,1,0,0,0,936,5355,1,0,0,0,938,5357,1,0,0,0,940,5366, + 1,0,0,0,942,5371,1,0,0,0,944,5375,1,0,0,0,946,5380,1,0,0,0,948,5396, + 1,0,0,0,950,5407,1,0,0,0,952,5419,1,0,0,0,954,5426,1,0,0,0,956,5428, + 1,0,0,0,958,5434,1,0,0,0,960,5436,1,0,0,0,962,5440,1,0,0,0,964,5444, + 1,0,0,0,966,5447,1,0,0,0,968,5465,1,0,0,0,970,5475,1,0,0,0,972,5486, + 1,0,0,0,974,5494,1,0,0,0,976,5500,1,0,0,0,978,5507,1,0,0,0,980,5513, + 1,0,0,0,982,5520,1,0,0,0,984,5525,1,0,0,0,986,5531,1,0,0,0,988,5537, + 1,0,0,0,990,5559,1,0,0,0,992,5562,1,0,0,0,994,5585,1,0,0,0,996,5587, + 1,0,0,0,998,5610,1,0,0,0,1000,5615,1,0,0,0,1002,5624,1,0,0,0,1004, + 5628,1,0,0,0,1006,5633,1,0,0,0,1008,5636,1,0,0,0,1010,5645,1,0,0, + 0,1012,5657,1,0,0,0,1014,5666,1,0,0,0,1016,5677,1,0,0,0,1018,5687, + 1,0,0,0,1020,5699,1,0,0,0,1022,5708,1,0,0,0,1024,5720,1,0,0,0,1026, + 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0,1816,1818,5,377,0,0,1817,1819,5,259,0,0,1818,1817,1,0,0,0,1818, + 1819,1,0,0,0,1819,1821,1,0,0,0,1820,1822,5,254,0,0,1821,1820,1,0, + 0,0,1821,1822,1,0,0,0,1822,1823,1,0,0,0,1823,1825,3,1090,545,0,1824, + 1826,3,128,64,0,1825,1824,1,0,0,0,1825,1826,1,0,0,0,1826,1831,1, + 0,0,0,1827,1829,5,514,0,0,1828,1827,1,0,0,0,1828,1829,1,0,0,0,1829, + 1830,1,0,0,0,1830,1832,5,149,0,0,1831,1828,1,0,0,0,1831,1832,1,0, + 0,0,1832,125,1,0,0,0,1833,1834,5,18,0,0,1834,1836,5,377,0,0,1835, + 1837,5,259,0,0,1836,1835,1,0,0,0,1836,1837,1,0,0,0,1837,1839,1,0, + 0,0,1838,1840,5,254,0,0,1839,1838,1,0,0,0,1839,1840,1,0,0,0,1840, + 1841,1,0,0,0,1841,1843,3,1090,545,0,1842,1844,3,128,64,0,1843,1842, + 1,0,0,0,1843,1844,1,0,0,0,1844,1849,1,0,0,0,1845,1847,5,514,0,0, + 1846,1845,1,0,0,0,1846,1847,1,0,0,0,1847,1848,1,0,0,0,1848,1850, + 5,149,0,0,1849,1846,1,0,0,0,1849,1850,1,0,0,0,1850,127,1,0,0,0,1851, + 1853,5,342,0,0,1852,1854,5,254,0,0,1853,1852,1,0,0,0,1853,1854,1, + 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138,69,0,1894,1898,3,146,73,0,1895,1898,3,148,74,0,1896,1898,3,152, + 76,0,1897,1893,1,0,0,0,1897,1894,1,0,0,0,1897,1895,1,0,0,0,1897, + 1896,1,0,0,0,1898,137,1,0,0,0,1899,1905,5,399,0,0,1900,1903,5,326, + 0,0,1901,1904,3,1116,558,0,1902,1904,3,1134,567,0,1903,1901,1,0, + 0,0,1903,1902,1,0,0,0,1904,1906,1,0,0,0,1905,1900,1,0,0,0,1905,1906, + 1,0,0,0,1906,1907,1,0,0,0,1907,1911,5,195,0,0,1908,1912,3,140,70, + 0,1909,1912,3,142,71,0,1910,1912,3,144,72,0,1911,1908,1,0,0,0,1911, + 1909,1,0,0,0,1911,1910,1,0,0,0,1912,139,1,0,0,0,1913,1914,3,1178, + 589,0,1914,1915,5,379,0,0,1915,141,1,0,0,0,1916,1918,5,158,0,0,1917, + 1916,1,0,0,0,1917,1918,1,0,0,0,1918,1920,1,0,0,0,1919,1921,5,323, + 0,0,1920,1919,1,0,0,0,1920,1921,1,0,0,0,1921,1922,1,0,0,0,1922,1923, + 7,12,0,0,1923,1924,5,323,0,0,1924,1925,3,1134,567,0,1925,143,1,0, + 0,0,1926,1928,3,1178,589,0,1927,1929,5,66,0,0,1928,1927,1,0,0,0, + 1928,1929,1,0,0,0,1929,145,1,0,0,0,1930,1932,5,414,0,0,1931,1933, + 7,13,0,0,1932,1931,1,0,0,0,1932,1933,1,0,0,0,1933,1935,1,0,0,0,1934, + 1936,5,22,0,0,1935,1934,1,0,0,0,1935,1936,1,0,0,0,1936,1938,1,0, + 0,0,1937,1939,5,212,0,0,1938,1937,1,0,0,0,1938,1939,1,0,0,0,1939, + 1941,1,0,0,0,1940,1942,3,1134,567,0,1941,1940,1,0,0,0,1942,1943, + 1,0,0,0,1943,1941,1,0,0,0,1943,1944,1,0,0,0,1944,147,1,0,0,0,1945, + 1946,5,301,0,0,1946,1948,5,206,0,0,1947,1949,5,474,0,0,1948,1947, + 1,0,0,0,1948,1949,1,0,0,0,1949,1951,1,0,0,0,1950,1952,5,94,0,0,1951, + 1950,1,0,0,0,1951,1952,1,0,0,0,1952,1954,1,0,0,0,1953,1955,3,150, + 75,0,1954,1953,1,0,0,0,1955,1956,1,0,0,0,1956,1954,1,0,0,0,1956, + 1957,1,0,0,0,1957,149,1,0,0,0,1958,1961,3,1134,567,0,1959,1960,5, + 350,0,0,1960,1962,3,1178,589,0,1961,1959,1,0,0,0,1961,1962,1,0,0, + 0,1962,151,1,0,0,0,1963,1964,5,77,0,0,1964,1966,5,97,0,0,1965,1967, + 5,212,0,0,1966,1965,1,0,0,0,1966,1967,1,0,0,0,1967,1968,1,0,0,0, + 1968,1969,3,1134,567,0,1969,153,1,0,0,0,1970,1971,5,109,0,0,1971, + 1972,5,145,0,0,1972,1976,5,534,0,0,1973,1975,3,156,78,0,1974,1973, + 1,0,0,0,1975,1978,1,0,0,0,1976,1974,1,0,0,0,1976,1977,1,0,0,0,1977, + 155,1,0,0,0,1978,1976,1,0,0,0,1979,1989,3,158,79,0,1980,1989,3,208, + 104,0,1981,1989,3,212,106,0,1982,1989,3,214,107,0,1983,1989,3,216, + 108,0,1984,1989,3,254,127,0,1985,1989,3,256,128,0,1986,1989,3,320, + 160,0,1987,1989,3,396,198,0,1988,1979,1,0,0,0,1988,1980,1,0,0,0, + 1988,1981,1,0,0,0,1988,1982,1,0,0,0,1988,1983,1,0,0,0,1988,1984, + 1,0,0,0,1988,1985,1,0,0,0,1988,1986,1,0,0,0,1988,1987,1,0,0,0,1989, + 157,1,0,0,0,1990,1991,5,206,0,0,1991,1992,5,419,0,0,1992,1996,5, + 534,0,0,1993,1995,3,160,80,0,1994,1993,1,0,0,0,1995,1998,1,0,0,0, + 1996,1994,1,0,0,0,1996,1997,1,0,0,0,1997,159,1,0,0,0,1998,1996,1, + 0,0,0,1999,2000,7,14,0,0,2000,2007,3,1134,567,0,2001,2003,5,534, + 0,0,2002,2001,1,0,0,0,2002,2003,1,0,0,0,2003,2004,1,0,0,0,2004,2006, + 3,162,81,0,2005,2002,1,0,0,0,2006,2009,1,0,0,0,2007,2005,1,0,0,0, + 2007,2008,1,0,0,0,2008,2010,1,0,0,0,2009,2007,1,0,0,0,2010,2014, + 5,534,0,0,2011,2013,3,434,217,0,2012,2011,1,0,0,0,2013,2016,1,0, + 0,0,2014,2012,1,0,0,0,2014,2015,1,0,0,0,2015,161,1,0,0,0,2016,2014, + 1,0,0,0,2017,2029,3,164,82,0,2018,2029,3,166,83,0,2019,2029,3,168, + 84,0,2020,2029,3,172,86,0,2021,2029,3,182,91,0,2022,2029,3,184,92, + 0,2023,2029,3,188,94,0,2024,2029,3,190,95,0,2025,2029,3,204,102, + 0,2026,2029,3,206,103,0,2027,2029,3,200,100,0,2028,2017,1,0,0,0, + 2028,2018,1,0,0,0,2028,2019,1,0,0,0,2028,2020,1,0,0,0,2028,2021, + 1,0,0,0,2028,2022,1,0,0,0,2028,2023,1,0,0,0,2028,2024,1,0,0,0,2028, + 2025,1,0,0,0,2028,2026,1,0,0,0,2028,2027,1,0,0,0,2029,163,1,0,0, + 0,2030,2032,5,254,0,0,2031,2030,1,0,0,0,2031,2032,1,0,0,0,2032,2033, + 1,0,0,0,2033,2034,5,203,0,0,2034,165,1,0,0,0,2035,2037,5,254,0,0, + 2036,2035,1,0,0,0,2036,2037,1,0,0,0,2037,2038,1,0,0,0,2038,2039, + 5,223,0,0,2039,167,1,0,0,0,2040,2042,5,46,0,0,2041,2043,5,94,0,0, + 2042,2041,1,0,0,0,2042,2043,1,0,0,0,2043,2044,1,0,0,0,2044,2046, + 3,1178,589,0,2045,2047,3,170,85,0,2046,2045,1,0,0,0,2046,2047,1, + 0,0,0,2047,2049,1,0,0,0,2048,2050,7,15,0,0,2049,2048,1,0,0,0,2049, + 2050,1,0,0,0,2050,169,1,0,0,0,2051,2052,5,489,0,0,2052,2053,3,1178, + 589,0,2053,171,1,0,0,0,2054,2058,5,377,0,0,2055,2059,3,174,87,0, + 2056,2059,3,176,88,0,2057,2059,3,178,89,0,2058,2055,1,0,0,0,2058, + 2056,1,0,0,0,2058,2057,1,0,0,0,2059,173,1,0,0,0,2060,2062,5,94,0, + 0,2061,2060,1,0,0,0,2061,2062,1,0,0,0,2062,2063,1,0,0,0,2063,2065, + 3,1178,589,0,2064,2066,5,63,0,0,2065,2064,1,0,0,0,2065,2066,1,0, + 0,0,2066,175,1,0,0,0,2067,2069,5,254,0,0,2068,2067,1,0,0,0,2068, + 2069,1,0,0,0,2069,2070,1,0,0,0,2070,2072,5,509,0,0,2071,2073,5,239, + 0,0,2072,2071,1,0,0,0,2072,2073,1,0,0,0,2073,2075,1,0,0,0,2074,2076, + 5,439,0,0,2075,2074,1,0,0,0,2075,2076,1,0,0,0,2076,2087,1,0,0,0, + 2077,2079,5,215,0,0,2078,2077,1,0,0,0,2078,2079,1,0,0,0,2079,2080, + 1,0,0,0,2080,2082,3,1178,589,0,2081,2083,3,180,90,0,2082,2081,1, + 0,0,0,2082,2083,1,0,0,0,2083,2085,1,0,0,0,2084,2086,5,63,0,0,2085, + 2084,1,0,0,0,2085,2086,1,0,0,0,2086,2088,1,0,0,0,2087,2078,1,0,0, + 0,2087,2088,1,0,0,0,2088,2094,1,0,0,0,2089,2091,5,134,0,0,2090,2092, + 5,326,0,0,2091,2090,1,0,0,0,2091,2092,1,0,0,0,2092,2093,1,0,0,0, + 2093,2095,3,1090,545,0,2094,2089,1,0,0,0,2094,2095,1,0,0,0,2095, + 177,1,0,0,0,2096,2098,5,94,0,0,2097,2096,1,0,0,0,2097,2098,1,0,0, + 0,2098,2099,1,0,0,0,2099,2100,3,1178,589,0,2100,2102,3,180,90,0, + 2101,2103,5,63,0,0,2102,2101,1,0,0,0,2102,2103,1,0,0,0,2103,179, + 1,0,0,0,2104,2105,5,489,0,0,2105,2106,3,1178,589,0,2106,181,1,0, + 0,0,2107,2116,5,261,0,0,2108,2110,5,377,0,0,2109,2111,5,254,0,0, + 2110,2109,1,0,0,0,2110,2111,1,0,0,0,2111,2117,1,0,0,0,2112,2114, + 5,379,0,0,2113,2115,5,21,0,0,2114,2113,1,0,0,0,2114,2115,1,0,0,0, + 2115,2117,1,0,0,0,2116,2108,1,0,0,0,2116,2112,1,0,0,0,2117,2125, + 1,0,0,0,2118,2126,5,325,0,0,2119,2126,5,453,0,0,2120,2122,3,1128, + 564,0,2121,2120,1,0,0,0,2122,2123,1,0,0,0,2123,2121,1,0,0,0,2123, + 2124,1,0,0,0,2124,2126,1,0,0,0,2125,2118,1,0,0,0,2125,2119,1,0,0, + 0,2125,2121,1,0,0,0,2126,183,1,0,0,0,2127,2128,5,507,0,0,2128,2130, + 5,323,0,0,2129,2131,3,186,93,0,2130,2129,1,0,0,0,2131,2132,1,0,0, + 0,2132,2130,1,0,0,0,2132,2133,1,0,0,0,2133,185,1,0,0,0,2134,2136, + 3,1164,582,0,2135,2137,5,254,0,0,2136,2135,1,0,0,0,2136,2137,1,0, + 0,0,2137,2140,1,0,0,0,2138,2141,3,1090,545,0,2139,2141,3,1172,586, + 0,2140,2138,1,0,0,0,2140,2139,1,0,0,0,2141,187,1,0,0,0,2142,2151, + 5,109,0,0,2143,2145,5,377,0,0,2144,2146,5,254,0,0,2145,2144,1,0, + 0,0,2145,2146,1,0,0,0,2146,2152,1,0,0,0,2147,2149,5,379,0,0,2148, + 2150,5,21,0,0,2149,2148,1,0,0,0,2149,2150,1,0,0,0,2150,2152,1,0, + 0,0,2151,2143,1,0,0,0,2151,2147,1,0,0,0,2152,2154,1,0,0,0,2153,2155, + 3,1128,564,0,2154,2153,1,0,0,0,2155,2156,1,0,0,0,2156,2154,1,0,0, + 0,2156,2157,1,0,0,0,2157,189,1,0,0,0,2158,2160,5,277,0,0,2159,2161, + 5,254,0,0,2160,2159,1,0,0,0,2160,2161,1,0,0,0,2161,2164,1,0,0,0, + 2162,2165,3,1128,564,0,2163,2165,3,1178,589,0,2164,2162,1,0,0,0, + 2164,2163,1,0,0,0,2165,2167,1,0,0,0,2166,2168,5,280,0,0,2167,2166, + 1,0,0,0,2167,2168,1,0,0,0,2168,2172,1,0,0,0,2169,2171,3,192,96,0, + 2170,2169,1,0,0,0,2171,2174,1,0,0,0,2172,2170,1,0,0,0,2172,2173, + 1,0,0,0,2173,191,1,0,0,0,2174,2172,1,0,0,0,2175,2179,3,194,97,0, + 2176,2179,3,196,98,0,2177,2179,3,198,99,0,2178,2175,1,0,0,0,2178, + 2176,1,0,0,0,2178,2177,1,0,0,0,2179,193,1,0,0,0,2180,2182,5,514, + 0,0,2181,2180,1,0,0,0,2181,2182,1,0,0,0,2182,2183,1,0,0,0,2183,2185, + 5,211,0,0,2184,2186,5,30,0,0,2185,2184,1,0,0,0,2185,2186,1,0,0,0, + 2186,2189,1,0,0,0,2187,2190,3,1128,564,0,2188,2190,3,1178,589,0, + 2189,2187,1,0,0,0,2189,2188,1,0,0,0,2190,195,1,0,0,0,2191,2193,5, + 280,0,0,2192,2191,1,0,0,0,2192,2193,1,0,0,0,2193,2195,1,0,0,0,2194, + 2196,5,30,0,0,2195,2194,1,0,0,0,2195,2196,1,0,0,0,2196,2197,1,0, + 0,0,2197,2200,5,492,0,0,2198,2201,3,1128,564,0,2199,2201,3,1178, + 589,0,2200,2198,1,0,0,0,2200,2199,1,0,0,0,2201,197,1,0,0,0,2202, + 2204,5,280,0,0,2203,2202,1,0,0,0,2203,2204,1,0,0,0,2204,2206,1,0, + 0,0,2205,2207,5,30,0,0,2206,2205,1,0,0,0,2206,2207,1,0,0,0,2207, + 2208,1,0,0,0,2208,2211,5,48,0,0,2209,2212,3,1128,564,0,2210,2212, + 3,1178,589,0,2211,2209,1,0,0,0,2211,2210,1,0,0,0,2212,199,1,0,0, + 0,2213,2215,5,378,0,0,2214,2216,5,297,0,0,2215,2214,1,0,0,0,2215, + 2216,1,0,0,0,2216,2218,1,0,0,0,2217,2219,5,254,0,0,2218,2217,1,0, + 0,0,2218,2219,1,0,0,0,2219,2220,1,0,0,0,2220,2221,3,202,101,0,2221, + 201,1,0,0,0,2222,2223,3,1170,585,0,2223,203,1,0,0,0,2224,2226,5, + 71,0,0,2225,2227,5,254,0,0,2226,2225,1,0,0,0,2226,2227,1,0,0,0,2227, + 2228,1,0,0,0,2228,2229,3,1114,557,0,2229,205,1,0,0,0,2230,2232,5, + 395,0,0,2231,2233,5,254,0,0,2232,2231,1,0,0,0,2232,2233,1,0,0,0, + 2233,2239,1,0,0,0,2234,2236,5,397,0,0,2235,2237,5,21,0,0,2236,2235, + 1,0,0,0,2236,2237,1,0,0,0,2237,2239,1,0,0,0,2238,2230,1,0,0,0,2238, + 2234,1,0,0,0,2239,2241,1,0,0,0,2240,2242,3,1156,578,0,2241,2240, + 1,0,0,0,2242,2243,1,0,0,0,2243,2241,1,0,0,0,2243,2244,1,0,0,0,2244, + 207,1,0,0,0,2245,2246,5,110,0,0,2246,2247,5,419,0,0,2247,2251,5, + 534,0,0,2248,2250,3,210,105,0,2249,2248,1,0,0,0,2250,2253,1,0,0, + 0,2251,2249,1,0,0,0,2251,2252,1,0,0,0,2252,209,1,0,0,0,2253,2251, + 1,0,0,0,2254,2255,3,1178,589,0,2255,2256,3,1172,586,0,2256,2257, + 5,253,0,0,2257,2258,3,1172,586,0,2258,211,1,0,0,0,2259,2260,5,516, + 0,0,2260,2261,5,419,0,0,2261,2265,5,534,0,0,2262,2264,3,434,217, + 0,2263,2262,1,0,0,0,2264,2267,1,0,0,0,2265,2263,1,0,0,0,2265,2266, + 1,0,0,0,2266,213,1,0,0,0,2267,2265,1,0,0,0,2268,2269,5,282,0,0,2269, + 2270,5,419,0,0,2270,2274,5,534,0,0,2271,2273,3,434,217,0,2272,2271, + 1,0,0,0,2273,2276,1,0,0,0,2274,2272,1,0,0,0,2274,2275,1,0,0,0,2275, + 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1948,1951,1956,1961,1966,1976,1988,1996,2002,2007,2014,2028,2031, + 2036,2042,2046,2049,2058,2061,2065,2068,2072,2075,2078,2082,2085, + 2087,2091,2094,2097,2102,2110,2114,2116,2123,2125,2132,2136,2140, + 2145,2149,2151,2156,2160,2164,2167,2172,2178,2181,2185,2189,2192, + 2195,2200,2203,2206,2211,2215,2218,2226,2232,2236,2238,2243,2251, + 2265,2274,2282,2284,2290,2295,2298,2310,2313,2315,2323,2332,2334, + 2342,2352,2355,2357,2365,2379,2381,2386,2393,2398,2402,2409,2416, + 2423,2428,2432,2437,2441,2446,2450,2455,2459,2464,2468,2475,2486, + 2491,2500,2506,2526,2538,2540,2565,2569,2573,2576,2579,2583,2587, + 2590,2593,2597,2601,2605,2609,2613,2617,2623,2629,2636,2639,2649, + 2655,2661,2665,2667,2672,2674,2684,2687,2691,2694,2699,2711,2718, + 2723,2727,2730,2733,2736,2738,2743,2750,2754,2756,2760,2779,2784, + 2787,2791,2797,2800,2807,2820,2823,2825,2832,2838,2841,2847,2851, + 2854,2857,2860,2864,2868,2872,2880,2885,2895,2901,2905,2909,2914, + 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3922,3925,3930,3933,3939,3945,3947,3952,3956,3963,3967,3971,3977, + 3982,3985,3988,3992,3999,4002,4005,4008,4013,4018,4022,4027,4033, + 4036,4039,4042,4046,4051,4056,4059,4067,4072,4075,4078,4081,4084, + 4090,4095,4098,4103,4106,4112,4116,4120,4128,4133,4137,4142,4150, + 4152,4159,4165,4168,4171,4177,4185,4190,4198,4203,4207,4211,4224, + 4230,4235,4240,4245,4249,4252,4257,4261,4265,4274,4278,4286,4290, + 4293,4295,4301,4304,4307,4314,4317,4325,4328,4334,4337,4343,4347, + 4352,4358,4366,4372,4377,4379,4385,4390,4395,4401,4408,4410,4416, + 4424,4431,4437,4441,4446,4451,4457,4463,4468,4472,4476,4483,4486, + 4491,4495,4500,4504,4508,4513,4516,4520,4525,4528,4531,4534,4541, + 4545,4553,4558,4562,4571,4583,4587,4591,4598,4602,4610,4617,4622, + 4625,4628,4631,4636,4640,4647,4651,4655,4662,4664,4670,4675,4679, + 4685,4689,4693,4699,4705,4710,4713,4718,4726,4729,4734,4738,4743, + 4753,4755,4762,4767,4780,4786,4789,4798,4803,4806,4809,4812,4815, + 4818,4821,4824,4827,4830,4836,4841,4845,4852,4855,4858,4861,4871, + 4873,4882,4887,4891,4894,4901,4909,4914,4918,4921,4928,4934,4938, + 4942,4950,4955,4958,4962,4965,4973,4976,4979,4982,4989,4993,4996, + 5001,5004,5016,5019,5024,5027,5030,5034,5037,5040,5043,5046,5060, + 5064,5068,5073,5079,5082,5090,5093,5098,5104,5109,5115,5126,5130, + 5134,5141,5144,5147,5150,5155,5159,5164,5168,5172,5177,5180,5184, + 5187,5190,5194,5199,5202,5205,5208,5215,5219,5226,5230,5239,5244, + 5248,5257,5269,5274,5277,5280,5283,5287,5291,5296,5302,5308,5313, + 5316,5323,5329,5333,5336,5339,5342,5347,5351,5355,5359,5364,5369, + 5375,5384,5387,5390,5393,5398,5404,5409,5417,5426,5430,5434,5438, + 5442,5451,5454,5457,5460,5463,5470,5473,5477,5480,5484,5488,5492, + 5498,5502,5505,5509,5515,5520,5527,5534,5537,5541,5546,5557,5559, + 5562,5566,5571,5577,5580,5585,5590,5593,5596,5599,5602,5605,5608, + 5613,5617,5622,5628,5631,5636,5642,5647,5653,5657,5663,5668,5674, + 5679,5684,5690,5695,5699,5705,5710,5716,5720,5727,5732,5739,5743, + 5749,5754,5760,5767,5777,5784,5790,5802,5808,5816,5818,5821,5832, + 5836,5839,5848,5854,5858,5863,5869,5872,5877,5882,5890,5894,5897, + 5916,5919,5922,5926,5931,5936,5939,5944,5949,5954,5959,5962,5965, + 5968,5976,5982,5988,5993,6000,6004,6011,6016,6023,6027,6033,6045, + 6049,6052,6058,6062,6065,6071,6075,6080,6083,6086,6099,6138,6150, + 6164,6168,6171,6175,6187,6203,6210,6218,6226,6245,6262,6280,6285 + ] + +class Cobol85Parser ( Parser ): + + grammarFileName = "Cobol85.g4" + + atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN()) + + decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ] + + sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache() + + literalNames = [ "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", "", + "", "", "", 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"LEVEL_NUMBER_66", + "LEVEL_NUMBER_77", "LEVEL_NUMBER_88", "INTEGERLITERAL", + "NUMERICLITERAL", "IDENTIFIER", "NEWLINE", "EXECCICSLINE", + "EXECSQLIMSLINE", "EXECSQLLINE", "COMMENTENTRYLINE", + "COMMENTLINE", "WS", "SEPARATOR" ] + + RULE_startRule = 0 + RULE_compilationUnit = 1 + RULE_programUnit = 2 + RULE_endProgramStatement = 3 + RULE_identificationDivision = 4 + RULE_identificationDivisionBody = 5 + RULE_programIdParagraph = 6 + RULE_authorParagraph = 7 + RULE_installationParagraph = 8 + RULE_dateWrittenParagraph = 9 + RULE_dateCompiledParagraph = 10 + RULE_securityParagraph = 11 + RULE_remarksParagraph = 12 + RULE_environmentDivision = 13 + RULE_environmentDivisionBody = 14 + RULE_configurationSection = 15 + RULE_configurationSectionParagraph = 16 + RULE_sourceComputerParagraph = 17 + RULE_objectComputerParagraph = 18 + RULE_objectComputerClause = 19 + RULE_memorySizeClause = 20 + RULE_diskSizeClause = 21 + RULE_collatingSequenceClause = 22 + 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RULE_fileControlEntry = 53 + RULE_selectClause = 54 + RULE_fileControlClause = 55 + RULE_assignClause = 56 + RULE_reserveClause = 57 + RULE_organizationClause = 58 + RULE_paddingCharacterClause = 59 + RULE_recordDelimiterClause = 60 + RULE_accessModeClause = 61 + RULE_recordKeyClause = 62 + RULE_alternateRecordKeyClause = 63 + RULE_passwordClause = 64 + RULE_fileStatusClause = 65 + RULE_relativeKeyClause = 66 + RULE_ioControlParagraph = 67 + RULE_ioControlClause = 68 + RULE_rerunClause = 69 + RULE_rerunEveryRecords = 70 + RULE_rerunEveryOf = 71 + RULE_rerunEveryClock = 72 + RULE_sameClause = 73 + RULE_multipleFileClause = 74 + RULE_multipleFilePosition = 75 + RULE_commitmentControlClause = 76 + RULE_dataDivision = 77 + RULE_dataDivisionSection = 78 + RULE_fileSection = 79 + RULE_fileDescriptionEntry = 80 + RULE_fileDescriptionEntryClause = 81 + RULE_externalClause = 82 + RULE_globalClause = 83 + RULE_blockContainsClause = 84 + RULE_blockContainsTo = 85 + RULE_recordContainsClause = 86 + RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat1 = 87 + RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat2 = 88 + RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat3 = 89 + RULE_recordContainsTo = 90 + RULE_labelRecordsClause = 91 + RULE_valueOfClause = 92 + RULE_valuePair = 93 + RULE_dataRecordsClause = 94 + RULE_linageClause = 95 + RULE_linageAt = 96 + RULE_linageFootingAt = 97 + RULE_linageLinesAtTop = 98 + RULE_linageLinesAtBottom = 99 + RULE_recordingModeClause = 100 + RULE_modeStatement = 101 + RULE_codeSetClause = 102 + RULE_reportClause = 103 + RULE_dataBaseSection = 104 + RULE_dataBaseSectionEntry = 105 + RULE_workingStorageSection = 106 + RULE_linkageSection = 107 + RULE_communicationSection = 108 + RULE_communicationDescriptionEntry = 109 + RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1 = 110 + RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2 = 111 + RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3 = 112 + RULE_destinationCountClause = 113 + RULE_destinationTableClause = 114 + RULE_endKeyClause = 115 + RULE_errorKeyClause = 116 + RULE_messageCountClause = 117 + RULE_messageDateClause = 118 + RULE_messageTimeClause = 119 + RULE_statusKeyClause = 120 + RULE_symbolicDestinationClause = 121 + RULE_symbolicQueueClause = 122 + RULE_symbolicSourceClause = 123 + RULE_symbolicTerminalClause = 124 + RULE_symbolicSubQueueClause = 125 + RULE_textLengthClause = 126 + RULE_localStorageSection = 127 + RULE_screenSection = 128 + RULE_screenDescriptionEntry = 129 + RULE_screenDescriptionBlankClause = 130 + RULE_screenDescriptionBellClause = 131 + RULE_screenDescriptionBlinkClause = 132 + RULE_screenDescriptionEraseClause = 133 + RULE_screenDescriptionLightClause = 134 + RULE_screenDescriptionGridClause = 135 + RULE_screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause = 136 + RULE_screenDescriptionUnderlineClause = 137 + RULE_screenDescriptionSizeClause = 138 + RULE_screenDescriptionLineClause = 139 + RULE_screenDescriptionColumnClause = 140 + RULE_screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause = 141 + RULE_screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause = 142 + RULE_screenDescriptionControlClause = 143 + RULE_screenDescriptionValueClause = 144 + RULE_screenDescriptionPictureClause = 145 + RULE_screenDescriptionFromClause = 146 + RULE_screenDescriptionToClause = 147 + RULE_screenDescriptionUsingClause = 148 + RULE_screenDescriptionUsageClause = 149 + RULE_screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause = 150 + RULE_screenDescriptionJustifiedClause = 151 + RULE_screenDescriptionSignClause = 152 + RULE_screenDescriptionAutoClause = 153 + RULE_screenDescriptionSecureClause = 154 + RULE_screenDescriptionRequiredClause = 155 + RULE_screenDescriptionPromptClause = 156 + RULE_screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause = 157 + RULE_screenDescriptionFullClause = 158 + RULE_screenDescriptionZeroFillClause = 159 + RULE_reportSection = 160 + RULE_reportDescription = 161 + RULE_reportDescriptionEntry = 162 + RULE_reportDescriptionGlobalClause = 163 + RULE_reportDescriptionPageLimitClause = 164 + RULE_reportDescriptionHeadingClause = 165 + RULE_reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause = 166 + RULE_reportDescriptionLastDetailClause = 167 + RULE_reportDescriptionFootingClause = 168 + RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntry = 169 + RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1 = 170 + RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2 = 171 + RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3 = 172 + RULE_reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause = 173 + RULE_reportGroupColumnNumberClause = 174 + RULE_reportGroupIndicateClause = 175 + RULE_reportGroupJustifiedClause = 176 + RULE_reportGroupLineNumberClause = 177 + RULE_reportGroupLineNumberNextPage = 178 + RULE_reportGroupLineNumberPlus = 179 + RULE_reportGroupNextGroupClause = 180 + RULE_reportGroupNextGroupPlus = 181 + RULE_reportGroupNextGroupNextPage = 182 + RULE_reportGroupPictureClause = 183 + RULE_reportGroupResetClause = 184 + RULE_reportGroupSignClause = 185 + RULE_reportGroupSourceClause = 186 + RULE_reportGroupSumClause = 187 + RULE_reportGroupTypeClause = 188 + RULE_reportGroupTypeReportHeading = 189 + RULE_reportGroupTypePageHeading = 190 + RULE_reportGroupTypeControlHeading = 191 + RULE_reportGroupTypeDetail = 192 + RULE_reportGroupTypeControlFooting = 193 + RULE_reportGroupUsageClause = 194 + RULE_reportGroupTypePageFooting = 195 + RULE_reportGroupTypeReportFooting = 196 + RULE_reportGroupValueClause = 197 + RULE_programLibrarySection = 198 + RULE_libraryDescriptionEntry = 199 + RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1 = 200 + RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2 = 201 + RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat1 = 202 + RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat2 = 203 + RULE_libraryAttributeFunction = 204 + RULE_libraryAttributeParameter = 205 + RULE_libraryAttributeTitle = 206 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1 = 207 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2 = 208 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureForClause = 209 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause = 210 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause = 211 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingName = 212 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithClause = 213 + RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithName = 214 + RULE_libraryIsCommonClause = 215 + RULE_libraryIsGlobalClause = 216 + RULE_dataDescriptionEntry = 217 + RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 = 218 + RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat2 = 219 + RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat3 = 220 + RULE_dataDescriptionEntryExecSql = 221 + RULE_dataAlignedClause = 222 + RULE_dataBlankWhenZeroClause = 223 + RULE_dataCommonOwnLocalClause = 224 + RULE_dataExternalClause = 225 + RULE_dataGlobalClause = 226 + RULE_dataIntegerStringClause = 227 + RULE_dataJustifiedClause = 228 + RULE_dataOccursClause = 229 + RULE_dataOccursTo = 230 + RULE_dataOccursSort = 231 + RULE_dataPictureClause = 232 + RULE_pictureString = 233 + RULE_pictureChars = 234 + RULE_pictureCardinality = 235 + RULE_dataReceivedByClause = 236 + RULE_dataRecordAreaClause = 237 + RULE_dataRedefinesClause = 238 + RULE_dataRenamesClause = 239 + RULE_dataSignClause = 240 + RULE_dataSynchronizedClause = 241 + RULE_dataThreadLocalClause = 242 + RULE_dataTypeClause = 243 + RULE_dataTypeDefClause = 244 + RULE_dataUsageClause = 245 + RULE_dataUsingClause = 246 + RULE_dataValueClause = 247 + RULE_dataValueInterval = 248 + RULE_dataValueIntervalFrom = 249 + RULE_dataValueIntervalTo = 250 + RULE_dataWithLowerBoundsClause = 251 + RULE_procedureDivision = 252 + RULE_procedureDivisionUsingClause = 253 + RULE_procedureDivisionGivingClause = 254 + RULE_procedureDivisionUsingParameter = 255 + RULE_procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase = 256 + RULE_procedureDivisionByReference = 257 + RULE_procedureDivisionByValuePhrase = 258 + RULE_procedureDivisionByValue = 259 + RULE_procedureDeclaratives = 260 + RULE_procedureDeclarative = 261 + RULE_procedureSectionHeader = 262 + RULE_procedureDivisionBody = 263 + RULE_procedureSection = 264 + RULE_paragraphs = 265 + RULE_paragraph = 266 + RULE_sentence = 267 + RULE_statement = 268 + RULE_acceptStatement = 269 + RULE_acceptFromDateStatement = 270 + RULE_acceptFromMnemonicStatement = 271 + RULE_acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement = 272 + RULE_acceptMessageCountStatement = 273 + RULE_addStatement = 274 + RULE_addToStatement = 275 + RULE_addToGivingStatement = 276 + RULE_addCorrespondingStatement = 277 + RULE_addFrom = 278 + RULE_addTo = 279 + RULE_addToGiving = 280 + RULE_addGiving = 281 + RULE_alteredGoTo = 282 + RULE_alterStatement = 283 + RULE_alterProceedTo = 284 + RULE_callStatement = 285 + RULE_callUsingPhrase = 286 + RULE_callUsingParameter = 287 + RULE_callByReferencePhrase = 288 + RULE_callByReference = 289 + RULE_callByValuePhrase = 290 + RULE_callByValue = 291 + RULE_callByContentPhrase = 292 + RULE_callByContent = 293 + RULE_callGivingPhrase = 294 + RULE_cancelStatement = 295 + RULE_cancelCall = 296 + RULE_closeStatement = 297 + RULE_closeFile = 298 + RULE_closeReelUnitStatement = 299 + RULE_closeRelativeStatement = 300 + RULE_closePortFileIOStatement = 301 + RULE_closePortFileIOUsing = 302 + RULE_closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition = 303 + RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData = 304 + RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength = 305 + RULE_computeStatement = 306 + RULE_computeStore = 307 + RULE_continueStatement = 308 + RULE_deleteStatement = 309 + RULE_disableStatement = 310 + RULE_displayStatement = 311 + RULE_displayOperand = 312 + RULE_displayAt = 313 + RULE_displayUpon = 314 + RULE_displayWith = 315 + RULE_divideStatement = 316 + RULE_divideIntoStatement = 317 + RULE_divideIntoGivingStatement = 318 + RULE_divideByGivingStatement = 319 + RULE_divideGivingPhrase = 320 + RULE_divideInto = 321 + RULE_divideGiving = 322 + RULE_divideRemainder = 323 + RULE_enableStatement = 324 + RULE_entryStatement = 325 + RULE_evaluateStatement = 326 + RULE_evaluateSelect = 327 + RULE_evaluateAlsoSelect = 328 + RULE_evaluateWhenPhrase = 329 + RULE_evaluateWhen = 330 + RULE_evaluateCondition = 331 + RULE_evaluateThrough = 332 + RULE_evaluateAlsoCondition = 333 + RULE_evaluateWhenOther = 334 + RULE_evaluateValue = 335 + RULE_execCicsStatement = 336 + RULE_execSqlStatement = 337 + RULE_execSqlImsStatement = 338 + RULE_exhibitStatement = 339 + RULE_exhibitOperand = 340 + RULE_exitStatement = 341 + RULE_generateStatement = 342 + RULE_gobackStatement = 343 + RULE_goToStatement = 344 + RULE_goToStatementSimple = 345 + RULE_goToDependingOnStatement = 346 + RULE_ifStatement = 347 + RULE_ifThen = 348 + RULE_ifElse = 349 + RULE_initializeStatement = 350 + RULE_initializeReplacingPhrase = 351 + RULE_initializeReplacingBy = 352 + RULE_initiateStatement = 353 + RULE_inspectStatement = 354 + RULE_inspectTallyingPhrase = 355 + RULE_inspectReplacingPhrase = 356 + RULE_inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase = 357 + RULE_inspectConvertingPhrase = 358 + RULE_inspectFor = 359 + RULE_inspectCharacters = 360 + RULE_inspectReplacingCharacters = 361 + RULE_inspectAllLeadings = 362 + RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeadings = 363 + RULE_inspectAllLeading = 364 + RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeading = 365 + RULE_inspectBy = 366 + RULE_inspectTo = 367 + RULE_inspectBeforeAfter = 368 + RULE_mergeStatement = 369 + RULE_mergeOnKeyClause = 370 + RULE_mergeCollatingSequencePhrase = 371 + RULE_mergeCollatingAlphanumeric = 372 + RULE_mergeCollatingNational = 373 + RULE_mergeUsing = 374 + RULE_mergeOutputProcedurePhrase = 375 + RULE_mergeOutputThrough = 376 + RULE_mergeGivingPhrase = 377 + RULE_mergeGiving = 378 + RULE_moveStatement = 379 + RULE_moveToStatement = 380 + RULE_moveToSendingArea = 381 + RULE_moveCorrespondingToStatement = 382 + RULE_moveCorrespondingToSendingArea = 383 + RULE_multiplyStatement = 384 + RULE_multiplyRegular = 385 + RULE_multiplyRegularOperand = 386 + RULE_multiplyGiving = 387 + RULE_multiplyGivingOperand = 388 + RULE_multiplyGivingResult = 389 + RULE_openStatement = 390 + RULE_openInputStatement = 391 + RULE_openInput = 392 + RULE_openOutputStatement = 393 + RULE_openOutput = 394 + RULE_openIOStatement = 395 + RULE_openExtendStatement = 396 + RULE_performStatement = 397 + RULE_performInlineStatement = 398 + RULE_performProcedureStatement = 399 + RULE_performType = 400 + RULE_performTimes = 401 + RULE_performUntil = 402 + RULE_performVarying = 403 + RULE_performVaryingClause = 404 + RULE_performVaryingPhrase = 405 + RULE_performAfter = 406 + RULE_performFrom = 407 + RULE_performBy = 408 + RULE_performTestClause = 409 + RULE_purgeStatement = 410 + RULE_readStatement = 411 + RULE_readInto = 412 + RULE_readWith = 413 + RULE_readKey = 414 + RULE_receiveStatement = 415 + RULE_receiveFromStatement = 416 + RULE_receiveFrom = 417 + RULE_receiveIntoStatement = 418 + RULE_receiveNoData = 419 + RULE_receiveWithData = 420 + RULE_receiveBefore = 421 + RULE_receiveWith = 422 + RULE_receiveThread = 423 + RULE_receiveSize = 424 + RULE_receiveStatus = 425 + RULE_releaseStatement = 426 + RULE_returnStatement = 427 + RULE_returnInto = 428 + RULE_rewriteStatement = 429 + RULE_rewriteFrom = 430 + RULE_searchStatement = 431 + RULE_searchVarying = 432 + RULE_searchWhen = 433 + RULE_sendStatement = 434 + RULE_sendStatementSync = 435 + RULE_sendStatementAsync = 436 + RULE_sendFromPhrase = 437 + RULE_sendWithPhrase = 438 + RULE_sendReplacingPhrase = 439 + RULE_sendAdvancingPhrase = 440 + RULE_sendAdvancingPage = 441 + RULE_sendAdvancingLines = 442 + RULE_sendAdvancingMnemonic = 443 + RULE_setStatement = 444 + RULE_setToStatement = 445 + RULE_setUpDownByStatement = 446 + RULE_setTo = 447 + RULE_setToValue = 448 + RULE_setByValue = 449 + RULE_sortStatement = 450 + RULE_sortOnKeyClause = 451 + RULE_sortDuplicatesPhrase = 452 + RULE_sortCollatingSequencePhrase = 453 + RULE_sortCollatingAlphanumeric = 454 + RULE_sortCollatingNational = 455 + RULE_sortInputProcedurePhrase = 456 + RULE_sortInputThrough = 457 + RULE_sortUsing = 458 + RULE_sortOutputProcedurePhrase = 459 + RULE_sortOutputThrough = 460 + RULE_sortGivingPhrase = 461 + RULE_sortGiving = 462 + RULE_startStatement = 463 + RULE_startKey = 464 + RULE_stopStatement = 465 + RULE_stringStatement = 466 + RULE_stringSendingPhrase = 467 + RULE_stringSending = 468 + RULE_stringDelimitedByPhrase = 469 + RULE_stringForPhrase = 470 + RULE_stringIntoPhrase = 471 + RULE_stringWithPointerPhrase = 472 + RULE_subtractStatement = 473 + RULE_subtractFromStatement = 474 + RULE_subtractFromGivingStatement = 475 + RULE_subtractCorrespondingStatement = 476 + RULE_subtractSubtrahend = 477 + RULE_subtractMinuend = 478 + RULE_subtractMinuendGiving = 479 + RULE_subtractGiving = 480 + RULE_subtractMinuendCorresponding = 481 + RULE_terminateStatement = 482 + RULE_unstringStatement = 483 + RULE_unstringSendingPhrase = 484 + RULE_unstringDelimitedByPhrase = 485 + RULE_unstringOrAllPhrase = 486 + RULE_unstringIntoPhrase = 487 + RULE_unstringInto = 488 + RULE_unstringDelimiterIn = 489 + RULE_unstringCountIn = 490 + RULE_unstringWithPointerPhrase = 491 + RULE_unstringTallyingPhrase = 492 + RULE_useStatement = 493 + RULE_useAfterClause = 494 + RULE_useAfterOn = 495 + RULE_useDebugClause = 496 + RULE_useDebugOn = 497 + RULE_writeStatement = 498 + RULE_writeFromPhrase = 499 + RULE_writeAdvancingPhrase = 500 + RULE_writeAdvancingPage = 501 + RULE_writeAdvancingLines = 502 + RULE_writeAdvancingMnemonic = 503 + RULE_writeAtEndOfPagePhrase = 504 + RULE_writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase = 505 + RULE_atEndPhrase = 506 + RULE_notAtEndPhrase = 507 + RULE_invalidKeyPhrase = 508 + RULE_notInvalidKeyPhrase = 509 + RULE_onOverflowPhrase = 510 + RULE_notOnOverflowPhrase = 511 + RULE_onSizeErrorPhrase = 512 + RULE_notOnSizeErrorPhrase = 513 + RULE_onExceptionClause = 514 + RULE_notOnExceptionClause = 515 + RULE_arithmeticExpression = 516 + RULE_plusMinus = 517 + RULE_multDivs = 518 + RULE_multDiv = 519 + RULE_powers = 520 + RULE_power = 521 + RULE_basis = 522 + RULE_condition = 523 + RULE_andOrCondition = 524 + RULE_combinableCondition = 525 + RULE_simpleCondition = 526 + RULE_classCondition = 527 + RULE_conditionNameReference = 528 + RULE_conditionNameSubscriptReference = 529 + RULE_relationCondition = 530 + RULE_relationSignCondition = 531 + RULE_relationArithmeticComparison = 532 + RULE_relationCombinedComparison = 533 + RULE_relationCombinedCondition = 534 + RULE_relationalOperator = 535 + RULE_abbreviation = 536 + RULE_identifier = 537 + RULE_tableCall = 538 + RULE_functionCall = 539 + RULE_referenceModifier = 540 + RULE_characterPosition = 541 + RULE_length = 542 + RULE_subscript_ = 543 + RULE_argument = 544 + RULE_qualifiedDataName = 545 + RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat1 = 546 + RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat2 = 547 + RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat3 = 548 + RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat4 = 549 + RULE_qualifiedInData = 550 + RULE_inData = 551 + RULE_inFile = 552 + RULE_inMnemonic = 553 + RULE_inSection = 554 + RULE_inLibrary = 555 + RULE_inTable = 556 + RULE_alphabetName = 557 + RULE_assignmentName = 558 + RULE_basisName = 559 + RULE_cdName = 560 + RULE_className = 561 + RULE_computerName = 562 + RULE_conditionName = 563 + RULE_dataName = 564 + RULE_dataDescName = 565 + RULE_environmentName = 566 + RULE_fileName = 567 + RULE_functionName = 568 + RULE_indexName = 569 + RULE_languageName = 570 + RULE_libraryName = 571 + RULE_localName = 572 + RULE_mnemonicName = 573 + RULE_paragraphName = 574 + RULE_procedureName = 575 + RULE_programName = 576 + RULE_recordName = 577 + RULE_reportName = 578 + RULE_routineName = 579 + RULE_screenName = 580 + RULE_sectionName = 581 + RULE_systemName = 582 + RULE_symbolicCharacter = 583 + RULE_textName = 584 + RULE_cobolWord = 585 + RULE_literal = 586 + RULE_booleanLiteral = 587 + RULE_numericLiteral = 588 + RULE_integerLiteral = 589 + RULE_cicsDfhRespLiteral = 590 + RULE_cicsDfhValueLiteral = 591 + RULE_figurativeConstant = 592 + RULE_specialRegister = 593 + RULE_commentEntry = 594 + + ruleNames = [ "startRule", "compilationUnit", "programUnit", "endProgramStatement", + "identificationDivision", "identificationDivisionBody", + "programIdParagraph", "authorParagraph", "installationParagraph", + "dateWrittenParagraph", "dateCompiledParagraph", "securityParagraph", + "remarksParagraph", "environmentDivision", "environmentDivisionBody", + "configurationSection", "configurationSectionParagraph", + "sourceComputerParagraph", "objectComputerParagraph", + "objectComputerClause", "memorySizeClause", "diskSizeClause", + "collatingSequenceClause", "collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric", + "collatingSequenceClauseNational", "segmentLimitClause", + "characterSetClause", "specialNamesParagraph", "specialNameClause", + "alphabetClause", "alphabetClauseFormat1", "alphabetLiterals", + "alphabetThrough", "alphabetAlso", "alphabetClauseFormat2", + "channelClause", "classClause", "classClauseThrough", + "classClauseFrom", "classClauseTo", "currencySignClause", + "decimalPointClause", "defaultComputationalSignClause", + "defaultDisplaySignClause", "environmentSwitchNameClause", + "environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase", "odtClause", + "reserveNetworkClause", "symbolicCharactersClause", "symbolicCharacters", + "inputOutputSection", "inputOutputSectionParagraph", + "fileControlParagraph", "fileControlEntry", "selectClause", + "fileControlClause", "assignClause", "reserveClause", + "organizationClause", "paddingCharacterClause", "recordDelimiterClause", + "accessModeClause", "recordKeyClause", "alternateRecordKeyClause", + "passwordClause", "fileStatusClause", "relativeKeyClause", + "ioControlParagraph", "ioControlClause", "rerunClause", + "rerunEveryRecords", "rerunEveryOf", "rerunEveryClock", + "sameClause", "multipleFileClause", "multipleFilePosition", + "commitmentControlClause", "dataDivision", "dataDivisionSection", + "fileSection", "fileDescriptionEntry", "fileDescriptionEntryClause", + "externalClause", "globalClause", "blockContainsClause", + "blockContainsTo", "recordContainsClause", "recordContainsClauseFormat1", + "recordContainsClauseFormat2", "recordContainsClauseFormat3", + "recordContainsTo", "labelRecordsClause", "valueOfClause", + "valuePair", "dataRecordsClause", "linageClause", "linageAt", + "linageFootingAt", "linageLinesAtTop", 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"performBy", "performTestClause", "purgeStatement", + "readStatement", "readInto", "readWith", "readKey", "receiveStatement", + "receiveFromStatement", "receiveFrom", "receiveIntoStatement", + "receiveNoData", "receiveWithData", "receiveBefore", + "receiveWith", "receiveThread", "receiveSize", "receiveStatus", + "releaseStatement", "returnStatement", "returnInto", + "rewriteStatement", "rewriteFrom", "searchStatement", + "searchVarying", "searchWhen", "sendStatement", "sendStatementSync", + "sendStatementAsync", "sendFromPhrase", "sendWithPhrase", + "sendReplacingPhrase", "sendAdvancingPhrase", "sendAdvancingPage", + "sendAdvancingLines", "sendAdvancingMnemonic", "setStatement", + "setToStatement", "setUpDownByStatement", "setTo", "setToValue", + "setByValue", "sortStatement", "sortOnKeyClause", "sortDuplicatesPhrase", + "sortCollatingSequencePhrase", "sortCollatingAlphanumeric", + "sortCollatingNational", "sortInputProcedurePhrase", + "sortInputThrough", "sortUsing", "sortOutputProcedurePhrase", + "sortOutputThrough", "sortGivingPhrase", "sortGiving", + "startStatement", "startKey", "stopStatement", "stringStatement", + "stringSendingPhrase", "stringSending", "stringDelimitedByPhrase", + "stringForPhrase", "stringIntoPhrase", "stringWithPointerPhrase", + "subtractStatement", "subtractFromStatement", "subtractFromGivingStatement", + "subtractCorrespondingStatement", "subtractSubtrahend", + "subtractMinuend", "subtractMinuendGiving", "subtractGiving", + "subtractMinuendCorresponding", "terminateStatement", + "unstringStatement", "unstringSendingPhrase", "unstringDelimitedByPhrase", + "unstringOrAllPhrase", "unstringIntoPhrase", "unstringInto", + "unstringDelimiterIn", "unstringCountIn", "unstringWithPointerPhrase", + "unstringTallyingPhrase", "useStatement", "useAfterClause", + "useAfterOn", "useDebugClause", "useDebugOn", "writeStatement", + "writeFromPhrase", "writeAdvancingPhrase", "writeAdvancingPage", + "writeAdvancingLines", "writeAdvancingMnemonic", "writeAtEndOfPagePhrase", + "writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase", "atEndPhrase", "notAtEndPhrase", + "invalidKeyPhrase", "notInvalidKeyPhrase", "onOverflowPhrase", + "notOnOverflowPhrase", "onSizeErrorPhrase", "notOnSizeErrorPhrase", + "onExceptionClause", "notOnExceptionClause", "arithmeticExpression", + "plusMinus", "multDivs", "multDiv", "powers", "power", + "basis", "condition", "andOrCondition", "combinableCondition", + "simpleCondition", "classCondition", "conditionNameReference", + "conditionNameSubscriptReference", "relationCondition", + "relationSignCondition", "relationArithmeticComparison", + "relationCombinedComparison", "relationCombinedCondition", + "relationalOperator", "abbreviation", "identifier", "tableCall", + "functionCall", "referenceModifier", "characterPosition", + "length", "subscript_", "argument", "qualifiedDataName", + "qualifiedDataNameFormat1", "qualifiedDataNameFormat2", + "qualifiedDataNameFormat3", "qualifiedDataNameFormat4", + "qualifiedInData", "inData", "inFile", "inMnemonic", + "inSection", "inLibrary", "inTable", "alphabetName", + "assignmentName", "basisName", "cdName", "className", + "computerName", "conditionName", "dataName", "dataDescName", + "environmentName", "fileName", "functionName", "indexName", + "languageName", "libraryName", "localName", "mnemonicName", + "paragraphName", "procedureName", "programName", "recordName", + "reportName", "routineName", "screenName", "sectionName", + "systemName", "symbolicCharacter", "textName", "cobolWord", + "literal", "booleanLiteral", "numericLiteral", "integerLiteral", + "cicsDfhRespLiteral", "cicsDfhValueLiteral", "figurativeConstant", + "specialRegister", "commentEntry" ] + + EOF = Token.EOF + ABORT=1 + ACCEPT=2 + ACCESS=3 + ADD=4 + ADDRESS=5 + ADVANCING=6 + AFTER=7 + ALIGNED=8 + ALL=9 + ALPHABET=10 + ALPHABETIC=11 + ALPHABETIC_LOWER=12 + ALPHABETIC_UPPER=13 + ALPHANUMERIC=14 + ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED=15 + ALSO=16 + ALTER=17 + ALTERNATE=18 + AND=19 + ANY=20 + ARE=21 + AREA=22 + AREAS=23 + AS=24 + ASCENDING=25 + ASCII=26 + ASSIGN=27 + ASSOCIATED_DATA=28 + ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH=29 + AT=30 + ATTRIBUTE=31 + AUTHOR=32 + AUTO=33 + AUTO_SKIP=34 + BACKGROUND_COLOR=35 + BACKGROUND_COLOUR=36 + BASIS=37 + BEEP=38 + BEFORE=39 + BEGINNING=40 + BELL=41 + BINARY=42 + BIT=43 + BLANK=44 + BLINK=45 + BLOCK=46 + BOUNDS=47 + BOTTOM=48 + BY=49 + BYFUNCTION=50 + BYTITLE=51 + CALL=52 + CANCEL=53 + CAPABLE=54 + CCSVERSION=55 + CD=56 + CF=57 + CH=58 + CHAINING=59 + CHANGED=60 + CHANNEL=61 + CHARACTER=62 + CHARACTERS=63 + CLASS=64 + CLASS_ID=65 + CLOCK_UNITS=66 + CLOSE=67 + CLOSE_DISPOSITION=68 + COBOL=69 + CODE=70 + CODE_SET=71 + COLLATING=72 + COL=73 + COLUMN=74 + COM_REG=75 + COMMA=76 + COMMITMENT=77 + COMMON=78 + COMMUNICATION=79 + COMP=80 + COMP_1=81 + COMP_2=82 + COMP_3=83 + COMP_4=84 + COMP_5=85 + COMPUTATIONAL=86 + COMPUTATIONAL_1=87 + COMPUTATIONAL_2=88 + COMPUTATIONAL_3=89 + COMPUTATIONAL_4=90 + COMPUTATIONAL_5=91 + COMPUTE=92 + CONFIGURATION=93 + CONTAINS=94 + CONTENT=95 + CONTINUE=96 + CONTROL=97 + CONTROL_POINT=98 + CONTROLS=99 + CONVENTION=100 + CONVERTING=101 + COPY=102 + CORR=103 + CORRESPONDING=104 + COUNT=105 + CRUNCH=106 + CURRENCY=107 + CURSOR=108 + DATA=109 + DATA_BASE=110 + DATE=111 + DATE_COMPILED=112 + DATE_WRITTEN=113 + DAY=114 + DAY_OF_WEEK=115 + DBCS=116 + DE=117 + DEBUG_CONTENTS=118 + DEBUG_ITEM=119 + DEBUG_LINE=120 + DEBUG_NAME=121 + DEBUG_SUB_1=122 + DEBUG_SUB_2=123 + DEBUG_SUB_3=124 + DEBUGGING=125 + DECIMAL_POINT=126 + DECLARATIVES=127 + DEFAULT=128 + DEFAULT_DISPLAY=129 + DEFINITION=130 + DELETE=131 + DELIMITED=132 + DELIMITER=133 + DEPENDING=134 + DESCENDING=135 + DESTINATION=136 + DETAIL=137 + DFHRESP=138 + DFHVALUE=139 + DISABLE=140 + DISK=141 + DISPLAY=142 + DISPLAY_1=143 + DIVIDE=144 + DIVISION=145 + DONTCARE=146 + DOUBLE=147 + DOWN=148 + DUPLICATES=149 + DYNAMIC=150 + EBCDIC=151 + EGCS=152 + EGI=153 + ELSE=154 + EMI=155 + EMPTY_CHECK=156 + ENABLE=157 + END=158 + END_ACCEPT=159 + END_ADD=160 + END_CALL=161 + END_COMPUTE=162 + END_DELETE=163 + END_DIVIDE=164 + END_EVALUATE=165 + END_IF=166 + END_MULTIPLY=167 + END_OF_PAGE=168 + END_PERFORM=169 + END_READ=170 + END_RECEIVE=171 + END_RETURN=172 + END_REWRITE=173 + END_SEARCH=174 + END_START=175 + END_STRING=176 + END_SUBTRACT=177 + END_UNSTRING=178 + END_WRITE=179 + ENDING=180 + ENTER=181 + ENTRY=182 + ENTRY_PROCEDURE=183 + ENVIRONMENT=184 + EOP=185 + EQUAL=186 + ERASE=187 + ERROR=188 + EOL=189 + EOS=190 + ESCAPE=191 + ESI=192 + EVALUATE=193 + EVENT=194 + EVERY=195 + EXCEPTION=196 + EXCLUSIVE=197 + EXHIBIT=198 + EXIT=199 + EXPORT=200 + EXTEND=201 + EXTENDED=202 + EXTERNAL=203 + FALSE=204 + FD=205 + FILE=206 + FILE_CONTROL=207 + FILLER=208 + FINAL=209 + FIRST=210 + FOOTING=211 + FOR=212 + FOREGROUND_COLOR=213 + FOREGROUND_COLOUR=214 + FROM=215 + FULL=216 + FUNCTION=217 + FUNCTIONNAME=218 + FUNCTION_POINTER=219 + GENERATE=220 + GOBACK=221 + GIVING=222 + GLOBAL=223 + GO=224 + GREATER=225 + GRID=226 + GROUP=227 + HEADING=228 + HIGHLIGHT=229 + HIGH_VALUE=230 + HIGH_VALUES=231 + I_O=232 + I_O_CONTROL=233 + ID=234 + IDENTIFICATION=235 + IF=236 + IMPLICIT=237 + IMPORT=238 + IN=239 + INDEX=240 + INDEXED=241 + INDICATE=242 + INITIAL=243 + INITIALIZE=244 + INITIATE=245 + INPUT=246 + INPUT_OUTPUT=247 + INSPECT=248 + INSTALLATION=249 + INTEGER=250 + INTO=251 + INVALID=252 + INVOKE=253 + IS=254 + JUST=255 + JUSTIFIED=256 + KANJI=257 + KEPT=258 + KEY=259 + KEYBOARD=260 + LABEL=261 + LANGUAGE=262 + LAST=263 + LB=264 + LD=265 + LEADING=266 + LEFT=267 + LEFTLINE=268 + LENGTH=269 + LENGTH_CHECK=270 + LESS=271 + LIBACCESS=272 + LIBPARAMETER=273 + LIBRARY=274 + LIMIT=275 + LIMITS=276 + LINAGE=277 + LINAGE_COUNTER=278 + LINE=279 + LINES=280 + LINE_COUNTER=281 + LINKAGE=282 + LIST=283 + LOCAL=284 + LOCAL_STORAGE=285 + LOCK=286 + LONG_DATE=287 + LONG_TIME=288 + LOWER=289 + LOWLIGHT=290 + LOW_VALUE=291 + LOW_VALUES=292 + MEMORY=293 + MERGE=294 + MESSAGE=295 + MMDDYYYY=296 + MODE=297 + MODULES=298 + MORE_LABELS=299 + MOVE=300 + MULTIPLE=301 + MULTIPLY=302 + NAMED=303 + NATIONAL=304 + NATIONAL_EDITED=305 + NATIVE=306 + NEGATIVE=307 + NETWORK=308 + NEXT=309 + NO=310 + NO_ECHO=311 + NOT=312 + NULL_=313 + NULLS=314 + NUMBER=315 + NUMERIC=316 + NUMERIC_DATE=317 + NUMERIC_EDITED=318 + NUMERIC_TIME=319 + OBJECT_COMPUTER=320 + OCCURS=321 + ODT=322 + OF=323 + OFF=324 + OMITTED=325 + ON=326 + OPEN=327 + OPTIONAL=328 + OR=329 + ORDER=330 + ORDERLY=331 + ORGANIZATION=332 + OTHER=333 + OUTPUT=334 + OVERFLOW=335 + OVERLINE=336 + OWN=337 + PACKED_DECIMAL=338 + PADDING=339 + PAGE=340 + PAGE_COUNTER=341 + PASSWORD=342 + PERFORM=343 + PF=344 + PH=345 + PIC=346 + PICTURE=347 + PLUS=348 + POINTER=349 + POSITION=350 + POSITIVE=351 + PORT=352 + PRINTER=353 + PRINTING=354 + PRIVATE=355 + PROCEDURE=356 + PROCEDURE_POINTER=357 + PROCEDURES=358 + PROCEED=359 + PROCESS=360 + PROGRAM=361 + PROGRAM_ID=362 + PROGRAM_LIBRARY=363 + PROMPT=364 + PURGE=365 + QUEUE=366 + QUOTE=367 + QUOTES=368 + RANDOM=369 + READER=370 + REMOTE=371 + RD=372 + REAL=373 + READ=374 + RECEIVE=375 + RECEIVED=376 + RECORD=377 + RECORDING=378 + RECORDS=379 + RECURSIVE=380 + REDEFINES=381 + REEL=382 + REF=383 + REFERENCE=384 + REFERENCES=385 + RELATIVE=386 + RELEASE=387 + REMAINDER=388 + REMARKS=389 + REMOVAL=390 + REMOVE=391 + RENAMES=392 + REPLACE=393 + REPLACING=394 + REPORT=395 + REPORTING=396 + REPORTS=397 + REQUIRED=398 + RERUN=399 + RESERVE=400 + REVERSE_VIDEO=401 + RESET=402 + RETURN=403 + RETURN_CODE=404 + RETURNING=405 + REVERSED=406 + REWIND=407 + REWRITE=408 + RF=409 + RH=410 + RIGHT=411 + ROUNDED=412 + RUN=413 + SAME=414 + SAVE=415 + SCREEN=416 + SD=417 + SEARCH=418 + SECTION=419 + SECURE=420 + SECURITY=421 + SEGMENT=422 + SEGMENT_LIMIT=423 + SELECT=424 + SEND=425 + SENTENCE=426 + SEPARATE=427 + SEQUENCE=428 + SEQUENTIAL=429 + SET=430 + SHARED=431 + SHAREDBYALL=432 + SHAREDBYRUNUNIT=433 + SHARING=434 + SHIFT_IN=435 + SHIFT_OUT=436 + SHORT_DATE=437 + SIGN=438 + SIZE=439 + SORT=440 + SORT_CONTROL=441 + SORT_CORE_SIZE=442 + SORT_FILE_SIZE=443 + SORT_MERGE=444 + SORT_MESSAGE=445 + SORT_MODE_SIZE=446 + SORT_RETURN=447 + SOURCE=448 + SOURCE_COMPUTER=449 + SPACE=450 + SPACES=451 + SPECIAL_NAMES=452 + STANDARD=453 + STANDARD_1=454 + STANDARD_2=455 + START=456 + STATUS=457 + STOP=458 + STRING=459 + SUB_QUEUE_1=460 + SUB_QUEUE_2=461 + SUB_QUEUE_3=462 + SUBTRACT=463 + SUM=464 + SUPPRESS=465 + SYMBOL=466 + SYMBOLIC=467 + SYNC=468 + SYNCHRONIZED=469 + TABLE=470 + TALLY=471 + TALLYING=472 + TASK=473 + TAPE=474 + TERMINAL=475 + TERMINATE=476 + TEST=477 + TEXT=478 + THAN=479 + THEN=480 + THREAD=481 + THREAD_LOCAL=482 + THROUGH=483 + THRU=484 + TIME=485 + TIMER=486 + TIMES=487 + TITLE=488 + TO=489 + TODAYS_DATE=490 + TODAYS_NAME=491 + TOP=492 + TRAILING=493 + TRUE=494 + TRUNCATED=495 + TYPE=496 + TYPEDEF=497 + UNDERLINE=498 + UNIT=499 + UNSTRING=500 + UNTIL=501 + UP=502 + UPON=503 + USAGE=504 + USE=505 + USING=506 + VALUE=507 + VALUES=508 + VARYING=509 + VIRTUAL=510 + WAIT=511 + WHEN=512 + WHEN_COMPILED=513 + WITH=514 + WORDS=515 + WORKING_STORAGE=516 + WRITE=517 + YEAR=518 + YYYYMMDD=519 + YYYYDDD=520 + ZERO=521 + ZERO_FILL=522 + ZEROS=523 + ZEROES=524 + AMPCHAR=525 + ASTERISKCHAR=526 + DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR=527 + COLONCHAR=528 + COMMACHAR=529 + COMMENTENTRYTAG=530 + COMMENTTAG=531 + DOLLARCHAR=532 + DOUBLEQUOTE=533 + DOT_FS=534 + DOT=535 + EQUALCHAR=536 + EXECCICSTAG=537 + EXECSQLTAG=538 + EXECSQLIMSTAG=539 + LESSTHANCHAR=540 + LESSTHANOREQUAL=541 + LPARENCHAR=542 + MINUSCHAR=543 + MORETHANCHAR=544 + MORETHANOREQUAL=545 + NOTEQUALCHAR=546 + PLUSCHAR=547 + SINGLEQUOTE=548 + RPARENCHAR=549 + SLASHCHAR=550 + NONNUMERICLITERAL=551 + LEVEL_NUMBER_66=552 + LEVEL_NUMBER_77=553 + LEVEL_NUMBER_88=554 + INTEGERLITERAL=555 + NUMERICLITERAL=556 + IDENTIFIER=557 + NEWLINE=558 + EXECCICSLINE=559 + EXECSQLIMSLINE=560 + EXECSQLLINE=561 + COMMENTENTRYLINE=562 + COMMENTLINE=563 + WS=564 + SEPARATOR=565 + + def __init__(self, input:TokenStream, output:TextIO = sys.stdout): + super().__init__(input, output) + self.checkVersion("4.13.1") + self._interp = ParserATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, self.sharedContextCache) + self._predicates = None + + + + + class StartRuleContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def compilationUnit(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CompilationUnitContext,0) + + + def EOF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_startRule + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStartRule" ): + listener.enterStartRule(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStartRule" ): + listener.exitStartRule(self) + + + + + def startRule(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StartRuleContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 0, self.RULE_startRule) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1190 + self.compilationUnit() + self.state = 1191 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EOF) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CompilationUnitContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def programUnit(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_compilationUnit + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCompilationUnit" ): + listener.enterCompilationUnit(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCompilationUnit" ): + listener.exitCompilationUnit(self) + + + + + def compilationUnit(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CompilationUnitContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 2, self.RULE_compilationUnit) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1194 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 1193 + self.programUnit() + self.state = 1196 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==234 or _la==235): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProgramUnitContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identificationDivision(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionContext,0) + + + def environmentDivision(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionContext,0) + + + def dataDivision(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionContext,0) + + + def procedureDivision(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionContext,0) + + + def programUnit(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext,i) + + + def endProgramStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EndProgramStatementContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_programUnit + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProgramUnit" ): + listener.enterProgramUnit(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProgramUnit" ): + listener.exitProgramUnit(self) + + + + + def programUnit(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProgramUnitContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 4, self.RULE_programUnit) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1198 + self.identificationDivision() + self.state = 1200 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==184: + self.state = 1199 + self.environmentDivision() + + + self.state = 1203 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==109: + self.state = 1202 + self.dataDivision() + + + self.state = 1206 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==356: + self.state = 1205 + self.procedureDivision() + + + self.state = 1211 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,4,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 1208 + self.programUnit() + self.state = 1213 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,4,self._ctx) + + self.state = 1215 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,5,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1214 + self.endProgramStatement() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EndProgramStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def PROGRAM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM, 0) + + def programName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_endProgramStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEndProgramStatement" ): + listener.enterEndProgramStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEndProgramStatement" ): + listener.exitEndProgramStatement(self) + + + + + def endProgramStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EndProgramStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 6, self.RULE_endProgramStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1217 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + self.state = 1218 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM) + self.state = 1219 + self.programName() + self.state = 1220 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IdentificationDivisionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DIVISION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def programIdParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramIdParagraphContext,0) + + + def IDENTIFICATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IDENTIFICATION, 0) + + def ID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ID, 0) + + def identificationDivisionBody(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionBodyContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionBodyContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_identificationDivision + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIdentificationDivision" ): + listener.enterIdentificationDivision(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIdentificationDivision" ): + listener.exitIdentificationDivision(self) + + + + + def identificationDivision(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 8, self.RULE_identificationDivision) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1222 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==234 or _la==235): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1223 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION) + self.state = 1224 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1225 + self.programIdParagraph() + self.state = 1229 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==32 or _la==112 or _la==113 or _la==249 or _la==389 or _la==421: + self.state = 1226 + self.identificationDivisionBody() + self.state = 1231 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IdentificationDivisionBodyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def authorParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AuthorParagraphContext,0) + + + def installationParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InstallationParagraphContext,0) + + + def dateWrittenParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DateWrittenParagraphContext,0) + + + def dateCompiledParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DateCompiledParagraphContext,0) + + + def securityParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SecurityParagraphContext,0) + + + def remarksParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RemarksParagraphContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_identificationDivisionBody + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIdentificationDivisionBody" ): + listener.enterIdentificationDivisionBody(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIdentificationDivisionBody" ): + listener.exitIdentificationDivisionBody(self) + + + + + def identificationDivisionBody(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IdentificationDivisionBodyContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 10, self.RULE_identificationDivisionBody) + try: + self.state = 1238 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [32]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1232 + self.authorParagraph() + pass + elif token in [249]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1233 + self.installationParagraph() + pass + elif token in [113]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1234 + self.dateWrittenParagraph() + pass + elif token in [112]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1235 + self.dateCompiledParagraph() + pass + elif token in [421]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 1236 + self.securityParagraph() + pass + elif token in [389]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 1237 + self.remarksParagraph() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProgramIdParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PROGRAM_ID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM_ID, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def programName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext,0) + + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def COMMON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMON, 0) + + def INITIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL, 0) + + def LIBRARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBRARY, 0) + + def DEFINITION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFINITION, 0) + + def RECURSIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECURSIVE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def PROGRAM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_programIdParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProgramIdParagraph" ): + listener.enterProgramIdParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProgramIdParagraph" ): + listener.exitProgramIdParagraph(self) + + + + + def programIdParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProgramIdParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 12, self.RULE_programIdParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1240 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM_ID) + self.state = 1241 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1242 + self.programName() + self.state = 1250 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==78 or _la==130 or ((((_la - 243)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 243)) & 2147485697) != 0) or _la==380: + self.state = 1244 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1243 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1246 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==78 or _la==130 or _la==243 or _la==274 or _la==380): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1248 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==361: + self.state = 1247 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM) + + + + + self.state = 1253 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==534: + self.state = 1252 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + self.state = 1256 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1255 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AuthorParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AUTHOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AUTHOR, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_authorParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAuthorParagraph" ): + listener.enterAuthorParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAuthorParagraph" ): + listener.exitAuthorParagraph(self) + + + + + def authorParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AuthorParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 14, self.RULE_authorParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1258 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AUTHOR) + self.state = 1259 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1261 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1260 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InstallationParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INSTALLATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INSTALLATION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_installationParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInstallationParagraph" ): + listener.enterInstallationParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInstallationParagraph" ): + listener.exitInstallationParagraph(self) + + + + + def installationParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InstallationParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 16, self.RULE_installationParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1263 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INSTALLATION) + self.state = 1264 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1266 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1265 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DateWrittenParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DATE_WRITTEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE_WRITTEN, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dateWrittenParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDateWrittenParagraph" ): + listener.enterDateWrittenParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDateWrittenParagraph" ): + listener.exitDateWrittenParagraph(self) + + + + + def dateWrittenParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DateWrittenParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 18, self.RULE_dateWrittenParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1268 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE_WRITTEN) + self.state = 1269 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1271 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1270 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DateCompiledParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DATE_COMPILED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE_COMPILED, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dateCompiledParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDateCompiledParagraph" ): + listener.enterDateCompiledParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDateCompiledParagraph" ): + listener.exitDateCompiledParagraph(self) + + + + + def dateCompiledParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DateCompiledParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 20, self.RULE_dateCompiledParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1273 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE_COMPILED) + self.state = 1274 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1276 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1275 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SecurityParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SECURITY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECURITY, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_securityParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSecurityParagraph" ): + listener.enterSecurityParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSecurityParagraph" ): + listener.exitSecurityParagraph(self) + + + + + def securityParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SecurityParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 22, self.RULE_securityParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1278 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECURITY) + self.state = 1279 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1281 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1280 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RemarksParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REMARKS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMARKS, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def commentEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_remarksParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRemarksParagraph" ): + listener.enterRemarksParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRemarksParagraph" ): + listener.exitRemarksParagraph(self) + + + + + def remarksParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RemarksParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 24, self.RULE_remarksParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1283 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMARKS) + self.state = 1284 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1286 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==562: + self.state = 1285 + self.commentEntry() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnvironmentDivisionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ENVIRONMENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENVIRONMENT, 0) + + def DIVISION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def environmentDivisionBody(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_environmentDivision + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnvironmentDivision" ): + listener.enterEnvironmentDivision(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnvironmentDivision" ): + listener.exitEnvironmentDivision(self) + + + + + def environmentDivision(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 26, self.RULE_environmentDivision) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1288 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENVIRONMENT) + self.state = 1289 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION) + self.state = 1290 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1294 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==93 or _la==247 or _la==452: + self.state = 1291 + self.environmentDivisionBody() + self.state = 1296 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def configurationSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionContext,0) + + + def specialNamesParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SpecialNamesParagraphContext,0) + + + def inputOutputSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_environmentDivisionBody + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnvironmentDivisionBody" ): + listener.enterEnvironmentDivisionBody(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnvironmentDivisionBody" ): + listener.exitEnvironmentDivisionBody(self) + + + + + def environmentDivisionBody(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentDivisionBodyContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 28, self.RULE_environmentDivisionBody) + try: + self.state = 1300 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [93]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1297 + self.configurationSection() + pass + elif token in [452]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1298 + self.specialNamesParagraph() + pass + elif token in [247]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1299 + self.inputOutputSection() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConfigurationSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONFIGURATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONFIGURATION, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def configurationSectionParagraph(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_configurationSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterConfigurationSection" ): + listener.enterConfigurationSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitConfigurationSection" ): + listener.exitConfigurationSection(self) + + + + + def configurationSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 30, self.RULE_configurationSection) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1302 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONFIGURATION) + self.state = 1303 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 1304 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1308 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,21,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 1305 + self.configurationSectionParagraph() + self.state = 1310 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,21,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def sourceComputerParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SourceComputerParagraphContext,0) + + + def objectComputerParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerParagraphContext,0) + + + def specialNamesParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SpecialNamesParagraphContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_configurationSectionParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterConfigurationSectionParagraph" ): + listener.enterConfigurationSectionParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitConfigurationSectionParagraph" ): + listener.exitConfigurationSectionParagraph(self) + + + + + def configurationSectionParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConfigurationSectionParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 32, self.RULE_configurationSectionParagraph) + try: + self.state = 1314 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [449]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1311 + self.sourceComputerParagraph() + pass + elif token in [320]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1312 + self.objectComputerParagraph() + pass + elif token in [452]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1313 + self.specialNamesParagraph() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SourceComputerParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SOURCE_COMPUTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE_COMPUTER, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def computerName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ComputerNameContext,0) + + + def DEBUGGING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUGGING, 0) + + def MODE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MODE, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sourceComputerParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSourceComputerParagraph" ): + listener.enterSourceComputerParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSourceComputerParagraph" ): + listener.exitSourceComputerParagraph(self) + + + + + def sourceComputerParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SourceComputerParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 34, self.RULE_sourceComputerParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1316 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE_COMPUTER) + self.state = 1317 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1318 + self.computerName() + self.state = 1324 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==125 or _la==514: + self.state = 1320 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 1319 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 1322 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUGGING) + self.state = 1323 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MODE) + + + self.state = 1326 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ObjectComputerParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OBJECT_COMPUTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OBJECT_COMPUTER, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def computerName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ComputerNameContext,0) + + + def objectComputerClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_objectComputerParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterObjectComputerParagraph" ): + listener.enterObjectComputerParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitObjectComputerParagraph" ): + listener.exitObjectComputerParagraph(self) + + + + + def objectComputerParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 36, self.RULE_objectComputerParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1328 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OBJECT_COMPUTER) + self.state = 1329 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1330 + self.computerName() + self.state = 1334 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==62 or _la==72 or _la==141 or _la==293 or _la==361 or _la==423 or _la==428: + self.state = 1331 + self.objectComputerClause() + self.state = 1336 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 1337 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ObjectComputerClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def memorySizeClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MemorySizeClauseContext,0) + + + def diskSizeClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DiskSizeClauseContext,0) + + + def collatingSequenceClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseContext,0) + + + def segmentLimitClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SegmentLimitClauseContext,0) + + + def characterSetClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CharacterSetClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_objectComputerClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterObjectComputerClause" ): + listener.enterObjectComputerClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitObjectComputerClause" ): + listener.exitObjectComputerClause(self) + + + + + def objectComputerClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ObjectComputerClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 38, self.RULE_objectComputerClause) + try: + self.state = 1344 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [293]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1339 + self.memorySizeClause() + pass + elif token in [141]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1340 + self.diskSizeClause() + pass + elif token in [72, 361, 428]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1341 + self.collatingSequenceClause() + pass + elif token in [423]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1342 + self.segmentLimitClause() + pass + elif token in [62]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 1343 + self.characterSetClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MemorySizeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MEMORY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MEMORY, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def WORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WORDS, 0) + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def MODULES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MODULES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_memorySizeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMemorySizeClause" ): + listener.enterMemorySizeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMemorySizeClause" ): + listener.exitMemorySizeClause(self) + + + + + def memorySizeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MemorySizeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 40, self.RULE_memorySizeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1346 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MEMORY) + self.state = 1348 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==439: + self.state = 1347 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + + + self.state = 1352 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 1350 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 1351 + self.cobolWord() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 1355 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63 or _la==298 or _la==515: + self.state = 1354 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==63 or _la==298 or _la==515): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DiskSizeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DISK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISK, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def WORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WORDS, 0) + + def MODULES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MODULES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_diskSizeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDiskSizeClause" ): + listener.enterDiskSizeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDiskSizeClause" ): + listener.exitDiskSizeClause(self) + + + + + def diskSizeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DiskSizeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 42, self.RULE_diskSizeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1357 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISK) + self.state = 1359 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==439: + self.state = 1358 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + + + self.state = 1362 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1361 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1366 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 1364 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 1365 + self.cobolWord() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 1369 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==298 or _la==515: + self.state = 1368 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==298 or _la==515): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CollatingSequenceClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEQUENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE, 0) + + def PROGRAM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM, 0) + + def COLLATING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING, 0) + + def collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumericContext,0) + + + def collatingSequenceClauseNational(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseNationalContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_collatingSequenceClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCollatingSequenceClause" ): + listener.enterCollatingSequenceClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCollatingSequenceClause" ): + listener.exitCollatingSequenceClause(self) + + + + + def collatingSequenceClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 44, self.RULE_collatingSequenceClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1372 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==361: + self.state = 1371 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM) + + + self.state = 1375 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==72: + self.state = 1374 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING) + + + self.state = 1377 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE) + + self.state = 1379 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1378 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1382 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1381 + self.alphabetName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1384 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,37,self._ctx) + + self.state = 1387 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,38,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1386 + self.collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric() + + + self.state = 1390 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212 or _la==304: + self.state = 1389 + self.collatingSequenceClauseNational() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumericContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric" ): + listener.enterCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric" ): + listener.exitCollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self) + + + + + def collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseAlphanumericContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 46, self.RULE_collatingSequenceClauseAlphanumeric) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1393 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1392 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1395 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC) + self.state = 1397 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1396 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1399 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CollatingSequenceClauseNationalContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_collatingSequenceClauseNational + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCollatingSequenceClauseNational" ): + listener.enterCollatingSequenceClauseNational(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCollatingSequenceClauseNational" ): + listener.exitCollatingSequenceClauseNational(self) + + + + + def collatingSequenceClauseNational(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CollatingSequenceClauseNationalContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 48, self.RULE_collatingSequenceClauseNational) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1402 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1401 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1404 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL) + self.state = 1406 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1405 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1408 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SegmentLimitClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEGMENT_LIMIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEGMENT_LIMIT, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_segmentLimitClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSegmentLimitClause" ): + listener.enterSegmentLimitClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSegmentLimitClause" ): + listener.exitSegmentLimitClause(self) + + + + + def segmentLimitClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SegmentLimitClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 50, self.RULE_segmentLimitClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1410 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEGMENT_LIMIT) + self.state = 1412 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1411 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1414 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CharacterSetClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def SET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SET, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_characterSetClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCharacterSetClause" ): + listener.enterCharacterSetClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCharacterSetClause" ): + listener.exitCharacterSetClause(self) + + + + + def characterSetClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CharacterSetClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 52, self.RULE_characterSetClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1416 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + self.state = 1417 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SET) + self.state = 1418 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SpecialNamesParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SPECIAL_NAMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SPECIAL_NAMES, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def specialNameClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SpecialNameClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SpecialNameClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_specialNamesParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSpecialNamesParagraph" ): + listener.enterSpecialNamesParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSpecialNamesParagraph" ): + listener.exitSpecialNamesParagraph(self) + + + + + def specialNamesParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SpecialNamesParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 54, self.RULE_specialNamesParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1420 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SPECIAL_NAMES) + self.state = 1421 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1429 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822850) != 0) or ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 64)) & 4611716890652319793) != 0) or ((((_la - 128)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 128)) & -1684346260358943737) != 0) or ((((_la - 194)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 194)) & 72084021027799369) != 0) or ((((_la - 258)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 258)) & 2892683434315076821) != 0) or ((((_la - 322)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 322)) & 2615189243111195157) != 0) or ((((_la - 391)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 391)) & 86861972244097) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455171) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 1423 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 1422 + self.specialNameClause() + self.state = 1425 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822850) != 0) or ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 64)) & 4611716890652319793) != 0) or ((((_la - 128)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 128)) & -1684346260358943737) != 0) or ((((_la - 194)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 194)) & 72084021027799369) != 0) or ((((_la - 258)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 258)) & 2892683434315076821) != 0) or ((((_la - 322)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 322)) & 2615189243111195157) != 0) or ((((_la - 391)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 391)) & 86861972244097) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455171) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + self.state = 1427 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SpecialNameClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def channelClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ChannelClauseContext,0) + + + def odtClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OdtClauseContext,0) + + + def alphabetClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseContext,0) + + + def classClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseContext,0) + + + def currencySignClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CurrencySignClauseContext,0) + + + def decimalPointClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DecimalPointClauseContext,0) + + + def symbolicCharactersClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersClauseContext,0) + + + def environmentSwitchNameClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameClauseContext,0) + + + def defaultDisplaySignClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DefaultDisplaySignClauseContext,0) + + + def defaultComputationalSignClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DefaultComputationalSignClauseContext,0) + + + def reserveNetworkClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReserveNetworkClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_specialNameClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSpecialNameClause" ): + listener.enterSpecialNameClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSpecialNameClause" ): + listener.exitSpecialNameClause(self) + + + + + def specialNameClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SpecialNameClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 56, self.RULE_specialNameClause) + try: + self.state = 1442 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,47,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1431 + self.channelClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1432 + self.odtClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1433 + self.alphabetClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1434 + self.classClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 1435 + self.currencySignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 1436 + self.decimalPointClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 1437 + self.symbolicCharactersClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 1438 + self.environmentSwitchNameClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 1439 + self.defaultDisplaySignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 1440 + self.defaultComputationalSignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 1441 + self.reserveNetworkClause() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def alphabetClauseFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat1Context,0) + + + def alphabetClauseFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat2Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetClause" ): + listener.enterAlphabetClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetClause" ): + listener.exitAlphabetClause(self) + + + + + def alphabetClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 58, self.RULE_alphabetClause) + try: + self.state = 1446 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,48,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1444 + self.alphabetClauseFormat1() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1445 + self.alphabetClauseFormat2() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetClauseFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALPHABET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABET, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def EBCDIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EBCDIC, 0) + + def ASCII(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASCII, 0) + + def STANDARD_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_1, 0) + + def STANDARD_2(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_2, 0) + + def NATIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIVE, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetLiterals(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetLiteralsContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetLiteralsContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetClauseFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetClauseFormat1" ): + listener.enterAlphabetClauseFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetClauseFormat1" ): + listener.exitAlphabetClauseFormat1(self) + + + + + def alphabetClauseFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 60, self.RULE_alphabetClauseFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1448 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABET) + self.state = 1449 + self.alphabetName() + self.state = 1452 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1450 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + self.state = 1451 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC) + + + self.state = 1455 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1454 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1468 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,52,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1457 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EBCDIC) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1458 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ASCII) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 1459 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_1) + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 1460 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_2) + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 1461 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIVE) + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 1462 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 1464 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1463 + self.alphabetLiterals() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1466 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,51,self._ctx) + + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetLiteralsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def alphabetThrough(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetThroughContext,0) + + + def alphabetAlso(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetAlsoContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetAlsoContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetLiterals + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetLiterals" ): + listener.enterAlphabetLiterals(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetLiterals" ): + listener.exitAlphabetLiterals(self) + + + + + def alphabetLiterals(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetLiteralsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 62, self.RULE_alphabetLiterals) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1470 + self.literal() + self.state = 1477 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [483, 484]: + self.state = 1471 + self.alphabetThrough() + pass + elif token in [16]: + self.state = 1473 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 1472 + self.alphabetAlso() + self.state = 1475 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==16): + break + + pass + elif token in [1, 9, 10, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 107, 108, 126, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 319, 322, 324, 326, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 400, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 450, 451, 466, 467, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 494, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 534, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]: + pass + else: + pass + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetThrough" ): + listener.enterAlphabetThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetThrough" ): + listener.exitAlphabetThrough(self) + + + + + def alphabetThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 64, self.RULE_alphabetThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1479 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1480 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetAlsoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALSO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALSO, 0) + + def literal(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetAlso + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetAlso" ): + listener.enterAlphabetAlso(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetAlso" ): + listener.exitAlphabetAlso(self) + + + + + def alphabetAlso(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetAlsoContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 66, self.RULE_alphabetAlso) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1482 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALSO) + self.state = 1484 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1483 + self.literal() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1486 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,55,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetClauseFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALPHABET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABET, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def NATIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIVE, 0) + + def CCSVERSION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CCSVERSION, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetClauseFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetClauseFormat2" ): + listener.enterAlphabetClauseFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetClauseFormat2" ): + listener.exitAlphabetClauseFormat2(self) + + + + + def alphabetClauseFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetClauseFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 68, self.RULE_alphabetClauseFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1488 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABET) + self.state = 1489 + self.alphabetName() + self.state = 1491 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1490 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1493 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL) + self.state = 1495 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1494 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1500 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [306]: + self.state = 1497 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIVE) + pass + elif token in [55]: + self.state = 1498 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CCSVERSION) + self.state = 1499 + self.literal() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ChannelClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CHANNEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHANNEL, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_channelClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterChannelClause" ): + listener.enterChannelClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitChannelClause" ): + listener.exitChannelClause(self) + + + + + def channelClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ChannelClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 70, self.RULE_channelClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1502 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHANNEL) + self.state = 1503 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 1505 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1504 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1507 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CLASS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CLASS, 0) + + def className(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def classClauseThrough(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseThroughContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseThroughContext,i) + + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_classClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassClause" ): + listener.enterClassClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassClause" ): + listener.exitClassClause(self) + + + + + def classClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 72, self.RULE_classClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1509 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CLASS) + self.state = 1510 + self.className() + self.state = 1515 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,61,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1512 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1511 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1514 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==14 or _la==304): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1518 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1517 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1521 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1520 + self.classClauseThrough() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1523 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,63,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassClauseThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def classClauseFrom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseFromContext,0) + + + def classClauseTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseToContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_classClauseThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassClauseThrough" ): + listener.enterClassClauseThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassClauseThrough" ): + listener.exitClassClauseThrough(self) + + + + + def classClauseThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 74, self.RULE_classClauseThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1525 + self.classClauseFrom() + self.state = 1528 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 1526 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1527 + self.classClauseTo() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassClauseFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_classClauseFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassClauseFrom" ): + listener.enterClassClauseFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassClauseFrom" ): + listener.exitClassClauseFrom(self) + + + + + def classClauseFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 76, self.RULE_classClauseFrom) + try: + self.state = 1532 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,65,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1530 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1531 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassClauseToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_classClauseTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassClauseTo" ): + listener.enterClassClauseTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassClauseTo" ): + listener.exitClassClauseTo(self) + + + + + def classClauseTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassClauseToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 78, self.RULE_classClauseTo) + try: + self.state = 1536 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,66,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1534 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1535 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CurrencySignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CURRENCY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CURRENCY, 0) + + def literal(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,i) + + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def PICTURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PICTURE, 0) + + def SYMBOL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOL, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_currencySignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCurrencySignClause" ): + listener.enterCurrencySignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCurrencySignClause" ): + listener.exitCurrencySignClause(self) + + + + + def currencySignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CurrencySignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 80, self.RULE_currencySignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1538 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CURRENCY) + self.state = 1540 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==438: + self.state = 1539 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + + + self.state = 1543 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1542 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1545 + self.literal() + self.state = 1552 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==347 or _la==514: + self.state = 1547 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 1546 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 1549 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PICTURE) + self.state = 1550 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOL) + self.state = 1551 + self.literal() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DecimalPointClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DECIMAL_POINT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DECIMAL_POINT, 0) + + def COMMA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMA, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_decimalPointClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDecimalPointClause" ): + listener.enterDecimalPointClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDecimalPointClause" ): + listener.exitDecimalPointClause(self) + + + + + def decimalPointClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DecimalPointClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 82, self.RULE_decimalPointClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1554 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DECIMAL_POINT) + self.state = 1556 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1555 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1558 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMA) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DefaultComputationalSignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DEFAULT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT, 0) + + def SEPARATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE, 0) + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL, 0) + + def COMP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP, 0) + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def TRAILING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRAILING, 0) + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_defaultComputationalSignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDefaultComputationalSignClause" ): + listener.enterDefaultComputationalSignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDefaultComputationalSignClause" ): + listener.exitDefaultComputationalSignClause(self) + + + + + def defaultComputationalSignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DefaultComputationalSignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 84, self.RULE_defaultComputationalSignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1560 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT) + self.state = 1562 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==80 or _la==86: + self.state = 1561 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==80 or _la==86): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1568 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==438: + self.state = 1564 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + self.state = 1566 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1565 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 1571 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==266 or _la==493: + self.state = 1570 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==266 or _la==493): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1573 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE) + self.state = 1575 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 1574 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DefaultDisplaySignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DEFAULT_DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, 0) + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def TRAILING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRAILING, 0) + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def SEPARATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_defaultDisplaySignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDefaultDisplaySignClause" ): + listener.enterDefaultDisplaySignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDefaultDisplaySignClause" ): + listener.exitDefaultDisplaySignClause(self) + + + + + def defaultDisplaySignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DefaultDisplaySignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 86, self.RULE_defaultDisplaySignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1577 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) + self.state = 1582 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==438: + self.state = 1578 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + self.state = 1580 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1579 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 1584 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==266 or _la==493): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1589 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==427: + self.state = 1585 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE) + self.state = 1587 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 1586 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnvironmentSwitchNameClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def environmentName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentNameContext,0) + + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_environmentSwitchNameClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnvironmentSwitchNameClause" ): + listener.enterEnvironmentSwitchNameClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnvironmentSwitchNameClause" ): + listener.exitEnvironmentSwitchNameClause(self) + + + + + def environmentSwitchNameClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 88, self.RULE_environmentSwitchNameClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 1600 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1591 + self.environmentName() + self.state = 1593 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1592 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1595 + self.mnemonicName() + self.state = 1597 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,82,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1596 + self.environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase() + + + pass + elif token in [324, 326]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1599 + self.environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def condition(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,i) + + + def STATUS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STATUS, i) + + def IS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.IS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, i) + + def OFF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OFF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase" ): + listener.enterEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase" ): + listener.exitEnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self) + + + + + def environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 90, self.RULE_environmentSwitchNameSpecialNamesStatusPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 1638 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [326]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1602 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + self.state = 1604 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==457: + self.state = 1603 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + + + self.state = 1607 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1606 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1609 + self.condition() + self.state = 1618 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,88,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1610 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OFF) + self.state = 1612 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==457: + self.state = 1611 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + + + self.state = 1615 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1614 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1617 + self.condition() + + + pass + elif token in [324]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1620 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OFF) + self.state = 1622 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==457: + self.state = 1621 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + + + self.state = 1625 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1624 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1627 + self.condition() + self.state = 1636 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,93,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1628 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + self.state = 1630 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==457: + self.state = 1629 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + + + self.state = 1633 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1632 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1635 + self.condition() + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OdtClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ODT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ODT, 0) + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_odtClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOdtClause" ): + listener.enterOdtClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOdtClause" ): + listener.exitOdtClause(self) + + + + + def odtClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OdtClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 92, self.RULE_odtClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1640 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ODT) + self.state = 1642 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1641 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1644 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReserveNetworkClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RESERVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RESERVE, 0) + + def NETWORK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NETWORK, 0) + + def WORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WORDS, 0) + + def LIST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIST, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def CAPABLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CAPABLE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reserveNetworkClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReserveNetworkClause" ): + listener.enterReserveNetworkClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReserveNetworkClause" ): + listener.exitReserveNetworkClause(self) + + + + + def reserveNetworkClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReserveNetworkClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 94, self.RULE_reserveNetworkClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1646 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RESERVE) + self.state = 1648 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==515: + self.state = 1647 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WORDS) + + + self.state = 1651 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==283: + self.state = 1650 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LIST) + + + self.state = 1654 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1653 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1656 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NETWORK) + self.state = 1658 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,99,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1657 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CAPABLE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicCharactersClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def symbolicCharacters(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersContext,i) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicCharactersClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicCharactersClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicCharactersClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicCharactersClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicCharactersClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicCharactersClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 96, self.RULE_symbolicCharactersClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1660 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + self.state = 1662 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63: + self.state = 1661 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + + + self.state = 1668 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,102,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1665 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1664 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1667 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==14 or _la==304): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1671 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1670 + self.symbolicCharacters() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1673 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,103,self._ctx) + + self.state = 1677 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 1675 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + self.state = 1676 + self.alphabetName() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicCharactersContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def symbolicCharacter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharacterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharacterContext,i) + + + def integerLiteral(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,i) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicCharacters + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicCharacters" ): + listener.enterSymbolicCharacters(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicCharacters" ): + listener.exitSymbolicCharacters(self) + + + + + def symbolicCharacters(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharactersContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 98, self.RULE_symbolicCharacters) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1680 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 1679 + self.symbolicCharacter() + self.state = 1682 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + self.state = 1685 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21 or _la==254: + self.state = 1684 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==21 or _la==254): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1688 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 1687 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 1690 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InputOutputSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INPUT_OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT_OUTPUT, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def inputOutputSectionParagraph(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionParagraphContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionParagraphContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inputOutputSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInputOutputSection" ): + listener.enterInputOutputSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInputOutputSection" ): + listener.exitInputOutputSection(self) + + + + + def inputOutputSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 100, self.RULE_inputOutputSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1692 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT_OUTPUT) + self.state = 1693 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 1694 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1698 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==207 or _la==233: + self.state = 1695 + self.inputOutputSectionParagraph() + self.state = 1700 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InputOutputSectionParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileControlParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileControlParagraphContext,0) + + + def ioControlParagraph(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IoControlParagraphContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inputOutputSectionParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInputOutputSectionParagraph" ): + listener.enterInputOutputSectionParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInputOutputSectionParagraph" ): + listener.exitInputOutputSectionParagraph(self) + + + + + def inputOutputSectionParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InputOutputSectionParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 102, self.RULE_inputOutputSectionParagraph) + try: + self.state = 1703 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [207]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1701 + self.fileControlParagraph() + pass + elif token in [233]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1702 + self.ioControlParagraph() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileControlParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FILE_CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILE_CONTROL, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def fileControlEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileControlEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileControlEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileControlParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileControlParagraph" ): + listener.enterFileControlParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileControlParagraph" ): + listener.exitFileControlParagraph(self) + + + + + def fileControlParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileControlParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 104, self.RULE_fileControlParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1705 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILE_CONTROL) + self.state = 1712 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,111,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 1707 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==534: + self.state = 1706 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + self.state = 1709 + self.fileControlEntry() + self.state = 1714 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,111,self._ctx) + + self.state = 1715 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileControlEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def selectClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SelectClauseContext,0) + + + def fileControlClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileControlClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileControlClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileControlEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileControlEntry" ): + listener.enterFileControlEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileControlEntry" ): + listener.exitFileControlEntry(self) + + + + + def fileControlEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileControlEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 106, self.RULE_fileControlEntry) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1717 + self.selectClause() + self.state = 1721 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 4398180990984) != 0) or _la==206 or _la==241 or ((((_la - 279)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 279)) & -8061443332993187839) != 0) or ((((_la - 377)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 377)) & 4503599635759617) != 0) or _la==457: + self.state = 1718 + self.fileControlClause() + self.state = 1723 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SelectClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SELECT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SELECT, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def OPTIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OPTIONAL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_selectClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSelectClause" ): + listener.enterSelectClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSelectClause" ): + listener.exitSelectClause(self) + + + + + def selectClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SelectClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 108, self.RULE_selectClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1724 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SELECT) + self.state = 1726 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==328: + self.state = 1725 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OPTIONAL) + + + self.state = 1728 + self.fileName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileControlClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def assignClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AssignClauseContext,0) + + + def reserveClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReserveClauseContext,0) + + + def organizationClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OrganizationClauseContext,0) + + + def paddingCharacterClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PaddingCharacterClauseContext,0) + + + def recordDelimiterClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordDelimiterClauseContext,0) + + + def accessModeClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AccessModeClauseContext,0) + + + def recordKeyClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordKeyClauseContext,0) + + + def alternateRecordKeyClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlternateRecordKeyClauseContext,0) + + + def fileStatusClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileStatusClauseContext,0) + + + def passwordClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext,0) + + + def relativeKeyClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelativeKeyClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileControlClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileControlClause" ): + listener.enterFileControlClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileControlClause" ): + listener.exitFileControlClause(self) + + + + + def fileControlClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileControlClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 110, self.RULE_fileControlClause) + try: + self.state = 1741 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,114,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1730 + self.assignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1731 + self.reserveClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1732 + self.organizationClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1733 + self.paddingCharacterClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 1734 + self.recordDelimiterClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 1735 + self.accessModeClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 1736 + self.recordKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 1737 + self.alternateRecordKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 1738 + self.fileStatusClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 1739 + self.passwordClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 1740 + self.relativeKeyClause() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AssignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASSIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASSIGN, 0) + + def DISK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISK, 0) + + def DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY, 0) + + def KEYBOARD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEYBOARD, 0) + + def PORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PORT, 0) + + def PRINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PRINTER, 0) + + def READER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.READER, 0) + + def REMOTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOTE, 0) + + def TAPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TAPE, 0) + + def VIRTUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VIRTUAL, 0) + + def assignmentName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_assignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAssignClause" ): + listener.enterAssignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAssignClause" ): + listener.exitAssignClause(self) + + + + + def assignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AssignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 112, self.RULE_assignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1743 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ASSIGN) + self.state = 1745 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 1744 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + self.state = 1758 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,116,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1747 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISK) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1748 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 1749 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEYBOARD) + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 1750 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PORT) + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 1751 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PRINTER) + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 1752 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.READER) + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 1753 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMOTE) + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.state = 1754 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TAPE) + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.state = 1755 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VIRTUAL) + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.state = 1756 + self.assignmentName() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.state = 1757 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReserveClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RESERVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RESERVE, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def ALTERNATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALTERNATE, 0) + + def AREA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AREA, 0) + + def AREAS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AREAS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reserveClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReserveClause" ): + listener.enterReserveClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReserveClause" ): + listener.exitReserveClause(self) + + + + + def reserveClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReserveClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 114, self.RULE_reserveClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1760 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RESERVE) + self.state = 1763 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [310]: + self.state = 1761 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 1762 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 1766 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,118,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1765 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALTERNATE) + + + self.state = 1769 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==22 or _la==23: + self.state = 1768 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==22 or _la==23): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OrganizationClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEQUENTIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENTIAL, 0) + + def RELATIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RELATIVE, 0) + + def INDEXED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INDEXED, 0) + + def ORGANIZATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ORGANIZATION, 0) + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def BINARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BINARY, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_organizationClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOrganizationClause" ): + listener.enterOrganizationClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOrganizationClause" ): + listener.exitOrganizationClause(self) + + + + + def organizationClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OrganizationClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 116, self.RULE_organizationClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1775 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==332: + self.state = 1771 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ORGANIZATION) + self.state = 1773 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1772 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 1782 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,122,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1777 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINE) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1778 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 1779 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BINARY) + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 1780 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 1781 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BINARY) + + + self.state = 1784 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==241 or _la==386 or _la==429): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PaddingCharacterClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PADDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PADDING, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_paddingCharacterClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPaddingCharacterClause" ): + listener.enterPaddingCharacterClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPaddingCharacterClause" ): + listener.exitPaddingCharacterClause(self) + + + + + def paddingCharacterClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PaddingCharacterClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 118, self.RULE_paddingCharacterClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1786 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PADDING) + self.state = 1788 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 1787 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + self.state = 1791 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1790 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1795 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,125,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1793 + self.qualifiedDataName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1794 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordDelimiterClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def DELIMITER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITER, 0) + + def STANDARD_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_1, 0) + + def IMPLICIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IMPLICIT, 0) + + def assignmentName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordDelimiterClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordDelimiterClause" ): + listener.enterRecordDelimiterClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordDelimiterClause" ): + listener.exitRecordDelimiterClause(self) + + + + + def recordDelimiterClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordDelimiterClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 120, self.RULE_recordDelimiterClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1797 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 1798 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITER) + self.state = 1800 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1799 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1805 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,127,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1802 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD_1) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1803 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IMPLICIT) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 1804 + self.assignmentName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AccessModeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ACCESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ACCESS, 0) + + def SEQUENTIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENTIAL, 0) + + def RANDOM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RANDOM, 0) + + def DYNAMIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DYNAMIC, 0) + + def EXCLUSIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXCLUSIVE, 0) + + def MODE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MODE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_accessModeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAccessModeClause" ): + listener.enterAccessModeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAccessModeClause" ): + listener.exitAccessModeClause(self) + + + + + def accessModeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AccessModeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 122, self.RULE_accessModeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1807 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ACCESS) + self.state = 1809 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==297: + self.state = 1808 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MODE) + + + self.state = 1812 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1811 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1814 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==150 or _la==197 or _la==369 or _la==429): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def passwordClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext,0) + + + def DUPLICATES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordKeyClause" ): + listener.enterRecordKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordKeyClause" ): + listener.exitRecordKeyClause(self) + + + + + def recordKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 124, self.RULE_recordKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1816 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 1818 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 1817 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 1821 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1820 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1823 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 1825 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,132,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1824 + self.passwordClause() + + + self.state = 1831 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==149 or _la==514: + self.state = 1828 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 1827 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 1830 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlternateRecordKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALTERNATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALTERNATE, 0) + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def passwordClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext,0) + + + def DUPLICATES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alternateRecordKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlternateRecordKeyClause" ): + listener.enterAlternateRecordKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlternateRecordKeyClause" ): + listener.exitAlternateRecordKeyClause(self) + + + + + def alternateRecordKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlternateRecordKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 126, self.RULE_alternateRecordKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1833 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALTERNATE) + self.state = 1834 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 1836 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 1835 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 1839 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1838 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1841 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 1843 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,137,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1842 + self.passwordClause() + + + self.state = 1849 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==149 or _la==514: + self.state = 1846 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 1845 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 1848 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PasswordClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PASSWORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PASSWORD, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_passwordClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPasswordClause" ): + listener.enterPasswordClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPasswordClause" ): + listener.exitPasswordClause(self) + + + + + def passwordClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PasswordClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 128, self.RULE_passwordClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1851 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PASSWORD) + self.state = 1853 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1852 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1855 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileStatusClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def STATUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STATUS, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,i) + + + def FILE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileStatusClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileStatusClause" ): + listener.enterFileStatusClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileStatusClause" ): + listener.exitFileStatusClause(self) + + + + + def fileStatusClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileStatusClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 130, self.RULE_fileStatusClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1858 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==206: + self.state = 1857 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILE) + + + self.state = 1860 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + self.state = 1862 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1861 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1864 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 1866 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,143,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1865 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelativeKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RELATIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RELATIVE, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relativeKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelativeKeyClause" ): + listener.enterRelativeKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelativeKeyClause" ): + listener.exitRelativeKeyClause(self) + + + + + def relativeKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelativeKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 132, self.RULE_relativeKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1868 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RELATIVE) + self.state = 1870 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 1869 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 1873 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 1872 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 1875 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IoControlParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def I_O_CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O_CONTROL, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def ioControlClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IoControlClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IoControlClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_ioControlParagraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIoControlParagraph" ): + listener.enterIoControlParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIoControlParagraph" ): + listener.exitIoControlParagraph(self) + + + + + def ioControlParagraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IoControlParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 134, self.RULE_ioControlParagraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1877 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O_CONTROL) + self.state = 1878 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1882 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,146,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1879 + self.fileName() + self.state = 1880 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + self.state = 1891 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==77 or _la==301 or _la==399 or _la==414 or _la==534: + self.state = 1887 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==77 or _la==301 or _la==399 or _la==414: + self.state = 1884 + self.ioControlClause() + self.state = 1889 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 1890 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IoControlClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def rerunClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RerunClauseContext,0) + + + def sameClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SameClauseContext,0) + + + def multipleFileClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultipleFileClauseContext,0) + + + def commitmentControlClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommitmentControlClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_ioControlClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIoControlClause" ): + listener.enterIoControlClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIoControlClause" ): + listener.exitIoControlClause(self) + + + + + def ioControlClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IoControlClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 136, self.RULE_ioControlClause) + try: + self.state = 1897 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [399]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1893 + self.rerunClause() + pass + elif token in [414]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1894 + self.sameClause() + pass + elif token in [301]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1895 + self.multipleFileClause() + pass + elif token in [77]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1896 + self.commitmentControlClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RerunClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RERUN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RERUN, 0) + + def EVERY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EVERY, 0) + + def rerunEveryRecords(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryRecordsContext,0) + + + def rerunEveryOf(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryOfContext,0) + + + def rerunEveryClock(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryClockContext,0) + + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def assignmentName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rerunClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRerunClause" ): + listener.enterRerunClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRerunClause" ): + listener.exitRerunClause(self) + + + + + def rerunClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RerunClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 138, self.RULE_rerunClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1899 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RERUN) + self.state = 1905 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 1900 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + self.state = 1903 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,150,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1901 + self.assignmentName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1902 + self.fileName() + pass + + + + + self.state = 1907 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EVERY) + self.state = 1911 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,152,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 1908 + self.rerunEveryRecords() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 1909 + self.rerunEveryOf() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 1910 + self.rerunEveryClock() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RerunEveryRecordsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def RECORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rerunEveryRecords + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRerunEveryRecords" ): + listener.enterRerunEveryRecords(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRerunEveryRecords" ): + listener.exitRerunEveryRecords(self) + + + + + def rerunEveryRecords(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryRecordsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 140, self.RULE_rerunEveryRecords) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1913 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 1914 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RerunEveryOfContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OF(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.OF) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, i) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def REEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REEL, 0) + + def UNIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNIT, 0) + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rerunEveryOf + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRerunEveryOf" ): + listener.enterRerunEveryOf(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRerunEveryOf" ): + listener.exitRerunEveryOf(self) + + + + + def rerunEveryOf(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryOfContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 142, self.RULE_rerunEveryOf) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1917 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==158: + self.state = 1916 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + + + self.state = 1920 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 1919 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 1922 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==382 or _la==499): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 1923 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + self.state = 1924 + self.fileName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RerunEveryClockContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def CLOCK_UNITS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CLOCK_UNITS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rerunEveryClock + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRerunEveryClock" ): + listener.enterRerunEveryClock(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRerunEveryClock" ): + listener.exitRerunEveryClock(self) + + + + + def rerunEveryClock(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RerunEveryClockContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 144, self.RULE_rerunEveryClock) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1926 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 1928 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==66: + self.state = 1927 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CLOCK_UNITS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SameClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SAME, 0) + + def AREA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AREA, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def SORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT, 0) + + def SORT_MERGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_MERGE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sameClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSameClause" ): + listener.enterSameClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSameClause" ): + listener.exitSameClause(self) + + + + + def sameClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SameClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 146, self.RULE_sameClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1930 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SAME) + self.state = 1932 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==377 or _la==440 or _la==444: + self.state = 1931 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==377 or _la==440 or _la==444): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 1935 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==22: + self.state = 1934 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AREA) + + + self.state = 1938 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1937 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1941 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1940 + self.fileName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1943 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,159,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultipleFileClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MULTIPLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MULTIPLE, 0) + + def FILE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILE, 0) + + def TAPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TAPE, 0) + + def CONTAINS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS, 0) + + def multipleFilePosition(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MultipleFilePositionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultipleFilePositionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multipleFileClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultipleFileClause" ): + listener.enterMultipleFileClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultipleFileClause" ): + listener.exitMultipleFileClause(self) + + + + + def multipleFileClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultipleFileClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 148, self.RULE_multipleFileClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1945 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MULTIPLE) + self.state = 1946 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILE) + self.state = 1948 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==474: + self.state = 1947 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TAPE) + + + self.state = 1951 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==94: + self.state = 1950 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS) + + + self.state = 1954 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 1953 + self.multipleFilePosition() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 1956 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,162,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultipleFilePositionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def POSITION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.POSITION, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multipleFilePosition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultipleFilePosition" ): + listener.enterMultipleFilePosition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultipleFilePosition" ): + listener.exitMultipleFilePosition(self) + + + + + def multipleFilePosition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultipleFilePositionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 150, self.RULE_multipleFilePosition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1958 + self.fileName() + self.state = 1961 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==350: + self.state = 1959 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.POSITION) + self.state = 1960 + self.integerLiteral() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommitmentControlClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMMITMENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMITMENT, 0) + + def CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_commitmentControlClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommitmentControlClause" ): + listener.enterCommitmentControlClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommitmentControlClause" ): + listener.exitCommitmentControlClause(self) + + + + + def commitmentControlClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommitmentControlClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 152, self.RULE_commitmentControlClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1963 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMITMENT) + self.state = 1964 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL) + self.state = 1966 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 1965 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 1968 + self.fileName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDivisionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA, 0) + + def DIVISION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataDivisionSection(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionSectionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionSectionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDivision + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDivision" ): + listener.enterDataDivision(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDivision" ): + listener.exitDataDivision(self) + + + + + def dataDivision(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 154, self.RULE_dataDivision) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1970 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA) + self.state = 1971 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION) + self.state = 1972 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1976 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==79 or _la==110 or _la==206 or _la==282 or _la==285 or ((((_la - 363)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 363)) & 9007203549708289) != 0) or _la==516: + self.state = 1973 + self.dataDivisionSection() + self.state = 1978 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDivisionSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileSectionContext,0) + + + def dataBaseSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionContext,0) + + + def workingStorageSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WorkingStorageSectionContext,0) + + + def linkageSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinkageSectionContext,0) + + + def communicationSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationSectionContext,0) + + + def localStorageSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LocalStorageSectionContext,0) + + + def screenSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenSectionContext,0) + + + def reportSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportSectionContext,0) + + + def programLibrarySection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramLibrarySectionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDivisionSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDivisionSection" ): + listener.enterDataDivisionSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDivisionSection" ): + listener.exitDataDivisionSection(self) + + + + + def dataDivisionSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDivisionSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 156, self.RULE_dataDivisionSection) + try: + self.state = 1988 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [206]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1979 + self.fileSection() + pass + elif token in [110]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 1980 + self.dataBaseSection() + pass + elif token in [516]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 1981 + self.workingStorageSection() + pass + elif token in [282]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 1982 + self.linkageSection() + pass + elif token in [79]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 1983 + self.communicationSection() + pass + elif token in [285]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 1984 + self.localStorageSection() + pass + elif token in [416]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 1985 + self.screenSection() + pass + elif token in [395]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 1986 + self.reportSection() + pass + elif token in [363]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 1987 + self.programLibrarySection() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FILE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILE, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def fileDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileSection" ): + listener.enterFileSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileSection" ): + listener.exitFileSection(self) + + + + + def fileSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 158, self.RULE_fileSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1990 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILE) + self.state = 1991 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 1992 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 1996 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==205 or _la==417: + self.state = 1993 + self.fileDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 1998 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def FD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FD, 0) + + def SD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SD, 0) + + def fileDescriptionEntryClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext,i) + + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterFileDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitFileDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def fileDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 160, self.RULE_fileDescriptionEntry) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 1999 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==205 or _la==417): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2000 + self.fileName() + self.state = 2007 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,169,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 2002 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==534: + self.state = 2001 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + self.state = 2004 + self.fileDescriptionEntryClause() + self.state = 2009 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,169,self._ctx) + + self.state = 2010 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2014 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 527) != 0): + self.state = 2011 + self.dataDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2016 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def externalClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExternalClauseContext,0) + + + def globalClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GlobalClauseContext,0) + + + def blockContainsClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsClauseContext,0) + + + def recordContainsClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseContext,0) + + + def labelRecordsClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LabelRecordsClauseContext,0) + + + def valueOfClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ValueOfClauseContext,0) + + + def dataRecordsClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataRecordsClauseContext,0) + + + def linageClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinageClauseContext,0) + + + def codeSetClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CodeSetClauseContext,0) + + + def reportClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportClauseContext,0) + + + def recordingModeClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordingModeClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileDescriptionEntryClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileDescriptionEntryClause" ): + listener.enterFileDescriptionEntryClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileDescriptionEntryClause" ): + listener.exitFileDescriptionEntryClause(self) + + + + + def fileDescriptionEntryClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileDescriptionEntryClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 162, self.RULE_fileDescriptionEntryClause) + try: + self.state = 2028 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,171,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2017 + self.externalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2018 + self.globalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 2019 + self.blockContainsClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 2020 + self.recordContainsClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 2021 + self.labelRecordsClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 2022 + self.valueOfClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 2023 + self.dataRecordsClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 2024 + self.linageClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 2025 + self.codeSetClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 2026 + self.reportClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 2027 + self.recordingModeClause() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExternalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXTERNAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTERNAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_externalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExternalClause" ): + listener.enterExternalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExternalClause" ): + listener.exitExternalClause(self) + + + + + def externalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExternalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 164, self.RULE_externalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2031 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2030 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2033 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXTERNAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GlobalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GLOBAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_globalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGlobalClause" ): + listener.enterGlobalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGlobalClause" ): + listener.exitGlobalClause(self) + + + + + def globalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GlobalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 166, self.RULE_globalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2036 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2035 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2038 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class BlockContainsClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLOCK, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def CONTAINS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS, 0) + + def blockContainsTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsToContext,0) + + + def RECORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS, 0) + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_blockContainsClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBlockContainsClause" ): + listener.enterBlockContainsClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBlockContainsClause" ): + listener.exitBlockContainsClause(self) + + + + + def blockContainsClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 168, self.RULE_blockContainsClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2040 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLOCK) + self.state = 2042 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==94: + self.state = 2041 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS) + + + self.state = 2044 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2046 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 2045 + self.blockContainsTo() + + + self.state = 2049 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63 or _la==379: + self.state = 2048 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==63 or _la==379): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class BlockContainsToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_blockContainsTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBlockContainsTo" ): + listener.enterBlockContainsTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBlockContainsTo" ): + listener.exitBlockContainsTo(self) + + + + + def blockContainsTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.BlockContainsToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 170, self.RULE_blockContainsTo) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2051 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 2052 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordContainsClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def recordContainsClauseFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat1Context,0) + + + def recordContainsClauseFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat2Context,0) + + + def recordContainsClauseFormat3(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat3Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordContainsClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordContainsClause" ): + listener.enterRecordContainsClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordContainsClause" ): + listener.exitRecordContainsClause(self) + + + + + def recordContainsClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 172, self.RULE_recordContainsClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2054 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 2058 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,177,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2055 + self.recordContainsClauseFormat1() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2056 + self.recordContainsClauseFormat2() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2057 + self.recordContainsClauseFormat3() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordContainsClauseFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def CONTAINS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS, 0) + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordContainsClauseFormat1" ): + listener.enterRecordContainsClauseFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordContainsClauseFormat1" ): + listener.exitRecordContainsClauseFormat1(self) + + + + + def recordContainsClauseFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 174, self.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2061 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==94: + self.state = 2060 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS) + + + self.state = 2063 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2065 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63: + self.state = 2064 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordContainsClauseFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VARYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VARYING, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def DEPENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def recordContainsTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsToContext,0) + + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordContainsClauseFormat2" ): + listener.enterRecordContainsClauseFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordContainsClauseFormat2" ): + listener.exitRecordContainsClauseFormat2(self) + + + + + def recordContainsClauseFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 176, self.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2068 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2067 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2070 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VARYING) + self.state = 2072 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 2071 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 2075 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==439: + self.state = 2074 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + + + self.state = 2087 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215 or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0): + self.state = 2078 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215: + self.state = 2077 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + + + self.state = 2080 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2082 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 2081 + self.recordContainsTo() + + + self.state = 2085 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63: + self.state = 2084 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + + + + + self.state = 2094 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==134: + self.state = 2089 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING) + self.state = 2091 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 2090 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 2093 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordContainsClauseFormat3Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def recordContainsTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsToContext,0) + + + def CONTAINS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS, 0) + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat3 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordContainsClauseFormat3" ): + listener.enterRecordContainsClauseFormat3(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordContainsClauseFormat3" ): + listener.exitRecordContainsClauseFormat3(self) + + + + + def recordContainsClauseFormat3(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsClauseFormat3Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 178, self.RULE_recordContainsClauseFormat3) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2097 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==94: + self.state = 2096 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTAINS) + + + self.state = 2099 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2100 + self.recordContainsTo() + self.state = 2102 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==63: + self.state = 2101 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordContainsToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordContainsTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordContainsTo" ): + listener.enterRecordContainsTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordContainsTo" ): + listener.exitRecordContainsTo(self) + + + + + def recordContainsTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordContainsToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 180, self.RULE_recordContainsTo) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2104 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 2105 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LabelRecordsClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LABEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LABEL, 0) + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def RECORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS, 0) + + def OMITTED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED, 0) + + def STANDARD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def dataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_labelRecordsClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLabelRecordsClause" ): + listener.enterLabelRecordsClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLabelRecordsClause" ): + listener.exitLabelRecordsClause(self) + + + + + def labelRecordsClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LabelRecordsClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 182, self.RULE_labelRecordsClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2107 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LABEL) + self.state = 2116 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [377]: + self.state = 2108 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 2110 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2109 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + pass + elif token in [379]: + self.state = 2112 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS) + self.state = 2114 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21: + self.state = 2113 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ARE) + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2125 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [325]: + self.state = 2118 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED) + pass + elif token in [453]: + self.state = 2119 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2121 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2120 + self.dataName() + self.state = 2123 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ValueOfClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def valuePair(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ValuePairContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ValuePairContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_valueOfClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterValueOfClause" ): + listener.enterValueOfClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitValueOfClause" ): + listener.exitValueOfClause(self) + + + + + def valueOfClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ValueOfClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 184, self.RULE_valueOfClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2127 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 2128 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + self.state = 2130 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2129 + self.valuePair() + self.state = 2132 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ValuePairContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def systemName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext,0) + + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_valuePair + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterValuePair" ): + listener.enterValuePair(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitValuePair" ): + listener.exitValuePair(self) + + + + + def valuePair(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ValuePairContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 186, self.RULE_valuePair) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2134 + self.systemName() + self.state = 2136 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2135 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2140 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,198,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2138 + self.qualifiedDataName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2139 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataRecordsClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA, 0) + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def RECORDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS, 0) + + def dataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,i) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataRecordsClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataRecordsClause" ): + listener.enterDataRecordsClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataRecordsClause" ): + listener.exitDataRecordsClause(self) + + + + + def dataRecordsClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataRecordsClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 188, self.RULE_dataRecordsClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2142 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA) + self.state = 2151 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [377]: + self.state = 2143 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 2145 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2144 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + pass + elif token in [379]: + self.state = 2147 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORDS) + self.state = 2149 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21: + self.state = 2148 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ARE) + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2154 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2153 + self.dataName() + self.state = 2156 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinageClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LINAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def linageAt(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LinageAtContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinageAtContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linageClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinageClause" ): + listener.enterLinageClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinageClause" ): + listener.exitLinageClause(self) + + + + + def linageClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinageClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 190, self.RULE_linageClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2158 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE) + self.state = 2160 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2159 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2164 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2162 + self.dataName() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2163 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2167 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,205,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2166 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINES) + + + self.state = 2172 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==30 or _la==48 or _la==211 or _la==280 or _la==492 or _la==514: + self.state = 2169 + self.linageAt() + self.state = 2174 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinageAtContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def linageFootingAt(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinageFootingAtContext,0) + + + def linageLinesAtTop(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtTopContext,0) + + + def linageLinesAtBottom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtBottomContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linageAt + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinageAt" ): + listener.enterLinageAt(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinageAt" ): + listener.exitLinageAt(self) + + + + + def linageAt(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinageAtContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 192, self.RULE_linageAt) + try: + self.state = 2178 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,207,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2175 + self.linageFootingAt() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2176 + self.linageLinesAtTop() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 2177 + self.linageLinesAtBottom() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinageFootingAtContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FOOTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linageFootingAt + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinageFootingAt" ): + listener.enterLinageFootingAt(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinageFootingAt" ): + listener.exitLinageFootingAt(self) + + + + + def linageFootingAt(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinageFootingAtContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 194, self.RULE_linageFootingAt) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2181 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 2180 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 2183 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING) + self.state = 2185 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 2184 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 2189 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2187 + self.dataName() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2188 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinageLinesAtTopContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TOP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TOP, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linageLinesAtTop + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinageLinesAtTop" ): + listener.enterLinageLinesAtTop(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinageLinesAtTop" ): + listener.exitLinageLinesAtTop(self) + + + + + def linageLinesAtTop(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtTopContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 196, self.RULE_linageLinesAtTop) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2192 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==280: + self.state = 2191 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINES) + + + self.state = 2195 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 2194 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 2197 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TOP) + self.state = 2200 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2198 + self.dataName() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2199 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinageLinesAtBottomContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BOTTOM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BOTTOM, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linageLinesAtBottom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinageLinesAtBottom" ): + listener.enterLinageLinesAtBottom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinageLinesAtBottom" ): + listener.exitLinageLinesAtBottom(self) + + + + + def linageLinesAtBottom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinageLinesAtBottomContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 198, self.RULE_linageLinesAtBottom) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2203 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==280: + self.state = 2202 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINES) + + + self.state = 2206 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 2205 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 2208 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BOTTOM) + self.state = 2211 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2209 + self.dataName() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2210 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordingModeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECORDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORDING, 0) + + def modeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ModeStatementContext,0) + + + def MODE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MODE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordingModeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordingModeClause" ): + listener.enterRecordingModeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordingModeClause" ): + listener.exitRecordingModeClause(self) + + + + + def recordingModeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordingModeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 200, self.RULE_recordingModeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2213 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORDING) + self.state = 2215 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==297: + self.state = 2214 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MODE) + + + self.state = 2218 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2217 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2220 + self.modeStatement() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ModeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_modeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterModeStatement" ): + listener.enterModeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitModeStatement" ): + listener.exitModeStatement(self) + + + + + def modeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ModeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 202, self.RULE_modeStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2222 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CodeSetClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CODE_SET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CODE_SET, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_codeSetClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCodeSetClause" ): + listener.enterCodeSetClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCodeSetClause" ): + listener.exitCodeSetClause(self) + + + + + def codeSetClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CodeSetClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 204, self.RULE_codeSetClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2224 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CODE_SET) + self.state = 2226 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2225 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2228 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPORT, 0) + + def REPORTS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPORTS, 0) + + def reportName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext,i) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportClause" ): + listener.enterReportClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportClause" ): + listener.exitReportClause(self) + + + + + def reportClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 206, self.RULE_reportClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2238 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [395]: + self.state = 2230 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPORT) + self.state = 2232 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2231 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + pass + elif token in [397]: + self.state = 2234 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPORTS) + self.state = 2236 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21: + self.state = 2235 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ARE) + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2241 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2240 + self.reportName() + self.state = 2243 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178969483) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataBaseSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DATA_BASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA_BASE, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataBaseSectionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataBaseSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataBaseSection" ): + listener.enterDataBaseSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataBaseSection" ): + listener.exitDataBaseSection(self) + + + + + def dataBaseSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 208, self.RULE_dataBaseSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2245 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA_BASE) + self.state = 2246 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2247 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2251 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0): + self.state = 2248 + self.dataBaseSectionEntry() + self.state = 2253 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataBaseSectionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def literal(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,i) + + + def INVOKE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INVOKE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataBaseSectionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataBaseSectionEntry" ): + listener.enterDataBaseSectionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataBaseSectionEntry" ): + listener.exitDataBaseSectionEntry(self) + + + + + def dataBaseSectionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataBaseSectionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 210, self.RULE_dataBaseSectionEntry) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2254 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2255 + self.literal() + self.state = 2256 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INVOKE) + self.state = 2257 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WorkingStorageSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WORKING_STORAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WORKING_STORAGE, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_workingStorageSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWorkingStorageSection" ): + listener.enterWorkingStorageSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWorkingStorageSection" ): + listener.exitWorkingStorageSection(self) + + + + + def workingStorageSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WorkingStorageSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 212, self.RULE_workingStorageSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2259 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WORKING_STORAGE) + self.state = 2260 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2261 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2265 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 527) != 0): + self.state = 2262 + self.dataDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2267 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LinkageSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LINKAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINKAGE, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_linkageSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLinkageSection" ): + listener.enterLinkageSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLinkageSection" ): + listener.exitLinkageSection(self) + + + + + def linkageSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LinkageSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 214, self.RULE_linkageSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2268 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINKAGE) + self.state = 2269 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2270 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2274 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 527) != 0): + self.state = 2271 + self.dataDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2276 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommunicationSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMMUNICATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMUNICATION, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def communicationDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_communicationSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommunicationSection" ): + listener.enterCommunicationSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommunicationSection" ): + listener.exitCommunicationSection(self) + + + + + def communicationSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommunicationSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 216, self.RULE_communicationSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2277 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMUNICATION) + self.state = 2278 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2279 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2284 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==56 or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 527) != 0): + self.state = 2282 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [56]: + self.state = 2280 + self.communicationDescriptionEntry() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555, 561]: + self.state = 2281 + self.dataDescriptionEntry() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2286 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1Context,0) + + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2Context,0) + + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommunicationDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterCommunicationDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommunicationDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitCommunicationDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def communicationDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 218, self.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntry) + try: + self.state = 2290 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,229,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2287 + self.communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2288 + self.communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 2289 + self.communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CD, 0) + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def INITIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL, 0) + + def dataDescName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,i) + + + def symbolicQueueClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicQueueClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicQueueClauseContext,i) + + + def symbolicSubQueueClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext,i) + + + def messageDateClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext,i) + + + def messageTimeClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext,i) + + + def symbolicSourceClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSourceClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSourceClauseContext,i) + + + def textLengthClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext,i) + + + def endKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def statusKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def messageCountClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MessageCountClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MessageCountClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + + + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 220, self.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2292 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CD) + self.state = 2293 + self.cdName() + self.state = 2295 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 2294 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 2298 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==243: + self.state = 2297 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL) + + + self.state = 2300 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + self.state = 2315 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070452049445126659) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893884388107) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761343) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752044752779) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874435004170307) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 4107423682476392449) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018459267) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 2313 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [105, 158, 295, 366, 448, 457, 460, 461, 462, 467, 478]: + self.state = 2310 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,232,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2301 + self.symbolicQueueClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2302 + self.symbolicSubQueueClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2303 + self.messageDateClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 2304 + self.messageTimeClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 2305 + self.symbolicSourceClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 2306 + self.textLengthClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 2307 + self.endKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.state = 2308 + self.statusKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.state = 2309 + self.messageCountClause() + pass + + + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 208, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2312 + self.dataDescName() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2317 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 2318 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CD, 0) + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def destinationCountClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DestinationCountClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DestinationCountClauseContext,i) + + + def textLengthClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext,i) + + + def statusKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def destinationTableClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DestinationTableClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DestinationTableClauseContext,i) + + + def errorKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ErrorKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ErrorKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def symbolicDestinationClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicDestinationClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicDestinationClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + + + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 222, self.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2320 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CD) + self.state = 2321 + self.cdName() + self.state = 2323 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 2322 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 2325 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + self.state = 2334 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==136 or _la==188 or ((((_la - 457)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 457)) & 2098177) != 0): + self.state = 2332 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,236,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2326 + self.destinationCountClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2327 + self.textLengthClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2328 + self.statusKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 2329 + self.destinationTableClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 2330 + self.errorKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 2331 + self.symbolicDestinationClause() + pass + + + self.state = 2336 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 2337 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CD, 0) + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def INITIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL, 0) + + def I_O(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def dataDescName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,i) + + + def messageDateClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext,i) + + + def messageTimeClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext,i) + + + def symbolicTerminalClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicTerminalClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SymbolicTerminalClauseContext,i) + + + def textLengthClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext,i) + + + def endKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def statusKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.enterCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.exitCommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + + + + def communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommunicationDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 224, self.RULE_communicationDescriptionEntryFormat3) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2339 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CD) + self.state = 2340 + self.cdName() + self.state = 2342 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 2341 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 2344 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL) + self.state = 2345 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O) + self.state = 2357 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893884388107) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761343) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752044752779) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 72057678864072705) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018459779) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 2355 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [158, 295, 457, 467, 475, 478]: + self.state = 2352 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,239,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2346 + self.messageDateClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2347 + self.messageTimeClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2348 + self.symbolicTerminalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 2349 + self.textLengthClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 2350 + self.endKeyClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 2351 + self.statusKeyClause() + pass + + + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 208, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2354 + self.dataDescName() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2359 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 2360 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DestinationCountClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DESTINATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION, 0) + + def COUNT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COUNT, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_destinationCountClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDestinationCountClause" ): + listener.enterDestinationCountClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDestinationCountClause" ): + listener.exitDestinationCountClause(self) + + + + + def destinationCountClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DestinationCountClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 226, self.RULE_destinationCountClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2362 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION) + self.state = 2363 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COUNT) + self.state = 2365 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2364 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2367 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DestinationTableClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DESTINATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION, 0) + + def TABLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TABLE, 0) + + def OCCURS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def TIMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMES, 0) + + def INDEXED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INDEXED, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def indexName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_destinationTableClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDestinationTableClause" ): + listener.enterDestinationTableClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDestinationTableClause" ): + listener.exitDestinationTableClause(self) + + + + + def destinationTableClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DestinationTableClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 228, self.RULE_destinationTableClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2369 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION) + self.state = 2370 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TABLE) + self.state = 2371 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS) + self.state = 2372 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2373 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIMES) + self.state = 2381 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==241: + self.state = 2374 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INDEXED) + self.state = 2375 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 2377 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2376 + self.indexName() + self.state = 2379 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EndKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_endKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEndKeyClause" ): + listener.enterEndKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEndKeyClause" ): + listener.exitEndKeyClause(self) + + + + + def endKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EndKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 230, self.RULE_endKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2383 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + self.state = 2384 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 2386 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2385 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2388 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ErrorKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ERROR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERROR, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_errorKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterErrorKeyClause" ): + listener.enterErrorKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitErrorKeyClause" ): + listener.exitErrorKeyClause(self) + + + + + def errorKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ErrorKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 232, self.RULE_errorKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2390 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ERROR) + self.state = 2391 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 2393 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2392 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2395 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MessageCountClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COUNT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COUNT, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_messageCountClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMessageCountClause" ): + listener.enterMessageCountClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMessageCountClause" ): + listener.exitMessageCountClause(self) + + + + + def messageCountClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MessageCountClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 234, self.RULE_messageCountClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2398 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==295: + self.state = 2397 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE) + + + self.state = 2400 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COUNT) + self.state = 2402 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2401 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2404 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MessageDateClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE, 0) + + def DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_messageDateClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMessageDateClause" ): + listener.enterMessageDateClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMessageDateClause" ): + listener.exitMessageDateClause(self) + + + + + def messageDateClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MessageDateClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 236, self.RULE_messageDateClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2406 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE) + self.state = 2407 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE) + self.state = 2409 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2408 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2411 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MessageTimeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE, 0) + + def TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIME, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_messageTimeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMessageTimeClause" ): + listener.enterMessageTimeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMessageTimeClause" ): + listener.exitMessageTimeClause(self) + + + + + def messageTimeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MessageTimeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 238, self.RULE_messageTimeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2413 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE) + self.state = 2414 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIME) + self.state = 2416 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2415 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2418 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StatusKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def STATUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STATUS, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_statusKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStatusKeyClause" ): + listener.enterStatusKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStatusKeyClause" ): + listener.exitStatusKeyClause(self) + + + + + def statusKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StatusKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 240, self.RULE_statusKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2420 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + self.state = 2421 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 2423 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2422 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2425 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicDestinationClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DESTINATION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicDestinationClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicDestinationClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicDestinationClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicDestinationClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicDestinationClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicDestinationClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicDestinationClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 242, self.RULE_symbolicDestinationClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2428 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==467: + self.state = 2427 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + + + self.state = 2430 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DESTINATION) + self.state = 2432 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2431 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2434 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicQueueClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def QUEUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.QUEUE, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicQueueClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicQueueClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicQueueClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicQueueClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicQueueClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicQueueClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicQueueClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 244, self.RULE_symbolicQueueClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2437 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==467: + self.state = 2436 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + + + self.state = 2439 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.QUEUE) + self.state = 2441 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2440 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2443 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicSourceClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SOURCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicSourceClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicSourceClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicSourceClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicSourceClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicSourceClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicSourceClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSourceClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 246, self.RULE_symbolicSourceClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2446 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==467: + self.state = 2445 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + + + self.state = 2448 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE) + self.state = 2450 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2449 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2452 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicTerminalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TERMINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicTerminalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicTerminalClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicTerminalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicTerminalClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicTerminalClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicTerminalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicTerminalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 248, self.RULE_symbolicTerminalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2455 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==467: + self.state = 2454 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + + + self.state = 2457 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL) + self.state = 2459 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2458 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2461 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def SUB_QUEUE_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUB_QUEUE_1, 0) + + def SUB_QUEUE_2(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUB_QUEUE_2, 0) + + def SUB_QUEUE_3(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUB_QUEUE_3, 0) + + def SYMBOLIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicSubQueueClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicSubQueueClause" ): + listener.enterSymbolicSubQueueClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicSubQueueClause" ): + listener.exitSymbolicSubQueueClause(self) + + + + + def symbolicSubQueueClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicSubQueueClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 250, self.RULE_symbolicSubQueueClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2464 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==467: + self.state = 2463 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOLIC) + + + self.state = 2466 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(((((_la - 460)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 460)) & 7) != 0)): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2468 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2467 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2470 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class TextLengthClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TEXT, 0) + + def LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH, 0) + + def dataDescName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_textLengthClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTextLengthClause" ): + listener.enterTextLengthClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTextLengthClause" ): + listener.exitTextLengthClause(self) + + + + + def textLengthClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.TextLengthClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 252, self.RULE_textLengthClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2472 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TEXT) + self.state = 2473 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH) + self.state = 2475 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2474 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2477 + self.dataDescName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LocalStorageSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LOCAL_STORAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL_STORAGE, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def LD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LD, 0) + + def localName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LocalNameContext,0) + + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_localStorageSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLocalStorageSection" ): + listener.enterLocalStorageSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLocalStorageSection" ): + listener.exitLocalStorageSection(self) + + + + + def localStorageSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LocalStorageSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 254, self.RULE_localStorageSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2479 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL_STORAGE) + self.state = 2480 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2481 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2486 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==265: + self.state = 2482 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LD) + self.state = 2483 + self.localName() + self.state = 2484 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + self.state = 2491 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 527) != 0): + self.state = 2488 + self.dataDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2493 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SCREEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SCREEN, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def screenDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenSection" ): + listener.enterScreenSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenSection" ): + listener.exitScreenSection(self) + + + + + def screenSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 256, self.RULE_screenSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2494 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SCREEN) + self.state = 2495 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2496 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2500 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==555: + self.state = 2497 + self.screenDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2502 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTEGERLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGERLITERAL, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def FILLER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILLER, 0) + + def screenName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenNameContext,0) + + + def screenDescriptionBlankClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionBellClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionBlinkClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionEraseClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionLightClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionGridClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionSizeClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionLineClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionColumnClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionControlClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionValueClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionPictureClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionUsageClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionSignClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionAutoClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionSecureClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionRequiredClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionPromptClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionFullClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionFromClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext,i) + + + def screenDescriptionUsingClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 258, self.RULE_screenDescriptionEntry) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2503 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTEGERLITERAL) + self.state = 2506 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,266,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2504 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILLER) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2505 + self.screenName() + + + self.state = 2540 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while ((((_la - 33)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 33)) & 3298534889775) != 0) or _la==97 or _la==156 or ((((_la - 187)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 187)) & 4948808957953) != 0) or ((((_la - 255)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 255)) & 72057628414486531) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4611686018695826433) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 412317384705) != 0) or ((((_la - 493)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 493)) & 536897569) != 0): + self.state = 2538 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,268,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2508 + self.screenDescriptionBlankClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2509 + self.screenDescriptionBellClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2510 + self.screenDescriptionBlinkClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 2511 + self.screenDescriptionEraseClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 2512 + self.screenDescriptionLightClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 2513 + self.screenDescriptionGridClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 2514 + self.screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.state = 2515 + self.screenDescriptionUnderlineClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.state = 2516 + self.screenDescriptionSizeClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.state = 2517 + self.screenDescriptionLineClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.state = 2518 + self.screenDescriptionColumnClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 12: + self.state = 2519 + self.screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 13: + self.state = 2520 + self.screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 14: + self.state = 2521 + self.screenDescriptionControlClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 15: + self.state = 2522 + self.screenDescriptionValueClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 16: + self.state = 2523 + self.screenDescriptionPictureClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 17: + self.state = 2526 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [215]: + self.state = 2524 + self.screenDescriptionFromClause() + pass + elif token in [506]: + self.state = 2525 + self.screenDescriptionUsingClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + pass + + elif la_ == 18: + self.state = 2528 + self.screenDescriptionUsageClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 19: + self.state = 2529 + self.screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 20: + self.state = 2530 + self.screenDescriptionJustifiedClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 21: + self.state = 2531 + self.screenDescriptionSignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 22: + self.state = 2532 + self.screenDescriptionAutoClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 23: + self.state = 2533 + self.screenDescriptionSecureClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 24: + self.state = 2534 + self.screenDescriptionRequiredClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 25: + self.state = 2535 + self.screenDescriptionPromptClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 26: + self.state = 2536 + self.screenDescriptionFullClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 27: + self.state = 2537 + self.screenDescriptionZeroFillClause() + pass + + + self.state = 2542 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 2543 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLANK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLANK, 0) + + def SCREEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SCREEN, 0) + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionBlankClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionBlankClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionBlankClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionBlankClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionBlankClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionBlankClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 260, self.RULE_screenDescriptionBlankClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2545 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLANK) + self.state = 2546 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==279 or _la==416): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BELL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BELL, 0) + + def BEEP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEEP, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionBellClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionBellClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionBellClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionBellClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionBellClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionBellClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBellClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 262, self.RULE_screenDescriptionBellClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2548 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==38 or _la==41): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLINK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLINK, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionBlinkClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionBlinkClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionBlinkClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionBlinkClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionBlinkClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionBlinkClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlinkClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 264, self.RULE_screenDescriptionBlinkClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2550 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLINK) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ERASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERASE, 0) + + def EOL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOL, 0) + + def EOS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionEraseClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionEraseClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionEraseClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionEraseClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionEraseClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionEraseClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionEraseClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 266, self.RULE_screenDescriptionEraseClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2552 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ERASE) + self.state = 2553 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==189 or _la==190): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def HIGHLIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HIGHLIGHT, 0) + + def LOWLIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOWLIGHT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionLightClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionLightClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionLightClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionLightClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionLightClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionLightClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLightClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 268, self.RULE_screenDescriptionLightClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2555 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==229 or _la==290): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GRID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GRID, 0) + + def LEFTLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEFTLINE, 0) + + def OVERLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OVERLINE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionGridClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionGridClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionGridClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionGridClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionGridClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionGridClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionGridClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 270, self.RULE_screenDescriptionGridClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2557 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==226 or _la==268 or _la==336): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REVERSE_VIDEO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REVERSE_VIDEO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionReverseVideoClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 272, self.RULE_screenDescriptionReverseVideoClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2559 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REVERSE_VIDEO) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def UNDERLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNDERLINE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionUnderlineClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionUnderlineClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUnderlineClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 274, self.RULE_screenDescriptionUnderlineClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2561 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UNDERLINE) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionSizeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionSizeClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionSizeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionSizeClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionSizeClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionSizeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSizeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 276, self.RULE_screenDescriptionSizeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2563 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + self.state = 2565 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2564 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2569 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,271,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2567 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2568 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def PLUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUS, 0) + + def PLUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR, 0) + + def MINUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR, 0) + + def NUMBER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionLineClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionLineClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionLineClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionLineClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionLineClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionLineClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionLineClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 278, self.RULE_screenDescriptionLineClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2571 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINE) + self.state = 2579 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254 or _la==315 or _la==348 or _la==543 or _la==547: + self.state = 2573 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==315: + self.state = 2572 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER) + + + self.state = 2576 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2575 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2578 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==348 or _la==543 or _la==547): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 2583 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,275,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2581 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2582 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COLUMN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLUMN, 0) + + def COL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COL, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def PLUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUS, 0) + + def PLUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR, 0) + + def MINUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR, 0) + + def NUMBER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionColumnClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionColumnClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionColumnClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionColumnClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionColumnClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionColumnClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionColumnClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 280, self.RULE_screenDescriptionColumnClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2585 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==73 or _la==74): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2593 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254 or _la==315 or _la==348 or _la==543 or _la==547: + self.state = 2587 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==315: + self.state = 2586 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER) + + + self.state = 2590 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2589 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2592 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==348 or _la==543 or _la==547): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 2597 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,279,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2595 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2596 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FOREGROUND_COLOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOREGROUND_COLOR, 0) + + def FOREGROUND_COLOUR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOREGROUND_COLOUR, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionForegroundColorClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 282, self.RULE_screenDescriptionForegroundColorClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2599 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==213 or _la==214): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2601 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2600 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2605 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,281,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2603 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2604 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BACKGROUND_COLOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0) + + def BACKGROUND_COLOUR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BACKGROUND_COLOUR, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBackgroundColorClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 284, self.RULE_screenDescriptionBackgroundColorClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2607 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==35 or _la==36): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2609 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2608 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2613 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,283,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2611 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2612 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionControlClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionControlClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionControlClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionControlClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionControlClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionControlClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionControlClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 286, self.RULE_screenDescriptionControlClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2615 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL) + self.state = 2617 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2616 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2619 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionValueClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionValueClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionValueClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionValueClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionValueClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionValueClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionValueClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 288, self.RULE_screenDescriptionValueClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2621 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 2623 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2622 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2625 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def pictureString(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext,0) + + + def PICTURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PICTURE, 0) + + def PIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionPictureClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionPictureClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionPictureClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionPictureClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionPictureClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionPictureClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPictureClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 290, self.RULE_screenDescriptionPictureClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2627 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==346 or _la==347): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2629 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2628 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2631 + self.pictureString() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def screenDescriptionToClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionToClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionFromClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionFromClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionFromClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionFromClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionFromClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionFromClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFromClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 292, self.RULE_screenDescriptionFromClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2633 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 2636 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,287,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2634 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2635 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 2639 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 2638 + self.screenDescriptionToClause() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionToClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionToClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionToClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionToClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionToClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionToClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionToClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionToClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 294, self.RULE_screenDescriptionToClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2641 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 2642 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionUsingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionUsingClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionUsingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionUsingClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionUsingClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionUsingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 296, self.RULE_screenDescriptionUsingClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2644 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 2645 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY, 0) + + def DISPLAY_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY_1, 0) + + def USAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USAGE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionUsageClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionUsageClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionUsageClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionUsageClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionUsageClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionUsageClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionUsageClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 298, self.RULE_screenDescriptionUsageClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2647 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USAGE) + self.state = 2649 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2648 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2651 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==142 or _la==143): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLANK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLANK, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 300, self.RULE_screenDescriptionBlankWhenZeroClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2653 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLANK) + self.state = 2655 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==512: + self.state = 2654 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + + + self.state = 2657 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZERO) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def JUSTIFIED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUSTIFIED, 0) + + def JUST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUST, 0) + + def RIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionJustifiedClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionJustifiedClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionJustifiedClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 302, self.RULE_screenDescriptionJustifiedClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2659 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==255 or _la==256): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2661 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==411: + self.state = 2660 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def TRAILING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRAILING, 0) + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def SEPARATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionSignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionSignClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionSignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionSignClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionSignClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionSignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 304, self.RULE_screenDescriptionSignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2667 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==438: + self.state = 2663 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + self.state = 2665 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2664 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 2669 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==266 or _la==493): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2674 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==427: + self.state = 2670 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE) + self.state = 2672 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 2671 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AUTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AUTO, 0) + + def AUTO_SKIP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AUTO_SKIP, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionAutoClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionAutoClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionAutoClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionAutoClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionAutoClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionAutoClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionAutoClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 306, self.RULE_screenDescriptionAutoClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2676 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==33 or _la==34): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SECURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECURE, 0) + + def NO_ECHO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO_ECHO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionSecureClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionSecureClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionSecureClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionSecureClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionSecureClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionSecureClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionSecureClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 308, self.RULE_screenDescriptionSecureClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2678 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==311 or _la==420): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REQUIRED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REQUIRED, 0) + + def EMPTY_CHECK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EMPTY_CHECK, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionRequiredClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionRequiredClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionRequiredClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionRequiredClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionRequiredClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionRequiredClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionRequiredClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 310, self.RULE_screenDescriptionRequiredClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2680 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==156 or _la==398): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PROMPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROMPT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionPromptClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionPromptClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionPromptClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionPromptClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionPromptClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionPromptClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 312, self.RULE_screenDescriptionPromptClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2682 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROMPT) + self.state = 2684 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 2683 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + self.state = 2687 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2686 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2691 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,298,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2689 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2690 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 2694 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==321: + self.state = 2693 + self.screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OCCURS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def TIMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionPromptOccursClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 314, self.RULE_screenDescriptionPromptOccursClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2696 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS) + self.state = 2697 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2699 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==487: + self.state = 2698 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIMES) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FULL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FULL, 0) + + def LENGTH_CHECK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH_CHECK, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionFullClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionFullClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionFullClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionFullClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionFullClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionFullClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionFullClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 316, self.RULE_screenDescriptionFullClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2701 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==216 or _la==270): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ZERO_FILL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO_FILL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenDescriptionZeroFillClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause" ): + listener.enterScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause" ): + listener.exitScreenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self) + + + + + def screenDescriptionZeroFillClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenDescriptionZeroFillClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 318, self.RULE_screenDescriptionZeroFillClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2703 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZERO_FILL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPORT, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def reportDescription(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportSection" ): + listener.enterReportSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportSection" ): + listener.exitReportSection(self) + + + + + def reportSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 320, self.RULE_reportSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2705 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPORT) + self.state = 2706 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 2707 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 2711 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==372: + self.state = 2708 + self.reportDescription() + self.state = 2713 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def reportDescriptionEntry(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionEntryContext,0) + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescription + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescription" ): + listener.enterReportDescription(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescription" ): + listener.exitReportDescription(self) + + + + + def reportDescription(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 322, self.RULE_reportDescription) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2714 + self.reportDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2716 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 2715 + self.reportGroupDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 2718 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RD, 0) + + def reportName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def reportDescriptionGlobalClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionGlobalClauseContext,0) + + + def reportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionPageLimitClauseContext,0) + + + def reportDescriptionHeadingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionHeadingClauseContext,0) + + + def reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFirstDetailClauseContext,0) + + + def reportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionLastDetailClauseContext,0) + + + def reportDescriptionFootingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFootingClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 324, self.RULE_reportDescriptionEntry) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2720 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RD) + self.state = 2721 + self.reportName() + self.state = 2723 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==223 or _la==254: + self.state = 2722 + self.reportDescriptionGlobalClause() + + + self.state = 2738 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==340: + self.state = 2725 + self.reportDescriptionPageLimitClause() + self.state = 2727 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==228: + self.state = 2726 + self.reportDescriptionHeadingClause() + + + self.state = 2730 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==210: + self.state = 2729 + self.reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause() + + + self.state = 2733 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==263: + self.state = 2732 + self.reportDescriptionLastDetailClause() + + + self.state = 2736 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==211: + self.state = 2735 + self.reportDescriptionFootingClause() + + + + + self.state = 2740 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionGlobalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GLOBAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionGlobalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionGlobalClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionGlobalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionGlobalClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionGlobalClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionGlobalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionGlobalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 326, self.RULE_reportDescriptionGlobalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2743 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2742 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2745 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionPageLimitClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def LIMIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIMIT, 0) + + def LIMITS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIMITS, 0) + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionPageLimitClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionPageLimitClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionPageLimitClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionPageLimitClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionPageLimitClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 328, self.RULE_reportDescriptionPageLimitClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2747 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + self.state = 2756 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [275]: + self.state = 2748 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LIMIT) + self.state = 2750 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2749 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + pass + elif token in [276]: + self.state = 2752 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LIMITS) + self.state = 2754 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21: + self.state = 2753 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ARE) + + + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + pass + else: + pass + self.state = 2758 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2760 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==279 or _la==280: + self.state = 2759 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==279 or _la==280): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionHeadingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def HEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HEADING, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionHeadingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionHeadingClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionHeadingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionHeadingClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionHeadingClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionHeadingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionHeadingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 330, self.RULE_reportDescriptionHeadingClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2762 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HEADING) + self.state = 2763 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionFirstDetailClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FIRST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FIRST, 0) + + def DETAIL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DETAIL, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFirstDetailClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 332, self.RULE_reportDescriptionFirstDetailClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2765 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FIRST) + self.state = 2766 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DETAIL) + self.state = 2767 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionLastDetailClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LAST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LAST, 0) + + def DETAIL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DETAIL, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionLastDetailClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionLastDetailClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionLastDetailClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionLastDetailClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionLastDetailClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 334, self.RULE_reportDescriptionLastDetailClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2769 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LAST) + self.state = 2770 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DETAIL) + self.state = 2771 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportDescriptionFootingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FOOTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportDescriptionFootingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportDescriptionFootingClause" ): + listener.enterReportDescriptionFootingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportDescriptionFootingClause" ): + listener.exitReportDescriptionFootingClause(self) + + + + + def reportDescriptionFootingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportDescriptionFootingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 336, self.RULE_reportDescriptionFootingClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2773 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING) + self.state = 2774 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1Context,0) + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2Context,0) + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterReportGroupDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitReportGroupDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 338, self.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntry) + try: + self.state = 2779 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,314,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2776 + self.reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2777 + self.reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 2778 + self.reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypeClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeClauseContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def reportGroupLineNumberClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext,0) + + + def reportGroupNextGroupClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupClauseContext,0) + + + def reportGroupUsageClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 340, self.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2781 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2782 + self.dataName() + self.state = 2784 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if ((((_la - 254)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 254)) & 2305843009247248385) != 0) or _la==348 or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0): + self.state = 2783 + self.reportGroupLineNumberClause() + + + self.state = 2787 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==309: + self.state = 2786 + self.reportGroupNextGroupClause() + + + self.state = 2789 + self.reportGroupTypeClause() + self.state = 2791 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==142 or _la==143 or _la==504: + self.state = 2790 + self.reportGroupUsageClause() + + + self.state = 2793 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def reportGroupUsageClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def reportGroupLineNumberClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 342, self.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2795 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2797 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 2796 + self.dataName() + + + self.state = 2800 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if ((((_la - 254)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 254)) & 2305843009247248385) != 0) or _la==348 or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0): + self.state = 2799 + self.reportGroupLineNumberClause() + + + self.state = 2802 + self.reportGroupUsageClause() + self.state = 2803 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def reportGroupPictureClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupPictureClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupPictureClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupUsageClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupSignClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSignClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSignClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupJustifiedClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupLineNumberClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupColumnNumberClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupIndicateClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupSourceClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSourceClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSourceClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupValueClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupValueClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupValueClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupSumClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSumClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSumClauseContext,i) + + + def reportGroupResetClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupResetClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupResetClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.enterReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.exitReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + + + + def reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 344, self.RULE_reportGroupDescriptionEntryFormat3) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2805 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2807 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 2806 + self.dataName() + + + self.state = 2825 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==44 or _la==74 or _la==142 or _la==143 or ((((_la - 227)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 227)) & 4503600566894593) != 0) or ((((_la - 315)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 315)) & 15032385537) != 0) or ((((_la - 402)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 402)) & 4611756455891042305) != 0) or ((((_la - 504)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 504)) & 4222124650659849) != 0): + self.state = 2823 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [346, 347]: + self.state = 2809 + self.reportGroupPictureClause() + pass + elif token in [142, 143, 504]: + self.state = 2810 + self.reportGroupUsageClause() + pass + elif token in [438]: + self.state = 2811 + self.reportGroupSignClause() + pass + elif token in [255, 256]: + self.state = 2812 + self.reportGroupJustifiedClause() + pass + elif token in [44]: + self.state = 2813 + self.reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause() + pass + elif token in [254, 279, 315, 348, 552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2814 + self.reportGroupLineNumberClause() + pass + elif token in [74]: + self.state = 2815 + self.reportGroupColumnNumberClause() + pass + elif token in [402, 448, 464, 507]: + self.state = 2820 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [448]: + self.state = 2816 + self.reportGroupSourceClause() + pass + elif token in [507]: + self.state = 2817 + self.reportGroupValueClause() + pass + elif token in [464]: + self.state = 2818 + self.reportGroupSumClause() + pass + elif token in [402]: + self.state = 2819 + self.reportGroupResetClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + pass + elif token in [227]: + self.state = 2822 + self.reportGroupIndicateClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2827 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 2828 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLANK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLANK, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 346, self.RULE_reportGroupBlankWhenZeroClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2830 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLANK) + self.state = 2832 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==512: + self.state = 2831 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + + + self.state = 2834 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZERO) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COLUMN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLUMN, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def NUMBER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupColumnNumberClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupColumnNumberClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupColumnNumberClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupColumnNumberClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupColumnNumberClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupColumnNumberClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupColumnNumberClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 348, self.RULE_reportGroupColumnNumberClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2836 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLUMN) + self.state = 2838 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==315: + self.state = 2837 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER) + + + self.state = 2841 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2840 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2843 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GROUP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GROUP, 0) + + def INDICATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INDICATE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupIndicateClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupIndicateClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupIndicateClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupIndicateClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupIndicateClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupIndicateClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupIndicateClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 350, self.RULE_reportGroupIndicateClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2845 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GROUP) + self.state = 2847 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==242: + self.state = 2846 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INDICATE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def JUSTIFIED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUSTIFIED, 0) + + def JUST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUST, 0) + + def RIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupJustifiedClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupJustifiedClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupJustifiedClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupJustifiedClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupJustifiedClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupJustifiedClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupJustifiedClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 352, self.RULE_reportGroupJustifiedClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2849 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==255 or _la==256): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2851 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==411: + self.state = 2850 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def reportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberNextPageContext,0) + + + def reportGroupLineNumberPlus(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberPlusContext,0) + + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def NUMBER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupLineNumberClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupLineNumberClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupLineNumberClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupLineNumberClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupLineNumberClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 354, self.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2854 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==279: + self.state = 2853 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINE) + + + self.state = 2857 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==315: + self.state = 2856 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMBER) + + + self.state = 2860 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2859 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2864 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2862 + self.reportGroupLineNumberNextPage() + pass + elif token in [348]: + self.state = 2863 + self.reportGroupLineNumberPlus() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupLineNumberNextPageContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberNextPage + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupLineNumberNextPage" ): + listener.enterReportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupLineNumberNextPage" ): + listener.exitReportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self) + + + + + def reportGroupLineNumberNextPage(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberNextPageContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 356, self.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberNextPage) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2866 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 2872 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,334,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2868 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 2867 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 2870 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 2871 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupLineNumberPlusContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PLUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUS, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberPlus + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupLineNumberPlus" ): + listener.enterReportGroupLineNumberPlus(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupLineNumberPlus" ): + listener.exitReportGroupLineNumberPlus(self) + + + + + def reportGroupLineNumberPlus(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupLineNumberPlusContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 358, self.RULE_reportGroupLineNumberPlus) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2874 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PLUS) + self.state = 2875 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupNextGroupClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def GROUP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GROUP, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def reportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupNextPageContext,0) + + + def reportGroupNextGroupPlus(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupPlusContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupNextGroupClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupNextGroupClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupNextGroupClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupNextGroupClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupNextGroupClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 360, self.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2877 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 2878 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GROUP) + self.state = 2880 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2879 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2885 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.state = 2882 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + elif token in [309]: + self.state = 2883 + self.reportGroupNextGroupNextPage() + pass + elif token in [348]: + self.state = 2884 + self.reportGroupNextGroupPlus() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupNextGroupPlusContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PLUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUS, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupPlus + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupNextGroupPlus" ): + listener.enterReportGroupNextGroupPlus(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupNextGroupPlus" ): + listener.exitReportGroupNextGroupPlus(self) + + + + + def reportGroupNextGroupPlus(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupPlusContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 362, self.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupPlus) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2887 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PLUS) + self.state = 2888 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupNextGroupNextPageContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupNextPage + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupNextGroupNextPage" ): + listener.enterReportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupNextGroupNextPage" ): + listener.exitReportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self) + + + + + def reportGroupNextGroupNextPage(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupNextGroupNextPageContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 364, self.RULE_reportGroupNextGroupNextPage) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2890 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 2891 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupPictureClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def pictureString(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext,0) + + + def PICTURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PICTURE, 0) + + def PIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupPictureClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupPictureClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupPictureClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupPictureClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupPictureClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupPictureClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupPictureClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 366, self.RULE_reportGroupPictureClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2893 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==346 or _la==347): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2895 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2894 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2897 + self.pictureString() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupResetClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RESET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RESET, 0) + + def FINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FINAL, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupResetClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupResetClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupResetClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupResetClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupResetClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupResetClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupResetClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 368, self.RULE_reportGroupResetClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2899 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RESET) + self.state = 2901 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 2900 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 2905 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [209]: + self.state = 2903 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FINAL) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2904 + self.dataName() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupSignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def SEPARATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE, 0) + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def TRAILING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRAILING, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupSignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupSignClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupSignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupSignClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupSignClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupSignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 370, self.RULE_reportGroupSignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2907 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + self.state = 2909 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2908 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2911 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==266 or _la==493): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 2912 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE) + self.state = 2914 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 2913 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupSourceClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SOURCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupSourceClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupSourceClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupSourceClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupSourceClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupSourceClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupSourceClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSourceClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 372, self.RULE_reportGroupSourceClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2916 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SOURCE) + self.state = 2918 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2917 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2920 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupSumClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SUM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUM, 0) + + def identifier(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,i) + + + def UPON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UPON, 0) + + def dataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,i) + + + def COMMACHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupSumClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupSumClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupSumClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupSumClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupSumClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupSumClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupSumClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 374, self.RULE_reportGroupSumClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2922 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SUM) + self.state = 2923 + self.identifier() + self.state = 2930 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,344,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 2925 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 2924 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 2927 + self.identifier() + self.state = 2932 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,344,self._ctx) + + self.state = 2944 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==503: + self.state = 2933 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UPON) + self.state = 2934 + self.dataName() + self.state = 2941 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & -9119736461836320639) != 0) or _la==557: + self.state = 2936 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 2935 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 2938 + self.dataName() + self.state = 2943 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TYPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TYPE, 0) + + def reportGroupTypeReportHeading(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportHeadingContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypePageHeading(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageHeadingContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypeControlHeading(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlHeadingContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypeDetail(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeDetailContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypeControlFooting(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlFootingContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypePageFooting(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageFootingContext,0) + + + def reportGroupTypeReportFooting(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportFootingContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 376, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2946 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TYPE) + self.state = 2948 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2947 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 2957 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,349,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 2950 + self.reportGroupTypeReportHeading() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 2951 + self.reportGroupTypePageHeading() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 2952 + self.reportGroupTypeControlHeading() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 2953 + self.reportGroupTypeDetail() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 2954 + self.reportGroupTypeControlFooting() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 2955 + self.reportGroupTypePageFooting() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 2956 + self.reportGroupTypeReportFooting() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeReportHeadingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPORT, 0) + + def HEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HEADING, 0) + + def RH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeReportHeading + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeReportHeading" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeReportHeading(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeReportHeading" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeReportHeading(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeReportHeading(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportHeadingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 378, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeReportHeading) + try: + self.state = 2962 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [395]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2959 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPORT) + self.state = 2960 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HEADING) + pass + elif token in [410]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2961 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RH) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypePageHeadingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def HEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HEADING, 0) + + def PH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypePageHeading + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypePageHeading" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypePageHeading(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypePageHeading" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypePageHeading(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypePageHeading(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageHeadingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 380, self.RULE_reportGroupTypePageHeading) + try: + self.state = 2967 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [340]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2964 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + self.state = 2965 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HEADING) + pass + elif token in [345]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2966 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PH) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeControlHeadingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL, 0) + + def HEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HEADING, 0) + + def CH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CH, 0) + + def FINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FINAL, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeControlHeading + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeControlHeading" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeControlHeading(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeControlHeading" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeControlHeading(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeControlHeading(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlHeadingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 382, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeControlHeading) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2972 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [97]: + self.state = 2969 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL) + self.state = 2970 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HEADING) + pass + elif token in [58]: + self.state = 2971 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CH) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2976 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [209]: + self.state = 2974 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FINAL) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2975 + self.dataName() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeDetailContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DETAIL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DETAIL, 0) + + def DE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeDetail + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeDetail" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeDetail(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeDetail" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeDetail(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeDetail(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeDetailContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 384, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeDetail) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2978 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==117 or _la==137): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeControlFootingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL, 0) + + def FOOTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING, 0) + + def CF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CF, 0) + + def FINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FINAL, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeControlFooting + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeControlFooting" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeControlFooting(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeControlFooting" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeControlFooting(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeControlFooting(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeControlFootingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 386, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeControlFooting) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2983 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [97]: + self.state = 2980 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL) + self.state = 2981 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING) + pass + elif token in [57]: + self.state = 2982 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CF) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 2987 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [209]: + self.state = 2985 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FINAL) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 2986 + self.dataName() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupUsageClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY, 0) + + def DISPLAY_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY_1, 0) + + def USAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USAGE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupUsageClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupUsageClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupUsageClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupUsageClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupUsageClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupUsageClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupUsageClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 388, self.RULE_reportGroupUsageClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2993 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==504: + self.state = 2989 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USAGE) + self.state = 2991 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 2990 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 2995 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==142 or _la==143): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypePageFootingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def FOOTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING, 0) + + def PF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypePageFooting + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypePageFooting" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypePageFooting(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypePageFooting" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypePageFooting(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypePageFooting(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypePageFootingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 390, self.RULE_reportGroupTypePageFooting) + try: + self.state = 3000 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [340]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 2997 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + self.state = 2998 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING) + pass + elif token in [344]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 2999 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PF) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupTypeReportFootingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPORT, 0) + + def FOOTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING, 0) + + def RF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupTypeReportFooting + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupTypeReportFooting" ): + listener.enterReportGroupTypeReportFooting(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupTypeReportFooting" ): + listener.exitReportGroupTypeReportFooting(self) + + + + + def reportGroupTypeReportFooting(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupTypeReportFootingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 392, self.RULE_reportGroupTypeReportFooting) + try: + self.state = 3005 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [395]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3002 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPORT) + self.state = 3003 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOOTING) + pass + elif token in [409]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3004 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RF) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportGroupValueClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportGroupValueClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportGroupValueClause" ): + listener.enterReportGroupValueClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportGroupValueClause" ): + listener.exitReportGroupValueClause(self) + + + + + def reportGroupValueClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportGroupValueClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 394, self.RULE_reportGroupValueClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3007 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 3009 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3008 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3011 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProgramLibrarySectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PROGRAM_LIBRARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM_LIBRARY, 0) + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def libraryDescriptionEntry(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_programLibrarySection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProgramLibrarySection" ): + listener.enterProgramLibrarySection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProgramLibrarySection" ): + listener.exitProgramLibrarySection(self) + + + + + def programLibrarySection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProgramLibrarySectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 396, self.RULE_programLibrarySection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3013 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM_LIBRARY) + self.state = 3014 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 3015 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3019 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==264 or _la==265: + self.state = 3016 + self.libraryDescriptionEntry() + self.state = 3021 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1Context,0) + + + def libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterLibraryDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitLibraryDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def libraryDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 398, self.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntry) + try: + self.state = 3024 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [265]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3022 + self.libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1() + pass + elif token in [264]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3023 + self.libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LD, 0) + + def libraryName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext,0) + + + def EXPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXPORT, 0) + + def libraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat1Context,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + + + + def libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 400, self.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3026 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LD) + self.state = 3027 + self.libraryName() + self.state = 3028 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXPORT) + self.state = 3030 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==31: + self.state = 3029 + self.libraryAttributeClauseFormat1() + + + self.state = 3033 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==183: + self.state = 3032 + self.libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LB(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LB, 0) + + def libraryName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext,0) + + + def IMPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IMPORT, 0) + + def libraryIsGlobalClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsGlobalClauseContext,0) + + + def libraryIsCommonClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsCommonClauseContext,0) + + + def libraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context,i) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.enterLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.exitLibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + + + + def libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 402, self.RULE_libraryDescriptionEntryFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3035 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LB) + self.state = 3036 + self.libraryName() + self.state = 3037 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IMPORT) + self.state = 3039 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,365,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3038 + self.libraryIsGlobalClause() + + + self.state = 3042 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==78 or _la==254: + self.state = 3041 + self.libraryIsCommonClause() + + + self.state = 3048 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==31 or _la==183: + self.state = 3046 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [31]: + self.state = 3044 + self.libraryAttributeClauseFormat2() + pass + elif token in [183]: + self.state = 3045 + self.libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 3050 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryAttributeClauseFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ATTRIBUTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ATTRIBUTE, 0) + + def SHARING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHARING, 0) + + def DONTCARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DONTCARE, 0) + + def PRIVATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PRIVATE, 0) + + def SHAREDBYRUNUNIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHAREDBYRUNUNIT, 0) + + def SHAREDBYALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHAREDBYALL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1" ): + listener.enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1" ): + listener.exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self) + + + + + def libraryAttributeClauseFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 404, self.RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3051 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ATTRIBUTE) + self.state = 3057 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==434: + self.state = 3052 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SHARING) + self.state = 3054 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3053 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3056 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==146 or _la==355 or _la==432 or _la==433): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ATTRIBUTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ATTRIBUTE, 0) + + def libraryAttributeFunction(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeFunctionContext,0) + + + def LIBACCESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBACCESS, 0) + + def libraryAttributeParameter(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeParameterContext,0) + + + def libraryAttributeTitle(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeTitleContext,0) + + + def BYFUNCTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BYFUNCTION, 0) + + def BYTITLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BYTITLE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2" ): + listener.enterLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2" ): + listener.exitLibraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self) + + + + + def libraryAttributeClauseFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeClauseFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 406, self.RULE_libraryAttributeClauseFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3059 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ATTRIBUTE) + self.state = 3061 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==218: + self.state = 3060 + self.libraryAttributeFunction() + + + self.state = 3068 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==272: + self.state = 3063 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LIBACCESS) + self.state = 3065 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3064 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3067 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==50 or _la==51): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 3071 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==273: + self.state = 3070 + self.libraryAttributeParameter() + + + self.state = 3074 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==488: + self.state = 3073 + self.libraryAttributeTitle() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryAttributeFunctionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FUNCTIONNAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTIONNAME, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryAttributeFunction + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryAttributeFunction" ): + listener.enterLibraryAttributeFunction(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryAttributeFunction" ): + listener.exitLibraryAttributeFunction(self) + + + + + def libraryAttributeFunction(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeFunctionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 408, self.RULE_libraryAttributeFunction) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3076 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTIONNAME) + self.state = 3077 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + self.state = 3078 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryAttributeParameterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LIBPARAMETER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBPARAMETER, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryAttributeParameter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryAttributeParameter" ): + listener.enterLibraryAttributeParameter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryAttributeParameter" ): + listener.exitLibraryAttributeParameter(self) + + + + + def libraryAttributeParameter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeParameterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 410, self.RULE_libraryAttributeParameter) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3080 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LIBPARAMETER) + self.state = 3082 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3081 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3084 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryAttributeTitleContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TITLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TITLE, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryAttributeTitle + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryAttributeTitle" ): + listener.enterLibraryAttributeTitle(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryAttributeTitle" ): + listener.exitLibraryAttributeTitle(self) + + + + + def libraryAttributeTitle(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryAttributeTitleContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 412, self.RULE_libraryAttributeTitle) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3086 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TITLE) + self.state = 3088 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3087 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3090 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ENTRY_PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY_PROCEDURE, 0) + + def programName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureForClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 414, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3092 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY_PROCEDURE) + self.state = 3093 + self.programName() + self.state = 3095 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 3094 + self.libraryEntryProcedureForClause() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ENTRY_PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY_PROCEDURE, 0) + + def programName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureForClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithClauseContext,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingClauseContext,0) + + + def libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureGivingClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 416, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureClauseFormat2) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3097 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY_PROCEDURE) + self.state = 3098 + self.programName() + self.state = 3100 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 3099 + self.libraryEntryProcedureForClause() + + + self.state = 3103 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 3102 + self.libraryEntryProcedureWithClause() + + + self.state = 3106 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==506: + self.state = 3105 + self.libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause() + + + self.state = 3109 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==222: + self.state = 3108 + self.libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureForClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureForClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureForClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureForClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureForClause(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureForClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureForClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 418, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureForClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3111 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + self.state = 3112 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureGivingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureGivingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 420, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureGivingClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3114 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 3115 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureUsingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def libraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 422, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3117 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 3119 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3118 + self.libraryEntryProcedureUsingName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3121 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,383,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureUsingName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureUsingNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 424, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureUsingName) + try: + self.state = 3125 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,384,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3123 + self.dataName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3124 + self.fileName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureWithClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def libraryEntryProcedureWithName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureWithClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 426, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3127 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 3129 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3128 + self.libraryEntryProcedureWithName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3131 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,385,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def localName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LocalNameContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithName" ): + listener.enterLibraryEntryProcedureWithName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithName" ): + listener.exitLibraryEntryProcedureWithName(self) + + + + + def libraryEntryProcedureWithName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryEntryProcedureWithNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 428, self.RULE_libraryEntryProcedureWithName) + try: + self.state = 3135 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,386,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3133 + self.localName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3134 + self.fileName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryIsCommonClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMMON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMON, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryIsCommonClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryIsCommonClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryIsCommonClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryIsCommonClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryIsCommonClause(self) + + + + + def libraryIsCommonClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsCommonClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 430, self.RULE_libraryIsCommonClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3138 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3137 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3140 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMON) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryIsGlobalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GLOBAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryIsGlobalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryIsGlobalClause" ): + listener.enterLibraryIsGlobalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryIsGlobalClause" ): + listener.exitLibraryIsGlobalClause(self) + + + + + def libraryIsGlobalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryIsGlobalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 432, self.RULE_libraryIsGlobalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3143 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3142 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3145 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescriptionEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context,0) + + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat2Context,0) + + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat3Context,0) + + + def dataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryExecSqlContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescriptionEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.enterDataDescriptionEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescriptionEntry" ): + listener.exitDataDescriptionEntry(self) + + + + + def dataDescriptionEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 434, self.RULE_dataDescriptionEntry) + try: + self.state = 3151 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [553, 555]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3147 + self.dataDescriptionEntryFormat1() + pass + elif token in [552]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3148 + self.dataDescriptionEntryFormat2() + pass + elif token in [554]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3149 + self.dataDescriptionEntryFormat3() + pass + elif token in [561]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 3150 + self.dataDescriptionEntryExecSql() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def INTEGERLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGERLITERAL, 0) + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_77(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_77, 0) + + def FILLER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILLER, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def dataRedefinesClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataRedefinesClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataRedefinesClauseContext,i) + + + def dataIntegerStringClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataIntegerStringClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataIntegerStringClauseContext,i) + + + def dataExternalClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataExternalClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataExternalClauseContext,i) + + + def dataGlobalClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataGlobalClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataGlobalClauseContext,i) + + + def dataTypeDefClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataTypeDefClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataTypeDefClauseContext,i) + + + def dataThreadLocalClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataThreadLocalClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataThreadLocalClauseContext,i) + + + def dataPictureClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataPictureClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataPictureClauseContext,i) + + + def dataCommonOwnLocalClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext,i) + + + def dataTypeClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataTypeClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataTypeClauseContext,i) + + + def dataUsingClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataUsingClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataUsingClauseContext,i) + + + def dataUsageClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataUsageClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataUsageClauseContext,i) + + + def dataValueClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext,i) + + + def dataReceivedByClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataReceivedByClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataReceivedByClauseContext,i) + + + def dataOccursClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataOccursClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataOccursClauseContext,i) + + + def dataSignClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataSignClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataSignClauseContext,i) + + + def dataSynchronizedClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataSynchronizedClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataSynchronizedClauseContext,i) + + + def dataJustifiedClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataJustifiedClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataJustifiedClauseContext,i) + + + def dataBlankWhenZeroClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext,i) + + + def dataWithLowerBoundsClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext,i) + + + def dataAlignedClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataAlignedClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataAlignedClauseContext,i) + + + def dataRecordAreaClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataRecordAreaClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataRecordAreaClauseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat1" ): + listener.exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self) + + + + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 436, self.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat1) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3153 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==553 or _la==555): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3156 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,390,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3154 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILLER) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3155 + self.dataName() + + + self.state = 3181 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3513579973275288322) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070460708250187267) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339579) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3030640695327893497) != 0) or ((((_la - 266)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 266)) & 119808148288963029) != 0) or ((((_la - 331)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 331)) & 1168232970228959457) != 0) or ((((_la - 398)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 398)) & 2319355586216591369) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572299384177393805) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0): + self.state = 3179 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,391,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3158 + self.dataRedefinesClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3159 + self.dataIntegerStringClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3160 + self.dataExternalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 3161 + self.dataGlobalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 3162 + self.dataTypeDefClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 3163 + self.dataThreadLocalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 3164 + self.dataPictureClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.state = 3165 + self.dataCommonOwnLocalClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 9: + self.state = 3166 + self.dataTypeClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 10: + self.state = 3167 + self.dataUsingClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 11: + self.state = 3168 + self.dataUsageClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 12: + self.state = 3169 + self.dataValueClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 13: + self.state = 3170 + self.dataReceivedByClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 14: + self.state = 3171 + self.dataOccursClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 15: + self.state = 3172 + self.dataSignClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 16: + self.state = 3173 + self.dataSynchronizedClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 17: + self.state = 3174 + self.dataJustifiedClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 18: + self.state = 3175 + self.dataBlankWhenZeroClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 19: + self.state = 3176 + self.dataWithLowerBoundsClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 20: + self.state = 3177 + self.dataAlignedClause() + pass + + elif la_ == 21: + self.state = 3178 + self.dataRecordAreaClause() + pass + + + self.state = 3183 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 3184 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_66(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_66, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def dataRenamesClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataRenamesClauseContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat2" ): + listener.exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self) + + + + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 438, self.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat2) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3186 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_66) + self.state = 3187 + self.dataName() + self.state = 3188 + self.dataRenamesClause() + self.state = 3189 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_88(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_88, 0) + + def conditionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext,0) + + + def dataValueClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat3 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.enterDataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat3" ): + listener.exitDataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self) + + + + + def dataDescriptionEntryFormat3(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryFormat3Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 440, self.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryFormat3) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3191 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_88) + self.state = 3192 + self.conditionName() + self.state = 3193 + self.dataValueClause() + self.state = 3194 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescriptionEntryExecSqlContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXECSQLLINE(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE, i) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryExecSql + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescriptionEntryExecSql" ): + listener.enterDataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescriptionEntryExecSql" ): + listener.exitDataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self) + + + + + def dataDescriptionEntryExecSql(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescriptionEntryExecSqlContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 442, self.RULE_dataDescriptionEntryExecSql) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3197 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3196 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE) + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3199 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,393,self._ctx) + + self.state = 3202 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==534: + self.state = 3201 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataAlignedClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALIGNED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALIGNED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataAlignedClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataAlignedClause" ): + listener.enterDataAlignedClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataAlignedClause" ): + listener.exitDataAlignedClause(self) + + + + + def dataAlignedClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataAlignedClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 444, self.RULE_dataAlignedClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3204 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALIGNED) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BLANK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLANK, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def ZEROS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZEROS, 0) + + def ZEROES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZEROES, 0) + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataBlankWhenZeroClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.enterDataBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataBlankWhenZeroClause" ): + listener.exitDataBlankWhenZeroClause(self) + + + + + def dataBlankWhenZeroClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataBlankWhenZeroClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 446, self.RULE_dataBlankWhenZeroClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3206 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BLANK) + self.state = 3208 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==512: + self.state = 3207 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + + + self.state = 3210 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(((((_la - 521)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 521)) & 13) != 0)): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMMON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMON, 0) + + def OWN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OWN, 0) + + def LOCAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataCommonOwnLocalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataCommonOwnLocalClause" ): + listener.enterDataCommonOwnLocalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataCommonOwnLocalClause" ): + listener.exitDataCommonOwnLocalClause(self) + + + + + def dataCommonOwnLocalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataCommonOwnLocalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 448, self.RULE_dataCommonOwnLocalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3212 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==78 or _la==284 or _la==337): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataExternalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXTERNAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTERNAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataExternalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataExternalClause" ): + listener.enterDataExternalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataExternalClause" ): + listener.exitDataExternalClause(self) + + + + + def dataExternalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataExternalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 450, self.RULE_dataExternalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3215 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3214 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3217 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXTERNAL) + self.state = 3220 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,397,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3218 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 3219 + self.literal() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataGlobalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GLOBAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataGlobalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataGlobalClause" ): + listener.enterDataGlobalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataGlobalClause" ): + listener.exitDataGlobalClause(self) + + + + + def dataGlobalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataGlobalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 452, self.RULE_dataGlobalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3223 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3222 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3225 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataIntegerStringClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTEGER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER, 0) + + def STRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STRING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataIntegerStringClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataIntegerStringClause" ): + listener.enterDataIntegerStringClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataIntegerStringClause" ): + listener.exitDataIntegerStringClause(self) + + + + + def dataIntegerStringClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataIntegerStringClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 454, self.RULE_dataIntegerStringClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3227 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==250 or _la==459): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataJustifiedClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def JUSTIFIED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUSTIFIED, 0) + + def JUST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.JUST, 0) + + def RIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataJustifiedClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataJustifiedClause" ): + listener.enterDataJustifiedClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataJustifiedClause" ): + listener.exitDataJustifiedClause(self) + + + + + def dataJustifiedClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataJustifiedClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 456, self.RULE_dataJustifiedClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3229 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==255 or _la==256): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3231 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==411: + self.state = 3230 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataOccursClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OCCURS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def dataOccursTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataOccursToContext,0) + + + def TIMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMES, 0) + + def DEPENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def dataOccursSort(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataOccursSortContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataOccursSortContext,i) + + + def INDEXED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INDEXED, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def LOCAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL, 0) + + def indexName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataOccursClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataOccursClause" ): + listener.enterDataOccursClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataOccursClause" ): + listener.exitDataOccursClause(self) + + + + + def dataOccursClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataOccursClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 458, self.RULE_dataOccursClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3233 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OCCURS) + self.state = 3234 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 3236 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 3235 + self.dataOccursTo() + + + self.state = 3239 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==487: + self.state = 3238 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIMES) + + + self.state = 3246 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==134: + self.state = 3241 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING) + self.state = 3243 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 3242 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 3245 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + + self.state = 3251 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==25 or _la==135: + self.state = 3248 + self.dataOccursSort() + self.state = 3253 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 3266 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==241: + self.state = 3254 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INDEXED) + self.state = 3256 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3255 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3259 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,406,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3258 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL) + + + self.state = 3262 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3261 + self.indexName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3264 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,407,self._ctx) + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataOccursToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataOccursTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataOccursTo" ): + listener.enterDataOccursTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataOccursTo" ): + listener.exitDataOccursTo(self) + + + + + def dataOccursTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataOccursToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 460, self.RULE_dataOccursTo) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3268 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 3269 + self.integerLiteral() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataOccursSortContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASCENDING, 0) + + def DESCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESCENDING, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataOccursSort + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataOccursSort" ): + listener.enterDataOccursSort(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataOccursSort" ): + listener.exitDataOccursSort(self) + + + + + def dataOccursSort(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataOccursSortContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 462, self.RULE_dataOccursSort) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3271 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==25 or _la==135): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3273 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 3272 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 3276 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3275 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3279 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3278 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3281 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,411,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataPictureClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def pictureString(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext,0) + + + def PICTURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PICTURE, 0) + + def PIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataPictureClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataPictureClause" ): + listener.enterDataPictureClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataPictureClause" ): + listener.exitDataPictureClause(self) + + + + + def dataPictureClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataPictureClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 464, self.RULE_dataPictureClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3283 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==346 or _la==347): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3285 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3284 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3287 + self.pictureString() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PictureStringContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def pictureChars(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.PictureCharsContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PictureCharsContext,i) + + + def pictureCardinality(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.PictureCardinalityContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PictureCardinalityContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_pictureString + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPictureString" ): + listener.enterPictureString(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPictureString" ): + listener.exitPictureString(self) + + + + + def pictureString(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PictureStringContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 466, self.RULE_pictureString) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3297 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3290 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3289 + self.pictureChars() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3292 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,413,self._ctx) + + self.state = 3295 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,414,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3294 + self.pictureCardinality() + + + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3299 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,415,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PictureCharsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DOLLARCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOLLARCHAR, 0) + + def IDENTIFIER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IDENTIFIER, 0) + + def NUMERICLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERICLITERAL, 0) + + def SLASHCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SLASHCHAR, 0) + + def COMMACHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, 0) + + def DOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT, 0) + + def COLONCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLONCHAR, 0) + + def ASTERISKCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASTERISKCHAR, 0) + + def DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR, 0) + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def PLUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR, 0) + + def MINUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR, 0) + + def LESSTHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR, 0) + + def MORETHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_pictureChars + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPictureChars" ): + listener.enterPictureChars(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPictureChars" ): + listener.exitPictureChars(self) + + + + + def pictureChars(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PictureCharsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 468, self.RULE_pictureChars) + try: + self.state = 3317 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [532]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3301 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOLLARCHAR) + pass + elif token in [557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3302 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IDENTIFIER) + pass + elif token in [556]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3303 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMERICLITERAL) + pass + elif token in [550]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 3304 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SLASHCHAR) + pass + elif token in [529]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 3305 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + pass + elif token in [535]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 3306 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT) + pass + elif token in [528]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 3307 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLONCHAR) + pass + elif token in [526]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 3308 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ASTERISKCHAR) + pass + elif token in [527]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 3309 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR) + pass + elif token in [542]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 3310 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + pass + elif token in [549]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 3311 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + pass + elif token in [547]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12) + self.state = 3312 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR) + pass + elif token in [543]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 13) + self.state = 3313 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR) + pass + elif token in [540]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 14) + self.state = 3314 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR) + pass + elif token in [544]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 15) + self.state = 3315 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR) + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 16) + self.state = 3316 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PictureCardinalityContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_pictureCardinality + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPictureCardinality" ): + listener.enterPictureCardinality(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPictureCardinality" ): + listener.exitPictureCardinality(self) + + + + + def pictureCardinality(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PictureCardinalityContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 470, self.RULE_pictureCardinality) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3319 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 3320 + self.integerLiteral() + self.state = 3321 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataReceivedByClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTENT, 0) + + def REFERENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCE, 0) + + def REF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REF, 0) + + def RECEIVED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECEIVED, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataReceivedByClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataReceivedByClause" ): + listener.enterDataReceivedByClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataReceivedByClause" ): + listener.exitDataReceivedByClause(self) + + + + + def dataReceivedByClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataReceivedByClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 472, self.RULE_dataReceivedByClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3324 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==376: + self.state = 3323 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECEIVED) + + + self.state = 3327 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3326 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3329 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==95 or _la==383 or _la==384): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataRecordAreaClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def AREA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AREA, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataRecordAreaClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataRecordAreaClause" ): + listener.enterDataRecordAreaClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataRecordAreaClause" ): + listener.exitDataRecordAreaClause(self) + + + + + def dataRecordAreaClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataRecordAreaClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 474, self.RULE_dataRecordAreaClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3331 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + self.state = 3332 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AREA) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataRedefinesClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REDEFINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REDEFINES, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataRedefinesClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataRedefinesClause" ): + listener.enterDataRedefinesClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataRedefinesClause" ): + listener.exitDataRedefinesClause(self) + + + + + def dataRedefinesClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataRedefinesClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 476, self.RULE_dataRedefinesClause) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3334 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REDEFINES) + self.state = 3335 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataRenamesClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RENAMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RENAMES, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,i) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataRenamesClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataRenamesClause" ): + listener.enterDataRenamesClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataRenamesClause" ): + listener.exitDataRenamesClause(self) + + + + + def dataRenamesClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataRenamesClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 478, self.RULE_dataRenamesClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3337 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RENAMES) + self.state = 3338 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 3341 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 3339 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3340 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataSignClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def TRAILING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRAILING, 0) + + def SIGN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIGN, 0) + + def SEPARATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def CHARACTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataSignClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataSignClause" ): + listener.enterDataSignClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataSignClause" ): + listener.exitDataSignClause(self) + + + + + def dataSignClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataSignClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 480, self.RULE_dataSignClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3347 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==438: + self.state = 3343 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIGN) + self.state = 3345 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3344 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 3349 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==266 or _la==493): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3354 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==427: + self.state = 3350 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEPARATE) + self.state = 3352 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==62: + self.state = 3351 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTER) + + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataSynchronizedClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SYNCHRONIZED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYNCHRONIZED, 0) + + def SYNC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYNC, 0) + + def LEFT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEFT, 0) + + def RIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RIGHT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataSynchronizedClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataSynchronizedClause" ): + listener.enterDataSynchronizedClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataSynchronizedClause" ): + listener.exitDataSynchronizedClause(self) + + + + + def dataSynchronizedClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataSynchronizedClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 482, self.RULE_dataSynchronizedClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3356 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==468 or _la==469): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3358 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==267 or _la==411: + self.state = 3357 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==267 or _la==411): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataThreadLocalClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def THREAD_LOCAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THREAD_LOCAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataThreadLocalClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataThreadLocalClause" ): + listener.enterDataThreadLocalClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataThreadLocalClause" ): + listener.exitDataThreadLocalClause(self) + + + + + def dataThreadLocalClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataThreadLocalClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 484, self.RULE_dataThreadLocalClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3361 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3360 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3363 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THREAD_LOCAL) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataTypeClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TYPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TYPE, 0) + + def SHORT_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHORT_DATE, 0) + + def LONG_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LONG_DATE, 0) + + def NUMERIC_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC_DATE, 0) + + def NUMERIC_TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC_TIME, 0) + + def LONG_TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LONG_TIME, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataTypeClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataTypeClause" ): + listener.enterDataTypeClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataTypeClause" ): + listener.exitDataTypeClause(self) + + + + + def dataTypeClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataTypeClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 486, self.RULE_dataTypeClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3365 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TYPE) + self.state = 3367 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3366 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3369 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(((((_la - 287)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 287)) & 5368709123) != 0) or _la==437): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataTypeDefClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TYPEDEF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TYPEDEF, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataTypeDefClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataTypeDefClause" ): + listener.enterDataTypeDefClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataTypeDefClause" ): + listener.exitDataTypeDefClause(self) + + + + + def dataTypeDefClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataTypeDefClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 488, self.RULE_dataTypeDefClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3372 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3371 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 3374 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TYPEDEF) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataUsageClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BINARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BINARY, 0) + + def BIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BIT, 0) + + def COMP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP, 0) + + def COMP_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP_1, 0) + + def COMP_2(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP_2, 0) + + def COMP_3(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP_3, 0) + + def COMP_4(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP_4, 0) + + def COMP_5(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMP_5, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_1, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL_2(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_2, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL_3(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_3, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL_4(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_4, 0) + + def COMPUTATIONAL_5(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_5, 0) + + def CONTROL_POINT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL_POINT, 0) + + def DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE, 0) + + def DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY, 0) + + def DISPLAY_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY_1, 0) + + def DOUBLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLE, 0) + + def EVENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EVENT, 0) + + def FUNCTION_POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTION_POINTER, 0) + + def INDEX(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INDEX, 0) + + def KANJI(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KANJI, 0) + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def PACKED_DECIMAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PACKED_DECIMAL, 0) + + def POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.POINTER, 0) + + def PROCEDURE_POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE_POINTER, 0) + + def REAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REAL, 0) + + def TASK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TASK, 0) + + def USAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USAGE, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def TRUNCATED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRUNCATED, 0) + + def EXTENDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTENDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataUsageClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataUsageClause" ): + listener.enterDataUsageClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataUsageClause" ): + listener.exitDataUsageClause(self) + + + + + def dataUsageClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataUsageClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 490, self.RULE_dataUsageClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3380 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==504: + self.state = 3376 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USAGE) + self.state = 3378 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3377 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + + + self.state = 3415 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [42]: + self.state = 3382 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BINARY) + self.state = 3384 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,430,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3383 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==202 or _la==495): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + pass + elif token in [43]: + self.state = 3386 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BIT) + pass + elif token in [80]: + self.state = 3387 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP) + pass + elif token in [81]: + self.state = 3388 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP_1) + pass + elif token in [82]: + self.state = 3389 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP_2) + pass + elif token in [83]: + self.state = 3390 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP_3) + pass + elif token in [84]: + self.state = 3391 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP_4) + pass + elif token in [85]: + self.state = 3392 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMP_5) + pass + elif token in [86]: + self.state = 3393 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL) + pass + elif token in [87]: + self.state = 3394 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_1) + pass + elif token in [88]: + self.state = 3395 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_2) + pass + elif token in [89]: + self.state = 3396 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_3) + pass + elif token in [90]: + self.state = 3397 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_4) + pass + elif token in [91]: + self.state = 3398 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTATIONAL_5) + pass + elif token in [98]: + self.state = 3399 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL_POINT) + pass + elif token in [111]: + self.state = 3400 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE) + pass + elif token in [142]: + self.state = 3401 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY) + pass + elif token in [143]: + self.state = 3402 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY_1) + pass + elif token in [147]: + self.state = 3403 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLE) + pass + elif token in [194]: + self.state = 3404 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EVENT) + pass + elif token in [219]: + self.state = 3405 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTION_POINTER) + pass + elif token in [240]: + self.state = 3406 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INDEX) + pass + elif token in [257]: + self.state = 3407 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KANJI) + pass + elif token in [286]: + self.state = 3408 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + pass + elif token in [304]: + self.state = 3409 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL) + pass + elif token in [338]: + self.state = 3410 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PACKED_DECIMAL) + pass + elif token in [349]: + self.state = 3411 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.POINTER) + pass + elif token in [357]: + self.state = 3412 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE_POINTER) + pass + elif token in [373]: + self.state = 3413 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REAL) + pass + elif token in [473]: + self.state = 3414 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TASK) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataUsingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def LANGUAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LANGUAGE, 0) + + def CONVENTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONVENTION, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataUsingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataUsingClause" ): + listener.enterDataUsingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataUsingClause" ): + listener.exitDataUsingClause(self) + + + + + def dataUsingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataUsingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 492, self.RULE_dataUsingClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3417 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 3418 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==100 or _la==262): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3420 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 3419 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 3424 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,433,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3422 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3423 + self.dataName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataValueClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataValueInterval(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalContext,i) + + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def VALUES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUES, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def COMMACHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataValueClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataValueClause" ): + listener.enterDataValueClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataValueClause" ): + listener.exitDataValueClause(self) + + + + + def dataValueClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataValueClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 494, self.RULE_dataValueClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3434 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [507]: + self.state = 3426 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 3428 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 3427 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + pass + elif token in [508]: + self.state = 3430 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUES) + self.state = 3432 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21: + self.state = 3431 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ARE) + + + pass + elif token in [1, 9, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 450, 451, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 494, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]: + pass + else: + pass + self.state = 3436 + self.dataValueInterval() + self.state = 3443 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,438,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 3438 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 3437 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 3440 + self.dataValueInterval() + self.state = 3445 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,438,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataValueIntervalContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataValueIntervalFrom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalFromContext,0) + + + def dataValueIntervalTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalToContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataValueInterval + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataValueInterval" ): + listener.enterDataValueInterval(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataValueInterval" ): + listener.exitDataValueInterval(self) + + + + + def dataValueInterval(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 496, self.RULE_dataValueInterval) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3446 + self.dataValueIntervalFrom() + self.state = 3448 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 3447 + self.dataValueIntervalTo() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataValueIntervalFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataValueIntervalFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataValueIntervalFrom" ): + listener.enterDataValueIntervalFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataValueIntervalFrom" ): + listener.exitDataValueIntervalFrom(self) + + + + + def dataValueIntervalFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 498, self.RULE_dataValueIntervalFrom) + try: + self.state = 3452 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,440,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3450 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3451 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataValueIntervalToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataValueIntervalTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataValueIntervalTo" ): + listener.enterDataValueIntervalTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataValueIntervalTo" ): + listener.exitDataValueIntervalTo(self) + + + + + def dataValueIntervalTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataValueIntervalToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 500, self.RULE_dataValueIntervalTo) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3454 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3455 + self.literal() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LOWER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOWER, 0) + + def BOUNDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BOUNDS, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataWithLowerBoundsClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataWithLowerBoundsClause" ): + listener.enterDataWithLowerBoundsClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataWithLowerBoundsClause" ): + listener.exitDataWithLowerBoundsClause(self) + + + + + def dataWithLowerBoundsClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataWithLowerBoundsClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 502, self.RULE_dataWithLowerBoundsClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3458 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 3457 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 3460 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOWER) + self.state = 3461 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BOUNDS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE, 0) + + def DIVISION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def procedureDivisionBody(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionBodyContext,0) + + + def procedureDivisionUsingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingClauseContext,0) + + + def procedureDivisionGivingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionGivingClauseContext,0) + + + def procedureDeclaratives(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativesContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivision + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivision" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivision(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivision" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivision(self) + + + + + def procedureDivision(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 504, self.RULE_procedureDivision) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3463 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE) + self.state = 3464 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DIVISION) + self.state = 3466 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==59 or _la==506: + self.state = 3465 + self.procedureDivisionUsingClause() + + + self.state = 3469 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==222 or _la==405: + self.state = 3468 + self.procedureDivisionGivingClause() + + + self.state = 3471 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3473 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==127: + self.state = 3472 + self.procedureDeclaratives() + + + self.state = 3475 + self.procedureDivisionBody() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionUsingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def CHAINING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHAINING, 0) + + def procedureDivisionUsingParameter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionUsingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionUsingClause" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionUsingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionUsingClause" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionUsingClause(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionUsingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 506, self.RULE_procedureDivisionUsingClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3477 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==59 or _la==506): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3479 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3478 + self.procedureDivisionUsingParameter() + self.state = 3481 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3513562381090291746) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -8049611247572114313) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4648155908907139171) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103778511530590369) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionGivingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def RETURNING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RETURNING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionGivingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionGivingClause" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionGivingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionGivingClause" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionGivingClause(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionGivingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionGivingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 508, self.RULE_procedureDivisionGivingClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3483 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==222 or _la==405): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3484 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferencePhraseContext,0) + + + def procedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValuePhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionUsingParameter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionUsingParameter" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionUsingParameter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionUsingParameter" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionUsingParameter(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionUsingParameter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionUsingParameterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 510, self.RULE_procedureDivisionUsingParameter) + try: + self.state = 3488 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,446,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3486 + self.procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3487 + self.procedureDivisionByValuePhrase() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionByReferencePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REFERENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCE, 0) + + def procedureDivisionByReference(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext,i) + + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferencePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 512, self.RULE_procedureDivisionByReferencePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3494 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49 or _la==384: + self.state = 3491 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3490 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3493 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCE) + + + self.state = 3497 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3496 + self.procedureDivisionByReference() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3499 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,449,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def OPTIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OPTIONAL, 0) + + def ANY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ANY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionByReference + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionByReference" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionByReference(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionByReference" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionByReference(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionByReference(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByReferenceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 514, self.RULE_procedureDivisionByReference) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 3509 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 5, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 328, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 404, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 466, 471, 473, 481, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 520, 522, 552, 553, 554, 555, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3502 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==328: + self.state = 3501 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OPTIONAL) + + + self.state = 3506 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,451,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3504 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3505 + self.fileName() + pass + + + pass + elif token in [20]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3508 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ANY) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionByValuePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def procedureDivisionByValue(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValueContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValueContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionByValuePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionByValuePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValuePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 516, self.RULE_procedureDivisionByValuePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3512 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3511 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3514 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 3516 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3515 + self.procedureDivisionByValue() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3518 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,454,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionByValueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def ANY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ANY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionByValue + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionByValue" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionByValue(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionByValue" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionByValue(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionByValue(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionByValueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 518, self.RULE_procedureDivisionByValue) + try: + self.state = 3523 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,455,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3520 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3521 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3522 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ANY) + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDeclarativesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DECLARATIVES(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DECLARATIVES) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DECLARATIVES, i) + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def procedureDeclarative(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativeContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativeContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDeclaratives + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDeclaratives" ): + listener.enterProcedureDeclaratives(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDeclaratives" ): + listener.exitProcedureDeclaratives(self) + + + + + def procedureDeclaratives(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativesContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 520, self.RULE_procedureDeclaratives) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3525 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DECLARATIVES) + self.state = 3526 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3528 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3527 + self.procedureDeclarative() + self.state = 3530 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 3532 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + self.state = 3533 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DECLARATIVES) + self.state = 3534 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDeclarativeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureSectionHeader(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionHeaderContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, i) + + def useStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UseStatementContext,0) + + + def paragraphs(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDeclarative + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDeclarative" ): + listener.enterProcedureDeclarative(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDeclarative" ): + listener.exitProcedureDeclarative(self) + + + + + def procedureDeclarative(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDeclarativeContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 522, self.RULE_procedureDeclarative) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3536 + self.procedureSectionHeader() + self.state = 3537 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3538 + self.useStatement() + self.state = 3539 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3540 + self.paragraphs() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureSectionHeaderContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def sectionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext,0) + + + def SECTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECTION, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureSectionHeader + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureSectionHeader" ): + listener.enterProcedureSectionHeader(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureSectionHeader" ): + listener.exitProcedureSectionHeader(self) + + + + + def procedureSectionHeader(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionHeaderContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 524, self.RULE_procedureSectionHeader) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3542 + self.sectionName() + self.state = 3543 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SECTION) + self.state = 3545 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0): + self.state = 3544 + self.integerLiteral() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureDivisionBodyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def paragraphs(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext,0) + + + def procedureSection(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureDivisionBody + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureDivisionBody" ): + listener.enterProcedureDivisionBody(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureDivisionBody" ): + listener.exitProcedureDivisionBody(self) + + + + + def procedureDivisionBody(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureDivisionBodyContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 526, self.RULE_procedureDivisionBody) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3547 + self.paragraphs() + self.state = 3551 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0): + self.state = 3548 + self.procedureSection() + self.state = 3553 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureSectionHeader(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionHeaderContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def paragraphs(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureSection" ): + listener.enterProcedureSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureSection" ): + listener.exitProcedureSection(self) + + + + + def procedureSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 528, self.RULE_procedureSection) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3554 + self.procedureSectionHeader() + self.state = 3555 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3556 + self.paragraphs() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ParagraphsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def sentence(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext,i) + + + def paragraph(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_paragraphs + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterParagraphs" ): + listener.enterParagraphs(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitParagraphs" ): + listener.exitParagraphs(self) + + + + + def paragraphs(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ParagraphsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 530, self.RULE_paragraphs) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3561 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 13510798882242580) != 0) or ((((_la - 67)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 67)) & 570425345) != 0) or ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 131)) & 4613937818308192769) != 0) or ((((_la - 198)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 198)) & 1337281096974339) != 0) or ((((_la - 294)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 294)) & 562958543356225) != 0) or ((((_la - 365)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 365)) & 1161937774836712961) != 0) or ((((_la - 430)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 430)) & 70378206528513) != 0) or ((((_la - 500)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 500)) & 4035225283303964673) != 0): + self.state = 3558 + self.sentence() + self.state = 3563 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 3567 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,460,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 3564 + self.paragraph() + self.state = 3569 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,460,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ParagraphContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def paragraphName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext,0) + + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def alteredGoTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlteredGoToContext,0) + + + def sentence(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_paragraph + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterParagraph" ): + listener.enterParagraph(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitParagraph" ): + listener.exitParagraph(self) + + + + + def paragraph(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ParagraphContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 532, self.RULE_paragraph) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3570 + self.paragraphName() + self.state = 3571 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + self.state = 3579 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,462,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3572 + self.alteredGoTo() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3576 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 13510798882242580) != 0) or ((((_la - 67)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 67)) & 570425345) != 0) or ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 131)) & 4613937818308192769) != 0) or ((((_la - 198)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 198)) & 1337281096974339) != 0) or ((((_la - 294)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 294)) & 562958543356225) != 0) or ((((_la - 365)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 365)) & 1161937774836712961) != 0) or ((((_la - 430)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 430)) & 70378206528513) != 0) or ((((_la - 500)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 500)) & 4035225283303964673) != 0): + self.state = 3573 + self.sentence() + self.state = 3578 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SentenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sentence + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSentence" ): + listener.enterSentence(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSentence" ): + listener.exitSentence(self) + + + + + def sentence(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SentenceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 534, self.RULE_sentence) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3584 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 13510798882242580) != 0) or ((((_la - 67)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 67)) & 570425345) != 0) or ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 131)) & 4613937818308192769) != 0) or ((((_la - 198)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 198)) & 1337281096974339) != 0) or ((((_la - 294)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 294)) & 562958543356225) != 0) or ((((_la - 365)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 365)) & 1161937774836712961) != 0) or ((((_la - 430)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 430)) & 70378206528513) != 0) or ((((_la - 500)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 500)) & 4035225266124095489) != 0): + self.state = 3581 + self.statement() + self.state = 3586 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 3587 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def acceptStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AcceptStatementContext,0) + + + def addStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddStatementContext,0) + + + def alterStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlterStatementContext,0) + + + def callStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallStatementContext,0) + + + def cancelStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CancelStatementContext,0) + + + def closeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CloseStatementContext,0) + + + def computeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ComputeStatementContext,0) + + + def continueStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ContinueStatementContext,0) + + + def deleteStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DeleteStatementContext,0) + + + def disableStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisableStatementContext,0) + + + def displayStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisplayStatementContext,0) + + + def divideStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideStatementContext,0) + + + def enableStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnableStatementContext,0) + + + def entryStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EntryStatementContext,0) + + + def evaluateStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateStatementContext,0) + + + def exhibitStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExhibitStatementContext,0) + + + def execCicsStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExecCicsStatementContext,0) + + + def execSqlStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlStatementContext,0) + + + def execSqlImsStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlImsStatementContext,0) + + + def exitStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExitStatementContext,0) + + + def generateStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GenerateStatementContext,0) + + + def gobackStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GobackStatementContext,0) + + + def goToStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementContext,0) + + + def ifStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IfStatementContext,0) + + + def initializeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InitializeStatementContext,0) + + + def initiateStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InitiateStatementContext,0) + + + def inspectStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectStatementContext,0) + + + def mergeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeStatementContext,0) + + + def moveStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MoveStatementContext,0) + + + def multiplyStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyStatementContext,0) + + + def openStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenStatementContext,0) + + + def performStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformStatementContext,0) + + + def purgeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PurgeStatementContext,0) + + + def readStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReadStatementContext,0) + + + def receiveStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatementContext,0) + + + def releaseStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReleaseStatementContext,0) + + + def returnStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReturnStatementContext,0) + + + def rewriteStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RewriteStatementContext,0) + + + def searchStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SearchStatementContext,0) + + + def sendStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendStatementContext,0) + + + def setStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetStatementContext,0) + + + def sortStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortStatementContext,0) + + + def startStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StartStatementContext,0) + + + def stopStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StopStatementContext,0) + + + def stringStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringStatementContext,0) + + + def subtractStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractStatementContext,0) + + + def terminateStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TerminateStatementContext,0) + + + def unstringStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringStatementContext,0) + + + def writeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteStatementContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_statement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStatement" ): + listener.enterStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStatement" ): + listener.exitStatement(self) + + + + + def statement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 536, self.RULE_statement) + try: + self.state = 3638 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [2]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3589 + self.acceptStatement() + pass + elif token in [4]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3590 + self.addStatement() + pass + elif token in [17]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3591 + self.alterStatement() + pass + elif token in [52]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 3592 + self.callStatement() + pass + elif token in [53]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 3593 + self.cancelStatement() + pass + elif token in [67]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 3594 + self.closeStatement() + pass + elif token in [92]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 3595 + self.computeStatement() + pass + elif token in [96]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 3596 + self.continueStatement() + pass + elif token in [131]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 3597 + self.deleteStatement() + pass + elif token in [140]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 3598 + self.disableStatement() + pass + elif token in [142]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 3599 + self.displayStatement() + pass + elif token in [144]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12) + self.state = 3600 + self.divideStatement() + pass + elif token in [157]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 13) + self.state = 3601 + self.enableStatement() + pass + elif token in [182]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 14) + self.state = 3602 + self.entryStatement() + pass + elif token in [193]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 15) + self.state = 3603 + self.evaluateStatement() + pass + elif token in [198]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 16) + self.state = 3604 + self.exhibitStatement() + pass + elif token in [559]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 17) + self.state = 3605 + self.execCicsStatement() + pass + elif token in [561]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 18) + self.state = 3606 + self.execSqlStatement() + pass + elif token in [560]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 19) + self.state = 3607 + self.execSqlImsStatement() + pass + elif token in [199]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 20) + self.state = 3608 + self.exitStatement() + pass + elif token in [220]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 21) + self.state = 3609 + self.generateStatement() + pass + elif token in [221]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 22) + self.state = 3610 + self.gobackStatement() + pass + elif token in [224]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 23) + self.state = 3611 + self.goToStatement() + pass + elif token in [236]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 24) + self.state = 3612 + self.ifStatement() + pass + elif token in [244]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 25) + self.state = 3613 + self.initializeStatement() + pass + elif token in [245]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 26) + self.state = 3614 + self.initiateStatement() + pass + elif token in [248]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 27) + self.state = 3615 + self.inspectStatement() + pass + elif token in [294]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 28) + self.state = 3616 + self.mergeStatement() + pass + elif token in [300]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 29) + self.state = 3617 + self.moveStatement() + pass + elif token in [302]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 30) + self.state = 3618 + self.multiplyStatement() + pass + elif token in [327]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 31) + self.state = 3619 + self.openStatement() + pass + elif token in [343]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 32) + self.state = 3620 + self.performStatement() + pass + elif token in [365]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 33) + self.state = 3621 + self.purgeStatement() + pass + elif token in [374]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 34) + self.state = 3622 + self.readStatement() + pass + elif token in [375]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 35) + self.state = 3623 + self.receiveStatement() + pass + elif token in [387]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 36) + self.state = 3624 + self.releaseStatement() + pass + elif token in [403]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 37) + self.state = 3625 + self.returnStatement() + pass + elif token in [408]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 38) + self.state = 3626 + self.rewriteStatement() + pass + elif token in [418]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 39) + self.state = 3627 + self.searchStatement() + pass + elif token in [425]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 40) + self.state = 3628 + self.sendStatement() + pass + elif token in [430]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 41) + self.state = 3629 + self.setStatement() + pass + elif token in [440]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 42) + self.state = 3630 + self.sortStatement() + pass + elif token in [456]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 43) + self.state = 3631 + self.startStatement() + pass + elif token in [458]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 44) + self.state = 3632 + self.stopStatement() + pass + elif token in [459]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 45) + self.state = 3633 + self.stringStatement() + pass + elif token in [463]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 46) + self.state = 3634 + self.subtractStatement() + pass + elif token in [476]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 47) + self.state = 3635 + self.terminateStatement() + pass + elif token in [500]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 48) + self.state = 3636 + self.unstringStatement() + pass + elif token in [517]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 49) + self.state = 3637 + self.writeStatement() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AcceptStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ACCEPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ACCEPT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def acceptFromDateStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromDateStatementContext,0) + + + def acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromEscapeKeyStatementContext,0) + + + def acceptFromMnemonicStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromMnemonicStatementContext,0) + + + def acceptMessageCountStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AcceptMessageCountStatementContext,0) + + + def onExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def notOnExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def END_ACCEPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_ACCEPT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_acceptStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAcceptStatement" ): + listener.enterAcceptStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAcceptStatement" ): + listener.exitAcceptStatement(self) + + + + + def acceptStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AcceptStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 538, self.RULE_acceptStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3640 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ACCEPT) + self.state = 3641 + self.identifier() + self.state = 3646 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,465,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3642 + self.acceptFromDateStatement() + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3643 + self.acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement() + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3644 + self.acceptFromMnemonicStatement() + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 3645 + self.acceptMessageCountStatement() + + + self.state = 3649 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,466,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3648 + self.onExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 3652 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,467,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3651 + self.notOnExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 3655 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,468,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3654 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_ACCEPT) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AcceptFromDateStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE, 0) + + def DAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DAY, 0) + + def DAY_OF_WEEK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DAY_OF_WEEK, 0) + + def TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIME, 0) + + def TIMER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMER, 0) + + def TODAYS_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_DATE, 0) + + def TODAYS_NAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_NAME, 0) + + def YEAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YEAR, 0) + + def YYYYMMDD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YYYYMMDD, 0) + + def YYYYDDD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YYYYDDD, 0) + + def MMDDYYYY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MMDDYYYY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_acceptFromDateStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAcceptFromDateStatement" ): + listener.enterAcceptFromDateStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAcceptFromDateStatement" ): + listener.exitAcceptFromDateStatement(self) + + + + + def acceptFromDateStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromDateStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 540, self.RULE_acceptFromDateStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3657 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 3677 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [111]: + self.state = 3658 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE) + self.state = 3660 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==519: + self.state = 3659 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.YYYYMMDD) + + + pass + elif token in [114]: + self.state = 3662 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DAY) + self.state = 3664 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==520: + self.state = 3663 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.YYYYDDD) + + + pass + elif token in [115]: + self.state = 3666 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DAY_OF_WEEK) + pass + elif token in [485]: + self.state = 3667 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIME) + pass + elif token in [486]: + self.state = 3668 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIMER) + pass + elif token in [490]: + self.state = 3669 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_DATE) + self.state = 3671 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==296: + self.state = 3670 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MMDDYYYY) + + + pass + elif token in [491]: + self.state = 3673 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_NAME) + pass + elif token in [518]: + self.state = 3674 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.YEAR) + pass + elif token in [519]: + self.state = 3675 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.YYYYMMDD) + pass + elif token in [520]: + self.state = 3676 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.YYYYDDD) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AcceptFromMnemonicStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_acceptFromMnemonicStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAcceptFromMnemonicStatement" ): + listener.enterAcceptFromMnemonicStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAcceptFromMnemonicStatement" ): + listener.exitAcceptFromMnemonicStatement(self) + + + + + def acceptFromMnemonicStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromMnemonicStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 542, self.RULE_acceptFromMnemonicStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3679 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 3680 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AcceptFromEscapeKeyStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def ESCAPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ESCAPE, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement" ): + listener.enterAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement" ): + listener.exitAcceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self) + + + + + def acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AcceptFromEscapeKeyStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 544, self.RULE_acceptFromEscapeKeyStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3682 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 3683 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ESCAPE) + self.state = 3684 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AcceptMessageCountStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COUNT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COUNT, 0) + + def MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_acceptMessageCountStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAcceptMessageCountStatement" ): + listener.enterAcceptMessageCountStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAcceptMessageCountStatement" ): + listener.exitAcceptMessageCountStatement(self) + + + + + def acceptMessageCountStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AcceptMessageCountStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 546, self.RULE_acceptMessageCountStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3687 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==295: + self.state = 3686 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE) + + + self.state = 3689 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COUNT) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ADD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADD, 0) + + def addToStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddToStatementContext,0) + + + def addToGivingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingStatementContext,0) + + + def addCorrespondingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddCorrespondingStatementContext,0) + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_ADD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_ADD, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddStatement" ): + listener.enterAddStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddStatement" ): + listener.exitAddStatement(self) + + + + + def addStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 548, self.RULE_addStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3691 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADD) + self.state = 3695 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,474,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3692 + self.addToStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3693 + self.addToGivingStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3694 + self.addCorrespondingStatement() + pass + + + self.state = 3698 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,475,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3697 + self.onSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 3701 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,476,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3700 + self.notOnSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 3704 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,477,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3703 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_ADD) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddToStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def addFrom(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext,i) + + + def addTo(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AddToContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddToContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addToStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddToStatement" ): + listener.enterAddToStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddToStatement" ): + listener.exitAddToStatement(self) + + + + + def addToStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddToStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 550, self.RULE_addToStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3707 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3706 + self.addFrom() + self.state = 3709 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 3711 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 3713 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3712 + self.addTo() + self.state = 3715 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddToGivingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def addFrom(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext,i) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def addGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AddGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddGivingContext,i) + + + def addToGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addToGivingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddToGivingStatement" ): + listener.enterAddToGivingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddToGivingStatement" ): + listener.exitAddToGivingStatement(self) + + + + + def addToGivingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 552, self.RULE_addToGivingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3718 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3717 + self.addFrom() + self.state = 3720 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 3728 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 3722 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 3724 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3723 + self.addToGiving() + self.state = 3726 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + + + self.state = 3730 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 3732 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3731 + self.addGiving() + self.state = 3734 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddCorrespondingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def addTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AddToContext,0) + + + def CORRESPONDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORRESPONDING, 0) + + def CORR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addCorrespondingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddCorrespondingStatement" ): + listener.enterAddCorrespondingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddCorrespondingStatement" ): + listener.exitAddCorrespondingStatement(self) + + + + + def addCorrespondingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddCorrespondingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 554, self.RULE_addCorrespondingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3736 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==103 or _la==104): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3737 + self.identifier() + self.state = 3738 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 3739 + self.addTo() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddFrom" ): + listener.enterAddFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddFrom" ): + listener.exitAddFrom(self) + + + + + def addFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 556, self.RULE_addFrom) + try: + self.state = 3743 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,484,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3741 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3742 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddTo" ): + listener.enterAddTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddTo" ): + listener.exitAddTo(self) + + + + + def addTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 558, self.RULE_addTo) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3745 + self.identifier() + self.state = 3747 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 3746 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddToGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addToGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddToGiving" ): + listener.enterAddToGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddToGiving" ): + listener.exitAddToGiving(self) + + + + + def addToGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddToGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 560, self.RULE_addToGiving) + try: + self.state = 3751 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,486,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3749 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3750 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AddGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_addGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAddGiving" ): + listener.enterAddGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAddGiving" ): + listener.exitAddGiving(self) + + + + + def addGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AddGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 562, self.RULE_addGiving) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3753 + self.identifier() + self.state = 3755 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 3754 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlteredGoToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GO, 0) + + def DOT_FS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS, 0) + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alteredGoTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlteredGoTo" ): + listener.enterAlteredGoTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlteredGoTo" ): + listener.exitAlteredGoTo(self) + + + + + def alteredGoTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlteredGoToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 564, self.RULE_alteredGoTo) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3757 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GO) + self.state = 3759 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 3758 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + self.state = 3761 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOT_FS) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlterStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALTER, 0) + + def alterProceedTo(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlterProceedToContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlterProceedToContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alterStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlterStatement" ): + listener.enterAlterStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlterStatement" ): + listener.exitAlterStatement(self) + + + + + def alterStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlterStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 566, self.RULE_alterStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3763 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALTER) + self.state = 3765 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3764 + self.alterProceedTo() + self.state = 3767 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlterProceedToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,i) + + + def TO(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.TO) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, i) + + def PROCEED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alterProceedTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlterProceedTo" ): + listener.enterAlterProceedTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlterProceedTo" ): + listener.exitAlterProceedTo(self) + + + + + def alterProceedTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlterProceedToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 568, self.RULE_alterProceedTo) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3769 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 3770 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 3773 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==359: + self.state = 3771 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEED) + self.state = 3772 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + self.state = 3775 + self.procedureName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CALL, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def callUsingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallUsingPhraseContext,0) + + + def callGivingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallGivingPhraseContext,0) + + + def onOverflowPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext,0) + + + def onExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def notOnExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def END_CALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_CALL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallStatement" ): + listener.enterCallStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallStatement" ): + listener.exitCallStatement(self) + + + + + def callStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 570, self.RULE_callStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3777 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CALL) + self.state = 3780 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,491,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3778 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3779 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 3783 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==506: + self.state = 3782 + self.callUsingPhrase() + + + self.state = 3786 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==222 or _la==405: + self.state = 3785 + self.callGivingPhrase() + + + self.state = 3789 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,494,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3788 + self.onOverflowPhrase() + + + self.state = 3792 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,495,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3791 + self.onExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 3795 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,496,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3794 + self.notOnExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 3798 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,497,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3797 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_CALL) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallUsingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def callUsingParameter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CallUsingParameterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallUsingParameterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callUsingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallUsingPhrase" ): + listener.enterCallUsingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallUsingPhrase" ): + listener.exitCallUsingPhrase(self) + + + + + def callUsingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallUsingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 572, self.RULE_callUsingPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3800 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 3802 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3801 + self.callUsingParameter() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3804 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,498,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallUsingParameterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def callByReferencePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByReferencePhraseContext,0) + + + def callByValuePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByValuePhraseContext,0) + + + def callByContentPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByContentPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callUsingParameter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallUsingParameter" ): + listener.enterCallUsingParameter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallUsingParameter" ): + listener.exitCallUsingParameter(self) + + + + + def callUsingParameter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallUsingParameterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 574, self.RULE_callUsingParameter) + try: + self.state = 3809 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,499,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3806 + self.callByReferencePhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3807 + self.callByValuePhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3808 + self.callByContentPhrase() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByReferencePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REFERENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCE, 0) + + def callByReference(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CallByReferenceContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByReferenceContext,i) + + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByReferencePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByReferencePhrase" ): + listener.enterCallByReferencePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByReferencePhrase" ): + listener.exitCallByReferencePhrase(self) + + + + + def callByReferencePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByReferencePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 576, self.RULE_callByReferencePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3815 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49 or _la==384: + self.state = 3812 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3811 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3814 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCE) + + + self.state = 3818 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3817 + self.callByReference() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3820 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,502,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def ADDRESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def INTEGER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER, 0) + + def STRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STRING, 0) + + def OMITTED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByReference + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByReference" ): + listener.enterCallByReference(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByReference" ): + listener.exitCallByReference(self) + + + + + def callByReference(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByReferenceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 578, self.RULE_callByReference) + try: + self.state = 3834 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 5, 9, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 404, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 459, 466, 471, 473, 481, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 494, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3831 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,504,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3826 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,503,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3822 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS) + self.state = 3823 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3824 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER) + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3825 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STRING) + + + self.state = 3828 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3829 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3830 + self.fileName() + pass + + + pass + elif token in [325]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3833 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByValuePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VALUE, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def callByValue(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CallByValueContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByValueContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByValuePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByValuePhrase" ): + listener.enterCallByValuePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByValuePhrase" ): + listener.exitCallByValuePhrase(self) + + + + + def callByValuePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByValuePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 580, self.RULE_callByValuePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3837 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3836 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3839 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VALUE) + self.state = 3841 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3840 + self.callByValue() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3843 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,507,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByValueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def ADDRESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByValue + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByValue" ): + listener.enterCallByValue(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByValue" ): + listener.exitCallByValue(self) + + + + + def callByValue(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByValueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 582, self.RULE_callByValue) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3851 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,509,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3845 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS) + self.state = 3846 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3847 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH) + self.state = 3849 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 3848 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + + + self.state = 3855 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,510,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3853 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3854 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByContentPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTENT, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def callByContent(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CallByContentContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CallByContentContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByContentPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByContentPhrase" ): + listener.enterCallByContentPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByContentPhrase" ): + listener.exitCallByContentPhrase(self) + + + + + def callByContentPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByContentPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 584, self.RULE_callByContentPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3858 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 3857 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 3860 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTENT) + self.state = 3862 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3861 + self.callByContent() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3864 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,512,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallByContentContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ADDRESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def OMITTED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callByContent + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallByContent" ): + listener.enterCallByContent(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallByContent" ): + listener.exitCallByContent(self) + + + + + def callByContent(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallByContentContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 586, self.RULE_callByContent) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 3877 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,515,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3872 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,514,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3866 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS) + self.state = 3867 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3868 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH) + self.state = 3870 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 3869 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + + + self.state = 3874 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3875 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3876 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OMITTED) + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CallGivingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def RETURNING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RETURNING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_callGivingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCallGivingPhrase" ): + listener.enterCallGivingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCallGivingPhrase" ): + listener.exitCallGivingPhrase(self) + + + + + def callGivingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CallGivingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 588, self.RULE_callGivingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3879 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==222 or _la==405): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3880 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CancelStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CANCEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CANCEL, 0) + + def cancelCall(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CancelCallContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CancelCallContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cancelStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCancelStatement" ): + listener.enterCancelStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCancelStatement" ): + listener.exitCancelStatement(self) + + + + + def cancelStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CancelStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 590, self.RULE_cancelStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3882 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CANCEL) + self.state = 3884 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3883 + self.cancelCall() + self.state = 3886 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CancelCallContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def libraryName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext,0) + + + def BYTITLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BYTITLE, 0) + + def BYFUNCTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BYFUNCTION, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cancelCall + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCancelCall" ): + listener.enterCancelCall(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCancelCall" ): + listener.exitCancelCall(self) + + + + + def cancelCall(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CancelCallContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 592, self.RULE_cancelCall) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 3893 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,517,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3888 + self.libraryName() + self.state = 3889 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==50 or _la==51): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3891 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3892 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CloseStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CLOSE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CLOSE, 0) + + def closeFile(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CloseFileContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CloseFileContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCloseStatement" ): + listener.enterCloseStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCloseStatement" ): + listener.exitCloseStatement(self) + + + + + def closeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CloseStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 594, self.RULE_closeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3895 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CLOSE) + self.state = 3897 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3896 + self.closeFile() + self.state = 3899 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CloseFileContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def closeReelUnitStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CloseReelUnitStatementContext,0) + + + def closeRelativeStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CloseRelativeStatementContext,0) + + + def closePortFileIOStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOStatementContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closeFile + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCloseFile" ): + listener.enterCloseFile(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCloseFile" ): + listener.exitCloseFile(self) + + + + + def closeFile(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CloseFileContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 596, self.RULE_closeFile) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3901 + self.fileName() + self.state = 3905 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,519,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3902 + self.closeReelUnitStatement() + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3903 + self.closeRelativeStatement() + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 3904 + self.closePortFileIOStatement() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CloseReelUnitStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REEL, 0) + + def UNIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNIT, 0) + + def REMOVAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOVAL, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closeReelUnitStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCloseReelUnitStatement" ): + listener.enterCloseReelUnitStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCloseReelUnitStatement" ): + listener.exitCloseReelUnitStatement(self) + + + + + def closeReelUnitStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CloseReelUnitStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 598, self.RULE_closeReelUnitStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3907 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==382 or _la==499): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3912 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212 or _la==390: + self.state = 3909 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 3908 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 3911 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMOVAL) + + + self.state = 3922 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,524,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3915 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 3914 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 3920 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [310]: + self.state = 3917 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 3918 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + pass + elif token in [286]: + self.state = 3919 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CloseRelativeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closeRelativeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCloseRelativeStatement" ): + listener.enterCloseRelativeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCloseRelativeStatement" ): + listener.exitCloseRelativeStatement(self) + + + + + def closeRelativeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CloseRelativeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 600, self.RULE_closeRelativeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3925 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 3924 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 3930 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [310]: + self.state = 3927 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 3928 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + pass + elif token in [286]: + self.state = 3929 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClosePortFileIOStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def WAIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WAIT, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def closePortFileIOUsing(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closePortFileIOStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClosePortFileIOStatement" ): + listener.enterClosePortFileIOStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClosePortFileIOStatement" ): + listener.exitClosePortFileIOStatement(self) + + + + + def closePortFileIOStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 602, self.RULE_closePortFileIOStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3939 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,528,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3933 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 3932 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 3935 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 3936 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WAIT) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3937 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 3938 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WAIT) + pass + + + self.state = 3947 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==506: + self.state = 3941 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 3943 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 3942 + self.closePortFileIOUsing() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 3945 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,529,self._ctx) + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClosePortFileIOUsingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDispositionContext,0) + + + def closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataContext,0) + + + def closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLengthContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closePortFileIOUsing + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClosePortFileIOUsing" ): + listener.enterClosePortFileIOUsing(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClosePortFileIOUsing" ): + listener.exitClosePortFileIOUsing(self) + + + + + def closePortFileIOUsing(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 604, self.RULE_closePortFileIOUsing) + try: + self.state = 3952 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [68]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3949 + self.closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition() + pass + elif token in [28]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 3950 + self.closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData() + pass + elif token in [29]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 3951 + self.closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDispositionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CLOSE_DISPOSITION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CLOSE_DISPOSITION, 0) + + def ABORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ABORT, 0) + + def ORDERLY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ORDERLY, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition" ): + listener.enterClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition" ): + listener.exitClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self) + + + + + def closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingCloseDispositionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 606, self.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingCloseDisposition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3954 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CLOSE_DISPOSITION) + self.state = 3956 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 3955 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 3958 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==1 or _la==331): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASSOCIATED_DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData" ): + listener.enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData" ): + listener.exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self) + + + + + def closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 608, self.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedData) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3960 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA) + self.state = 3963 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,533,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3961 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3962 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLengthContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength" ): + listener.enterClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength" ): + listener.exitClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self) + + + + + def closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClosePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLengthContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 610, self.RULE_closePortFileIOUsingAssociatedDataLength) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3965 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH) + self.state = 3967 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 3966 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 3971 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,535,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3969 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 3970 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ComputeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMPUTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTE, 0) + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def EQUALCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUALCHAR, 0) + + def EQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL, 0) + + def computeStore(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ComputeStoreContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ComputeStoreContext,i) + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_COMPUTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_COMPUTE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_computeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterComputeStatement" ): + listener.enterComputeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitComputeStatement" ): + listener.exitComputeStatement(self) + + + + + def computeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ComputeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 612, self.RULE_computeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3973 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMPUTE) + self.state = 3975 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 3974 + self.computeStore() + self.state = 3977 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 3979 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==186 or _la==536): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 3980 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 3982 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,537,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3981 + self.onSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 3985 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,538,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3984 + self.notOnSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 3988 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,539,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 3987 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_COMPUTE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ComputeStoreContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_computeStore + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterComputeStore" ): + listener.enterComputeStore(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitComputeStore" ): + listener.exitComputeStore(self) + + + + + def computeStore(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ComputeStoreContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 614, self.RULE_computeStore) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3990 + self.identifier() + self.state = 3992 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 3991 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ContinueStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONTINUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTINUE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_continueStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterContinueStatement" ): + listener.enterContinueStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitContinueStatement" ): + listener.exitContinueStatement(self) + + + + + def continueStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ContinueStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 616, self.RULE_continueStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3994 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONTINUE) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DeleteStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DELETE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DELETE, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_DELETE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_DELETE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_deleteStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDeleteStatement" ): + listener.enterDeleteStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDeleteStatement" ): + listener.exitDeleteStatement(self) + + + + + def deleteStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DeleteStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 618, self.RULE_deleteStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 3996 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DELETE) + self.state = 3997 + self.fileName() + self.state = 3999 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==377: + self.state = 3998 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + + + self.state = 4002 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,542,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4001 + self.invalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4005 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,543,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4004 + self.notInvalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4008 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,544,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4007 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_DELETE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisableStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DISABLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISABLE, 0) + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def I_O(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O, 0) + + def TERMINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL, 0) + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_disableStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisableStatement" ): + listener.enterDisableStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisableStatement" ): + listener.exitDisableStatement(self) + + + + + def disableStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisableStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 620, self.RULE_disableStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4010 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISABLE) + self.state = 4018 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [246]: + self.state = 4011 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + self.state = 4013 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==475: + self.state = 4012 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL) + + + pass + elif token in [232]: + self.state = 4015 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O) + self.state = 4016 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL) + pass + elif token in [334]: + self.state = 4017 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4020 + self.cdName() + self.state = 4022 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4021 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4024 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 4027 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,548,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4025 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4026 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisplayStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY, 0) + + def displayOperand(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DisplayOperandContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisplayOperandContext,i) + + + def displayAt(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisplayAtContext,0) + + + def displayUpon(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisplayUponContext,0) + + + def displayWith(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DisplayWithContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_displayStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisplayStatement" ): + listener.enterDisplayStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisplayStatement" ): + listener.exitDisplayStatement(self) + + + + + def displayStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisplayStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 622, self.RULE_displayStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4029 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DISPLAY) + self.state = 4031 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4030 + self.displayOperand() + self.state = 4033 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 4036 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,550,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4035 + self.displayAt() + + + self.state = 4039 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==503: + self.state = 4038 + self.displayUpon() + + + self.state = 4042 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,552,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4041 + self.displayWith() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisplayOperandContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_displayOperand + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisplayOperand" ): + listener.enterDisplayOperand(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisplayOperand" ): + listener.exitDisplayOperand(self) + + + + + def displayOperand(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisplayOperandContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 624, self.RULE_displayOperand) + try: + self.state = 4046 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,553,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4044 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4045 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisplayAtContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_displayAt + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisplayAt" ): + listener.enterDisplayAt(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisplayAt" ): + listener.exitDisplayAt(self) + + + + + def displayAt(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisplayAtContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 626, self.RULE_displayAt) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4048 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + self.state = 4051 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,554,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4049 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4050 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisplayUponContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def UPON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UPON, 0) + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def environmentName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_displayUpon + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisplayUpon" ): + listener.enterDisplayUpon(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisplayUpon" ): + listener.exitDisplayUpon(self) + + + + + def displayUpon(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisplayUponContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 628, self.RULE_displayUpon) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4053 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UPON) + self.state = 4056 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,555,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4054 + self.mnemonicName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4055 + self.environmentName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DisplayWithContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def ADVANCING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_displayWith + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDisplayWith" ): + listener.enterDisplayWith(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDisplayWith" ): + listener.exitDisplayWith(self) + + + + + def displayWith(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DisplayWithContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 630, self.RULE_displayWith) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4059 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4058 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4061 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4062 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DIVIDE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DIVIDE, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def divideIntoStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoStatementContext,0) + + + def divideIntoGivingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoGivingStatementContext,0) + + + def divideByGivingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideByGivingStatementContext,0) + + + def divideRemainder(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideRemainderContext,0) + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_DIVIDE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_DIVIDE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideStatement" ): + listener.enterDivideStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideStatement" ): + listener.exitDivideStatement(self) + + + + + def divideStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 632, self.RULE_divideStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4064 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DIVIDE) + self.state = 4067 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,557,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4065 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4066 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4072 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,558,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4069 + self.divideIntoStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4070 + self.divideIntoGivingStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 4071 + self.divideByGivingStatement() + pass + + + self.state = 4075 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==388: + self.state = 4074 + self.divideRemainder() + + + self.state = 4078 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,560,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4077 + self.onSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 4081 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,561,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4080 + self.notOnSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 4084 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,562,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4083 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_DIVIDE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideIntoStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def divideInto(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideIntoStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideIntoStatement" ): + listener.enterDivideIntoStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideIntoStatement" ): + listener.exitDivideIntoStatement(self) + + + + + def divideIntoStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 634, self.RULE_divideIntoStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4086 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 4088 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4087 + self.divideInto() + self.state = 4090 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideIntoGivingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def divideGivingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideIntoGivingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideIntoGivingStatement" ): + listener.enterDivideIntoGivingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideIntoGivingStatement" ): + listener.exitDivideIntoGivingStatement(self) + + + + + def divideIntoGivingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoGivingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 636, self.RULE_divideIntoGivingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4092 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 4095 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,564,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4093 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4094 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4098 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==222: + self.state = 4097 + self.divideGivingPhrase() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideByGivingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def divideGivingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideByGivingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideByGivingStatement" ): + listener.enterDivideByGivingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideByGivingStatement" ): + listener.exitDivideByGivingStatement(self) + + + + + def divideByGivingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideByGivingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 638, self.RULE_divideByGivingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4100 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 4103 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,566,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4101 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4102 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4106 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==222: + self.state = 4105 + self.divideGivingPhrase() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideGivingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def divideGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideGivingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideGivingPhrase" ): + listener.enterDivideGivingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideGivingPhrase" ): + listener.exitDivideGivingPhrase(self) + + + + + def divideGivingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 640, self.RULE_divideGivingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4108 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 4110 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4109 + self.divideGiving() + self.state = 4112 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideIntoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideInto + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideInto" ): + listener.enterDivideInto(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideInto" ): + listener.exitDivideInto(self) + + + + + def divideInto(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideIntoContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 642, self.RULE_divideInto) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4114 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4116 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 4115 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideGiving" ): + listener.enterDivideGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideGiving" ): + listener.exitDivideGiving(self) + + + + + def divideGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 644, self.RULE_divideGiving) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4118 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4120 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 4119 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DivideRemainderContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REMAINDER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMAINDER, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_divideRemainder + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDivideRemainder" ): + listener.enterDivideRemainder(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDivideRemainder" ): + listener.exitDivideRemainder(self) + + + + + def divideRemainder(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DivideRemainderContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 646, self.RULE_divideRemainder) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4122 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMAINDER) + self.state = 4123 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnableStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ENABLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENABLE, 0) + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def I_O(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O, 0) + + def TERMINAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL, 0) + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_enableStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnableStatement" ): + listener.enterEnableStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnableStatement" ): + listener.exitEnableStatement(self) + + + + + def enableStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnableStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 648, self.RULE_enableStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4125 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENABLE) + self.state = 4133 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [246]: + self.state = 4126 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + self.state = 4128 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==475: + self.state = 4127 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL) + + + pass + elif token in [232]: + self.state = 4130 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O) + self.state = 4131 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINAL) + pass + elif token in [334]: + self.state = 4132 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4135 + self.cdName() + self.state = 4137 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4136 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4139 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 4142 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,574,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4140 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4141 + self.identifier() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EntryStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ENTRY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def identifier(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_entryStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEntryStatement" ): + listener.enterEntryStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEntryStatement" ): + listener.exitEntryStatement(self) + + + + + def entryStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EntryStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 650, self.RULE_entryStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4144 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY) + self.state = 4145 + self.literal() + self.state = 4152 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==506: + self.state = 4146 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 4148 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4147 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4150 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EVALUATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EVALUATE, 0) + + def evaluateSelect(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateSelectContext,0) + + + def evaluateAlsoSelect(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoSelectContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoSelectContext,i) + + + def evaluateWhenPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenPhraseContext,i) + + + def evaluateWhenOther(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenOtherContext,0) + + + def END_EVALUATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_EVALUATE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateStatement" ): + listener.enterEvaluateStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateStatement" ): + listener.exitEvaluateStatement(self) + + + + + def evaluateStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 652, self.RULE_evaluateStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4154 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EVALUATE) + self.state = 4155 + self.evaluateSelect() + self.state = 4159 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==16: + self.state = 4156 + self.evaluateAlsoSelect() + self.state = 4161 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 4163 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4162 + self.evaluateWhenPhrase() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4165 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,578,self._ctx) + + self.state = 4168 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,579,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4167 + self.evaluateWhenOther() + + + self.state = 4171 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,580,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4170 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_EVALUATE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateSelectContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateSelect + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateSelect" ): + listener.enterEvaluateSelect(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateSelect" ): + listener.exitEvaluateSelect(self) + + + + + def evaluateSelect(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateSelectContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 654, self.RULE_evaluateSelect) + try: + self.state = 4177 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,581,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4173 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4174 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 4175 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 4176 + self.condition() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateAlsoSelectContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALSO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALSO, 0) + + def evaluateSelect(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateSelectContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateAlsoSelect + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateAlsoSelect" ): + listener.enterEvaluateAlsoSelect(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateAlsoSelect" ): + listener.exitEvaluateAlsoSelect(self) + + + + + def evaluateAlsoSelect(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoSelectContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 656, self.RULE_evaluateAlsoSelect) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4179 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALSO) + self.state = 4180 + self.evaluateSelect() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateWhenPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def evaluateWhen(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenContext,i) + + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateWhenPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateWhenPhrase" ): + listener.enterEvaluateWhenPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateWhenPhrase" ): + listener.exitEvaluateWhenPhrase(self) + + + + + def evaluateWhenPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 658, self.RULE_evaluateWhenPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4183 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4182 + self.evaluateWhen() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4185 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,582,self._ctx) + + self.state = 4190 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,583,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4187 + self.statement() + self.state = 4192 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,583,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateWhenContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def evaluateCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateConditionContext,0) + + + def evaluateAlsoCondition(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoConditionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoConditionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateWhen + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateWhen" ): + listener.enterEvaluateWhen(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateWhen" ): + listener.exitEvaluateWhen(self) + + + + + def evaluateWhen(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 660, self.RULE_evaluateWhen) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4193 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + self.state = 4194 + self.evaluateCondition() + self.state = 4198 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==16: + self.state = 4195 + self.evaluateAlsoCondition() + self.state = 4200 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ANY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ANY, 0) + + def evaluateValue(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateValueContext,0) + + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def evaluateThrough(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateThroughContext,0) + + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def booleanLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BooleanLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateCondition" ): + listener.enterEvaluateCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateCondition" ): + listener.exitEvaluateCondition(self) + + + + + def evaluateCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 662, self.RULE_evaluateCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 4211 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,587,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4201 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ANY) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4203 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==312: + self.state = 4202 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 4205 + self.evaluateValue() + self.state = 4207 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 4206 + self.evaluateThrough() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 4209 + self.condition() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 4210 + self.booleanLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def evaluateValue(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateValueContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateThrough" ): + listener.enterEvaluateThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateThrough" ): + listener.exitEvaluateThrough(self) + + + + + def evaluateThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 664, self.RULE_evaluateThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4213 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4214 + self.evaluateValue() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateAlsoConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALSO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALSO, 0) + + def evaluateCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.EvaluateConditionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateAlsoCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateAlsoCondition" ): + listener.enterEvaluateAlsoCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateAlsoCondition" ): + listener.exitEvaluateAlsoCondition(self) + + + + + def evaluateAlsoCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateAlsoConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 666, self.RULE_evaluateAlsoCondition) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4216 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALSO) + self.state = 4217 + self.evaluateCondition() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateWhenOtherContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def OTHER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OTHER, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateWhenOther + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateWhenOther" ): + listener.enterEvaluateWhenOther(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateWhenOther" ): + listener.exitEvaluateWhenOther(self) + + + + + def evaluateWhenOther(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateWhenOtherContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 668, self.RULE_evaluateWhenOther) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4219 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + self.state = 4220 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OTHER) + self.state = 4224 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,588,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4221 + self.statement() + self.state = 4226 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,588,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EvaluateValueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_evaluateValue + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEvaluateValue" ): + listener.enterEvaluateValue(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEvaluateValue" ): + listener.exitEvaluateValue(self) + + + + + def evaluateValue(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EvaluateValueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 670, self.RULE_evaluateValue) + try: + self.state = 4230 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,589,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4227 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4228 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 4229 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExecCicsStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXECCICSLINE(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.EXECCICSLINE) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXECCICSLINE, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_execCicsStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExecCicsStatement" ): + listener.enterExecCicsStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExecCicsStatement" ): + listener.exitExecCicsStatement(self) + + + + + def execCicsStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExecCicsStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 672, self.RULE_execCicsStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4233 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4232 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXECCICSLINE) + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4235 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,590,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExecSqlStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXECSQLLINE(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_execSqlStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExecSqlStatement" ): + listener.enterExecSqlStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExecSqlStatement" ): + listener.exitExecSqlStatement(self) + + + + + def execSqlStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 674, self.RULE_execSqlStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4238 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4237 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLLINE) + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4240 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,591,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExecSqlImsStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXECSQLIMSLINE(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLIMSLINE) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLIMSLINE, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_execSqlImsStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExecSqlImsStatement" ): + listener.enterExecSqlImsStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExecSqlImsStatement" ): + listener.exitExecSqlImsStatement(self) + + + + + def execSqlImsStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExecSqlImsStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 676, self.RULE_execSqlImsStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4243 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4242 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXECSQLIMSLINE) + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4245 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,592,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExhibitStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXHIBIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXHIBIT, 0) + + def NAMED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NAMED, 0) + + def CHANGED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHANGED, 0) + + def exhibitOperand(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ExhibitOperandContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ExhibitOperandContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_exhibitStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExhibitStatement" ): + listener.enterExhibitStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExhibitStatement" ): + listener.exitExhibitStatement(self) + + + + + def exhibitStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExhibitStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 678, self.RULE_exhibitStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4247 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXHIBIT) + self.state = 4249 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,593,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4248 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NAMED) + + + self.state = 4252 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,594,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4251 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHANGED) + + + self.state = 4255 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4254 + self.exhibitOperand() + self.state = 4257 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExhibitOperandContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_exhibitOperand + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExhibitOperand" ): + listener.enterExhibitOperand(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExhibitOperand" ): + listener.exitExhibitOperand(self) + + + + + def exhibitOperand(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExhibitOperandContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 680, self.RULE_exhibitOperand) + try: + self.state = 4261 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,596,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4259 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4260 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ExitStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXIT, 0) + + def PROGRAM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_exitStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterExitStatement" ): + listener.enterExitStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitExitStatement" ): + listener.exitExitStatement(self) + + + + + def exitStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ExitStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 682, self.RULE_exitStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4263 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXIT) + self.state = 4265 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==361: + self.state = 4264 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GenerateStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GENERATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GENERATE, 0) + + def reportName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_generateStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGenerateStatement" ): + listener.enterGenerateStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGenerateStatement" ): + listener.exitGenerateStatement(self) + + + + + def generateStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GenerateStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 684, self.RULE_generateStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4267 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GENERATE) + self.state = 4268 + self.reportName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GobackStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GOBACK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GOBACK, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_gobackStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGobackStatement" ): + listener.enterGobackStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGobackStatement" ): + listener.exitGobackStatement(self) + + + + + def gobackStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GobackStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 686, self.RULE_gobackStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4270 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GOBACK) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GoToStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GO, 0) + + def goToStatementSimple(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementSimpleContext,0) + + + def goToDependingOnStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.GoToDependingOnStatementContext,0) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_goToStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGoToStatement" ): + listener.enterGoToStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGoToStatement" ): + listener.exitGoToStatement(self) + + + + + def goToStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 688, self.RULE_goToStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4272 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GO) + self.state = 4274 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 4273 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + self.state = 4278 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,599,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4276 + self.goToStatementSimple() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4277 + self.goToDependingOnStatement() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GoToStatementSimpleContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_goToStatementSimple + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGoToStatementSimple" ): + listener.enterGoToStatementSimple(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGoToStatementSimple" ): + listener.exitGoToStatementSimple(self) + + + + + def goToStatementSimple(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GoToStatementSimpleContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 690, self.RULE_goToStatementSimple) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4280 + self.procedureName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class GoToDependingOnStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MORE_LABELS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORE_LABELS, 0) + + def procedureName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,i) + + + def DEPENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_goToDependingOnStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterGoToDependingOnStatement" ): + listener.enterGoToDependingOnStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitGoToDependingOnStatement" ): + listener.exitGoToDependingOnStatement(self) + + + + + def goToDependingOnStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.GoToDependingOnStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 692, self.RULE_goToDependingOnStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 4295 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [299]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4282 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORE_LABELS) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 552, 553, 554, 555, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4284 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4283 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 4286 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 4293 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==134: + self.state = 4288 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEPENDING) + self.state = 4290 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 4289 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 4292 + self.identifier() + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IfStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def IF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IF, 0) + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def ifThen(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IfThenContext,0) + + + def ifElse(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IfElseContext,0) + + + def END_IF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_IF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_ifStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIfStatement" ): + listener.enterIfStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIfStatement" ): + listener.exitIfStatement(self) + + + + + def ifStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IfStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 694, self.RULE_ifStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4297 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IF) + self.state = 4298 + self.condition() + self.state = 4299 + self.ifThen() + self.state = 4301 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,604,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4300 + self.ifElse() + + + self.state = 4304 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,605,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4303 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_IF) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IfThenContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def SENTENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE, 0) + + def THEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THEN, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_ifThen + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIfThen" ): + listener.enterIfThen(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIfThen" ): + listener.exitIfThen(self) + + + + + def ifThen(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IfThenContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 696, self.RULE_ifThen) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4307 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==480: + self.state = 4306 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THEN) + + + self.state = 4317 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [309]: + self.state = 4309 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 4310 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE) + pass + elif token in [2, 4, 17, 30, 52, 53, 67, 92, 96, 131, 140, 142, 144, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 193, 196, 198, 199, 220, 221, 224, 236, 244, 245, 248, 252, 294, 300, 302, 312, 326, 327, 343, 365, 374, 375, 387, 403, 408, 418, 425, 430, 440, 456, 458, 459, 463, 476, 500, 512, 514, 517, 534, 559, 560, 561]: + self.state = 4314 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,607,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4311 + self.statement() + self.state = 4316 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,607,self._ctx) + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IfElseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ELSE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ELSE, 0) + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def SENTENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_ifElse + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIfElse" ): + listener.enterIfElse(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIfElse" ): + listener.exitIfElse(self) + + + + + def ifElse(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IfElseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 698, self.RULE_ifElse) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4319 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ELSE) + self.state = 4328 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [309]: + self.state = 4320 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 4321 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE) + pass + elif token in [2, 4, 17, 30, 52, 53, 67, 92, 96, 131, 140, 142, 144, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 193, 196, 198, 199, 220, 221, 224, 236, 244, 245, 248, 252, 294, 300, 302, 312, 326, 327, 343, 365, 374, 375, 387, 403, 408, 418, 425, 430, 440, 456, 458, 459, 463, 476, 500, 512, 514, 517, 534, 559, 560, 561]: + self.state = 4325 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,609,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4322 + self.statement() + self.state = 4327 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,609,self._ctx) + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InitializeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INITIALIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIALIZE, 0) + + def identifier(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,i) + + + def initializeReplacingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_initializeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInitializeStatement" ): + listener.enterInitializeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInitializeStatement" ): + listener.exitInitializeStatement(self) + + + + + def initializeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InitializeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 700, self.RULE_initializeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4330 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INITIALIZE) + self.state = 4332 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4331 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4334 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 4337 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==394: + self.state = 4336 + self.initializeReplacingPhrase() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InitializeReplacingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPLACING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING, 0) + + def initializeReplacingBy(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingByContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingByContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_initializeReplacingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInitializeReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.enterInitializeReplacingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInitializeReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.exitInitializeReplacingPhrase(self) + + + + + def initializeReplacingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 702, self.RULE_initializeReplacingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4339 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING) + self.state = 4341 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4340 + self.initializeReplacingBy() + self.state = 4343 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 51200) != 0) or _la==116 or _la==152 or ((((_la - 304)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 304)) & 20483) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InitializeReplacingByContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def ALPHABETIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC, 0) + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC_EDITED, 0) + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def NATIONAL_EDITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL_EDITED, 0) + + def NUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC, 0) + + def NUMERIC_EDITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC_EDITED, 0) + + def DBCS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DBCS, 0) + + def EGCS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EGCS, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_initializeReplacingBy + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInitializeReplacingBy" ): + listener.enterInitializeReplacingBy(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInitializeReplacingBy" ): + listener.exitInitializeReplacingBy(self) + + + + + def initializeReplacingBy(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InitializeReplacingByContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 704, self.RULE_initializeReplacingBy) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4345 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 51200) != 0) or _la==116 or _la==152 or ((((_la - 304)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 304)) & 20483) != 0)): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4347 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==109: + self.state = 4346 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA) + + + self.state = 4349 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 4352 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,615,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4350 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4351 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InitiateStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INITIATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIATE, 0) + + def reportName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_initiateStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInitiateStatement" ): + listener.enterInitiateStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInitiateStatement" ): + listener.exitInitiateStatement(self) + + + + + def initiateStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InitiateStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 706, self.RULE_initiateStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4354 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INITIATE) + self.state = 4356 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4355 + self.reportName() + self.state = 4358 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178969483) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INSPECT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INSPECT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def inspectTallyingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingPhraseContext,0) + + + def inspectReplacingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext,0) + + + def inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingReplacingPhraseContext,0) + + + def inspectConvertingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectConvertingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectStatement" ): + listener.enterInspectStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectStatement" ): + listener.exitInspectStatement(self) + + + + + def inspectStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 708, self.RULE_inspectStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4360 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INSPECT) + self.state = 4361 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4366 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,617,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4362 + self.inspectTallyingPhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4363 + self.inspectReplacingPhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 4364 + self.inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 4365 + self.inspectConvertingPhrase() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectTallyingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TALLYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING, 0) + + def inspectFor(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectTallyingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectTallyingPhrase" ): + listener.enterInspectTallyingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectTallyingPhrase" ): + listener.exitInspectTallyingPhrase(self) + + + + + def inspectTallyingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 710, self.RULE_inspectTallyingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4368 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING) + self.state = 4370 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4369 + self.inspectFor() + self.state = 4372 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectReplacingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPLACING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING, 0) + + def inspectReplacingCharacters(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingCharactersContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingCharactersContext,i) + + + def inspectReplacingAllLeadings(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectReplacingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.enterInspectReplacingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.exitInspectReplacingPhrase(self) + + + + + def inspectReplacingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 712, self.RULE_inspectReplacingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4374 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING) + self.state = 4377 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4377 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [63]: + self.state = 4375 + self.inspectReplacingCharacters() + pass + elif token in [9, 210, 266]: + self.state = 4376 + self.inspectReplacingAllLeadings() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4379 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==9 or _la==63 or _la==210 or _la==266): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectTallyingReplacingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TALLYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING, 0) + + def inspectFor(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext,i) + + + def inspectReplacingPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingPhraseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.enterInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.exitInspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self) + + + + + def inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectTallyingReplacingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 714, self.RULE_inspectTallyingReplacingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4381 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING) + self.state = 4383 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4382 + self.inspectFor() + self.state = 4385 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 4388 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4387 + self.inspectReplacingPhrase() + self.state = 4390 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==394): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectConvertingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CONVERTING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONVERTING, 0) + + def inspectTo(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectToContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectConvertingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectConvertingPhrase" ): + listener.enterInspectConvertingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectConvertingPhrase" ): + listener.exitInspectConvertingPhrase(self) + + + + + def inspectConvertingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectConvertingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 716, self.RULE_inspectConvertingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4392 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CONVERTING) + self.state = 4395 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,623,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4393 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4394 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4397 + self.inspectTo() + self.state = 4401 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 4398 + self.inspectBeforeAfter() + self.state = 4403 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectForContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def inspectCharacters(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectCharactersContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectCharactersContext,i) + + + def inspectAllLeadings(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingsContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingsContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectFor + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectFor" ): + listener.enterInspectFor(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectFor" ): + listener.exitInspectFor(self) + + + + + def inspectFor(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectForContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 718, self.RULE_inspectFor) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4404 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4405 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + self.state = 4408 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4408 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [63]: + self.state = 4406 + self.inspectCharacters() + pass + elif token in [9, 266]: + self.state = 4407 + self.inspectAllLeadings() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4410 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==9 or _la==63 or _la==266): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectCharactersContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectCharacters + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectCharacters" ): + listener.enterInspectCharacters(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectCharacters" ): + listener.exitInspectCharacters(self) + + + + + def inspectCharacters(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectCharactersContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 720, self.RULE_inspectCharacters) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4412 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + self.state = 4416 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 4413 + self.inspectBeforeAfter() + self.state = 4418 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectReplacingCharactersContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def CHARACTERS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS, 0) + + def inspectBy(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectByContext,0) + + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectReplacingCharacters + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectReplacingCharacters" ): + listener.enterInspectReplacingCharacters(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectReplacingCharacters" ): + listener.exitInspectReplacingCharacters(self) + + + + + def inspectReplacingCharacters(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingCharactersContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 722, self.RULE_inspectReplacingCharacters) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4419 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CHARACTERS) + self.state = 4420 + self.inspectBy() + self.state = 4424 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 4421 + self.inspectBeforeAfter() + self.state = 4426 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectAllLeadingsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def inspectAllLeading(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectAllLeadings + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectAllLeadings" ): + listener.enterInspectAllLeadings(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectAllLeadings" ): + listener.exitInspectAllLeadings(self) + + + + + def inspectAllLeadings(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 724, self.RULE_inspectAllLeadings) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4427 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==9 or _la==266): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4429 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4428 + self.inspectAllLeading() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4431 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,629,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def LEADING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEADING, 0) + + def FIRST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FIRST, 0) + + def inspectReplacingAllLeading(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeadings + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectReplacingAllLeadings" ): + listener.enterInspectReplacingAllLeadings(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectReplacingAllLeadings" ): + listener.exitInspectReplacingAllLeadings(self) + + + + + def inspectReplacingAllLeadings(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 726, self.RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeadings) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4433 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==9 or _la==210 or _la==266): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4435 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4434 + self.inspectReplacingAllLeading() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4437 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,630,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectAllLeadingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectAllLeading + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectAllLeading" ): + listener.enterInspectAllLeading(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectAllLeading" ): + listener.exitInspectAllLeading(self) + + + + + def inspectAllLeading(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectAllLeadingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 728, self.RULE_inspectAllLeading) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4441 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,631,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4439 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4440 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4446 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 4443 + self.inspectBeforeAfter() + self.state = 4448 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def inspectBy(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectByContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeading + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectReplacingAllLeading" ): + listener.enterInspectReplacingAllLeading(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectReplacingAllLeading" ): + listener.exitInspectReplacingAllLeading(self) + + + + + def inspectReplacingAllLeading(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectReplacingAllLeadingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 730, self.RULE_inspectReplacingAllLeading) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4451 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,633,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4449 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4450 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4453 + self.inspectBy() + self.state = 4457 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 4454 + self.inspectBeforeAfter() + self.state = 4459 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectByContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectBy + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectBy" ): + listener.enterInspectBy(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectBy" ): + listener.exitInspectBy(self) + + + + + def inspectBy(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectByContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 732, self.RULE_inspectBy) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4460 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 4463 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,635,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4461 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4462 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectTo" ): + listener.enterInspectTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectTo" ): + listener.exitInspectTo(self) + + + + + def inspectTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 734, self.RULE_inspectTo) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4465 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 4468 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,636,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4466 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4467 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InspectBeforeAfterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BEFORE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE, 0) + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def INITIAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inspectBeforeAfter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInspectBeforeAfter" ): + listener.enterInspectBeforeAfter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInspectBeforeAfter" ): + listener.exitInspectBeforeAfter(self) + + + + + def inspectBeforeAfter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InspectBeforeAfterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 736, self.RULE_inspectBeforeAfter) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4470 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==7 or _la==39): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4472 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==243: + self.state = 4471 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INITIAL) + + + self.state = 4476 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,638,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4474 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4475 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MERGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MERGE, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def mergeOnKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MergeOnKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeOnKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def mergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingSequencePhraseContext,0) + + + def mergeUsing(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MergeUsingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeUsingContext,i) + + + def mergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputProcedurePhraseContext,0) + + + def mergeGivingPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingPhraseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeStatement" ): + listener.enterMergeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeStatement" ): + listener.exitMergeStatement(self) + + + + + def mergeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 738, self.RULE_mergeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4478 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MERGE) + self.state = 4479 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4481 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4480 + self.mergeOnKeyClause() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4483 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,639,self._ctx) + + self.state = 4486 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==72 or _la==428: + self.state = 4485 + self.mergeCollatingSequencePhrase() + + + self.state = 4491 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==506: + self.state = 4488 + self.mergeUsing() + self.state = 4493 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 4495 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==334: + self.state = 4494 + self.mergeOutputProcedurePhrase() + + + self.state = 4500 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==222: + self.state = 4497 + self.mergeGivingPhrase() + self.state = 4502 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeOnKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASCENDING, 0) + + def DESCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESCENDING, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeOnKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeOnKeyClause" ): + listener.enterMergeOnKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeOnKeyClause" ): + listener.exitMergeOnKeyClause(self) + + + + + def mergeOnKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeOnKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 740, self.RULE_mergeOnKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4504 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 4503 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 4506 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==25 or _la==135): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4508 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 4507 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 4511 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4510 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 4513 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178969483) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeCollatingSequencePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEQUENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE, 0) + + def COLLATING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,i) + + + def mergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingAlphanumericContext,0) + + + def mergeCollatingNational(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingNationalContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeCollatingSequencePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeCollatingSequencePhrase" ): + listener.enterMergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeCollatingSequencePhrase" ): + listener.exitMergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self) + + + + + def mergeCollatingSequencePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingSequencePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 742, self.RULE_mergeCollatingSequencePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4516 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==72: + self.state = 4515 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING) + + + self.state = 4518 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE) + self.state = 4520 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 4519 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 4523 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4522 + self.alphabetName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 4525 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,649,self._ctx) + + self.state = 4528 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,650,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4527 + self.mergeCollatingAlphanumeric() + + + self.state = 4531 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212 or _la==304: + self.state = 4530 + self.mergeCollatingNational() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeCollatingAlphanumericContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeCollatingAlphanumeric + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeCollatingAlphanumeric" ): + listener.enterMergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeCollatingAlphanumeric" ): + listener.exitMergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self) + + + + + def mergeCollatingAlphanumeric(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingAlphanumericContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 744, self.RULE_mergeCollatingAlphanumeric) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4534 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 4533 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 4536 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC) + self.state = 4537 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + self.state = 4538 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeCollatingNationalContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeCollatingNational + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeCollatingNational" ): + listener.enterMergeCollatingNational(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeCollatingNational" ): + listener.exitMergeCollatingNational(self) + + + + + def mergeCollatingNational(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeCollatingNationalContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 746, self.RULE_mergeCollatingNational) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4541 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 4540 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 4543 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL) + self.state = 4545 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 4544 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 4547 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeUsingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeUsing + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeUsing" ): + listener.enterMergeUsing(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeUsing" ): + listener.exitMergeUsing(self) + + + + + def mergeUsing(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeUsingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 748, self.RULE_mergeUsing) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4549 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 4551 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4550 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4553 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeOutputProcedurePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE, 0) + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def mergeOutputThrough(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputThroughContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeOutputProcedurePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeOutputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.enterMergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeOutputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.exitMergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self) + + + + + def mergeOutputProcedurePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputProcedurePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 750, self.RULE_mergeOutputProcedurePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4555 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + self.state = 4556 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE) + self.state = 4558 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 4557 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 4560 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 4562 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 4561 + self.mergeOutputThrough() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeOutputThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeOutputThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeOutputThrough" ): + listener.enterMergeOutputThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeOutputThrough" ): + listener.exitMergeOutputThrough(self) + + + + + def mergeOutputThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeOutputThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 752, self.RULE_mergeOutputThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4564 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4565 + self.procedureName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeGivingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def mergeGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeGivingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeGivingPhrase" ): + listener.enterMergeGivingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeGivingPhrase" ): + listener.exitMergeGivingPhrase(self) + + + + + def mergeGivingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 754, self.RULE_mergeGivingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4567 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 4569 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4568 + self.mergeGiving() + self.state = 4571 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MergeGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def SAVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SAVE, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def CRUNCH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH, 0) + + def RELEASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def REMOVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOVE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mergeGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMergeGiving" ): + listener.enterMergeGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMergeGiving" ): + listener.exitMergeGiving(self) + + + + + def mergeGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MergeGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 756, self.RULE_mergeGiving) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4573 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4583 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,659,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4574 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4575 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SAVE) + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 4576 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4577 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 4578 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH) + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 4579 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE) + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 4580 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 4581 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMOVE) + self.state = 4582 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MoveStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MOVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MOVE, 0) + + def moveToStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MoveToStatementContext,0) + + + def moveCorrespondingToStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToStatementContext,0) + + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_moveStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMoveStatement" ): + listener.enterMoveStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMoveStatement" ): + listener.exitMoveStatement(self) + + + + + def moveStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MoveStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 758, self.RULE_moveStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4585 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MOVE) + self.state = 4587 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,660,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4586 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + + + self.state = 4591 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 5, 9, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 404, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 466, 471, 473, 481, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 494, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]: + self.state = 4589 + self.moveToStatement() + pass + elif token in [103, 104]: + self.state = 4590 + self.moveCorrespondingToStatement() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MoveToStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def moveToSendingArea(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MoveToSendingAreaContext,0) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def identifier(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_moveToStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMoveToStatement" ): + listener.enterMoveToStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMoveToStatement" ): + listener.exitMoveToStatement(self) + + + + + def moveToStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MoveToStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 760, self.RULE_moveToStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4593 + self.moveToSendingArea() + self.state = 4594 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 4596 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4595 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4598 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MoveToSendingAreaContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_moveToSendingArea + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMoveToSendingArea" ): + listener.enterMoveToSendingArea(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMoveToSendingArea" ): + listener.exitMoveToSendingArea(self) + + + + + def moveToSendingArea(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MoveToSendingAreaContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 762, self.RULE_moveToSendingArea) + try: + self.state = 4602 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,663,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4600 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4601 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MoveCorrespondingToStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def moveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToSendingAreaContext,0) + + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def CORRESPONDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORRESPONDING, 0) + + def CORR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORR, 0) + + def identifier(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_moveCorrespondingToStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMoveCorrespondingToStatement" ): + listener.enterMoveCorrespondingToStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMoveCorrespondingToStatement" ): + listener.exitMoveCorrespondingToStatement(self) + + + + + def moveCorrespondingToStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 764, self.RULE_moveCorrespondingToStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4604 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==103 or _la==104): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4605 + self.moveCorrespondingToSendingArea() + self.state = 4606 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 4608 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4607 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4610 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MoveCorrespondingToSendingAreaContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_moveCorrespondingToSendingArea + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea" ): + listener.enterMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea" ): + listener.exitMoveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self) + + + + + def moveCorrespondingToSendingArea(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MoveCorrespondingToSendingAreaContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 766, self.RULE_moveCorrespondingToSendingArea) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4612 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def MULTIPLY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MULTIPLY, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def multiplyRegular(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularContext,0) + + + def multiplyGiving(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingContext,0) + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_MULTIPLY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_MULTIPLY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyStatement" ): + listener.enterMultiplyStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyStatement" ): + listener.exitMultiplyStatement(self) + + + + + def multiplyStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 768, self.RULE_multiplyStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4614 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MULTIPLY) + self.state = 4617 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,665,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4615 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4616 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4619 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 4622 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,666,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4620 + self.multiplyRegular() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4621 + self.multiplyGiving() + pass + + + self.state = 4625 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,667,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4624 + self.onSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 4628 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,668,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4627 + self.notOnSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 4631 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,669,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4630 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_MULTIPLY) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyRegularContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def multiplyRegularOperand(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularOperandContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularOperandContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyRegular + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyRegular" ): + listener.enterMultiplyRegular(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyRegular" ): + listener.exitMultiplyRegular(self) + + + + + def multiplyRegular(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 770, self.RULE_multiplyRegular) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4634 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4633 + self.multiplyRegularOperand() + self.state = 4636 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyRegularOperandContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyRegularOperand + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyRegularOperand" ): + listener.enterMultiplyRegularOperand(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyRegularOperand" ): + listener.exitMultiplyRegularOperand(self) + + + + + def multiplyRegularOperand(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyRegularOperandContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 772, self.RULE_multiplyRegularOperand) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4638 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4640 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 4639 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def multiplyGivingOperand(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingOperandContext,0) + + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def multiplyGivingResult(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingResultContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingResultContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyGiving" ): + listener.enterMultiplyGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyGiving" ): + listener.exitMultiplyGiving(self) + + + + + def multiplyGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 774, self.RULE_multiplyGiving) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4642 + self.multiplyGivingOperand() + self.state = 4643 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 4645 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4644 + self.multiplyGivingResult() + self.state = 4647 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyGivingOperandContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyGivingOperand + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyGivingOperand" ): + listener.enterMultiplyGivingOperand(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyGivingOperand" ): + listener.exitMultiplyGivingOperand(self) + + + + + def multiplyGivingOperand(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingOperandContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 776, self.RULE_multiplyGivingOperand) + try: + self.state = 4651 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,673,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4649 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4650 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultiplyGivingResultContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multiplyGivingResult + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplyGivingResult" ): + listener.enterMultiplyGivingResult(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplyGivingResult" ): + listener.exitMultiplyGivingResult(self) + + + + + def multiplyGivingResult(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultiplyGivingResultContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 778, self.RULE_multiplyGivingResult) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4653 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4655 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 4654 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OPEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OPEN, 0) + + def openInputStatement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenInputStatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenInputStatementContext,i) + + + def openOutputStatement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputStatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputStatementContext,i) + + + def openIOStatement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenIOStatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenIOStatementContext,i) + + + def openExtendStatement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenExtendStatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenExtendStatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenStatement" ): + listener.enterOpenStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenStatement" ): + listener.exitOpenStatement(self) + + + + + def openStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 780, self.RULE_openStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4657 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OPEN) + self.state = 4662 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4662 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [246]: + self.state = 4658 + self.openInputStatement() + pass + elif token in [334]: + self.state = 4659 + self.openOutputStatement() + pass + elif token in [232]: + self.state = 4660 + self.openIOStatement() + pass + elif token in [201]: + self.state = 4661 + self.openExtendStatement() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4664 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (((((_la - 201)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 201)) & 35186519572481) != 0) or _la==334): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenInputStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def openInput(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenInputContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenInputContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openInputStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenInputStatement" ): + listener.enterOpenInputStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenInputStatement" ): + listener.exitOpenInputStatement(self) + + + + + def openInputStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenInputStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 782, self.RULE_openInputStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4666 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + self.state = 4668 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4667 + self.openInput() + self.state = 4670 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenInputContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def REVERSED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REVERSED, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openInput + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenInput" ): + listener.enterOpenInput(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenInput" ): + listener.exitOpenInput(self) + + + + + def openInput(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenInputContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 784, self.RULE_openInput) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4672 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4679 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,679,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4673 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REVERSED) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4675 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4674 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4677 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4678 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenOutputStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def openOutput(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openOutputStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenOutputStatement" ): + listener.enterOpenOutputStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenOutputStatement" ): + listener.exitOpenOutputStatement(self) + + + + + def openOutputStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 786, self.RULE_openOutputStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4681 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + self.state = 4683 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4682 + self.openOutput() + self.state = 4685 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenOutputContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openOutput + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenOutput" ): + listener.enterOpenOutput(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenOutput" ): + listener.exitOpenOutput(self) + + + + + def openOutput(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenOutputContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 788, self.RULE_openOutput) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4687 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4693 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,682,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4689 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4688 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4691 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4692 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenIOStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def I_O(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openIOStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenIOStatement" ): + listener.enterOpenIOStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenIOStatement" ): + listener.exitOpenIOStatement(self) + + + + + def openIOStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenIOStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 790, self.RULE_openIOStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4695 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O) + self.state = 4697 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4696 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4699 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OpenExtendStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXTEND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTEND, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_openExtendStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOpenExtendStatement" ): + listener.enterOpenExtendStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOpenExtendStatement" ): + listener.exitOpenExtendStatement(self) + + + + + def openExtendStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OpenExtendStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 792, self.RULE_openExtendStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4701 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXTEND) + self.state = 4703 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4702 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4705 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PERFORM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PERFORM, 0) + + def performInlineStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformInlineStatementContext,0) + + + def performProcedureStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformProcedureStatementContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformStatement" ): + listener.enterPerformStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformStatement" ): + listener.exitPerformStatement(self) + + + + + def performStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 794, self.RULE_performStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4707 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PERFORM) + self.state = 4710 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,685,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4708 + self.performInlineStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4709 + self.performProcedureStatement() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformInlineStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def END_PERFORM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_PERFORM, 0) + + def performType(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformTypeContext,0) + + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performInlineStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformInlineStatement" ): + listener.enterPerformInlineStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformInlineStatement" ): + listener.exitPerformInlineStatement(self) + + + + + def performInlineStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformInlineStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 796, self.RULE_performInlineStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4713 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 104066617936808097) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0): + self.state = 4712 + self.performType() + + + self.state = 4718 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 13510798882242580) != 0) or ((((_la - 67)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 67)) & 570425345) != 0) or ((((_la - 131)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 131)) & 4613937818308192769) != 0) or ((((_la - 198)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 198)) & 1337281096974339) != 0) or ((((_la - 294)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 294)) & 562958543356225) != 0) or ((((_la - 365)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 365)) & 1161937774836712961) != 0) or ((((_la - 430)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 430)) & 70378206528513) != 0) or ((((_la - 500)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 500)) & 4035225266124095489) != 0): + self.state = 4715 + self.statement() + self.state = 4720 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 4721 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_PERFORM) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformProcedureStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,i) + + + def performType(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformTypeContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performProcedureStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformProcedureStatement" ): + listener.enterPerformProcedureStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformProcedureStatement" ): + listener.exitPerformProcedureStatement(self) + + + + + def performProcedureStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformProcedureStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 798, self.RULE_performProcedureStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4723 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 4726 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 4724 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4725 + self.procedureName() + + + self.state = 4729 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,689,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4728 + self.performType() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformTypeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def performTimes(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformTimesContext,0) + + + def performUntil(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformUntilContext,0) + + + def performVarying(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performType + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformType" ): + listener.enterPerformType(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformType" ): + listener.exitPerformType(self) + + + + + def performType(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformTypeContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 800, self.RULE_performType) + try: + self.state = 4734 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,690,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4731 + self.performTimes() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4732 + self.performUntil() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 4733 + self.performVarying() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformTimesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TIMES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMES, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performTimes + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformTimes" ): + listener.enterPerformTimes(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformTimes" ): + listener.exitPerformTimes(self) + + + + + def performTimes(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformTimesContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 802, self.RULE_performTimes) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4738 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,691,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4736 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4737 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + + self.state = 4740 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIMES) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformUntilContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def UNTIL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNTIL, 0) + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def performTestClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformTestClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performUntil + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformUntil" ): + listener.enterPerformUntil(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformUntil" ): + listener.exitPerformUntil(self) + + + + + def performUntil(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformUntilContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 804, self.RULE_performUntil) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4743 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==477 or _la==514: + self.state = 4742 + self.performTestClause() + + + self.state = 4745 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UNTIL) + self.state = 4746 + self.condition() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformVaryingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def performTestClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformTestClauseContext,0) + + + def performVaryingClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performVarying + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformVarying" ): + listener.enterPerformVarying(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformVarying" ): + listener.exitPerformVarying(self) + + + + + def performVarying(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 806, self.RULE_performVarying) + try: + self.state = 4755 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [477, 514]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4748 + self.performTestClause() + self.state = 4749 + self.performVaryingClause() + pass + elif token in [509]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4751 + self.performVaryingClause() + self.state = 4753 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,693,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4752 + self.performTestClause() + + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformVaryingClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VARYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VARYING, 0) + + def performVaryingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingPhraseContext,0) + + + def performAfter(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.PerformAfterContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformAfterContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performVaryingClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformVaryingClause" ): + listener.enterPerformVaryingClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformVaryingClause" ): + listener.exitPerformVaryingClause(self) + + + + + def performVaryingClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 808, self.RULE_performVaryingClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4757 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VARYING) + self.state = 4758 + self.performVaryingPhrase() + self.state = 4762 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==7: + self.state = 4759 + self.performAfter() + self.state = 4764 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformVaryingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def performFrom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformFromContext,0) + + + def performBy(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformByContext,0) + + + def performUntil(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformUntilContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performVaryingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformVaryingPhrase" ): + listener.enterPerformVaryingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformVaryingPhrase" ): + listener.exitPerformVaryingPhrase(self) + + + + + def performVaryingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 810, self.RULE_performVaryingPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4767 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,696,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4765 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4766 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 4769 + self.performFrom() + self.state = 4770 + self.performBy() + self.state = 4771 + self.performUntil() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformAfterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def performVaryingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PerformVaryingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performAfter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformAfter" ): + listener.enterPerformAfter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformAfter" ): + listener.exitPerformAfter(self) + + + + + def performAfter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformAfterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 812, self.RULE_performAfter) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4773 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AFTER) + self.state = 4774 + self.performVaryingPhrase() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformFrom" ): + listener.enterPerformFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformFrom" ): + listener.exitPerformFrom(self) + + + + + def performFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 814, self.RULE_performFrom) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4776 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 4780 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,697,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4777 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4778 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 4779 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformByContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performBy + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformBy" ): + listener.enterPerformBy(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformBy" ): + listener.exitPerformBy(self) + + + + + def performBy(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformByContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 816, self.RULE_performBy) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4782 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + self.state = 4786 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,698,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4783 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4784 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 4785 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PerformTestClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TEST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TEST, 0) + + def BEFORE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE, 0) + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_performTestClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPerformTestClause" ): + listener.enterPerformTestClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPerformTestClause" ): + listener.exitPerformTestClause(self) + + + + + def performTestClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PerformTestClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 818, self.RULE_performTestClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4789 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4788 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4791 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TEST) + self.state = 4792 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==7 or _la==39): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PurgeStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PURGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PURGE, 0) + + def cdName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_purgeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPurgeStatement" ): + listener.enterPurgeStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPurgeStatement" ): + listener.exitPurgeStatement(self) + + + + + def purgeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PurgeStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 820, self.RULE_purgeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4794 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PURGE) + self.state = 4796 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 4795 + self.cdName() + self.state = 4798 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReadStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def READ(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.READ, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def readInto(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReadIntoContext,0) + + + def readWith(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReadWithContext,0) + + + def readKey(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReadKeyContext,0) + + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def atEndPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext,0) + + + def notAtEndPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotAtEndPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_READ(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_READ, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_readStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReadStatement" ): + listener.enterReadStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReadStatement" ): + listener.exitReadStatement(self) + + + + + def readStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReadStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 822, self.RULE_readStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4800 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.READ) + self.state = 4801 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4803 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==309: + self.state = 4802 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + + + self.state = 4806 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==377: + self.state = 4805 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + + + self.state = 4809 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==251: + self.state = 4808 + self.readInto() + + + self.state = 4812 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,704,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4811 + self.readWith() + + + self.state = 4815 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 4814 + self.readKey() + + + self.state = 4818 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,706,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4817 + self.invalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4821 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,707,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4820 + self.notInvalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4824 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,708,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4823 + self.atEndPhrase() + + + self.state = 4827 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,709,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4826 + self.notAtEndPhrase() + + + self.state = 4830 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,710,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4829 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_READ) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReadIntoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_readInto + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReadInto" ): + listener.enterReadInto(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReadInto" ): + listener.exitReadInto(self) + + + + + def readInto(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReadIntoContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 824, self.RULE_readInto) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4832 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 4833 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReadWithContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def WAIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WAIT, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def KEPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEPT, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_readWith + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReadWith" ): + listener.enterReadWith(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReadWith" ): + listener.exitReadWith(self) + + + + + def readWith(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReadWithContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 826, self.RULE_readWith) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4836 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4835 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4841 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [258, 310]: + self.state = 4838 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==258 or _la==310): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4839 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + pass + elif token in [511]: + self.state = 4840 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WAIT) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReadKeyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_readKey + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReadKey" ): + listener.enterReadKey(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReadKey" ): + listener.exitReadKey(self) + + + + + def readKey(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReadKeyContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 828, self.RULE_readKey) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4843 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 4845 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 4844 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 4847 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RECEIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECEIVE, 0) + + def receiveFromStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromStatementContext,0) + + + def receiveIntoStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveIntoStatementContext,0) + + + def onExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def notOnExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def END_RECEIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_RECEIVE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveStatement" ): + listener.enterReceiveStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveStatement" ): + listener.exitReceiveStatement(self) + + + + + def receiveStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 830, self.RULE_receiveStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4849 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECEIVE) + self.state = 4852 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,714,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4850 + self.receiveFromStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4851 + self.receiveIntoStatement() + pass + + + self.state = 4855 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,715,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4854 + self.onExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 4858 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,716,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4857 + self.notOnExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 4861 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,717,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4860 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_RECEIVE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveFromStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def receiveFrom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromContext,0) + + + def receiveBefore(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveBeforeContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveBeforeContext,i) + + + def receiveWith(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithContext,i) + + + def receiveThread(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveThreadContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveThreadContext,i) + + + def receiveSize(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveSizeContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveSizeContext,i) + + + def receiveStatus(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatusContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatusContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveFromStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveFromStatement" ): + listener.enterReceiveFromStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveFromStatement" ): + listener.exitReceiveFromStatement(self) + + + + + def receiveFromStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 832, self.RULE_receiveFromStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4863 + self.dataName() + self.state = 4864 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 4865 + self.receiveFrom() + self.state = 4873 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,719,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4871 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [39]: + self.state = 4866 + self.receiveBefore() + pass + elif token in [310, 514]: + self.state = 4867 + self.receiveWith() + pass + elif token in [481]: + self.state = 4868 + self.receiveThread() + pass + elif token in [439]: + self.state = 4869 + self.receiveSize() + pass + elif token in [457]: + self.state = 4870 + self.receiveStatus() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 4875 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,719,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def THREAD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THREAD, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def LAST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LAST, 0) + + def ANY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ANY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveFrom" ): + listener.enterReceiveFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveFrom" ): + listener.exitReceiveFrom(self) + + + + + def receiveFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 834, self.RULE_receiveFrom) + try: + self.state = 4882 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [481]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4876 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THREAD) + self.state = 4877 + self.dataName() + pass + elif token in [263]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 4878 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LAST) + self.state = 4879 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THREAD) + pass + elif token in [20]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 4880 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ANY) + self.state = 4881 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THREAD) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveIntoStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cdName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MESSAGE, 0) + + def SEGMENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEGMENT, 0) + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def receiveNoData(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveNoDataContext,0) + + + def receiveWithData(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithDataContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveIntoStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveIntoStatement" ): + listener.enterReceiveIntoStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveIntoStatement" ): + listener.exitReceiveIntoStatement(self) + + + + + def receiveIntoStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveIntoStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 836, self.RULE_receiveIntoStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4884 + self.cdName() + self.state = 4885 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==295 or _la==422): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 4887 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==251: + self.state = 4886 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + + + self.state = 4889 + self.identifier() + self.state = 4891 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==310: + self.state = 4890 + self.receiveNoData() + + + self.state = 4894 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,723,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4893 + self.receiveWithData() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveNoDataContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveNoData + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveNoData" ): + listener.enterReceiveNoData(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveNoData" ): + listener.exitReceiveNoData(self) + + + + + def receiveNoData(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveNoDataContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 838, self.RULE_receiveNoData) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4896 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4897 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA) + self.state = 4901 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,724,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4898 + self.statement() + self.state = 4903 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,724,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveWithDataContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATA, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveWithData + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveWithData" ): + listener.enterReceiveWithData(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveWithData" ): + listener.exitReceiveWithData(self) + + + + + def receiveWithData(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithDataContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 840, self.RULE_receiveWithData) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4904 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 4905 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATA) + self.state = 4909 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,725,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 4906 + self.statement() + self.state = 4911 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,725,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveBeforeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BEFORE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE, 0) + + def numericLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIME, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveBefore + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveBefore" ): + listener.enterReceiveBefore(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveBefore" ): + listener.exitReceiveBefore(self) + + + + + def receiveBefore(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveBeforeContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 842, self.RULE_receiveBefore) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4912 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE) + self.state = 4914 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,726,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4913 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIME) + + + self.state = 4918 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,727,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4916 + self.numericLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4917 + self.identifier() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveWithContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def WAIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WAIT, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveWith + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveWith" ): + listener.enterReceiveWith(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveWith" ): + listener.exitReceiveWith(self) + + + + + def receiveWith(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveWithContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 844, self.RULE_receiveWith) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4921 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 4920 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 4923 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 4924 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WAIT) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveThreadContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def THREAD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THREAD, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveThread + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveThread" ): + listener.enterReceiveThread(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveThread" ): + listener.exitReceiveThread(self) + + + + + def receiveThread(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveThreadContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 846, self.RULE_receiveThread) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4926 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THREAD) + self.state = 4928 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 4927 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 4930 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveSizeContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def numericLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveSize + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveSize" ): + listener.enterReceiveSize(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveSize" ): + listener.exitReceiveSize(self) + + + + + def receiveSize(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveSizeContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 848, self.RULE_receiveSize) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4932 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + self.state = 4934 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 4933 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 4938 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,731,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4936 + self.numericLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 4937 + self.identifier() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReceiveStatusContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def STATUS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STATUS, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_receiveStatus + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReceiveStatus" ): + listener.enterReceiveStatus(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReceiveStatus" ): + listener.exitReceiveStatus(self) + + + + + def receiveStatus(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReceiveStatusContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 850, self.RULE_receiveStatus) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4940 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STATUS) + self.state = 4942 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 4941 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 4944 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReleaseStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RELEASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE, 0) + + def recordName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext,0) + + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_releaseStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReleaseStatement" ): + listener.enterReleaseStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReleaseStatement" ): + listener.exitReleaseStatement(self) + + + + + def releaseStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReleaseStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 852, self.RULE_releaseStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4946 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE) + self.state = 4947 + self.recordName() + self.state = 4950 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215: + self.state = 4948 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 4949 + self.qualifiedDataName() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReturnStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def RETURN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RETURN, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def atEndPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext,0) + + + def RECORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECORD, 0) + + def returnInto(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReturnIntoContext,0) + + + def notAtEndPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotAtEndPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_RETURN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_RETURN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_returnStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReturnStatement" ): + listener.enterReturnStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReturnStatement" ): + listener.exitReturnStatement(self) + + + + + def returnStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReturnStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 854, self.RULE_returnStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4952 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RETURN) + self.state = 4953 + self.fileName() + self.state = 4955 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==377: + self.state = 4954 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RECORD) + + + self.state = 4958 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==251: + self.state = 4957 + self.returnInto() + + + self.state = 4960 + self.atEndPhrase() + self.state = 4962 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,736,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4961 + self.notAtEndPhrase() + + + self.state = 4965 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,737,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4964 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_RETURN) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReturnIntoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_returnInto + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReturnInto" ): + listener.enterReturnInto(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReturnInto" ): + listener.exitReturnInto(self) + + + + + def returnInto(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReturnIntoContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 856, self.RULE_returnInto) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4967 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 4968 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RewriteStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REWRITE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWRITE, 0) + + def recordName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext,0) + + + def rewriteFrom(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RewriteFromContext,0) + + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_REWRITE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_REWRITE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rewriteStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRewriteStatement" ): + listener.enterRewriteStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRewriteStatement" ): + listener.exitRewriteStatement(self) + + + + + def rewriteStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RewriteStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 858, self.RULE_rewriteStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4970 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWRITE) + self.state = 4971 + self.recordName() + self.state = 4973 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215: + self.state = 4972 + self.rewriteFrom() + + + self.state = 4976 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,739,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4975 + self.invalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4979 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,740,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4978 + self.notInvalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 4982 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,741,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 4981 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_REWRITE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RewriteFromContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_rewriteFrom + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRewriteFrom" ): + listener.enterRewriteFrom(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRewriteFrom" ): + listener.exitRewriteFrom(self) + + + + + def rewriteFrom(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RewriteFromContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 860, self.RULE_rewriteFrom) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4984 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 4985 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SearchStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEARCH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEARCH, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def searchVarying(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SearchVaryingContext,0) + + + def atEndPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext,0) + + + def searchWhen(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SearchWhenContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SearchWhenContext,i) + + + def END_SEARCH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_SEARCH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_searchStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSearchStatement" ): + listener.enterSearchStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSearchStatement" ): + listener.exitSearchStatement(self) + + + + + def searchStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SearchStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 862, self.RULE_searchStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 4987 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEARCH) + self.state = 4989 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==9: + self.state = 4988 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + + + self.state = 4991 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 4993 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==509: + self.state = 4992 + self.searchVarying() + + + self.state = 4996 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30 or _la==158: + self.state = 4995 + self.atEndPhrase() + + + self.state = 4999 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 4998 + self.searchWhen() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 5001 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,745,self._ctx) + + self.state = 5004 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,746,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5003 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_SEARCH) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SearchVaryingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def VARYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VARYING, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_searchVarying + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSearchVarying" ): + listener.enterSearchVarying(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSearchVarying" ): + listener.exitSearchVarying(self) + + + + + def searchVarying(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SearchVaryingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 864, self.RULE_searchVarying) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5006 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.VARYING) + self.state = 5007 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SearchWhenContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WHEN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN, 0) + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def NEXT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEXT, 0) + + def SENTENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_searchWhen + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSearchWhen" ): + listener.enterSearchWhen(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSearchWhen" ): + listener.exitSearchWhen(self) + + + + + def searchWhen(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SearchWhenContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 866, self.RULE_searchWhen) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5009 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN) + self.state = 5010 + self.condition() + self.state = 5019 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [309]: + self.state = 5011 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NEXT) + self.state = 5012 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SENTENCE) + pass + elif token in [2, 4, 17, 30, 52, 53, 67, 92, 96, 131, 140, 142, 144, 154, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 193, 196, 198, 199, 220, 221, 224, 236, 244, 245, 248, 252, 294, 300, 302, 312, 326, 327, 343, 365, 374, 375, 387, 403, 408, 418, 425, 430, 440, 456, 458, 459, 463, 476, 500, 512, 514, 517, 534, 559, 560, 561]: + self.state = 5016 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,747,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5013 + self.statement() + self.state = 5018 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,747,self._ctx) + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEND, 0) + + def sendStatementSync(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendStatementSyncContext,0) + + + def sendStatementAsync(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendStatementAsyncContext,0) + + + def onExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def notOnExceptionClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendStatement" ): + listener.enterSendStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendStatement" ): + listener.exitSendStatement(self) + + + + + def sendStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 868, self.RULE_sendStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5021 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEND) + self.state = 5024 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 5, 9, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 204, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 314, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 404, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 466, 471, 473, 481, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 494, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557]: + self.state = 5022 + self.sendStatementSync() + pass + elif token in [489]: + self.state = 5023 + self.sendStatementAsync() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 5027 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,750,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5026 + self.onExceptionClause() + + + self.state = 5030 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,751,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5029 + self.notOnExceptionClause() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendStatementSyncContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def sendFromPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendFromPhraseContext,0) + + + def sendWithPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendWithPhraseContext,0) + + + def sendReplacingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendReplacingPhraseContext,0) + + + def sendAdvancingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPhraseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendStatementSync + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendStatementSync" ): + listener.enterSendStatementSync(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendStatementSync" ): + listener.exitSendStatementSync(self) + + + + + def sendStatementSync(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendStatementSyncContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 870, self.RULE_sendStatementSync) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5034 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,752,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5032 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5033 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 5037 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215: + self.state = 5036 + self.sendFromPhrase() + + + self.state = 5040 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,754,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5039 + self.sendWithPhrase() + + + self.state = 5043 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==394: + self.state = 5042 + self.sendReplacingPhrase() + + + self.state = 5046 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 5045 + self.sendAdvancingPhrase() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendStatementAsyncContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def TOP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TOP, 0) + + def BOTTOM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BOTTOM, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendStatementAsync + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendStatementAsync" ): + listener.enterSendStatementAsync(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendStatementAsync" ): + listener.exitSendStatementAsync(self) + + + + + def sendStatementAsync(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendStatementAsyncContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 872, self.RULE_sendStatementAsync) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5048 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 5049 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==48 or _la==492): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5050 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendFromPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendFromPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendFromPhrase" ): + listener.enterSendFromPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendFromPhrase" ): + listener.exitSendFromPhrase(self) + + + + + def sendFromPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendFromPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 874, self.RULE_sendFromPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5052 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 5053 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendWithPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def EGI(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EGI, 0) + + def EMI(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EMI, 0) + + def ESI(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ESI, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendWithPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendWithPhrase" ): + listener.enterSendWithPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendWithPhrase" ): + listener.exitSendWithPhrase(self) + + + + + def sendWithPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendWithPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 876, self.RULE_sendWithPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5055 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 5060 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [153]: + self.state = 5056 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EGI) + pass + elif token in [155]: + self.state = 5057 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EMI) + pass + elif token in [192]: + self.state = 5058 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ESI) + pass + elif token in [1, 5, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 341, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 404, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 447, 466, 471, 473, 481, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 513, 518, 519, 520, 522, 552, 553, 554, 555, 557]: + self.state = 5059 + self.identifier() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendReplacingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def REPLACING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING, 0) + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendReplacingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.enterSendReplacingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendReplacingPhrase" ): + listener.exitSendReplacingPhrase(self) + + + + + def sendReplacingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendReplacingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 878, self.RULE_sendReplacingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5062 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REPLACING) + self.state = 5064 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==279: + self.state = 5063 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendAdvancingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BEFORE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE, 0) + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def sendAdvancingPage(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPageContext,0) + + + def sendAdvancingLines(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingLinesContext,0) + + + def sendAdvancingMnemonic(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingMnemonicContext,0) + + + def ADVANCING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendAdvancingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendAdvancingPhrase" ): + listener.enterSendAdvancingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendAdvancingPhrase" ): + listener.exitSendAdvancingPhrase(self) + + + + + def sendAdvancingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 880, self.RULE_sendAdvancingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5066 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==7 or _la==39): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5068 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==6: + self.state = 5067 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING) + + + self.state = 5073 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,760,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5070 + self.sendAdvancingPage() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5071 + self.sendAdvancingLines() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5072 + self.sendAdvancingMnemonic() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendAdvancingPageContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendAdvancingPage + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendAdvancingPage" ): + listener.enterSendAdvancingPage(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendAdvancingPage" ): + listener.exitSendAdvancingPage(self) + + + + + def sendAdvancingPage(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingPageContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 882, self.RULE_sendAdvancingPage) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5075 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendAdvancingLinesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendAdvancingLines + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendAdvancingLines" ): + listener.enterSendAdvancingLines(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendAdvancingLines" ): + listener.exitSendAdvancingLines(self) + + + + + def sendAdvancingLines(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingLinesContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 884, self.RULE_sendAdvancingLines) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5079 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,761,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5077 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5078 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 5082 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==279 or _la==280: + self.state = 5081 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==279 or _la==280): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SendAdvancingMnemonicContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sendAdvancingMnemonic + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSendAdvancingMnemonic" ): + listener.enterSendAdvancingMnemonic(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSendAdvancingMnemonic" ): + listener.exitSendAdvancingMnemonic(self) + + + + + def sendAdvancingMnemonic(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SendAdvancingMnemonicContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 886, self.RULE_sendAdvancingMnemonic) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5084 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SET(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SET, 0) + + def setUpDownByStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetUpDownByStatementContext,0) + + + def setToStatement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SetToStatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetToStatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetStatement" ): + listener.enterSetStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetStatement" ): + listener.exitSetStatement(self) + + + + + def setStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 888, self.RULE_setStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5086 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SET) + self.state = 5093 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,764,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5088 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5087 + self.setToStatement() + self.state = 5090 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5092 + self.setUpDownByStatement() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetToStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def setTo(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SetToContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetToContext,i) + + + def setToValue(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SetToValueContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetToValueContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setToStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetToStatement" ): + listener.enterSetToStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetToStatement" ): + listener.exitSetToStatement(self) + + + + + def setToStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetToStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 890, self.RULE_setToStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5096 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5095 + self.setTo() + self.state = 5098 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5100 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + self.state = 5102 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 5101 + self.setToValue() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 5104 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,766,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetUpDownByStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def setByValue(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetByValueContext,0) + + + def UP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UP, 0) + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def DOWN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOWN, 0) + + def setTo(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SetToContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SetToContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setUpDownByStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetUpDownByStatement" ): + listener.enterSetUpDownByStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetUpDownByStatement" ): + listener.exitSetUpDownByStatement(self) + + + + + def setUpDownByStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetUpDownByStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 892, self.RULE_setUpDownByStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5107 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5106 + self.setTo() + self.state = 5109 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5115 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [502]: + self.state = 5111 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UP) + self.state = 5112 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + pass + elif token in [148]: + self.state = 5113 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOWN) + self.state = 5114 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + self.state = 5117 + self.setByValue() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetToContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setTo + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetTo" ): + listener.enterSetTo(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetTo" ): + listener.exitSetTo(self) + + + + + def setTo(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetToContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 894, self.RULE_setTo) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5119 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetToValueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def OFF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OFF, 0) + + def ENTRY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setToValue + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetToValue" ): + listener.enterSetToValue(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetToValue" ): + listener.exitSetToValue(self) + + + + + def setToValue(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetToValueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 896, self.RULE_setToValue) + try: + self.state = 5130 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,770,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5121 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5122 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OFF) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5123 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY) + self.state = 5126 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,769,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5124 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5125 + self.literal() + pass + + + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 5128 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 5129 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SetByValueContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_setByValue + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSetByValue" ): + listener.enterSetByValue(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSetByValue" ): + listener.exitSetByValue(self) + + + + + def setByValue(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SetByValueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 898, self.RULE_setByValue) + try: + self.state = 5134 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,771,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5132 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5133 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def sortOnKeyClause(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SortOnKeyClauseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortOnKeyClauseContext,i) + + + def sortDuplicatesPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortDuplicatesPhraseContext,0) + + + def sortCollatingSequencePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingSequencePhraseContext,0) + + + def sortInputProcedurePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortInputProcedurePhraseContext,0) + + + def sortUsing(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SortUsingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortUsingContext,i) + + + def sortOutputProcedurePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortOutputProcedurePhraseContext,0) + + + def sortGivingPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SortGivingPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortGivingPhraseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortStatement" ): + listener.enterSortStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortStatement" ): + listener.exitSortStatement(self) + + + + + def sortStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 900, self.RULE_sortStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5136 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT) + self.state = 5137 + self.fileName() + self.state = 5139 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 5138 + self.sortOnKeyClause() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 5141 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,772,self._ctx) + + self.state = 5144 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,773,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5143 + self.sortDuplicatesPhrase() + + + self.state = 5147 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==72 or _la==428: + self.state = 5146 + self.sortCollatingSequencePhrase() + + + self.state = 5150 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==246: + self.state = 5149 + self.sortInputProcedurePhrase() + + + self.state = 5155 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==506: + self.state = 5152 + self.sortUsing() + self.state = 5157 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 5159 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==334: + self.state = 5158 + self.sortOutputProcedurePhrase() + + + self.state = 5164 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==222: + self.state = 5161 + self.sortGivingPhrase() + self.state = 5166 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortOnKeyClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ASCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASCENDING, 0) + + def DESCENDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DESCENDING, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortOnKeyClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortOnKeyClause" ): + listener.enterSortOnKeyClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortOnKeyClause" ): + listener.exitSortOnKeyClause(self) + + + + + def sortOnKeyClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortOnKeyClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 902, self.RULE_sortOnKeyClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5168 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5167 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5170 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==25 or _la==135): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5172 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 5171 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 5175 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5174 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 5177 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178969483) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortDuplicatesPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DUPLICATES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def ORDER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ORDER, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortDuplicatesPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortDuplicatesPhrase" ): + listener.enterSortDuplicatesPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortDuplicatesPhrase" ): + listener.exitSortDuplicatesPhrase(self) + + + + + def sortDuplicatesPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortDuplicatesPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 904, self.RULE_sortDuplicatesPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5180 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 5179 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 5182 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DUPLICATES) + self.state = 5184 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 5183 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 5187 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==330: + self.state = 5186 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ORDER) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortCollatingSequencePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SEQUENCE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE, 0) + + def COLLATING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,i) + + + def sortCollatingAlphanumeric(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingAlphanumericContext,0) + + + def sortCollatingNational(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingNationalContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortCollatingSequencePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortCollatingSequencePhrase" ): + listener.enterSortCollatingSequencePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortCollatingSequencePhrase" ): + listener.exitSortCollatingSequencePhrase(self) + + + + + def sortCollatingSequencePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingSequencePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 906, self.RULE_sortCollatingSequencePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5190 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==72: + self.state = 5189 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLLATING) + + + self.state = 5192 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SEQUENCE) + self.state = 5194 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5193 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5197 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 5196 + self.alphabetName() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 5199 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,787,self._ctx) + + self.state = 5202 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,788,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5201 + self.sortCollatingAlphanumeric() + + + self.state = 5205 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212 or _la==304: + self.state = 5204 + self.sortCollatingNational() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortCollatingAlphanumericContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALPHANUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortCollatingAlphanumeric + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortCollatingAlphanumeric" ): + listener.enterSortCollatingAlphanumeric(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortCollatingAlphanumeric" ): + listener.exitSortCollatingAlphanumeric(self) + + + + + def sortCollatingAlphanumeric(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingAlphanumericContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 908, self.RULE_sortCollatingAlphanumeric) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5208 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 5207 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 5210 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHANUMERIC) + self.state = 5211 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + self.state = 5212 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortCollatingNationalContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def alphabetName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext,0) + + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortCollatingNational + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortCollatingNational" ): + listener.enterSortCollatingNational(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortCollatingNational" ): + listener.exitSortCollatingNational(self) + + + + + def sortCollatingNational(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortCollatingNationalContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 910, self.RULE_sortCollatingNational) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5215 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 5214 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 5217 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL) + self.state = 5219 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5218 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5221 + self.alphabetName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortInputProcedurePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE, 0) + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def sortInputThrough(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortInputThroughContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortInputProcedurePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortInputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.enterSortInputProcedurePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortInputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.exitSortInputProcedurePhrase(self) + + + + + def sortInputProcedurePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortInputProcedurePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 912, self.RULE_sortInputProcedurePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5223 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + self.state = 5224 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE) + self.state = 5226 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5225 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5228 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 5230 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 5229 + self.sortInputThrough() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortInputThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortInputThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortInputThrough" ): + listener.enterSortInputThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortInputThrough" ): + listener.exitSortInputThrough(self) + + + + + def sortInputThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortInputThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 914, self.RULE_sortInputThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5232 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5233 + self.procedureName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortUsingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USING, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortUsing + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortUsing" ): + listener.enterSortUsing(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortUsing" ): + listener.exitSortUsing(self) + + + + + def sortUsing(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortUsingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 916, self.RULE_sortUsing) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5235 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USING) + self.state = 5237 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5236 + self.fileName() + self.state = 5239 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortOutputProcedurePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE, 0) + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def sortOutputThrough(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortOutputThroughContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortOutputProcedurePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortOutputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.enterSortOutputProcedurePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortOutputProcedurePhrase" ): + listener.exitSortOutputProcedurePhrase(self) + + + + + def sortOutputProcedurePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortOutputProcedurePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 918, self.RULE_sortOutputProcedurePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5241 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + self.state = 5242 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE) + self.state = 5244 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5243 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5246 + self.procedureName() + self.state = 5248 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==483 or _la==484: + self.state = 5247 + self.sortOutputThrough() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortOutputThroughContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def THROUGH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THROUGH, 0) + + def THRU(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THRU, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortOutputThrough + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortOutputThrough" ): + listener.enterSortOutputThrough(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortOutputThrough" ): + listener.exitSortOutputThrough(self) + + + + + def sortOutputThrough(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortOutputThroughContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 920, self.RULE_sortOutputThrough) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5250 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==483 or _la==484): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5251 + self.procedureName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortGivingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def sortGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SortGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SortGivingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortGivingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortGivingPhrase" ): + listener.enterSortGivingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortGivingPhrase" ): + listener.exitSortGivingPhrase(self) + + + + + def sortGivingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortGivingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 922, self.RULE_sortGivingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5253 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 5255 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5254 + self.sortGiving() + self.state = 5257 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SortGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def LOCK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCK, 0) + + def SAVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SAVE, 0) + + def NO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO, 0) + + def REWIND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REWIND, 0) + + def CRUNCH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH, 0) + + def RELEASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE, 0) + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def REMOVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOVE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sortGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSortGiving" ): + listener.enterSortGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSortGiving" ): + listener.exitSortGiving(self) + + + + + def sortGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SortGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 924, self.RULE_sortGiving) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5259 + self.fileName() + self.state = 5269 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,799,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5260 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOCK) + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5261 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SAVE) + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5262 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NO) + self.state = 5263 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REWIND) + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 5264 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH) + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 5265 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RELEASE) + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 5266 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + self.state = 5267 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REMOVE) + self.state = 5268 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StartStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def START(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.START, 0) + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def startKey(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StartKeyContext,0) + + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_START(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_START, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_startStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStartStatement" ): + listener.enterStartStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStartStatement" ): + listener.exitStartStatement(self) + + + + + def startStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StartStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 926, self.RULE_startStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5271 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.START) + self.state = 5272 + self.fileName() + self.state = 5274 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 5273 + self.startKey() + + + self.state = 5277 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,801,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5276 + self.invalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 5280 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,802,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5279 + self.notInvalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 5283 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,803,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5282 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_START) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StartKeyContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def EQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL, 0) + + def EQUALCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUALCHAR, 0) + + def GREATER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GREATER, 0) + + def MORETHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR, 0) + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def LESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESS, 0) + + def LESSTHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR, 0) + + def OR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OR, 0) + + def MORETHANOREQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANOREQUAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def THAN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THAN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_startKey + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStartKey" ): + listener.enterStartKey(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStartKey" ): + listener.exitStartKey(self) + + + + + def startKey(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StartKeyContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 928, self.RULE_startKey) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5285 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + self.state = 5287 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5286 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5316 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,810,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5289 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL) + self.state = 5291 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 5290 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5293 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUALCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5294 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GREATER) + self.state = 5296 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5295 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 5298 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 5299 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5300 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESS) + self.state = 5302 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5301 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 5304 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5305 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 7: + self.state = 5306 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GREATER) + self.state = 5308 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5307 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + self.state = 5310 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OR) + self.state = 5311 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL) + self.state = 5313 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 5312 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 8: + self.state = 5315 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANOREQUAL) + pass + + + self.state = 5318 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StopStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def STOP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STOP, 0) + + def RUN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RUN, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stopStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStopStatement" ): + listener.enterStopStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStopStatement" ): + listener.exitStopStatement(self) + + + + + def stopStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StopStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 930, self.RULE_stopStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5320 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STOP) + self.state = 5323 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [413]: + self.state = 5321 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RUN) + pass + elif token in [9, 138, 139, 204, 230, 231, 291, 292, 313, 314, 367, 368, 450, 451, 494, 521, 523, 524, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556]: + self.state = 5322 + self.literal() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def STRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STRING, 0) + + def stringIntoPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringIntoPhraseContext,0) + + + def stringSendingPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StringSendingPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringSendingPhraseContext,i) + + + def stringWithPointerPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringWithPointerPhraseContext,0) + + + def onOverflowPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnOverflowPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnOverflowPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_STRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_STRING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringStatement" ): + listener.enterStringStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringStatement" ): + listener.exitStringStatement(self) + + + + + def stringStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 932, self.RULE_stringStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5325 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STRING) + self.state = 5327 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5326 + self.stringSendingPhrase() + self.state = 5329 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5331 + self.stringIntoPhrase() + self.state = 5333 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,813,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5332 + self.stringWithPointerPhrase() + + + self.state = 5336 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,814,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5335 + self.onOverflowPhrase() + + + self.state = 5339 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,815,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5338 + self.notOnOverflowPhrase() + + + self.state = 5342 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,816,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5341 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_STRING) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringSendingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def stringDelimitedByPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringDelimitedByPhraseContext,0) + + + def stringForPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringForPhraseContext,0) + + + def stringSending(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StringSendingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StringSendingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringSendingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringSendingPhrase" ): + listener.enterStringSendingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringSendingPhrase" ): + listener.exitStringSendingPhrase(self) + + + + + def stringSendingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringSendingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 934, self.RULE_stringSendingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5345 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5344 + self.stringSending() + self.state = 5347 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5351 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [132]: + self.state = 5349 + self.stringDelimitedByPhrase() + pass + elif token in [212]: + self.state = 5350 + self.stringForPhrase() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringSendingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringSending + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringSending" ): + listener.enterStringSending(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringSending" ): + listener.exitStringSending(self) + + + + + def stringSending(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringSendingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 936, self.RULE_stringSending) + try: + self.state = 5355 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,819,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5353 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5354 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringDelimitedByPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DELIMITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITED, 0) + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringDelimitedByPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringDelimitedByPhrase" ): + listener.enterStringDelimitedByPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringDelimitedByPhrase" ): + listener.exitStringDelimitedByPhrase(self) + + + + + def stringDelimitedByPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringDelimitedByPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 938, self.RULE_stringDelimitedByPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5357 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITED) + self.state = 5359 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 5358 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 5364 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,821,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5361 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5362 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5363 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringForPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringForPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringForPhrase" ): + listener.enterStringForPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringForPhrase" ): + listener.exitStringForPhrase(self) + + + + + def stringForPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringForPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 940, self.RULE_stringForPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5366 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + self.state = 5369 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,822,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5367 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5368 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringIntoPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringIntoPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringIntoPhrase" ): + listener.enterStringIntoPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringIntoPhrase" ): + listener.exitStringIntoPhrase(self) + + + + + def stringIntoPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringIntoPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 942, self.RULE_stringIntoPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5371 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 5372 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class StringWithPointerPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.POINTER, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_stringWithPointerPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterStringWithPointerPhrase" ): + listener.enterStringWithPointerPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitStringWithPointerPhrase" ): + listener.exitStringWithPointerPhrase(self) + + + + + def stringWithPointerPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.StringWithPointerPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 944, self.RULE_stringWithPointerPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5375 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 5374 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 5377 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.POINTER) + self.state = 5378 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SUBTRACT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUBTRACT, 0) + + def subtractFromStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromStatementContext,0) + + + def subtractFromGivingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromGivingStatementContext,0) + + + def subtractCorrespondingStatement(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractCorrespondingStatementContext,0) + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_SUBTRACT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_SUBTRACT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractStatement" ): + listener.enterSubtractStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractStatement" ): + listener.exitSubtractStatement(self) + + + + + def subtractStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 946, self.RULE_subtractStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5380 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SUBTRACT) + self.state = 5384 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,824,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5381 + self.subtractFromStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5382 + self.subtractFromGivingStatement() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5383 + self.subtractCorrespondingStatement() + pass + + + self.state = 5387 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,825,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5386 + self.onSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 5390 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,826,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5389 + self.notOnSizeErrorPhrase() + + + self.state = 5393 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,827,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5392 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_SUBTRACT) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractFromStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def subtractSubtrahend(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext,i) + + + def subtractMinuend(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractFromStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractFromStatement" ): + listener.enterSubtractFromStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractFromStatement" ): + listener.exitSubtractFromStatement(self) + + + + + def subtractFromStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 948, self.RULE_subtractFromStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5396 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5395 + self.subtractSubtrahend() + self.state = 5398 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5400 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 5402 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5401 + self.subtractMinuend() + self.state = 5404 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractFromGivingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def subtractMinuendGiving(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendGivingContext,0) + + + def GIVING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GIVING, 0) + + def subtractSubtrahend(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext,i) + + + def subtractGiving(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.SubtractGivingContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractGivingContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractFromGivingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractFromGivingStatement" ): + listener.enterSubtractFromGivingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractFromGivingStatement" ): + listener.exitSubtractFromGivingStatement(self) + + + + + def subtractFromGivingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractFromGivingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 950, self.RULE_subtractFromGivingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5407 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5406 + self.subtractSubtrahend() + self.state = 5409 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 551)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 551)) & 127) != 0)): + break + + self.state = 5411 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 5412 + self.subtractMinuendGiving() + self.state = 5413 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GIVING) + self.state = 5415 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5414 + self.subtractGiving() + self.state = 5417 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractCorrespondingStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def subtractMinuendCorresponding(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendCorrespondingContext,0) + + + def CORRESPONDING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORRESPONDING, 0) + + def CORR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CORR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractCorrespondingStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractCorrespondingStatement" ): + listener.enterSubtractCorrespondingStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractCorrespondingStatement" ): + listener.exitSubtractCorrespondingStatement(self) + + + + + def subtractCorrespondingStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractCorrespondingStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 952, self.RULE_subtractCorrespondingStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5419 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==103 or _la==104): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5420 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 5421 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 5422 + self.subtractMinuendCorresponding() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractSubtrahendContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractSubtrahend + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractSubtrahend" ): + listener.enterSubtractSubtrahend(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractSubtrahend" ): + listener.exitSubtractSubtrahend(self) + + + + + def subtractSubtrahend(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractSubtrahendContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 954, self.RULE_subtractSubtrahend) + try: + self.state = 5426 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,832,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5424 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5425 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractMinuendContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractMinuend + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractMinuend" ): + listener.enterSubtractMinuend(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractMinuend" ): + listener.exitSubtractMinuend(self) + + + + + def subtractMinuend(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 956, self.RULE_subtractMinuend) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5428 + self.identifier() + self.state = 5430 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 5429 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractMinuendGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractMinuendGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractMinuendGiving" ): + listener.enterSubtractMinuendGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractMinuendGiving" ): + listener.exitSubtractMinuendGiving(self) + + + + + def subtractMinuendGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 958, self.RULE_subtractMinuendGiving) + try: + self.state = 5434 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,834,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5432 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5433 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractGivingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractGiving + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractGiving" ): + listener.enterSubtractGiving(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractGiving" ): + listener.exitSubtractGiving(self) + + + + + def subtractGiving(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractGivingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 960, self.RULE_subtractGiving) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5436 + self.identifier() + self.state = 5438 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 5437 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SubtractMinuendCorrespondingContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def ROUNDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subtractMinuendCorresponding + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubtractMinuendCorresponding" ): + listener.enterSubtractMinuendCorresponding(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubtractMinuendCorresponding" ): + listener.exitSubtractMinuendCorresponding(self) + + + + + def subtractMinuendCorresponding(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SubtractMinuendCorrespondingContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 962, self.RULE_subtractMinuendCorresponding) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5440 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 5442 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==412: + self.state = 5441 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ROUNDED) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class TerminateStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TERMINATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TERMINATE, 0) + + def reportName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_terminateStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTerminateStatement" ): + listener.enterTerminateStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTerminateStatement" ): + listener.exitTerminateStatement(self) + + + + + def terminateStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.TerminateStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 964, self.RULE_terminateStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5444 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TERMINATE) + self.state = 5445 + self.reportName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def UNSTRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNSTRING, 0) + + def unstringSendingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringSendingPhraseContext,0) + + + def unstringIntoPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoPhraseContext,0) + + + def unstringWithPointerPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringWithPointerPhraseContext,0) + + + def unstringTallyingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringTallyingPhraseContext,0) + + + def onOverflowPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext,0) + + + def notOnOverflowPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotOnOverflowPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_UNSTRING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_UNSTRING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringStatement" ): + listener.enterUnstringStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringStatement" ): + listener.exitUnstringStatement(self) + + + + + def unstringStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 966, self.RULE_unstringStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5447 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.UNSTRING) + self.state = 5448 + self.unstringSendingPhrase() + self.state = 5449 + self.unstringIntoPhrase() + self.state = 5451 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,837,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5450 + self.unstringWithPointerPhrase() + + + self.state = 5454 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==472: + self.state = 5453 + self.unstringTallyingPhrase() + + + self.state = 5457 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,839,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5456 + self.onOverflowPhrase() + + + self.state = 5460 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,840,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5459 + self.notOnOverflowPhrase() + + + self.state = 5463 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,841,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5462 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_UNSTRING) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringSendingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def unstringDelimitedByPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimitedByPhraseContext,0) + + + def unstringOrAllPhrase(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.UnstringOrAllPhraseContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringOrAllPhraseContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringSendingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringSendingPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringSendingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringSendingPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringSendingPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringSendingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringSendingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 968, self.RULE_unstringSendingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5465 + self.identifier() + self.state = 5473 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==132: + self.state = 5466 + self.unstringDelimitedByPhrase() + self.state = 5470 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==329: + self.state = 5467 + self.unstringOrAllPhrase() + self.state = 5472 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringDelimitedByPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DELIMITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITED, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def BY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BY, 0) + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringDelimitedByPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringDelimitedByPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringDelimitedByPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringDelimitedByPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringDelimitedByPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringDelimitedByPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimitedByPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 970, self.RULE_unstringDelimitedByPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5475 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITED) + self.state = 5477 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==49: + self.state = 5476 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.BY) + + + self.state = 5480 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,845,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5479 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + + + self.state = 5484 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,846,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5482 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5483 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringOrAllPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OR, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringOrAllPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringOrAllPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringOrAllPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringOrAllPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringOrAllPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringOrAllPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringOrAllPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 972, self.RULE_unstringOrAllPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5486 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OR) + self.state = 5488 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,847,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5487 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + + + self.state = 5492 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,848,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5490 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5491 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringIntoPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTO, 0) + + def unstringInto(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringIntoPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringIntoPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringIntoPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringIntoPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringIntoPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringIntoPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 974, self.RULE_unstringIntoPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5494 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTO) + self.state = 5496 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5495 + self.unstringInto() + self.state = 5498 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821858) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423728639) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178961289) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428515) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 130978249457673) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103776312507334817) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringIntoContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def unstringDelimiterIn(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimiterInContext,0) + + + def unstringCountIn(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UnstringCountInContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringInto + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringInto" ): + listener.enterUnstringInto(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringInto" ): + listener.exitUnstringInto(self) + + + + + def unstringInto(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringIntoContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 976, self.RULE_unstringInto) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5500 + self.identifier() + self.state = 5502 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==133: + self.state = 5501 + self.unstringDelimiterIn() + + + self.state = 5505 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==105: + self.state = 5504 + self.unstringCountIn() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringDelimiterInContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DELIMITER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITER, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringDelimiterIn + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringDelimiterIn" ): + listener.enterUnstringDelimiterIn(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringDelimiterIn" ): + listener.exitUnstringDelimiterIn(self) + + + + + def unstringDelimiterIn(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringDelimiterInContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 978, self.RULE_unstringDelimiterIn) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5507 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DELIMITER) + self.state = 5509 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 5508 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 5511 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringCountInContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COUNT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COUNT, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringCountIn + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringCountIn" ): + listener.enterUnstringCountIn(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringCountIn" ): + listener.exitUnstringCountIn(self) + + + + + def unstringCountIn(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringCountInContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 980, self.RULE_unstringCountIn) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5513 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COUNT) + self.state = 5515 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 5514 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 5517 + self.identifier() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringWithPointerPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.POINTER, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def WITH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WITH, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringWithPointerPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringWithPointerPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringWithPointerPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringWithPointerPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringWithPointerPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringWithPointerPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringWithPointerPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 982, self.RULE_unstringWithPointerPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5520 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==514: + self.state = 5519 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WITH) + + + self.state = 5522 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.POINTER) + self.state = 5523 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UnstringTallyingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TALLYING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING, 0) + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_unstringTallyingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUnstringTallyingPhrase" ): + listener.enterUnstringTallyingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUnstringTallyingPhrase" ): + listener.exitUnstringTallyingPhrase(self) + + + + + def unstringTallyingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UnstringTallyingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 984, self.RULE_unstringTallyingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5525 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TALLYING) + self.state = 5527 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239: + self.state = 5526 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IN) + + + self.state = 5529 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UseStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def USE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.USE, 0) + + def useAfterClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UseAfterClauseContext,0) + + + def useDebugClause(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UseDebugClauseContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_useStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUseStatement" ): + listener.enterUseStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUseStatement" ): + listener.exitUseStatement(self) + + + + + def useStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UseStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 986, self.RULE_useStatement) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5531 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.USE) + self.state = 5534 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [7, 223]: + self.state = 5532 + self.useAfterClause() + pass + elif token in [125, 212]: + self.state = 5533 + self.useDebugClause() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UseAfterClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE, 0) + + def useAfterOn(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UseAfterOnContext,0) + + + def EXCEPTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXCEPTION, 0) + + def ERROR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERROR, 0) + + def GLOBAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL, 0) + + def STANDARD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_useAfterClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUseAfterClause" ): + listener.enterUseAfterClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUseAfterClause" ): + listener.exitUseAfterClause(self) + + + + + def useAfterClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UseAfterClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 988, self.RULE_useAfterClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5537 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==223: + self.state = 5536 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GLOBAL) + + + self.state = 5539 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AFTER) + self.state = 5541 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==453: + self.state = 5540 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.STANDARD) + + + self.state = 5543 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==188 or _la==196): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5544 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURE) + self.state = 5546 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5545 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5548 + self.useAfterOn() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UseAfterOnContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INPUT, 0) + + def OUTPUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT, 0) + + def I_O(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.I_O, 0) + + def EXTEND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTEND, 0) + + def fileName(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_useAfterOn + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUseAfterOn" ): + listener.enterUseAfterOn(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUseAfterOn" ): + listener.exitUseAfterOn(self) + + + + + def useAfterOn(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UseAfterOnContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 990, self.RULE_useAfterOn) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 5559 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [246]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5550 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INPUT) + pass + elif token in [334]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5551 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OUTPUT) + pass + elif token in [232]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5552 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.I_O) + pass + elif token in [201]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 5553 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXTEND) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 5555 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5554 + self.fileName() + self.state = 5557 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + break + + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UseDebugClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DEBUGGING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUGGING, 0) + + def FOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOR, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def useDebugOn(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.UseDebugOnContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.UseDebugOnContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_useDebugClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUseDebugClause" ): + listener.enterUseDebugClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUseDebugClause" ): + listener.exitUseDebugClause(self) + + + + + def useDebugClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UseDebugClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 992, self.RULE_useDebugClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5562 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==212: + self.state = 5561 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FOR) + + + self.state = 5564 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUGGING) + self.state = 5566 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5565 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5569 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5568 + self.useDebugOn() + self.state = 5571 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822338) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or ((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 47) != 0)): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class UseDebugOnContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def PROCEDURES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURES, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def REFERENCES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCES, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def procedureName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext,0) + + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_useDebugOn + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterUseDebugOn" ): + listener.enterUseDebugOn(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitUseDebugOn" ): + listener.exitUseDebugOn(self) + + + + + def useDebugOn(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.UseDebugOnContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 994, self.RULE_useDebugOn) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 5585 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,867,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5573 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + self.state = 5574 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PROCEDURES) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5575 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + self.state = 5577 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==385: + self.state = 5576 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.REFERENCES) + + + self.state = 5580 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 5579 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 5582 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5583 + self.procedureName() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 5584 + self.fileName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteStatementContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def WRITE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WRITE, 0) + + def recordName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext,0) + + + def writeFromPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteFromPhraseContext,0) + + + def writeAdvancingPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPhraseContext,0) + + + def writeAtEndOfPagePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteAtEndOfPagePhraseContext,0) + + + def writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteNotAtEndOfPagePhraseContext,0) + + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext,0) + + + def END_WRITE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_WRITE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeStatement + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteStatement" ): + listener.enterWriteStatement(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteStatement" ): + listener.exitWriteStatement(self) + + + + + def writeStatement(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteStatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 996, self.RULE_writeStatement) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5587 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WRITE) + self.state = 5588 + self.recordName() + self.state = 5590 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==215: + self.state = 5589 + self.writeFromPhrase() + + + self.state = 5593 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==7 or _la==39: + self.state = 5592 + self.writeAdvancingPhrase() + + + self.state = 5596 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,870,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5595 + self.writeAtEndOfPagePhrase() + + + self.state = 5599 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,871,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5598 + self.writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase() + + + self.state = 5602 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,872,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5601 + self.invalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 5605 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,873,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5604 + self.notInvalidKeyPhrase() + + + self.state = 5608 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,874,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5607 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END_WRITE) + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteFromPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FROM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FROM, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeFromPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteFromPhrase" ): + listener.enterWriteFromPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteFromPhrase" ): + listener.exitWriteFromPhrase(self) + + + + + def writeFromPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteFromPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 998, self.RULE_writeFromPhrase) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5610 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FROM) + self.state = 5613 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,875,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5611 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5612 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteAdvancingPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def BEFORE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEFORE, 0) + + def AFTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AFTER, 0) + + def writeAdvancingPage(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPageContext,0) + + + def writeAdvancingLines(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingLinesContext,0) + + + def writeAdvancingMnemonic(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingMnemonicContext,0) + + + def ADVANCING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeAdvancingPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteAdvancingPhrase" ): + listener.enterWriteAdvancingPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteAdvancingPhrase" ): + listener.exitWriteAdvancingPhrase(self) + + + + + def writeAdvancingPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1000, self.RULE_writeAdvancingPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5615 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==7 or _la==39): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5617 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==6: + self.state = 5616 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADVANCING) + + + self.state = 5622 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,877,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5619 + self.writeAdvancingPage() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5620 + self.writeAdvancingLines() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5621 + self.writeAdvancingMnemonic() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteAdvancingPageContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeAdvancingPage + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteAdvancingPage" ): + listener.enterWriteAdvancingPage(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteAdvancingPage" ): + listener.exitWriteAdvancingPage(self) + + + + + def writeAdvancingPage(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingPageContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1002, self.RULE_writeAdvancingPage) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5624 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteAdvancingLinesContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE, 0) + + def LINES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeAdvancingLines + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteAdvancingLines" ): + listener.enterWriteAdvancingLines(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteAdvancingLines" ): + listener.exitWriteAdvancingLines(self) + + + + + def writeAdvancingLines(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingLinesContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1004, self.RULE_writeAdvancingLines) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5628 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,878,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5626 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5627 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 5631 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==279 or _la==280: + self.state = 5630 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==279 or _la==280): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteAdvancingMnemonicContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeAdvancingMnemonic + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteAdvancingMnemonic" ): + listener.enterWriteAdvancingMnemonic(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteAdvancingMnemonic" ): + listener.exitWriteAdvancingMnemonic(self) + + + + + def writeAdvancingMnemonic(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteAdvancingMnemonicContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1006, self.RULE_writeAdvancingMnemonic) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5633 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteAtEndOfPagePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def END_OF_PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_OF_PAGE, 0) + + def EOP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOP, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeAtEndOfPagePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase" ): + listener.enterWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase" ): + listener.exitWriteAtEndOfPagePhrase(self) + + + + + def writeAtEndOfPagePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteAtEndOfPagePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1008, self.RULE_writeAtEndOfPagePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5636 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 5635 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 5638 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==168 or _la==185): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5642 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,881,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5639 + self.statement() + self.state = 5644 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,881,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class WriteNotAtEndOfPagePhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def END_OF_PAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END_OF_PAGE, 0) + + def EOP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOP, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase" ): + listener.enterWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase" ): + listener.exitWriteNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self) + + + + + def writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.WriteNotAtEndOfPagePhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1010, self.RULE_writeNotAtEndOfPagePhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5645 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5647 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 5646 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 5649 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==168 or _la==185): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5653 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,883,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5650 + self.statement() + self.state = 5655 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,883,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AtEndPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_atEndPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAtEndPhrase" ): + listener.enterAtEndPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAtEndPhrase" ): + listener.exitAtEndPhrase(self) + + + + + def atEndPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AtEndPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1012, self.RULE_atEndPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5657 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 5656 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 5659 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + self.state = 5663 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,885,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5660 + self.statement() + self.state = 5665 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,885,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NotAtEndPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def END(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.END, 0) + + def AT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AT, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_notAtEndPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNotAtEndPhrase" ): + listener.enterNotAtEndPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNotAtEndPhrase" ): + listener.exitNotAtEndPhrase(self) + + + + + def notAtEndPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NotAtEndPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1014, self.RULE_notAtEndPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5666 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5668 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==30: + self.state = 5667 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.AT) + + + self.state = 5670 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.END) + self.state = 5674 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,887,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5671 + self.statement() + self.state = 5676 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,887,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InvalidKeyPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INVALID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INVALID, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_invalidKeyPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInvalidKeyPhrase" ): + listener.enterInvalidKeyPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInvalidKeyPhrase" ): + listener.exitInvalidKeyPhrase(self) + + + + + def invalidKeyPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InvalidKeyPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1016, self.RULE_invalidKeyPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5677 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INVALID) + self.state = 5679 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 5678 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 5684 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,889,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5681 + self.statement() + self.state = 5686 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,889,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def INVALID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INVALID, 0) + + def KEY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEY, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_notInvalidKeyPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNotInvalidKeyPhrase" ): + listener.enterNotInvalidKeyPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNotInvalidKeyPhrase" ): + listener.exitNotInvalidKeyPhrase(self) + + + + + def notInvalidKeyPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NotInvalidKeyPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1018, self.RULE_notInvalidKeyPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5687 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5688 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INVALID) + self.state = 5690 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==259: + self.state = 5689 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KEY) + + + self.state = 5695 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,891,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5692 + self.statement() + self.state = 5697 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,891,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OnOverflowPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def OVERFLOW(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OVERFLOW, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_onOverflowPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOnOverflowPhrase" ): + listener.enterOnOverflowPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOnOverflowPhrase" ): + listener.exitOnOverflowPhrase(self) + + + + + def onOverflowPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OnOverflowPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1020, self.RULE_onOverflowPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5699 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5698 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5701 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OVERFLOW) + self.state = 5705 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,893,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5702 + self.statement() + self.state = 5707 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,893,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NotOnOverflowPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def OVERFLOW(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OVERFLOW, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_notOnOverflowPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNotOnOverflowPhrase" ): + listener.enterNotOnOverflowPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNotOnOverflowPhrase" ): + listener.exitNotOnOverflowPhrase(self) + + + + + def notOnOverflowPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NotOnOverflowPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1022, self.RULE_notOnOverflowPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5708 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5710 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5709 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5712 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OVERFLOW) + self.state = 5716 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,895,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5713 + self.statement() + self.state = 5718 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,895,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OnSizeErrorPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def ERROR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERROR, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_onSizeErrorPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOnSizeErrorPhrase" ): + listener.enterOnSizeErrorPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOnSizeErrorPhrase" ): + listener.exitOnSizeErrorPhrase(self) + + + + + def onSizeErrorPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OnSizeErrorPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1024, self.RULE_onSizeErrorPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5720 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5719 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5722 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + self.state = 5723 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ERROR) + self.state = 5727 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,897,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5724 + self.statement() + self.state = 5729 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,897,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SIZE, 0) + + def ERROR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERROR, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_notOnSizeErrorPhrase + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNotOnSizeErrorPhrase" ): + listener.enterNotOnSizeErrorPhrase(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNotOnSizeErrorPhrase" ): + listener.exitNotOnSizeErrorPhrase(self) + + + + + def notOnSizeErrorPhrase(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NotOnSizeErrorPhraseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1026, self.RULE_notOnSizeErrorPhrase) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5730 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5732 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5731 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5734 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SIZE) + self.state = 5735 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ERROR) + self.state = 5739 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,899,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5736 + self.statement() + self.state = 5741 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,899,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class OnExceptionClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def EXCEPTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXCEPTION, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_onExceptionClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterOnExceptionClause" ): + listener.enterOnExceptionClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitOnExceptionClause" ): + listener.exitOnExceptionClause(self) + + + + + def onExceptionClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.OnExceptionClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1028, self.RULE_onExceptionClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5743 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5742 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5745 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXCEPTION) + self.state = 5749 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,901,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5746 + self.statement() + self.state = 5751 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,901,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NotOnExceptionClauseContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def EXCEPTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXCEPTION, 0) + + def ON(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ON, 0) + + def statement(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.StatementContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_notOnExceptionClause + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNotOnExceptionClause" ): + listener.enterNotOnExceptionClause(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNotOnExceptionClause" ): + listener.exitNotOnExceptionClause(self) + + + + + def notOnExceptionClause(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NotOnExceptionClauseContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1030, self.RULE_notOnExceptionClause) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5752 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + self.state = 5754 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==326: + self.state = 5753 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ON) + + + self.state = 5756 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EXCEPTION) + self.state = 5760 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,903,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5757 + self.statement() + self.state = 5762 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,903,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ArithmeticExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def multDivs(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultDivsContext,0) + + + def plusMinus(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.PlusMinusContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PlusMinusContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_arithmeticExpression + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterArithmeticExpression" ): + listener.enterArithmeticExpression(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitArithmeticExpression" ): + listener.exitArithmeticExpression(self) + + + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1032, self.RULE_arithmeticExpression) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5763 + self.multDivs() + self.state = 5767 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,904,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5764 + self.plusMinus() + self.state = 5769 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,904,self._ctx) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PlusMinusContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def multDivs(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultDivsContext,0) + + + def PLUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR, 0) + + def MINUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_plusMinus + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPlusMinus" ): + listener.enterPlusMinus(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPlusMinus" ): + listener.exitPlusMinus(self) + + + + + def plusMinus(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PlusMinusContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1034, self.RULE_plusMinus) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5770 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==543 or _la==547): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5771 + self.multDivs() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultDivsContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def powers(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PowersContext,0) + + + def multDiv(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.MultDivContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MultDivContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multDivs + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultDivs" ): + listener.enterMultDivs(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultDivs" ): + listener.exitMultDivs(self) + + + + + def multDivs(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultDivsContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1036, self.RULE_multDivs) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5773 + self.powers() + self.state = 5777 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==526 or _la==550: + self.state = 5774 + self.multDiv() + self.state = 5779 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MultDivContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def powers(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PowersContext,0) + + + def ASTERISKCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASTERISKCHAR, 0) + + def SLASHCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SLASHCHAR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_multDiv + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMultDiv" ): + listener.enterMultDiv(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMultDiv" ): + listener.exitMultDiv(self) + + + + + def multDiv(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MultDivContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1038, self.RULE_multDiv) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5780 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==526 or _la==550): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5781 + self.powers() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PowersContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def basis(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BasisContext,0) + + + def power(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.PowerContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.PowerContext,i) + + + def PLUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PLUSCHAR, 0) + + def MINUSCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MINUSCHAR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_powers + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPowers" ): + listener.enterPowers(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPowers" ): + listener.exitPowers(self) + + + + + def powers(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PowersContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1040, self.RULE_powers) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5784 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==543 or _la==547: + self.state = 5783 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==543 or _la==547): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 5786 + self.basis() + self.state = 5790 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==527: + self.state = 5787 + self.power() + self.state = 5792 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class PowerContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR, 0) + + def basis(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BasisContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_power + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterPower" ): + listener.enterPower(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitPower" ): + listener.exitPower(self) + + + + + def power(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.PowerContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1042, self.RULE_power) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5793 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLEASTERISKCHAR) + self.state = 5794 + self.basis() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class BasisContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_basis + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBasis" ): + listener.enterBasis(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBasis" ): + listener.exitBasis(self) + + + + + def basis(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.BasisContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1044, self.RULE_basis) + try: + self.state = 5802 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,908,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5796 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5797 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5798 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5800 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5801 + self.literal() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def combinableCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CombinableConditionContext,0) + + + def andOrCondition(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AndOrConditionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AndOrConditionContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_condition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCondition" ): + listener.enterCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCondition" ): + listener.exitCondition(self) + + + + + def condition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1046, self.RULE_condition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5804 + self.combinableCondition() + self.state = 5808 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==19 or _la==329: + self.state = 5805 + self.andOrCondition() + self.state = 5810 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AndOrConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def AND(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AND, 0) + + def OR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OR, 0) + + def combinableCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CombinableConditionContext,0) + + + def abbreviation(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_andOrCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAndOrCondition" ): + listener.enterAndOrCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAndOrCondition" ): + listener.exitAndOrCondition(self) + + + + + def andOrCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AndOrConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1048, self.RULE_andOrCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5811 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==19 or _la==329): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5818 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,911,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5812 + self.combinableCondition() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5814 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 5813 + self.abbreviation() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 5816 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,910,self._ctx) + + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CombinableConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def simpleCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SimpleConditionContext,0) + + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_combinableCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCombinableCondition" ): + listener.enterCombinableCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCombinableCondition" ): + listener.exitCombinableCondition(self) + + + + + def combinableCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CombinableConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1050, self.RULE_combinableCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5821 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==312: + self.state = 5820 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 5823 + self.simpleCondition() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SimpleConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def condition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionContext,0) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def relationCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationConditionContext,0) + + + def classCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassConditionContext,0) + + + def conditionNameReference(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameReferenceContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_simpleCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSimpleCondition" ): + listener.enterSimpleCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSimpleCondition" ): + listener.exitSimpleCondition(self) + + + + + def simpleCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SimpleConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1052, self.RULE_simpleCondition) + try: + self.state = 5832 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,913,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5825 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5826 + self.condition() + self.state = 5827 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5829 + self.relationCondition() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5830 + self.classCondition() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 5831 + self.conditionNameReference() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def NUMERIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC, 0) + + def ALPHABETIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC, 0) + + def ALPHABETIC_LOWER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC_LOWER, 0) + + def ALPHABETIC_UPPER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC_UPPER, 0) + + def DBCS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DBCS, 0) + + def KANJI(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KANJI, 0) + + def className(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ClassNameContext,0) + + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_classCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassCondition" ): + listener.enterClassCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassCondition" ): + listener.exitClassCondition(self) + + + + + def classCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1054, self.RULE_classCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5834 + self.identifier() + self.state = 5836 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5835 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5839 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==312: + self.state = 5838 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 5848 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [316]: + self.state = 5841 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC) + pass + elif token in [11]: + self.state = 5842 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC) + pass + elif token in [12]: + self.state = 5843 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC_LOWER) + pass + elif token in [13]: + self.state = 5844 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALPHABETIC_UPPER) + pass + elif token in [116]: + self.state = 5845 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DBCS) + pass + elif token in [257]: + self.state = 5846 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.KANJI) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.state = 5847 + self.className() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConditionNameReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def conditionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext,0) + + + def inData(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InDataContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InDataContext,i) + + + def inFile(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InFileContext,0) + + + def conditionNameSubscriptReference(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext,i) + + + def inMnemonic(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.InMnemonicContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InMnemonicContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_conditionNameReference + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterConditionNameReference" ): + listener.enterConditionNameReference(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitConditionNameReference" ): + listener.exitConditionNameReference(self) + + + + + def conditionNameReference(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameReferenceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1056, self.RULE_conditionNameReference) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5850 + self.conditionName() + self.state = 5872 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,921,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5854 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,917,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5851 + self.inData() + self.state = 5856 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,917,self._ctx) + + self.state = 5858 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239 or _la==323: + self.state = 5857 + self.inFile() + + + self.state = 5863 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==542: + self.state = 5860 + self.conditionNameSubscriptReference() + self.state = 5865 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5869 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while _la==239 or _la==323: + self.state = 5866 + self.inMnemonic() + self.state = 5871 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def subscript_(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context,i) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def COMMACHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_conditionNameSubscriptReference + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterConditionNameSubscriptReference" ): + listener.enterConditionNameSubscriptReference(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitConditionNameSubscriptReference" ): + listener.exitConditionNameSubscriptReference(self) + + + + + def conditionNameSubscriptReference(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameSubscriptReferenceContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1058, self.RULE_conditionNameSubscriptReference) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5874 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5875 + self.subscript_() + self.state = 5882 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & -8651221362832473951) != 0) or ((((_la - 542)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 542)) & 65059) != 0): + self.state = 5877 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 5876 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 5879 + self.subscript_() + self.state = 5884 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 5885 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def relationSignCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationSignConditionContext,0) + + + def relationArithmeticComparison(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationArithmeticComparisonContext,0) + + + def relationCombinedComparison(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedComparisonContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationCondition" ): + listener.enterRelationCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationCondition" ): + listener.exitRelationCondition(self) + + + + + def relationCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1060, self.RULE_relationCondition) + try: + self.state = 5890 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,924,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5887 + self.relationSignCondition() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5888 + self.relationArithmeticComparison() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5889 + self.relationCombinedComparison() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationSignConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def POSITIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.POSITIVE, 0) + + def NEGATIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NEGATIVE, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationSignCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationSignCondition" ): + listener.enterRelationSignCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationSignCondition" ): + listener.exitRelationSignCondition(self) + + + + + def relationSignCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationSignConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1062, self.RULE_relationSignCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5892 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5894 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==254: + self.state = 5893 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.IS) + + + self.state = 5897 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==312: + self.state = 5896 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 5899 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==307 or _la==351 or _la==521): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationArithmeticComparisonContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,i) + + + def relationalOperator(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationArithmeticComparison + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationArithmeticComparison" ): + listener.enterRelationArithmeticComparison(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationArithmeticComparison" ): + listener.exitRelationArithmeticComparison(self) + + + + + def relationArithmeticComparison(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationArithmeticComparisonContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1064, self.RULE_relationArithmeticComparison) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5901 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5902 + self.relationalOperator() + self.state = 5903 + self.arithmeticExpression() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationCombinedComparisonContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def relationalOperator(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext,0) + + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def relationCombinedCondition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedConditionContext,0) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationCombinedComparison + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationCombinedComparison" ): + listener.enterRelationCombinedComparison(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationCombinedComparison" ): + listener.exitRelationCombinedComparison(self) + + + + + def relationCombinedComparison(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedComparisonContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1066, self.RULE_relationCombinedComparison) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5905 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5906 + self.relationalOperator() + self.state = 5907 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5908 + self.relationCombinedCondition() + self.state = 5909 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationCombinedConditionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,i) + + + def AND(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.AND) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AND, i) + + def OR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.OR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationCombinedCondition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationCombinedCondition" ): + listener.enterRelationCombinedCondition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationCombinedCondition" ): + listener.exitRelationCombinedCondition(self) + + + + + def relationCombinedCondition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationCombinedConditionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1068, self.RULE_relationCombinedCondition) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5911 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5914 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 5912 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==19 or _la==329): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 5913 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5916 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==19 or _la==329): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RelationalOperatorContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NOTEQUALCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOTEQUALCHAR, 0) + + def GREATER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GREATER, 0) + + def OR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OR, 0) + + def EQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL, 0) + + def MORETHANOREQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANOREQUAL, 0) + + def LESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESS, 0) + + def LESSTHANOREQUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANOREQUAL, 0) + + def IS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IS, 0) + + def ARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ARE, 0) + + def MORETHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR, 0) + + def LESSTHANCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR, 0) + + def EQUALCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EQUALCHAR, 0) + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def THAN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THAN, 0) + + def TO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TO, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_relationalOperator + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRelationalOperator" ): + listener.enterRelationalOperator(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRelationalOperator" ): + listener.exitRelationalOperator(self) + + + + + def relationalOperator(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1070, self.RULE_relationalOperator) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5919 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21 or _la==254: + self.state = 5918 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==21 or _la==254): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + + + self.state = 5962 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,938,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5922 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==312: + self.state = 5921 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 5939 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [225]: + self.state = 5924 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GREATER) + self.state = 5926 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5925 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + pass + elif token in [544]: + self.state = 5928 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANCHAR) + pass + elif token in [271]: + self.state = 5929 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESS) + self.state = 5931 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5930 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + pass + elif token in [540]: + self.state = 5933 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANCHAR) + pass + elif token in [186]: + self.state = 5934 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL) + self.state = 5936 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 5935 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + pass + elif token in [536]: + self.state = 5938 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUALCHAR) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5941 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOTEQUALCHAR) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.state = 5942 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.GREATER) + self.state = 5944 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5943 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + self.state = 5946 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OR) + self.state = 5947 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL) + self.state = 5949 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 5948 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.state = 5951 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.MORETHANOREQUAL) + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.state = 5952 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESS) + self.state = 5954 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==479: + self.state = 5953 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.THAN) + + + self.state = 5956 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OR) + self.state = 5957 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.EQUAL) + self.state = 5959 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==489: + self.state = 5958 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TO) + + + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.state = 5961 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LESSTHANOREQUAL) + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AbbreviationContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def abbreviation(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext,0) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def NOT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NOT, 0) + + def relationalOperator(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.RelationalOperatorContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_abbreviation + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAbbreviation" ): + listener.enterAbbreviation(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAbbreviation" ): + listener.exitAbbreviation(self) + + + + + def abbreviation(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AbbreviationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1072, self.RULE_abbreviation) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5965 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,939,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5964 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NOT) + + + self.state = 5968 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==21 or _la==186 or _la==225 or ((((_la - 254)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 254)) & 288230376151842817) != 0) or ((((_la - 536)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 536)) & 1841) != 0): + self.state = 5967 + self.relationalOperator() + + + self.state = 5976 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,941,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 5970 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 5971 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5972 + self.arithmeticExpression() + self.state = 5973 + self.abbreviation() + self.state = 5974 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IdentifierContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def tableCall(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TableCallContext,0) + + + def functionCall(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FunctionCallContext,0) + + + def specialRegister(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SpecialRegisterContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_identifier + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIdentifier" ): + listener.enterIdentifier(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIdentifier" ): + listener.exitIdentifier(self) + + + + + def identifier(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1074, self.RULE_identifier) + try: + self.state = 5982 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,942,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5978 + self.qualifiedDataName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 5979 + self.tableCall() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 5980 + self.functionCall() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 5981 + self.specialRegister() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class TableCallContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def LPARENCHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, i) + + def subscript_(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context,i) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, i) + + def referenceModifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReferenceModifierContext,0) + + + def COMMACHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_tableCall + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTableCall" ): + listener.enterTableCall(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTableCall" ): + listener.exitTableCall(self) + + + + + def tableCall(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.TableCallContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1076, self.RULE_tableCall) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 5984 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 6000 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,945,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 5985 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 5986 + self.subscript_() + self.state = 5993 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & -8651221362832473951) != 0) or ((((_la - 542)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 542)) & 65059) != 0): + self.state = 5988 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 5987 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 5990 + self.subscript_() + self.state = 5995 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 5996 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6002 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,945,self._ctx) + + self.state = 6004 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,946,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6003 + self.referenceModifier() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FunctionCallContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FUNCTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTION, 0) + + def functionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FunctionNameContext,0) + + + def LPARENCHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, i) + + def argument(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.ArgumentContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArgumentContext,i) + + + def RPARENCHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, i) + + def referenceModifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ReferenceModifierContext,0) + + + def COMMACHAR(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_functionCall + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFunctionCall" ): + listener.enterFunctionCall(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFunctionCall" ): + listener.exitFunctionCall(self) + + + + + def functionCall(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FunctionCallContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1078, self.RULE_functionCall) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6006 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTION) + self.state = 6007 + self.functionName() + self.state = 6023 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,949,self._ctx) + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt==1: + self.state = 6008 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6009 + self.argument() + self.state = 6016 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & -8651221362832473951) != 0) or ((((_la - 542)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 542)) & 65059) != 0): + self.state = 6011 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==529: + self.state = 6010 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMACHAR) + + + self.state = 6013 + self.argument() + self.state = 6018 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + + self.state = 6019 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6025 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,949,self._ctx) + + self.state = 6027 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,950,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6026 + self.referenceModifier() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReferenceModifierContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def characterPosition(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CharacterPositionContext,0) + + + def COLONCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COLONCHAR, 0) + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def length(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LengthContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_referenceModifier + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReferenceModifier" ): + listener.enterReferenceModifier(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReferenceModifier" ): + listener.exitReferenceModifier(self) + + + + + def referenceModifier(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReferenceModifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1080, self.RULE_referenceModifier) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6029 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6030 + self.characterPosition() + self.state = 6031 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COLONCHAR) + self.state = 6033 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135822370) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8213661102500741635) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194964618422267) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202427199037528969) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874440372879459) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 1819828109721609) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 572150674022301857) != 0) or ((((_la - 542)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 542)) & 65059) != 0): + self.state = 6032 + self.length() + + + self.state = 6035 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CharacterPositionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_characterPosition + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCharacterPosition" ): + listener.enterCharacterPosition(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCharacterPosition" ): + listener.exitCharacterPosition(self) + + + + + def characterPosition(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CharacterPositionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1082, self.RULE_characterPosition) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6037 + self.arithmeticExpression() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LengthContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_length + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLength" ): + listener.enterLength(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLength" ): + listener.exitLength(self) + + + + + def length(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LengthContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1084, self.RULE_length) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6039 + self.arithmeticExpression() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class Subscript_Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def indexName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_subscript_ + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSubscript_" ): + listener.enterSubscript_(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSubscript_" ): + listener.exitSubscript_(self) + + + + + def subscript_(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.Subscript_Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1086, self.RULE_subscript_) + try: + self.state = 6052 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,954,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6041 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6042 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6043 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 6045 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,952,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6044 + self.integerLiteral() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6047 + self.indexName() + self.state = 6049 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,953,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6048 + self.integerLiteral() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6051 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def indexName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext,0) + + + def arithmeticExpression(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ArithmeticExpressionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_argument + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterArgument" ): + listener.enterArgument(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitArgument" ): + listener.exitArgument(self) + + + + + def argument(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ArgumentContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1088, self.RULE_argument) + try: + self.state = 6065 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,957,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6054 + self.literal() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6055 + self.identifier() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6056 + self.qualifiedDataName() + self.state = 6058 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,955,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6057 + self.integerLiteral() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6060 + self.indexName() + self.state = 6062 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,956,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6061 + self.integerLiteral() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6064 + self.arithmeticExpression() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedDataNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat1(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat1Context,0) + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat2(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat2Context,0) + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat3(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat3Context,0) + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat4(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat4Context,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedDataName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedDataName" ): + listener.enterQualifiedDataName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedDataName" ): + listener.exitQualifiedDataName(self) + + + + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1090, self.RULE_qualifiedDataName) + try: + self.state = 6071 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,958,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6067 + self.qualifiedDataNameFormat1() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6068 + self.qualifiedDataNameFormat2() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6069 + self.qualifiedDataNameFormat3() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6070 + self.qualifiedDataNameFormat4() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedDataNameFormat1Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def conditionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext,0) + + + def inFile(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InFileContext,0) + + + def qualifiedInData(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTypedRuleContexts(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedInDataContext) + else: + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedInDataContext,i) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat1 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedDataNameFormat1" ): + listener.enterQualifiedDataNameFormat1(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedDataNameFormat1" ): + listener.exitQualifiedDataNameFormat1(self) + + + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat1(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat1Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1092, self.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat1) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6075 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,959,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6073 + self.dataName() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 6074 + self.conditionName() + pass + + + self.state = 6086 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,962,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6078 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = 1 + while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: + if _alt == 1: + self.state = 6077 + self.qualifiedInData() + + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + self.state = 6080 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,960,self._ctx) + + self.state = 6083 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,961,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6082 + self.inFile() + + + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 6085 + self.inFile() + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedDataNameFormat2Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def paragraphName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext,0) + + + def inSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InSectionContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat2 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedDataNameFormat2" ): + listener.enterQualifiedDataNameFormat2(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedDataNameFormat2" ): + listener.exitQualifiedDataNameFormat2(self) + + + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat2(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat2Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1094, self.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat2) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6088 + self.paragraphName() + self.state = 6089 + self.inSection() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedDataNameFormat3Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def textName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TextNameContext,0) + + + def inLibrary(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InLibraryContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat3 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedDataNameFormat3" ): + listener.enterQualifiedDataNameFormat3(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedDataNameFormat3" ): + listener.exitQualifiedDataNameFormat3(self) + + + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat3(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat3Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1096, self.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat3) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6091 + self.textName() + self.state = 6092 + self.inLibrary() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedDataNameFormat4Context(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def LINAGE_COUNTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE_COUNTER, 0) + + def inFile(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InFileContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat4 + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedDataNameFormat4" ): + listener.enterQualifiedDataNameFormat4(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedDataNameFormat4" ): + listener.exitQualifiedDataNameFormat4(self) + + + + + def qualifiedDataNameFormat4(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameFormat4Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1098, self.RULE_qualifiedDataNameFormat4) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6094 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE_COUNTER) + self.state = 6095 + self.inFile() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class QualifiedInDataContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def inData(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InDataContext,0) + + + def inTable(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InTableContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_qualifiedInData + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterQualifiedInData" ): + listener.enterQualifiedInData(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitQualifiedInData" ): + listener.exitQualifiedInData(self) + + + + + def qualifiedInData(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.QualifiedInDataContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1100, self.RULE_qualifiedInData) + try: + self.state = 6099 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,963,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6097 + self.inData() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6098 + self.inTable() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InDataContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inData + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInData" ): + listener.enterInData(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInData" ): + listener.exitInData(self) + + + + + def inData(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InDataContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1102, self.RULE_inData) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6101 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6102 + self.dataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InFileContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def fileName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inFile + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInFile" ): + listener.enterInFile(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInFile" ): + listener.exitInFile(self) + + + + + def inFile(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InFileContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1104, self.RULE_inFile) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6104 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6105 + self.fileName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InMnemonicContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def mnemonicName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inMnemonic + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInMnemonic" ): + listener.enterInMnemonic(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInMnemonic" ): + listener.exitInMnemonic(self) + + + + + def inMnemonic(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InMnemonicContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1106, self.RULE_inMnemonic) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6107 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6108 + self.mnemonicName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InSectionContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def sectionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inSection + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInSection" ): + listener.enterInSection(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInSection" ): + listener.exitInSection(self) + + + + + def inSection(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InSectionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1108, self.RULE_inSection) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6110 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6111 + self.sectionName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InLibraryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def libraryName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inLibrary + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInLibrary" ): + listener.enterInLibrary(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInLibrary" ): + listener.exitInLibrary(self) + + + + + def inLibrary(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InLibraryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1110, self.RULE_inLibrary) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6113 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6114 + self.libraryName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class InTableContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def tableCall(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.TableCallContext,0) + + + def IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IN, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_inTable + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterInTable" ): + listener.enterInTable(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitInTable" ): + listener.exitInTable(self) + + + + + def inTable(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.InTableContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1112, self.RULE_inTable) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6116 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==239 or _la==323): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + self.state = 6117 + self.tableCall() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AlphabetNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_alphabetName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAlphabetName" ): + listener.enterAlphabetName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAlphabetName" ): + listener.exitAlphabetName(self) + + + + + def alphabetName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AlphabetNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1114, self.RULE_alphabetName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6119 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class AssignmentNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def systemName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_assignmentName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterAssignmentName" ): + listener.enterAssignmentName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitAssignmentName" ): + listener.exitAssignmentName(self) + + + + + def assignmentName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.AssignmentNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1116, self.RULE_assignmentName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6121 + self.systemName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class BasisNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def programName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_basisName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBasisName" ): + listener.enterBasisName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBasisName" ): + listener.exitBasisName(self) + + + + + def basisName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.BasisNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1118, self.RULE_basisName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6123 + self.programName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CdNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cdName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCdName" ): + listener.enterCdName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCdName" ): + listener.exitCdName(self) + + + + + def cdName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CdNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1120, self.RULE_cdName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6125 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ClassNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_className + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterClassName" ): + listener.enterClassName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitClassName" ): + listener.exitClassName(self) + + + + + def className(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ClassNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1122, self.RULE_className) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6127 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ComputerNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def systemName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_computerName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterComputerName" ): + listener.enterComputerName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitComputerName" ): + listener.exitComputerName(self) + + + + + def computerName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ComputerNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1124, self.RULE_computerName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6129 + self.systemName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ConditionNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_conditionName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterConditionName" ): + listener.enterConditionName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitConditionName" ): + listener.exitConditionName(self) + + + + + def conditionName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ConditionNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1126, self.RULE_conditionName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6131 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataName" ): + listener.enterDataName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataName" ): + listener.exitDataName(self) + + + + + def dataName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1128, self.RULE_dataName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6133 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class DataDescNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def FILLER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FILLER, 0) + + def CURSOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CURSOR, 0) + + def dataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.DataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_dataDescName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterDataDescName" ): + listener.enterDataDescName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitDataDescName" ): + listener.exitDataDescName(self) + + + + + def dataDescName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.DataDescNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1130, self.RULE_dataDescName) + try: + self.state = 6138 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,964,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6135 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.FILLER) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6136 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.CURSOR) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6137 + self.dataName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class EnvironmentNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def systemName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_environmentName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterEnvironmentName" ): + listener.enterEnvironmentName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitEnvironmentName" ): + listener.exitEnvironmentName(self) + + + + + def environmentName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.EnvironmentNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1132, self.RULE_environmentName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6140 + self.systemName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FileNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_fileName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFileName" ): + listener.enterFileName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFileName" ): + listener.exitFileName(self) + + + + + def fileName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FileNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1134, self.RULE_fileName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6142 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FunctionNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTEGER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER, 0) + + def LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH, 0) + + def RANDOM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RANDOM, 0) + + def SUM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SUM, 0) + + def WHEN_COMPILED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN_COMPILED, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_functionName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFunctionName" ): + listener.enterFunctionName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFunctionName" ): + listener.exitFunctionName(self) + + + + + def functionName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FunctionNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1136, self.RULE_functionName) + try: + self.state = 6150 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,965,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6144 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6145 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH) + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6146 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RANDOM) + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6147 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SUM) + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6148 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN_COMPILED) + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 6149 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IndexNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_indexName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIndexName" ): + listener.enterIndexName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIndexName" ): + listener.exitIndexName(self) + + + + + def indexName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IndexNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1138, self.RULE_indexName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6152 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LanguageNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def systemName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_languageName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLanguageName" ): + listener.enterLanguageName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLanguageName" ): + listener.exitLanguageName(self) + + + + + def languageName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LanguageNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1140, self.RULE_languageName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6154 + self.systemName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LibraryNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_libraryName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLibraryName" ): + listener.enterLibraryName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLibraryName" ): + listener.exitLibraryName(self) + + + + + def libraryName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LibraryNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1142, self.RULE_libraryName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6156 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LocalNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_localName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLocalName" ): + listener.enterLocalName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLocalName" ): + listener.exitLocalName(self) + + + + + def localName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LocalNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1144, self.RULE_localName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6158 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class MnemonicNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_mnemonicName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterMnemonicName" ): + listener.enterMnemonicName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitMnemonicName" ): + listener.exitMnemonicName(self) + + + + + def mnemonicName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.MnemonicNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1146, self.RULE_mnemonicName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6160 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ParagraphNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_paragraphName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterParagraphName" ): + listener.enterParagraphName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitParagraphName" ): + listener.exitParagraphName(self) + + + + + def paragraphName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1148, self.RULE_paragraphName) + try: + self.state = 6164 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6162 + self.cobolWord() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6163 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProcedureNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def paragraphName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.ParagraphNameContext,0) + + + def inSection(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.InSectionContext,0) + + + def sectionName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_procedureName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProcedureName" ): + listener.enterProcedureName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProcedureName" ): + listener.exitProcedureName(self) + + + + + def procedureName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProcedureNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1150, self.RULE_procedureName) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 6171 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,968,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6166 + self.paragraphName() + self.state = 6168 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==239 or _la==323: + self.state = 6167 + self.inSection() + + + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6170 + self.sectionName() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ProgramNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NONNUMERICLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NONNUMERICLITERAL, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_programName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterProgramName" ): + listener.enterProgramName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitProgramName" ): + listener.exitProgramName(self) + + + + + def programName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ProgramNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1152, self.RULE_programName) + try: + self.state = 6175 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [551]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6173 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NONNUMERICLITERAL) + pass + elif token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6174 + self.cobolWord() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RecordNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_recordName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRecordName" ): + listener.enterRecordName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRecordName" ): + listener.exitRecordName(self) + + + + + def recordName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RecordNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1154, self.RULE_recordName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6177 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ReportNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def qualifiedDataName(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.QualifiedDataNameContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_reportName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterReportName" ): + listener.enterReportName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitReportName" ): + listener.exitReportName(self) + + + + + def reportName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ReportNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1156, self.RULE_reportName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6179 + self.qualifiedDataName() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class RoutineNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_routineName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterRoutineName" ): + listener.enterRoutineName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitRoutineName" ): + listener.exitRoutineName(self) + + + + + def routineName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.RoutineNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1158, self.RULE_routineName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6181 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class ScreenNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_screenName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterScreenName" ): + listener.enterScreenName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitScreenName" ): + listener.exitScreenName(self) + + + + + def screenName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.ScreenNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1160, self.RULE_screenName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6183 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SectionNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_sectionName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSectionName" ): + listener.enterSectionName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSectionName" ): + listener.exitSectionName(self) + + + + + def sectionName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SectionNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1162, self.RULE_sectionName) + try: + self.state = 6187 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 69, 77, 98, 100, 106, 108, 128, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 151, 156, 181, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 200, 202, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 226, 229, 237, 238, 250, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 296, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 317, 319, 322, 331, 336, 337, 342, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 364, 370, 371, 373, 376, 380, 383, 391, 398, 401, 415, 420, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 466, 473, 481, 482, 486, 490, 491, 495, 497, 498, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 557]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6185 + self.cobolWord() + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6186 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SystemNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_systemName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSystemName" ): + listener.enterSystemName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSystemName" ): + listener.exitSystemName(self) + + + + + def systemName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SystemNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1164, self.RULE_systemName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6189 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SymbolicCharacterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_symbolicCharacter + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSymbolicCharacter" ): + listener.enterSymbolicCharacter(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSymbolicCharacter" ): + listener.exitSymbolicCharacter(self) + + + + + def symbolicCharacter(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SymbolicCharacterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1166, self.RULE_symbolicCharacter) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6191 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class TextNameContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_textName + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterTextName" ): + listener.enterTextName(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitTextName" ): + listener.exitTextName(self) + + + + + def textName(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.TextNameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1168, self.RULE_textName) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6193 + self.cobolWord() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CobolWordContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def IDENTIFIER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IDENTIFIER, 0) + + def COBOL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COBOL, 0) + + def PROGRAM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROGRAM, 0) + + def ABORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ABORT, 0) + + def AS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AS, 0) + + def ASCII(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASCII, 0) + + def ASSOCIATED_DATA(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA, 0) + + def ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ASSOCIATED_DATA_LENGTH, 0) + + def ATTRIBUTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ATTRIBUTE, 0) + + def AUTO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AUTO, 0) + + def AUTO_SKIP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.AUTO_SKIP, 0) + + def BACKGROUND_COLOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0) + + def BACKGROUND_COLOUR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BACKGROUND_COLOUR, 0) + + def BEEP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BEEP, 0) + + def BELL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BELL, 0) + + def BINARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BINARY, 0) + + def BIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BIT, 0) + + def BLINK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BLINK, 0) + + def BOUNDS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.BOUNDS, 0) + + def CAPABLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CAPABLE, 0) + + def CCSVERSION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CCSVERSION, 0) + + def CHANGED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHANGED, 0) + + def CHANNEL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CHANNEL, 0) + + def CLOSE_DISPOSITION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CLOSE_DISPOSITION, 0) + + def COMMITMENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMITMENT, 0) + + def CONTROL_POINT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONTROL_POINT, 0) + + def CONVENTION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CONVENTION, 0) + + def CRUNCH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CRUNCH, 0) + + def CURSOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.CURSOR, 0) + + def DEFAULT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT, 0) + + def DEFAULT_DISPLAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, 0) + + def DEFINITION(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEFINITION, 0) + + def DFHRESP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DFHRESP, 0) + + def DFHVALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DFHVALUE, 0) + + def DISK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DISK, 0) + + def DONTCARE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DONTCARE, 0) + + def DOUBLE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DOUBLE, 0) + + def EBCDIC(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EBCDIC, 0) + + def EMPTY_CHECK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EMPTY_CHECK, 0) + + def ENTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTER, 0) + + def ENTRY_PROCEDURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ENTRY_PROCEDURE, 0) + + def EOL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOL, 0) + + def EOS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EOS, 0) + + def ERASE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ERASE, 0) + + def ESCAPE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ESCAPE, 0) + + def EVENT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EVENT, 0) + + def EXCLUSIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXCLUSIVE, 0) + + def EXPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXPORT, 0) + + def EXTENDED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.EXTENDED, 0) + + def FOREGROUND_COLOR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOREGROUND_COLOR, 0) + + def FOREGROUND_COLOUR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FOREGROUND_COLOUR, 0) + + def FULL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FULL, 0) + + def FUNCTIONNAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTIONNAME, 0) + + def FUNCTION_POINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FUNCTION_POINTER, 0) + + def GRID(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.GRID, 0) + + def HIGHLIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HIGHLIGHT, 0) + + def IMPLICIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IMPLICIT, 0) + + def IMPORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.IMPORT, 0) + + def INTEGER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGER, 0) + + def KEPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEPT, 0) + + def KEYBOARD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.KEYBOARD, 0) + + def LANGUAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LANGUAGE, 0) + + def LB(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LB, 0) + + def LD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LD, 0) + + def LEFTLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEFTLINE, 0) + + def LENGTH_CHECK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH_CHECK, 0) + + def LIBACCESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBACCESS, 0) + + def LIBPARAMETER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBPARAMETER, 0) + + def LIBRARY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIBRARY, 0) + + def LIST(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LIST, 0) + + def LOCAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOCAL, 0) + + def LONG_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LONG_DATE, 0) + + def LONG_TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LONG_TIME, 0) + + def LOWER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOWER, 0) + + def LOWLIGHT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOWLIGHT, 0) + + def MMDDYYYY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.MMDDYYYY, 0) + + def NAMED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NAMED, 0) + + def NATIONAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL, 0) + + def NATIONAL_EDITED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NATIONAL_EDITED, 0) + + def NETWORK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NETWORK, 0) + + def NO_ECHO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NO_ECHO, 0) + + def NUMERIC_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC_DATE, 0) + + def NUMERIC_TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERIC_TIME, 0) + + def ODT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ODT, 0) + + def ORDERLY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ORDERLY, 0) + + def OVERLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OVERLINE, 0) + + def OWN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OWN, 0) + + def PASSWORD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PASSWORD, 0) + + def PORT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PORT, 0) + + def PRINTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PRINTER, 0) + + def PRIVATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PRIVATE, 0) + + def PROCESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROCESS, 0) + + def PROMPT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PROMPT, 0) + + def READER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.READER, 0) + + def REAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REAL, 0) + + def RECEIVED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECEIVED, 0) + + def RECURSIVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RECURSIVE, 0) + + def REF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REF, 0) + + def REMOTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOTE, 0) + + def REMOVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REMOVE, 0) + + def REQUIRED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REQUIRED, 0) + + def REVERSE_VIDEO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.REVERSE_VIDEO, 0) + + def SAVE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SAVE, 0) + + def SECURE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SECURE, 0) + + def SHARED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHARED, 0) + + def SHAREDBYALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHAREDBYALL, 0) + + def SHAREDBYRUNUNIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHAREDBYRUNUNIT, 0) + + def SHARING(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHARING, 0) + + def SHORT_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHORT_DATE, 0) + + def SYMBOL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SYMBOL, 0) + + def TASK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TASK, 0) + + def THREAD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THREAD, 0) + + def THREAD_LOCAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.THREAD_LOCAL, 0) + + def TIMER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIMER, 0) + + def TODAYS_DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_DATE, 0) + + def TODAYS_NAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TODAYS_NAME, 0) + + def TRUNCATED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRUNCATED, 0) + + def TYPEDEF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TYPEDEF, 0) + + def UNDERLINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.UNDERLINE, 0) + + def VIRTUAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.VIRTUAL, 0) + + def WAIT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WAIT, 0) + + def YEAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YEAR, 0) + + def YYYYMMDD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YYYYMMDD, 0) + + def YYYYDDD(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.YYYYDDD, 0) + + def ZERO_FILL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO_FILL, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cobolWord + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCobolWord" ): + listener.enterCobolWord(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCobolWord" ): + listener.exitCobolWord(self) + + + + + def cobolWord(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1170, self.RULE_cobolWord) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6195 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & 3512999431135821826) != 0) or ((((_la - 68)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 68)) & 8070451912006173187) != 0) or ((((_la - 138)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 138)) & 5276573893883339531) != 0) or ((((_la - 202)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 202)) & -3098194965423761407) != 0) or ((((_la - 268)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 268)) & -9202532752178970507) != 0) or ((((_la - 336)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 336)) & 4647874433930428483) != 0) or ((((_la - 401)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 401)) & 84826144769) != 0) or ((((_la - 466)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 466)) & 103635575018455169) != 0) or _la==557): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class LiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NONNUMERICLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NONNUMERICLITERAL, 0) + + def figurativeConstant(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.FigurativeConstantContext,0) + + + def numericLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext,0) + + + def booleanLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.BooleanLiteralContext,0) + + + def cicsDfhRespLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhRespLiteralContext,0) + + + def cicsDfhValueLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhValueLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_literal + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterLiteral" ): + listener.enterLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitLiteral" ): + listener.exitLiteral(self) + + + + + def literal(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1172, self.RULE_literal) + try: + self.state = 6203 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,971,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6197 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NONNUMERICLITERAL) + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6198 + self.figurativeConstant() + pass + + elif la_ == 3: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6199 + self.numericLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 4: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6200 + self.booleanLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 5: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6201 + self.cicsDfhRespLiteral() + pass + + elif la_ == 6: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 6202 + self.cicsDfhValueLiteral() + pass + + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class BooleanLiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def TRUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TRUE, 0) + + def FALSE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.FALSE, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_booleanLiteral + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterBooleanLiteral" ): + listener.enterBooleanLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitBooleanLiteral" ): + listener.exitBooleanLiteral(self) + + + + + def booleanLiteral(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.BooleanLiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1174, self.RULE_booleanLiteral) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6205 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(_la==204 or _la==494): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class NumericLiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def NUMERICLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NUMERICLITERAL, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def integerLiteral(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_numericLiteral + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterNumericLiteral" ): + listener.enterNumericLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitNumericLiteral" ): + listener.exitNumericLiteral(self) + + + + + def numericLiteral(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.NumericLiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1176, self.RULE_numericLiteral) + try: + self.state = 6210 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [556]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6207 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NUMERICLITERAL) + pass + elif token in [521]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6208 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZERO) + pass + elif token in [552, 553, 554, 555]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6209 + self.integerLiteral() + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class IntegerLiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def INTEGERLITERAL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.INTEGERLITERAL, 0) + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_66(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_66, 0) + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_77(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_77, 0) + + def LEVEL_NUMBER_88(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LEVEL_NUMBER_88, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_integerLiteral + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterIntegerLiteral" ): + listener.enterIntegerLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitIntegerLiteral" ): + listener.exitIntegerLiteral(self) + + + + + def integerLiteral(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.IntegerLiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1178, self.RULE_integerLiteral) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6212 + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not(((((_la - 552)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 552)) & 15) != 0)): + self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) + else: + self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) + self.consume() + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CicsDfhRespLiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DFHRESP(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DFHRESP, 0) + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cicsDfhRespLiteral + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCicsDfhRespLiteral" ): + listener.enterCicsDfhRespLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCicsDfhRespLiteral" ): + listener.exitCicsDfhRespLiteral(self) + + + + + def cicsDfhRespLiteral(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhRespLiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1180, self.RULE_cicsDfhRespLiteral) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6214 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DFHRESP) + self.state = 6215 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6218 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,973,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6216 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 6217 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 6220 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CicsDfhValueLiteralContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def DFHVALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DFHVALUE, 0) + + def LPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR, 0) + + def RPARENCHAR(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR, 0) + + def cobolWord(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.CobolWordContext,0) + + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_cicsDfhValueLiteral + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCicsDfhValueLiteral" ): + listener.enterCicsDfhValueLiteral(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCicsDfhValueLiteral" ): + listener.exitCicsDfhValueLiteral(self) + + + + + def cicsDfhValueLiteral(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CicsDfhValueLiteralContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1182, self.RULE_cicsDfhValueLiteral) + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6222 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DFHVALUE) + self.state = 6223 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LPARENCHAR) + self.state = 6226 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,974,self._ctx) + if la_ == 1: + self.state = 6224 + self.cobolWord() + pass + + elif la_ == 2: + self.state = 6225 + self.literal() + pass + + + self.state = 6228 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RPARENCHAR) + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class FigurativeConstantContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ALL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ALL, 0) + + def literal(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.LiteralContext,0) + + + def HIGH_VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HIGH_VALUE, 0) + + def HIGH_VALUES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.HIGH_VALUES, 0) + + def LOW_VALUE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOW_VALUE, 0) + + def LOW_VALUES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LOW_VALUES, 0) + + def NULL_(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NULL_, 0) + + def NULLS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.NULLS, 0) + + def QUOTE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.QUOTE, 0) + + def QUOTES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.QUOTES, 0) + + def SPACE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SPACE, 0) + + def SPACES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SPACES, 0) + + def ZERO(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZERO, 0) + + def ZEROS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZEROS, 0) + + def ZEROES(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ZEROES, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_figurativeConstant + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterFigurativeConstant" ): + listener.enterFigurativeConstant(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitFigurativeConstant" ): + listener.exitFigurativeConstant(self) + + + + + def figurativeConstant(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.FigurativeConstantContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1184, self.RULE_figurativeConstant) + try: + self.state = 6245 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [9]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6230 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ALL) + self.state = 6231 + self.literal() + pass + elif token in [230]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6232 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HIGH_VALUE) + pass + elif token in [231]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6233 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.HIGH_VALUES) + pass + elif token in [291]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6234 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOW_VALUE) + pass + elif token in [292]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6235 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LOW_VALUES) + pass + elif token in [313]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 6236 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NULL_) + pass + elif token in [314]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 6237 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.NULLS) + pass + elif token in [367]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 6238 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.QUOTE) + pass + elif token in [368]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 6239 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.QUOTES) + pass + elif token in [450]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 6240 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SPACE) + pass + elif token in [451]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 6241 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SPACES) + pass + elif token in [521]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12) + self.state = 6242 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZERO) + pass + elif token in [523]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 13) + self.state = 6243 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZEROS) + pass + elif token in [524]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 14) + self.state = 6244 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ZEROES) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class SpecialRegisterContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def ADDRESS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS, 0) + + def OF(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.OF, 0) + + def identifier(self): + return self.getTypedRuleContext(Cobol85Parser.IdentifierContext,0) + + + def DATE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DATE, 0) + + def DAY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DAY, 0) + + def DAY_OF_WEEK(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DAY_OF_WEEK, 0) + + def DEBUG_CONTENTS(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_CONTENTS, 0) + + def DEBUG_ITEM(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_ITEM, 0) + + def DEBUG_LINE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_LINE, 0) + + def DEBUG_NAME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_NAME, 0) + + def DEBUG_SUB_1(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_1, 0) + + def DEBUG_SUB_2(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_2, 0) + + def DEBUG_SUB_3(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_3, 0) + + def LENGTH(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH, 0) + + def LINAGE_COUNTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE_COUNTER, 0) + + def LINE_COUNTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.LINE_COUNTER, 0) + + def PAGE_COUNTER(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.PAGE_COUNTER, 0) + + def RETURN_CODE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.RETURN_CODE, 0) + + def SHIFT_IN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHIFT_IN, 0) + + def SHIFT_OUT(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SHIFT_OUT, 0) + + def SORT_CONTROL(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_CONTROL, 0) + + def SORT_CORE_SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_CORE_SIZE, 0) + + def SORT_FILE_SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_FILE_SIZE, 0) + + def SORT_MESSAGE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_MESSAGE, 0) + + def SORT_MODE_SIZE(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_MODE_SIZE, 0) + + def SORT_RETURN(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.SORT_RETURN, 0) + + def TALLY(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TALLY, 0) + + def TIME(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.TIME, 0) + + def WHEN_COMPILED(self): + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.WHEN_COMPILED, 0) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_specialRegister + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterSpecialRegister" ): + listener.enterSpecialRegister(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitSpecialRegister" ): + listener.exitSpecialRegister(self) + + + + + def specialRegister(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.SpecialRegisterContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1186, self.RULE_specialRegister) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.state = 6280 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + token = self._input.LA(1) + if token in [5]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6247 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.ADDRESS) + self.state = 6248 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + self.state = 6249 + self.identifier() + pass + elif token in [111]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) + self.state = 6250 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DATE) + pass + elif token in [114]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) + self.state = 6251 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DAY) + pass + elif token in [115]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) + self.state = 6252 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DAY_OF_WEEK) + pass + elif token in [118]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) + self.state = 6253 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_CONTENTS) + pass + elif token in [119]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) + self.state = 6254 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_ITEM) + pass + elif token in [120]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) + self.state = 6255 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_LINE) + pass + elif token in [121]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) + self.state = 6256 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_NAME) + pass + elif token in [122]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) + self.state = 6257 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_1) + pass + elif token in [123]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) + self.state = 6258 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_2) + pass + elif token in [124]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) + self.state = 6259 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.DEBUG_SUB_3) + pass + elif token in [269]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12) + self.state = 6260 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LENGTH) + self.state = 6262 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if _la==323: + self.state = 6261 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.OF) + + + self.state = 6264 + self.identifier() + pass + elif token in [278]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 13) + self.state = 6265 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINAGE_COUNTER) + pass + elif token in [281]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 14) + self.state = 6266 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.LINE_COUNTER) + pass + elif token in [341]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 15) + self.state = 6267 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.PAGE_COUNTER) + pass + elif token in [404]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 16) + self.state = 6268 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.RETURN_CODE) + pass + elif token in [435]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 17) + self.state = 6269 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SHIFT_IN) + pass + elif token in [436]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 18) + self.state = 6270 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SHIFT_OUT) + pass + elif token in [441]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 19) + self.state = 6271 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_CONTROL) + pass + elif token in [442]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 20) + self.state = 6272 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_CORE_SIZE) + pass + elif token in [443]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 21) + self.state = 6273 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_FILE_SIZE) + pass + elif token in [445]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 22) + self.state = 6274 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_MESSAGE) + pass + elif token in [446]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 23) + self.state = 6275 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_MODE_SIZE) + pass + elif token in [447]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 24) + self.state = 6276 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.SORT_RETURN) + pass + elif token in [471]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 25) + self.state = 6277 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TALLY) + pass + elif token in [485]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 26) + self.state = 6278 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.TIME) + pass + elif token in [513]: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 27) + self.state = 6279 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.WHEN_COMPILED) + pass + else: + raise NoViableAltException(self) + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + class CommentEntryContext(ParserRuleContext): + __slots__ = 'parser' + + def __init__(self, parser, parent:ParserRuleContext=None, invokingState:int=-1): + super().__init__(parent, invokingState) + self.parser = parser + + def COMMENTENTRYLINE(self, i:int=None): + if i is None: + return self.getTokens(Cobol85Parser.COMMENTENTRYLINE) + else: + return self.getToken(Cobol85Parser.COMMENTENTRYLINE, i) + + def getRuleIndex(self): + return Cobol85Parser.RULE_commentEntry + + def enterRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "enterCommentEntry" ): + listener.enterCommentEntry(self) + + def exitRule(self, listener:ParseTreeListener): + if hasattr( listener, "exitCommentEntry" ): + listener.exitCommentEntry(self) + + + + + def commentEntry(self): + + localctx = Cobol85Parser.CommentEntryContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) + self.enterRule(localctx, 1188, self.RULE_commentEntry) + self._la = 0 # Token type + try: + self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) + self.state = 6283 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + while True: + self.state = 6282 + self.match(Cobol85Parser.COMMENTENTRYLINE) + self.state = 6285 + self._errHandler.sync(self) + _la = self._input.LA(1) + if not (_la==562): + break + + except RecognitionException as re: + localctx.exception = re + self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) + self._errHandler.recover(self, re) + finally: + self.exitRule() + return localctx + + + + + diff --git a/src/DataDivisionCobol85Listener.py b/src/DataDivisionCobol85Listener.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..010e703 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/DataDivisionCobol85Listener.py @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +''' + +The purpose of this program is to build a data structure that we can use to generate +the proper python reader code for the Cobol File section being parsed. + +''' + +from antlr4 import ParseTreeListener, ParserRuleContext +from Cobol85Listener import Cobol85Listener +from Cobol85Parser import Cobol85Parser +from Symbol import Symbol, SymbolTable + +# We will build the symbol table, with a row for each Level 01 set of symbols. +''' +current_symbol will be a dict and will represent the current symbol being built for the symbol table. +when the code has all it needs for a valid symbol, it will add the current_symbol dict to the symbol_table + +current_symbol keys: + "symbol_name", the name of the cobol variable + "picture", the type of the cobol variable. e.g. '9', '99', 'X' 'S9', 'V99' + "cardinality", the cardinality (optional) + "redefines", the field being redefined (optional) + "occurs", the number of times the field definition occurs + + Example of redefines and occurs: + + Level:03 Name:COUNTY Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 18 + Level:03 Name:COUNTIES Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 3 Redefines: REDEFINES COUNTY Occurs OCCURS 6 + + So COUNTIES is "like" an array with 6 elements 3-bytes long each for a total byte-length of 18 + and COUNTIES redefines the COUNTY variable + +So a readable version of the COBOL parsed is as follows. +Repeated Level 01's within the same file definition act as a "union" (as in C) of the byte structure. + +Level:01 Name:FIELD-MAST + Level:02 Name:OIL-CODES + Level:03 Name:TYPE-REC Type: PIC 9 + Level:03 Name:DIST Type: PIC 999 + Level:03 Name:FIELD Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 8 + Level:03 Name:OPR Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 6 + Level:03 Name:LEASE Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 5 + Level:03 Name:LSE-FILLER Type: PIC 99 + Level:03 Name:OFFSHORE Type: PIC 9 + Level:02 Name:FIELD-DATA + Level:03 Name:F-NAME Type: PIC X Cardinality 32 + Level:03 Name:COUNTY Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 18 + Level:03 Name:COUNTIES Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 3 Redefines: REDEFINES COUNTY Occurs OCCURS 6 + Level:03 Name:DISC-DATE Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 8 + Level:03 Name:D-DATE Redefines: REDEFINES DISC-DATE + Level:05 Name:DSC-CCYY Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 4 + Level:05 Name:DSC-CCYY-REDF Redefines: REDEFINES DSC-CCYY + Level:07 Name:DSC-CC Type: PIC 99 + Level:07 Name:DSC-YR Type: PIC 99 + Level:05 Name:DSC-MO Type: PIC 99 + Level:05 Name:DSC-DAY Type: PIC 99 + Level:03 Name:F-DEPTH Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 5 + Level:03 Name:O-GRAV Type: PIC 999 + + + +''' + +current_symbol = Symbol() +global_symbol_table = SymbolTable() + +def visit_to_generate_symbol_table(ctx:ParserRuleContext): + + numChildren = ctx.getChildCount() + + if numChildren == 0: + # terminal, and we don't care about them b/c they will have been processed below + return + + elif 'DataDescriptionEntryFormat1Context' in str(type(ctx)): + + ''' + Process tree like this (this is a tree structure from grun: + + (fileSection FILE SECTION .\n + (fileDescriptionEntry FD + (fileName + (cobolWord TXOilLedgerFile)) .\n + (dataDescriptionEntry + (dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 01 <<<<----- we care about these. + (dataName + (cobolWord FIELD-MAST)) .\n )) + (dataDescriptionEntry + (dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 02 <<<<----- we care about these. + (dataName + (cobolWord OIL-CODES)) .\n )) + (dataDescriptionEntry + (dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 03 <<<<----- we care about these. + (dataName + (cobolWord TYPE-REC)) + (dataPictureClause PIC + (pictureString + (pictureChars + (integerLiteral 9)))) .\n )) + ... + + N.B. Cannot ignore things w/o Picture Clause (PIC) because they could be redefines + + The following has no picture information but does indicate that it is redefining + another field. + + (dataDescriptionEntry + (dataDescriptionEntryFormat1 03 + (dataName + (cobolWord D-DATE)) + (dataRedefinesClause REDEFINES + (dataName + (cobolWord DISC-DATE))) .\n )) + ''' + + + if ctx.INTEGERLITERAL() is not None and ctx.dataName() is not None: + + _integer_literal = int(ctx.INTEGERLITERAL().getText()) + indent_chars = int(_integer_literal) * ' ' + _data_name = ctx.dataName().getText() + + # Flush current symbol to start building a new one + if _integer_literal == 1: + global_symbol_table.add_level() + + current_symbol.reset() + current_symbol.name = _data_name + current_symbol.level = _integer_literal + + # PIC + _picture = [] + if len(ctx.dataPictureClause()) > 0: + current_symbol.picture = '' + for cindex in ctx.dataPictureClause(): + cardinality_seen = False + for counter, pindex in enumerate(cindex.pictureString().pictureChars()): + # will be: 9, (, 06, ), with only the 9 and 06 being integerLiteral + integer_literal = pindex.integerLiteral() + if integer_literal is not None: + integer_text = integer_literal.getText() + if cardinality_seen: + # this is a cardinality number + _picture.append('Cardinality') + _picture.append(integer_text) + current_symbol.cardinality = integer_text + else: + # this is a PIC number + current_symbol.picture = integer_text + _picture.append(integer_text) + else: + cardinality_check = pindex.getText() + if cardinality_check == '(': + cardinality_seen = True + continue + elif cardinality_check == ')': + cardinality_seen = False + continue + else: + integer_text = pindex.getText() + current_symbol.picture += integer_text + _picture.append(integer_text) + + _picture_string = '' + if len(_picture) > 0: + _picture_string = ' Type: PIC ' + ' '.join(_picture) + + # data usage + _data_usage = [] + if len(ctx.dataUsageClause()) > 0: + for cindex in ctx.dataUsageClause(): + if (result := cindex.BINARY()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.BIT()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP_1()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP_2()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP_3()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP_4()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMP_5()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL_1()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL_2()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL_3()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL_4()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.COMPUTATIONAL_5()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.CONTROL_POINT()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.DATE()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.DISPLAY()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.DISPLAY_1()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.DOUBLE()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.EVENT()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.FUNCTION_POINTER()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.INDEX()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.KANJI()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.LOCK()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.NATIONAL()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.PACKED_DECIMAL()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.POINTER()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.PROCEDURE_POINTER()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.REAL()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.TASK()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.USAGE()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.IS()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.TRUNCATED()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if (result := cindex.EXTENDED()) is not None: + _data_usage.append(result.getText()) + if len(_data_usage) > 0: + current_symbol.usage = _data_usage + + # REDEFINES + _redefines = [] + if len(ctx.dataRedefinesClause()) > 0: + for cindex in ctx.dataRedefinesClause(): + _redefines.append(cindex.REDEFINES().getText()) + redefines_symbol = cindex.dataName().getText() + current_symbol.redefines = redefines_symbol + _redefines.append(redefines_symbol) + _redefines_string = '' + if len(_redefines) > 0: + _redefines_string = ' Redefines: ' + ' '.join(_redefines) + + # OCCURS + _occurs = [] + if len(ctx.dataOccursClause()) > 0: + for cindex in ctx.dataOccursClause(): + _occurs.append(cindex.OCCURS().getText()) + occurs_number = str(cindex.integerLiteral().getText()) + _occurs.append(occurs_number) + current_symbol.occurs = int(occurs_number) + _occurs_string = '' + if len(_occurs) > 0: + _occurs_string = ' Occurs ' + ' '.join(_occurs) + + print(f'{indent_chars}Level:{_integer_literal} Name:{_data_name}{_picture_string}{_redefines_string}{_occurs_string}') + else: + raise Exception('unexpected result') + + if current_symbol.complete(): + global_symbol_table.add_symbol(current_symbol) + + return + + for idx in range(0, ctx.getChildCount()): + visit_to_generate_symbol_table(ctx.getChild(idx)) + + +# This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser. +class DataDivisionCobol85Listener(Cobol85Listener): + + def __init__(self): + ''' + Create a Cobol85Listener, specialize it to walk the File Section, generate symbol table and return it + + Parameters: + ----------- + symbol_table: SymbolTable, this will be filled in and can then be returned. + ''' + + super().__init__() + self.symbol_table = None + + # Enter a parse tree produced by Cobol85Parser#fileSection. + def enterFileSection(self, ctx:Cobol85Parser.FileSectionContext): + visit_to_generate_symbol_table(ctx) + self.symbol_table = global_symbol_table + self.symbol_table.cleanup_redefined() + self.symbol_table.finalize() + + def get_symbol_table(self): + return self.symbol_table diff --git a/src/Dockerfile b/src/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3747ea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +FROM ubuntu:latest +RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget openjdk-11-jdk +RUN wget https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar -O /usr/local/lib/antlr4.jar +ENV CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr4.jar:$CLASSPATH" + +# Use a base image with Python 3.11 and Node.js (latest version) +FROM nikolaik/python-nodejs:python3.12-nodejs22-slim + +# Set working directory +WORKDIR /app + +# Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the working directory +COPY package.json package-lock.json ./ + +# Install Node.js dependencies +RUN npm install + +# Copy Python requirements file to the working directory +COPY requirements.txt . + +# Install Python dependencies +RUN pip install -r requirements.txt + +# Install React dependencies (if needed) +# RUN npm install react react-dom + +# Copy the rest of the application files to the working directory +COPY . . + +# Expose the port your app runs on +EXPOSE 3000 + +# Command to run the application +CMD ["npm", "start"] diff --git a/src/OilMaster.py b/src/OilMaster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e6a20a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/OilMaster.py @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import simplejson +from coboljsonifier.copybookextractor import CopybookExtractor +from coboljsonifier.parser import Parser +from coboljsonifier.config.parser_type_enum import ParseType + + +class OilMaster(object): + '''Parser for TX RRC Oil Master + 2024 location: https://mft.rrc.texas.gov/link/c5081c77-d32c-4ded-9b33-5aca3833306c# + + This class will read the COBOL copy book format from the defining PDF and derive the Python structure. + https://mft.rrc.texas.gov/link/c5081c77-d32c-4ded-9b33-5aca3833306c# + https://mft.rrc.texas.gov/link/c5081c77-d32c-4ded-9b33-5aca3833306c is index location + file name format in HTML output: olf{district_number}I.ebc.gz, where district number is a fixed 3 digit number with leading padded zeros + e.g. o + + Record and Field Definition: https://www.rrc.texas.gov/media/5mlpe0t2/ola013k.pdf + ''' + + def __init__(self, cobol_data_division_file): + self.record_definition_uri = 'https://www.rrc.texas.gov/media/5mlpe0t2/ola013k.pdf' + self.input_uri = 'https://www.rrc.texas.gov/media/5mlpe0t2/ola013k.pdf' + self.format = None + + # Extracting copybook structure + self.dict_structure = CopybookExtractor(cobol_data_division_file).dict_book_structure + + # Building a Parser + self.parser = Parser(self.dict_structure, ParseType.FLAT_ASCII).build() + + pass + + def get_format(self): + return self.dict_structure + + def parse(self, input_bytes): + self.parser(input_bytes) + return simplejson.dumps(self.parser.value) diff --git a/src/Symbol.py b/src/Symbol.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6da9a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Symbol.py @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +import copy + +import pandas as pd + +computationals = set(['COMP-1', 'COMP-2', 'COMP-3', 'COMP-4', 'COMP-5', + 'COMPUTATIONAL-1', 'COMPUTATIONAL-2', 'COMPUTATIONAL-3', + 'COMPUTATIONAL-4', 'COMPUTATIONAL-5', 'COMPUTATIONAL']) + +# native = '@' see python struct() +BYTE_ORDER = '@' + +def is_computational(usage): + + return (usage is not None) and (len(set(usage).intersection(computationals)) > 0) + +class Symbol: + level: int = None + name: str = None + picture: str = '' + cardinality: int = None + redefines: str = None + occurs: int = None + usage: str = None + size: int = None + occurs_adjusted_size: int = None + start: int = None + end: int = None + struct_format: str = None + packed: bool = False + + def __init__(self): + pass + + def complete(self): + return (self.name is not None) + + def reset(self): + self.level = None + self.name = None + self.picture = None + self.cardinality = None + self.redefines = None + self.occurs = None + self.usage = None + self.size = None + self.occurs_adjusted_size = None + self.start = None + self.end = None + self.struct = None + self.packed = False + + def create(symbol): + new_symbol = copy.deepcopy(symbol) + + if new_symbol.cardinality is not None: + new_symbol.cardinality = int(new_symbol.cardinality) + + # compute size. + # 9's - count = 9 occurrences + cardinality + size = 0 + if new_symbol.picture is not None and '9' in new_symbol.picture: + nines_count = str(new_symbol.picture).count('9') + if new_symbol.cardinality is None: + size = nines_count + else: + if nines_count == 1: + size += new_symbol.cardinality + elif nines_count > 1: + size = nines_count - 1 + new_symbol.cardinality + + # adjust for USAGE with computational (packed decimal) + if is_computational(new_symbol.usage): + new_symbol.packed = True + if size % 2 > 0: + size = (size / 2) + 1 + else: + size = int(size / 2) + + # X's - count X's or use cardinality + elif new_symbol.picture is not None and 'X' in new_symbol.picture: + if new_symbol.cardinality is not None: + size = new_symbol.cardinality + else: + size = new_symbol.picture.count('X') + + if new_symbol.occurs is not None: + size *= int(new_symbol.occurs) + + new_symbol.size = int(size) + + new_symbol.create_format() + + return new_symbol + + def __repr__(self): + return self.__str__() + + def __str__(self): + pr_level = None + if self.level is not None: + pr_level = f'Level: {self.level}' + + pr_name = None + if self.name is not None: + pr_name = f'Name: {self.name}' + + pr_picture = None + if self.picture is not None: + pr_picture = f'Picture: {self.picture}' + + pr_cardinality = None + if self.cardinality is not None: + pr_cardinality = f'Cardinality: {self.cardinality}' + + pr_redefines = None + if self.redefines is not None: + pr_redefines = f'Redefines: {self.redefines}' + + pr_occurs = None + if self.occurs is not None: + pr_occurs = f'Occurs: {self.occurs}' + + pr_usage = None + if self.usage is not None: + pr_usage = f'Usage: {self.usage}' + + pr_size = None + if self.size is not None: + pr_size = f'Size: {self.size}' + + pr_occurs_adjusted_size = None + if self.occurs_adjusted_size is not None: + pr_occurs_adjusted_size = f'Size: {self.occurs_adjusted_size}' + + pr_slice = None + if self.start is not None and self.end is not None: + pr_slice = f'Raw Memory Slice: {self.start}:{self.end}' + + pr_1_slice = None + if self.start is not None and self.end is not None: + pr_1_slice = f'Raw Memory Slice(1): {self.start+1}:{self.end+1}' + + pr_struct_format = None + if self.struct_format is not None: + pr_struct_format = f'Struct Format: {self.struct_format}' + + details = [pr_level, pr_name, pr_picture, pr_cardinality, pr_redefines, pr_occurs, pr_usage, pr_size, pr_struct_format, pr_occurs_adjusted_size, pr_slice, pr_1_slice] + pr_details = [x for x in details if x is not None] + pr_details = ', '.join(pr_details) + + return f"Symbol: {pr_details}" + + def create_format(self): + if self.size > 0: + self.struct_format = f'{self.size}s' + +class SymbolTable: + + def __init__(self): + # a completed symbol table will be a table of tables. + self.table = [] + self.current_level = None + self.redefined = set() + self.struct_format = [] + # column names for dataframe + self.columns = [] + + def add_level(self): + self.table.append([]) + self.current_level = self.table[-1] + + def add_symbol(self, symbol): + complete_symbol = Symbol.create(symbol) + if complete_symbol.redefines is not None: + self.redefined.add(complete_symbol.redefines) + self.current_level.append(complete_symbol) + + def cleanup_redefined(self): + ''' + Do not add to symbol table if symbol is REDEFINED + but also, any symbols under a REDEFINED level should + not be added either. So have to "descend" into + lower levels. + ''' + new_table = [] + redefined_level = None + for level in self.table: + new_table.append([]) + for symbol in level: + if redefined_level: + if symbol.level > redefined_level: + if symbol.size == 0: + redefined_level = None + else: + print(f'skipping enclosed Redefined {symbol}') + continue + else: + redefined_level = None + + if symbol.name in self.redefined: + redefined_level = symbol.level + print(f'Skipping this redefined {symbol}') + continue + else: + new_table[-1].append(symbol) + + self.table = new_table + + def complete(self): + return len(self.table) > 0 + + def validate(self): + pass + + def get(self): + return self.table + + def __str__(self): + _str = '' + for counter, level in enumerate(self.table): + _str += '\n\nLevel 01\n' + for symbol in level: + _str += str(symbol) + '\n' + + _str += f'\n.sizes[{counter}]={self.sizes[counter]}' + _str += f'\n.struct_format[{counter}] = {self.struct_format[counter]}' + + if self.redefined: + _str += f'\n.redefined={self.redefined}' + + return _str + + def count_size(self): + '''compute whole size of level and compute individual offsets for a struct generation + E.g. + Symbol: Level: 2, Name: OIL-CODES, Size: 0 Offset: 0 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: TYPE-REC, Picture: 9, Size: 1 Offset: 1 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: DIST, Picture: 999, Size: 3 Offset: 4 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: FIELD, Picture: 9, Cardinality: 8, Size: 8 Start: 5 End: 13 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: OPR, Picture: 9, Cardinality: 6, Size: 6 Offset: 18 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: LEASE, Picture: 9, Cardinality: 5, Size: 5 Offset: 23 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: LSE-FILLER, Picture: 99, Size: 2 Offset: 25 + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: OFFSHORE, Picture: 9, Size: 1 + Symbol: Level: 2, Name: FIELD-DATA, Size: 0 + ''' + self.sizes = [] + for level in self.table: + size = 0 + occurs_adjusted_size = 0 + for symbol in level: + # for the symbol + start = size + size += symbol.size + if symbol.occurs_adjusted_size is not None: + occurs_adjusted_size += symbol.occurs_adjusted_size + end = size + symbol.start = start + symbol.end = end + self.sizes.append(size + occurs_adjusted_size) + + def finalize_columns(self): + for level in self.table: + self.columns.append([]) + for index, symbol in enumerate(level): + if symbol.struct_format is not None: + self.columns[-1].append(symbol.name) + + def finalize_struct_format(self): + self.struct_format = [] + for level in self.table: + struct_format = BYTE_ORDER + self.struct_format.append([]) + for index, symbol in enumerate(level): + # 'Occurs' with size zero alreday has struct_format set + if symbol.struct_format is not None: + struct_format += symbol.struct_format + + self.struct_format[-1] = struct_format + + def set_occurs_format(self): + ''' + visit each symbol that has a size or occurs and compute the format from the size. + usually it will just be {size}s (or a string of size). + when occurs appears in a level variable that groups several other fields then + the format has to be repeated by the number of Occurs. + + Consider these levels (pseudo-Cobol code): + + Level:3 Name:F-MONTH Occurs OCCURS 14 + Level:5 Name:FM-DATE Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 6 + Level:5 Name:FM-DATE-REDF Redefines: REDEFINES FM-DATE + Level:7 Name:FM-CCYY Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 4 + Level:7 Name:FM-CCYY-REDF Redefines: REDEFINES FM-CCYY + Level:9 Name:FM-CC Type: PIC 99 + Level:9 Name:FM-YR Type: PIC 99 + Level:7 Name:FM-MO Type: PIC 99 + Level:5 Name:FM-PW Type: PIC S9 Cardinality 3 + Level:5 Name:FM-AC Type: PIC S999V9 Cardinality 4 + Level:5 Name:FILLER4 Type: PIC 9 Cardinality 4 + Level:5 Name:FM-OTHC Type: PIC 9 + Level:5 Name:FM-CHG Type: PIC 9 + Level:5 Name:FM-PROD-FACT Type: PIC S99V999 + Level:5 Name:FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT Type: PIC S99V999 + Level:5 Name:FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT-DATE Type: PIC 99 + Level:5 Name:FM-JOHN Type: PIC 9 + Level:5 Name:FM-OTH Type: PIC S99999999V9999999 + Level:5 Name:FILLER5 Type: PIC X Cardinality 15 + Level:1 Name:LEASE-MAST Redefines: REDEFINES FIELD-MAST + + In the example, the Level 5, 7 9 variables from FM-DATE thorugh FILLER5 + get repeated 14 times. + The resulting one-time format would be: + + Symbol: Level: 3, Name: F-MONTH, Occurs: 14, Size: 0, Raw Memory Slice(1): 501:501, Raw Memory Slice: 500:500 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-DATE-REDF, Redefines: FM-DATE, Size: 0, Raw Memory Slice(1): 501:501, Raw Memory Slice: 500:500 + Symbol: Level: 7, Name: FM-CCYY-REDF, Redefines: FM-CCYY, Size: 0, Raw Memory Slice(1): 501:501, Raw Memory Slice: 500:500 + Symbol: Level: 9, Name: FM-CC, Picture: 99, Size: 2, Raw Memory Slice(1): 501:503, Raw Memory Slice: 500:502 + Symbol: Level: 9, Name: FM-YR, Picture: 99, Size: 2, Raw Memory Slice(1): 503:505, Raw Memory Slice: 502:504 + Symbol: Level: 7, Name: FM-MO, Picture: 99, Size: 2, Raw Memory Slice(1): 505:507, Raw Memory Slice: 504:506 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-PW, Picture: S9, Cardinality: 3, Usage: ['COMP-3'], Size: 2, Raw Memory Slice(1): 507:509, Raw Memory Slice: 506:508 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-AC, Picture: S999V9, Cardinality: 4, Usage: ['COMP-3'], Size: 4, Raw Memory Slice(1): 509:513, Raw Memory Slice: 508:512 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FILLER4, Picture: 9, Cardinality: 4, Size: 4, Raw Memory Slice(1): 513:517, Raw Memory Slice: 512:516 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-OTHC, Picture: 9, Size: 1, Raw Memory Slice(1): 517:518, Raw Memory Slice: 516:517 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-CHG, Picture: 9, Size: 1, Raw Memory Slice(1): 518:519, Raw Memory Slice: 517:518 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-PROD-FACT, Picture: S99V999, Usage: ['COMP-3'], Size: 3, Raw Memory Slice(1): 519:522, Raw Memory Slice: 518:521 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT, Picture: S99V999, Usage: ['COMP-3'], Size: 3, Raw Memory Slice(1): 522:525, Raw Memory Slice: 521:524 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT-DATE, Picture: 99, Size: 2, Raw Memory Slice(1): 525:527, Raw Memory Slice: 524:526 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-JOHN, Picture: 9, Size: 1, Raw Memory Slice(1): 527:528, Raw Memory Slice: 526:527 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FM-OTH, Picture: S99999999V9999999, Usage: ['COMP-3'], Size: 8, Raw Memory Slice(1): 528:536, Raw Memory Slice: 527:535 + Symbol: Level: 5, Name: FILLER5, Picture: X, Cardinality: 15, Size: 15, Raw Memory Slice(1): 536:551, Raw Memory Slice: 535:550 + + ''' + for level in self.table: + # prepare for occurs handling (for multiplying format) + occurs_symbol = None + occurs_level = None + occurs_struct_format = None + occurs_contents_size = 0 + for index, symbol in enumerate(level): + + if symbol.occurs is not None and symbol.size == 0: + + if occurs_struct_format is not None: + print('flush last occurs') + occurs_struct_format = occurs_struct_format * occurs_symbol.occurs + occurs_symbol.struct_format = occurs_struct_format + # Accounts for the Occurs adjustment. So if Occurs - 15, this will be the size * 14 + occurs_symbol.occurs_adjusted_size = occurs_contents_size * (occurs_symbol.occurs - 1) + occurs_symbol = None + occurs_level = None + occurs_struct_format = None + occurs_contents_size = 0 + + print('start building occurs') + occurs_symbol = symbol + occurs_level = symbol.level + occurs_struct_format = '' + # save "occurs" symbol to update its "struct_format" + continue + + if occurs_level is not None and symbol.level <= occurs_level: + print('new level after occurs. flush.') + occurs_struct_format = occurs_struct_format * occurs_symbol.occurs + occurs_symbol.struct_format = occurs_struct_format + occurs_symbol.occurs_adjusted_size = occurs_contents_size * (occurs_symbol.occurs - 1) + occurs_symbol = None + occurs_level = None + occurs_struct_format = None + occurs_contents_size = 0 + + if symbol.struct_format is not None: + if occurs_symbol is not None: + print(f'collecting occurs format for level {occurs_level}, {occurs_symbol.name}\n\t from {symbol}') + occurs_struct_format += symbol.struct_format + occurs_contents_size += symbol.size + symbol.struct_format = None + + # if it was the last element + if occurs_struct_format is not None: + print('adding occurs format at end of symbol') + occurs_struct_format = occurs_struct_format * occurs_symbol.occurs + occurs_symbol.struct_format = occurs_struct_format + # Accounts for the Occurs adjustment. So if Occurs - 15, this will be the size * 14 + occurs_symbol.occurs_adjusted_size = occurs_contents_size * (occurs_symbol.occurs - 1) + + + def finalize(self): + self.set_occurs_format() + self.finalize_struct_format() + self.finalize_columns() + self.count_size() + + def __len__(self): + return len(self.table) + + def get_struct_format(self): + return self.struct_format + + def find_table_level_symbol(self, symbol_name): + for level_number, level in enumerate(self.table): + for index, symbol in enumerate(level): + if symbol.name == symbol_name: + return (self.table[level_number], level_number, symbol) + + return (None, None, None) + + def find_table(self, index): + return self.table[index] diff --git a/src/TX_OLA.yml b/src/TX_OLA.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..203e174 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/TX_OLA.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +Shared-Field-Record-Type: + key_field_name: RECORD-TYPE-FIELD + key_position: [0, 1] + +# record type value +record_types: + '1': + name: Oil Field + key_field_name: TYPE-REC + record_definition_position: 0 + + '3': + name: Oil Lease + key_field_name: LEASE-REC-TYPE-REC + record_definition_position: 1 + + '4': + name: Oil Multi-Well + key_field_name: MULTI-W-REC-TYPE-REC + record_definition_position: 2 + + '5': + name: Oil Well + key_field_name: WELL-REC-TYPE-REC + record_definition_position: 3 diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/src/app.yaml b/src/app.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10c6631 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +service: producer-oil-gas-ml +runtime: custom +env: flex diff --git a/src/bintools.py b/src/bintools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f439ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/bintools.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +def in_situ_ebcdic_to_ascii(s): + etoa = ( + " " + " " + " .<(+|& !$*); " + "-/ ,%_>? `:#@'=\"" + " abcdefghi jklmnopqr " + " stuvwxyz " + " ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR " + " STUVWXYZ 0123456789 " + ) + + # Convert the input bytes to a mutable list of characters + s_list = list(s) + + for i in range(len(s_list)): + s_list[i] = etoa[s_list[i]] + + return ''.join(s_list) + +def access_4bits(data, num): + # access 4 bits from num-th position in data + return bin(int(data, 2) >> num & 0b1111) + +def read_raw(filename): + return open(filename, "rb", buffering=0, ).read() diff --git a/src/cobol_data_parser.py b/src/cobol_data_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fecfcb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/cobol_data_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +import re +import struct +import sys + +import click +import pandas as pd +import yaml + +from antlr4 import FileStream, CommonTokenStream, ParseTreeWalker + +from Cobol85Lexer import Cobol85Lexer +from DataDivisionCobol85Listener import DataDivisionCobol85Listener +from Cobol85Parser import Cobol85Parser + + +def extract_structures(copybook_file): + lexer = Cobol85Lexer(FileStream(copybook_file)) + tokens = CommonTokenStream(lexer) + parser = Cobol85Parser(tokens) + tree = parser.compilationUnit() + + extractor = DataDivisionCobol85Listener() + walker = ParseTreeWalker() + walker.walk(extractor, tree) + return extractor.get_symbol_table() + +def get_dataset_config(record_type_config_file): + + with open(record_type_config_file, 'r') as input_file: + + # Parsing + # 1. open record type config yaml + return yaml.safe_load(input_file) + +def is_negative(field): + # 'd$' is negative, all else + return re.match('d$', field) is not None + +def drop_positive(field): + return re.sub('[cf]$', '', field) + +def file_parser(data_file, key_start, key_end, record_definitions, formats, columns, sizes): + ''' + Parse an ebcdic file according to: + Parameters: + ----------- + data_file: str, name of file to parse + record definitions, + record type - + formats, + columns + and sizes + + + data_file - str, name of the file to read and parse + key_position - tuple, the start and end of the key value + record_definition - dict: { + : (size: int, format: str, columns: list, encodings: list), + : (size: int, format: str, columns: list, encodings: list), + } + x.decode('cp424') + x.hex() + + ** The last letter denotes the sign, C & F are positive, D is negative. For your program, check for negative (D) and if not, treat as positive. + + Example: + {'1': (1200, '1s2s...', ['FIELD-TYPE-OIL', 'WELL-APINO', ...], [ ) + ''' + records = {} + record_types = list(record_definitions['record_types'].keys()) + for record_type in record_types: + records[record_type] = [] + + # Read the key value position + total_bytes_read = 0 + f = open(data_file, 'rb', buffering=0) + record_type = f.read(key_end - key_start) + total_bytes_read += key_end - key_start + while len(record_type) > 0: + # 1. parse key field, key value + record_type_str = record_type.decode('cp424') + if record_type_str not in record_types: + raise Exception(f'field record number {record_type_str} not supported. must be in {record_types}') + + record_definition_position = record_definitions['record_types'][record_type_str]['record_definition_position'] + # 2. select structure from record type config + rec = record_type + f.read(sizes[record_definition_position] - 1) + total_bytes_read += sizes[record_definition_position] - 1 + rec = struct.unpack(formats[record_definition_position], rec) + records[record_type_str].append(rec) + # get next field + record_type = f.read(key_end - key_start) + total_bytes_read += key_end - key_start + + # 3. separate rows according to key value into N dataframes, combine into one dataframe + df_list = [] + for record_type in record_types: + record_definition_position = record_definitions['record_types'][record_type]['record_definition_position'] + record_type_columns = columns[record_definition_position] + df = pd.DataFrame(records[record_type], columns=record_type_columns) + df.loc[:, 'record_type_name'] = record_definitions['record_types'][record_type]['name'] + df_list.append(df) + + return pd.concat(df_list) + + +@click.command() +@click.option("--copybook-file", type=str) +@click.option("--data-file", type=str) +@click.option("--record-type-config-file", help='yaml file defining records for record_type field value', type=str) +def cobol_data_parser(copybook_file, data_file, record_type_config_file): + + # Get the symbol table for the Cobol copybook source code + symbol_table = extract_structures(copybook_file) + print(symbol_table) + + # Get configuration file for the key field and field types + dataset_parameters = get_dataset_config(record_type_config_file) + key_start = int(dataset_parameters['Shared-Field-Record-Type']['key_position'][0]) + key_end = int(dataset_parameters['Shared-Field-Record-Type']['key_position'][1]) + # Get the data from the EBCDIC input file. + datasets = file_parser(data_file, + key_start, + key_end, + dataset_parameters, + symbol_table.struct_format, + symbol_table.columns, + symbol_table.sizes) + print(f'length of datasets {len(datasets)}') + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + cobol_data_parser() diff --git a/src/cobol_parser.md b/src/cobol_parser.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd221ba --- /dev/null +++ b/src/cobol_parser.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Impetus +Each of the RRC datasets has a Cobol copybook. +Rather than interpret and write custom parsing code, it should be +possible to write a general-purpose tool to read the copybook and +generate the python code needed to parse the raw EBCDIC file (after +reading one into a bytearray). + +# Ideas +## Generate a handgrown parser +The first idea was to write a parser that would use RE to figure +out sizes of fields, etc. But that proved to be to much work. +The work was in understanding the lexical and parsing rules. +Surely someone else had done the work to provide a COBOL grammar. + +## ANTLR4 Parser/Lexer +The second idea was to use an already-written grammar file +to generate a lexer and parser that could be customized. +I found ANTLR4, did some learning on YouTube about the listener +pattern, and customized a Listener to lex/parse and interpret the +items in the Data Division. Way less work to understand COBOL +but still work to derive sizes from PICTURE (PIC), Cardinality, +Occurs, Redefines, etc. Nonetheless, much less work than +writing a parser from scratch and "re-inventing the wheel". + +# Result +These are the steps to generate the Lexer, Parser, Listener and +customize the Listener. + +1. Generate the Lexer, Parser and Listener for python3:
`antlr4 -listener -Dlanguage=Python3 Cobol85.g4` +
Generates these:
`Cobol85Lexer.py Cobol85Listener.py Cobol85Parser.py` +1. There is a .g4 file for Cobol84Preprocessor but I did not find a use for it. It may have been handy for removing comments from the Cobol code, +like what I say to do manually below, but I'm not sure. +1. Subclass Cobol85Listener.py and add the listener/visitor code that will +be able to build a Symbol and SymbolTable. Write a wrapper `cobol.py` program +that will run the Lexer, Parser, and customized Listener so that the Symbol(s) +and SymbolTable can be built. The listener should fill in the symbol and symbol table +objects for later inspection for building the python [struct](https://docs.python.org/3/library/struct.html) formats +1. copy the copybook into a Cobol program and make the program complete by +adding other required divisions into the file `ola_copybook.cobol` +1. to generate tree for the Oil Ledger copybook for TX RRC + 1. copy the COBOL code and post process the line numbers off of the end of the file. + 1. Put in the proper structure based on the ola_copybook.txt example + It helped to generate a tree for the program
`pygrun -t Cobol85 startRule ola_copybook.cobol` +1. To generate the symbol table that can be used then for generating python structure:
`python cobol.py ola_copybook.txt` diff --git a/src/ola_copybook.cobol b/src/ola_copybook.cobol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61cf502 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ola_copybook.cobol @@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. + +PROGRAM-ID. SHOW-STRUCTURE. + +DATA DIVISION. +FILE SECTION. +FD oil_file. +01 FIELD-MAST. + 02 OIL-CODES. + 03 TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 DIST PIC 999. + 03 FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 LSE-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 FIELD-DATA. + 03 F-NAME PIC X(32). + 03 COUNTY PIC 9(18). + 03 COUNTIES REDEFINES COUNTY + OCCURS 6 TIMES + PIC 9(3). + 03 DISC-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 D-DATE REDEFINES DISC-DATE. + 05 DSC-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 DSC-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES DSC-CCYY. + 07 DSC-CC PIC 99. + 07 DSC-YR PIC 99. + 05 DSC-MO PIC 99. + 05 DSC-DAY PIC 99. + 03 F-DEPTH PIC 9(5). + 03 O-GRAV PIC 999. + 03 F-TYPE PIC 9. + 03 MULT-RES PIC 9. + 03 F-LPB PIC 9. + 03 F-XMT PIC 9. + 03 PRT-AS-IS PIC 9. + 03 YARD PIC 9. + 03 T-CODES PIC 9(12). + 03 TEST-CODE REDEFINES T-CODES OCCURS 12 TIMES PIC 9. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT01 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF01 PIC 99. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT02 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF02 PIC 99. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT03 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF03 PIC 99. + 03 RES-AMT PIC 9(6). + 03 F-GOR PIC 9(6). + 03 F-LIMIT REDEFINES F-GOR. + 05 F-GOR-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-GOR-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 F-TOP PIC 9(5). + 03 F-MER REDEFINES F-TOP. + 05 F-TOP-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-TOP-AMT PIC 9(4). + 03 F-NET PIC 9(6). + 03 F-NGOR REDEFINES F-NET. + 05 F-NET-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-NET-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 UNET PIC 999. + 03 TOL PIC 9999. + 03 TOLER REDEFINES TOL. + 05 F-TOL-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-TOL-AMT PIC 999. + 03 SPAC PIC 9(8). + 03 SPAC1-2 REDEFINES SPAC. + 05 SPAC1 PIC 9999. + 05 SPAC2 PIC 9999. + 03 DIAG PIC 9999. + 03 CUM-PROD PIC S9(13) COMP-3. + 03 CASING PIC X(21). + 03 COL-HEAD PIC X. + 03 ALO-CODE PIC X. + 03 F-RMK1 PIC X(66). + 03 F-RMK2 PIC X(66). + 03 PERM-NO PIC X(5). + 03 SP-FHC PIC 9. + 03 AN-1 PIC X(66). + 03 AN-2 PIC X(59). + 03 F-OOIP PIC 9(08). + 03 FILLER1 PIC 9(07). + 03 FILLER2 PIC 9(15). + 03 FILLER3 PIC 9(13). + 03 F-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 FM-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 FM-DATE-REDF REDEFINES FM-DATE. + 07 FM-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 FM-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES FM-CCYY. + 09 FM-CC PIC 99. + 09 FM-YR PIC 99. + 07 FM-MO PIC 99. + 05 FM-PW PIC S9(3) COMP-3. + 05 FM-AC PIC S999V9(4) COMP-3. + 05 FILLER4 PIC 9(4). + 05 FM-OTHC PIC 9. + 05 FM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 FM-PROD-FACT PIC S99V999 COMP-3. + 05 FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT PIC S99V999 COMP-3. + 05 FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT-DATE PIC 99. + 05 FM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 FM-OTH PIC S99999999V9999999 COMP-3. + 05 FILLER5 PIC X(15). + 01 LEASE-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 LSE-CODES. + 03 LEASE-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 LEASE-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 LEASE-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 LEASE-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 LEASE-REC-FILLER PIC XX. + 03 LEASE-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 LEASE-DATA. + 03 L-NAME PIC X(32). + 03 LSE-CO PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE-CO REDEFINES LSE-CO. + 05 L-CO-1 PIC 999. + 05 L-CO-2 PIC 999. + 03 POGATH PIC X(5). + 03 PGGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OSPLIT PIC 9. + 03 GSPLIT PIC 9. + 03 OOGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OGGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OOPR PIC 9(6). + 03 BO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 BG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 MOVE-BAL PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 PO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 PG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 SEC-REC PIC 9. + 03 CERT PIC 99. + 03 BATCH PIC X. + 03 L-LPB PIC 9. + 03 COMMINGLE-CD PIC 9. + 03 COMMINGLE PIC 9999. + 03 L-INFO PIC X(54). + 03 AD-BO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 AD-BG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 COMMINGLE-DATE PIC 9(6). + 03 COMMINGLE-DATE-REDF REDEFINES COMMINGLE-DATE. + 05 COMMINGLE-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 COMMINGLE-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + COMMINGLE-CCYY. + 07 COMMINGLE-CC PIC 99. + 07 COMMINGLE-YR PIC 99. + 05 COMMINGLE-MO PIC 99. + 03 L-RMCD PIC 9. + 03 L-RMDT PIC 9(6). + 03 L-RMDT-REDF REDEFINES L-RMDT. + 05 L-RMDT-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-RMDT-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-RMDT-CCYY. + 07 L-RMCC PIC 99. + 07 L-RMYR PIC 99. + 05 L-RMMO PIC 99. + 03 SEV-CD-13 PIC 9. + 03 SEV-CD-14 PIC 9. + 03 CAS-RED. + 05 L-CAS-SI-LTR-DTE PIC 9(6). + 05 L-RED-RTE-DTE PIC 9(6). + 03 CAS-RED-A REDEFINES CAS-RED. + 05 L-CAS-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-CAS-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-CAS-CCYY. + 07 L-CAS-CC PIC 99. + 07 L-CAS-YR PIC 99. + 05 L-CAS-MO PIC 99. + 05 L-RED-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-RED-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-RED-CCYY. + 07 L-RED-CC PIC 99. + 07 L-RED-YR PIC 99. + 05 L-RED-MO PIC 99. + 03 L-EXC-TST PIC 9. + 03 L-RLTYCD PIC 9. + 03 L-ONE-WELL-LEASE PIC X. + 88 ONE-WELL-ON-SCHEDULE VALUE 'Y'. + 88 MULTIPLE-WELL-LEASE VALUE 'N'. + 03 L-PANHANDLE-GOR-EXC PIC X(01). + 03 L-PANHANDLE-GOR-AMT PIC 9(08)V9 COMP-3. + 03 FILLER6 PIC 9(04). + 03 L-MONTH OCCURS 12 TIMES. + 05 L-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 L-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + L-MONTH-DATE. + 07 L-MONTH-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 L-MONTH-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + L-MONTH-CCYY. + 09 LM-CC PIC 99. + 09 LM-YR PIC 99. + 07 LM-MO PIC 99. + 05 LM-SEV PIC 9. + 05 LM-RETRO PIC 9. + 05 LM-REC PIC 9. + 05 LM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 LM-ALLOW PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-PROD PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-FW PIC 999. + 05 LM-OW PIC 999. + 05 LM-PL PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-PLC PIC 9. + 05 LM-OTH PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-OTHC PIC 9. + 05 LM-STO PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GL PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GPROD PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GLIFT PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-CSIL PIC 9. + 05 LM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 LM-LTR-CODE PIC 9. + 05 FILLER7 PIC 9(13). + 05 FILLER8 PIC 9(13). + 03 FILLER9 PIC 9(04). + 01 MULTI-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 MULTI-CODES. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 MULTI-DATA. + 03 M-RECORD PIC X(6). + 03 TYPEW PIC X. + 03 RESER PIC X(5). + 03 UNIT-YATES REDEFINES RESER. + 05 UNIT-NO-I PIC X. + 05 UNIT-VALUE PIC 9V999. + 03 M-COUNTY PIC 9(6). + 03 MULTI-CO REDEFINES M-COUNTY. + 05 M-CO-1 PIC 999. + 05 M-CO-2 PIC 999. + 03 M-TST-EFF PIC X. + 03 M-PNTR-1ST PIC 9(6). + 03 CAP PIC 9. + 03 PROD-WELL PIC 9(6). + 03 PI-WELLS REDEFINES PROD-WELL. + 05 M-PROD PIC 999. + 05 M-INJ PIC 999. + 03 MARG-WELL PIC 9(6). + 03 SM-WELLS REDEFINES MARG-WELL. + 05 M-SHUT PIC 999. + 05 M-MARG PIC 999. + 03 M-DEPTH PIC 9. + 03 M-PNTR-LST PIC 9(6). + 03 M-EXC-TEST PIC 9. + 03 FILLER10 PIC 9(6). + 03 M-WATER PIC 9(6). + 03 M-REMARK PIC X(55). + 03 MM-PRCNT PIC V999. + 03 FILLER11 PIC 9(11). + 03 FILLER12 PIC 9(11). + 03 M-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 M-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 M-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + M-MONTH-DATE. + 07 M-MONTH-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 M-MONTH-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + M-MONTH-CCYY. + 09 MM-CC PIC 99. + 09 MM-YR PIC 99. + 07 MM-MO PIC 99. + 05 MM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 MM-NO PIC 9. + 05 MM-ALLOW PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ALLOW2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT2 PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-DATE2 PIC 99. + 05 MM-ALLOW3 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE3 PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE3 PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT3 PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-DATE3 PIC 99. + 05 MM-FORM-LCK PIC 9. + 05 MM-SPACE1 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-KODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-SPACE2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 FILLER13 PIC 9(09). + 05 FILLER14 PIC 9(09). + 01 WELL-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 WELL-CODES. + 03 WELL-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 WELL-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 WELL-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 WELL-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 WELL-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 WELL-REC-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 WELL-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 WELL-DATA. + 03 WELL-NO PIC X(6). + 03 W-TYPE-WELL PIC X(1). + 03 FILLER15. + 05 W-UNIT-NO PIC X. + 05 W-UNIT-VALUE PIC 9V999. + 03 W-KEY PIC 9. + 03 W-COUNTY PIC 999. + 03 PUMP PIC 9. + 03 PUMPX REDEFINES PUMP PIC X. + 03 W-SP PIC 9(5). + 03 W-NET PIC 9(6). + 03 W-NGOR REDEFINES W-NET. + 05 W-N-CODE PIC 9. + 05 W-N-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 W-DEPTH PIC 9(5). + 03 SAND PIC 9(3). + 03 FROZEN PIC 9(5). + 03 PERF PIC 9(5). + 03 W-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 WELL-D REDEFINES W-DATE. + 05 WELL-D-CC PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-YR PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-MO PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-DAY PIC 99. + 03 EX-14B-CD PIC X. + 03 W-SUB-WELL PIC 9. + 03 W-SUB-WELL-ALPHA REDEFINES W-SUB-WELL + PIC X. + 03 W-NO-PROD-CD PIC 9. + 03 W-DELQ-FORM PIC 9. + 03 W-TST-EFF PIC X. + 03 W-EXC-TST PIC 9. + 88 ONE-WELL-LEASE-EXCEPTION VALUE 5. + 03 W-WATER PIC 9(4). + 03 EX-14B-DATE PIC 9(6). + 03 EX-14B-DATE-REDF REDEFINES EX-14B-DATE. + 05 EX-CC-14B PIC 99. + 05 EX-YR-14B PIC 99. + 05 EX-MO-14B PIC 99. + 03 W-RMKS PIC X(15). + 03 BONUS-AMT PIC 9(4). + 03 BONS REDEFINES BONUS-AMT. + 05 BONUS-CD PIC 9. + 05 BONUS PIC 999. + 03 FROZTSF PIC 999. + 03 W-WLSD PIC 9. + 03 W-TST-DT PIC 9(8). + 03 W-TEST-DATE REDEFINES W-TST-DT. + 05 W-TST-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-YR PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-MO PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-DA PIC 99. + 03 W-DTE-LST-UTL PIC 9(6). + 03 W-DTE-LST-UTL-REDF REDEFINES W-DTE-LST-UTL. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-YY PIC 99. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-MM PIC 99. + 03 W-NEW-WB-EXC PIC X(01). + 03 W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE. + 05 W-NEW-WB-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-YR PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-MO PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-DA PIC 99. + 03 W-14B2-TYPE-COVERAGE PIC X(01). + 03 W-14B2-APP-NO PIC 9(06). + 03 FILLER17 PIC 9(04). + 03 FILLER18 PIC 9(18). + 03 FILLER19 PIC 9(07). + 03 W-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 W-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 W-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES W-MONTH-DATE. + 07 WM-CC PIC 99. + 07 WM-YR PIC 99. + 07 WM-MO PIC 99. + 05 WM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 WM-NO PIC 9. + 05 WM-ALLOW PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ALLOW2 PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE2 PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE2 PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-DATE2 PIC 99. + 05 WM-ALLOW3 PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE3 PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE3 PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT3 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-DATE3 PIC 99. + 05 WM-FORM-LCK PIC 9. + 05 WM-PGT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-TSWA PIC 9. + 05 WM-EGT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-ESWA PIC 9. + 05 WM-ACRE PIC S999V99 COMP-3. + 05 WM-POTE PIC S9999V9 COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACFT PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-GOR PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-OTRAN-CD PIC 9. + 05 WM-POT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-EOT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 WM-OOIP PIC 9(06). + 05 FILLER20 PIC 9(03). + +WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. +01 EndOfFile PIC X VALUE 'N'. +01 WS-EOF-FLAG PIC X VALUE 'N'. + +PROCEDURE DIVISION. + DISPLAY 'Start of Program'. + OPEN INPUT TXOilLedgerFile + PERFORM UNTIL WS-EOF-FLAG = 'Y' + READ MyFile INTO PersonRecord + AT END + MOVE 'Y' TO WS-EOF-FLAG + NOT AT END + PERFORM ProcessRecord + END-READ + END-PERFORM + CLOSE MyFile + DISPLAY 'End of Program'. + STOP RUN. + +ProcessRecord. + DISPLAY 'WM-DATE3: ' WM-DATE3 + DISPLAY 'F-TYPE: ' F-TYPE + DISPLAY 'SPAC: ' SPAC + DISPLAY '---------------------'. diff --git a/src/rrc_scrape.py b/src/rrc_scrape.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a96039 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/rrc_scrape.py @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import time + +import pandas as pd +from selenium import webdriver +from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By +from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains +from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options +chrome_options = Options() +chrome_options.add_argument("--headless=new") + + +# this program gets the URLs for the dataset section +# next it will make a list of URLs for each of the files section by section + +driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options) +driver.get("https://www.rrc.texas.gov/resource-center/research/data-sets-available-for-download/") +settings = {'behavior': 'allow', 'downloadPath': '/Users/markyoung/data'} +driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Browser.setDownloadBehavior', settings) + +# Find the Data Sets H2 element. +h2 = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//article/h2[text()='Data Sets']") + +td_download_elements = h2.find_elements(By.XPATH, "following-sibling::table/tbody/tr/td[@data-label='Download']") +th_description = h2.find_elements(By.XPATH, "following-sibling::table/tbody/tr/th") +a_elements = [td.find_element(By.XPATH, "span/a") for td in td_download_elements] + +data_set_names = [x.text for x in th_description] + +download_types = [] +for file_type in a_elements: + file_type_words = file_type.text.split(' ') + try: + file_type_words.remove('File') + file_type_words.remove('Format') + except Exception as e: + pass + download_type = ' '.join(file_type_words) + download_types.append(download_type) + +href_list = [x.get_attribute('href') for x in a_elements] +df = pd.DataFrame(zip(download_types, href_list, data_set_names), + columns=['filetype', 'uri', 'dataset_description']) + +time_start = time.time() +oil_df = df[df['dataset_description'].str.contains('Oil')] +# for testing. remove next line +oil_df = oil_df.head(1) +for uri in list(oil_df['uri']): + driver.get(uri) + anchors = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "//a")[1:] + for anchor in anchors: + ac = (ActionChains(driver) + .move_to_element(anchor) + .click()).perform() + time.sleep(2) + + +time_end = time.time() +elapsed_sec = (time_end - time_start) / 60.0 +print(f'time for all pages: in minutes {elapsed_sec:.2f}') diff --git a/src/setup.cfg b/src/setup.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6386d18 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/setup.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[flake8] +ignore = W504, E501, E303, E301, E231, E101, W291, W391, E202, E252, E225, E201, E222, E261, E275, E302, F401, W191, W293 +max-line-length = 127 diff --git a/src/test_OilMaster.py b/src/test_OilMaster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff2726e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test_OilMaster.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +from OilMaster import OilMaster + +def test_OilMaster(): + data_division_file = 'ola_copybook.txt' + data_division_file = 'a.txt' + data_division_file = 'b.txt' + data_division_file = 'o.txt' + om = OilMaster(data_division_file) + + assert(om.get_format() is not None) diff --git a/src/test_cobol_data_parser.py b/src/test_cobol_data_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f92cb8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test_cobol_data_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +import tempfile + +import pytest + +from cobol_data_parser import extract_structures + + +@pytest.fixture +def test_1_copybook_file_contents(): + ''' + return a file object that contains the text below. + have it be temporary so that it goes away afterward + ''' + + file_text = ''' +IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. + +PROGRAM-ID. SHOW-STRUCTURE. + +DATA DIVISION. +FILE SECTION. +FD oil_file. +01 FIELD-MAST. + 02 OIL-CODES. + 03 TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 DIST PIC 999. + 03 FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 LSE-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 FIELD-DATA. + 03 F-NAME PIC X(32). + 03 COUNTY PIC 9(18). + 03 COUNTIES REDEFINES COUNTY + OCCURS 6 TIMES + PIC 9(3). + 03 DISC-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 D-DATE REDEFINES DISC-DATE. + 05 DSC-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 DSC-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES DSC-CCYY. + 07 DSC-CC PIC 99. + 07 DSC-YR PIC 99. + 05 DSC-MO PIC 99. + 05 DSC-DAY PIC 99. + 03 F-DEPTH PIC 9(5). + 03 O-GRAV PIC 999. + 03 F-TYPE PIC 9. + 03 MULT-RES PIC 9. + 03 F-LPB PIC 9. + 03 F-XMT PIC 9. + 03 PRT-AS-IS PIC 9. + 03 YARD PIC 9. + 03 T-CODES PIC 9(12). + 03 TEST-CODE REDEFINES T-CODES OCCURS 12 TIMES PIC 9. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT01 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF01 PIC 99. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT02 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF02 PIC 99. + 03 ALLOCATION-PERCNT03 PIC V99. + 03 ALLOCATION-CODEF03 PIC 99. + 03 RES-AMT PIC 9(6). + 03 F-GOR PIC 9(6). + 03 F-LIMIT REDEFINES F-GOR. + 05 F-GOR-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-GOR-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 F-TOP PIC 9(5). + 03 F-MER REDEFINES F-TOP. + 05 F-TOP-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-TOP-AMT PIC 9(4). + 03 F-NET PIC 9(6). + 03 F-NGOR REDEFINES F-NET. + 05 F-NET-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-NET-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 UNET PIC 999. + 03 TOL PIC 9999. + 03 TOLER REDEFINES TOL. + 05 F-TOL-CODE PIC 9. + 05 F-TOL-AMT PIC 999. + 03 SPAC PIC 9(8). + 03 SPAC1-2 REDEFINES SPAC. + 05 SPAC1 PIC 9999. + 05 SPAC2 PIC 9999. + 03 DIAG PIC 9999. + 03 CUM-PROD PIC S9(13) COMP-3. + 03 CASING PIC X(21). + 03 COL-HEAD PIC X. + 03 ALO-CODE PIC X. + 03 F-RMK1 PIC X(66). + 03 F-RMK2 PIC X(66). + 03 PERM-NO PIC X(5). + 03 SP-FHC PIC 9. + 03 AN-1 PIC X(66). + 03 AN-2 PIC X(59). + 03 F-OOIP PIC 9(08). + 03 FILLER1 PIC 9(07). + 03 FILLER2 PIC 9(15). + 03 FILLER3 PIC 9(13). + 03 F-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 FM-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 FM-DATE-REDF REDEFINES FM-DATE. + 07 FM-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 FM-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES FM-CCYY. + 09 FM-CC PIC 99. + 09 FM-YR PIC 99. + 07 FM-MO PIC 99. + 05 FM-PW PIC S9(3) COMP-3. + 05 FM-AC PIC S999V9(4) COMP-3. + 05 FILLER4 PIC 9(4). + 05 FM-OTHC PIC 9. + 05 FM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 FM-PROD-FACT PIC S99V999 COMP-3. + 05 FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT PIC S99V999 COMP-3. + 05 FM-SPLIT-PROD-FACT-DATE PIC 99. + 05 FM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 FM-OTH PIC S99999999V9999999 COMP-3. + 05 FILLER5 PIC X(15). + 01 LEASE-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 LSE-CODES. + 03 LEASE-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 LEASE-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 LEASE-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 LEASE-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 LEASE-REC-FILLER PIC XX. + 03 LEASE-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 LEASE-DATA. + 03 L-NAME PIC X(32). + 03 LSE-CO PIC 9(6). + 03 LEASE-CO REDEFINES LSE-CO. + 05 L-CO-1 PIC 999. + 05 L-CO-2 PIC 999. + 03 POGATH PIC X(5). + 03 PGGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OSPLIT PIC 9. + 03 GSPLIT PIC 9. + 03 OOGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OGGATH PIC X(5). + 03 OOPR PIC 9(6). + 03 BO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 BG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 MOVE-BAL PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 PO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 PG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 SEC-REC PIC 9. + 03 CERT PIC 99. + 03 BATCH PIC X. + 03 L-LPB PIC 9. + 03 COMMINGLE-CD PIC 9. + 03 COMMINGLE PIC 9999. + 03 L-INFO PIC X(54). + 03 AD-BO-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 AD-BG-STATUS PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 03 COMMINGLE-DATE PIC 9(6). + 03 COMMINGLE-DATE-REDF REDEFINES COMMINGLE-DATE. + 05 COMMINGLE-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 COMMINGLE-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + COMMINGLE-CCYY. + 07 COMMINGLE-CC PIC 99. + 07 COMMINGLE-YR PIC 99. + 05 COMMINGLE-MO PIC 99. + 03 L-RMCD PIC 9. + 03 L-RMDT PIC 9(6). + 03 L-RMDT-REDF REDEFINES L-RMDT. + 05 L-RMDT-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-RMDT-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-RMDT-CCYY. + 07 L-RMCC PIC 99. + 07 L-RMYR PIC 99. + 05 L-RMMO PIC 99. + 03 SEV-CD-13 PIC 9. + 03 SEV-CD-14 PIC 9. + 03 CAS-RED. + 05 L-CAS-SI-LTR-DTE PIC 9(6). + 05 L-RED-RTE-DTE PIC 9(6). + 03 CAS-RED-A REDEFINES CAS-RED. + 05 L-CAS-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-CAS-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-CAS-CCYY. + 07 L-CAS-CC PIC 99. + 07 L-CAS-YR PIC 99. + 05 L-CAS-MO PIC 99. + 05 L-RED-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 05 L-RED-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES L-RED-CCYY. + 07 L-RED-CC PIC 99. + 07 L-RED-YR PIC 99. + 05 L-RED-MO PIC 99. + 03 L-EXC-TST PIC 9. + 03 L-RLTYCD PIC 9. + 03 L-ONE-WELL-LEASE PIC X. + 88 ONE-WELL-ON-SCHEDULE VALUE 'Y'. + 88 MULTIPLE-WELL-LEASE VALUE 'N'. + 03 L-PANHANDLE-GOR-EXC PIC X(01). + 03 L-PANHANDLE-GOR-AMT PIC 9(08)V9 COMP-3. + 03 FILLER6 PIC 9(04). + 03 L-MONTH OCCURS 12 TIMES. + 05 L-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 L-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + L-MONTH-DATE. + 07 L-MONTH-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 L-MONTH-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + L-MONTH-CCYY. + 09 LM-CC PIC 99. + 09 LM-YR PIC 99. + 07 LM-MO PIC 99. + 05 LM-SEV PIC 9. + 05 LM-RETRO PIC 9. + 05 LM-REC PIC 9. + 05 LM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 LM-ALLOW PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-PROD PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-FW PIC 999. + 05 LM-OW PIC 999. + 05 LM-PL PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-PLC PIC 9. + 05 LM-OTH PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-OTHC PIC 9. + 05 LM-STO PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GL PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GPROD PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 LM-GLIFT PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 LM-CSIL PIC 9. + 05 LM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 LM-LTR-CODE PIC 9. + 05 FILLER7 PIC 9(13). + 05 FILLER8 PIC 9(13). + 03 FILLER9 PIC 9(04). + 01 MULTI-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 MULTI-CODES. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 MULTI-W-REC-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 MULTI-W-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 MULTI-DATA. + 03 M-RECORD PIC X(6). + 03 TYPEW PIC X. + 03 RESER PIC X(5). + 03 UNIT-YATES REDEFINES RESER. + 05 UNIT-NO-I PIC X. + 05 UNIT-VALUE PIC 9V999. + 03 M-COUNTY PIC 9(6). + 03 MULTI-CO REDEFINES M-COUNTY. + 05 M-CO-1 PIC 999. + 05 M-CO-2 PIC 999. + 03 M-TST-EFF PIC X. + 03 M-PNTR-1ST PIC 9(6). + 03 CAP PIC 9. + 03 PROD-WELL PIC 9(6). + 03 PI-WELLS REDEFINES PROD-WELL. + 05 M-PROD PIC 999. + 05 M-INJ PIC 999. + 03 MARG-WELL PIC 9(6). + 03 SM-WELLS REDEFINES MARG-WELL. + 05 M-SHUT PIC 999. + 05 M-MARG PIC 999. + 03 M-DEPTH PIC 9. + 03 M-PNTR-LST PIC 9(6). + 03 M-EXC-TEST PIC 9. + 03 FILLER10 PIC 9(6). + 03 M-WATER PIC 9(6). + 03 M-REMARK PIC X(55). + 03 MM-PRCNT PIC V999. + 03 FILLER11 PIC 9(11). + 03 FILLER12 PIC 9(11). + 03 M-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 M-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 M-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + M-MONTH-DATE. + 07 M-MONTH-CCYY PIC 9(4). + 07 M-MONTH-CCYY-REDF REDEFINES + M-MONTH-CCYY. + 09 MM-CC PIC 99. + 09 MM-YR PIC 99. + 07 MM-MO PIC 99. + 05 MM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 MM-NO PIC 9. + 05 MM-ALLOW PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ALLOW2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT2 PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-DATE2 PIC 99. + 05 MM-ALLOW3 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-ACODE3 PIC 9. + 05 MM-TCODE3 PIC 9. + 05 MM-LIMIT3 PIC S9(9) COMP-3. + 05 MM-DATE3 PIC 99. + 05 MM-FORM-LCK PIC 9. + 05 MM-SPACE1 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-KODE2 PIC 9. + 05 MM-SPACE2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 MM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 FILLER13 PIC 9(09). + 05 FILLER14 PIC 9(09). + 01 WELL-MAST REDEFINES FIELD-MAST. + 02 WELL-CODES. + 03 WELL-REC-TYPE-REC PIC 9. + 03 WELL-REC-DIST PIC XXX. + 03 WELL-REC-FIELD PIC 9(8). + 03 WELL-REC-OPR PIC 9(6). + 03 WELL-REC-LEASE PIC 9(5). + 03 WELL-REC-FILLER PIC 99. + 03 WELL-REC-OFFSHORE PIC 9. + 02 WELL-DATA. + 03 WELL-NO PIC X(6). + 03 W-TYPE-WELL PIC X(1). + 03 FILLER15. + 05 W-UNIT-NO PIC X. + 05 W-UNIT-VALUE PIC 9V999. + 03 W-KEY PIC 9. + 03 W-COUNTY PIC 999. + 03 PUMP PIC 9. + 03 PUMPX REDEFINES PUMP PIC X. + 03 W-SP PIC 9(5). + 03 W-NET PIC 9(6). + 03 W-NGOR REDEFINES W-NET. + 05 W-N-CODE PIC 9. + 05 W-N-AMT PIC 9(5). + 03 W-DEPTH PIC 9(5). + 03 SAND PIC 9(3). + 03 FROZEN PIC 9(5). + 03 PERF PIC 9(5). + 03 W-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 WELL-D REDEFINES W-DATE. + 05 WELL-D-CC PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-YR PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-MO PIC 99. + 05 WELL-D-DAY PIC 99. + 03 EX-14B-CD PIC X. + 03 W-SUB-WELL PIC 9. + 03 W-SUB-WELL-ALPHA REDEFINES W-SUB-WELL + PIC X. + 03 W-NO-PROD-CD PIC 9. + 03 W-DELQ-FORM PIC 9. + 03 W-TST-EFF PIC X. + 03 W-EXC-TST PIC 9. + 88 ONE-WELL-LEASE-EXCEPTION VALUE 5. + 03 W-WATER PIC 9(4). + 03 EX-14B-DATE PIC 9(6). + 03 EX-14B-DATE-REDF REDEFINES EX-14B-DATE. + 05 EX-CC-14B PIC 99. + 05 EX-YR-14B PIC 99. + 05 EX-MO-14B PIC 99. + 03 W-RMKS PIC X(15). + 03 BONUS-AMT PIC 9(4). + 03 BONS REDEFINES BONUS-AMT. + 05 BONUS-CD PIC 9. + 05 BONUS PIC 999. + 03 FROZTSF PIC 999. + 03 W-WLSD PIC 9. + 03 W-TST-DT PIC 9(8). + 03 W-TEST-DATE REDEFINES W-TST-DT. + 05 W-TST-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-YR PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-MO PIC 99. + 05 W-TST-DA PIC 99. + 03 W-DTE-LST-UTL PIC 9(6). + 03 W-DTE-LST-UTL-REDF REDEFINES W-DTE-LST-UTL. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-YY PIC 99. + 05 W-DTE-LST-UTL-MM PIC 99. + 03 W-NEW-WB-EXC PIC X(01). + 03 W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE PIC 9(8). + 03 W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE-REDF REDEFINES + W-NEW-WB-CONNECT-DATE. + 05 W-NEW-WB-CC PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-YR PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-MO PIC 99. + 05 W-NEW-WB-DA PIC 99. + 03 W-14B2-TYPE-COVERAGE PIC X(01). + 03 W-14B2-APP-NO PIC 9(06). + 03 FILLER17 PIC 9(04). + 03 FILLER18 PIC 9(18). + 03 FILLER19 PIC 9(07). + 03 W-MONTH OCCURS 14 TIMES. + 05 W-MONTH-DATE PIC 9(6). + 05 W-MONTH-DATE-REDF REDEFINES W-MONTH-DATE. + 07 WM-CC PIC 99. + 07 WM-YR PIC 99. + 07 WM-MO PIC 99. + 05 WM-CHG PIC 9. + 05 WM-NO PIC 9. + 05 WM-ALLOW PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ALLOW2 PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE2 PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE2 PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT2 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-DATE2 PIC 99. + 05 WM-ALLOW3 PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACODE3 PIC X. + 05 WM-TCODE3 PIC X. + 05 WM-LIMIT3 PIC S9(7) COMP-3. + 05 WM-DATE3 PIC 99. + 05 WM-FORM-LCK PIC 9. + 05 WM-PGT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-TSWA PIC 9. + 05 WM-EGT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-ESWA PIC 9. + 05 WM-ACRE PIC S999V99 COMP-3. + 05 WM-POTE PIC S9999V9 COMP-3. + 05 WM-ACFT PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-GOR PIC S9(5) COMP-3. + 05 WM-OTRAN-CD PIC 9. + 05 WM-POT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-EOT PIC S999 COMP-3. + 05 WM-JOHN PIC 9. + 05 WM-OOIP PIC 9(06). + 05 FILLER20 PIC 9(03). + +WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. +01 EndOfFile PIC X VALUE 'N'. +01 WS-EOF-FLAG PIC X VALUE 'N'. + +PROCEDURE DIVISION. + DISPLAY 'Start of Program'. + OPEN INPUT TXOilLedgerFile + PERFORM UNTIL WS-EOF-FLAG = 'Y' + READ MyFile INTO PersonRecord + AT END + MOVE 'Y' TO WS-EOF-FLAG + NOT AT END + PERFORM ProcessRecord + END-READ + END-PERFORM + CLOSE MyFile + DISPLAY 'End of Program'. + STOP RUN. + +ProcessRecord. + DISPLAY 'WM-DATE3: ' WM-DATE3 + DISPLAY 'F-TYPE: ' F-TYPE + DISPLAY 'SPAC: ' SPAC + DISPLAY '---------------------'. + ''' + + return file_text + + +def test_extract_structures(test_1_copybook_file_contents): + tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() + with open(tmp.name, 'w') as f: + f.write(test_1_copybook_file_contents) + symbol_table = extract_structures(tmp.name) + assert(len(symbol_table) == 4) + assert(symbol_table.sizes[0] == 1200) + assert(symbol_table.sizes[1] == 1200) + assert(symbol_table.sizes[2] == 1200) + assert(symbol_table.sizes[3] == 1200) + result = symbol_table.find_table_level_symbol('WM-JOHN') + symbol_info = 'Symbol: Level: 5, Name: WM-JOHN, Picture: 9, Size: 1, Raw Memory Slice: 241:242, Raw Memory Slice(1): 242:243' + assert(symbol_info == str(result[2])) + result = symbol_table.find_table_level_symbol('FIELD-MAST') + assert(result[0] is None) + result = symbol_table.find_table(0) + assert(len(result) == 81) + (table, level, symbol) = symbol_table.find_table_level_symbol('OIL-CODES') + assert(symbol_table.find_table_level_symbol('CAS-RED') == (None, None, None)) + _, level, _ = symbol_table.find_table_level_symbol('L-CAS-SI-LTR-DTE') + assert(level is None)