High-level tools to copy an entire tracking server or a collection of MLflow objects (runs, experiments and registered models). Full object referential integrity is maintained as well as the original MLflow object names.
Three types of bulk tools:
- All - all MLflow objects of the tracking server.
- Registered models - models and their versions' run and the run's experiment.
- Experiments.
- Original source model and experiment names are preserved.
- Leverages the Single tools as basic building blocks.
MLflow Object | Documentation | Code | Description |
All | export-all | code | Exports all MLflow objects (registered models, experiments and runs) to a directory. |
import-all | Uses import-models | Imports MLflow objects from a directory. | |
Model | export-models | code | Exports several (or all) registered models and their versions' backing run along with the run's experiment to a directory. |
import-models | code | Imports registered models from a directory. | |
Experiment | export-experiments | code | Export several (or all) experiments to a directory. |
import-experiments | code | Imports experiments from a directory. |
Exports all MLflow objects of the tracking server (Databricks workspace) - all models, experiments and runs. If you are exporting from Databricks, the notebook can be exported in several different formats.
Source: export_all.py.
export-all --help
--output-dir TEXT Output directory. [required]
--export-latest-versions BOOLEAN
Export latest registered model versions
instead of all versions. [default: False]
--stages TEXT Stages to export (comma seperated). Default
is all stages and all versions. Stages are
Production, Staging, Archived and None.
Mututally exclusive with option --versions.
--run-start-time TEXT Only export runs started after this UTC time
(inclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
--export-deleted-runs BOOLEAN Export deleted runs. [default: False]
--export-version-model BOOLEAN Export registered model version's 'cached'
MLflow model. [default: False]
--export-permissions BOOLEAN Export Databricks permissions. [default:
--notebook-formats TEXT Databricks notebook formats. Values are
--use-threads BOOLEAN Process in parallel using threads.
[default: False]
export-all --output-dir out
imports all exported MLflow objects.
Since the exported output directory is the same structure for both export-all
and export-models
, this script calls import-models.
import-all --input-dir out
Copy registered models and transitively all the objects that the model versions depend on: runs and their experiments.
See also Single tools Registered Model Tools.
When exporting a registered models the following model's associated objects are also transitively exported:
- Versions of a model.
- The run associated with each version.
- The experiment that the run belongs to.
- exports registered models.import-models
- imports models.
Export directory samples: open source - Databricks.
| +-models.json
| +-Sklearn_WineQuality/
| | +-model.json
| +-Keras_MNIST/
| | +-model.json
| +-experiments.json
| +-1280664374380606/
| | +-experiment.json
| | | . . .
Exports registered models and their versions' backing run along with the run's experiment.
The export-all-runs
option is of particular significance.
It controls whether all runs of an experiment are exported or only those associated with a registered model version.
Obviously there are many runs that are not linked to a registered model version.
This can make a substantial difference in export time.
Source: export_models.py.
export-models --help
--models TEXT Registered model names (comma delimited) or
filename ending with '.txt' containing them.
For example, 'model1,model2'. 'all' will
export all models. Or 'models.txt' will
contain a list of model names. [required]
--output-dir TEXT Output directory. [required]
--export-latest-versions BOOLEAN
Export latest registered model versions
instead of all versions. [default: False]
--export-all-runs BOOLEAN Export all runs of experiment or just runs
associated with registered model versions.
[default: False]
--stages TEXT Stages to export (comma seperated). Default
is all stages and all versions. Stages are
Production, Staging, Archived and None.
Mututally exclusive with option --versions.
--export-permissions BOOLEAN Export Databricks permissions. [default:
--export-deleted-runs BOOLEAN Export deleted runs. [default: False]
--export-version-model BOOLEAN Export registered model version's 'cached'
MLflow model. [default: False]
--notebook-formats TEXT Databricks notebook formats. Values are
--use-threads BOOLEAN Process in parallel using threads.
[default: False]
export-models --output-dir out
export-models \
--output-dir out \
--models sklearn-wine,sklearn-iris
export-models \
--output-dir out \
--models sklearn*
export-models \
--output-dir out \
--models my-models.txt
where my-models.txt
Source: import_models.py.
import-models --help
--input-dir TEXT Input directory. [required]
--delete-model BOOLEAN If the model exists, first delete the model
and all its versions. [default: False]
--import-permissions BOOLEAN Import Databricks permissions using the HTTP
PATCH method. [default: False]
--experiment-rename-file TEXT File with experiment names replacements:
comma-delimited line such as
--model-rename-file TEXT File with registered model names
replacements: comma-delimited line such as
--import-source-tags BOOLEAN Import source information for registered
model and its versions ad tags in destination
object. [default: False]
--use-src-user-id BOOLEAN Set the destination user field to the source
user field. Only valid for open source
MLflow. When importing into Databricks, the
source user field is ignored since it is
automatically picked up from your Databricks
access token. There is no MLflow API
endpoint to explicity set the user_id for Run
and Registered Model. [default: False]
--use-threads BOOLEAN Process in parallel using threads. [default:
import-models --input-dir out
Export/import experiments to a directory.
Export directory samples: open source - Databricks.
Export directory
| +-5bd3b8a44faf4803989544af5cb4d66e/
| | +-run.json
| | +-artifacts/
| | | +-sklearn-model/
| +-4273c31c45744ec385f3654c63c31360/
| | +-run.json
| | +-artifacts/
| | +- . . .
Export several (or all) experiments to a directory.
export-experiments --help
--experiments TEXT Experiment names or IDs (comma delimited).
For example, 'sklearn_wine,sklearn_iris' or
'1,2'. 'all' will export all experiments.
--output-dir TEXT Output directory. [required]
--export-permissions BOOLEAN Export Databricks permissions. [default:
--run-start-time TEXT Only export runs started after this UTC time
(inclusive). Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
--export-deleted-runs BOOLEAN Export deleted runs. [default: False]
--notebook-formats TEXT Databricks notebook formats. Values are
--use-threads BOOLEAN Process in parallel using threads. [default:
export-experiments \
--experiments 1280664374380606,e090757fcb8f49cb \
--output-dir out
export-experiments \
--experiments /Users/me@my.com/sklearn_iris,/Users/me@my.com/keras_mnist \
--output-dir out
export-experiments \
--output-dir out \
--experiments my-experiments.txt
where my-experiments.txt
export-experiments \
--experiments all --output-dir out
Exporting experiment: {'name': '/Users/me@my.com/sklearn_iris', 'id': '1280664374380606', 'mlflow.experimentType': 'MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT', 'lifecycle_stage': 'active'}
Exporting experiment: {'name': '/Users/me@my.com/keras_mnist', 'id': 'e090757fcb8f49cb', 'mlflow.experimentType': 'NOTEBOOK', 'lifecycle_stage': 'active'}
. . .
249 experiments exported
1770/1770 runs succesfully exported
Duration: 103.6 seonds
Import experiments from a directory. Reads the manifest file to import expirements and their runs.
The experiment will be created if it does not exist in the destination tracking server. If the experiment already exists, the source runs will be added to it.
import-experiments --help
--input-dir TEXT Input directory. [required]
--import-permissions BOOLEAN Import Databricks permissions using the HTTP
PATCH method. [default: False]
--import-source-tags BOOLEAN Import source information for registered
model and its versions ad tags in destination
object. [default: False]
--use-src-user-id BOOLEAN Set the destination user field to the source
user field. Only valid for open source
MLflow. When importing into Databricks, the
source user field is ignored since it is
automatically picked up from your Databricks
access token. There is no MLflow API
endpoint to explicity set the user_id for Run
and Registered Model. [default: False]
--experiment-rename-file TEXT File with experiment names replacements:
comma-delimited line such as
--use-threads BOOLEAN Process in parallel using threads. [default:
import-experiments \
--input-dir exported_experiments
Replace /Users/me@mycompany.com
with /Users/you@mycompany.com
in experiment name.
import-experiments \
--input-dir exported_experiments \
--experiment-name-replacements-file experiment-names.csv
cat experiment-names.csv