namespace import ::djdsl::lm::*
Asset create Graphs {
LanguageModel create Graph {
:property name
:property -incremental {edges:0..*,type=Graph::Edge,substdefault {[list]}} {
:public object method value=size {obj prop} {
llength [:$obj $prop get]
:public object method value=forAll {obj prop as body} {
# TODO: rather use lmap?
set all [$obj $prop get]
if {![llength $all]} {return 0}
upvar 2 $as $as
foreach $as $all {
if {![uplevel 2 [list expr $body]]} {
return 0
return 1
:property -incremental {nodes:0..*,type=Graph::Node,substdefault {[list]}}
Classifier create Node
Classifier create Edge {
:property -accessor public a:object,type=Node,required
:property -accessor public b:object,type=Node,required
Collaboration create weighted {
Classifier create Weight {
:property -accessor public {value 0}
Role create Edge {
:property -accessor public weight:object,type=Weight,required
#// ctx6b //
Collaboration create capped {
:property -accessor public {MAXEDGES:integer 10}
#// end //
}; # Graphs
Asset create Colours {
Collaboration create coloured {
Classifier create Color {
:property -accessor public {value 0}
Role create Edge {
:property -accessor public colour:object,type=Color,required
}; # Colours
set enrichedGraphs [Composition new -binds {Graphs Colours} -base [Graphs::Graph] -features [list [Colours::coloured] [Graphs::weighted] [Graphs::capped]]]
set IuV [$enrichedGraphs new graph]
$IuV nodes add [set n1 [$IuV new node]]
$IuV nodes add [set n2 [$IuV new node]]
set w [$IuV new weight -value "10"]
set c [$IuV new color -value "red"]
$IuV edges add [set edge1 [$IuV new edge -a $n1 -b $n2 -weight $w -colour $c]]
The composed language-model is the typical validator for its
instantiations. isValid
returns the condensed boolean
result of evaluating the context conditions .
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
The DSL developer can anchor validation using any collaboration which has previously entered into the composition. This way, the collection of context conditions will be trimmed to match this reduced scope.
% Graphs::weighted isValid $IuV
Introduction-only contracts are one trimming variant that anchors validation at the base language-model.
% Graphs::Graph isValid $IuV
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV; # using conjunction (default)
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid -or $IuV; # using disjunction
context Graphs::Graph {
cond {
![:edges exists] ||
[:edges forAll e {
[$e a get] in [:nodes get] &&
[$e b get] in [:nodes get]
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
context Graphs::capped {
cond {[:MAXEDGES exists] &&
[:edges size] < [:MAXEDGES get]}
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid2 -and $IuV
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid2 $IuV
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
Graphs::capped condition unset
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
$IuV MAXEDGES set 10
context Graphs::capped {
cond {
[:MAXEDGES exists] &&
[:edges size] < [:MAXEDGES get] &&
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
Graphs::capped condition unset
context Graphs::capped {
cond {
[:MAXEDGES exists] &&
[:edges size] < [:MAXEDGES get] &&
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
Graphs::capped condition unset
context Graphs::capped {
# Is the variable set?
cond {[:MAXEDGES exists]}
# Are there fewer than the maximally allowed number of edges?
cond {[:edges size] < [:MAXEDGES get]}
# Don't the ancestor conditions hold?
cond {[next]}
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
Below, one finds an translation of the OCL constraint expression into a corresponding Tcl [expr].
(edges->notEmpty() and
nodes->notEmpty()) implies edges->size()*2 = nodes->size()
context Graphs::Graph {
# condition incl. self-call to model method
cond {[:hasIsolates]}
# model-method definition
op hasIsolates {} {
expr {!([llength ${:edges}] && [llength ${:edges}]) ||
[llength ${:edges}]*2 == [llength ${:nodes}]}
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
context Graphs::weighted {
# model-method combination (using [next])
op hasIsolates {} {
expr {![:hasLoopEdges] && [next]}
op hasLoopEdges {} {
set loopEdges [list]
foreach e ${:edges} {
if {[$e a get] eq [$e b get]} {
return 1
return 0
% ${enrichedGraphs}::Graph isValid $IuV
% Graphs::Graph isValid $IuV
package req djdsl::lm
namespace import ::djdsl::lm::*
nx::Object create callContext {
set :frames [list]
:require namespace
namespace eval [self] {
namespace path {}
:public object method set {next element validators} {
set newFrame [list $next $element $validators 0]
set :frames [linsert ${:frames}[set :frames {}] 0 $newFrame]
:public object method clear {} {
set :frames [lassign ${:frames} currentFrame]
return [lindex $currentFrame end]
:public object method original args {
# peek current frame
set currentFrame [lindex ${:frames} 0]
lassign $currentFrame next element validators counter
incr counter
# puts stderr "EXPLICIT($counter) $next validate $element $validators"
try {
if {${next} ne ""} {
${next} validate ${element} ${validators}
return 1
} trap {DJDSL CTX VIOLATED} {e opts} {
return 0
} on error {e opts} {
return -options $opts $e
} finally {
lset currentFrame 3 $counter
lset :frames 0 $currentFrame
interp alias {} [self]::next {} [self] original
nx::Class create Condition {
:property label
:property -accessor public bodyExpression:required
:property {expressionType "tcl"}
:property context:object,type=AssetElement
AssetElement property -accessor public -incremental condition:0..*,object,type=[namespace current]::Condition
AssetElement protected method compileScript {} {
set f ""
# add "basic" constraints
set varSlots [:info variables]
foreach vs $varSlots {
set spec [$vs parameter]
set options [::nx::MetaSlot parseParameterSpec {*}$spec]
set name [lindex $options 0]
set options [lindex $options end]
if {[llength $spec] == 2} {
set exprStr "\[info exists :$name\]"
set thenScript [list return -level 0 -code error -errorcode [list DJDSL CTX VIOLATED $vs] "condition '$exprStr' failed"]
append f [list if !($exprStr) $thenScript] \;
# Add checks for multi-valuedness == list
if {[$vs eval {:isMultivalued}]} {
set exprStr "\[::string is list \${:$name}\]"
set thenScript [list return -level 0 -code error -errorcode [list DJDSL CTX VIOLATED $vs] "condition '$exprStr' failed"]
append f [list if !($exprStr) $thenScript] \;
if {$options ne ""} {
set nspec [::nx::MetaSlot optionsToValueCheckingSpec $options]
set exprStr "!\[info exists :$name\] || \[::nsf::is $nspec \${:$name}\]"
# set exprStr "\[::nsf::is $nspec \${:$name}\]"
set thenScript [list return -level 0 -code error -errorcode [list DJDSL CTX VIOLATED $vs] "condition '$exprStr' failed"]
append f [list if !($exprStr) $thenScript] \;
# TODO: provided that type is of type "AssetElement", check
# also there constraints?
if {[info exists :condition] && [llength ${:condition}]} {
foreach c ${:condition} {
set exprStr [$c bodyExpression get]
set thenScript [list return -level 0 -code error -errorcode [list DJDSL CTX VIOLATED $c] "condition '$exprStr' failed"]
append f [list if !($exprStr) $thenScript] \;
if {$f ne "" && ![info complete $f]} {
throw [list DJDSL CTX FAILED SCRIPT [self] $f] "Validation script is not complete."
return $f
AssetElement public method validate {-or:switch args} {
if {$or} {
:validate2 inplace -or=$or {*}$args
} else {
:validate2 inplace -and {*}$args
AssetElement public method "validate2 outplace" {
} {
package req nx::serializer
set dummy [namespace current]::_
set s [Serializer deepSerialize -map [list $e $dummy] $e]
try {
try $s
:validate2 inplace -or=$or -and=$and $dummy {*}[expr {[info exists validators]?[list $validators]:""}]
} finally {
catch {$dummy destroy}
AssetElement public method "validate2 inplace" {
} {
if {$or && $and} {
throw [list DJDSL CTX FAILED CHAINING [self]] "OR and AND chaining are mutually exclusive."
set atHead 0
if {![info exists validators]} {
set atHead 1
set ancestors [$e info precedence]
if {[self] ni $ancestors} {
throw [list DJDSL CTX FAILED ANCESTRY [self] $e] "Not allowed: '[self]' is not in the refinement chain '$ancestors'"
# Skip forward to [self] as first validator, plus 1
set helpers [list]
set validators [list]
set seenSelf 0
foreach ancestor $ancestors {
if {$ancestor eq [self]} {
set seenSelf 1
if {!$seenSelf} {continue;}
if {[$ancestor eval {info exists :helpers}]} {
lappend helpers [$ancestor helpers get]
if {$ancestor ne [self] && [$ancestor info has type [current class]]} {
# puts "lappend validators $ancestor"
lappend validators $ancestor
set validators2 [lrange $ancestors [expr {[lsearch -exact $ancestors [self]]+1}] end]
#puts $validators2==$validators
# unset seenSelf
if {[llength $helpers]} {
$e object mixins set $helpers
set explicitNexts 0
set validators [lassign $validators next]
## TODO: better way to capture validators without conditions
set f [:compileScript]
# set hasConditions [expr {[info exists :condition] && [llength ${:condition}]}]
# puts stderr "---$hasConditions && !$or && !$and"
if {$next ne ""} {
if {![$next info has type [current class]]} {
set next ""
if {$f ne "" && !$or && !$and} {
set next ""
# puts next='$next',f=$f
if {$f ne ""} {
try {
# puts stderr "([self]) ::djdsl::ctx::context set $next $e $validators"
::djdsl::ctx::callContext set $next $e $validators
# puts stderr "[list apply [list {} $f ::djdsl::ctx::context]]"
$e eval [list apply [list {} $f ::djdsl::ctx::callContext]]
} trap {DJDSL CTX VIOLATED} {errMsg opts} {
# propagate violation
if {!$or || $next eq ""} {
dict with opts {lappend -errorcode $e}
return -options $opts $errMsg
} trap {} {errMsg opts} {
# wrap any other error report
puts opts=$opts
} finally {
set explicitNexts [::djdsl::ctx::callContext clear]
# puts stderr "+++++ explicits? $explicitNexts"
if {!$explicitNexts && $next ne ""} {
$next validate2 inplace -or=$or -and=$and $e $validators
if {$atHead} {
$e object mixins clear
AssetElement public method isValid {-or:switch -outplace:switch args} {
if {$or} {
:isValid2 -or {*}$args
} else {
:isValid2 -and {*}$args
AssetElement public method isValid2 {-or:switch -and:switch -outplace:switch e:object} {
set mode [expr {$outplace?"outplace":"inplace"}]
try {
:validate2 $mode -or=$or -and=$and $e
return 1
} trap {DJDSL CTX VIOLATED} {e opts} {
return 0
} on error {e opts} {
return -options $opts $e
AssetElement variable -accessor public helpers:class
AssetElement public method "model method" {name params body} {
if {![info exists :helpers] || ![::nsf::is object ${:helpers}]} {
:helpers set [namespace eval ::djdsl::ctx::helpers [list nx::Class create [string trimleft [self] ":"]]]
${:helpers} protected method $name $params -returns boolean $body
Collaboration public method "validate2 inplace" {-or:switch -and:switch e:object args} {
# set self [self]
# Only propagate into children at the beginning of a chain of
# collaborations.
if {![llength $args]} {
foreach el [$e info children] {
# TODO: -type filter for "info precedence"?
set cl [self]::[[$el info class] info name]
# puts cl($self)=$cl,[$el info class]
if {[::nsf::is class $cl] && [$cl info has type AssetElement]} {
$cl validate2 inplace -or=$or -and=$and $el
Minimal frontend API for defining context conditions (inspired by OCL’s )
nx::Object create contextBuilder {
:require namespace
:public object method "<- context" {contextClass body} {
if {![string match "::*" $contextClass]} {
set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]
set :contextClass [namespace qualifiers ${ns}::]::$contextClass
} else {
set :contextClass $contextClass
if {$body eq ""} return;
try {
apply [list {} $body [self]]
} finally {
unset :contextClass
interp alias {} [self]::cond {} :<- condition
:public object method "<- condition" {exprBody} {
${:contextClass} condition add [Condition new -bodyExpression $exprBody]
interp alias {} [self]::op {} :<- operation
:public object method "<- operation" {args} {
${:contextClass} model method {*}$args
interp alias {} [namespace current]::context {} [namespace current]::contextBuilder <- context
namespace export Condition context