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-# dmc5perfmod
-Devil May Cry 5 graphic mods for low spec PCs
-![Example gif](https://github.com/muhopensores/dmc5perfmod/raw/master/readme/example.gif)
-# Installing
-Place MFReadWrite.dll and performance.ini in the root of the game folder (where DevilMayCry5.exe is located).
-# Settings
-Can be toggled in *performance.ini* file or at runtime, but be aware that disabling something, then enabling it back will not work until a level reload (restart from checkpoint for example).
DMC5 Performance mod
+ A bunch of graphic mods for DMC5 to make the game run better on old hardware.
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+## Table of Contents
+* [About the Project](#about-the-project)
+ * [Built With](#built-with)
+* [Downloading](#downloading)
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Settings](#settings)
+* [Uninstalling](#uninstalling)
+* [Building](#building)
+ * [ICL Notes](#icl-notes)
+ * [Clang Notes](#clang-notes)
+## About The Project
+Devil May Cry 5 graphic mods for low spec PCs. Those include:
+* Disabling Light Probes
+* LOD override (make the game always use lowest quality models possible)
+* Disabling Shadows
+* Disabling Ambient Occlusion
+* Disabling Cubemaps
+* Disabling Atmospheric haze (refered as Fog by the game but it's not the case(?))
+* Disabling IBL (removes the sky and ambient lighting(?))
+### Built With
+* [REFramework](https://github.com/praydog/RE2-Mod-Framework)
+* [Hacklib](https://bitbucket.org/rafzi/hacklib/src/master/)
+* [mINI](https://github.com/pulzed/mINI)
+## Downloading
+Grab latest release.zip from [Releases](https://github.com/muhopensores/dmc5perfmod/releases) tab.
+## Installation
+Place `MFReadWrite.dll` and `performance.ini` into the root of your game folder (where DevilMayCry5.exe is located). For example:
+C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Devil May Cry 5\
+## Settings
+Can be toggled in `performance.ini` file or at runtime, but be aware that disabling something, then enabling it back will not work until a level reload (restart from checkpoint for example).
CTRL + F1 - Toggle Light Probes.
CTRL + F2 - Toggle LOD overwrite.
CTRL + F3 - Toggle Shadows.
CTRL + F4 - Toggle AO.
CTRL + F5 - Toggle Cubemaps.
CTRL + F6 - Toggle Fog.
-CTRL + F7 - Toggle IBL.
-# Uninstalling
-Remove MFReadWrite.dll, performance.ini
-# Building
-Can be built with either Intel Compiler or Clang 10.0 rc1 (at the time https://llvm.org/builds/). Run corresponding batfiles to generate VS solution and build.
+CTRL + F7 - Toggle IBL.
+Example `performance.ini` that enables all the mods except fog:
+disable_probes = 1
+disable_lods = 1 #makes dynamic models lowest level of detail possible
+disable_shadows = 1
+disable_cubemaps = 1
+disable_fog = 0 #not disabling fog by default because it barely affects performance
+disable_ibl = 1
+## Uninstalling
+Remove `MFReadWrite.dll`, `performance.ini` from the game directory.
+## Building
+Building requires [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/) (sorry). Can be built with either Intel Compiler or Clang 10.0 rc1 (at the time https://llvm.org/builds/).
+### ICL notes
+Just run gen_vs2017_icl.bat and edit `-G` and/or possibly `-T` parameters passed to cmake to your corresponding VS and ICL versions if needed.
+### Clang notes
+To build with clang on Visual Studio 2017 you will need to install [LLVM extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=LLVMExtensions.llvm-toolchain).
+VS 2019 claims to support LLVM toolchain out of the box (not tested).
+Then execute `gen_vs2017_clang.bat` (adjusting `-G` parameter to your VS version if needed).
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