- Updated blueair API and added back in multi-purifier support
- Temporary removal of multi-purifier support because of API changes
- Bugfix for BlueAir API change
- Added auto configuration of supported elements of each purifier type.
- Added Sense and Aware support.
- Added JSON checking before attempting to parse to ensure non-JSON responses don't crash.
- LED now optional and can be specified in config with
showLED: true
- PR #18 - Merged PR #19 to fix defaults assignment
- Added support for multiple air purifiers using the airPurifierIndex config option.
- Added support for sensorless models
- Hardcoded API key as it is globally shared
- Moved logging to debug only mode
- Updated readme
- Fixed faulty filter life calculation logic
- Added auto polling every 5 minutes in background for historical use
- Added get all metrics run on app startup to populate Home without forced refresh
- Initial release