You need to compress a large document
that consists of a small number of different characters. To choose the best encoding algorithm, you would like to look closely at the characters that comprise this document
Given a document
, return an array of all unique characters that appear in it sorted by their ASCII codes.
For document = "Todd told Tom to trot to the timber"
the output should be
solution(document) = [' ', 'T', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'm', 'o', 'r', 't']
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] string document
A string consisting of English letters, whitespace characters and punctuation marks.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ document.length ≤ 80
. -
[output] array.char
A sorted array of all the unique characters that appear in the
def solution(document):
return sorted(list(set(document)))