You are working on an AI that can recognize words. To begin with, you'd like to try the following approach: for the given pair of words the AI should find two strings of sorted letters that uniquely identify these words.
Given words word1
and word2
, return an array of two strings sorted lexicographically, where the first string contains characters present only in word1
, and the second string contains characters present only in word2
For word1 = "program"
and word2 = "develop"
the output should be
solution(word1, word2) = ["agmr", "delv"]
Letters 'o'
and 'p'
are present in both words, and other letters identify them uniquely.
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] string word1
The first word consisting of lowercase English letters.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ word1.length ≤ 20
. -
[input] string word2
The second word consisting of lowercase English letters.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ word2.length ≤ 20
. -
[output] array.string
Array of two strings sorted lexicographically, where the first string uniquely identifies the first word, and the second string uniquely identifies the second word.
def solution(word1, word2):
def getIdentifier(w1, w2):
return ''.join(sorted(set(w1) - set(w2)))
return [getIdentifier(word1, word2), getIdentifier(word2, word1)]